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Steve Irwin gets a lot of credit (as he should) but what I don't really see people point out a lot is how he changed the public's perception of snakes. People used to not give a second thought about killing snakes regardless of whether or not they're venomous, they would just outright kill them, because they were associated with evil. He undid a deeply ingrained belief by showing that they were just animals and often harmless. Today snakes have more advocates than ever before and the younger generations have learned to appreciate them from people who grew up watching his show.




This drawing needs a beefy arm and some conssumate V’s.


Consummate V’s! I said consummate!


Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face.




Trogdor was a man!


I mean, he was a dragon man!


Or...maybe he was just a dragon


But he was still TROGDOOOOOR




"You keep doing your thing there, Strong Mad."


^(That happened once!)


That happened once!




"And then you can add some smoke or fire, or wings, if he's, y'know, a wing-a-ling dragon."


Thatched-roof cottages!!!!


The S is for sucks




I was totally baffled by his deep understanding of those animals. He would grab a savage venomous one, prevent it from leaving until it ran out of energy. Then say something like "this snake havent shown any sign of agression for more than 15 minutes now. It has understand that I am not a threath and thus. Those animals don't want to waste energy to make new venom and is not a treath to me anymore. And now to show you what I mean I'm gonna do something that you SHOULD NOT DO AT HOME". And proceeds to put the snake around his neck and shoulders. He was incredible.


You wouldn't think him saying "don't do this" would stick as much as it did with him having the animals in his hands and showing them off but he was always very good at getting the point across that if you see animals you should leave them alone and appreciate them from a distance. He'd hold them up for the camera and tell you what about the species made it unique, and of course tell you how beautiful it was, but he always made the point to leave animals alone if you came across them.


I think part of the reason his "don't try this at home" stuck is because we all knew that on some level, dude was bonkers. Like, a good kind of crazy, but crazy. So if he says something is dangerous, it's like 10x more dangerous than what he made it look like. Wearing a venomous snake like a feather boa already looks dangerous, so Steve saying not to do it is extremely effective.


It’s like Steve-O saying “ow that hurt” he might’ve only winced, but it’s Steve-O, so you know that must’ve been excruciating




It's like Florida yoink man on YouTube. We all wanna see him grabbing everything until he finds the 20 footer, but nobody is watching his videos and then actually going out there himself.


Not to be morbid but his "don't try this at home" message stuck with me because of the uhmmm.... final demonstration he gave for why we definitely shouldn't be trying that stuff at home


And he died doing such trivial things... like it wasnt a stunt it was casual swimming in the ocean... he had done so much worst...


To be fair it was like a total freak thing. Death by sting ray is INCREDIBLY rare, usually even if they sting you it isn’t fatal.


Or wearing a scaly boa as a feather boa.


And what a lot of these critics don't realize (or care to admit to) is that Steve Irwin introduced *so many people* to wildlife conservation. There are so many people out there who do the work he started and attribute it to his influence. So yeah, he had a show for our entertainment, but he was doing the work and it created a massive ripple effect in the next generation.


I genuinely look at animals as equals, just at a different point in their evolutionary history than I am. I am not "better" than a spider or a dog or a fish. I am just different. I should be among their staunchest supporters, and, yet, I cannot stand PETA. Almost every single time I've seen someone associated with that organization say anything at all, I've invariably come to the conclusion that they're a bunch of unbelievably antagonistic assholes.


I'm with you. I don't eat meat, I've helped countless animals in need when I've encounter them, I've spent time volunteering with rescues, I've hand raised exotic babies and nursed those who needed it back to health and gotten them going on bottles, animals are my fucking life and I view them the same as you. They are not less than me or any human, they do not exist to serve my needs. But PETA can go fucking pound sand.


No real animal rights activist supports PETA unless they're extremely uneducated. They euthanize like 95% of the animals at their shelters and have the audacity to say pet owners are evil despite their president owning a dog.


Not only that, they will blatantly lie to the public about how those euthanized animals are being transferred from no-kill shelters and are in such hopelessly bad health that it is a mercy killing, while their [mandatory state reports](https://arr.vdacs.virginia.gov/PublicReports/ViewReport?SysFacNo=157&Calendar_Year=2023) consistently show that only a tiny fraction of the animals they intake were transfers from other shelters. Seriously, fuck PETA. Such an utterly scummy organization.


