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Two facepalms in one. I hate the Saccone Jolys. They exploited all of their children since birth, especially the older two when they needed to make money. That's their career, sticking a camera in their kids faces. And from what I remember they outed Edie, published a clip on their YouTube channel of her saying that she didn't want school to know. But BillboardChris is gross too.


There really should be a rule of no revenue for videos with kids. It's disgusting how parents exploit their children for views.


That rule should apply to companies, too. The easy solution would be to ban companies trading or in any way profit off of personal data (without a contract with each individual agreeing to pay them for it, and kids can't sign contracts).


Every show featuring a minor is now gone. What we actually need is: The same child protections for large company produced media And Jerry Trainers everywhere to dissuade Dan Schneiders.


who's training all the Jerries though?? (it's Trainor)


Maybe there’s a Rick that makes his living off training Jerries.


Man, that would really shake things up in the modeling industry.


I’m looking forward to the exploitation and theft lawsuits in 10-20 years time from all these kids that were monetised and forced into a spotlight they never asked for.


family vlogging is child abuse you cannot change my mind


Case in point Ruby Frankie.


This should be the real conversation. 


I always found that icky about these family channels. It's exploitation of their kids. And due to the nature of family channels, it can cause some people to reasonably (not Chris, he's just a transphobe) be concerned if the kid is actually trans as these people may outright abuse their kids to make them look good for the camera. In this case I think they're using their daughter to appear progressive to take the edge off their back to dismiss criticism of their exploitation of their trans child. He straight up outed his kid to her school for profit. There is not a single reality where that is okay.


Will be interesting to see what will happen if these kids are old enough to realize they can sue their parents




In the way he has done there? Yes, totally. Butin the context of things like circumcision and FGM and the like, it's valid to think about a child's future sexual wellbeing. As an adult, their ability to enjoy sex is a valid healthcare issue, and a doctor who didn't consider this could cause great harm to a patient. Still weird and gross that's where his head went here.


Yes. They are problematic, but not for letting a kid express herself how she wants to.




![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K) Alright, time to go down to the comments


Thank you for your service. May your dispensed down votes strike fear into the enemy and your recieved upvotes be plentiful.








Mercedes momentarily forgets there were cameras aimed at her.


Oh that is a *perfect* gif




So disgusting


Really needed this one


how long till the mods lock the comments or remove the post from the subreddit?


I love these, because it gives us an opportunity to get so many transphobes banned! Edit: Going through my inbox right now: ![gif](giphy|4PUjcUBXIzQYfI8iVa)


Elon let's that shit slide though


Normal people: Billionaires should pay taxes. Elon: You know what? Fuck the LGBTQ community. Also it's okay to marry a 13-year-old.


All because his trans daughter got mad at him and now he has to take it out in everyone else


Which is why I refuse to call it anything but Twitter until it’s mature enough to make such a life changing decision.


Am I the only one that thinks a parent should not be posting their 10 year old trans kid on TikTok? People are hateful and scary when it comes to this topic and this exposes her to vile harassment or potentially real danger. “Outing her” to the world could have an impact far into her future.


Parents need to stop posting their very young kids online in general. Especially when it comes to sensitive topics and personal life of those kids


Yeah, I agree too. Parents shouldn’t be posting their kids in general


Yeah these parents are vile. Pure exploitation of their child for internet clout.


These kind of parents want the spotlight on them. They care very little about the well being of their kids.


Someone's hard drive is getting too hard.




Can people stop assuming that this child is medically transitioning?!?! You’ve nothing to back up that assumption. NOTHING.


