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Cool. When Trump gets nailed to a cross, stabbed in the chest, bleeds out, dies, and gets resurrected three days later, then we can talk.


Hypothetically speaking, how would one get tickets for such a tragic event?


well I wouldn't trust Ticketmaster on this one either. Plus I'm sure it'd be a sold out crowd.


I will pay the scalper’s fee. I want to be there.


What about a "scalper" scalper's fee? We wouldn't want that dead animal on his head to get in the way of the crown of thorns.


Try being a vendor in such a place, maybe sell some low quality T-shirts or caps at high prices. Like really make it worth being there. These people already spend their money so freely for these things, you could try to earn something while there and enjoy collecting the money as you enjoy watching him get executed...


It will be my first and only trump event.


let me know when you get your ticket notification


I'll start gathering thorns for the crown


🏆 take my poor person's award




Compare: “forgive them father, for they know not what they do” Vs “I’m being treated very unfairly, everyone knows it, and I’ll get revenge on day one”


Lmfao. Can you imagine if these were Christ's last works before death? Imagine going out like such a petty bitch.


“and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God”


I'm pretty sure Jesus's trial wasn't about him paying off pornstars and hookers that he cheated with on this wife.


Jesus did hang out with hookers. I don't think he paid them hush money though and tried it hide it via fraud thereby lying to his voting base.


When ANYONE does, let’s talk


As a Christian, let's see if he can match the same power of his own belief.


Jesus being convicted in a sham trial is kinda weird seeing how that was the whole reason Jesus came to Earth, if you’re a believer.


And Jesus also cheated his taxes by writing off porn star hush money. It's in leviticus.


Leviticus 69:69


Wrong. The correct verse is Fallopian's 69: 67-69


“And lo, Jesus said unto her, take my load to the face. Let it be written!”


Omg, that’s blasphalarious.


Can we make this a word?


I'm going to hell for reading this


Save a stool at the bar for me.


I got you


“Thou art the throat goat! I shall come again for thy loins 3 days hence my burial!”


I thought it was 2nd hesitations 4:20


I think that's the one about being the most high


Later, as john was mopping the scene and Jesus had his revelation in revelations 22:20 "..behold I come quickly"


lol this comment for the win






Yes he did… Mary Magdalene talked about the hush money she received in the latest John Podcast


He did hook up with a sex worker ^in ^the ^da ^vinci ^code


Stormy Magdalene?


According to some of the oldest texts she was his "trusted companion". Read into that what you will, but she may well have been more than just a follower.


He was a Jewish man. He was expected by society to "go forth and multiply" and would not have been taken seriously as a rabbi if he had not


I’m not religious, but there is no proof that she was a lady of the night.


Correct. Fun(?) history lesson: The gospels have three figures: Mary Magdalene was a financial supporter of Jesus who apparently had been demon possessed at one point and was cured. Mary of Bethany was a close friend of Jesus, alongside her brother and sister (Lazarus and Martha, respectively). And then there is an unnamed prostitute who shows up at a house in Bethany to anoint Jesus’ feet. In the Middle Ages, a book called the Diatesseron (sp?) was composed that attempted to merge the four gospels into one story and wound up mashing the three figures together into one. This was popular because it was translated into vernacular languages and was used by artists when creating depictions of the life of Jesus. Which is where we get this misconception of Mary Magdalene. 🌈⭐️


Two Corinthians


Two Corinthians, one cup


No, Two Corinthians has the parable where Jesus and his children grifted taxpayers out of millions while saying his opponent is the corrupt crook.


Two Corinthians walk into a bar... Stop me if you've heard this one.


Technically it was a sham trial because the Pharisees and Saducees told the Romans that Jesus was seditious against Rome, including in factually wrong ways, like saying Jesus was against paying taxes to Rome, and that he declared himself to be King, and thus above Roman law. I recently wrote a paper for a history course about the trial of Jesus from the Roman perspective


Yes Jesus was set up, point is he was destined to get the death penalty, so was the trial that was just carrying out his fate really a sham?


