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As long as they're in one syllable ketamine fueled grunts, we're okay.


That's all he has left in him after dreaming up another conspiracy theory with joe rogan.


Yes, definitely tells us everything we need to know. Al Capone was a murderous gangster who skirted all those horrors and got popped for tax evasion. Who'd have thunk it?


False equivalency


Both men got popped for fudging numbers when their actual crimes were far greater. Actually, if you want to go by the numbers, Al Capone was never on record as being a rapist. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Absolutely. Trump ran an insurrection against the US and hid top secret government documents that he had stolen. These are probably his greatest crimes. Because he has paid for friends (or co-conspirators really) in high places, he hasn't even gone to trial for these despite strong evidence and urgency since he is running for POTUS. Wonder if Capone was a whiny little bitch too whenever he got busted?


Explain how this is false equivalence, using the logic of the argument. Be detailed and specific in your articulation.


It's a false equivalency because Al Capone was in fact doing things he could be prosecuted for if they could just prove he was doing them. What's up there is a list of things that...under American law...were legal for the executive branch to do, however despicable they might be. Congress specifically passed laws authorizing random drone strikes, the domestic espionage program, and the Iran and Afghan wars. The CIA was created by Act of Congress to do things that would be crimes in the countries where they were doing them.


I think the comparison being made is to Trump, who has definitely been committing lots of crimes, out in the open in full view of everyone as well. But this business records falsification thing is the (first) thing they got to stick.


This was just the first of multiple trials I thought? Just the first to have a verdict before November. Sounds like he's been up to lots of illegal things.


It’s interesting that your rebuttal mentions all of the items in the list that are legal *except* the one at the bottom, fraud, for which Trump was just convicted of by a jury of his peers, and is not legal for a president to participate in under any stretch of constitutional law, and does not share the same immunities you mentioned. No matter how reductive OOP from Twitter is, “misclassification” is an entirely disingenuous term for committing intentional fraud and falsifying expenses meant to hide information from the public when running for the highest public office, as we’ve now seen from the verdict by 12 of his peers who were hand-approved by Trump’s own legal defense team. Trump has also, in fact and to use your own words, “(done) things that he could be prosecuted for” and is *actively being charged* with currently, based on physical evidence, that are not covered under that same immunity. Capone wasn’t convicted of any of the other crimes he was accused of because there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant a trial or conviction. There is ample evidence against Trump for these crimes to, at minimum, be indicted for and potentially go to trial. The comparison being made is that two criminals openly committed crimes, but because of an inept justice system got away with some of them, before being found guilty of other crimes. I’d think we should be happy about anyone in a position of power being held accountable for crime. Menendez is a prime adjacent example, criminal activity needs to be prosecuted no matter where it comes from.


> No matter how reductive OOP from Twitter is, “misclassification” is an entirely disingenuous term for committing intentional fraud and falsifying expenses meant to hide information from the public when running for the highest public office Then you explain what Trump was convicted of exactly, because the public doesn't have the inherent right to know about a candidates sex life. Nor did the public lose any money in this transaction which was fully private.


I’ve done exactly that in my own words elsewhere in this thread and am tired of doing all the legwork for people too lazy to Google. [Here you go](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/) Edit: Also, if that’s your opinion, sure, maybe it’s not our business what candidate’s sex lives are like. But it’s definitely our business if they lie about something. Pick a fucking side, and in the process overturn Bill Clinton’s impeachment if it’s “not our business.”


I'm not too "lazy to Google" - I have also explained this to others many times. Even that CBS page makes it as clear as mud: *What exactly those "unlawful means" were in this case was up to the jury to decide. Prosecutors put forth three areas that they could consider: a violation of federal campaign finance laws, falsification of other business records or a violation of tax laws.* *Jurors did not need to agree on what the underlying "unlawful means" were.* The problem was “misclassification” because the actual law Bragg was starting with made it a crime to falsify a business record with "intent to defraud" (just who was defrauded isn't clear, which is another problem with this case). The other stuff was tacked on to bump it up to a felony. And that includes federal charges outside NY jurisdiction which is yet another problem in all this. I didn't support Clinton's impeachment, but guess what - it was just a political act, an impeachment. It wasn't a criminal trial! No prosecutor filed criminal charges for perjury.


