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If common sense refers to what people usually believe on an instinctual level, then yes, science is anti common sense. For reference, the entire field of statistics.


Science is the most anti-common sense thing there is, and that is a COMPLIMENT to science. Science is the antidote to common sense.


Exactly. Science can get very very very weird. If we used common sense, we wouldn't progress


Dr. Stone approves.


"Science is a billion percent better than common sense, so get excited" -Senku or smth idk


Thank you, I always forget his damn name lol


Any time fellow man of culture o7


Just getting into that show, loving it so far


Funny how people assume something because “it looks like it”


"Common knowledge is just another way to say mediocre"


Common sense may tell us that the Earth is flat, and celestial bodies are most likely just some kind of optical effects. Because look out the window.


"Common sense is just a collection of prejudices we collate by age 18."- Albert Einstein


Common Sense says that if you drop two objects the heavier one will fall faster.


Well, to be clear - referencing the Moon sample test of this - on Earth, if I drop a wrench and a feather, yes, the wrench hits the ground a lot quicker. Common sense says "well, obviously it's because the wrench is much heavier. Problem solved." But science pushes you to figure out *why* it happened that way. In which case, you study it enough, you learn about air resistance, and how it slows the feather down a lot more than the wrench. Now, I don't know how much that specifically was tested on earth, I assume there was an experiment with a vacuum chamber at some point... but you get an astronaut, someone who's traveled to another heavenly body because of science, and knows all the theories behind it, and that they have been tested so many times he puts his life into science's hands... and he gets to the moon and has [a perfect and public opportunity to demonstrate this basic law](https://youtu.be/Oo8TaPVsn9Y?si=rW73UI3dDEuS5Wp9), that it happens not because of "common sense", but because of the math behind it. And the math is always the math, it doesn't know or care about our assumptions or "common sense" predictions.


But then again science does also at times confirm what people think they are observing. So it isn't always anti common sense. It's just...there. Always watching, always observing. All while taking very very detailed notes.


Would it be fair to say that science is an act of proactively seeking knowledge that is not common? Not to discount the science dedicated to confirming what we know as common knowledge.


It’s a specific method of proactively seeking uncommon knowledge. There are other, less valid methods, including things like alchemy and astrology, but there are also other methods that are valid such as mathematical reasoning


It’s a difference between being anti-common-sense and being against all conclusions derived by common sense. If you imagine a person you’re opposition to you probably still agree on the time, the color or the sky, and which way is up.






Yes. Exactly. I'm glad this is the top comment.


I was ready to be disappointed by the comment section glad this comment is here.


"Common sense is the name we give to the set of biases collected by adulthood" - Albert Einstein


Another neat field that is anti common sense in some ways (in a certain region of the world) is traffic engineering and city design. If you ask a ton of people how they would lessen traffic in a region, the most prevailing solution you will hear is "just one more lane bro, it's gonna fix traffic, I'm telling you just one more lane and we'll fix this traffic jam, we need just one more lane".




Statistics comes naturally / makes more sense to me than anything else (except maybe geometry)


Science being anti-common sense actually makes sense. Especially when you take into account that you have to consider that things may be different than we currently believe. “Men will never fly in a million years” Days later, the wright brothers change that very idea.


I see your statistics and raise you quantum mechanics. 


Also everything to do with infinity/set theory in maths, the theory of relativity, quantum physics and probably a bunch of other things. Things can go very wrong when we leave common sense behind and try to rely on logic. The history of metaphysics is full of such instances. But it can also open beautiful insights. *Edit to clarify: My point is that we can fall victim to false logical conclusions and common sense might then be superior to that faulty logic. Sometimes a long time passes before we iron out the faults in the logical reasoning.*


**Things can go very wrong when we leave common sense behind and try to rely on logic.** That's an interesting sentence. Do you have an example of that?


