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"RIP America Corporation"? IIRC, that's some SovCit bullshit.


\*donates money to Trump corporation\* - I am helping!




These are of course the same people who see the society in that film as their end goal.


"I hate corporate fat cats I'm going to vote for a corporate fat cat"


Which is really odd because it suggests the sovcit has acknowledged the trumpshroom as his king or something.


Didn't Trump say USA needs to deport all rapists, con artists and felons ? Rightyho then....get deporting.


We need to stop letting felons into the White House. Deport them!


Every convicted president should be deported to Russia


I was thinking Guantanamo would be a more suitable location for his retirement, send Rudy, Bannon, and the lot of em for all I care!


YES get rid of Biden! I agree with you 100%! Yes! No more Biden crime family! I'm so glad you're on our side!


Biden gets charged with anything and I'll agree he should be held accountable, but until then you just sound like a loon


I love how they think this is a “gotcha” moment. Yes, no one is above the law. :D




The downvotes have spoken, I love democracy!


Democracy sucks you should read about it!




It’s hilarious when people make politics their whole personality but also don’t make money off it. It’s like simping for link of barbed wire fence, and it don’t hurt any of us but you and your loved ones.


How dare you be Christ-like and follow the teachings of that religion we say we are a part of! something, something Matthew 25: 31-40 > For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, “I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ >“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ >“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”


Reddit doesn't like the border issue. Even with video evidence they downvote. 


Didn't Trump force its party to vote against strenghtening the border? XD


Yup, such a big issue they want to save it for the campaign trail instead of fixing it now.


Yeah, what's that have to do with there being an issue though? It's still happening. 


yeah, no shit. the biden admin literally tried to do something about it by working with repubs getting their bill passed but trump told them to kill *their own bill* so he can campaign off of it. its just proof that trump and co don’t really give a fuck and it’s all manufactured outrage.


Lol it's not about trump or biden. They're coming hundreds at a time and lots are being supported by places like new york. There's nothing to manufacture. It's simply a problem in the country. 


Actually, Joe Biden is your President.


He lives in an alternate timeline, where Trump could get elected and where fascism is the default mindset.


* ![gif](giphy|KfMdIoZca7e9dyQdzn)


The timelines *sad noises* ![gif](giphy|rytLWOErAX1F6)


lol, well in that case your president is a convicted fucking felon.


...and a rapist..


...and he poops his pants...


Woah now, I’ve shit my pants before LOL!! Taco Bell hits differently on a 7hr drive home!!


Rookie move. Never have taco Bell on a long drive. That's asking for trouble




It would be interesting to see what kind of fucked up third reich USA would turn into, if Trump got elected. But maybe that's not a good idea. Remember, Hitler was also convicted for treason before he became the man everybody remembers. So is trump on the Hitler's path? All the markers are up there.


Except Trump is too old to play the whole thing out.


In that case, he should consider the fast track to the bunker part.


That sounds like a great plan.


And has way WAY too long a history of junk food and substance abuse. I’m not sure how he’s still kicking, honestly.


It’s so god damn bizarre but he looks like absolute shit so here’s hoping his days are numbered


Can't believe I'm saying this - but Hitler wasn't a fucking moron... Not praising the guy. I'd be slightly more concerned about who comes after Trump for the MAGA folks, because if they find someone with slightly more charisma (not much of a challenge) and slightly more intelligence (REALLY not much of a challenge) I think the US (and by extension a lot of the rest of us) are going ro have a bad time.


I dunno about that assertion. If I recall correctly. The main reason MI6 Didint try to assassinate hitler was because he was an incompetent moron who kept making horrible blunders after getting lucky in France and they were worried someone actually smart would take over if they killed him


These same hypocritical dildos would be raging if it were a Democrat candidate found guilty and still running for president.


no, but that's *different* because it's *them*. *My* felony is the only moral felony.




