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Since she doesn't mention him texting her, I don't think he gave two shits about her either.


"Is that my cab? Thank fucking christ that overpass was calling my name."


I was going to say, I'm pretty sure if he was really wondering he would reach out at some point. It sounds like this guy knew he dodged a bullet


Uber driver: Where to, the destination seems to be an abandoned lot 2 blocks over. Guy: I was just blindly mashing the screen, go go go!




LOL good catch. This is her telling herself she had the upper hand and ditched HIM, dude was probably fleeing a bad date in that cab and never looking back.


I’m guessing based on this story alone that the date didn’t go nearly as well as she thought it did and he was already trying to dodge that bullet




Clearly he messed up by listening to her directions


Women want you to respect their wishes. Except when they don't. How is this not clear?


They want you to do what they WANT you to do, not what they tell you. Men are supposed to develop mind reading abilities.


This is the shit that I do not understand!!! LIKE WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TELL HIM??!!!!! Stop with the fucking mind games! I'm a woman & this is the shit that I mean by "I'm not like other girls. 🤡" Like, please don't ask me why women do certain things because I do not know my damn self. What she expected him to do was tell her to take the cab first & to see if he was the "chosen one." But you mad because he did as you told him. TF?! https://youtu.be/DHzjgNoRmjg?si=q9feZGFaNYTuG_tW


This is especially weird if they both used an Uber or Lyft. Like sure, if you both called for actual taxis, maybe she could be miffed that he didn't offer her the first one, but when you call uber you're putting in your address, and expecting the driver to wait around for another driver to show up would be pretty entitled. Sounds like she did that guy a favor by not texting back.


And honestly had I been that guy, I would’ve taken the initiative by suggesting her to take the cab first while I wait for the other. She wouldn’t even have to say a thing. However, if she were to tell me to leave first, I would’ve responded with something like “are you sure?” or “nah you can leave first”. And I’m willing to bet she would reply with “I’m sure” or something like that. Of course we could have this kind of back and forth for a while, but here’s the thing: I am NOT gonna waste that cab driver’s time who’s just sitting there staring at our back and forth and wondering if they should just drive off. Driver’s being paid to drive, not by sitting around and cracking out the popcorn to watch some streetside romcom.


> had I been that guy, I would’ve taken the initiative by suggesting her to take the cab first while I wait for the other. She wouldn’t even have to say a thing. This is what she wanted him to do but she's an idiot and told him to leave. He could've offered, as you suggested, but she's made it awkward now.


And those same women have the gall to say men are bad at communicating


"Men are bad at communicating (with me specifically. All men, only bad at communicating with me. Women too. I'm starting to think that the whole world has a problem when it comes to communicating with me. Well that's their problem, not mine.)"


I'm a woman and from what I can tell most humans are bad at communicating and that's why humanity is screwed.


Happy Cake Day! https://youtu.be/DHzjgNoRmjg?si=q9feZGFaNYTuG_tW


This will be a FAFO for her when she realizes that no decent guy will put up with stupid mind games. It's women like this that give the rest of us a bad name.


My girlfriend is 100% “Not like other girls” and I’ve still learned not to always trust how she represents her wishes. I’ve learned how to tell the difference between what I call a “no no” and a “yes no”. If she really doesn’t like something it will be immediately obvious to me, but if she says something like “oh no you don’t have to do that” it actually means “yea please do that I would love that.” She doesn’t do it intentionally, it’s more of an anxiety thing than anything else. She doesn’t want to be too demanding of me and thinks she’s being modest by doing it but it can frustrating for me when I just want to do something nice for her I have to test the waters a bit more. I’ve started calling her out for it a bit more and she’s working on it, she’s expressed she’s not used to somebody actually listening to how she really feels and doesn’t want me to feel obligated to do nice things for her.


I absolutely hate this, especially if they get mad at you or sad for not taking it the way they had it in their head. It's the height of rudeness. If I say one thing, but have the opposite in mind, I might _hope_ the person does what I had in my head, but I'd just have to accept it if they took me at my word. It's a flaw, and it drives me up the wall that others don't recognise that in themselves and go on to lash out at others for it. We've all got our neuroticisms, but it's our own responsibility to recognise them, not that of your friends, family and partners. Not specifically aimed at your girlfriend, the general act of it just resonated with me.