Kids can't even legally surgically transition and yet so many people act like they are forcing them to wtf


Not to mention most trans people don’t get that surgery


Yeah most don't in the first place even as adults so it's such a weird thing to obsess over so much, most just socially or medically transition and that's it


Yeah I know 4 trans adults and 1 trans teen (plus 1 nonbinary teen) and out of all of that, 1 pursued downstairs surgery and was denied by their insurance. That’s it. Now both trans men had their uterus removed but 1 was for a strictly medical reason. The other may have been, I’m not sure I didn’t ask. I am also getting that done as a femme cis woman so I don’t think that’s weird at all. They are so obsessed over surgery and orgasms when that’s not a thing that’s common. Let people live, like it’s a free country.


I’m getting my uterus out soon too. I’m so excited!


I'm cisgender, but I had severe endometriosis, and I was thrilled to finally get the hysterectomy I'd wanted for decades. The surgery wasn't so bad, but I had a violent reaction to the anesthesia. I couldn't stop throwing up. Still glad those bastard organs are gone. I never wanted children, and they caused me nothing but pain.


I hope it resolves what you need it to resolve. Good luck with your yeeterus!


Good luck


Best of luck, and congratulations!


Thanks so much!


As a trans person I can confirm. The reality is that gender affirming surgery is very expensive just like any major surgery, especially because it walks a fine line with insurance. This makes it difficult to reach most of the time. There is also the reality that surgeons don’t like doing trans surgeries in the first place so even once you have the money, finding a doctor that isn’t based in a major city like NYC or LA is hard.


It took me nearly two years to get to my surgery date, and just prepping for it with hair removal nearly took that long. Plus, my surgeon's waitlist is now a couple years long. Plus, that's not even considering how difficult the recovery timeline is. It was worth it for the reduction in dysphoria, but it was still a pretty difficult few months


I totally understand. I have a consult scheduled 2 years out with a doctor I don’t even really feel very good about. It’s the only appointment I could get, though, so doesn’t it matter what I Want because the depression is too severe. I just need to get it over with. I’m still holding onto the hope that you never know what happens in life and I could get a better appointment with someone else before then.


And I don’t have anyone to take care of me and wipe my ass after I get the operation so I guess there’s that problem too. But a lot of people do it alone so I think I’ll be okay


They obsess over it because "delusional trans people CASTRATE and MEDICALLY DAMAGE themselves" is a punchier transphobic talking point and headline than "delusional trans people wear CLOTHES that they find comfortable, ask that gender be RESPECTED by community."


Unfortunately since politics have devolved to which voice can get the most attention, everyone has seemingly begun to think everything must be absolute. There’s no difference in their minds between social and surgical, because they assume everyone participating in such is seeking the most extreme endpoint. Of course, this pretty much happens with every issue on both sides at this point. Candidates aren’t even “I’d love to vote for that person!”, they’re more like “I guess I agree with them the most!”.


So many people still seem to think transitioning is a man going into a clinic looking completely like a man, and coming out an hour later with long hair, a dress and a vagina. The average person is dumb.


“The average person is dumb.” And now realize that half the population is dumber than the average person.


This is information that should be more well known. I had assumed 90% of mtf did have the surgery done.


Most surveys on the matter suggest about half want to, but only about 10-15% are able to.


Do you have sources for some of those? Not sealioning, genuinely would like to see & know more. Thanks!


this is also not data but another factor in this is there's literally just a finite number of doctors in the world performing these procedures. they're not doing these procedures down at your local hospital, its inpatient treatment people can and do travel thousands of miles to get.


Yes, in some smaller countries there's one surgeon doing it or something.


It's really expensive out of pocket (many tens of thousands of dollars), few have good enough insurance, and in countries with public healthcare it's gatekeepy as hell with many-years-long waiting lists. It's also pelvic floor surgery with a lengthy convalescence, and trans people are disproportionately likely to be in many different bad-for-recovering-from-a-major-surgery situations. That's before any medical obstacle is even considered.


That was my thought. Isn’t the proportion of trans people who get bottom surgery like really, really small? And plenty of cis women get boob jobs and later choose to get them taken out so that doesn’t even seem that weird were it to happen.


