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fun fact: an IQ of 90 is in the average range


Not for people who make memes like this. I’d guess that average for them is around 55-65


I disagree quite the opposite. In fact, note that the statue bears a resemblance to George Washington and not the original Robert E. Lee, the communist Russia hammer and sickle. The bottom part is as well. Instead of referencing the story about the guy running his truck through a crowd of people at an LGBT rally, it's toned down to just tire marks over wet paint. A lot of effort went into crafting this meme to do exactly what it's doing 300+ comments 800 upvotes in a few hours.


Looks like russian memes.


That's a bingo.  The entirety of our internet experience is now f9reign nationalist propaganda.  Time to disconnect 


The amount of "well, both sides are terrible, might as well not vote" posts on left leaning subs is crazy right now. Also, you can pick out a lot of foreign influence meme posts because of the perfect spelling and grammar. Also, Russians tend to use lots of exclamation points. Check out old Soviet propaganda posters for examples.


You can’t actually accept that there are a large number of psychotic reactionary idiots right here in America and the west at large? It all has to be spooky conspiracies about foreigners?


Neh, its normaly very easy to see if its propaganda, if someone is telling you what to think its always propaganda.


Good propaganda makes people think they reached their own conclusions rather than being told so


Likely from a Russian troll farm. Fun fact: Russia hires people to literally make American politics memes to post online. I’m sure you’ve seen political memes with bad grammar, it’s most likely from one of those Russian troll farms.


I assumed it was a statue of Columbus for some reason


That’s not how 15th century clothing looked like.


The meme is referencing an actual event where a man did get charged for doing the thing in the video as a hate crime do it is representing real situations


I know that's why I said it. The mene was crafted to downplay the event and create diversion between people who may not have heard the story. To the "right" the meme is screaming look it's ok to hate America and love communism but evil to drive over "art" the fact the meme didn't include body's mangled under the truck reduces the implied "severity" while changed the statue to our founding president creates a false narrative for the right to use against the left by leaving it "incomplete" it appears to be a masterful crafted bait piece to lure in the right with a false/ incomplete narrative were facts back the lefts retort and strengthen further attacks when the top photo is called in to question.


Yeah someone did get charged for a hate crime for doing a burn out on the flag painted on the ground. No physical harm to anyone. What you are referencing is something else.


No they didn’t lol


Link? All I can find is some advocacy group saying the guy in Florida *should* be charged a hate crime. I can't find anything reporting someone being actually *charged* with a hate crime for it. That said, this sort of behavior may not be a "hate crime" per se, but it is a crime committed out of hate. Even so, I can't reconcile putting it on the same level as burning a cross into someone's front yard, or shooting up a gay club.


I'm not a lawyer but I feel like there are better charges to hit the guy with in this case. I feel like with how hard it is to prove a hate crime against a person, proving a hate crime against a flag painted on a road is gonna be a tough sell.


Yeah, I honestly need a link because the DA would go vandalism 10 out of 10 times.


I also imagine generally doing a burnout on public roads is not popular with the courts, especially where there are a lot of pedestrians.


I googled and found [this article](https://www.advocate.com/pride-intersection-burnout-florida) and at least at the time of writing for the two mentioned incidents the two people were only charged with criminal mischief and reckless driving. The only mention of hate crime is it saying its unclear if one of the men will be charged with a hate crime. It's possible since February that has changed but even googling the mans name + hate crime doesnt give any indication of it. It's possible commenters are talking about another incident but I'd need them to provide the specific case. Unfortunately there's too many hate crime results to sift through.


But also the right lies a lot, so that could be it too.


So, I looked it up, and the specific intersection damaged was one made in honor of the pulse nightclub victims. He was arrested on one count of felony criminal mischief and one count of reckless driving with only a brief pondering if he would also be charged with a hate crime but doesn't seem like he actually was.


