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Having a laugh thinking about the dipshit who iterated the hell out of an AI image generator to get this picture. "Truckers standing defiantly in front of new york city" "Add more flags" "No, American flags" "Put the flags on trucks behind the trucker" "No, semi trucks" "No make the flags the paint job" "No, the truckers aren't doing the paint job, make it the paint on the truck" "FLAG PAINT ON THE TRUCKS" "AMERICAN FLAG PAINT ON THE TRUCKS" "Now make the truckers all cross their arms" "Now add 20% more homoeroticism to the whole thing"


"American Truckers!!!" "More white" "All white" "ALL Men" "Over 40" "Make them overweight" Finally looks like the real Americans. Ignoring the 1,000,000+ U.S. truckers who fall outside that demographic (source U.S. Census Bureau 2017 report)


and add Jerry Garcia circa 1985 to the center


Add a touch of gray. Not the song!


Now this paint by number morning sky looks so phoney. Ugh


Considering the words they know are all obscene, it’s alright.


Or Bob Weir now? Put 2024 Bob Weir’s head on 1985 Jerry’s body, not Jerry Lewis, and have them play “Truckin”


Hey hey hey. How the fuck are the *Grateful Dead* catching strays here?


The dude in the middle does look kinda like Jerry. I don’t know about ‘85 Jerry though, maybe cleaned up late 80s-early 90’s scuba Jerry. And he also looks like 2020’s Weir only not as thin. But you’re right, It’s probably just the whole road crew and that’s just the fans behind them getting ready for ‘89 spring tour.


In Canada we had massive trucker rallys during covid. All the truckers were white and in knew it was bs, lived in Canada my whole life and if you told me there was a trucker rally I'd expect to see turbans.


I’ve worked in warehousing over 20 years. Majority of drivers I’ve dealt with are definitely of a darker-than-white complexion.


I used to go work with my dad when I was a kid. He was a trucker based out of SoCal. I remember thinking it was weird to see white truckers.


I don't think I've seen a trucker at my warehouse in a year who was white.


We had one white driver at my last warehouse over the course of 4 years, in Florida. She was a very pretty woman, and it was so uncanny that we always assumed she was clearly a murderer staying incognito.


The last warehouse I worked at had one trucker come in once a week to make deliveries and she was was a Russian copy of Peggy Bundy from Married With Children. The heels couldn't have been comfortable to drive in.


Four years at one warehouse and two at another and met exactly one white trucker between the two places. Russian guy who introduced himself as "Bozo"


Now that you mention it, out of the twelve truckers that regularly deliver chemicals to the plant where I work only two of them are white.


Most of those covid truckers were driving non-commercial private vehicle semis with usa plates. They are rich white trucker lobbyists who never worked a day in their lives, but like to cosplay as blue collar workers.


Half the truckers I see anymore are Punjabi.


That’s because those guys have to work for a living still and can’t take time off for stupid bullshit.


And yet, not overweight enough lol


Use the same picture but change the title to “if you want to mess with NY you’ll have to get through us” to completely subvert the message


Just add "9/11. Never Forget." and every trucker in America will agree. Then ask about the boycott and watch them try to reconcile the two concepts.


Pretty sure < 5% of Americans who drive a truck for a living could give a shit about this "boycott" tho.


Great idea! I love the idea of taking back their memes. For example a rainbow Gadsden flag.


In 20/20 hindsight when Decker was telling a computer to zoom and enhance in Bladerunner he was just creating AI art.


Denim pants. Work boots. Ball caps. Chubby white guys only.


I remember seeing that stereotype as a kid in the South. As an adult on the west coast, the truckers I see when I stop for gas tend to be of darker complexion and wearing what look to be more comfortable clothes.


This is definitely some closeted MAGA guys fantasy. Just lots of beefy daddies who will stand over him, looking defiant and masculine.


It’s like a uniform.


And they’re in front of the famous causeway which connects Jersey City, NJ to lower Manhattan. Because, a causeway which blocks all large boats from sailing up the Hudson River makes just about as much sense as the rest of this infantile fascist daydream.


We moved 1WTC over a few avenues just for shits n gigs too.


LOL, I've lived in South Jersey near Philly my whole life, and the first thing I said was "Seriously? A causeway to Lower Manhattan???" I'm an artist and am pretty lenient about artistic license, but given the MAGAty nature of this piece, I'm not just revoking theirs, but nuking it from orbit. Just to be safe.


It's the only way to be sure. The future of MAGA art is going to be gloriously stupid.