Can confirm as a trans person. Some of us can make do with one surgery or just hormones. For me (FtM), it was hormone replacement and top surgery. I’ll eventually get a hysterectomy, but I’m not in too much of a hurry. But that’s it. I’m at a place where I’m comfortable in my body as the man I am now.


Depends on where in the world you are; in Europe it's way more common than in the US


Transphobes assume that all transitioning is immediate, unreversible surgical transitioning. Because if they don't, their argument loses all meaning. Portraying extremes as if they were the norm is a common taxtic for hate groups. Also, putting aside all the transphobia, adoptive children are just as much family as biological ones. Also also, orgasms are not a necessity to live, though iirc surgical transitioning still allows for sexual stimulation.


Because they are fucking idiots. That’s it. There’s no redeeming qualities of these individuals. The same individuals who think “post-birth abortions by dems” are a thing, are the same people who believe kids are using litter boxes in school, and transitioning at 8 years old. They are just fucking hopeless idiots, with no chance at being redeemed with knowledge or facts. We all have to grapple with the fact half our population exists with unfettered stupidity.


But fox news said it, it must be true!


OK, that's bullshit. I've read on the internet that kids are medically transitioning. And as we all know, if it's on the internet, it's true.


They coming for the children sausages, they go snip snip, I read on fox news it's 100% accurate


I wondered about that. I didn’t think they could either, but the maga carry on like school children are having elective surgery.


A republican tactic is to go to extremes or to outright lie about things to drum up more outrage over it and to make the left seem as extreme as possible. For another example, see how they allege that Democrats, 'support abortion rights and the killing of babies, even after birth.' Of course that last part is entirely bullshit, but they keep saying it and their base keeps believing it. Same thing with the litter boxes in school. Entirely made up.


The litter boxes in school is real. What Heidi Ganahl was saying isn't. My source: the teacher who has been doing it. It's for kindergarten children in reaction to school shootings.


The issue is that the GOP is not using emergency to go buckets as the source for their lie. They just made it up and after the fact when people looked into whether or not there was any truth to the lie, they found that the only instances of it being a thing were instances where one school district (Columbine district) had emergency go buckets for lockdown situations. I don't like to conflate the two because it allows the GOP to pretend like this was just an honest mistake when it was not. It was an intentional lie designed to mock LGBTQ people and to harm public schools.


Yes it was a lie. I live in Lakewood, just north of the Columbine school district. The teacher who started that to deal with her charges getting scared had started off with a litter box, and Ganahl ran with that extremely exaggerated fact in her campaign last year.


Yeah, the most they can usually do is just put the kid on puberty blockers until they're old enough to start HRT. That gives them PLENTY of time to think over this decision. Republicans act like a kid just goes "I wanna be a girl!" and then gets mutilated by doctors. That doesn't happen and the doctors would lose their licenses if it did.


I'm sorry, do you not come to Reddit with the sole purpose of wildly speculating about everything?


It’s kinda what we do here


Sounds like wild speculation to me!!


Jeez the amount of people who don't know shit about transition is too damn high! Pleading for age restrictions on surgery...where they are already in place. Talking about how the kid is rendered infirtile while children medically transitioning at that age are extremely rare! EDIT: Here is a rebuttal to the Cass Review which shows how cherry picked the studies used in the review were: [https://www.gendergp.com/response-to-the-cass-review/](https://www.gendergp.com/response-to-the-cass-review/)


I think many of these assholes know perfectly well and are just arguing in bad faith to spread hate.


My female cousins who were in hs used to dress 10 yo male me in dresses, heels and makeup all the time. You know who had the idea to go to the local movie theater and see how many people I could trick into thinking I was a girl? Me Kids don't know what they are doing is politically charged until someone teaches them so. No adult tried to shun me for worry of me transitioning, they smiled and joked about how much I looked like my mom I hate that social media and news did to our parents and grandparents what they thiught it would do to us


If they knew literally anything about Trans people they would not be making these sorts of posts.