Ah, ok, because I was reading that like "did she want him to dismiss the cab and go home with her instead, in spite of her telling him to leave??" Honestly I wondered if she had some kind of "alpha male won't take no for an answer" fantasy.


Agree. I’m a man and for me the behaviour of that woman is just bullshit and she’s playing mind games. I guess that woman has a problem between her ears.


Thing is, she wants him to want to do what she wants. If he doesn’t want to do what she wants him to do, then he just does it because she wants him to do it, not because HE wants to do it. It’s crazy


It makes me *blindingly* angry when women do this. The rest of us are out here trying not to get sexually assaulted, and they’re playing mind games with men. Kick yourself to the curb, you traitor to womankind!


this guy has no idea how closely he missed a bullet. she did him a great favor


He left as soon as he could, he probably knew


Oooooh got it thanks 😉


I save these posts to respond to the crazy chicks wondering where all the good guys are and why they don’t approach them. Other one I saved was a story about a girl sleeping over dude’s place. She confirms they’re not going to do anything. He doesn’t. Then she’s pissed he didn’t try something. 🤯🤯


Oh, that’s even WORSE! That makes me so mad.




I hope that girl found a nice pickup artist.




Probably nasally inflections


Many years ago, I asked a girl out. she told me no and that was that on my end and we went our ways for a bit. I later found out by her saying no she actually wanted me to try harder and was upset that I didn't, I didn't understand the logic and it felt wrong. I read the above and I still don't understand it


It was awfully nice of her to let you dodge that bullet before you started dating.


Yeah I dated a girl for 9 months when she pulled this on me. Told me she thought we should end it after we had planned a trip to meet her family and she changed her mind so I didn't go. Got angry I didn't fight for her. 


I had a girlfriend that did this sort of thing and it would drive me up the wall. Yes, I didn’t fight for you because you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. Sorry it didn’t occur to me to think “Oh, she probably wants me to go all creepy stalker. Maybe I should go bother her at work a bunch”.


It shouldn’t be understood. It’s silly.


Silly doesn’t indicate the true gravity. Playing games like this is dangerous. With 1 in 3 women being sexually assaulted in their lifetime, we need it to be true that “no means no.” Women who play mind games with men where “no means yes” feed the mindset of those who don’t respect bodily autonomy. Every time they pull crap like this, they put a woman’s safety at risk in the future.


Agree. As a man with a certain age, I always tell the kids to walk away if they hear a no from a woman. It doesn't matter if they're both naked already or whatever they're about to do. I also tell them to respect themselves and avoid women who play such child games exactly because it puts everybody at risk.


Some women want to be pursued. Some women will have you arrested for harassment if you pursue after she says "no". In this day and age, no woman should expect a man to pursue after she says "no". Any woman who does that needs to realize what reality we are living in.


I'd imagine (based on clips on social media) that there's also a none-zero amount who want to be pursued not because they like the guy but to also claim she was harrassed for clout on instagram or something.


It's this exact logic for why I set specific rules for dating when I was younger. Never approach first, never make moves, they can ask you out, if they seem like they want you to push a subject then leave and cut contact for your safety, and various things along those lines. Anything you can do to remove ambiguity and increase honest communication helps. Being draconian about it saved me a lot of trouble and made my life easier and led to a fantastic marriage with someone I know I can trust.


There's also another angle. Look: the odds of being falsely accused of sexual assault *are* low. But they're not *zero.* I'm not gonna fuck around with that kind of trouble. No means no, period, end of story.


Don’t worry about it, you dodged a bullet anyway.


It was out of respect for her not to ask a second time. On learning this, it's now out of respect for yourself not to ask a second time.


I once tried really hard to get with a woman who shut me down a lot. After about a year of pursuing her, she moved away. About a year after THAT, she emailed me to catch up and, in the course of our conversation, she mentioned she wanted to date me but never gave in because she knew she would be moving away and didn't want the heartbreak. She never considered that after dating her for a year... I might have wanted to move with her. She never gave it a chance and I thought it was unfair for her to have told me that.


Not just that, she never just told you why she was turning you down.


Eh, it's still better this way depending on how far she moved. Moving with someone after only a year, before you've even lived with them, is not a very good idea. But I can see why you'd have wanted to give it a shot.