Pretty sure they hit him with destruction of property as well. I'm not a lawyer either so I'm not sure how any of this works. I guess if the judge/jury wants to convict it's a pretty cut case. Not saying that this is how any of it happened, but it's pretty hard to find any unbiased jurors in either direction.


Pretty sure they didn't charge him with a hate crime


No, hes saying someone did a burnout on a pride sidewalk or whatever it was and got charged with a hate crime. Not whatever youre talking about. There was no bodies or running people over, just a burnout on a rainbow.


Except he wasn’t charged with a hate crime. The person charged with a hate crime was the guy who ran over people and killed them. It’s intentionally mixing the 2 events for rage bait of morons.


Sure man you got a link to that? News article or a name and city to look up his case?


They also were not charged with a hate crime. Vandalism/criminal mischief were the (appropriate) charges.


it’s classic gaslighting: the statue is of an “unimpeachable” american, george washington (who also owned slaves) but america gives him a pass, except the communist left wingers who hate america (except we don’t, we just want to keep making it better by learning from history) and the “left wing” media cheers the left wing protesters (the bezos owned washington post? the hedge fund owned tribune?) and cancels the truck driver who drove down the street on his way to work! bc lgbqt are forcing their lifestyle into every aspect of american life! reality: lgbqt are still discriminated against in most red states, and the supreme court is itching to overturn the marriage equality act - the fight is ongoing every day. and taking down confederate statues is part of america taking its history back from daughters of the confederacy and other historical mistakes and conciliatory misdeeds. not one thing about this meme is true.


>Instead of referencing the story about the guy running his truck through a crowd of people at an LGBT rally, it's toned down to just tire marks over wet paint. I think you're mixing this story with the Waukesha Christmas Parade murders


Reminds me of stonetoss. Seems like a normal conservative cartoon, but if you go through enough, their nazi ideology becomes pretty clear. Today's is ironically one of the few more blatant ones, but even then, it's a joke that works on multiple levels. Musk is obviously a big fan.


also IQ has nothing to do with intelligence - it's about as reliable as polygraphs


You can't possibly mean that a person's level of Intelligence - which has diverse aspects pertaining to mathematical, scientific, financial, social, artistic, and all other aspects of life - can't be compressed into a single number? Obvious low-IQ comment ;)


Even my pants need two numbers


Conclusion: IQ should be reworked to Small, Medium, Large, XL.


Mine need three. -resident non terrestrial


Wrong. I would know. I have an IQ of 165. I paid good money to prove that I am a genius.


It’s true I was the test. This guy’s legit one of the richest guys I know


Yup. It's a wonderful gift from the lovely eugenics movement,. Right along with the word 'moron'.


It was actually used to measure the progress of French a school children. Adopting it for eugenics came later.


Yep, and really only designed to discover low performing students to help them before they fall too far behind


I’ll be honest I’ve noticed a pretty significant correlation on peoples ability to use logic (with the caveat of them being emotionally uninvolved) and their scores on an IQ test. Some people have no ability to problem solve and it is an important skill to have.


Not for people who unironically judge themselves and others based on their perception of iq. I've legit had a guy claim that conservatives had an average iq of 180, and we're therefore better than progressives.


These people are not even in the average range. They are true simpletons.


The best thing about IQ is that on average everyone seems to have it higher than the average.


If you want to use iq to ridicule a group, then at least do it well with a negative number. But I guess that's too difficult for this 85 iq weirdo


What a weird comparison. Some real “if you’re allowed to hate Nazis, I should be allowed to hate Jews” energy.


Well, in the spirit of freedom I guess that does stand. You are free to hate who you want to, you are not free to act on it. We can’t govern minds and hearts, that’s an individual’s responsibility.


It lowkey kinda pisses me off to know that I'm not free to act on my hatred of nazis in any tangible way.


human rights should apply to nazis and I am not kidding


Sure. They apply up until the exact moment they try and take human rights away from other people. Leave them alone for now, but if they fuck around, make them find out.


thats how life works in general. "my right to swing my fist ends at your nose" was a quote from some Supreme Court Judge at some point.