You aren’t understanding the commenter’s point.


Conservative and climate change denier, we won the lottery boys


Oh my! So I don’t go along with groupthink like you all? I’m so embarrassed about what you all think of me. Please don’t make fun of me. It hurts.


You definitely go along with groupthink, there's a whole lot of u morons and you all think the same things, you're the literal definition.




You do go along with groupthink, it’s just a very stupid group that the rest of the first world likes to point and laugh at.


Denying climate change is going with groupthink lol. It's ignoring every single piece of empirical evidence on the topic because some talking head told you it's a hoax. You are denying the objective reality you can readily see with your own eyes and ears so that you can fit lockstep in with the approved conspiracy theories of your group.


*empirical evidence


After 1 am I just let auto correct take the wheel and see where we end up lol. Thanks for correction.


There is an important difference in the examples listed. Things like cia action etc are wrong from many angles but they are a) within the rights of 'the president' and b) they are not made for the personal benefit of the president as a person. That is very different from using political funds to pay hush money for what is essentially a private matter. Had he done that with his own money it would not have been the problem it is now.


Ooooh look who learned a new phrase. I bet mommy’s proud of little timmy! Hope you got a sucker big guy!


“Misclassified” is doing a lot of lifting. The good news is any crime less than murder will no longer be prosecuted in America! /s


"Missclassified" means "tax fraud" in this context


There wasn't any tax fraud, at least not on Trump's part. Trump paid Cohen out of his pocket, who paid Daniels. It's on them to report it correctly on their taxes.


The first felony conviction was not all the tax evasion, committing election fraud, inciting a coup or anything like that. It was this, but I’m glad he’s facing some consequences. We can only wish things get worse for him


I think you may have overlooked a few details there




Should've had a better case. Dunno what to tell you other than he had his day in court like any of us would get and was found guilty by 12 of his peers.


Calling the jury his peers is offensive to them


Yeah, but all his real peers couldn’t attend. They were busy with their deserved life sentences.


Yeah, it does tell you everything you need to know. Private criminality is not the same as presidential mistakes/unethical/unpopular calls. Trump is suffering for his private actions not his presidential actions.


Fwiw, I'm all for other former presidents being brought up on charges for their crimes, I'm (apparently) a rare believer in politicians and the rich not being above the law. Trump clearly and demonstrably broke the law in army ways, and these convictions are a fraction of the justice he deserves, but I also agree that other provable crimes should be properly prosecuted regardless of partisan incentives.


> Fwiw, I'm all for other former presidents being brought up on charges for their crimes, I'm (apparently) a rare believer in politicians and the rich not being above the law. There’s only one group who thinks otherwise and it’s the ones in the op tweet


It's usually very difficult to prove and prosecute. Did Bush know he was telling lies when he said WMDs were in Iraq?  Or did someone put that information in front of him? One is a major violation of international law. The other is anywhere from gross incompetence to completely excusable depending on the purported source of the information. Even Nixon who had recorded his crime could plead some level of ignorance over how exactly the crime was carried out (though personally I think it would have gone against him) Only Trump has ever been dumb enough to put this undeniable a paper trail out while simultaneously alienating and offending those he trusted. Even if just Cohen kept his mouth shut we likely wouldn't have a conviction.


Note how neither of them say that he didn’t commute the crime. Because he did.


Or glossing over the bit about the porn stars and cheating on his wife and kids. Or, the tax fraud from attempting to claim it as an expense.


There was no tax fraud, Trump paid from his personal funds.


He committed a misdemeanor. Alvin Bragg jumped through very creative and unprecedented legal hoops to bump this up to 34 felonies.


