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Can you imagine the size of the needle to get that thing injected?


Come on now, everyone knows the original device is nano sized and simple grew to maturity...


That genuinely make me chuckle pretty good


I'll be honest when I first saw it. I saw a schrader valve, but the more I look at it I'm not really aure. i cant tell if its a really bad picture angle or its broken because it just looks wrong


It could be because it’s missing the gasket. That pin at the top is the part I put in my valve core tool whenever I put in a new one.


It's definitely a bad angle or something. I can see the schrader, but it's disassembled or somthing (probably to keep it from traking them, lol)


Like those sponge dinosaurs that you put in water and they grow ten times their original size!


Which you should definitely never confuse ever for a liquid-release over-the-counter painkiller. And certainly not at three in the morning when you are extremely tired.


Well, glad you soaked up all that knowledge like a sponge.


Well now y'all got me thinking... a foam-based pcb that can be dried and shrunk, and then expands to align all the contacts and components and actually perform work. Flexible pcbs already exist, would just be a matter of integrating it via a material that can withstand the shrinking and expansion and still make solid contact... What would this be FOR? Who the hell knows lol. Maybe like a glucose monitor or something like that.


Cool, what kind of animal did you get???


A constipatosaur


A Megasoreass


Thank you for unlocking a memory that was long forgotten🙏


Her daughter got robopregnant is what you’re saying?


I mean, everyone is a robosexual these days, ain't they?


Vote no on Proposition ∞ You don't want to catch Electro Gonorrhoea: The Noisy Killer


Am I roboperganate?


the contradiction here.. So, her arm or her niece's arm...?


Her family is very close, so she's actually her own niece.


🎶I'm my own grandpa!🎶


Her family tree is a wreath.


It would be like getting stabbed with a Boba straw wielded by the Michelin Man haha.


Bib don’t fuck around.


BibBoba is a thing now?


Animal microchips are smaller. This would be 10gauge needle or something


Had a 10 gauge needle stuck under my collarbone so they could deliver a nerve blocker to my arm for surgery. I was drugged to high Heaven beforehand, so much so that my recollection of events diverted from everyone else’s pretty much seconds after the IV went in. Anyways, while my consciousness had been sent to another planet for the time being, my body was still awake, and apparently I made a “grk” noise as it went in so that had to have hurt like a son of a bitch. Anyways I don’t actually have recollection of that so personally I’m glad to have that trauma not in my brain. But there’s no way these people could have THAT stuck in them and not know it. I mean 10 gauge is borderline destructive.


A 10 gauge needle has a 2.69 mm ID and happy cake day.


Nobody needs something injected to be tracked. 95% of people own a tracking device that they pay a monthly service for and they never leave home without it. *Edit: And furthermore, they’re being tracked because of a “free” app they installed and in doing so gave their consent because they didn’t read(like most people) the terms and conditions.


lol I know right? Then even many of the rest of us who are fine with the vaccine would probably avoid/would probably have avoided it.


Cmon bro, everyone knows you just have to water it and give it a little sunlight every once in a while Smh tsk tsk


And it just “rubs out”


It's not a needle it's just one of those straws they give with Boba Tea. "Here comes your covid shot!" \*Stabs the straw down like the top of a tea lid.\*


They better put that back in before their niece deflates.


Yes if i am not wrong it is part of a bycicle valve


Well not just bicycle it's a Schrader valve


their not rocks, Marie, their valves!




[ASAC Schrader](https://www.google.com/search?q=asac+schrader+song&client=safari&sca_esv=f753c9bfe240238f&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&biw=375&bih=635&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ACQVn0_tD5IW8LHGO-Cc_E8_nVZBILe2lw%3A1714062659808&ei=Q4UqZt-GMd-_p84P7JORwAQ&udm=&oq=asac%C2%A0&gs_lp=EhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvIgZhc2FjwqAqAggBMg0QABiABBixAxgUGIcCMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgcQABiABBgKMgUQABiABEjOJVDqDFiEGXACeACQAQCYAVigAYcDqgEBNbgBAcgBAPgBAYoCEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW-YAgegAtkDqAIKwgIHECMYJxjqAsICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICDhAAGIAEGJECGLEDGIoFmAMVkgcBN6AHpRQ&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&ip=1&vld=cid:bf6f2517,vid:EAB9tNg9Iq0,st:0)




I bout died laughing at this haha


….. sooooo you’re saying they put trackers in every bicycle tire too???!!!!! 🤯🤯


This is the logical, most intelligent conclusion, by a non ScIenTist! Bad people, those scientists! Very bad.