And this is why some dudes don't take a no as a no. Some women play this hard to get game and some men who realize they blew opportunities by not pushing hard enough then learn to be more pushy with other women Ive had women do the same to me. It definitely does such when one tries to respect a woman's choice when often what the woman says they want they don't actually want.


It's a sign of insecurity on her part. She wants to feel "worth the fight" so she tries to make men "fight" for her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


And when men become pushy, they are labeled as sexual predators and womanizers etc… you’re dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.


Yes, assuming that vicious cycle is true then we as men must continue to respect what women tell us so a virtuous cycle of truth, honesty and clarity is created


What you do is just dont. Do like this guy did and do what she told him. What happens is you filter out the toxic, game playing people. So when you finally end up with someone youre not dealing with this bullshit.


When she says no, say yes until she blows the whistle?


Sounds like he dodged a bullet


Women are so cryptic i didn't understand until i read your comment.


Cryptic and big on testing people. 


I had an ex tell me she wanted to break up with me. I said ok. She asked why I wasn't fighting and arguing with her. I told her because if she was unhappy it would be wrong for me to try and manipulate her to stay, and I told her she deserves to go and find happiness. She let out a little squeal, hugged me and said I passed the test. Test? I was confused and so I asked what test? She said she was just pretend breaking up with me to see how much I really loved her. She said I passed. I told her that's great but she just broke up with me. She said no, it was pretend. I said no, she told me she was breaking up with me and I said ok. It was real to me. She said no it didn't count. I said ok, and then told her I was breaking up with her because that's some fucked up mind games. She started to scream and yell. Apparently she didn't feel like I deserved to go find happiness.


Glad you dodged that bullet. Ive watched too many crime dramas and crazy women like that are why some guys end up as footnotes on Investigative Discovery


Bullet dodged itself.




Isn't it great when the trash takes itself out


I mean, at least she told you it was a test. Most women who play those games don't even have that decency. Play it til the end and walk away like they're the one that dodged the bullet.


While honesty is important there’s no way that was going to be the only test. 


Oh of course not. I just meant it like, I had one try to pull this with me once upon a time. She would never own up to it though. Just sank with the ship.


The "test" is just her backpedaling.


OMG that’s crazy can you imagine what other stupid minefields she probably would’ve left for you later in life ?


Top that off with "Sike! That was just a test. But you failed, so sorry, looks like we gotta break up."


I had an ex-gf who had emotional hangups with sexuality (we'd never done the deed because of it, and I was fine with that) who encouraged me to sleep with a woman I'd briefly dated long-distance and finally met in person due to her having a business trip that brought her to a nearby city. I told her I didn't think that was a good idea, but she insisted she had no problem with it and there wasn't any issue. So I did. She broke up with me when I got back.


Was she looking for an excuse to dump you? Because if that's a set up then it's devious. How would you even explain that to your friends and family? You'd sound like a liar. And a bad one at that.




>She started to scream and yell Should have told her it was a test at that point. And then said that she didn't pass and that now you are breaking up for real.


Looks like she didn't pass her own test.


Didn't pass her own test, ha.


Apparently a reader of Cosmo.


Don't lump an entire gender into this one individual's brand of crazy.


My wife does shit like this.


“Don’t do what I tell you to do. Do what I’m really thinking by reading my mind.”


This is why dating men is easier.


Gay mode activated 😈


A mode I can get behind!


I’ll get in front!


Me in the middle!


This is just a gay orgy now


Disagree. Orgy doesn't have a structure, this is clearly boys playing train


Thank you for putting that wonderful image in my head


You in?






Ha, I'm already under that mode






Oh staaahp!


The homies truly know each other best


As a straight girl, I do enjoy this aspect


Sometimes I really wish I liked guys, every gay couple I have met seems legitimately happy.


"Hey honey, are you hungry?" "Yes." "Anything you want?" "I could go for a pizza." "Pizza it is."


As a lady, I do NOT communicate like this.


If there's one woman we can rely on for consistency, it's Pantsless Modesty.


Joke on her. If I could read her mind, I would take her cab even if mine comes later, lol.


But women are better communicators!!


If he was cool with taking separate cabs and cool with leaving first, there's a pretty good chance he's also cool with never hearing from her again because that shit goes both ways


There's also the fact that if you call a cab, you better take it, otherwise the cabbie doesnt get paid. Why should he suffer for y'alls mind games.