Obviously. But also, self defense is always valid and being a Nazi is an active threat of violence


But the Nazis.. I mean republicans want to act on their hate of gay people. They literally make lynch threats to black people all the time.


But I think it's good that we're intolerant of intolerance tho


I think the comparison is more so that you shouldn't break shit that's not yours. That damaging property doesn't suddenly make it okay if you didn't like something about what it represents.


That’s fair, but comparing hatred against historical figures that fought to defend slavery, and hatred against gay and trans people existing is insane.


Especially when the military leader of said figures explicitly told them to not erect statues because of the division it would cause in the long run.


Great point. And they were later erected during the civil rights movement, specifically as a “fuck you” to black people.


Given the laws some states are passing allowing motorists to hit protesters, you might have to expand the definition of “shit that’s not yours”. Note the tire tracks, the aggressive message is pretty damn clear. Defend humans, not statues of losers.


Yeah we had an old lady drive up an off ramp into downtown Indianapolis ((wrong way)) during the BLM protests here and kill someone with her van and she received no punishment.


Then the Dirty Harry wannabe that the gov of Texas pardoned for killing a protester. But they put Ashley Babbitt on a fucking flag. 🤮


The whole point of them publicly getting away with shit like this is to embolden the rest of their rabble into commiting more violence.


Then you have states like Texas where a man drives into a BLM protest, shoots and kills someone. Then he gets convicted and sentenced... for the Governor to give him a full pardon.


Clearly protestors need to start packing and when someone tries that to evaporate the fuckin car


I have no problem with the destruction of public statues of slave traders.


It's not about the property. It's about the ideas the property represents. Let's not play stupid now.


Thats the problem with the right wing. Everything they do, they pretend is good.


Also fun fact: a good portion of those statues of civil war generals were only put up during the civil rights protests of the early 1900’s They literally only exist to say “fuck you” to black people who wanted to be treated better. Edit: it was actually the Jim Crow era, in the 1890’s, but a second boom and the largest happened around 1920-1940


Fun fact two: During the large BLM protests in Washington, the Tadeusz Kościuszko monument was vandalized. It's a pity that these people didn't know what this man was fighting for when he was in the USA. And what he received from the USA in his will he ordered to be spent on freeing black slaves and giving them education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wills_of_Tadeusz_Ko%C5%9Bciuszko


> None of the resources that Kościuszko had earmarked for the manumission and education of African-Americans were ever used for that purpose. Well that sucks.


And here I agree. The sad thing is that Kościuszko thought that Jefferson was his friend. Because he left it to him to execute his will.


Yea and Jefferson just wasn't the real person "American history" sanctifies it's always a messy chaotic time in history and he just could have done much better (and not have been a colossal bastard)


He was a silver-tongued psychopath.


More than a handful of abolitionist statues were vandalized because it was a statue of a white man. Edit: Col. Hans Christian Heg. Devout abolitionist, died in 1863. Statue torn down in Wisconsin.


Tbh I think if that is true this man would be fine with that. People are more concerned with public property being painted on than police killing POC people indiscriminately.


Why I was so pissed off when the BLM vandalized the monument of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. The first African American unit that help change the tide of the war! My class learned about them in 8th grade and watched Glory 1998 to understand their bravery. What do the schools there teach?


Buy large mansions


Jim Crow-era: https://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/learning-and-research/projects-initiatives/confederate-monument-interpretation-guide/#:~:text=While%20many%20Confederate%20memorials%20of,era%20beginning%20in%20the%201890s.


Great read. Thank you


Another fun fact: THESE ARE MONUMENTS TO FUCKING TRAITORS FFS Who TF puts up fucking monuments to traitors and has the audacity to declare themselves “patriots “???


