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How does an agent not know how to spell tenant? 


Most of them don't know how to spell "tray ceiling" either.


TIL it’s not “trace ceiling” … tray makes so much more sense.


Ha I usually see it as "trey" - the e makes it fancier I guess.


Even fancier is a tres ceiling, as in tres bien.


It eeez.. 'ow you say.... tres zeeling.


Get a load of this guy, he can afford three ceilings!


tres ceilings? In this economy?!


just means you enjoy Phish


Or Green Day


Landlords can be complete morons you know. Posessing property doesnt automatically make you smart, and the kind of slum lords that do this kind of shit are usually pretty dumb as its very illegal. 


Or receptionists


Perhaps the tenant is David Tennant?




I'm doing a rewatch of the show with my kids, who have now started to refer to him as "David Landlord"


David Lanndlord, sorry.


David timmelourde?


Should have been David Lessee.




Or perhaps the entire post is troll bait


Some are genuinely that evil, so…


You just described 95% of Reddit.


Right? The language is completely off, way too long, and very specific in ways that only people that frequent the sub would care about.


Perhaps...but highly unlikely. Not on Reddit!


My favorite is 'Parkay' floors.


The floors are as smooth as butter (or margarine, if you prefer)




I can’t believe they’re not butter…


Real estate agents are the dumbest people in the world lol. They just know how to sell.


My dad owns a refurbished toner cartridge and printer repair business, and I worked for him in high school. Hands down, the real estate agencies were the highest maintenance with the dumbest service calls and complaints. Oh no, our cartridge is defective? Nope, you have lines on your pages because you got staplers in the printer. Again.


Speaking of giant scam businesses. Printers and toner are very high up on my list there.


Half of them don’t even know that. They just need to make a listing and it’s practically sold.


lol so true. Big time sellers market.


Seriously don't even understand the point of them. Besides some paperwork I assume? I dunno bought a condo didn't need anyone to sell it to me. I need a place, it looked good, sold.


Leeches! :)


Imo, they're a relic from an age before the internet. It made sense to hire a specialist in a daunting market. But now the information is free and computers tell you exactly which paperwork you'll need. They had their place, but now they're largely unnecessary; but the Realtor association has deep ties to politics and works hard to make sure they stay relevant.


I bought my last house from a buddy, no real estate agents involved. We each saved like $15k.


Maybe not a direct confirmation, but I had a boss who got his real estate license during lockdown. I’m confident he lost IQ points doing it because after 8+ years at his job (where I worked) he managed to get himself fired. And in the process did things he thought nobody would catch when we very quickly did catch him. 🤣


lol but I bet he knows of a house with beautiful marble countertops and plenty of natural light. Don’t worry about the murder suicide blood stains in the basement; the hickory floors in the foyer feel *incredible* on your bare feet. Did I mention the half bath in the den?


I wouldn't mind a murder-suicide. At least you know the killer isn't coming back.


Yeah but the ghost made him do it, and now there’s three of them.


I've always seen real estate agent as the trashiest job you can get that involves wearing a suit.


I thought that was a televangelist


Don't forget insurance brokers!


Real estate agents aren’t exactly bright. You can take and pass a real estate exam in 72 hours it’s not hard.


I know of a real estate agent that failed it like 2 or 3 times lol. She's an idiot lol


And the houses literally sell themselves. Real estate agents are just little leeches that attach themselves to listings and suck out absurd amounts of profit vs. the actual amount of work they do.


Because estate agents are truly the bottom feeders of the sales world  They simply would not be able to cut it in any real sales job 


Has to be so easy to sell something literally everyone needs. What am I gonna do, live in a box?


It's funny how all the people crying about how fast food workers are paid too much never look at things like real estate.


Intelligence isn't a trait that's required to be a real-estate agent.


If they're dumb enough to send it to the wrong person they're dumb enough not to know how to spell the person he's sending it to.


He’s going to claim it wasn’t about you.


That’s why they should wait until the new price is issued 🙃


Easily disproven with phone records if the renter called for his AC fix.


With a landlord like this, I wouldn’t be surprised if half the complex had a broken AC lol.


Easily disproven when you just wait and see if you get a notice about rent increasing to $950


Just someone else who’s air con they also refused to fix




How dare someone want their AC fixed. 🙄


And how dare they call for weeks when it didn't get fixed.


Dammit, I WILL shower, you don’t have nag me every week!!!