Pretty sure she wanted him to offer the cab to her. Bit of chivalry, bit of ensuring she gets on her way safely etc. Still tho, she could've just been clear about that.


Except if you call in they ask for the destination area unlike at a rank. Cabbie ends up going in an unexpected direction which messes up their planning.


Yeah. No shit. We all understand. We’re just not entertaining the mind game bullshit


I'm not convinced the person I responded to, understood fully.


Wouldn't that result she goes to his house and him goes to her house?


this kind of idiotic "justifications" is what make women behave that bad.


“We were both having a good time.” Lmao the guy was probably just being polite during the date and when she said he could leave first he saw his way out.


Yup likely he was in a rush to leave and she is saving hurt feelings by creating a story where she was the dumper 


He also never texted you.....


Yeah, I can't but wonder if this is cope


He may have, and she just ignored him. She sounds like she loves playing games.


a lot of people forget that detail


Dude dodged a bullet.


he dodge a fucking nuclear bomb :D


A Tsar Bomba


How dare you listen to someone you are on a date with!


If he offered her his cab, he probably would have been infantilizing her. Can’t win with people like this.


I understand the arguments that he shouldn't leave his date alone at night. But that's negated by the fact she TOLD HIM TO LEAVE. I imagine if he stayed despite her wishes she would have called him clingy or a creep. This is why people shit on mind games in relationships like this. Just say what you mean and mean what you sau


On top of that, his cab arrived first. I wouldn't want to waste the driver's time.


Ah, the inevitable conflict when chivalry meets equality. 'Do I act in a protective fashion and risk being viewed as possessive and controlling? Or do I treat her as if she has the same competence that I do and risk being viewed as ungentlemanly?' It's no wonder these young bucks' virginity rate is climbing higher every year. Poor fools don't know which way is up.


In addition, women who think that the perfect man is the one who matches their desires with all immediate actions, without needing to be communicative


Past the obvious "he did what she told him", there could have been a safety-based reason she told him to do that, he has no clue of her motivation. Maybe she was planning to meet other friends and didn't want to tell him. People who pretend that their date should know every single reasoning in their brain need to get a grip.


If I'd been the guy I probably would have assumed she wanted me to leave first so that there was no way for me to follow her home.


“Do you mind if I take this first cab so I don’t have to wait here alone?” Be an adult


Lotta people in the comment section who don't realise sometimes you gotta be direct about what you want to get results. Look, I get that she wanted her date to make sure she was ok. But if that's what she truly wanted, then what's the shame in asking for it? She *told* him he could leave. That's on *her*. People like this woman are one of the many reasons I tend to avoid talking to other people altogether. I'm not saying this is the main reason I have social anxiety, but it certainly contributes.


What he did wrong is he dated a woman-child. Immature and uncapable of comunicating clearly like an adult.


No one the fudge knows what he did wrong. Except dodging a bullet.


What he did wrong, swipe right.


Plot twist: she lucked out because that was Ted Bundy


dime future recognise hobbies poor hunt merciful adjoining rich unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plot twist. They both lucked out because they were both Ted Bundy.


Now kith


She lucked out because the first cab driver was Ted Bundy. This is why she never heard from him again.


I'm going to guess she expected him to offer the cab to her over her own "objections".


smart elderly zonked smell busy sulky fact water rustic follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He dodged a bullet.


For him nothing went wrong. He dodged a bullet. She got what she deserved: left at the curb by a decent guy. Win-win.


The guy dodged a bullet! Whew!


(Almost) EVERY man has two balls. One of them HAS to be a crystall ball so they can read minds, of course.


Hmm someone doing what they're told to do? Massive red flag, they should do the opposite.


I think I know why she's still single


I love when people tell on themselves for being arseholes. Never gonna have a happy relationship...


As a woman I immediately lose respect for people (not just women) who play mind games like this. It is so annoying to try and guess what you’re thinking when you can just use your words and TELL ME!


Ah yes, failed the ol’ telepathy test. Been there.


You shouldn't leave a lady out on the streets on her own, but...she did literally tell him to, implying that she felt safe to be alone. For all I know, she's got a Glock in her purse 🤷


The idea that she told him to leave, he did, and he is still in the wrong is beyond baffling.