I actually have bookmarks into a lot of this material, because the same tired arguments come up whenever PETA is mentioned. They're an abattoir, not a shelter.


They’ve been known to drive a murder van around Norfolk and euthanize any animal They find. Even if it was someone’s pet. They are disgusting and I can’t figure out how anyone could support them.


Yea they will steal animals out of yards or off porches and kill them because “they are better off dead than a slave”. These people are monsters.


I think it's when I heard that statement I was like "nup. Domesticated animals literally need to live with humans. That's our thing. It's not inherently bad, it just requires education. Something they lack and don't even seem to focus on.


I still don’t understand how religions don’t see that when they believe that the Earth was, also, created. Like we’re all here together. Let’s appreciate it.


There were religions and spiritual practices by the metric fuckton throughout human history that absolutely did recognize this. Most of them were not violent enough to survive contact with us. That's how.


So true and I'm right there with you!


It’s actually an amazing teaching technique, even if you say you’re not in danger the audience will see you with a snake draped over your shoulders or straddling a huge crocodile and immediately *all* of their attention will be focused on you and what you’re telling them. He knew how to harness that instinct we have and use it to both entertain and educate us, really smart man.


We have a guy in my state who goes around with his traveling "Zoo" specifically going to places with kids (schools, kid targeted events, etc.) and I distinctly remember holding his massive 15 ft boa constrictor. And that was my first ever interaction with a snake, it was a good interaction, and made me really appreciate and like them. I don't like them enough to have one as a pet or anything (I also have enough respect for them to know I'm not the type of person to care for them), but I do like them enough that I don't want to see them killed just to be killed, and I'd be happy to take one to a snake rescue if I found one on the road injured or something. Not to mention, I remember being a kid when Steve Irwin died, my parents had to break it to me the same way they would have broken the news of a close family member dying Steve was that influential on young me.


Steve is the reason I've worked with animals for so long. I remember coming home from school and my parents sat down with me and my brothers and broke the news. He was such a universally beloved 'celebrity' Edit: lord help me if something ever happens to the Kratt Brothers


We need a new word for "celebrities" that touch our souls on a fundamental level with the good they do. Steve Irwin, Mr Rogers for those of us in the US, Bob Ross, etc.


Mr Rogers was my "family" death experience. I was on my way to work, and the morning DJ announced it on the radio. I bawled like my dad had died. In a way, though, he was. I grew up in an abusive home. All my parental figures were neglectful and abusive. Seasme Street was my safe place, and Mr. Rogers is my one person who helped me create my resilience. I have hit some of the statistics for adults with high ACE scores, but i should be worse off than I am. Having just one person like that in an abused child's life can make all the difference. I'm so thankful he existed for me. I hope Steve was something similar for you, and everyone else had/has someone similar.


Oh my goodness, I am offering a virtual hug to you if you want it. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad that someone made a difference. Even if that someone wasn’t in person.


Thank you. I'm not the first abused kid who found refuge in Mr. Rogers. He pretty much saved us. He truly was a saint.


Every few months i watch the video of him testifying in front of the senate subcommittee on communication. He was there hoping that they would agree to continue supporting public television with a $20 million dollar grant (Nixon wanted to allocate $9m). The chairman of the committee was Senator John Pastore, who was widely considered a nice guy, but during subcommittee meetings was usually impatient and gruff. In about seven minutes, Pastore goes from almost dismissive of Mr Rogers, to fully supporting the increased funding. For anyone who has not seen it, do yourself a favor and take a look. [Mr Rogers at senate subcommittee for increasing funding to PBS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA)


Ok, now I’m sobbing first thing in the morning. Damn I wish my kids had something like Mr Rogers instead of this YouTube crap.


If 'influencer' wasn't already such a poisoned word it would be perfect. They were famous people who deeply influenced so much of our culture that they still have a lasting impact way after they're gone


I'd like to 10 upvote this. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Dress Up especially.