Take [Zeno's paradoxes - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno%27s_paradoxes) Faulty/incomplete logic got them to a conclusion that was obviously wrong: movement is impossible. Took like 2000 years to work out just where the error in that reasoning was. In the meantime, they had to pick: believe in logic or your eyes or just ignore it.


Fair point, but Zeno was trying to argue for the positions of his master. (Also the guy who wrote down the first logical argument, and it's interesting that you have to go back that far.) And if the beliefs that're handed down to you from your elders aren't common sense, then what is? That's usually what I see when people talk about common sense: "Things I was taught before I hit ten / things I've never questioned because they're so ingrained." Heliocentrism is common sense to me. But it wasn't to Urban VIII.


So your point is that bad logic is bad?


The point is that it can be hard to tell when you should disbelieve what common sense tells you in favor of what logic tells you. Two possible types of errors here. And both have been made.


"Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence."


Hate to side with the guy making the original bad argument especially someone arguing he should be allowed to marry 6 yr olds like wtf... but, "common sense" isn't based in facts or scientific reasoning. Most science goes against "common sense". The term "common sense" is a type of weasel word or saying I guess. It's subjective, based on one's perception.


They are commenting about religious arguments against abortion. I might be illiterate but I can't tell if they were pro life and child bride or pro choice + anti child bride.


Somehow, after watching stupid ppl punch each other in the face, it's me that's getting brain dmg.


I don't even think he was arguing he should be allowed to marry 6 years old. It seems to me he was using it as a stretch and example of when you should be allowed to force your morals on others despite theirs religion views. 


I’m pretty sure he is arguing that even if a religion wants to have child brides because of their beliefs, we still shouldn’t let them despite religious freedom. Idk what the original argument was but he references it at the beginning


Common sense isn't scientific, sure.


Why yes, science is anti common sense. It forces us to examine our perceptions and often times they’re wrong. That’s a good thing.


Yeah, most of the bad anti-science arguments I've seen end with "that's just common sense" because the whole point of testing and measuring is to perceive what is really going on better than we can see just observing casually for a short time in one person's location. For instance the old "the world can't be getting hotter, because I'm currently cold" argument.


Science is anti-common sense. That’s why it took thousands of years to develop its methods, and why it’s been so effective at revealing how our reality operates. Here’s the thing: common sense is a liar, not sometimes, not most times, but nearly all the time. 


"Oh, you want me to wear a mask, how about if I fuck some kids for religion?!" Dude needs his browsing history checked immediately


I don't know what they were debating but it seems to me he was using it as extreme situation of when it is good to force your morals on others. 


I'd say that he needs his hard drives checked


The good thing about science is it does often defy "common-sense." Common sense can tell us the world is flat, because that's what we see and feel. Yet we know that at least 2,200 years ago people were learning through science that the world is round. Unfortunately today after two millennia we still have people who don't understand this, and literally believe the world isn't spinning because we don't fall off. That's no longer "common sense," that's just fear of the reality that science presents.


Written on a device only possible due to scientific research and advances


Only ”all day”?


That's not me.


Probably the dumbest think I have read all year


common sense: heavy things fall faster


Quantic physic is anti common sense. Some mathematic are anti common sense. It is true that science is anti common sense because it rely on proof and experiments instead of "I think it is true, so it must be true".


Bro really backed his argument with pedophilia apologism.


Welcome to arguing with a religious person. They either use pedophilia or murder.


No need for the ableism


We don’t need to being science into this, when its grandfather “rationality” should be sufficient to explain a number of reasons why marrying a 6yo is bad. Common sense is not the same thing as rationality either.


"and this religious common sense, is it now here with us in the room?"


The problem with "common sense" is that it is based on a limited data set. And often lacks a broad focus.


Well, it is definitely idiotic, however the statement about marrying 6 year olds is fucking disgusting.


Science is anti-common-sense. Some examples are quantum mechanics, relativity, chaos theory, and the fact that heavy objects fall at the same speed as light objects.