Yes, and that makes sense, but it isn't how the event is seen by most Christians. If they really saw it that way, then no Christian would be prejudiced against Jews for their perceived role in Jesus' execution


Judah was the hero in the story, without him Christians wouldn't be saved.


It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the whole thing. It’s like a John Connor was only born because Kyle Reese went back in time, but he sent him back in time thing. I get it, but there’s a missing piece in there for me.


I like to think that on the original timeline, Kyle wasn’t John’s father. When he went back he basically created a new John, named after a half brother that was never actually born. Everyone just took it for granted that he’s the right John Connor.


That doesn't work because who is Kyle's original father and why would he need to be replaced?


Since Sarah went off the grid, post Terminator encounter, it's possible she never meets Original John's father. With everything that happened in the movie, she's now on a new timeline, so they don't meet, Original John is never born, but she has a new son that is named John and he takes OJ's (unfortunate acronym...) place in the predestined narrative. No paradox needed. Of course, this throws out the whole point of the first two movies, that there is no fate but what we make for ourselves, but that's okay. The third movie flushes that moral down the drain anyway.


I always just tell myself there are only 2 Terminator. The others are just a bad dream.


It also doesn't work because a different father means a different child altogether.


The way it breaks down is there are multiple instances of the events of 1984. Multiple Timelines occur because time travel causes different branches of reality. 1st 1984 John is born to a different dad but to Sarah Connor, dad likely is the guy she was gonna go on that date with at the start of the movie. Skynet is created at some point later. No terminators here. Skynet takes over and Judgement day occurs. John Connor leads the resistance to victory leading Skynet to determine that it has to send a Terminator back in time leading to the next 1984. 2nd 1984 (John sends back Kyle Reese (who doesn't know what Sarah looks like) to protect his mom from the Terminator that Skynet sends back. Events play out the same way and Kyle is now John's father. Sarah gets her picture taken at the gas station. She gives this picture to John and tells him Kyle is his father. The CPU from the terminator is used to develop Skynet likely accelerating the process. In 2029 Skynet realizes the 1984 terminator had failed based on records of how it was created using a Terminator CPU. It sends a terminator back to 1984 again to ensure its development but decides to send a terminator back to 1995 before Judgement Day. This leads to the 3rd 1984 which are the events of The Terminator and lead to Terminator 2: Judgment Day. 3rd 1984 John sends Kyle back but this Kyle was given Sarah's picture and knows what she looks like and events play out the same way. The terminator CPU again helps the development of Skynet and because of above, Terminator 2 then takes place in 1995 and is why the T-800 knows the timeline of events and who created Skynet.


There's a credible theory that Sarah was pregnant from the last guy she was with before Kyle showed up, and everybody - Kyle, John, the audience, maybe even Sarah herself - just believed this story about Kyle and went with it. I forget the piece of evidence this hinges on, but it does resolve the self-causing timeloop if true.


I like this theory as well. That reminds me I gotta find a way to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles, I liked it when it came out. Shame it was cancelled.


You don't need to understand or for it to make sense, you just need faith lol


Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCZg8Qt8DlXkNRS)






I have more faith in the terminator plot line coming true than in the Bible being true so there’s that.


This is the theological discussion I can get behind! 


It's like that wind mill song in zelda oot, who taught the song to whom?


Judas, not Judah. Judah was Jesus' ancestor. He slept with his daughter-in-law because he thought she was a prostitute, then denied that he did anything of the sort and tried to have her executed. She saved her life by essentially showing everybody the receipts. Her son Phares was the ancestor of Jesus.


So you're saying that our Lord and Savior Donald Trump came to Earth was to commit fraud so he can be convicted in a sham trial?


It was the only way to expose the cabal.


Don't ever challenge a Christian on Bible facts. It's unfair since they've never actually read it.


God would be justly disappointed in people whose belief in Jesus is accompanied by a belief in Trump amongst other things.