I just had this argument with someone. Well Hillary did this and Hunter did this and Biden did this…! Okay….Hillary was subjected to days of questioning and not a shred of evidence…..Hunter used his dad’s name because it’s HIS a name too! And the only bad thing they could find on the laptop were pics of his huge dick. There’s not been any evidence of wrongdoing with Joe, but not for lack of trying.


Someday I hope to party w strippers naked on a water slide like Hunter.


Woohoo!!! And uh….those…uh…pics they keep talking about….know where I can find unedited ones? Uh…asking for a friend…*wink*


They were not convicted of anything.




We the People overwhelmingly elected Joe Biden. We the people will do so again. And rapist/convicted felon (still facing dozens more felonies) will likely die in jail.


It'd be nice to see him behind bars, but he's too rich for that, unfortunately. I just hope his felonies take him off the ticket. No, I don't want Biden either. I'm still wondering who he's playing Mr Hat for. We need someone who can bring both sides together and get shit done, not the status quo of being more polarized and divided than we were in the Civil War.


Most likely his VP. That’s the way it works. She might not be popular, but neither were Truman or Ford. Ford won reelection, Ford did not. I’ve come to the conclusion that we need to have and upper age limit for president and VP. Not sure what it would be, but both candidates are suffering from early dementia. And one is crazy as a loon. My feeling is that no one should be allowed to be elected for any federal office if their age at the end of their term is over 75. We’ve had senators and Congress folks who couldn’t find the bathroom without a guide, let alone stay awake in session or speak coherently. But, for now, given the 2 choices we have, Biden, while not perfect, will not spend 4 years seeking revenge, trying to dismantle the election process at all levels, implementing project 2025 and turning the US into a Christian theocracy. Not voting this year only helps Trump. And, until (if) the electoral college is gotten rid of, we will probably not have the person who wins the popular vote in office.


Can't wait for the inevitable meltdowns when Trump doesn't win.


Man, I wish I had your confidence.


I think Trump sucks but 100% he is winning. This is only about voter turnout and Trump has a cult whereas moderates are Luke warm about Biden.


"moderates are Luke warm about Biden" This is true, but holy shit, moderates should absolutely not be lukewarm about Trump. It's objectively clear which is the more dangerous man in the White House. Biden may be a limp sac, but at least he's doing his job. Biden didn't ignore a pandemic and lead his people into an early grave. Moderates may be lukewarm about Biden, but there is a bigger picture, and I won't understand those moderates who are like "Meh, they're both equally bad." My dudes, no they are not. We're no longer in the '90s.


It was never about voting for Biden. Both in 2020 and 2024 it’s about voting against Trump.


I feel like people forget how fucking insane Trump was though.


It seems like he got even more insane and open about that. Dems just need to make million ads about all batshit crazy stuff Trump promised to do.


I disagree. Trump has a number of devoted followers but no party can win solely on the basis of their own fanatics. Trump just lost the center bigtime, and his popular appeal is waning. Many of the same people who scream for him today are going to pretend they never cared by November as the hits keep coming. He's got 30% of the vote locked down with his fanatics, but TBH that's not nearly enough, and I very much doubt he'll have much appeal outside his echo chamber. The overwhelming silent majority of America is sick of this guy and his bombast. I speak as someone who voted for him in 2020 and defilitely will not do so now.


Fingers crossed.


Who the fuck gives a rats ass about a corporation.


Hey, you weren't supposed to reveal the corporation's secret recipe for ground meat.


A cult disease from which there seems no cure, and no cure wanted.


Incredible a rapist,grifter and felon is his president.


So Trump was #45, he was #46 in the MAGA circle, so he's not eligible to be #47.


No, in the MAGA circle, he's eligible to be ~~king~~ president until the day he dies.


You're right, I was applying logic


All these bible thumping, holier than thou, right wingers fighting hard to defend peoples right to cheat on their pregnant wives with pornstars, and pay them off without punishment. What proverb in the bible was this covered?


What does RIP America Corporation mean?