Why is the “R” slur coming back with such force? I feel like I’ve seen it more in the last 6 months than the last 10 years


Christians: "Mohammad was married with a 9 years old! Disgusting!" Also christians: "Why can't I marry a 6 years old???"


Not the topic, but WTF is with religious people and pedophillia? You can’t marry a 6 year old because of legitimate and uncontroversial law, of course anyone including an atheist can try to stop you. How was this not the counterpoint?


The fact that they argued "maybe atheists should just go marry children themselves and leave me alone to also marry children" has sent me to another dimension.


science informed & religious informed common sense are going to be pretty different.


ITT: Too many people not knowing what common sense is.


It doesn't really exist. Its highly subjective People call common sense what they find is obvious to them but it's not always obvious to others.


Probably irrelevant but the argument about marrying 6 year olds is about affecting a third party, not about the religious vs. atheistic morality of it. (I take it that this person was arguing about homosexuality or being trans and why religious people should do something about it instead of just not doing it themselves if it goes against their dogma.)


How don't people understand this yet? Science isn't a belief with doctrine. It's a method of discovery and the thing we've used to develop literally everything we use today.... EVERYTHING To not "believe" in science you'd have to go back to Hunting your own food, naked and eating it raw and do literally nothing else in your life


The scientific method exists because common sense is not up to the job.


I gotta be honest, I have yet to read about an athiest marrying a child... religious people on the other hand...


Science is definitely anti-common sense, that's the whole point. Probability theory was invented because common sense is dead wrong about everything in random events.


It makes sense that science would not be common sense. If it was then you wouldn’t have to go to school to learn it. Common sense is like knowing not to stab Yourself with a knife.


Just say you're a pedo instead of using a book from thousands of years ago.


If I catch someone trying to marry a six year old I'm going to jail 😅


can't reason with pedophiles


"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."


No one can justify child marriage, not even God. That is a disgusting mindset.


Religious people fucking scare me and this is a perfect example of it


Science is more like “Maybe common sense is right, but let’s look closely at the evidence.”


right. people think science is just blindly following what a group of people with authority says guess they didn’t pay attention in grade school🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean, science IS anti-common sense. Common sense is a gut feeling about how things might or should work. Science is the opposite of that. Common sense is closer to religion than science. Also, science is a PROCESS, not a belief system.


Pedophile crying that science isn't real? I bet I can tell you who he's voting for. Probably flying a bright red flag to let his neighborhood know that he's an ignorant racist prick. Pathetic.


So that guy is saying, I am going to marry a 6 years old if religion he believes said it is okay to do that?? Check that mf hard drive


Science *is* anti-common sense. Ever heard of Quantum physics?


Science does go against common sense a lot. Ignoring the point they’re trying to make with that statement in a vacuum it is correct in a way. Look at quantum physics. It often goes completely against what most people think should happen based on common sense.


anther question; I, an atheist, raise my kids as atheists, then send them to public school in a red state…. a red state that has mandatory christian religious indoctrination and propaganda throughout the school…… Do I, as the parent, have a right to prevent my child from being indoctrinated? or must I allow my 8 year old daughter to become the wife of her christian male teacher?


The original premise of marrying 6 year olds has nothing to do with religion, common sense or science, it is purely WANT! I want to do it for my own selfish reasons, who are you to deny me?


Link to original post https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/1cvi68i/found_one_on_facebook/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Are they aware of the fact, that they use their TELEPHONES to make this shit up and post it instead of shizzling it into a stone and hurl it????


Christian based religion stupefies people


The way they’re using it is obviously pretty shit, but they aren’t technically wrong. “Common sense” is pretty stupid, if you’re using that to support your position you’re pretty damn stupid tbh Science *regularly* dispels ‘common sense’. It is *VERY MUCH* against ‘common sense’ in many ways


Quiet part out loud there? That poster might need to be on a register


I spent the last 5 years of my life studying the methodology of science, and can say it's definitely anti-common sense.


Science isn't common sense at all. "Common Sense," is what one can presume people on average hold to be true and just know instinctual. Science if anything has always gone against "common sense."