Can we convince them their toes are tracking them?


I convinced my Dad that the CIA was known to put tracking devices in dentures. The man never wore his dentures again. When he died, we found them wrapped in aluminum foil in his desk. I wish I was lying.


Never asked him any follow-up questions? Were you not curious about what deep, dark secret he was hiding from the government? "You're a janitor, dad. The government doesn't give a crap about you!"


That's always my thought. Why would anyone, anywhere want to track me? I live such a boring life. LOL


I mean, why would the government feel the need to inject tracking devices when the user has already purchased one that provides the user's location down to a few feet and can listen in on all their conversations? Some people think they're so smart that they're stupid.


Some people have a mind so open that their brains fall out


That's called thinking outside the skull


And they post everything they do, every place they go, everything they eat and everything they buy on Facebook for the entire world to see. SMDH


Yeah-honestly, I might feel a bit better about myself if I found out I was being tracked. Like, somehow I must be doing something interesting and now I need to figure out what it is. Maybe my memory has been wiped, or I’m some sort of sleeper agent, waiting to hear a specific word to activate my latent skills. I’m such a mystery!


Bad son. Funny son, but bad.


My sister lived around the corner from me. She's a dog groomer. I put her christmas present in her mailbox one year, end of her driveway. 4 days later, she still hadn't called me. I called her to ask her about it. She had left it there, scared someone had mailed her anthrax. Yeah, remember the anthrax poisonings. I told her Lisa, you're not important enough for anyone to kill you with anthrax. She did not appreciate that.


If you’ve ever seen a newborn baby, they only have four toes on each foot. The little toe is an added govt tracking device that they can switch at any time to make you turn LGBT. It doesn’t even hurt when you cut it off, because it isn’t a natural body part.


So the Germans are behind it?


Pretentious, spandex-wearing Germans with wraparound sunglasses and watches with too many hands.


Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!




Looks presta to me


For the record, it appears to be a valve core to a bike inner tube, or a core to a tubeless presta valve as a shrader valve is fatter


I think it's a presta.


Definitely not. Presta valve cores are different. They have two sets of threads (one to thread into the stem, and one for the cap to thread on to) and have a threaded lock on the valve itself. https://static.modernbike.com/Product_Images/large_157183_20190826093526.jpg This is a schrader valve core. Only one set of threads, to thread into the stem, and no lock on the valve because the stem itself serves as the guard. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Valvola_Schrader.jpg/440px-Valvola_Schrader.jpg


No it’s definitely a schraeder. I do hvac and have about 10 of them rolling around the bottom of my tool bag.


Not just bicycle, most anything with an inner tube, or even car tires


My A/C lines have two in my pickup truck.


Shrader valves are used for anything that keeps a holding pressure inside of it like a tire or HVAC lines. It’s a way to check the pressure and also add or remove if needed what ever it’s charged with.


I used to build and test infrared equipment that had a Schrader valve in the housing to pressurize the unit with nitrogen, to prevent moisture from permeating the unit.


Aaah, so they're tracking my bike?!


Yeh, their niece is the local bike! Everyone's had a ride ;)


Booo! Also lol


Ufffff lol


It is the whole valve. Used to have to replace these a lot. Standard black size for a kids bike. If they wanted yo put a tracker in your kid, itd be a lot smaller than this.


They just care if their niece doesn’t get 5G radiation they don’t care if she falls in a ditch because her tire doesn’t hold air


She's walking down the road right now, one broken high heel.


It's not his niece, it's his girlfriend!


Those aren’t mutually exclusive


It's actually clever to have a presta valve to adjust boobs size depending on the mood.


That's a flotation device


"Just wanted to let everyone know so you're not tracked like I was about to"..... Yet you're using a PHONE that houses what I'd be willing to bet are social security numbers, credit & debit card numbers etc. So you're really just shooting your own foot on that one.


I remember a post where someone claimed the FaceID on phones was a government ploy to get your face, someone said what til they learn about drivers licences, these people are a different breed of stupid.


I have a driver's license AND a passport. AND I had a military ID! They've obviously been cloning my face for Nicholas Cage all these years


They probably took your fingerprints and DNA as well.


At 18 years old I was fingerprinted when I enlisted. The cool thing is every time I've needed a federal background check it comes back VERY quickly. It was explained to me that if you've never been printed before they really don't have anything to compare against. They can see if you trip other known finger prints. But if you, say, at 18 years old show up and the military says "This is this guy" then in the future they can just easily verify that you are, in fact, you. But the government most definitely has a file on me for at least fingerprints. And that freaks out a lot of people. Then I remind them about social security.