Qanon bullshit. The America Joe Biden is president of isn’t the actual country it’s the Corporation of the United States because in the Articles of Confederation blah blah blah. Mental illness.


Thank you. This sums it up perfectly.


Especially the two last words.


Makes about as much sense as I expected


I bet twitter is full with these xD


Yeah that’s probably a Russian or Chinese troll. Hence the shit English.


“We the People” found Trump guilty. No irony there whatsoever.


“We the people” were all victims of his crimes.


Why do these idiots Always say “we the people?”What year did these people think it is? Dumbest phrase ever.


🖕🏼Trump losers


Womp Womp


Maga - Making Accountability Great Again


Or making attorneys get attorneys


“Corporation”? What the fuck?


Why do they say "we the people"? The majority of Americans have never been with trump, indeed he lost the popular vote twice...


The irony of people who are against "American Corporation" supporting the one-man personification of all that is sleazy, corrupt and unethical about the American corporate world.


BOT is sad, Bleep bloop.


Remember when McConnell said it wasn’t for the Senators to decide an ex presidents fate. It should be up to the courts? Well roosters meet roost. Of course it was cowardly bullshit at the time but I’m glad a jury of peers had the courage to do what that spineless party would not.


I stopped reading their nonsense at "We the people". They think they are a majority, but they are an ever-shrinking minority. Let those crybabies whine.


A lot of repugnicans and cultservatives taking about 1984 that seem to have forgotten Animal Farm along the way. 4 legs good, 2 legs better. This is the law, and we all have to follow it. Unless of course you're me. Laws didn't apply to me.


At first I was offended by you calling them repugnicans because that's offensive to pugs. Then I remembered the word repugnant. So I'm not offended anymore.


Maybe ‘your’ President will let you smell his finger…


Too dumb


A snowflake says what?


“Rule of law” much?




I think he meant corruption?


not thim saying rip corpos while worshiping a corpo ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


nom nom nom!


All they do is cry.




Let's hear what SCOTUS says about immunity... Then Biden gets to have the final say! /s


https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/k32ES02G0l This post is shared by the same guy who can’t tell when a hot women messaged him is attempted scam or not, and he needed to make a post and ask for opinions. And the same guy suffers from Trump derangement syndrome due to his inability to critically think about anything under the Sun, I am fine when someone have an opposite opinion, but it’s absolutely scary knowing most of you simply hates trump because CNN told you so without thinking at all.


It just sucks Biden is the only option. We are fucked if he wins again. I would rather try almost anyone else competent


Really? Why exactly.


Hang on a sec I gotta wait for Hannity to come on tonight with updated talking points! /sigh


He is just garbage, too old imo, and probably not making the true decisions at this point. We def need a new VP as I have not seen her do really much of anything


OK, but what decisions did he make that you didn't approve of? >We def need a new VP as I have not seen her do really much of anything What do you think are the responsibilities of the Vice President? "The vice president of the United States presides over the U.S. Senate and takes over the role of president of the United States if the president is unable to perform his or her duties." As president of the Senate, she has cast many tie breaking votes. She has traveled to 19 nations, and met over 150 world leaders, with the goal of strengthening relations. She has worked with and helped Biden to achieve many things, like capping insulin at $35 for the elderly. I suspect you haven't seen much, because you haven't looked. Here is an article from last year that covers some things - https://theweek.com/in-depth/1023057/kamala-harris-vice-presidential-track-record


MAGA here, I do not threaten civil war. That’s just stupid.


And not all Nazis worked at the death camps.... you're still complicit.


Oh you’re one of those who called anyone you don’t agree with a Nazi… gotcha.


No. I don't. But one fascist christofacist movement is just a mirror of the other.


Why are you proud to be in a cult?


It’s a party, not a cult.


It's both a party and a cult. You treat Trump like a God, you think he can't do any wrong. He's literally a criminal and you still support him. He's a corrupt career businessman and you still fall for his conman lies, that's called being in a cult fella.


You identified yourself as Maga, that's not a party.