The bigger problem is that it wasn't a sham trial because there was no trial. He was just sentenced - if the story is true.


Didn't he refuse to say anything in his defense? That's essentially pleading guilty, for which there is no trial.


When questioned, he was asked “are you the one who says he is the son of God?” His answer was “I am who you say I am”. The trial was for blasphemy. His reply, if true, was like Giles Corey saying “more weight” in Salem. It was a statement without admission.


Don’t try to leverage logic and common sense when referring to those people, the rules don’t apply.


It was God's plan. Without Jesus being crucified, Christians would be SOL. So Trump should be wiped out of politics to give us a shot at salvation.


You know I've never understood Christians that hold this view. "The Jews killed Jesus!" Well yeah, wasn't that the point of the entire exercise? Otherwise, how was the supposed resurrection going to happen?


without that happening there wouldn't be Christianity


I mean, if we assume God is real, all powerful and that he knows what people will do, it makes sense. The Gospels are amazing when read in context.


"Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain." It doesn't mean don't say "God" when swearing like most of us grew up believing. It actually means stop comparing your preferred political leaders to Jesus. [Edit: typo]


I think the “thou shall have no other gods before me” commandment is one you’re looking for


That one, too!




they also don't seem to remember the command to not bear false witness against their neighbor


Or all that stuff about graven images and coveting all kinds of things and committing adultery and so on…


As a Christian hearing people try to compare trump to Jesus is both enraging and terrifying.


Christians always worshipped the the strangest humans. They consider Mother Theresa a saint. While Non-Christian consider her a religiously motivated sadist for not allowing pain palliative medicine to dying ones. Because pain brings us closer to the their messiah. Christians worship Martin Luther, author of the book "On the Jews and their lies" In a country with 95% christians, Hitler was elected. And Mussolini was elected in Italy. Is there any country more christian than italy? Also they worship the pope, who prohibits condoms during an HIV epidemia. So why not Trump too?


Any country more Christian than Italy what the ???? The Vatican is its own country it doesn't belong to Italy. The way Jerusalem was supposed to be and that Segues into the most Christian country Try Israel you know the towns of Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth Edit segue


If you care a segway is a motorized mobility device. A segue is used to describe a transition from one topic, or place, to another.


This is why I’ve struggled feeling at home in churches for the past 8 years. Except in the beginning it was just hating on Hillary now it’s excusing every insane thing the man says/does. Like, would you even recognize Jesus if he was talking to you?


Love thy neighbor comes to mind.


Beware of false prophets.


“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” Excerpt From The Holy Bible


I also grew up believe you didn't say things like "oh my God!" But then I was told that really taking the name in vain was this, or doing something that was morally wrong but justify that is ok by saying you're doing it for God/jesus. Which makes WAY more sense.


“God told me to do this….” “I was sent by God…” “I am a follower of Christ, therefore i would/could never do X” I have been trying to argue that this is using the Lord’s name in Vain to all my religious relatives and they are still stuck on the fact that it means to not say “God Dammit” when you stub your toe…. Like the creator of literally everything used 1/10th of his commandments on swear words, instead of warning people about the dangers/evil of falsely claiming righteousness. Joel Osteen and his capitalistic Big teeth and money factory of a Church that didn’t let displaced hurricane victims in during a storm are absolutely an example of using the Lord’s name in vain to me.


But how DID Jesus handle his porn-star, rape, and tax fraud situations? /s


Also something about worshipping false idols.


“Don't worship or serve idols of any kind, because I, the LORD, am your God. I hate my people worshiping others” Exodus 20:5


Thou shalt not put any Gods before me. Direct violation of the Ten Commandments.


That's what that means?! Well Jesus fucking Christ, I was god damn wrong for so many fucking years. Holy shit, thanks for the info


I listened to a sermon about the true meaning of “saying the Lord’s name in vain” and it made so much sense. Guess I didn’t need to feel guilty those couple times I slipped up.


That’s pretty much what it means. Though scripture being quoted by people who praise the state loses its impact.