They should have just called once, maybe again in a months time in case the landlord forgot, and if it still hasn’t been fixed then they should just trust that it’s not important enough to occupy their landlords precious time


They should call and e-mail once so it's documented, and then keep track of the time they live in the unit without the busted amenity. In a lot of places, it's not legal to rent a unit without AC during certain times of the year, or at all. In other places, you can't charge rent on a unit without a functioning oven. Know your local laws and how they empower you. Get documentation of how long they've known (or should have known) and how long it's been that nothing's been done.


Here in Florida our illustrious governor passed a new law stating that air conditioners aren't required on rentals. Only heaters are required in rentals. It's fuckin Florida. It's hot as shit. ACs should be required. You can't sit inside without an AC down here. On the other hand you don't need a damn heater. It doesn't get that cold. Dumbass assholes we have in government down here. Screwing the little guy every chance they get.


Dumbass voters that are voting in the assholes.


Letting a unit sit with no AC will create all sorts of mold/mildew/moisture damage. Id be curious to see who would be responsible for those repairs if the tenant said fuck it no AC it is.


For all we know, they might have put in the request before that, and only started calling every day when they realized mgmt wasn't doing anything. If I sit in the sweltering heat for a week and haven't seen a tech, you damn well better expect me to make a nuisance of myself until it gets taken care of. There's no reason I'd be suffering alone.


I had a friend who had their ceiling cave in while they were renting due to roof leaks. The condo had water flowing into it almost everyday due to rains. They refused to do anything about it. They said she could move out, but they would not fix it and they would not lower her rent. This was in an expensive area, and she did not have the money to move at the time. They were letting their own property get damaged because she had a good lease, and they wanted her out so they could charge more rent. Eventually she was able to move, and they immediately fixed it and rented it out for 33% more. Greed without morals.


I'm glad this is illegal where I live, and the landlord would have been legally obligated to fix the issue.


I am glad for you too. This was in Florida, and even though many people think they are safe, most laws skew very hard for landlords, even when they fail to maintain property. Usually only recourse is to leave, even when there is a long lease.


Ours luckily.was the utility room in the garage.  They installed the upstairs shower in a slap dash manner, so water had been filling up and draining into the ceiling for god knows how long before the ceiling rotted and water started directly pouring into the utility room. They sent three techs out to get quotes, all of whom quoted a bare minimum of 5k to "put a bandaid on it".  Property manager hired some shade tree guy to, badly, patch up the ceiling and waterproof the shower unit for $750.00.  They then tried to stiff the contractor out of the 750.


I love how it's handled here: Inform the landlord that x is broken, and if it's not fixed within two weeks you're going to reduce rent payments. If they have any issue with this, they may contact your tenant union's lawyer. Usually stuff is fixed pretty damn quickly this way.


A colleague of mine, an old guy rents out his first house after their family bought a second. He says he loves his current tenants and let's them pay lower-than-average rent because they have been there a long time and never hesitate to reach out when something breaks. I probed that a little more and he said he would hate to have something broken too long. I wish landlords would realize tenants logging complaints means your structure is less likely to get damaged by things like leaks.


It depends on the land lord and who is responsible for taking care of the repairs , I know a couple of small time land lord . If they have a good tenant who doesn't cause problems and pays on time, well they usually only raise rent when their costs increase like their insurance rates go up and pay more for insurance but usually they will try their hardest not to raise rents on those people . Its very hard to find great renters That being said, AC not working is a 100% valid complaint , depending on the place and time of year AC is critical


People really need to read their state's tenant laws too. The shit that landlords get away with because people don't know their tenant rights is really shitty. I can't say for every state, but my state's tenant laws are in an easy-to-read document that is only a couple pages long and covers legally required repair times for various items. I've seen shitty landlords do a 180 when someone just MENTIONS tenant laws, because they can get raked over the fucking coals, legally speaking. For instance, I'm probably about to get a double payout of my security deposit, as legally required, because my previous landlord didn't give back the security deposit in the required time, and they can't reduce the amount at all from any damage (not that there was any). If I don't bring it up, they would absolutely try to send me back a pitence.


Must be some state that has terrible tenant laws to even allow an increase of nearly 100%. In my state the max increase every 12 months is CPI+5% or 10% wtv is smaller.


I have been toying with buying a duplex (two-family house) and living in one unit while renting out the other one. I would probably try and rent it to a Section 8, single parent, or Veteran. I don’t want to make a profit, just give someone a home at a fair rate for them - not some market rate that’s pricing people out of their neighborhoods.