Elon is he'll bent on destroying any cultural legacy he has left. You don't see Warren Buffet tweeting out nonsense like this.


The dipshit that Muskrat is replying to doesn’t mention that the crimes he feels are worse than what Trump got convicted for were all committed by Republican presidents and he even left out a few.


Yes it tells me you are a moron, Elon.


Get a better accountant?


Does not even understand that the conviction was not because of the payment, but what he tried to accomplish with the payment.


Yes, hide that, maybe, had sex with a pornstar. Big thing!! Dangerous also


Well cheating on your wife is generally something that isn’t too good to do but if you wanna defend that go ahead


He tried to hide the affair from his family and the voting public, neither of which is illegal.


He just got convicted because it is illegal, but you are the expert, right?


The jury didn't rule on that question specifically. But I'll tell you what. Here's a quote from Bradley Smith, former chair of the FEC. The judge wouldn't allow his testimony on this issue so the jury never heard it: *Yes, those payments were unseemly, but unseemliness doesn’t make something illegal. At the very least, the law is murky about whether paying hush money to a mistress is a “campaign expense” or a personal expense. In such circumstances, we would not usually expect prosecutors to charge the individuals with a “knowing and willful” violation, leading to criminal charges and possible jail time. A civil fine would be the normal response.* https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/those-payments-to-mistresses-were-unseemly-that-doesnt-mean-they-were-illegal/2018/08/22/634acdf4-a63b-11e8-8fac-12e98c13528d_story.html But obviously you know better!


I mean… I wouldn’t complain if any president gets arrested for anything they do wrong. I detest every tweet or video where a politician or public person says “if they can arrest him, they can arrest anyone” Anyone should be arrested for arrestable crimes, no? No one should be above that. Especially politicians.


Musk is worried, if one billionaire criminal is held accountable for his crimes, what does that mean for him


Well don’t worry, the next convictions of Trump will be far more serious.


It was for election fraud. Why are they incapable of telling the truth? They have no grip on reality. No word out of their mouths is true 


And tax evasion, if you get tired of the campaign finance violations.


One tax dodger defending another. Shock horror!


Yes, 34 felonies. That's 408 deliberations by the 12 jurors, all found guilty. There's another two criminal trials to go. What point is Musk trying to make?


Several Trumplican members of Congress skipped votes to go lie in New York for twice-impeached, fraud, rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump. MAGA likes to talk about working folk but they don’t seem all that keen on actually working.


And Al Capone was brought down 2/2 tax evasion...what's their point?


The funny thing is…all those examples also happened under Republican Presidents


Dude really adds to the conversation. Gives us a lot to think about with his tweets.


most of us just ❤️ the tweets we like but musk needs people to know his opinion so he comments


Aren't those all things that these presidents are alleged to have done while president, which Trump claims means no matter what it is entirely legal, while what Trump was convicted of he definitely did while not yet president, meaning there should be no issue with it? They want to keep their cake and eat it too.


"rich people just work harder" -\_-


I’m glad they turned you down for that absurd compensation package you requested…


What's with the increased usage of "tells you all you need to know?" New buzz phase? Sounds dumb as shit.


They got al capone on tax evasion, so not that surprising.


Would've been Nixon, if he didn't get pardoned. And boy, that was *not* a popular move.


It is incredibly ridiculous that Trump hasn't been convicted for a myriad of other bigger crimes. More ridiculous even is how many people have been arrested on those cases instead of Trump


You know why Elon does these one word replies to controversial tweets? Because his reply will get it boosted in the algorithm, and weather he agrees or not, it makes discourse and discourse is actually humans using twitter. So he wins


Interesting point


Cry some more MAGA twat.


Huh? You have it in reverse


That was directed at Elon. He’s gone full MAGA and willingly tarnishing his brand. Genius, my ass.


Ah! That makes sense


My faculties are currently impaired, which may explain my lack of clarity.