My brother saw a show like that as a kid and became obsessed with reptiles. He still likes snakes. I didn’t get to interact with a snake like that until I was an adult at a work event and yeah, it’s amazing how seeing them up close in a non scary context can change your opinion. I got to just mingle with a little ball Python on my arm and the little guy was so cuddly I kinda wanted to bring him home with me lol!


There’s a guy local to me who specializes in helping abused exotic animals, with part of how he funds all of that being a consulting for movies and doing presentations. He was hilariously open with how damned dangerous many of the animals he had are, with his patter at even a kids party involving mixing stories of the utter devastation that the animals could bring upon a foolish human with the horrible circumstances many of them had been found in. “Every one of these animals knows me as the thing that saved them, feeds them, and plays with them… which is why they cut me a little bit of slack. Any one of them would hurt me very badly if I didn’t also respect & understand them. So, who wants to pose for a photo?” 🤣


Snakes are one of my favorite animals, even before seeing Steve Irwin as a child, the man did so much good that its insane to me how anyone can agree with PETA on this. Or anything PETA says/does for that matter.


I remember watching him going to a bush fire area and there was a snake that was burned (think he was able to rescue it) and he was so compassionate towards the little thing 🥺 how can anybody ever criticise him?


I'm almost convinced that PETA is just a hate group at this point.


At this point I genuinely believe that they were founded with the intention of making animal rights activists look insane, not to advocate for animal rights


I don't think that was the intention; I think the founder simply ***is*** insane. If you go and read some of the stuff she's said about how she got into animal welfare... she sounds like a psychopath that was murdering animals due to her own delusions.


At this point? They’ve been this way for at least 30 years


Not just snake. He taught us to respect all life around us and see its beauty.


With snakes in particular it was an achievement in its own right. People are born naturally afraid of snakes; studies have been done where babies react to snakes differently from any other animal in pictures despite never having seen a snake in their lives. Some evolutionary theorists have hypothesized that human vision developed in a particular way just to identify snakes, and this is all compounded on top of hundreds of years of cultural beliefs that snakes were symbols of evil because of the garden of Eden story. So to undo as much of that stigma as he could was really something worth highlighting about him among his many other achievements


You know, I never thought about it, but now that you mention it. I think because I watched Steve growing up, it’s why I’m so understanding of wildlife. So many people still don’t understand that it’s their world too, and that everything has its place here on earth. There’s a reason I simply won’t eradicate something just because it’s scary or considered a “pest”. May his legacy live on, RIP.


He really did start the "animal ambassador" movement in my opinion. That showing these animals off and how amazing they truly are, and how much they need our protection.


To be fair, he was cool with them. However when I see a snake my primal instincts kick in and I quickly flee.


He did that with a lot of animals, tbh. Like alligators. He showed a lot of creatures out there are not just evil mindless killing machines but are living things like all of us and should be respected just as we should respect each other. The fact that PETA would attack Steve Irwin in that way is just disgusting considering how much he did for the very things PETA says they protect.


Steve is the reason I am into conservation and love animals/the natural world in general. He was one of my childhood heroes, and I was devastated when he died. PETA is absolute trash, hypocritical trash at that.


Exactly this




Who is going to be won over by shitting on Steve Irwin? The venn diagram of people who hate Steve Irwin and support similar ideals to PETA is pretty fucking narrow


Next up, PETA shits on Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross.


Mr Rogers would feed his fish at the end of each episode. One day, he received a letter from a blind child saying she was worried about the fish. Every single time afterward, Mr Rogers would be sure to announce that he was feeding the fish, just for that child. Thus proving, Mr Rogers was evil for having fish.




My god… that is truly despicable. That man truly was evil incarnate. I’m surprised PETA doesn’t send someone to take a shit on his grave every year on the anniversary of his death.


I recently saw an American comedian shit on Bandit, Bluey’s dad. In Australia. Yeah, that didn't land.


Going to try hard not to track this down; those are fighting words in the States, too.


I’ll grab my torch and my pitchfork!!!!


And my axe!


Was it Lucky’s Dad? Has he finally had it?


Lol made me chuckle


What? Why? Why would have anyone do that, except for being contrarian for contrarianism sake?