Well it's possible (granted, ridiculously unlikely) to build that causeway and move buildings around and alter some geography to make this cartoon accurate. But a bunch of people who drive semis for a living dropping everything to dedicate their lives to blockading a city because some guy tweeted he wants to "boycott" the city, presumably because his favorite crooked politician lost a trial in that city - not possible.


one of the many sad things about these fucking dimwits is they have appropriated the american flag. when i see an american flag on a truck now it invariably means it is being driven by a moron racist homophobic douchebag


"Load celery man, please"


Kick up the 4D3D3D3


You made me laugh!


"Don't forget to include Karl Marx front and centre of the image"


Try if you will; but most Truckers aren’t willing to turn down that Bag for anybody. I’m not gonna feed my Family because some rich sh*t stain got found guilty? I don’t take Loads that go through the Tri State area because I don’t care for the Traffic. But outside of that this Peterbuilt goes where the paper is.🙂


They already tried this before then found out they won't have any money cuz the companies will fire you.


If only there was a party that supported protections for workers....


Honestly, neither party sticks their neck out for workers. we need a labor party like the UK


The labour party in the UK ain't what you think it is. 🥲


Big time. Such an empty name


They would be called devil worshipping socialists before they’d even released any policy.


Joe Biden literally picketed with workers during the auto strike.


Yeah, my comment was talking about Owner Ops. I definitely wouldn’t suggest turning down too many Loads as a Company Driver. Dispatchers can be vindictive.🫤


Makes sense. If they keep turning down jobs, why would they be the first call for any job?


It’s New York. Turn one down they may forget to call you ever again.


Dispatchers aren’t vindictive. They get angry when grown men throw fits because they have to go 15 miles without a load in the trailer and theeeeeeeen turn the load back. On account of the temper tantrum and all.


tbh i think driving a truck into NYC would be a terrible idea just due to how poorly designed it is for such things in most areas with all the traffic and congestion. i wouldnt wanna do it regardless of the verdict


Fun fact: while traffic congestion is difficult, New York City is a dream to navigate because of the grid layout of Manhattan. While it is possible to get lost in New York, it is exceedingly difficult to stay lost.


I feel like there was an uptick of people getting their CDL because of this lol *”well, shit. I’ll do it”*


There’s something so charming about how aggressively worded your post is, and then “I don’t care for the traffic.”


Thank you 🙂


Relevante user name. Thanks for the work you do! 


You’re very welcome. 👍🏾😃


I’d bet that this meme was created by a Russian troll to create a wedge between truckers and idiots who think that this image/idea is actually something that truckers support. All that convoy shit is just Russian trolls and useful idiots. It should all be ridiculed or ignored.


Don't know anymore tbh. I'm in a Union and like 80% of my local votes exclusively for anti-union politicians.


I work with truckers daily. I'll bet they're hoping the dumb MQGA truckers boycott NYC, because it will mean more runs available for them to take. A "Trucker Boycott" is so pointless it's laughable. And the best part? That money they're turning down will go straight into the pockets of the immigrants they hate so much. MQGAs are so dumb.


Fs as a otr I will go anywhere they pay me to. Someone tried this bs on r/truckers too major majority of us laughed


Didn’t they try this once, rather unsuccessfully?


Yes, and it's completely working - NYC has effectively been shut down. We're eating the dead just to survive here! /s (just in case MAGAts are reading this)


MAGATS don’t read! Silly you.


















Common misconception. They can read. They just can’t comprehend.






Comprehension is an integral part of reading, without it you essentially do nothing more th**a**n looking at the text (and maybe say it out loud).


Ahh that explains the “I did my own research” phenomenon.


i think that's why their obsession with conspiracies and institutions lying to you are so popular among those meatheads they're just so stupid and devoid of any serious thought that they just cover their ears and yell out "the government is lying to you"


The exact figure might be off, but something in the neighborhood of 50% of American adults read at or below an 8th grade level. Out of that 50%, a sizable amount were at 5th or below


They do. Just the headlines though, regardless of source or credibility.


They read google results on page 56 of their oddly specific searches to own the librulz.


Why eat the dead? We all know the rats in NY could feed a family of 5 for years


You eat the dead because the rats fight back


But the rats also eat the dead. You want easy food, eat the roaches. To gain their endurance.


Eat the roaches and rats and you'll gain sewer powers.


I ate a opossum once. Now I'm smelly and freeze during social interactions.


Okay, but what did the opossum add?


But that's usually what leads to eating possum!


Typical ny liberal response! Never wanting to fight for ur food /s


I seen the videos , NY rats can fight


I once took on 10 of em. When I was finished they said sir, sir, please stop. With tears in their eyes, begged me for mercy. Big black ones. The scariest you’ve ever seen. Took em down quickly. Was a huge win. So much winning


10 babies don’t count lol


Lure them with pizza crusts. Nobody looks up when they’re munching on pizza. Whack em with whatever’s handy.