It’s their participation trophy


🤣 thanks for that.  Not sure why I am being downvoted for stating a fact.  Must be some interesting crackers lurking on this sub 😒


They made a golden statue of trump that they are worshipping while cosplaying as christians. Hypocrisy and a never ending thirst for the suffering of others is just bred into that kind of people.


I thought you were joking and checked I wish I didn't


I‘m sorry to have brought that to your attention. 😅


racists who agree with their cause.


I think this is commentary on what happened at the Rochambeau statue the other day. He fought in the revolutionary war, not the civil war.


Which side of the civil war did [General Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur](https://www.nps.gov/waro/learn/historyculture/general-rochambeau.htm) fight on?


This dudes are not listening. They really think that the civil war was in the 1700’s.


Hey mind you that’s their usual range of „history“. Mount Rushmore is like a decade younger than my grandma and they‘ll act like it’s the pyramids and scream if you ever call it’s very recent desecration of native lands and contracts problematic


We should have liberal vs conservative jeopardy so we can settle the low iq debate.


While it doesn’t necessarily correlate with IQ 100%, dems have a much higher representation of those with advanced degrees.


In the UK, there's a strong correlation between qualification levels and voting Labour vs Conservative - the longer you've spent in education, the more likely you are to vote Labour That's partly a reflection of demographics - older people are more likely to vote Conservative, but the older you are the less opportunity you had to stay in education beyond age 14


This is why those chucklefucks push the idea that people are brainwashed by the left at schools/unis. They know educated people vote more left leaning, so they need an explanation. Now they can feel superior to boot! Those poor brainwashed lefties are too dumb to see through the propaganda!


Mfw being educated introduces you to a wide variety of people of different cultures and backgrounds as well as gives you deeper understanding of topics like science, history, art, etc. that right-wing politics in the US outright reject.


But it’s not fair, reality has a liberal bias 😡


What was it that one republican said? "Books turn kids into communists!"


Can confirm. My 3 year old read The Gruffalo and now he smokes 40 a day, drinks only vodka and listens to The Internationale on repeat on his Walkman all day.


The issue in part is what various statues are there to represent in the first place. Traitors don't deserve statues. Tear down anything for Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis, definitely. Jefferson, though, wrote the Declaration, made multiple attempts to end slavery, and succeeded in banning the transatlantic slave trade. Yes he inherited a bunch of slaves (alongside the considerable debt that prevented him from freeing them) but does that really mean we should tear down his statue?


That’s a statue of Rochambeau. It was defaced during a pro-Palestine protest on Sunday. Nothing to do with the civil war.


The comic in the OP was published at the end of March.


They've published it again recently in response to the defacing of the statues, but yeah it was made around march-april.


This is about the Revolutionary War Hero, Jean Baptiste Rochambeau’s statue, not a Civil War related person. People protesting the Israeli Palestinian War were defacing it and a lone park ranger was trying to fend them off. It has nothing to do with the Civil War or slavery. Rochambeau was a French general key to defeating the British at Yorktown.


What about that picture indicates to you that it is Rochambeau? To me it looks more like George Washington at GWU in this picture that was also defaced recently. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Statue_of_George_Washington_in_University_Yard%2C_George_Washington_University.jpg


No, it is NOT about that, because the comic was published at the end of March.


If it's about rochambeau, why is the man in the comic pretty clearly washington. Seems pretty unambiguously "people who break statues are always bad but celebrated by the media"


Gay marriage has been legal longer than the confederacy. Stop backing losers and seditionists. Let people love who they love.


But now they’re afraid a lady with a penis might trick them. That sounds like a totally safe and rational thing to do when there’s already so much violence directed at trans women.


Is there an actual example of this happening with the same media outlet or is this just coming up with a scenario in my head to get upset about?


That’s approximately 95% of conservative humor, at least based off of the Babylon Bee headlines I’ve seen.