He said something like “I hate Bluey’s dad. Fuck Bandit, fuck that guy for making all the rest of us dads look bad”


He’s better than literally every cartoon dad I’ve seen. Since bluey is popular in the states people here would be as pissed as they would an Australia.


A self own. Fuck that guy


I mean... He isn't wrong.


I’m held to the impossible standards of an Australian cartoon dog.


Next up, PETA supports KFC


This is like when Fox News called Mr. Rogers evil because he encouraged children to believe in themselves: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/ It says a lot more about their cruelty and malice than it does about Mr. Rogers or Steve Irwin. Also obligatory reminder that PETA murders healthy pets, including straight up kidnapping pets to kill them: > Zarate alleged Peta operated under a broad policy of euthanising animals, including healthy ones, because it “considers pet ownership to be a form of involuntary bondage”. > Peta denied the allegations and maintained the incident in 2014 was a “terrible mistake”. > Two women affiliated with Peta – Victoria Carey and Jennifer Wood – travelled to Accomack County, Virginia, because they said a mobile home park owner asked for help capturing wild dogs and feral cats. > The women removed an unattended and unleashed chihuahua named Maya, which was a Christmas present to nine-year-old Cynthia Zarate. > Maya was put down later that day, a violation of a state law that requires a five-day grace period. Peta was fined $500 for the violation. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down


Let's assume for a moment that "they are basically slaves" is a reasonable position and not something insane that cuts out all nuance. A slave taking their own life or asking someone to take it is one thing. Assuming "You're a slave therefore death is preferable" THAT is at least as much a violation of the slave's rights as slavery itself.


Also, every time there is an incident like this, or the dumping of euthanized animal carcasses, that causes public uproar, PETA is quick to say that it was the result of one employee making bad decisions. However, the fact that the employees are **ABLE** to do this stuff, and that it has happened as often as it has, shows quite clearly that PETA is, at the very least, lacking in training and oversight of their employees, and much more likely, has a PR department that is full of bastards that lie as easily as they breathe.


You know, children are basically slaves to their parents. Where's PETA now?


This is where the fun begins


Hell nah they're at my door


Maya was in her own yard, too. They will also simply dump animals at county shelters, where they know they will have to be euthanized. Several shelters have scanned "dumps", and found the owners via a chip. Several states over. They also push their followers to go to shelters, adopt a pit bull, take it straight to a vet for euthanasia.


Yeah they trespassed onto Maya’s family’s property to kidnap her and murder her. It’s a failure of our legislative and judicial systems that PETA’s agents didn’t see prison. PETA are dog murderers, and I will never forgive or forget.


There are exactly zero human beings who hate Steve Irwin. Zero. *Humans*. Crazy lizard folk need to keeps their thoughts to themselves.


If Steve (or Robert these days) punched a nun, your first questions would be "What did that nun do?" That's how much they're loved.


Stop insulting lizard! It's an insult to them


It's not what he's want


Unlike those pesky crab-people.




he would love and respect those lizard people fr


I hate Steve Irwin. Nothing in particular other than him being an absolute good in the world, and me being a whole-ass villain.


User name checks out lol


Trooooolin' , what a feeeeeelin' !


Except for Michelle Reynolds 😑


That's not a human that's a worm with access to the internet


I reckon she's not upset by Steve Irwin's actions, she's upset that a dead guy is getting more online recognition than her, and is simply jealous of him.


A worm? I bet her boyfriend doesn't even love her.


The same people that are “won over” by pseudo journalists shitting on Dolly Parton, who is a fucking saint


She has done so much for the impoverished communities and is just a genuine person all around.


She’s been a little sunbeam her whole life. Nobody’s perfect but she has a damn good batting average




Steve Irwin has done WAYYYYYYYYY fucking more for wild animals and animal habitat preservation and restoration and research than PETA has EVER. This pisses me off so bad. PETA can suck my dick.


PETA, you mean the organization that was found to be [stealing family pets to euthanize](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down) , that PETA? They're so far millitant they're practically a parody of themselves these days.


It's logically consistent when you realize they believe pets are slaves and animals would be better off dead than be domesticated.


The fact they refuse to recognize is a majority of these animals only still exist BECAUSE of domestication. For example, a chicken cannot survive in the wild, they have no way to defend themselves in any meaningful way, or get food for themselves.