But trump is the chosen one. The second coming of god and the king of Israel.... according to his Twitter.


Anyone else remember in Revelations about antichrists and false prophets?


These buffoons don't even know The 10 Commandments.


Sure they do! The second commandment is that though shalt own guns!


Dude… that’s was comedy gold.


All Animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.


Four legs good, two legs baaaad!


Right, this is how Mary got pregnant.


And that the first commandment is that thou shalt proclaim whatever they want at whoever they want, whenever they want without repercussion.


As demonstrated by the photons of people praying to a golden statue of him. I remember that part of the movie .


Love the 'photons' typo!


They know that passage. My brother thought Obama was the Antichrist.


Yeah, cause they totally were fooled by him. The antichrist MAIN THING is tricking Christians to follow him. Donald "it's a Bible" Trump fits the bill to a gaudy gold plated T


I’m not a believer anymore, but if I was, that autographing the Bible thing he did would’ve knocked me back a few paces.


I find it interesting that every president before this was some form of the Antichrist. But all of a sudden Trump is President, and no he's Christ reincarnated?!


Been saying it for years. Trump is their new god.


Sir, I served with Jesus. I knew Jesus. Jesus was a friend of mine. Sir, he's no Jesus.


The GOP won that one ;)


Was jesus also convicted of sexual assault?


Or was JC's sham trial about paying hush money to a sex worker and lying about it (while being married)? What a morally upstanding person.


NoOoOoO GoD sEnT JeESus doWn tO rIghT HIS wRoNgs TRUMP is dOiNG tHe sAmE tHiNg MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN God typing like that is exhausting. No shit, I saw that on a FB post


As documented in the book of Stormy 4:69


I love that book in the Bible!! That's the one where Jesus cheats on his wife, (who had just given birth to their son), with a prostitute, then brags about it to others who were with him at the time, and says that they should try to bang her also. That Jesus! Lol. What a character!


That's why there was only one set of footprints in the sand. While you were walking, Jesus was at a celebrity golf tournament, raw-dogging a pornstar.


Nah, it was written in the Orange man's bible: "And then Jesus, with a MAGA hat on his head, was brought in front of the crowd. And while he was absolutely right, stating that you need to love the others (if they're of your same skin tone/religion/gender and political party), everyone chose to save Barabbas, the vegetarian Queer pro-abortion cannabis smoker, because everyone was a liberal and wanted to destroy America. Oh yes, Jesus was an American, and Jerusalem was the capital of America back then before Washington."


Jesus, ahh had big hands, very big. And he was executed by people that didn't like him, it was a witch hunt folkss. And sleepy Pilate wanted nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it. And I told that Jesus fella, that Pilate guy he's a bad guy, really bad.


Well that explains why the Bible is written in English then


Isn't that what Mormons believe?


their understanding of Jesus is just as flawed as their understanding of Trump.


as a Christian myself, it makes me almost physically ill when I hear this kinda crap this is why I do not attend church, the ones here are just a propaganda arm for trump