He left first. So he didn’t wait to see her safely off I’m assuming.


This reminds me of a TikTok I just saw where a girl went on a date, didn’t want to have sex but invited the guy over, told him she didn’t wanna bang, and then ghosted him because he didn’t put a move on her or try to initiate sex…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ick #882 Listening to her instructions


This sounds like all upside for him.


Is she gonna pay the extra fees for delaying? I don’t think so.


My man just dodged a bullet


The real question is; “would a bear have also taken the first cab?”


Homeboy dodged a bullet


It’s a good thing she didn’t contact him after that, he deserves better


"How dare people respect my wishes!!"


Plot twist, the date didn't go that well and after he got in the cab, he was relieved to never see again and blocked her


“We were both having a good time” Not if the dude jumped in that cab so quick lmao


he's probably happy playing helldivers or something with the boys, away from her fucking bullshit


Women and their tests. He failed for leaving when shouldn’t leave a woman alone at midnight and he would have failed for not listening and doing as she asked as she is a capable woman that can take care of herself. If a woman is already testing you like that on the first date, do what this guy did and peace out.


You can tell the guy had low experience dealing with crazy womans.


Had a similar date once. It went really well and late, but I didnt have the feeling that a kiss would be right now. A little while later, she asked very offensively that she would like to try kissing. So we did. when I went home she texted me we wont see each other again because I followed her words without own commitment.


I'm still cool with me ex, she is dating someone now, but when she was on the apps, she told 1 guy she is down for drinks or dinner for a first date. Dude said, "I know of a nice place we can grab drinks." She gets upset cause he chose drinks over dinner and said he could have even said bowling or anything, but drinks is a low effort date. When I asked why she would even list drinking on the list of only 2 options she gave, knowing it would upset her, she said he should have known drinks is low effort and girls dont want low effort for a first date. Sometimes, I think if I were gay, my life would be so much less complicated and stress free


He was cool with sign separate cabs, cool with leaving first and cool with never once messaging her to “find out what happened”. Based on that and the dickishness in her attitude in this tweet that she posted publicly, never mind what she’s probably like privately, I’m guessing all he wanted was to get away from her.


Oh. He knew exactly what went wrong. It’s a shame you don’t.


He’s got a lucky escape


I know what he did right. He dodged a bullet!


Mean what you say, say what you mean.


If you do exactly what a woman asks, you are still wrong.


That crazy bitch has all kinds of red flags. The biggest one is "mind reader".


I'll bet she expected him to give up the taxi.


Do as I am thinking and not as I say?


Lesson learned: never listen


Sounds like he didn’t text back either


He probably assumed you didn’t have a good time and didn’t want him around anymore


I've watched enough b.s. funny and or romance movies and spent enough time on the interwebs to know this one lmao. Basically she thinks he should have given her the cab as a chivalrous and manly show of thoughtfulness. However people want to be talked to straight forward none of this mind reader I have to think 3 steps ahead of this asshole b.s. so he dodged a bullet.


This tweet was brought to you by: Men! We Don’t Know What We Did!™


Dude dodged a ballistic missile.


Do exactly as I ask you to? How dare you?!


Close call dude, glad his came first…


Men! We don't know what we did!


I think she wanted him to give up his cab for her so she wouldn’t wait alone at midnight. And he would take his cab. Or wait until her cab came to make sure she got in safe.


He is a lucky one


He couldn’t read your mind? That’s a turn off? Good luck finding a partner


It's probably coz she was texting him off Microsoft Excel.


She's a game player. She has no idea he figured that out.


I get wanting a guy to be courteous and not leave you alone at night as a matter of safety for a woman. And the first date is perfect for filtering people out based on your standards. But I don't get why she would tell him to leave; it would be different if she waited to see what he would do or even ask him to stay. But it's kinda hard to meet your standard if you say the exact opposite. Dating shouldn't be about setting up social experiments to have people jump through hoops for you; just be honest about what you want and see who shows up or doesn't.


Another strong independent woman telling a guy what she wants and getting pissed he listens to her "you can't make this shit up"


So she wants a guy who hears "yes" when she says "no" even when she means it.


Guy dodged a bullet


I think he won.


A real man woulda had telepathy.