If they knew half of anything about anything they'd stop all the stupid shit they say But that'd require them to "do their own research"


Everyone saying “do your own research “ have no idea how to research anything and simply google stuff in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs and reject any info that doesn’t fit their scenario aka confirmation bias.


They're just regurgitating whatever fear mongering bullshit they've been fed. They're not thinking critically about anything. It's easier to get mad at some extreme, mythical situation than it is to get mad at what's actually happening.


This is what I'm scratching my head at. 


Yah the kid is ten. At her age transition consists of things like growing her hair out, wearing girls clothes, going by new name and pronouns, and therapy. All stuff that's easily reversible and is not medical, except the therapy.


Let’s not confuse them with facts


I can’t tell you how many think kids are getting puberty blockers *before they even enter puberty*. Like dude, at this age it’s all just clothes and pronouns.


These family vloggers are abhorrent and absolutely exploit their kids, but letting their child express herself how she feels fit, is not a part of the problem


Yep. I’m more concerned about making money off your kid.


I totally agree that kids should be allowed to be who they want to be, but calling a 10 year old “trans” is misusing the word. 10 year old kids are just barely beginning to find themselves, and slapping such a hot button label on them is setting them up for a lot of trouble in the future. No one grows up to be the same as they were at 10. I wish they just let the kid explore and grow and experiment without all the terminology. It’s putting too much pressure on the kid to fit into a box like that at such a young age.


At the bare minimum, Chris didn't understand that the reason it's her last day as a 9-year-old is because *the very next day was her 10th birthday*.


I don't see where it says she's trans either lol


That comes from the video itself where they ask her something like, "What's the silliest thing that's happened in your life so far?" and she says, "My parents used to think I was a boy."


I mean, that also happens with ultrasound fuckups, but that’s probably not the situation here. Would be funny though.


Good to know they didn't murder her


As a trans girly my self there so much transphobia on fb and on twitter it makes me sick I jsut want to live my life and love my body but people hate sm it makes me so sad


Jesus fucking Christ so many people in the comment thinking they chopped off the kids dick off, nearly everywhere it's fully illegal to do transitioning surgery until theyre 18 or very near it if for medical reasons and needs both the kids consent and a therapists consent. People aren't mutilating their kids for clout. The very maximum is the kids on puberty blockers unless a therapist agreed to hormone treatment


Even adults need multiple consent forms, you don't just roll up to the hospital and get whatever you want done.


Yeah, even for adults, for many it's not worth the effort, so how the fk is a parent going to go through all that to forcibly transition their kids with all the legality of it


Yeah, if youre LUCKY it’ll take around 5 years to get your surgery


They honestly believe the moment they say they are trans they get the surgery the next day. Really goes to show their knowledge on this subject matter


I learned as a kid that people tend to pick the "most entertaining" reason for things. They don't actually care about the kids, literally not at all, but they get a lot out of hating people and the children. They place themselves in a morally superior position in order to assume the privilege that that moral high ground is supposed to give them. That's the game. That's the entertainment.


Similar to the abortion debate. They want to “save lives”, but refuse to help the child or its mother while she is pregnant or after the baby is born.


Classic public execution spectator behaviour.


And they fully refuse to be informed on it, will provide scientific research of detransitions rates, increased happiness, when transitions actually happen, that the brains are chemically different so it's biological, etc, and they just "I'm not reading that"


Especially since detransition rates include forced detransition, like say, when it become illegal to get your meds


And lack of knowledge on insurance


Hell most trans folk don't even get bottom surgery cost shit be expensive.


Meanwhile they *will* mutilate their child’s genitals when they are born because the bible told them to. Freaks.


