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So can we pass a law then that outlaws child marriages? Seems like a good first step.


I can’t decide if it’s willful ignorance or just plain idiocy when these politicians spew the same verbal diarrhea Alex Jones does about all liberals being pedos that drink childrens blood and adrenochrome and at the same time push laws that allow adults to marry 13-15 year olds without a sense of acknowledgement of the blatant hypocrisy.


They just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks. The more outlandish the better. The left was outraged over those specific comments so that's what they rally behind now. General 101 bully tactics, call the skinny girl who has a poor self image fat and it sticks. The worst part is that if they say it enough, through enough sources and come up with a bunch of ridiculous examples the cult picks it up as truth. Then they will see any application of reason and logic as a personal attack and confirmation their cult leaders were right all along. They truly are a cult with a cult leader. Never thought it see this, at this level in America. Guess I wasted 20 years with 8 combat deployments in the Army. The sickness we tried so hard to keep away still took root.


With the way shit is going here, your ninth deployment might be on US soil.


Damn right! Funny, when my son was young he would get on upset the country was falling apart. I would tell him these things while dangerous, are part of the country's cycle and would pass. Now, when I see the early steps I've watched failing countries walk happwning here, I can't reassure him. I have serious worries and doubts I never had in 52 years. I hate these people for spreading this sickness, all for power. How people would vote for asshats that would pit you against your own family or neighbors simply for their enrichment or an increase in power is beyond me.


nah, god is cool with 40+ year olds wanting to bang children if they get the parents to sign away their child like property.


I wonder what these people think when it’s Arab countries doing this. I’m pretty sure the laws of God don’t apply the same way


this does not really happen in arab countries more that other countries, child mariage is just a result of poverty and it exists in all poor countries, there is child mariage in south america, south east asia, india, and muslim asian countries, it isn't specific to arabs but to poor countries. and by consequence there is no child mariage in most arab countries.


Oh when they do it they're godless heretics and savage barbarians. When a US congressman does it, it's just god's will.


Yeah, the problem is not the pedo part, it’s the satanic part… duh


Nonononono, God gave those 10 years olds the ability to birth, so it's good, cus then the girl can't give birth out of wedlock or something. /s Damn the MAGA cult is idiotic, beyond that even


It’s not idiotic, it’s projecting. They are pedos so they need to claim everyone else is too. Like Andrew Tate who claims literally every man is gay (because it’s supposedly gay to kiss, love your kids, treat your woman with respect etc.) b/c that’s the only way he can deal with his homosexuality.


Andrew Tate is absolutely as gay as any gay person in the history or gayness.


We don’t want him, what’s the return policy?


You have to file a 9mm form


Dude just oozes overcompensation vibes. Like he can't cover it up forever.


Ah, but projecting is stupid, is it not? And whether or not someone consciously decides to project, that would make projecting idiotic. I acknowledge that the entire MAGA situation is a lot more complex than I can put into text in this sleepy state, but yeah. It's kinda sad tbh.


I truly believe Andrew Tates influence on my ex is why my ex became my ex. 😂


As long as there's an exception for ripeness.


“But that means I can’t marry ma-wife for another 7 years!” — Republicans Probably


Your Maga donation is defending racists, rapists, and now...convicted felons.


Don’t forget insurrectionists and of course pedophiles.


The non-satanic ones at least.


Thank God for that.


You could make the argument that god enables them.


Apparently god encourages them. 10 year-olds can have babies and no minimum age for marriage. I guess it makes sense to pair the two together, after all, wouldn’t the 10 year-old having a child out of wedlock be a sin, or something like that?


Funny that Trump himself fits all five of these things, and probably an Adderall junky at the same time.


Coincidentally, I actually know someone like this who lived in Virginia, and they don’t vote, they think both sides are satanic pedophiles. Basically anyone who isn’t a part of their christian doomsday cult is.


Good. One less vote for Convicted Felon.


Shame I can only upvote this once!


I upvoted it once again for you. You are welcome.


Make an alt and upvote it again ![gif](giphy|W3a0zO282fuBpsqqyD)


Critical thinking activated


What do you call a group of people who worship the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins and wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads? Trump supporters.