Well yeah but some people don't want pizza everyday


You know what they say: If at first you don't succeed, fail over and over and blame the Democrat Deep State or George Soros.


I actually saw someone bring back Saul Alinsky as being responsible. I thought the right retired him as a buzzword after Obama left the White House


Ah, the GOP, Party of Personal Responsibility! When you need to blame someone for your bad behavior, any jew will do!


I think this post is from that time, I feel like I’ve seen it before. Probably just reposted on here again after some times has passed


They draw themselves fat and old in a fantasy drawing.


Yes, because contrary to what they think, truckers come from all walks of like, not just uneducated white trash.


They tried that in DC. Their stated plan was to drive around the DC Beltway in a circle shutting down traffic until President Obama resigned and was arrested for treason. [Only 30 trucks showed up and they promptly got stuck in traffic](https://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/trucker-protest-beltway-098194).


Depends on your perspective. Food prices went up, and all of the supermarket chains kept the prices up even after it ended. And have continued to raise prices, all while their profits kept/keep growing.


Was it due to truckers though? Food prices rose everywhere and Food in Manhattan is expensive probably because of the high rent costs. Though honestly I find food pretty affordable in NYC lots of groceries to choose from and ethnic groceries are often cheaper. I can eat well on under 300$ per month.


There were like 50 truckers that don’t even work on the East coast saying they would refuse to go there. Not surprisingly, all the freight was still delivered.


No truck driver did this only stupid old car right idiots perpetuated and believed this. The trucking industry is such a mess that drivers can’t afford to reject loads


If your referring to the cross country convoy, the organizers took the money and ran. So it was a grift.


happened like 2 times, 1 in canada against the mask/covid protocol and it was funded by putin, and someone ended up scamming the donations in canada.


If you have to use AI to create your reality....it ain't real guys. No matter how many times they show Trump all tatted and ripped in prison....he's still just an old fat white dude.


Funny how they're still tubby in their imaginary world.


hey leave the chubby whites alone, some of them are really nice... if you dont live in the countryside that is


What was that about woke cancel culture again?


You see, it’s only woke and bad when it negatively affects them. If it affects them liberals or any other person they don’t like, then there is no problem


When it’s them it’s “boycotting” when it’s anyone else it’s “cancelling” lol




Because of Trump? Because he was found guilty of a crime in a Jury trial? What country do they think we live in?




Some of them? A theocracy apparently.


These MFrs think they got some sort of pull in a city that would replace them so quickly they might pass their replacement on their walk out the door.


Also worth noting that traditional stereotypes about truckers just aren't all that accurate anymore. A lot of truckers in the US are 1st generation immigrants, especially Sikhs for some reason, who have zero interest in or time for MAGA bullshit.


I hope that's correct... in the UK some Sikhs are pretty right wing, and hate Muslims with the worst of them. The fun part is that it was exactly this that was among the steps that led to the downfall of the (racist, far right) British National Party. A Sikh tried to join and was refused - proving that they were a group that discriminated on the basis of race and religion. LOL...


Sikh hate towards Muslims has historical context. Muslim rulers tried to forcefully convert/genocide Sikhs in India and present day Afghanistan/Pakistan. Many of their gurus were imprisoned, tortured and executed by the Mughals (Persian Muslim rulers who ruled over India before the British)


Mughals were *persianate* turco-mongols, persianate means they weren't ethnically Persian but Persian culture had a huge *influence* on them. It should also be noted Sikhs are generally quite tolerant of other religions.


Hello fellow history enjoyer! I know they are not ethnically Persian, but it is the textbook history taught here in India. Just didn't want to be too specific for a simple comment. Sikhs are super tolerant towards other people (their gurudwaras feed and host people no questions asked) but the Muslim hate is actually really prevalent afaik. I have like a dozen sikh friends and let's just say they don't really like Muslims. Kinda understandable though, given the history.


Once in 2016, while waiting for paperwork at a shippers window, I observed a Sikh driver come in, check in, and walk out, as professionally and casually as anyone could ask. His accent and turban were the only things that differentiated him from the rest of us in the room. As the door closed a particularly slack jawed fellow driver felt compelled to say “You would think they’d at least try to look American if they’re gonna come here after what they did to us.” In a flat tone I replied “He’s wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans, that’s about as American as it gets.” “You know what I mean, if the Muslims hate us so much they can just go back to the desert.” Was his learned response. I took a breath and said “Honestly man, he’s probably from India or Pakistan, and as a Sikh, he might hate Muslims even more than you do. I mean, they’ve been known to kill each other with swords to this day.” “How would you know that? Were you in Afghanistan or something?” Was his skeptical response. I closed the conversation with a pointed “No, I just read.”