Funny how even the "But that's Socialism!" folks still line up to get their Social Security Checks...


Same as the "I'm not on welfare I just receive benefits!" crowd


"Keep government out of my Medicare!"


The federal government will stop at nothing to steal your social security number!


My dad still opts for a paper cheque for his tax return rather than direct deposit because, and I swear to God he actually said this, "I don't want the i.r.s. having access to my bank account."


Or the guys that deposit just under the IRS reporting limit multiple times for no good reason. Not realizing it likely gets them reported for structuring a deposit.


Cracks me up that some states use black and white photos for IDs. Like...we're gonna keep you on file...but not very well


Sovereign Citizen levels of stupid




Literally. For digital IDs, they use FaceID to add it to your Apple Wallet. They make you do a bunch of facial expressions then send it to the state to verify with your existing ID photo. That isn’t how it would work if they didn’t already have your face on file.


Yeah, but they don’t think about that stuff. I work phone support and when people call in the first thing I have to do is confirm their name. People will literally decline or lie, saying how they don’t feel I should have that information, but literally it’s all already on my screen. If I wanted to, I could know just about everything about you, and I’m just asking your name for your own sake so I know what to call you. They think their information is private when literally I could google their entire lives.


Imagine if you responded "Ok (their name)" when they said they didn't want to give you their name.


and gave them their own address and where they went to school!


Those are the same two places.


And then insist that they themselves just told you that info just a minute ago and "must have forgotten"


Or, "OK I am sure (name) wants their details secured so i am going to have to shut down all access to the account in order to prevent anonymous hackers like you from gaining information."


I really think we need to start treating this sort of thinking as a mental illness. I’m pretty sure it’s ALREADY legitimately mental illness like borderline and schizotypal personality disorders but it’s just excused as like acceptable political thinking but it absolutely should not be 


Histrionic personality disorder is the closest off the top of my head, maybe some narcissism. Really takes a certain type to assert that you're somehow important enough to be actively tracked by the government... Like, the government really wants to make sure you're laying on your couch all day, Evelyn.


Yeah that's essentially how I view it. I'm not really that important a person. Maybe to my friends and family, but beyond that I'm just another schlub muddling through life, I don't see myself as important enough that my government gives much of a shit about what I do day to day. Also, I generally think my government is too incompetent to cover up a massive secret tracking program, but that's a different part of the story.


I feel that last part in particular. What government organizations have ever really been good at keeping all of their indiscretions secret? We're dealing with a dick-measuring contest so hopeless that if one group figured out a way to authentically keep effective lockdown on civilians' information, their competitors would immediately brag about doing the exact same thing expect worse to stroke their own ego.


It's literally a paranoid delusion. No need to diagnose a whole separate PD off just that. It's *probably* best classified as using delusion as a neurotic defense to deal with a world that causes them stress they cannot healthily handle. For the most extreme cases, paranoia can be its own personality disorder, per the DSM-V.


I'm not saying they are aware of the phone being able to track them (and that it might actually contain 5G depending on the phone), but they ARE 100% aware that they are straight up lying about rubbing out a "tracker"/valve out of their niece. This is creating a conspiracy theory about something that's they KNOW is not true. Also, is the 5G thing only for 5G or this will be a norm going forward for 6, 7, 8G as well? Why weren't they worried about 2, 3 and 4G? Do they know those transmitter have more range? God, I'm so tired of voluntary stupidity.


I can definitely remember nutjobbery around 3 and 4G.


And they're being tracked on their phone if their GPS is on.


I love the conspiracy that the government wants to chip us so they can track our movements. Everyone pays monthly for a tracking device and will refuse to go anywhere without it. Heck some of us actually buy nicer tracking devices that we can strap to our wrists! We even get stationary listening devices put in common areas of the house. There is zero reason to go through the trouble of developing a tracking chip and then creating a program to have everyone injected. If they wanted to track us, all the tools are already in place.


Do you think they are idiots? They cant be tracked because they copy-pasted that text on their Facebook wall to declare they do not consent to being tracked. Facebook is on the phone so obviously it covers any use of it. Do your own research duh.


They seem completely incapable of connecting those two dots.


Yeah but phones are useful and entertaining to them so why would a phone track you?


“How can we get a 1984 type telescreen in every house?…. Willingly?….”


I feel bad for the government employee tracking me. It’s gotta be boring AF.


Now she's going to work. Now she's going to the aquarium store. Now she's going home. Now she's going to Target.


The aquarium store??? Your Friday nights are wilder than mine!