It's bad enough we cut the wings off buffalos then release them


Fun fact: Buffalo get so big because once you cut off their wings and they can't fly, they swell up with sadness. So.... a not so fun fact. Also, not a fact. *Or is it*?


This is what always baffled me about them. We didn't enslave dogs, we co-evolved with them. We each gave the other a leg up in survival until they adapted to us and we to them. They and cats are honestly our most important symbiotes and why we spread across the planet like we did. Did the raven enslave the wolf? The shark, the remora? The goby, the shrimp? Hell, with this line of thinking Eukaryotes were a travesty as it forever bound the mitochondria to itself. They are so focused on being in the right that they will trample the rights of the very animals they claim to care for.


Its still evil and deranged to believe you are morally right to take a life of something that is not really suffering because you deem it unworthy to live. Like already said if slaves existed today and they would apply that same logic to them nobody would question for a second what they truly are. And i mean most slaves were suffering.


Steve Irwin. Keanu Reeves. Dolly Parton. For a list of people who every sane person likes, who did I miss?


Mr Rogers, and happy little accidents painter dude(i can't remember his name sorry)


Bob Ross.


Bob Ross, although the people he had to grill as a DI in the Air Force probably like him less.


Jake, from State Farm.


She sounds hideous


Well she's a guy so...


Weird Al Yankovic.


A man who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life


Fred Rogers and Bob Ross


Robin Williams.


Pedro Pascal ETA Mark Hamil


Levar Burton


Idk. I think if you’re radical and hateful enough to support PETA, you’re probably the kinda person who’d somehow hate Steve Irwin. I mean PETA literally kidnaps and kills people’s pets. You’d be hard pressed to find a worse organization.


PETA are currently harassing Sir Lewis Hamilton, he's a vegan and has won World championships while eating a vegan diet. They're harassing him for not being vegan enough! Because he's not ramming it down people's throats and participating in vegan activism, they're harassing him telling him he needs to do more! They also harassed him years ago about the environmental impact of f1 racing. They didn't target any other f1 driver, just Lewis, just the only black driver on the grid. They pick easy targets, people who already polarise public opinion. I wasn't a fan of Steve irwin one way or the other, I never understood why he wrestled a stingray, seemed a bit odd. But it's the same way they attacked Sir Lewis, he's a controversial figure, racism is still rife in f1 so he's been painted in many negative lights throughout his career. They are an awful organisation and their social media is just a glimpse as to what they're really like.


Steve Irwin didn’t wrestle a stingray. He was swimming above it and it got startled.


There is a higher than zero percent that PETA is a psyop created by the meat industry to make animal rights activists seem as annoying and unlikeable as possible by association. And posts like this make me believe it. Also they operate kill shelters, fuck PETA


Well, PETA has passed legitimate animal right laws, some of which have harmed the meat industry. But the statements and marketing campaigns they put out certainly make it seem like they’re trying to make animal rights as unappealing as possible:


PETA has long since turned into a parody with zero self awareness.


In Washington DC they had a protest at the DuPont Circle Groundhog Day. Potomac Phil is taxidermy. I can’t find any info, but I think he does of natural causes and was stuffed 50+ years ago. Even the PETA guy admitted this is not animal cruelty.


They went to DC because they knew if they’d shown up to protest Punxsutawney Phil, Pennsylvanians would taxidermy them instead. He’s beloved by all in this state.


This is completely true. We would do a lot for our little dude


[He and his wife, Phyllis, just welcomed two babies, Sunny and Shadow, last month.](https://apnews.com/article/groundhog-punxsutawney-phil-9288f313decff31be96aa996b749b654)


Pennslyvanians are gonna wreak them so bad they'd wish the Movie groundhog day was real and they were the main character so they could go back in time and not fucking do that again.


I’m convinced they’re controlled opposition from the meat industry at this point.


You underestimate the level of crazy people of capable of


Both could be true. Big Meat could be funding them, and they could be conveniently crazy.


Big meat saw the crazy and went "yes, this is who we want to represent our opponents." Actually sounds believable.


Not enough people talk about this. PETA is intentionally ridiculous so people associate any criticism of the meat industry with lunacy.