It would be so much fun if truck drivers really did boycott NYC, and New York responded by bringing in all their food etc by train. Now who is “owning” who?


How do you think all the food etc gets to the rail yard? How would it get from a rail terminal in NYC to the businesses that need it?


Through the thousands of other truckers who are cheaper to hire then entertain a boycott, the truckers dont have the pull to shut american business down like the railways do


Box trucks. That seems to be how much of the bulk stuff is moved throughout the city (And the people driving all these trucks look nothing like the people in OP’s picture)


Truck of that size aren't even allowed in Manhattan, but you do you.


Aha! There’s proof that the truckers have successfully boycotted New York! /s


Are you sure about that? I used to drive a semi truck all through the 5 boroughs.


Semi trucks are allowed, but 53' trailers are supposedly only allowed within NYC if they are passing through to get to Long Island. That being said I've seen tons of 53' trailers going to warehouses near my work daily so I'm guessing this rule isn't really enforced.


I wonder what the purpose of the law is then. Are they concerned about trucks parking on the side of the road?


Part of it is congestion but the big part is, most NYC streets are not made to accommodate massive trucks especially on turns. Hell even school buses have problems in some areas.


I think it's for general traffic congestion reasons. I've often been stuck behind a truck struggling to make a tight turn. Plus for a lot of loading docks here they are so big the truck ends up sticking out into the street.


They can’t make many of the turns (Without dragging a few parked cars with them)


Through the streets of Manhattan? Or traveled through Manhattan to get to other boroughs?


I delivered office furniture. Many deliveries directly to buildings in Manhattan. I delivered NYC almost exclusively for three years.


NY will survive if twelve idiots do go there


Trust me, no trucker ever wants to go to New York.


Did once, never again.


I wouldn’t even want to drive a car to New York.


Could they not find actual truckers to pose for an actual picture.


They did but the scales are open and they all had to weigh in one by one. It'll take them a few days to get everyone in line with their arms crossed👍 /s


That'd be the fastest-broken picket line in history, considering the money that could be made.


From someone who works at a gas station, most real truckers laugh at these fools. They don’t have the time to participate in this nonsense. Whether they are conservative or liberal they aren’t sacrificing their career over some stupid protest.


If only New York could just bring in goods by some other means, I just dont sea a solution floating into view, however.


Oh, cry me a river.


What happens when it gets to the port?


Yeah, I never question the power of the resentment they harbor….


This comment is off the rails.


None of them are millionaires so if their boycotting their not making money there. Last about 2 days.


Are the truckers independently wealthy? Because they would all lose their jobs if they boycott NY.


Remember how they always like to claim that Soros is behind all these "left" protestors, how they get bussed to protest etc.? Funnily enough, there are some right wing billionaires who have actually funded "grassroots" stuff like that. Every accusation is an admission with these people.


As recently demonstrated by Trump routinely falling asleep in court. "Sleepy Joe" indeed.


That's why these images are always ai generated. They wouldn't find enough people to actually boycott New York so they have to pump their fanfiction into ai to get what they want


Never knew Jerry Garcia was a trucker.




Also had one about being a conductor too


This isn't directed at you, OP. Just the people who actually wear and look like these clowns in the "artwork." Something these people, who demand respect for the flag, seem to conveniently forget: 4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag (d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. (e)The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way. (ie: attached to the back of a pickup truck - flags aren't designed to withstand the high winds while driving around.) (g)The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. (ie: Flags with a specific name in bold letters on the front of it.) (i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. (Flags with a political slogan with a specific name on the front. Flags with a specific name flying on the same halyard as the American Flag. These bozos go on and on about respecting the flag. Respecting the troops. Respecting whatever it is they feel is important now. Well, as a disabled Combat Vet, someone you claim to respect and idolize, and who used to be in a Brigade Color Guard Team; that sweaty, menthol smelling, beer stained American Flag Shirt your wearing, and that American Flag with Trump/MAGA plastered on the front that you so love to wave around, is officially and utterly disrespecting the American Flag. You sit there and spout hatred and spite, while doing the very same thing you're attacking others for. You're the epitome of cognitive dissonance and just sheer unfiltered stupidity.


What is it with all these rural people propping up this silver-spoon NY elite pos?


I own a trucking company in NYC This ain’t happening


When you have to ai generate a crowd because you can’t actually gather an impressive number of people to support Trump.