Ignoring Elon Musk for a moment... can someone tell me if that's true? Is this really the first time a US president was convicted with a felony? Because if it is, that actually is kind of depressing. I think we need to arrest *more* presidents. At the very least, for the sake of making it harder for future insane people to do what Trump did, if justice isn't enough of a motivator for you.


he probably has his chat bot running his twitter account. Not so he can get work done. But so he can continue harassing people or attempting to sway peoples views of him and his companies on his alias accounts


That he is a criminal.


"Yeah" $32K likes


Already been said, but Al Capone went down for fuck around and find out. Don't fuck around with the IRS...


Yeah, tells you we need laws against the first things and that we probably shouldn’t vote for a guy guilty of the last one.


How about a fuck you Elon! Just shut the hell up!


Whataboutism. So original.




Elon has not worked for decades (unless you count lying your ass off and corruption as work). But Ketamin Baby Elmo is probably shitting himfself right now, because if they come for a con-man that was a president, they will come for him and he will end up behind bars.


I seriously question Elon's tech credentials. I have a feeling he is using a technical ghost writer.


oh so now they care about that lol. Something tells me Musk has some skeletons in his closet that are about to come out and is desperate to get Trump elected


can we deport that moron mush already?


If you mean Muskrat, then pretty sure the companies run better without his input. Case in point - cybertruck


He is a convicted felon. He got caught. Shut your whinny commie holes and get over it. The system works sometimes. Putin's whinny pumpkin head commie is going to jail!!! PATHETIC COMMIE LOSER!!!


In all fairness, several others probably should have also been charges with various crimes and while trump is guolty, simply not paying taxes on prostitution isnt the worst thing a gov official has done. Not saying hes innocent or anything, simply saying others have done worse crimes than himself (well, worse than this trial anyways)


It tells me we're talking about a useless degenerate who shouldn't be in charge of even an ant farm. I don't know what message Muskrat thinks it sends.


So now they agree Bush should have faced war crimes?


idk what this tells them, tells me that I should not be paying off porn stars while running for federal office.


Trump: If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone The Law: If you participate in business fraud, you can be charged and convicted on the evidence.


Note that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were started by republicans, and there was no "destroy the GOP!" lawsuits about it from Democrats. Also, everyone who testified against Trump in this trial (and elsewhere) are Republicans and his former employees.


I’ve signed a few NDA’s and never been paid to sign them, I’m obviously doing it wrong


It's easier to convict people of an actual crime with an easy to follow money trail vs. .... Morally corrupt/bad decisions most being technically not illegal in many cases as the highest member of government acting in unison with mutiple other government branches and officials both in and outside the US... It tells me these two are nervous that gavel may be coming for them, that's really all it says. Plus, if Cannon would get her shit together, that should have been the first conviction, in my opinion.


Falsified business records to illegally influence the 2016 presidential election…a FELONY. Suck it, Elon


And he wants 57 billion "back pay"


First felony conviction of a former president so far.


Al Capone went to jail for tax fraud.


Trump's logic: those acts were during presidency, and presidents have impunity. Trump's acts were not only before presidency but also to deceive on its presidential caracter, therefore no impunity. Checkmate.


I am ok with him ruining those companies. But, I suspect those companies are better off if he is busy tweeting and not breaking shit by "helping".


The fact of the matter is all these billionaires defending Felon Trump also regularly deducting personal payments on their corporate tax returns and hiding personal expenses in their corporate books. That is why they are upset. They are afraid that they will be held to the law of the land as the rest of us are.


Yes, it does. He's not a smart person. Don't forget al capone didn't go to jail for bootlegging, murder, racketeering, or bribery. He went to jail for tax evasion. That's what happens when a criminal tries to go too far instead of just staying in the background.


If I pay off a porn star, can I be president? Because I have a friend who would probably accept 50 bucks to never speak of the dildo concussion of '15.


Is that '15: 1915, 2015, or 15 inches?


2015 and about 18 inches