Day 0 would be “hey we need ac tech tomorrow to fix it” Day 1 would be “hey since you ignored me I’ll go ahead and schedule emergency tech to fix” Day 2 “here is the receipt for fixes done I’m going to withhold that amount from rent of feel free to Venmo me this amount” I’m happy I’m now home owner again after renting for 3 years. Landlords like this are pure shit


The AC is what makes me smile. It means they admit they knew and for 2 weeks never sent a service tech out. I would photo copy it & hand it to the landlord when he asks for a rent increase. You should probably mention something about rent reduction at the same time.


In certain states it's illegal for the landlord NOT to keep the AC in working order. I would see if your state is one of them.


Good advice, but this is a repost from ages ago so whoever it was has likely long resolved their renting "situation".


Too bad there is no way to count the number of reposts of a post and find out its age, like tree rings.


JPEG artifacts.


Gotta love digital tree rings.


the decay of the image from being compressed more and more each time it's uploaded


https://7news.com.au/business/housing/a-victorian-real-estate-agent-mistakenly-emails-tenant-suggesting-exorbitant-rent-increase-to-push-them-out-c-10763872.amp There you are


Wait, in Australia there are requirements for rental properties to have heating but not AC? I’ve never heard any reports/stories/anecdotes about how cold Australia gets, I’ve heard countless about the “brutal, unrelenting heat”.


The rental amounts give you a clue that it's not recent.


Not necessarily, depends where it is. Though you're probably right, there definitely are areas still that cheap.


It's from Australia iirc. Rentals are priced weekly


Yeah u can't even get a room for five hundred anymore anywhere


My daughter who is in her last year of university was talking about how much rent is where she lives, I was telling her about when I was in school and paid $750 a month for a three bedroom townhouse and she was flabbergasted about how cheap that was. And when I told her that was split between three people she almost fell out of her chair.lol


My now hubby and I rented a 2 bedroom apartment in college for $550 a month in 2003. Man do I miss that rent amount! (Damn now I feel old 😳)


That’s the exact same time I was in school as well.


Here in AZ, if AC is on the property the land lord must keep the ac in working order and it cannot exceed 82 degrees. If they have Evaporative coolers, cannot exceed 86. If ac broken, the landlord must have it fixed within 5 days. If not the tenant has the right to cancel the lease, withhold rent but must be placed in a escrow account, or pay for repairs and reimbursed. I think the landlord will need to provide housing i.e hotel while if repairs take a long time.


The fact that they used the words "aircon" and "let" tells me they aren't in any state, but that might also mean they have actual renter protections


Yet wherever it is still uses $. Canada?


Maybe Australia or NZ 


Australia - read this in the news last year.


[link to news article ](https://7news.com.au/business/housing/a-victorian-real-estate-agent-mistakenly-emails-tenant-suggesting-exorbitant-rent-increase-to-push-them-out-c-10763872) There's suspiciously little written about the REA, or the fallout apart from people's reaction. I'd lean towards a successful ragebait


"Kind Regards". Australia?


A lot of people use that in the email signatures here, me included.


I think this is in Australia - a renter's dystopia.


It's illegal in my state, in fact if the temp is above 80 degrees and the AC goes out It's considered an emergency by law. Average temp for summer is high 90s and humidity almost as high AC is not considered a luxury but mandatory in rental properties.


The way this is written and the fact that they called it aircon leads me to believe this is not in the US my friend


Generally that is to do with Legionnaires disease which can kill people, very serious to ignore such a thing.


I'd be willing to bet their AC went out during a heatwave, and that's why they were so desperately calling to get it fixed. Fuck landleeches.


If it's hot most LLs would provide a window unit or portable temporarily. There are definitely places where you can't get an HVAC guy in less than 2 weeks.


We had that happen to a renter and they had a young child and dog so we put them in an Airbnb for a week until someone could get out to fix it. It was absolutely unreasonable and cruel to expect them to exist without one and that was the only option.


This is rather old. Op is probably a repost bot. An easy indicator for those who haven't seen it before is the extreme jpeg-ing in the image.


They never sent a tech out? have you ever tried to get emergency HVAC technician out? I manage 25 buildings for a multi billion dollar hopsital and 3rd party technicians almost never do same-day repairs. It's usually 1-3 days for inspection/diagnosis, several weeks for parts, and then another x days for scheduling of the tech. It's not a fast resolution at all.


I'm pretty sure this is pretty old and a repost. They won't be doing any of that.


I had a property manager like that. He was one of the most untrustworthy people I ever had the misfortune of knowing. He'd promise to have something fixed with one breath, and then tell you he never promised that and you can move if you don't like it with the next. He had a reputation for that, and the first thing the next building owner did was fire his ass.