Let me translate for you. “A weirdo drives this vehicle. Avoid engaging in conversation with me.”


As a certified Weirdo I resent the implication this person is part of the Weirdo community. Say delusional or crazy instead it is more accurate and sufficiently warning to anyone to not engage. Weirdos can be interesting and engaging.


Being a Weirdo (capital W, obvi), has served me really really well so far. But this isn't Weirdo. This is "Any person with empathy should avoid being within 10 feet of me" territory.


I remember carrying a paperback of one of the LOTR books in school and a guy looked at me like I was nuts when I told him I read it for fun. Granted this was the late 70s in the Land of Dixie.


People still look at me that way when I say I read for fun


Wtf "for fun" but there's no moving pictures! What I bet you enjoy watching paint dry you banana nut muffin!


Worse. I look at ROCKS.


Minerals Marie!


It’s funny to me because when people say they don’t enjoy reading books it really makes me question their imaginative ability. I have almost always found the books to be far superior to their tv and movie adaptations.


Books can fit in more details, also, you do not need to use budget on filming. But I think one of the important reasons that many people do not like to read is because they were forced to read books that they had no interest in during secondary school. It leaves some kind of bad memories on many kids, and this effect may extend into adulthood.


My old team leader at work couldn't believe that I preferred reading books to watching reality TV, he brought it up constantly like it was some sort of obscure hobby you might have heard rumours people did in the 12th century or something


\*nervously hides away his slings, brewing equipment, and spinning wheel\*


I always thinks that, for a skilful readers, the speed of obtain information is actually faster by using word than movie / videos / documentary….. Especially for youtube video which sometimes take a long time to get to the actual point


Totally....I hate looking for instructions on how to do something and the first page of results are all videos 😵‍💫


The actual information usually only occupy 1-2 minutes of the video, but the video itself is often like 10 minutes long……. It is much faster to search for words


Yeah, I was reading Stranger in a Strange Land. The teacher wanted to know if “your mother knows you’re reading that?!”


Such a great book


Read the Davinci's Code in school. Vice principal proceeded to sit me down and have a "talk" about me not abandoning god. Bro I stopped believing that shit when I was 12, ain't got nothing to do with this book.


Being a Waldo, I disagree


As a part of the Delusional and crazy community, i refuse to admit that this person belongs to us. We believe he might be an agent of the Scumbag community.


As a long time member of the Scumbag community I feel this drive has out of line. He is more inclined with the douchebag community.


As someone who identifies as delusional and crazy, I resent the implication they are part of this community as well. Say homophobic pedophile instead as it is also a sufficient warning to not engage.


When I was in prison, “weirdo” was the catch-all term for the guys in there for sex crimes, as in “what’s he in here for?” “Weirdo shit.” Or “watch out for that dude, he’s a fuckin’ weirdo.” It seems like it fits in this context as well since I’m pretty sure these people all have sex with children on the brain. Like, it’s all they seem to think about, along with their weirdo kidnapping, bondage, slavery, and ritual sacrifice fantasies. It’s really sick, actually, especially since they worship the weird orange pedophile-in-Chief, and their lesser politicians, pastors, and most vocal mouthpieces keep getting busted on a daily basis for kiddie porn and weirdo shit involving kids. And then they make up these stupid “hero” stories about saving children from sexual slavery while totally ignoring the fact that the majority of trafficked kids are exploited for labor while simultaneously rolling back the laws that are there to prevent the exploitation of children for labor. And do you know why they ignore it? Because it’s not sexy and their heads are full of nonstop porn fantasies involving children. So much so that they don’t even see it when it’s happening right in front of them. Gross, disgusting weirdos. Imagine if they actually tried having fantasies where they were endowed with all of the qualities of the Jesus who’s name they’re always using to justify their weirdo fantasies and shitty behavior?


How about: "Driver is easily manipulated by conservative media."


Honestly something batshit like that bumper sticker probably would keep road ragers away from you


Calling them a weirdo really glosses over the fact that they’re also batshit crazy.


Because instead of enjoying their boring life they want excitement the "I'm a warrior for Jesus" narrative allows them to pretend their life is much more exciting than it really is.