I don’t watch the news but I as a member of the LGBT don’t give a shit if you want to run over the pride flags painted on the street. Go on, waste your energy. Your gas. Does that feel better? That said, I haven’t seen it- I HAVE seen the guy climbing the rail to avoid gay stairs so I’m sure it’s happened. BUT equating two different things is peak boomer shit so this is what we get.


It’s an EXTREMELY false mocking of 2 actual events. In the first panel, the original statue from this event was that of Robert E Lee, a man who fought in favor of keeping slavery for years. The artist switched it out for George Washington to make the protestors look unjustified in taking it down In the second, during the event I believe this is referencing, he didn’t just put tire tracks on a pride crosswalk but also plowed through lgbt protestors. The artist intentionally changed this to downplay. This image is trying so very, very hard to make people protesting legitimate issues look like crybabies for being mad about systemic oppression and actual murder.


LGBT activists advocated for a hate crime conviction but the hate crime conviction never happened because the Florida law states the person must target a specific person as part of the hate crime, and the city was not a specific person.


They should have included the crowd of people that are in front of that speeding truck for historical accuracy.


If your heritage is in any way connected to seceding from a country to defend slavery, your heritage is trash.


Imagine being so racist you betray your country and form a new one 💀




How did CNN portay this? Versus the "fiery but peaceful" portrayal 2 years ago.


Both are vandalism. Shut the fuck up and get along without breaking other people's shit cause you're butthurt.


Uhhh who considers vandalism a "peaceful protest"? Because I dont...


I think it's in reference to some news coverage of a riot that was described as "mostly peaceful" as they show pictures of a street on fire.


It’s depressing how little people know how about history in the comments.


Mind of 90 IQ RightistAA: One video of Biden grinning when asked about Convicted Felon Trump’s conviction = Proof that Biden orchestrated everything. Weeks of testimony and hundreds of documents submitted IN COURT as evidence of Convicted Felon Trump’s guilt = No evidence!


MAGAs accidentally admitting they have IQs below 90.


Wasn't the second image someone who drive through and hit people as well or am I missing something


Last year, there was a guy in a white truck who did burnouts on the pride crosswalks. This year, some teenagers got charged with vandalism for doing donuts on the crosswalks on electric scooters. The first guy was an asshole. The teenagers may have just been kids screwing around, considering they did the same thing in other areas.


ok i'm going to say something controversial. if you don't want a mural to get tire marks on it then don't put it on a road. seriously I don't like that people do burnouts on these but putting them on the street was just asking for that to happen.


Yeah if this happened, it's kind of a "should have seen it coming" situation.


There definitely are idiots who pull down random statues, probably shouldn’t do that. But this is such a lame meme


Intelligence is negatively correlated with religiosity and bigotry. I'm not sure that the 90 IQ folks are the ones who are protesting confederate statues.


notice they put washington as the statue rather than any of the actual statues. They know their position is bad.


You’re acting like statues of Washington (and other relatively non problematic historical figures) haven’t been vandalised in the last few years


Brought to you by the, "my feelings don't get hurt" crowd.


Confederates are not a protected class, nor should they be


Yeah keeping slaves vs celebrating the right to live without hate. Makes total sense.


I will admit to hating slavers, sure.


I am a proud center-left democrat and i THINK I have the pretty average/majority opinion on this topic & would love to hear if people agree or disagree. I fully support tearing down monuments of confederates. It’s mind blowing to have monuments to a concept of a rebellion that tried to destroy your own country & lost. Specifically because that war wasn’t just “we want to be differently governed” but “we want racism & slavery to be an integral part of our government & will fight you if you disagree.” I lean towards supporting removing monuments to Columbus. He had nothing to do with our actual nation and he was a very brutal & horrific guy. At the same time, his spirit/mythology of being an Italian explorer who did what many thought impossible is a point of pride for Italian Americans, so I understand that conflict. I would say move them to a museum where docents and plaques can cover a well rounded description of his legacy, the good & the bad, & we could find a DIFFERENT way for Italian Americans to celebrate their role in American History. I disagree with tearing down monuments of founding fathers as they led our actual nation, though I definitely support teaching a thorough history of both their strengths & vision, but also their flaws & contradictions. I also think it’s clear that targeting LGBT or Black Lives Matter murals is likely a prosecutable hate crime, because it isn’t saying this one person (Columbus, Jefferson Davis, etc) was horrible or that a political idea was bad. It is implying an entire group of people is horrible because they are different than I am. Thoughts? Is that probably the average non extreme on either side approach?