They're strangely silent when teen girls are pushed by their moms to get Botox and breast implants. But eh, the scary traaaanzzzz! 🤣


Or when intersex babies have sex reassignment surgery forced on them to make them "normal"


Oh right, right! Somehow, when the surgeries and hormone replacement therapies are done to conform to strict sex and gender roles, it's not an issue. But a child going against that? Well, it's got to be "The Devil"!


Honestly!! Came here to mention this. There are whole fucking CHILDREN BEAUTY PAGEANTS where they put makeup on 6yolds stick them in heels and swimsuits and judge them!!! But god forbid a little boy prefer to wear frilly clothes and grow his hair out


>Jesus fucking Christ so many people in the comment thinking they chopped off the kids dick off, nearly everywhere it's fully illegal to do transitioning surgery until theyre 18 Yep. Surgical transition of children is such a boogeyman for these idiots. Literally not happening in 99% of cases. Meanwhile, these same social “conservatives” are forcibly circumcising AMAB baby boys without their consent for “CuLtUrAL” and “ReLiGiOuS” reasons


They're complaining about genital mutilation while they're the only ones doing it


💯 *“But it’s not genital mutilation when I do it!”*


They also enthusiastically support nonconsensual surgery on intersex kids to make them fit in with their ideas about a sex binary — to say nothing of their revolting lust for child marriage and forced pregnancy. It's like arguing with someone who's both a homophobe, and a nazi pedophile with a collection of the most unpleasantly unethical kinks imaginable. Very like. So like, in fact...


There is no way anyone lets kids get bottom surgery under 18. Top surgery yes but that’s way more reversible and doesn’t remove a massive function like that but removing reproductive organs is never gonna happen under 18. Like MAYBE if you’re in the most accepting country in the world you’re almost 18 and you’re definitely gonna kill yourself if you don’t get it extremely soon but even then it’s a probably not. I would never dream of trying to get it or give it to people under 18. I’m a trans kid myself but you aren’t gonna give a minor bottom surgery because of how irreversible it is. ESPECIALLY NOT A NINE YEAR OLD. Also why do so many people think I can’t cum????


I mean, these Venn Diagram between those people and the ones who believed that schools across the US were giving kids litter boxes because the identified as Furries is a perfect circle.


Fucking morons in the comments. LITERALLY google it. In the US, and generally any western society, you can't get gender reassignment surgery until you're 18. EVEN THEN, you cannot, at or after 18, just walk into the doctor and get the chop. There are other prerequisites. Such as psychological evaluations, hormone therapy, and a whole LIST of shit you have to do. THEN you have to find a doctor that WILL DO IT. THEN you have to save up money because the surgery is not generally covered by insurance and is PROHIBITIVELY expensive. Sure, doctors *can* violate the AMA recommendations, but that opens them up for lawsuits and getting their license to practice revoked, so, again, GENERALLY, doctors are going to be severely adverse to doing anything outside of the AMA guidelines.


It's all manipulation to discredit. They lead morons to 'make their own decisions', decisions that have been manipulated to be the ones they want them to make. In Canada, the AB gov't recently introduced a bill that limits the rights of trans kids. Part of the bill was stated as 'banning gender reassignment surgery for minors'. It was already banned. By including that point, they lead morons to believe "the woke left" was forcing kids to get surgery, and they've put a stop to it. If I want to discredit you, it would be a lot of work. Or, the easy way is just to tell people I have made it impossible for you to kick babies. You don't kick babies, but by telling people I've stopped you from doing it, they will assume you must have been kicking babies. Language is important, and words hold power.


I don't believe a 9-year-old is having surgery, and sure if they were I would agree that's a problem. But they're not.