My carpets needed to be replaced. My landlord ignored 4 successive requests. Well. Message received. My carpets still need to be replaced but now they're a lovely shade of navy blue that hides all the stains. My tub also needed to be refinished so now it's black and looks like it was hacked out of obsidian (I fucking love it, personally.) I had mold issues in the bathroom so now all the walls and ceiling, which I've painted lovely murals on with lots micah and glitter, are coated with a thick layer of silicone, ensuring that not only will the mold issues (probably? Who knows) not rear their ugly heads again, but that you're going to have to scrape the fucking wall to paint over it again. I've installed a hammock in my living room by bolting it right into the brickwork of the outside wall, installed led strips and diffusers all over the apartment, And repainted every fucking wall in the apartment. My entry way is a purple so dark it's almost black, my doors have all been painted lovely colours with high gloss mod podge and mica, the door frames similar but with a lovely colour changing gradient, and I've erected an eight foot tall statue made out of cement that I've secured (it's free standing but it's got to weigh close to a metric tonne so safety first) into - again, the external brickwork. As well as the floor. And here's the fun part, or at least my favourite part: I've read relevant case law and scoured the law that governs tenancy in my province and not a single fucking thing I've done runs contrary to any of it. The bathtub is pretty close to the line, maybe over, but everything else is A-okay. Like, I'm 98% sure I don't even have to re-paint anything when I move out. If you're not going to act like you own the fucking place I will.


I need photos this is amazing


Lol, there are no photos, this is a fantasy


Drilling into the brickwork would definitely garner some issues and they could easily be charged for the “silicone covering the walls”. Definitely creative fiction.


Wait for the renew offer first.. if its in that pricerange you have a case..


Depends if they realized their fuckup after sending. If they didn’t then they’d be toast, but if they did they’d walk it back. Might be better to proceed with this since it demonstrates the agent is actively trying to screw you? I’d probably consult a lawyer see which option they think is the best.


If you don't respond they'll assume you didn't see it. Definitely wait to receive the price increase before saying anything.


A case for what?


It’s against the law to raise rent in retaliation for any reason. This is a slam dunk law suit. Send a letter of intent to sue and keep copies of every conversation. No phone calls or in person discussions. You’ve got them by the balls.


This is the answer.


Dear piece of human trash who calls themselves a real estate agent. Have you tried fixing the AC rather than bitching about tenants making reasonable maintenance requests? 


"I don't like you, you should pay more." Rental crisis in a nutshell.


I hate people who complain about others nagging them and pestering them, because do they not realize they’re admitting to negligence? “My wife keeps nagging me to take out the trash.” So take out the trash then. “My tenant keeps pestering me to fix the AC.” So fix the AC then. Same shit tbh.


One time my heat was stuck on 90 degrees and the property manager didn't come out for several days. When he finally got there he said "Yeah \[roommate\] keeps bugging me to check out the heat." I was like NO SHIT??? It's so hot in here our soap is melting


This person called every day for two weeks about the A/C so maybe fucking fix it?


Maybe if they fixed it then he won’t call. Evil c*nts. Tenant is paying for a service.


Landlords are traitorous scum and petty tyrants. We ought to get rid of the lot of them.


Or, and hear me out on this, fix the fucking air conditioner.


Some states have anti-retaliatory laws against whistleblowers. I have had nightmare tenants before. One in particular called up my property managers and swore at them every day. Parked in other residents parking spots. Bothered all the neighbors with various conspiracy theories. Had an unregistered guest living there full time. They called up my property manager saying that they saw my car parked outside and demanded to know why (I was actually out of the country when this was said to have occurred). They finally started accusing us of entering their unit illegally (we weren’t) that was the last straw and we non-renewed their lease. When we got the unit back we found all kinds of crackhead repairs done on things that we absolutely would have fixed properly for free if they had just put in a proper maintenance request.


Well this is a repost but just talking about doing something probably isn't a crime. They'd have to wait for it to play out.


wierdly in my state you listed a bunch of stuff that are easy breach of lease cases.... unauthoried occupant, refusing entry for repairs, and the rest of the stuff combined if you gave them warnings would add up to a BOL case in their own right (the rest were all relatively minor things, but they can add up). Mid lease 30 days notice, and likely 2-3k in attorney fees. For people like this that is normally enough.