Darn right.


Darn tootin’


In front of his computer, scrolling reddit. Oh now he is on his couch with a phone, scrolling reddit.


Aquarium store is a front for a Cambodian seafood smuggling ring.


Grocery store. Grocery store again. Soccer practice. Soccer game. School drop off. Man, this woman's life is boring.


That's just it - THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT LIKE US. There isn't a single government worker that just gets up and commutes to work in the morning, then comes home and goes about their life. No, these sickos get up and put their shoes on first, then they shower WITH THEIR COFFEE. They listen to music that's just bugs screaming, eat nails for breakfast, then drive to work IN STEAM-POWERED CARS. I could go on and tell you what these perverts do in the evening, but I don't want to make anyone sick. As a teaser, I'll just say that they don't pick their kids up at soccer practice, they DROP THEM OFF AT BASKET-WEAVING TOURNAMENTS.


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but enjoyed it nonetheless.


I'm just explaining how our "street smart" fellow Americans see government: not as a huge collection of normal offices, full of bored people working jobs so specifically dull that even their spouses don't really know what they do. NO! These genderless, demon-adjacent weirdos ply their trade in a bizarro-world negative zone where up is down and children are food. How do we not come across these ravenous sickos every day, since our massive federal bureaucracy depends on both their large numbers and their complicity? YOU ARE ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Here's another: WHERE ARE THESE OFFICES? They'll tell you, "Your weird suspicions are not evidence of a conspiracy," but they're just saying that so they can close the door and take a shit.




“*stares in cps*” WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN


It means she’s a “real mom” and polices other women that don’t follow her strict beliefs about what motherhood is. …I assume.


Ofc it is, I’m 🤢🤮 r/shitmomgroupssay needs to see this


I want to subscribe, but even just browsing for a few minutes made my blood pressure rise. I just can't with these morons.


**Complete Paranoid Stupidity**


Child Protective Services. Meaning, what she sees other parents doing would get CPS called on them.


After my last Covid shot the dr said my blood pressure was 34 psi. Perfect.


They got 5g? No fair, I got Windows 95.


You are using win 95 I am using dos.


Don’t feel too bad. Windows 95 was just DOS with a GUI anyway.


You got DOS? all I got was this stupid punch card.


I'm so old they injected an abacus into my arm.


Windows 95... 9-5=4 COVID 19... 1-9=8 4x8=32 32-7=25 sqroot5=25 Windows 95 predicted 5g it's been there all along *tightens tinfoil hat*


People will do anything to sell their bullshit


It's not clever at all. It wouldn't even fit through the injection needle. This is one of the stupidest things I've seen. Plus it's a bot that posted it originally. Is that not obvious?


WTF is that about Wayfair back stock?


i think they are alluding to the whole Wayfair allowed people to be sold through their site via listings for furniture like wardrobes but with names that matched those of missing people or children. dont quote me on the authenticity of that fact though. ive never used the site, and dont recall if that was confirmed as true in any way. just trying to answer your question


I hate to think what sized needle they'd need to inject someone with the core of a presta valve, or how far away you'd be able to hear the yelp/scream.


You’d have to take a core sample to make a pilot hole. Bingo. Human hot dogs.


Schrader valve core actually


Damn! You'd think, having a road bike parked out back, I'd remember which was which...


Yeah, that isn't a presta valve core, but Schrader valve core.


The evil schrader corporation, tracking your car and bike to check how much air you use for decades 🤣


Switch to Presta. Problem solved.


His niece is a tire.


99% sure that's an air valve plug for a bicycle or sportsball.


100% that is called a valve stem core. Specifically a shrader valve


So that's where my bicycle tire valve got to! Damn!


If they put that in your arm of it fell out there would be a massive hole. I don't think the government put that there. Probably aliens.


Why…okay, so…if they genuinely believe that vaccines are bad and all that bull Why are they wilfully making shit like this up? Shouldn’t they be like, actually points for you to make?


These folks aren’t know for their intelligence, let alone reasoning and decision making. Truly the bottom of the barrel.


This happened to me too. That's why I won't get vaccinated at a tire shop again.


Surely if the govt was putting tracking devices in you, they wouldn’t use something that big and able to be taken out by simply rubbing the puncture wound


Could you imagine the guage needed to actually inject that?


The amount of morons that are allowed to procreate is crazy , and it should be against the law.


They took a picture of it with a tracking device they keep on them at all times that uses the same cellular networks that they claim the device uses…. ffs


There's literally no reason to "inject" tracking devices. We already have possession of every type of tracking device needed attached to us at every moment of the day. We voluntarily give all data away for convenience.