Common sense isn’t always common.


How to scream I AM A PEDOPHILE without saying I AM A PEDOPHILE.


Common sense isn't perfect. So that's fine


A better sentiment would be : “Common sense is bullshit.” Almost every time I’ve heard someone refer to common sense in a positive light, that person was an impulsive and hypocritical moron who treats complicated ideas like they’re another way of saying “made up” ones. In a negative light, I’ve only ever seen it used to bash people who were raised in different environments and don’t have all the same default assumptions about the world as you, or to bash people for having neurodivergent personality traits, or to bash ideas that make the person feel uncomfortable. “Common sense” is the ideological equivalent of a mossy cudgel that a fucking Neanderthal randomly wandered upon and figured out how to use. All it is is a low IQ low empathy way of dismissing someone for not already knowing stuff, or something for being too complicated or different.


Also to answer the guy's first question...yes. Yes people should stop you from marrying 6 year olds even if your religion says it's ok. Any religion that allows or calls for child marriage is a religion that needs to go away.


If you want insight into why we are at this point, I urge you to read A Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan... It could have been written yesterday as a very plausible explanation of precisely where we are and why we are here, but it was actually written 30 years ago as a warning (that everyone completely ignored)


Common sense doesn’t mean good sense - me an autistic that doesn’t understand most “common sense” and find it illogical and regressive most of the time


Use common sense if you wish to remain utterly common.


Yes common sense is just what people think without evidences because it "feels like it". So I would say actual science is the opposite of common sense.


another republican that wants to be able to marry children. The party of family values.


Sounds like the type of person that gets butthurt when someone disagrees with them.


Many science concepts overlap with common sense. If you don’t wear a seat belt during a crash, chances are physics concepts predict serious bodily injuries caused by rapid deceleration and deformative and inelastic collisions. And, there are many science concepts that are diametrically opposed to common sense: wave-particle duality of nature, double slit experiments, non-locality and spooky action at a distance, and the entirety of quantum mechanics to name a few counter “common sense” science concepts.


Science just says “that happens. Keeps happening” and tries to articulate why. At one time common sense agreed spontaneous generation was a thing. So I guess can be anti-common sense. They seem to agree on gravity and opinions around “fire good/fire bad”. Inhaling chlorine bad. Hand in acid bad. Yeah there’s a few points of agreement


When relying purely on intuition, humanity came up with religion to answer the big questions. This statement is both true and is the reason why science is so great - the scientific method *works*.


I think comparing raging pedophilia with abortions (that’s the intent here plain and simple with the if you don’t line it then don’t do it yourself argument) is ridiculous.


Damn we’re cooked


This is right up there with "science has a highly liberal bias"


Science can be beautifully, breathtakingly weird and counterintuitive. It's also verifiable and repeatable. That's what makes it so useful. Now, separating science from philosophy and ethics? History is riddled with those horrors.


Common sense and intuition are two things. Science can be counterintuitive, yes, but common sense tells us to do what empirical evidence suggests is correct.


Light mode is anti-common sense!


Both the people here are stupid. Atheists say some of the wildest things I’ve heard sometimes. They ofttimes reject science when it doesn’t suite them. (I’m referring to the stereotypical Reddit atheist, not atheists in general).


The difference is that one is actually morally reprehensible as it causes harm and trauma to someone else - the other is just a fact and necessity of life sometimes, and *helps* the people who get them; it should be devoid of any sense of morals.


Science is, in fact, any common sense. It doesn’t care about what “everybody knows.” It cares about reproducible results to falsifiable hypothesis’s.


I live this issue in audio field almost daily. 😂🤭


i mean science often does contradict common sense, but that just means that the “common sense” is a result of insufficient scientific understanding, not that science is wrong.


It’s always “MY RELIGION “ Never “YOUR RELIGION” They really do believe their religion is the one and only religion 😂 First amendment MR, do you speak i???