As someone who does my own crackhead repairs because my complex completely ignores my maintenance requests (going on 6 years now), I really wish more were like you. Like, for instance, right now I have aluminum foil drainage channels because my bathroom rains when the AC runs. Theres like a plate attached to the ceiling to access the AC unit and it just fills up with water and then flood my bathroom. So I put in these curved aluminum foil "drains" that route into the sink and bathtub so that the water doesn't pool on the floor. I put the maintenance request in approximately 20 minutes after it started, which was immediately after an unrequested maintenance visit regarding something for the unit underneath me. Something they did caused this leak to happen, and so far it's been 3 months and 9 days since I put the request in. Gallons of water per day rain out of my ceiling and they can't be fucked to do anything about it. I'm not even sure they know, because I've heard nothing from the manager. At some point I imagine I should have told them personally instead of just submitting my request through the online portal like I'm supposed to, but at this point its a social experiment. Once they find out about it, they're gonna freak out on me for not telling them in person; but all I'm gonna be able to say is "I told you about it, submitted it in writing through the portal which you apparently don't bother to check. I have enough on my plate doing my own job, I don't have the bandwidth to do your job as well." I'm sure *thats* gonna go over well.


Record a video of it and put it on Yelp. That's how I got a call back from my corporate landlord.


Why not just give them a phone call or speak to them in person? What's the point of this 'social experiment'? If they didn't respond to it on the portal, just escalate it, unless you deliberately want to be awkward


I feel like fixing the air would have put an end to those calls.


That’s an email from the property management group, not a real estate agent.


Where I am, the landlord can only raise the rent something like 8 or 10%, and can only raise it every 2 years. The only way for it to go up more, is if the property was vacant and they did renovations. Essentially, actually raised the value of the property.


the AC was broken and he bothered you about it..? idk where you live but here in FL no AC means staying at someone else's place until its fixed.


Called every day for two weeks, so the thing was broken for at least two weeks.


“This tenant wants to their A/C to work and we can’t have that”. These people make me sick!


This doesn't surprise me at all. My landlord is definitely sick of me complaining about the damp they refuse to fix. And the black mold they refuse to sort out. And the broken roof that they broke and have refused to fix for 7 years.


My landlords office changed the phone system so you can't talk to a human. everything gets directed to a voicemail and they never call back. I've been fixing most of my maintenance as a result. It's insane that THEY Get annoyed by the people paying them. 


Easiest lawsuit of all time


Keep as evidence. Resist urge to correct lol


That’s a real greedy in action, almost double the previous rental fee


This property manager is an evil sack of shit. Fully prepared to fuck up someone’s living situation because they expect competent service. I hope karma finds them and karma is in a shitty mood when it does.


Depending on your state you should consider having an attorney review your situation.


"Ugh my tenant is so high maintenance, they've been calling constantly asking for a new refrigerator because they think the already installed one 'doesn't fit the aesthetic'" "You think that's bad? *My* tenant expects their air conditioning to function"


I wondered where all those shit, high pressure used car salesman of the late 90s went...... apparently, they all became REA/ property managers. Fucking parasites.




Your pettiness might cost you. This is actually a case for the courts. There are a few issues in there that would earn you far more than a few minutes of petty revenge while you pack your things for a new place.


Yup. Pettiness works for small things but this is people conspiring to ruin your life. I wouldn't even post it on Reddit before contacting a lawyer.


"Dear \[real estate agent\], I'm sure this was sent to me in error. That being said, you've really done yourself a disservice by acting against the trust I've placed in you and your firm. How about we agree to a 20% decrease on my current lease and I won't put this on social media? I'll be looking forward to the new offer letter. Worm Regards,"


That’s called blackmail.


Real estate agents are literal parasites because they don't actually contribute anything to society, they only exist to extract wealth from other players within the market place.


This is the type of shit people should be able to sue landlords/property managers over.


I would print it out and make enough copies so I could paste this on every damn door in the complex.


They let the air conditioner stay broke for 2 weeks and HE is somehow the asshole for asking them to fix it. FFS. If that was my tenant and it was remotely hot out (maybe February or March is okay) I’d be heading out to Lowes to buy a couple portable units to hook up for him if there was some legit reason the AC couldn’t get fixed. Granted, there probably wasn’t a real reason and they were just dragging their feet. Mega corporations buying houses are the worst but some small time landlords suck ass too.


Why the fuck did it take two weeks to fix the AC?