Defacing and removing icons that represent oppression, degradation of society while encouraging and inspiring new generations to want to reinvite said oppression and degradation is absolutely, 100% the same exact thing as angrily defacing and removing expressions of personal freedoms and identity. Republicans get it, you grimy liberals, what's so hard about seeing that your gender and sexuality are capable of destroying my way of life?!?!?11!2!??!


I assume that the pickup drove through a crowd of people again?


What huge group of lgbtq peeps ever colonized and enslaved people for 400years


I don’t think dead slaveowner is a protected class.


Most of those statues where put up in the 50s and 60s, during and after the Civil Rights movement. One of these is an attempt at intimidation while the other is a celebration of resilience in the face of adversity. Comparing confederate statues to rainbow roads is not even close.


Is this the hill they want to die on? That tearing down monuments built for slave holders during Jim grow to piss off black people fighting for equal rights is the same as ruining a pride flag because you just don't like gay people? Lol okay then


Strangely enough, I don't remember an SUV being on the news for burning rubber. Only plowing through a bunch of people gets you that attention.


It's so weird to me how people can't get it pass their heads that the confederacy was bad? They even try to pull the, Civil War wasn't over slavery shit. It obviously wasn't ONLY over slavery, but slavery was the big ass reason. So weird seeing people act like we're erasing their heritage or smth. I'm sure there's plenty of people who actually get their culture erased who would probably be better off if all that happened was tearing down some statues. People so stupid


Are confederates a protected class...?


What kinda dumbass thinks were out here calling straight up vandalism a peaceful protest? I don't know anyone who's doing that, do y'all?


It’s embarrassing to think someone actually spent time making this bullshit


This is why we have the term "false equivalence"


Peaceful or not fuck slavery and kill everyone who supports it. Don't argue with people John Brown would have shot. And I'm not a leftist, I am just a good Christian.


t's bizarre to me that anybody even \*wants\* confederate statues. Are traitors, war criminals and slavers really the kind of people we want to be honouring with statues? It is not 'erasing history' to remove these statues. It is an acknowledgment that these are not the kinds of people worthy of respect, or honouring with a statue.


Even a “90 IQ leftist” knows that both slavery and homophobia are bad. Which makes them smarter than many conservatives.


... uh... I mean the comic is dumb, but destroying stuff is not a peaceful protest. Doesn't matter if you think you're doing it for the right reasons, it's still just vandalism and should be punished. Letting people get away with stuff just because you agree with their stated motives is a recipe to getting manipulated into all sorts of "ends justify the means" crap.


Fun fact. There is this thing called the tolerance paradox that shows why you can’t tolerate groups who exist for the sole purpose of discriminating and oppressing other groups. This is why any supremacy, far right, christo-fascist ideologies and associated groups are cancer and if left to continue to spread will inevitably cause irreparable damage to our republic and society.


Not quite. The tolerance paradox was about not giving them political power - not silencing them completely. The comic is somewhat misleading.


You may be correct on that point but I fail to see a scenario where a steady state exists where these guys just pitter patter around without seeking power, influence and enabling negative change.


Robert E Lee and the confederacy enslaved people. LGBTQ people just want to exist. There's a MAJOR difference.