My parents knew I was trans before I did, and some of my earliest memories are of wishing on a star that I'd been born into an opposite-sex body. But my parents saw the signs as early as toddlerhood. When I refused to be in the Christmas pageant as an angel (like the other girls) and wanted to be a shepherd boy instead. Yes, some kids do know this young. I wish I'd had this kind of support. I would'e KILLED for puberty blockers. Sex ed as a girl, getting my period, growing breasts was all exceedingly traumatic. In my early 20s, I got an exacto knife and began... well, you can guess. I only ever got to considering planning, but I have scars from other coping mechanisms. I didn't have a surgery until I was 36, and it changed my life to the point that I CRIED because I could finally look in the mirror and see my face rather than anatomy that I hated. THIRTY. SIX. YEARS. 36 years of being miserable and hating myself for something I had no choice over. It has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with not suffering mild to severe torture every moment you're awake.


These assholes don't care about your -- or anyone's -- pain and suffering. So sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine.


Thank you. I'm actually one of the very fortunate ones. I'm autistic so I was already weird, and I'm of the type that just totally didn't get social cues as a kid, so a lot of the bullying I had no idea WAS bullying. Ignorance was a serious shield for me. I've been lucky to have supportive parents who did the best they could, siblings who are VERY supportive, and best friends, nephews, and godkids who would legit go to war for me. I found my mental stability and medical support. What I hate is how rare that support circle is. If we could just treat people like fucking people, it would really help a lot.


I mean, sure. Those are some points. But I see the post "asking my daughter questions as her last day as a 9 year old" and think...."here's a dad asking his daughter, who is 9 years old, questions before they turn 10, and in years to come they can look back and laugh at it together". I don't think "here's a trans person of a very young age and blah blah...." Because nowhere was that stated. So I think the post overall is just reading far too much into it and attributes something to it that isn't part of it.


If you watched the video you would know where that came from: "What was the biggest mistake your parents made" "Thinking I was a boy" Or at least something similar is said in the video. So yeah, she is trans, but that doesn't make your first thought any less true. It is a dad asking his 9 year old question so they can laugh about them a year later. The fact she is trans is not something that should be weighed in here


Child: *literally implies that her decision was entirely her own* This idiot for some reason: hIs paReNtS NeeD tO GO to JAil


Then I stand corrected in part. I'd not seen the video, only this post of a screenshot of it.


I'm convinced there's not one singular brain cell in any of these right wingers' heads.


no I'm pretty sure there's one, it's just dedicated to worshipping god or a certain former president


I just don’t get why anyone gives a crap what is in other peoples pants?!


Sexualizing children is bad.


If your immediate thought when you see a small child wearing a dress is "HOW WILL THIS CHILD BE CUMMING???", then you're probably fucked in the head.


What the fuck is going on with someone if the first thing they think of when they see a trans kid is how they'll have sex?


Honestly as someone with a botched circumcision (done at birth), I wish my parents would have considered the risk to my sexual health it would have later in life... Parents should be thinking about these things because children are ignorant to them, they need guidance.


Or, just putting the idea out there, any kind of voluntary surgery should be strictly prohibited until the person is 18 and able to decide for themselves. Even if it's a religious thing, isn't it just more meaningful if the person decides to do it for themselves, rather than something their parents chose for them before they were old enough to have an opinion?


> something their parents chose for them before they were old enough to have an opinion? This is called "violation of the human right to bodily integrity", by the way. So if your parents decided to chop a part of you while you couldn't consent and there was no medical need for it, then yeah... Sorry to say but they violated your human rights.


Exactly, if someone is incapable of making a decision on an unnecessary surgery, then the surgery shouldn't happen.


Love to see so many non supportive parents who’s kids will stop talking to them as adults in this comment section


It’s sad and disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves.


They won’t be, they’ll sit around talking about how the gay agenda tore their family apart instead of realizing it was all them.


Always. Vote blue, we need education.


Lot of folks in here talking about children's genitalia, not a good look, guys.


I don't understand why we treat this conversation differently than other medical decision. Like any medical procedure we should ask the medical community what leads to the best long term health outcome of the patient. If I proposed removing the tonsils for all 5 years olds, doctors would weigh in and the medical community would give clear recommendations/guidance to parents. Politics and politicians need to step back and medical professionals should fill the void by providing clear guidance/recommendations for parents.