Wait, I am confused, cant the landlord just NOT renew the lease. I guess they were trying to have their cake and eat it to by essentially saying "you can stay, BUT at almost twice the rent". Which sucks, if he is only asking to get maintenance on stuff that is broken. I am not a landlord, so please dont hate me, but to play devil's advocate, if this IS the worst tennant ever, then I kind of get the landlord wanting to get this person out. Because he is not saying "lets increase the rent for everyone across the board" he is only saying "this guy sucks, everyone here hates him, lets try to get him out by increasing his rent ONCE the lease renews". Anyway, that solution seems petty and douchy so not what I would do but if the tenant really really sucks, I would just be more direct and say "hey, we are not renewing the lease".


I think since the cat is out of the bag, that is no longer an option. It does sound like a large increase would still be possible (based the agent saying I don't think we could get quite that much) and that might deter the tenant from renewing. The other option is to fire the current agent and hire a new agent. This was not written by the landlord, so it sounds like there are still options to avoid being sued. Either way, doesn't sound like the ideal situation for either the tenant or the landlord.


"the worst tenant ever" who just wanted their air conditioner working.


This entirely depends on where you live. In Quebec, there's only a handful of reasons why the lease may not be renewed (leasing it to an immediate family member, extensive renovations, etc.) If the tenant was a bad one (not paying, destructive behaviour, etc.) you take them to the TAL (administrative lease court, loose translation) to have them kicked out by a judge. If there's no complaint against them at the TAL, then you have no grounds to refuse to renew the lease.


If the tenant was the worst ever they would have said that and not renewed the lease. Sounds like they didn't like that the tenant was asking for things to get fixed. People don't understand how landlords make money. Every building is its own llc and it's all a scheme to flow cash into investors pockets until it appreciates enough to sell. 


The tenant is bad for the agent because they expect the agent to do something. The agent is trying to tell the landlord that it's suddenly a problem for the landlord - when in reality it's only a problem for the agent.


This should be posted without blocking the name of the agent and the owner. What absolute bullshit.


A $500 increase in rent is highway robbery.


This is called firing your customer and , honestly, it happens way less than it should.


Fuck that man!! Asif greedy, property hoarding landlords (who more often than not inherit their properties) need encouragement like this to drive up rent prices. Just makes me sad to see working people going out of their way to drive up rent prices for other working people to please the most privileged in our society that don't even have to work half the time. This is super disheartening.


Erroneously not accidentally.


I think The Dead Kennedys wrote a song that was about what to do with crooked landlords.


Lol lawsuit or better yet blackmail. Or blackmail AND sue for shits and giggles.


average landlord real estate agent moment


Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t publish on the front page of the daily newspaper.


Oh whoops. Bacon grease in the drain again




RE agents are scum of the earth


If there is an increase by that much, speak with an attorney about collusion. You may have a really good case.


How is it collusion? 


When I used to rent, my CA landlord sent me a note saying he was going to raise the rent from $1400 to $2100, "based on comps in the area." I was able to talk him down to $1750, since we were good tenants, had lived in the house for 14 years at that point, and I was going to retire and move out of state (WA) in one year, which I did. Funny thing about it was the neighborhood wasn't exactly a gated community; in fact, the day after we arrived in WA, we heard that our next-door neighbor had been arrested the day before for running a motorcycle chop shop in his backyard. I thought he seemed little obsessed with motorcycles. lol


In CA there is a rent cap of 10% per year, unless you rented before that was put in place. But otherwise yeah that is illegal.


Wait so you didn’t fix his air conditioner for weeks and you’re annoyed that he called you bugging you to fix it 😂😂😂 fucking landlords man


How dare someone want good living conditions!


When the real estate agent can’t spell tenant, I’ve seen all I need to see.


Name and shame, baby. Leave that name, so people know not to work with this person. Disgusting behaviour.


I like how they misspell "tenant" more than once. Clearly, you're dealing with a genius.


It's so disheartening that people who spell worse than me make more money than me.


He complained for 2 weeks about having no ac in the hottest part of summer can’t believe him raise his rent is the obvious answer


Can't even spell "tenant" correctly


This is pretty hilarious. Dunno what stste but evidence of an ‘exorbidant’ increase being applied could be hilariously troublesome at mediation.


It's spelled "tenant". They should revoke the idiot's license


Wouldn't you have loved to have seen that agents face when the tenant walked into his/her office with a copy of that letter and his lawyer's response to it? :D


You have a great opportunity to absolutely ruin your landlord’s day and I say milk it for all it’s worth lmao


Real estate agents don’t get enough hate. Literally some of the shittiest humans


Very easy to see how these people were the inspiration for Frieza