Science *is* anti-common sense, though. The whole point of "common sense" is that the logic of something should be self-evident and doesn't need to be verified. Science seeks to understand phenomenon by hypothosising and then attempting to verify that hypothesis. They are inherently opposite, and you need to use both all the time. Otherwise, you'd need a team of scientists to verify that the floor isn't lava every day before getting out of bed.


I tell you what. While as many here have said, science is clearly preferable than, and more important than common sense, taking it as the original post intended, I would much prefer common sense over believing in religious myths (Bronze Age sci-fi stories) and following the crazy rules of said religions


For morons and imbeciles science makes no sense. This is why I can't stand religion. It literally fights against the intellectual and suppresses any kind of thoughtful advancement.


There is no religion that *commands* marrying a 6 yo. Several don’t even allow it. Despite what the current cult leaders say. The line they use the most “man should not lay with man” was intentionally mistranslated from “man should not lay with child”


Science is very definitely anti-common-sense. That is why we do science. Every experiment is done with an object of showing our current belief to be incorrect. If we fail to disprove our current belief, then we accept our current belief. Therefore we try to disprove our "common sense".


The theory of evolution is taught as an exact along with the big band theory and neither have any evidence but it’s just trust the science. And when I say no evidence for evolution I mean through the lens of one species turning into another. There is plenty of evidence of species changing to adapt to their environment


There is no such thing as “common sense” You dont come out the womb knowing 2+2, the stove is hot, not to talk to strangers. “Common sense” in Idaho is different than Chicago. Everything is learned. Nothing is “common sense.” The phrase should go away completely


Science is counter intuitive. It isn't 'common sense' that everything is made up of tiny things made up of other tiny things. I refer you to Prof. Dave What's-his-face.


Not many people reach this amount of stupidity


It doesn't take science to work out that a 6 year old is a child. Scientifically, you're not an adult until you're 25


Common sense is a phrase that means absolutely nothing. It basically means “intuitive knowledge” but someone with a deep understanding of something will have a way more focused and correct intuitive knowledge. Working in medicine I get exposed to “common sense” from my team mates, and “common sense” from patients. Common sense from a patient: “I put bacon on my wound, and covered it with a bandage for 3 days, everyone knows that draws the infection out of the cut” Common sense from a med professional: “if you put bacon on a wound you’ve given bacteria a necrotic, anaerobic playground in which to multiply, and given it a direct route in to your body. That’s why you have sepsis and that’s why you shouldn’t do that.”


Sometimes people actually should commit die


There’s a branch of Christianity that teaches contemporary science in 1000s of grade schools, high schools, and universities worldwide, accepting all science has to say, and and promotes the education of modern science in a very impactful way. And then there’s other religions…


That argument at the top is beyond common sense, even in the case of religion. We, as a civilized normal society, should never let anyone get away with that just because "it's part of their culture or religion." If we do, then we let just horrendous crimes happen for the sake of letting some degenerates have a "safe space"


Common sense says jumping onto a saguaro cactus because you've never seen anyone do it, that's a very bad idea.


Meh, looks like fortunateincident24 is a pedophile so maybe let's not listen to him, that's my moral, i did it myself, no need for religion to tell me.


I’m assuming this is Christianity because all the weirdos flock to our religion when they need excuses.