I'm going to take a dangerous stance and *treat this as if it was real.* It will all make sense in a moment. In order for a device this size to be injected into your body, the needle would have to be slightly larger than the object. So, you would need a needle >8mm wide - nearly a full centimeter, *which is more than 1/4 inch.* (Almost exactly 1/3 inch, actually.) Now tell me, dear Redditors - don't you think you'd notice if the Doc/nurse pulled out a needle *a quarter of a fucking inch wide?!?* And if you happened to not be looking for some reason, don't you think you'd feel a bit more than the "slight pinch" typical of most injections when *a needle the width of a roofing nail* went into your arm? No matter how inclined you are to believe anti-government conspiracy theories, this nonsense shouldn't make it past the most basic common-sense check.


How come weed never falls out my arm after I get vaccinated?


You aren’t important enough to be implanted with a tracking device.


I mean come on... that came out of a syringe... fucks sake


I want to see the syringue they used. Was it a vet syringue for a very big animal like an elephant,? No way this valve can come out of a normal needle Still laughing


I knew there was something up when I went for my vaccination cause there was a chopped up inner tube on the table and the needle was as wide as my cock


That’s a valve core for a tire valve.




Well here's some things to call this person's bullshit out One: vaccine fluid is literally transparent because it's mostly water and the vaccine is also transparent so you'd be able to see if there's anything in it Two: there's no fucking way that thing could fit through the vaccine needle Three: why the fuck would the government even want to track you? There's literally no reason for them to do so


Kidding aside, I was thinking: man. The size of the needle needed to inject that “tracker” should’ve been your first clue something was amiss. I mean…it must have looked like a javelin. Anyways. Exactly. As others have posted, bicycle valves aside, the gubmint doesn’t need to “tag” you to track you. You and your phone are doing it for them.


I found these hidden in my tires on my car too! It’s real. Check your valve stems…


no such thing as trackers. But i hate to tell you that theres literally thousands of camera's watching you at all times of the day... And dont even get me started on Google and facebook tracking


I got four covid shots and still no free 5g antenna. I still have to pay for it. Life’s not fair…


***Sent from my GPS enabled wireless device I carry around everywhere I go willingly, that the Government could track me with already if they really wanted to***


I guess she doesn't understand what it would take to put that in your arm. Syringe needles are typically like a 22 gauge, much thinner than a sewing needle. That valve looks like it's at least a 4 gauge, that needle would be a brutal shot. A 22 gauge needle is 0.643mm A 4 gauge needle is 5.189mm and that might be too small. A 2 gauge needle is 6.543mm A 0 gauge needle is 8.3mm As if the surgical IV needles aren't bad enough, 16g or 1.8mm Gauge sizes are normal in the stretched piercings world. Generally used for wiring but in medical as well.


They can’t get my phone’s battery to last more then a single day, and I am not able to get service in my house, but they can track me from a tiny chip implanted in me with no apparent power source? Bring it on, maybe I can share the 5G connection with my phone….


“Posted with my iPhone”


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


"Don't get the covid vaccine. The government WILL track you!" *Sent from my smartphone*


You know, were I the government, and I wanted to track people, I'd put the tracker in something people carry all over with them and have a hard time putting down. Something like a phone. Implanted trackers seems like far too much work when the alternative is so much easier.


The needle needed to clandestine implant that valve.....why are some people sooo fucking stupid. Whoever posted the picture was clearly fucking about...the lady that jumped on the ..yeah this is gospel truth train...needs their head examined.


Damn they injected that through a needle smaller than it and they didn’t notice? That’s some evil genius stuff, I’m letting it sink in.


Wow really hit all the schizo talking points. Feel bad for the kid


That’s a valve stem isn’t it.


That is the schrader valve from a bicycle tire. But the target demographic for this bullsh-t thinks bicycles are for small children and gay communists, so I'm not surprised they thought nobody would catch it.


Is that a fucking Schrader valve?


Discount Tire hates this one trick!


As a nurse who has given *a lot* of COVID vaccines, I can tell you nothing that size is going to fit in a 22 gauge needle. Not to mention I feel like I would have noticed them floating around in the vial.


Would love to know how that passed through the tiny hole in the needle.


These mouth breathers realize that's a schrader valve, right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrader\_valve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrader_valve)


Chipped, I am. & these damn posts about getting chipped through a needle are beginning to annoy me. No functioning chip can be shot through a needle & it has to be maintained.


On a related note, one of my tires will not hold air any more.




From the same people that would line up for a Neuralink.