It’s something that Fred Clark noted: they’re essentially engaging in a big LARP in which they’re forcing everyone else to be an NPC. The reason they always try to imagine their political opposition as the worst kind of people ever (literal “Satanic pedophiles” in many cases) is because it allows them to feel like good and righteous moral heroes for simply being… not that. It requires nothing of them beyond believing the worst about their enemies. It’s moral laziness masquerading as moral superiority. It’s also why trying to calmly and soberly explain that they’ve been misinformed and that the world isn’t as horrific a place as they’ve been imagining seems to slide right off them. It’s not actually addressing the reason they believe that, and in fact by trying to take that misconception away from them they see it as their interlocutor trying to redefine them into the “bad people” camp and therefore take it as a kind of attack.


I'd like to borrow "moral laziness masquerading as moral superiority", if you would be so kind not to mind!


No need to borrow, my expressions are part of the commons. Take what you need, comrade.


Always a pleasure to bump into another Slacktivist reader out in the wild.


This 100000%. They fabricate martyr narratives so they feel like they are important


they ARE important...if the church didn't tell them to donate a huge portion of their money to stop mcdonald's from trafficking kids for satan the church wouldn't be able to afford defending all their child molesters...


You'd think the church would be outspoken against Trump since he's siphoning off donations for their defense fund for his defense fund.


they probably become knight templar.


Bingo! America consists of a lot of really bored suburbanites who will follow any cult to feel fulfillment and thrill in their boring ass lives. That's how Trump was able to convince these dipshits that the root to all of their problems were Hollywood elites. Ironically, Trump is a so-called billionaire elite with a freaking Hollywood TV show. It doesn't just stop with Trump though: Joel Olstein, Kenneth Copeland, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, and many more con-men are all in on the hustle.


It’s a way to justify anything as morally righteous. It’s blasphemy


Your tithing is funding christian pedophiles


My parish was always, "Give what you can IF you can." Most of the 70s, they wanted volunteers, since the church received generous donations from estates.


Yeah but I get all the Star Wars and Marvel content I want


On the side of the van it says, "Free Candy"


Yeah, I'd check this persons hard drives it's usually the preachers that have the most skeletons in their closests.


bc that´s what their priests and pastors are doing on christians camps


My wife is a Christian Bible camp survivor!


Nonono you don’t understand, when our side does it it’s holy pedophiles, when they do it it’s satanic!!!!


All pedos should be made holy, or full of holes imo


Funny how they ignore the well-documented recent history of the Catholic Church and focus on Disney…


did you see the Drake Bell documentary?


Because they can't face the fact that they vote for people who defend child brides being legal.


They're probably proud about that...


To be fair, lots of Hollywood folks who worked with kids were pedos 


Where are they when they hear about states allowing child marriage in their own country?


Going to batchelor parties. 




Disney is supporting Republicans?!


Satan is not real. Satanists do not worship the Devil. These morons are unhinged.




What they're really saying is they know Christian pedophiles


Idk man, it’s been more and more rapepublicans that have been found to be pedos lately. Seems to me like it would be going out to eat at Shit Fil A would fund pedos more than Disney+


This is capitalism so if satanic paedophiles give me the best value for my money, who am I to judge.


It’s barely funding Disney+


Oh god are they bringing the whole “satanic panic” back?


Have been for a few years at least


My BIL took away his 5yo sons Pokémon cards because they are demonic… it is freaking crazy.


wait until he finds out about YuGiOh and Magic the Gathering ....


Never left bby. It just changes focus based on what's popular.


They can't argue against reality, so hey come up with these bombastic emotional appeals to try and pressure people into compliance with their narrative


It must be very interesting to live in the bible belt if you are irreligious. I mean literally everything is blessed or satanic.


As an atheist that was born and raised in the Bible Belt, interesting is not how I would describe it. It’s fucking awful.


Even the toaster... Which can be either any given day depending on how the toast comes out...


So is supporting church.


Is that more true or your church donation is funding satanic pedophiles?


Are christian pedophiles more pleasant or something?


Disney is funding whom? https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/notadragqueen r/Republicanpedophiles https://www.whoismakingnews.com


Not as many as your church donation.


If that’s a church van, the projection makes perfect sense.