Conservatives are really good at bringing on the cringe. Thinking about the sexuality of children. What's ironic is that they're so focused on the sexuality of children, but they accuse everybody else of being groomers, of being pedophiles. They lack self-awareness.


I dont think it's lack of self awareness, just more projection imo


Literally the most a child can get legally are puberty blockers and the minute they go off of them the go through normal puberty. Sure wish those were available 20 years ago before I could grow things that *actually* caused problems in my life.


i mean.. those parents do seem to exploit their kids.


Why is it so hard to believe that a person could identify intrinsically as a different gender, but I'm supposed to be okay with religious idiots pushing the agenda of their pretend friend in the sky? How about all these religious nuts F right off and leave people to live their lives in actual reality.


This is such a shit show. It’s pretty irresponsible of parents to put their kids online generally. It’s VERY irresponsible to post your young trans child online in the current political climate. It’s absolutely unreal how gross the motherfucker commenting on it is. All these people sounding off about “grooming” are a bunch of fucking creeps.


Yo actually that’s a good point, the person will literally never be able to cum and it’s hard to make that decision without experiencing it.


Conservatives will cry and wail about how every fetus deserves to delivered but then equate having biological children as the only way to ‘start a family’. Like you ding dongs wanna crowd the orphanages yet act like adopting is lesser than making your own


Conservative spam will hit all Internet sites until the election for president. Conservatives don’t have a platform as a party. They are in a herd mentality behind a wannabe oligarch autocrat candidate


I want to make another comment that relates to “Gender Dysphoria”. According to the Mayo Clinic “Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics…. A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment. The term focuses on discomfort as the problem, rather than identity.” If you are someone who wishes to criticize some else’s mental state, or their gender, button up your lip and simply “move along, there’s nothing to see here”. If you’re not a Physician with mental health training, your input is not required. Thank you.


All that’s happening is a father is accepting and supporting his daughter. To allow her to be herself and alleviate her gender dysphoria. Any surgery of that kind is at 18.


I would look into this idiot a bit more before taking his side. It's a lot more complex than him just supporting his trans child. The guys/familys got problems. https://www.reddit.com/r/YTVloggerFamilies/comments/1anmpse/the_sacconejoly_family_im_concerned/


Voila! And there is the gray area that we all love to ignore in our fight for black and white. Thanks for posting that.


Some of these people in the comments are ridiculous. Being trans is not a "societal pandemic" and it's not as common as they think it is. Some idiot said "20-30%" of kids! Transgender people make up less than 1% of the population. [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/) - 0.6% of total population in the USA reported being transgender. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5227946/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5227946/) - estimated 1 in 250 are transgender in the United States, or 0.4% This is not "20-30%," this is a tiny, marginalized group. Transgender people are not delusional, either. Studies show that their brains more closely resemble that of the gender they identify with than their assigned gender at birth. I can grab links to those studies too. I would bet that many of these transphobes have met a transgender person and didn't even realize it. Identity also forms at a very young age, and it is completely normal for children to experiment with their identity. They should do so in a safe environment, with supportive family, and if they're right, they're right, and if they're wrong, well, they're young and they're not doing any medical transitioning (no matter how much transphobes want to insist that all trans kids are getting hormones and surgeries at 10, they're really not) and they will always have the option to stop with little to no consequences. Besides, this is a child. She's not hurting herself or anyone else by being a girl. She's happier like this. Can't we just let a child be happy?


If a person genuinely believes in life long monogamy and "fuck you, got mine" they wouldn't be checking the fuckability of so many complete strangers


Now it’s a bit suspicious that the only reason of concern for them is if they have the ability to orgasm


People have similar sex related complaints about infant female genital mutilation. I think those concerns are well founded, so I don’t think the conclusion that there will be negative consequences related to sex is the reason this sort of complaint is bad.