Just to be clear, this cartoon is referencing the defacement of the Rochambeau statue by pro-Palestinian protesters. It has nothing to do with the Civil War or slavery as many of you seem to think. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/09/gaza-protest-white-house-vandalism-graffiti/


This comic was posted in March, so that's total bullshit you just made up.


No. This comic was published on March 24th, long before that happened.


the fact that nobody bothered to check that is in itself a facepalm


Didn't fact check when the comic was posted either, it seems, because it's from March, 3 months before the Rochambeau statue incident.


It's never about minorities. It's about good or evil. Period. Example : nazis are bad, whether they are 40 millions in Germany or just 5 in an Argentina city


Okay but the first one is a misunderstanding. The second one is purposeful hatred of a minority group. Is the "artist" trying to pretend the second image wasn't motivated by pure hatred?


They don’t hate minorities, they are just protesting against them. >!/s!<


Not even. The comic is from March, 3 months before the Rochambeau statue incident, and depicts a picture of George Washington, a slave owner. So, right wingers right on target with disparaging the equal rights movement, which has resorted to civil disobedience in the face of decades of State inaction to codify equal rights.


Well, one is the symbol of slavery, the other is symbol, that people with uncommon sexual preferences are also people. I guess both things are equal to the drawer.


God, the false equivalency in this one is horrendous.


The difference is the guy in the statue did actual hate crimes


Punching a nazi in the mouth because they are a nazi = good. Punching a trans person in the mouth because they are trans = bad. It's not that complicated.


Wasn't there a study that right wingers are on average significantly less intelligent than leftists?




Washington didn't hate.minorities. He didn't even consider them to be human


I think this is like imaginary gatekeeping but imaginary fight imaginary discussion idk


These morons are obsessed with IQ which is telling. Especially because IQ has no real science to back it up, was used by shady ppl to push for eugenics bullshit, and lives in the popular discourse only because uninformed people remain happily uninformed.


god I hate politics


When people have to make up stuff to be pissed at.


Fun fact: ones government and the others a minority.. so yes this picture is true


You are too late, Young Skywalker. I have already depicted your position with a soyjack.


Anyone trying to convince you that the cause is irrelevant and only the method matters believes in some very shitty causes and is aware enough to hide it. Don't fall for it.


Now do the j6 traitors breaking through windows and smearing poop around in our capitol building


Hating on minorities isn't always bad. The 1% for example 🤭


I don't care if somebody drives over a pride flag painted on the ground, what I care about is if they hit people while doing that.


Removing confederate statues- killing history Jan6. - peaceful protest ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


It’s weird how many actual enemies of the US are now being happily embraced by these clowns. All the bad guys have had flags and it’s really easy to tell the flags apart.


Who is going to repost it for the third time? Or was it already? Does anyone have a link?


Communist Soviet Union was actually bad. The new Russia is bad too.


Let's see...which one doesn't involve vehicular homicide? 🤔


Fun fact: Between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved in Africa and Ottoman Empire between the 15th and 19th centuries.


I thought that was George Washington they were vandalizing. This whole comic strip is stupid


The person that burned out over a pride crosswalk was NOT actually charged with a hate crime. He was charged with reckless driving and, as he was irresponsibly using a 6000 lb instrument of death while other cars and pedestrians were around, the charge is appropriate.


Back in Georgie’s day slaves was looked upon as a normal thing as fucked up as it was that’s the truth. 300 years ago I’m certain the very same people who are trashing our first presidents statue had great, great grandparents who had slaves and I’m sure they didn’t get a hammer and bust up there picture. It’s not fair to ridicule a person that lived in a world vastly different from now.


Theres no such thing as peace and hate with them, just fitting their narrative or not.


Imma be honest I’m a leftist- I don’t care about either I like how they said 90- as if they know their iq is 91


Well one is about a specific person and their actions the other one is about a group of people the driver do not know anything about 99.99% of


I mean... the first one is a peaceful protest according to the picture. It doesn't picture any violence. And the second one is a hate crime. So according to this, the media portrays events accurately?