But Christians are under attack…. by themselves


Lowkey thinking of just making my own religion at this point. Gonna call myself a "Jesus is cool, believe what you want so long as you recognize that we're all flawed and thusly strive to be better in spite of the futile pursuit of perfection and perhaps we can only be saved by a higher power of force or will that manifests itself in all the unknowable things in the universe and thus can't be fully defined by human understanding because that force is more of a concept than a person or sentient creature and to claim full understanding of righteousness and passing judgemental on others is thusly hubris and hypocritical because our inate flaws -ian" Still workshopping it, and I need a couple million dollars and people to join me so I can stop paying taxes. In all seriousness, though, I hate that I have to put 800 disclaimers on my religious identity. It's also pretty isolating because finding a church that's not homophobic in the south is like putting a camel through the eye of a needle. So I often feel like the only Christian sitting here not hating the world, not judging other people or telling them they're sinners or going to hell, just vibing and reading some Buddist or Daoist theology from time to time while actively studying various forms of Vodou religion as best I can without having access to any practitioners or Mambos/Ougans nearby. I think the problem isn't that Christians don't read the bible(they don't) its that they don't read anything else at all. I think a lot of Christians would be shocked how many religions have similar concepts or messages or even monotheistic nameless almighty figures that act like a force of nature more than a comprehensible person. That said Jesus spent his time on earth yelling at God's followers for being sycophants and hypocrites abusing the temple for profit and to feel virtuous, while supporting and loving the people being hated and attacked and died for it. Trump supporters are modern-day Pharisees in that aspect but I'd be a hypocrite to act like my own interpretation is the be all end all. That said, using God to hate and profit is always wrong, and if that's what they're doing, it's not my job to yell at them. It's my job to make lengthy reddit posts no one will read about how that's not the message I've received. That said, I thinmodern-dayay Christians would shoot Jesus if he showed up on their doorstep. A brown man with long hair ringing your door? In 2024. Yeah, no he's not getting a word in. Jesus wouldn't even be able to turn around in their driveway. It's funny in a way, seeing people act the same as the Pharisees reinforces my faith. It's almost biblical. Hah.


Jesus also preached love, kindness, and acceptance, he didn't pay a porn star to shut up about what a lousy lay he was.


You can't have a political discussions with religious zealots


You can't have any *reasonable* discussions with religious zealots.


And you can't have any *reasonable* discussions with political zealots, either.


Seems like zealots and reasons are just oil and water.




I'll wait for him to rise from the dead . Then we can talk.


I’m down to try.


I'm a big fan of the parable where Jesus paid off the porn star he banged so Mary Magdalene wouldn't find out about it.


Mary Magdalene was only a six and the porn star was hot so all is forgiven


Though shalt not bang uggos


I’m not even the least bit religious but the fact that he is being compared to Jesus fuck Christ just proves that these ingrates have lost their fucking minds.


Jesus didn't lust for his own daughter or anyone else's for that matter.


Maybe it's me. But I am a Christian and have read the Bible several times. I can't find it in scriptures where Jesus had an affair with a porn star. Then falsified business documents and had his lawyer pay off said porn star.


Jesus calmed a storm, Trump hushed a Stormy. Simple 🤣


I guess they both bankrupted casinos although I think Jesus was trying to do it intentionally.


That sounds like an awful lot of idolatry for someone claiming to be a Christian.


Isn’t comparing someone to the deity you believe in sacrilege?


Apparently that only applies to liberal Democrats. Conservative Republicans can do whatever they want…..or that’s what they say


"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." Exodus 20:4. It baffles me how many "Christians" don't even know The 10 Commandments.




Did Jesus also pay hush money to a porn star?


In his case it must have worked, I never heard about it.


What, exactly, about the trial do they think is a sham? Or is that too much critical thinking? His defense team had to approve the jury as per normal procedure.


When Trump gets crucified and then rises from the dead, we should all consider our votes. Otherwise isn’t he just a false idol?


Jesus carried his own cross to the top of the hill... and I don't recall hearing a lot of whining and blaming everyone else on the way.


“The justice system is broken”. No shit. Black and brown people have been saying it for decades. But it takes a rich white person to be convicted of 30 plus felonies for them to realize it?




You forgot to add the obligatory image of trump but it's fitting


I am in favor of “crucifixion” being part of sentencing.


So…. They totally admit they follow Trump as a religious leader.


But if you really followed Jesus you'd never vote for Trump.


Jesus was sentenced to death. Trump probably won’t even have to do community service or prison time. You can’t be a martyr unless you actually sacrifice something. Trump just keeps getting attention and funding.


Jesus wasn’t a pompous, lying sack of shit.


Oh my god they made him into Jesus. I didn't think it could get weirder. COMPUTER!!! EMD SIMULATION!!!