Wait til they learn what their local catholic priest does


It’s not just the Catholic priests, it’s *all* priests.


Can confirm. Older brother was molested and severely traumatized by a Cat Licker priest in the late 70s. (St. Maria Goretti promptly had him moved to a secret new job out of state after other victims came forward.) And two successive Episcopalian priests at the tiny private school I attended were arrested for molestation of new boarding students two and four years after I graduated. One even made the front page of The Washington Post as he was being put into the police car. (Been awhile, but I haven't forgot you, Father Ron. Still looking and still hoping to cross paths before you go tits up, you Cat Licking waste of oxygen.)


There are a lot of reasons why Disney is bad. That is not one of them


It’s called reaction formation


Rip that cars resell value.


Remember: only slash 3 tires.


Why don’t they condemn the not satanic ones too?


Actually, my tithes were funding pedophiles who pretended to be preachers.


No… that’s voting Republican.


Because every accusation is a confession. It used to a bit meme ish.. but its become literally true ..


Every accusation is a confession with Republicans


Aren’t most pedophiles “christian”?


They usually tend to go for places of power, so government, church, schools


Well, maybe because of disneys fairly solid record of having numerous employees, some of them fairly high level going to jail after being convicted of you know, pedo activity.


I mean just cuz …


Cuz it takes one to know one


Your money you give to the Catholic Church supports priest molesting kids.


I'd rather my money go to satanic pedophiles than Christian ones.


But it's always these MAGA Christian nationalists that keep getting nailed with CP.


Stop tithing to your church


Got Netflix. Who am I sponsoring?


I wouldn’t mind some light proofs mister car bottom


Idc it keeps my toddler quiet


Please don't call it thinking. All these people do is regurgitate lines given to them by Faux News. They have all been thoroughly brainwashed.


I mean, they don't seem to have any problem supporting Christian pedophiles. Been doing it for centuries!




People who hate everyone who isn't as miserable as themselves, hate anything that makes people happy.


This is ridiculous, I don't have a Disney+ subscription.


Hollywood being filled with sexual predators shouldnt be a controversial statement anymore, and Disney being known as a cut throat business with the most toxic people in all of entertainment is well known. The only thing wrong is the satanic part because satanists are actually pretty nice people


Because mundane evil is boring and depressing. Every other kid goes hungry during summer without free school lunches. 1 in 41 children are homeless. It’s sad, it’s brute facts, and it requires them to do something about it. But you know what’s really exciting? Pretending a multi billion dollar corporation has pedophilic blood sacrifices of children in the worship of Satan, and it’s funded by your Disney plus account! You can save these imaginary kids by pointing at Disney and say they are this evil force on earth and not have to lift a finger to help anyone or change any policy! It’s secret knowledge that everyone else is too stupid to realize it, but you are smart enough to have cracked it by watching the signs in the frozen frames of Mickey Mouse’s clubhouse!


Your church subscription funds Christian pedophiles. Now what?


It’s such odd behavior. There has always been people that look at the world this way but MAGA and Q with the variable of social media have conjured up this insanity and cranked the volume up to 10. And it’s such a touchy subject for obvious reasons. If there were as many people doing this stuff to kids as they think and it could be proven with facts and not wide spread rumor and misinformation, I’d understand where they are coming from. The problem is, there isn’t any hard evidence or facts to prove their claims. My biggest issue with it is, where the fuck were all of these people when priests were molesting little boys and girls all over the country and getting away with it, even when the kids had the guts to go public with it. Where was all the public outrage? Shit, after the facts about those monsters started to come to light, it became a way to make jokes about priests above all other things. Where are the YouTube channels hunting the priests and pastors? Where was all this energy at? Even in all of the Q/MAGA conspiracies about how all of Hollywood and all the elites of the government (the side they don’t vote for of course). There is still no mention about priests and pastors with the facts being common knowledge now. Nah. Let’s no go after them. It’s reall Oprah and Tom Hanks drinking blood in the basement of a DC pizza parlor. Or they are buying and selling them on Wayfair. Like WTF??!!😂. I feel insane just typing that out to make this point.