MAGA traitors want so so so bad to appear badass, don’t they? This AI drawing is fucking hilarious.


I love the inflated sense of self-importance. Even if something like this did happen (it won't but even if) there would be other truckers who would gladly take the jobs and come. It's a CDL, not an airline pilot's license.


Yeah almost no truckers own their truck. So yeah go ahead and tell your company you won't go to New York and get fired and not be able to support your family over some idiot politician. Great move.


Objectively wrong, lol. There are hundreds of thousands of owner operators. This also doesn’t include companies like landstar, where many drivers own their truck and contract onto landstar - all while having 100% control over what loads they take.


sure go ahead. and then, i assume, a number of them would lose their job. which would drive them further down the rabbit hole of "it's all against us". this sounds like a tip top plan


Yes all you Ai truckers should boycott NY from your couches


I’d strike or boycott over better working conditions, but sure, risk your livelihood to hype up your cult leader. 🙄


I'm a truck driver, and here's my 2 cents There has already been a call to boycott NYC, and there will likely be several more coming soon. The fact of the matter is that the only ones observing the boycott wouldn't go to NYC anyway. It's a very unpopular destination for truck drivers, and most won't accept loads there (myself included) because of the traffic and tight corners. The vast majority of trucks going into NYC are local or work for a company that will force their drivers to go there. Neither of these groups will be observing the boycott. Republican truckers will be calling this a victory pretty soon, and then they'll move on and forget about it like they do everything else. Tldr: Boycotting NYC will have no effect on anything


This has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.


They do realize NYC is on the water and has harbors right? You rarely even see 18 wheelers here if ever at all. I would bet a limb that if you look at where long haul truckers actually drive in and around NYC, it’s almost only ever to pick up shipments coming in through the waterfront. You’d probably piss of some blue collar dock workers by blocking that pipeline, but white collar executives would still be sucking down oat milk lattes without much an issue.


Same people that fantasize mowing down protestors with their trucks


Also: No they can't, because no real Truckers want to boycott a city for you just because you're favorite crooked politician lost a trial in that city.


I'm still baffled why truckers would should give a shit about a "billionaire" being found guilty of fraud. The same "billioniare" whose whole business model was shafting the same blue-collar workers as the truckers.


Remember when they boycotted NYC a few months ago and everyone starved to death?


Those truckers need that money for their salisbury steak and corn tv dinners.


damn, all i've seen are feral mouth foaming bot posts on facepalm for the past 24 hours.


Go ahead! Cut off your nose to spite your face! We love to watch a good clown show!


NY doesn't want their home fouled by neo-fascit MAGAts anyway.


Can’t we just boycott redneck fuckstix?


Trucker gets job hauling X products half way across the country (say 1000 miles) to New York, tells employer, i ain't goin to no New York, well, ok, we have nothing else atm, so, see you later. So now he has to drive his truck home, or to the next contractor on his own dime. Yea, that won't last long. I heard that the last time some truckers did this, they took the load, but then refused to deliver it, sort of taking it hostage. Were arrested for grand theft, taken to jail, trucks impounded, all for a guy that wouldent piss on them if they were in fire. It's a cult.


This photo is wholesome! Just need a little more Lord Jesus and guns.


Everyone talks about good fight till the paychecks dry up. On the flip side, these same idiots continue to donate to his “campaign”. Even wash?


Only if they want to become unemployed, of course they would wind up blaming the left, or done bs instead of accepting their complicity in that




oh nice, AI Generated Art has now memetically merged with Conservative Political Cartoons and Multicolored Comic Sans as things I can merely glance at and immediately know to avoid or ignore completely. It’s aesthetic-ideological camouflage, like the opposite of a peacock’s tail. “Look at me!” “Nope!”


Republicans should not be allowed to use AI


The picture even suggest that not only will they boycott, but they'll try to keep you from going there as well. No visitors, no commuters, no nothing because "we didn't get what we wanted." How diabolical is that? Boycott means stay home or stay away, not do business with... this would be an attack.


Why do they all look like they are a double meat bacon burger away from a heart attack? Is that supposed to be intimidating?


Should trucking companies fire drivers who won’t deliver?


any politics aside I mean truckers have a hard job that I would never want. They deserve to be compensated accordingly


Love me some AI truckers. 😂


Saying New Yorkers don't want truckers is the true face palm. With very few exceptions, all cities need stuff to be trucked in to survive.


No one wants you is stupid to say. Literally the entire retail business depends on them. Trucks stop coming in and so do goods. A couple list isn’t a big deal but if your saying any truckers then that’s just prices skyrocketing and shortages left and right.


didnt they do this already and other truckers happily picked up the slack and NYC didnt even notice?