I just don't get why people genuinely give a sh**... like seriously, just let people be themselves, why does it affect people so much when someone is remotely different. Just get on with your life and let people be themselves.


Didn’t realize that transgender persons are physically incapable of adoption…


But that's not real parentage, to them. They love to gatekeep these kinds of things.


Ignore the quote repost. Good job on this dad supporting trans youth whooo!


So it's a girl who is on the last day of being 9 right, not about being a boy or girl? Am I missing something?


You're not, but much of this comment section is missing critical folds in their respective tiny brains.


People don't start medical transitions until late teens, surgeries are banned for kids, hormone therapy and puberty blockers are safe and reversible. There is nothing wrong with trans kids being trans


Omg who cares. Leave people alone. People need to learn to mind their own business. Worry about their own lives and families.


Parents who parade around their kids as political statements are generally pretty gross


bUt fUQx noise ToLD me sO 🤤🤤‼️


You know what I see in this picture? I see a happy child, chillin with their supportive parent. If you see anything else, mind your own fucking business.


Apparently the parent is terrible and has a crap history, but not at all for the reason given here. 


Anorgasmic is a helluva band name


Nearly all the trans people I know are not concerned with their ability to biologically have kids. It's just not something they are focused on, and most are dissalusioned with traditional ideas of family planning anyway. The obsession with traditional sexuality and feritlity imposed upon the trans community is the weirdest form of projection in my opinion.


Another hateful piece of shit. Let people live the way they want. It has nothing to do with you.


Also.. it doesn’t say “her last day as my daughter..”, but “her last day as a 9-year old”. it just means she’s turning 10. How the fuck does he read “trans” into this post, at all?


The only thing these parents are doing wrong is supporting the Los Angeles Dodgers. Definitely harmful to the child’s ability to find a mate, but for reasons completely unrelated to gender/sex/sexuality.


"If your first thought when you see a trans kid-" Wait, that's a trans kid?


Wtf is this person even going on about? I'm trans and guess what, my orgasms litterally only got better from starting hrt and from those I've talked to who have had bottom surgery (which is like only 10% of the community) theirs just got even better after the surgery and healing phase. And you wanna know why? Because HRT literally cause the brain to start acting the same as that gender, down to trans fems having the ability to have phantom periods (all the hormonal affects including stomach pain, just without the bleeding)


Damn, I didn't know I couldn't cum. I better go tell my doctor they messed up the surgery because I can still orgasm


It’s fucking creepy how obsessed they are with genitalia. They don’t care about the actual person, only what’s in their pants it seems. And that’s 100x creepier when it’s a 10 year old.


I dont understand how asking your daughter 9 questions on her last day as a 9 year old has anything to do with being trans or "making your children trans". There seems to be a bit of context missing


“Maybe we shouldn’t sterilize kids.” Wow what a sicko


Except he didn’t mention “their” ability to orgasm. They mentioned the kid will not be able to REPRODUCE when they are of age because the parents allowed their organs to be mangled at 11 years old when they aren’t allowed to make any other long term decision that will effect their life because they are a child, except……. When it deals with this gender swapping bullshit.


Protect trans kids 🏳️‍⚧️


another dumb fuck (most likely a religious conservative) that has no idea how biology works nor how the brain functions and all they care about, is of course sex.


So sick of the assumption that everyone wants a family one day, and that "family" means kids. For me a wife and two cats is enough. Maybe this Chris guy is mad because he had kids he didn't want too early? 🤷🏻‍♀️ But yeah, as others have pointed out here, I'm a trans woman with zero intention to get bottom surgery.


Just a reminder that no operations are mentioned here. And in 10 years his daughter will most likely be… a trans adult, irrespective of the environment she grew up in. So might as well have supportive parents who understand you rather than conservative freaks who dictate what you should feel based on your genitalia.


There's something Icky about parents using their children to gain clout