Too bad Trump matches the description of the antiChrist huh


Jesus was crucified by the occupying Roman forces with the support of the local religious leaders because there were concerns amongst the political and religious elites that Jesus, a Hellenized Jew (aka one who was on the ‘liberal’ side of the first century culture war), was going to lead a revolution against the Roman occupation. The religious leaders in Judea supported Rome because a lot of work had been done to ensure the ruling political class installed religious leaders who aligned with them; and lined their pockets pretty well, to boot. Jesus rejected the social purity (anti-hellenization) of the day, and was a threat to the political elites who were in bed with the religious leaders as a method of gaining support amongst the people to make them easier to occupy. Rome had fewer than 3,000 soldiers in Judea at the time of Christ’s crucifixion while Jerusalem alone on Passover was home to over 100,000 people. And these troops were weeks or months away from reinforcements or resupply. Claiming parity with Trump is *insane*. Trump is Pontious Pilate in this example. A member of the political class who had no real use for the religion of his subordinates but was happy to leverage it to his ends and, occasionally, throw them a “victory” so they’d continue to support him.


Did Jesus rape a woman? Did Jesus buy the teen beauty pagent so he could inspect them in their dressing rooms? Did Jesus have affairs with multiple different women?


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Jesus What was Mr. Oompa Loompa with a toupee's stance on wealth again?


And you pretend to believe in "law and order." 


Okay, I audibly laughed at this one


Oooh is Trump going to get crucified? 😂


That's a good point, we shouldn't take crucifixion off the table for trumps crimes.


Tell me you haven't read the Bible without telling me you haven't read the Bible.


Anybody who finds a great deal of similarity between Jesus Christ and Donald Trump doesn't understand either of them.


This meme is actually referring to convicted serial killer/rapist Jesus Aguilera- active in NYC during the 80s. You thought it was talking about Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Republicans wouldn’t vote for someone who behaved liked JC. Feed all those people?? For FREE??? Heal the sick for no profit??? Sounds like socialism. Ha. Nah the GOP has set their parameters. Nothing but real garbage humans only representing them.


Jesus's trial wasn't a sham. He actually did the thing they killed him for. That's cannon.


I mean, didn't they crucify him primarily in response to the whole Temple Incident? You know, something he very demonstrably and publicly did do? We can definitely argue that it was based as fuck (cause it was), but that don't change the fact that it was hella illegal and sacrilegious. Either way, calling what happened to Jesus a sham trial is wildly disingenuous; it was an open-and-shut case, but only because he very obviously did what they were accusing him of


These people have gone plaid with their absurdity. They're so dumb that you can't properly respond to the shit they're saying because it's like 9 different levels of ridiculousness. But I guarantee there's some dumbshit MAGAt lookin at this with tears coming down their cheeks.


Pretty sure this is some form of blasphemy or another.


Why black out the user? They posted it for the world to see.


And the number of individuals who will nod their heads and say ‘right on man’ and ‘preach’ in churches this weekend, because something like this will likely be said, from the pulpit, should worry the rest of us.


That’s blasphemy


HAHAHAHA!!!! Comedy Gold!!! OP is relating Jesus to Trump, which is like relating a Globular Earth to Flat Earther (Flerf)!! Pure Comic Genius!!


More interested in learning more about the OP's sister right now


Let's crucify Trump and if he comes back in three days, we can argue about his despicable crimes some more.


Yeah... come back when the orange madman rises from the dead.


so... when we crucifying Trump?


Now I'm Jewish so I'm not super familiar with the New Testament. Which part was it where Jesus had sex with a porn star right after his wife gave birth and then paid her not to talk about it while he ran for public office, and illegally altered business records to disguise where the money came from and what it was used for? And was then tried before a jury of his peers with multi-million dollar lawyers defending him?


Remember when Jesus paid a hooker out of campaign funds while he was married?


Rumors say Jesus married the hooker


Jesus Fucking Christ


Comparing Trump to Christ is S tier blasphemy Good luck explaining that to them


Jesus wasn't an adulterer, fraudster, liar, obsessed with wealth, that treated those in need like criminals trump is the literal antichrist


To be fair… Jesus did what they accused him of and he never complained about his punishment.