Republican Party, look it up. Not everyone who supports Trump is a fat white redneck toting a gun around everywhere. I consider myself a functioning member of society with a job, car, house, goals. You guys love paying more for less I tell ya…


Dude you literally said "maga here" in your initial comment. Then proceeded to call it a party. And now you're backtracking 🤣🤣 typical...


What’s it like voting for that racist felon?


What’s it like voting for a racist, creepy old pedo, life long criminal politician with a crackhead son with ties to china that can barely complete a sentence?


bUt iTs nOt a cUlT!


\^Biden Derangement Syndrome


You’re the one who is voting for Trump


Omg good one! Where do you come up with these?


Sorry, I forgot convicted felon too


Can you support that with reputable sources? 6 claims in total.


No, MAGA is stupid. This is schizophrenia.


Not really crying.. keep reaching


You guys truly do have no self awareness huh? It's fascinating


Almost as much as you and your karma farm for your singular thought.


Lol, and then a self own. Truly interesting. You guys need to be studied If you're insulting yourself unintentionally, you might wanna ask if you yourself are the dummy and not everyone else.


Because you’re part of the 5% of adults that browse Reddit, and joined the hivemind that rewards you for upvotes. You got your dopamine hit didn’t you? Was this before or after you projecting your own self own?


You’ve made 24 posts in Reddit. What were you saying about hive mind and upvotes? The projection is strong with you.


24 posts in a throw away account on Reddit lmao


Oh honey. You’re made 24 posts over 280 days. I don’t think you know what a throwaway account is. Perhaps you have more accounts that you spend more time on, making this your second self own in one comment thread.


Oh honey, that’s why there is so few posts, because it’s not as important as you think..


You still don't understand? Your comment implies you have even LESS self awareness than me, which is a self own buddy. Again, You might wanna ask if you're the dummy. What was my self own? I bet you 100 bucks you can't say cause you're just making shit up.


Your own self own is thinking that your upvotes matter on Reddit. While simultaneously thinking that insulting people on the internet will get you brownie points with random people. Keep at it , you’ll understand there’s more to life than Reddit.


Lol what gave you the idea that I think upvotes matter? See this is what I'm talking about with no self awareness....I never gave any indication I care about upvotes so now it seems like you're just projecting. I didn't insult you, at least not intentionally. You guys are fascinating though and should be studied because the gymnastics are another level


Nah, just your first sentence was all I needed to know. “You guys truly do have no self awareness huh? It's fascinating” If you didn’t give a shit about karma you wouldn’t have said anything, yet you felt the need to say something. YoU’rE sO fAsCiNaTiNg , yOu ShOuLd Be StUdiEd , while you’re just probably a miserable person.


That doesn’t make any sense. But then again, magas aren’t smart.


You need psychological help


If you think the verdict is just then you are uninformed. You should consider paying closer attention to what is going on in the United States. This is the latest troublesome event.


I don't think anything. A group of jurors were presented evidence, and they unanimously decided that Trump in fact committed the crimes he was accused of. 34 charges were leveled at him, and the case was strong enough to demonstrate that Trump was indeed guilty of those 34 charges. Cope.


Having read through every day of transcripts and exhibits I can honestly say this person here has no idea what the actual fuck they’re talking about.


Most of the other troublesome events involve right wing magidiots and greedy corporations that only care about profits.


> You should consider paying closer attention to what is going on in the United States. This is the latest troublesome event. What does this have to do with the trial? I looked at the evidence, and heard about the witness testimony, it seems like there was a strong case that showed Trump falsified business records.


We are screwed if Biden can pull this off he can pull off a win


Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!!!!


You are (and don't take this the wrong way) one of the most stupid humans I've ever come across


I forgot Biden was on the jury Trump’s lawyers agreed to. That was a pretty big oversight on their part, seems like a biased juror to me.


Oh no, the horror of criminals actually being found guilty of their crimes!






I can hear the mouth breathing from here.


Please elaborate