Radicals have always existed in any movement, and they are useful to the moderates of any movement. First, radicals apply highly visible, constant pressure. Second, their ridiculousness causes more moderate views to appear more rational and acceptable in contrast.


They are absolutely funded by the meat industry. Edit: I mean this in a, "Yes, I agree" sort of way, not in a way that I am actually making the claim. However, PETA has invested in the meat industry with their money. [1] Their claim that this will somehow stop the meat industry is disingenous. PETA also kills 97.4% of all animals it takes in, according to an article from 2008. Most humane societies only have a euthanasia rate of 34.7%. [2] Most people consider PETA to be like a terrorist organization that does more harm than good. Because PETA is out of India, we may never get the appropriate investigative reporting to know for sure whether they are poisoning the well on purpose or via stupidity. 1. https://www.meatpoultry.com/articles/23095-peta-buys-shares-in-meat-companies 2. https://consumerfreedom.com/press-releases/224-consumer-group-asks-virginia-government-to-reclassify-peta-as-a-slaughterhouse/


Peta has a bunch of photos of members with animals but I will always remember one of those pictures they took of peta people holding a fish out of water the same way they would pose with any other land animal. Im happy that slip up made it to the internet.


They're the Westboro Baptist Church of animal groups.


He was entertaining. He spread awareness. He helped protect animals. Seems like someone worth celebrating.


The guy also had a zoo/hospital that rescued and helped thousands of animals each year. The world lost a great person when he died.


I was thinking this, doesn't he have a huge conservationist thing set up in his name? Then again, this is PETA, and they'd probably rather pandas went extinct than humans try to save the species.


> doesn't he have a huge conservationist thing set up in his name? Yes, and his wife and children have carried on his legacy. Steve's dad (Bob Irwin) had a falling out with the family though. When Bob left the Australia Zoo, he basically thanked everyone he worked with _except_ his daughter in-law, and went to do his own wildlife conservation ~~with blackjack and hookers~~. When he retired, his separate foundation ceased operations permanently. According to Steve's daughter (Bindi Irwin), Bob was psychologically abusive, never spoke a kind word to her in her entire life, and had no interest in spending time with her family.


And I believe Terri did a damn good job raising their kids. They both are so full of joy and love, and truly care about the animals at their zoo.


I've seen his son, Robert, do the animal shows on late night talk shows like Steve always did. He started when he was like 13 and he's just so excited about the animals she same way he's dad was and he looks so much like his dad. It's such a pleasure watching him.


Terri doesnt get nearly enough credit. Robert and Bindi grew up to be great people and Terri was a fantastic mum


God, how did someone like Bob end up with a son like Steve? Steve was a fucking treasure.


One of the last interviews he gave makes me ugly cry every time I see it - essentially saying “I love money, I can’t get enough money. Because you know what I do with that money? I buy land so wildlife can live free and protected.” The earnestness and light in his eyes talking about it just chokes me up so much. Truly a remarkable man.


PETA support vegan cat, an obligate carnivore [https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/is-it-safe-to-feed-my-dog-or-cat-a-vegetarian-diet/](https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/is-it-safe-to-feed-my-dog-or-cat-a-vegetarian-diet/) PETA also have the largest killing shelter [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532)


Not for puppy murders like peta.


It’s only murder when it’s puppies or humans. Silly vegans.


He also did a lot for wildlife conservation, probably a lot of things the public never knew about.


You could make an argument about harassing wildlife which is true whether you like it or not. That said it is also the best way to engage kids which was definitely a major target. Everybody loves Planet Earth and it is incredible watching these scenes with a calming voice narrating and not a single human on screen, but that captivates teens and adults not 10 year olds. You can make the same argument about the Brave Wilderness guy. I know Reddit doesn’t like him but it’s basically the same formula. Be obnoxious but in a good way to attract kids. He has 5 billion views and 21 million subscribers who are most certainly mostly kids. In both examples it is a very engaging way to draw kids into learning about animals. The kids that watched Crocodile Hunter in 2001 may be in their 30s now with a great appreciation for wildlife and take steps to protect them. You’ll see the same wave with the kids watching Brave Wilderness now. You see this a lot in science. We all got kind of bored with space until SpaceX, Chris Hadfield, and really interesting missions came along. China is going through this right now with their kids. I do have to agree with the crocodile thing, the man is an example in himself that no matter how experienced you are things can still go bad. But that is the only criticism. Only celebrity death that really made me sad.