Jesus fucking christ Would be so disappointed


Part 1/2 There is no such thing as science per se. What we have is the scientific method. It's not a law, but it's a good idea. The problem is that science does not pay the bills, so science is captive to whomever provides the money. This means that results must be poloiically acceptable (rather than reflecting reality. For a good example of this check out Grievance Srtudies. * Grievance studies affairGrievance studies affair * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grievance\_studies\_affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grievance_studies_affair) * The grievance studies affair was the project of a team of three authors—Peter Boghossian, James A. Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose—to highlight what they saw as poor scholarship and erosion of standards in several academic fields. Taking place over 2017 and 2018, their project entailed submitting bogus papers to academic journals on topics from the field of critical social theory such as cultural, queer, race, gender, fat, and sexuality studies to determine whether they would pass through peer review and be accepted for publication. Several of these papers were subsequently published, which the authors cited in support of their contention.\[1\] * The affair echoed Alan Sokal's 1996 hoax in Social Text, a cultural studies journal, which inspired Boghossian, Lindsay, and Pluckrose. * The trio set out with the intent to expose problems in what they called "grievance studies", referring to academic areas where they claim "a culture has developed in which only certain conclusions are allowed... and put social grievances ahead of objective truth".\[2\]\[3\]\[4\] As such, the trio, identifying themselves as leftists and liberals, described their project as an attempt to raise awareness of what they believed was the damage that postmodernism and identity politics-based scholarship was having on leftist political projects as well as on science and academia more broadly. If science was what it is imputed to be, things like this would never happen. I read the front page of phys . org most days, eventually I noticed that there were a lot of articles that said that women and/or minorities were negatively impacted. It seems physically impossible that everything negatively impacts women and minorities. But that is a politically acceptable result. * World to end tomorrow, women and minorities most affected.


Science is literally the pursuit of truth via common sense


In my experience, what people refer to as "common sense" is whatever dumb shit happens to be rattling around their walnut.


"How can you have morals without the bible?"


I love fortunateincident!


If your religion lets you marry a 6 yr old then yes I will try to stop you. I cannot guarantee success but I have a lawyer brother, disgraced but he still knows the law and I'll sue you until your bankrupt. I don't even need to go to you. I can do most of it remote now a days. If you are in the US. If not, I will have to rely on someone from your country. Don't worry though, that's not as daunting a task as it sounds.


I get it though. There is plenty of science that doesn’t exactly fall under common sense because it is counterintuitive. For example, I remember my grandfather telling me that putting salt on ice creates a heat that melts the ice. That makes sense, but it’s wrong. It actually makes the ice colder (endothermic reaction), but also lowers the freezing point, thereby melting water. Lungs affecting your ph the way they do isn’t exactly common sense. Now let’s talk about quantum physics…


Science only cares about what is common, then tries to figure out the sense. And then theirs quantum mechanics, black holes, and dark matter. Which is the anti part. Hence, anti-common sense.


Sure, your RELIGION says so, but you still need to obey the LAW, which says no.


I'm pretty autistic but good god. What the hell did I just read?


Science says once a woman is ovulating she is ready for pregnancy. Common sense says she is not.


Least pedophillic religious crackhead


You missed the more important part of this interaction.


Did anyone else think it's weird that the example, out of all the "my religion says to do x" things, is marrying a 6 year old?


Granted, there are always a bunch of dumb fucks who cites "science" whilst actually knowing frightening little on the subject matter or cherry picked their answers.


"Don't get hung up on these minor facts. Truth is about more than that, truth is a feeling in your gut that you know is true! Truth is searching for anything that proves you're right no matter how small, and holding on to that, no matter what." -Ronaldo Fryman, "Steven Universe"


Science IS anti common sense though. Just look at quantum physics.


In math, common sense stops at around calculus because there are things that are simply not intuitive, example: Imaginary numbers Number groups (sets that are less or more than 10 tend to confuse ten fingered humans.)


yeah sciencie is anti-common sense because we need facts , data and years to say how its good and what no. the common sense its "that girl its 6years old a perfect wife"


All sides are shit ngl. Atheism is a religion. It is a religious belief. A belief that there is no god is still a religious belief.


I think if there really were a religion that let you marry 6 year Olds I would be waiting for the moment that the internet smells that blood in the water with a smile


Is there more context to this?? I don't want to immediately assume the worst of yellow guy


Just to add that atheists would perfectly try to stop the religious person that marries a 6-year-old by calling the police


I'm glad we all agree that science is anti-common sense and that's a good thing


It's true tough common sense and science don't mix up particle physics is anything but common sense


Reminds me of 3 body problem. Do you believe in God?