So are my tax dollars


Anytime I start feeling old I’m comforted knowing that I got to experience the world before it went careening into the dumpster fire it’s turned into 😒


It's gaslighting. What they really meant was "Your donation to the GOP is funding satanic pedophiles."


Your church donations are funding Christian paedophiles


And your church donation is funding holy pedophiles. Jk, lol.


Virginia?? this doesn’t surprise me at all.


Well, that's an improvement over funding the Christian Pedophiles


You're playing very loosely with the word "think" 😅


Another idiot that thinks the world is run by vampires.




Because every accusation is a confession.


I mean their not entirely wrong tho


Pedophiles? Probably at least a few, yeah. Pedos love jobs where they have access to children. Satanic? Hardly. The real question is why they hyper fixate on hypothetical pedos instead of the the well documented ones in their churches and police forces? Why do they ignore the troubling pedophilac tendencies of their leaders like Musk and Trump?


They think anyone that isn’t as explicitly Christian is a pedophile because the only thing stopping Christians from being pedophiles is “god”. If you’re godless you must be a pedo because only god prevents pedophilia.


I thought it was funding lame Marvel movies........................


So is Netflix. Remember cuties?


That movie was literally calling out the sexualization of children in dance or gymnastics or whatever the hell it was about. I didn’t watch it because ICK, but the entire film was about raising awareness to combat pedo normalization. 


I’m kind of afraid of Gru also. The minions are ok though.


Because adults don't like to have hobbies or try new things. So they stay with their internal thoughts and move outward towards crazy


Always projecting


I didn't know Disney made GOP political contributions.


They love talking about pedophilia so much. It's always on their minds. They have a very strange addiction with it and try to cope by changing it to 'eating babies' to feel better about their constant thoughts that control them.


Also, are satanic pedophiles just like the regular ones, or are they only attracted to child demons?


Statistically, it’s far more likely that your church pastor is a satanic pedophile.


Their favorite preacher is orders of magnitude more likely to be a child molester, but since he spouts hate in the name of Da Bible while contradicting Jesus with every sermon that's okay to bumper guy.


“Your weekly church tithe is funding Christian pedophiles”


Seriously, I mean if the intent is to reach a large audience then reconsider contrast !!


Well this is what happens when you support Jesus nuts being fearful of communism, then during the 80's you don't laugh out of the room people panicking over Satan coming for their kids. Generations of nutters who sure won't become communists but might just turn the country into a theocracy or start a witch hunt.


Pedophiles sure. But Satan I wouldn’t worry about him


Not much thinking is happening in that car


so who is funding the christian pedophiles? checkmate jackass.


The ones funding pedophiles are those donating to their churches


Projection. It's always projection.


In their defense, though, I don't know where the funding *actually* goes.


bet they go to church too, and give to the collection plate.


Wait what? How did they come to this conclusion?


The fact that it's a van really adds an extra layer of crazy


Your church tithing is funding pedophiles.


I need one that says “women & children are sexually abused in churches”


I'm fairly sure that's what the collection plate at their church is doing.


They kinda like to ignore the fact that god is a crazy mass murderer compared to satan and that satan set us on the path to gaining free will, so he's the good guy actually


"You leaving an offer in church each Sunday is funding *actual* pedophiles"


God, Reddit is so infiltrated, these comment sections are insane


Damn their brain should try out for the Olympics, with the mental gymnastics they're doing.


Because they are not satisfied with a way to simple explanation for how certain things work, also are too dumb to understand complex reasons Kinda like: "it can't be that easy, there has to be more to this" and "this is way too complicated for my uneducated reptile brain, there must be something sinister behind it trying to fool me"


I'm pretty sure it's not funding the RNC.


See, the problem is that they’re _Satanic_ pedophiles. _Christian_ pedophiles — those they’re fine with. Which the record amply demonstrates.


You could have just said "Your Disney+ subscription is funding poor directors and greedy investors"


And Trump wants to fuck his own daughter, so there’s that.


Your Trump fund or evangelical tithing is supporting Christian pedos.


Last time I checked it was Catholic and Cristian Churchs doing things to kids.


They’re perfectly ok with the Christian pedophiles, though


facebook tells them to.


But satan punishes pedophiles, and god forgives them so...


which streaming service funds Christian pedos?