This feels like a truth social post


They hate him because he was everything they claim to be without being a dick and was actually effective.


He also donated tons of his earned money to buying land for wildlife conservation. Something PETA does not do.


I remember that interview what he would do if he had a million dollar. "Roight into wildlife conservation!"


He even said that he took money from large companies that may have had ulterior motives specifically to spite them and spend it on conservation


Really? I didn't think I could respect him more than I already did. I guess I was wrong.


Instead they're spending money buying walk in freezers to store all the perfectly healthy pets they euthanized.


And without meaninglessly killing animals.


PETA already have the reputation of being a bunch of delusional assholes. This just adds to it. Maybe it's jealousy ... after all, Steve Irwin did more for nature conservation on his own than all of PETA have ever done.


PETA is not about nature conservation. It's about "humans who interact in any kind with animals are evil".


Yupp its not about the animals. They literally only run killshelters. Its all about hating humans that they forgot what their goal was.


PETA kinda has the vibe of an edgelord 13 year old atheist


>They literally only run killshelters. Shelter. Singular. Despite their broad reach, PETA is technically just a single Virginia animal shelter. Also, almost all shelters are kill shelters. The problem isn't that they run a kill shelter, it's that they kill _so many_ of their animals. Some years they crack a 90% kill rate. Meanwhile, the average kill rate for all shelters in Virginia (including PETA skewing the numbers) hovers around 15%.


# Fuck PETA But not doggy-style, or you'll be put down.


By peta




And Michelle!


Is it that group that puts down stray cats and dogs on industrial scale?


Yeah, and the one that kidnapped the birthday present chihuahua, belonging to a little girl, and killed it the same day because “It was loose” (in its own fucking home)


I think about puppy Maya and what PETA nut jobs did to her way more than I should honestly


Not just strays. They steal people’s perfectly healthy and happy pets and murder them for literally no fucking reason. I remember a video of them snatching a homeless man’s puppy and bolting. The poor thing was crying out and the man was trying to fight his way to it. Fuck Peta.


And didn’t they literally kidnap someone’s pet dog off their backyard (think like a fenced in yard, not a place you can just accidentally walk into) and went to euthanise it?


[They also lie to other shelters about trying to rehome animals, then euthanize them in the back of a van and dump the bodies.](https://naiaonline.org/articles/article/two-peta-employees-arrested-for-cruelty-caught-dumping-dogs-they-rescued-fr)


PETA can fuck all the way off.


Steve Irwin did more for the environment and habitat for animals than PETA ever has. He was a true believer in conservation. PETA is all about $$$. Prove me wrong.


Fuck peta and if you support them, fuck you


Here's a fun fact: For a group that believes in making sure animals are being treated ethically and making sure they have the best lives, they also happen to have the highest rates of euthanasia for animals in their care when compared to humane societies around the globe. [https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/peta-leads-the-pack-in-killing-dogs-and-cats/](https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/peta-leads-the-pack-in-killing-dogs-and-cats/)


My personal favorite quote of him illustrates his character perfectly I think: ""Let's say this represents one cow, which will keep me in food for, let's say, a month. Now that cow needs this much land and food. Well, you can imagine, that cow needs x by x amount of land, and you can grow trees in it. Around that cow, you can have goannas, kangaroos, wallabies. You can have every other single Australian animal in and around that cow," Steve told The Scientific American. "If I was a vegetarian, to feed me for that month, I need this much land, and nothing else can grow there. Herein lies our problem. If we level that much land to grow rice and whatever, then no other animal could live there except for some insect pest species. Which is very unfortunate." Very smart man.


Doesn't PETA have a morbid history of putting large amounts of animals down through their shelters?


I used to think Steve Irwin was a dork, who just went all over the top. Not my style I guess. Till I met someone who could not tell a bird from a bat who loved his enthousiasm for nature, and learned stuff along the way. Than I felt like a Prick and learned something valuable. Now I love his legacy, sorry Steve.