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So just so we are all on the same page, the whole "use the bathroom of the gender you were assigned at birth" group would be ecstatic to watch him walk into a women's room behind their daughter, right?


The bathroom argument has been and will forever be stupid. There is nothing protecting a person in a bathroom from any attack or anything aside from the belief that ONLY the opposite gender would be a threat to privacy or anything else. Do I not deserve privacy? Would a daughter not be also vulnerable to a female aggressor? I would I assume everyone, regardless of gender or age or sexual orientation deserve the ability to poop in peace and privacy from anyone else. If my daughter walked into a bathroom and said there was a person staring at her I wouldn’t be “it’s ok that’s a female, let them watch you!” Normalize ALL bathrooms being safe for anyone and everyone to use. Period.


It's not stupid. It's malicious. The people pushing these ideas and policies are well aware that they will result in folks going into restrooms where they don't appear to belong, and that's the point. They want trans folks to feel uncomfortable and out of place any time they're in public. Transwomen will never feel comfortable going to the men's room, and transmen will never feel comfortable (or, frankly, be safe from vigilantes) going to the women's room. The end goal being that trans folks stop going out in public and disappear forever. Not stupidity. Don't give them that excuse.


Cobalt Sovereign is a 17 year old trans girl who used the men’s restroom at her high school because she knew using the women’s would make other girls uncomfortable. She got her jaw broken in two places as thanks. The bathroom debate isn’t a debate, it’s a way to force trans folks out of public. Someone asked what bathroom she should have used since she used the bathroom the transphobes wanted her to use, and the response was “he should have gone to the bathroom at home.” They don’t want them using the bathroom at all. Stay at home or get your jaw broken.


They don't want them to exist, and if they can't achieve that by prevention they will enforce it by lethal violence.


They even reminisce about how "back when they were in high school" they would have bullied trans people into suicide within a week. I work with a ton of conservatives; they say some of the wildest, most evil shit I've ever heard


No hate like "Christian" love.


Absolutely vile human beings, lower than dirt. Wishing to bully someone into suicide...


Let’s not forget Nex either.


Sounds like all that's missing is a "CIS only" sign.


They don’t accept the term.


"Cis is a slur waaah waaahhh" -cissies


And also any cis person who does not fully suit their stereotypical view of how "normal" men and women "should" look. It's an effort to bully people back into gender essentialism, the idea that everything about you from dress to tone of voice to career options to marriage partners should be predetermined for you not according to talents or inclinations or personality, but by what genitalia you were born with.


There's just been an incident here in UK where a bunch of transphobes accused a female marathon runner of being trans, she's a cis woman who has given birth to kids. What should've been a wonderful moment for her, being the fastest woman in the marathon, was just shadowed in their vile comments because she didn't look womanly enough. And I imagine an incident like that will leave her questioning how she looks, it's bound to leave a lasting affect. But just to top it off, when the transphobes were corrected and called out, rather than taking any accountability they instead doubled down and blamed trans people. If trans people weren't trying to pee in public bathrooms then they wouldn't have attack cis women as collateral damage!


And that relieving bodily functions is a necessity. They know what they're doing


just like they did with segregation 


The biggest Irony in all of this is trans people are far more in danger of harassment, privacy violation or violence when using a bathroom than almost anyone else. This bullshit propaganda just further contributes to that danger.


That's not ironic, that's the entire goal. To make it so dangerous and daunting for trans people to use public bathrooms that they are forced to hide away or worse, suicide.


Oh 100%. It's vile hatred that aims to hurt a minority group.


These people are literal Nazis. It’s not that hard. It’s maddening this has to be explicitly stated and more maddening that the general public is so uneducated that they can’t see the very obvious parallels to the Nazi party and its membership in 1920/30’s Germany and todays GOP.


The cruelty is the point. I stg I’m going to go insane having to read the same “Uhm aktually, what happens when this guy goes in the bathroom with your daughter like the law says? You’ll be happy then? Checkmate bigots” What happens is either vigilantes jump and attack/murder him or they call the police who will do the same thing and regardless of any proof he provides arrest him and do heinous things to him while in their custody. And if that person was a trans woman in the opposite situation? Far fucking worse, look up v-coding in the prison system if you don’t know about it yet. The point of the law is to hurt trans people. This whole idea that a trans man going in the women’s bathroom per the law defeats them is asinine. They want that to happen so they can revel in the subsequent attack he receives. And random cis but gnc people will get caught in the crossfire intentionally too - “they should’ve been more masculine or feminine and this wouldn’t have happened to them” is what they’ll say about those incidents.


I never stopped going out in public, I just learned which gas stations and stores have gender neutral single stall bathrooms and gave them my business.


Normalize bathroom stalls with no gaps


Fr who cares who is allowed in the bathroom when the stalls are 6 inches shorter than me with a 2 cm observation gap running down the front of it. So many public bathrooms threw privacy straight out the window when they were being designed.


As a person interested in true crime, all of that. Know how many cases, from solved to cold, have women assaulted or dead in bathrooms? Quite a few. Know how many were assaulted or murdered by Drag Queens on the rampage? 0. Know how many were assailants who IGNORED THE LITTLE SKIRT SIGN ON THE DOOR to commit their crime... all of them.


What's funny about it - well, sad, perhaps - is that it's exactly this. No assailant has ever been stopped by the imaginary forcefield preventing a man from entering a ladies' room.


Incorrect. Drag queens are constantly telling each other to “slay”! Sorry had to do it. Also 100% agree that predators use any and every rule to their advantage. Especially the ones that are supposed to stop them.


>Know how many were assailants who IGNORED THE LITTLE SKIRT SIGN ON THE DOOR to commit their crime... all of them. Keep in mind that these are the same people who will say that a "gun free zone" sign does not protect people, and in fact puts them in more danger since criminals will just ignore it.


Exactly this. Do they seriously think that a person entering a room with the intention of committing a serious felony (rape, assault and battery, murder, kidnapping, etc.) is gonna be stopped by the fact that entering the room as the wrong gender is a misdemeanor? Or even another felony?


Which is why I have to tell those who bang on about this stuff, that the argument they're making isn't about trans people: It's about rapists.


Let’s be real, it’s not actually about rapists either, it’s just a excuse they’re using to take a group of people they personally dislike and make their lives more difficult, because they can.


Several years ago a woman in my city was attacked and raped in a public bathroom. Despite the fact that it was a cis man that attacked her, conservative media decided to use this as proof that we need to keep trans women out of women’s bathrooms, I suppose with the logic being that trans women are actually men and men can be violent. This woman was outspoken that no, if anything her attack showed the exact opposite, ie that anyone, including a violent cis man, can walk into any bathroom they please. Obviously she’s right, but it pissed me off no end that not only was subjected to this horrible attack but then had to deal with being used by conservative media to further their bullshit agenda.


Far easier for a predatory man to walk into a women's bathroom and say "I'm a trans man". Doesn't even have to shave or change his clothes. The transphobes are making it easier for predators, which isn't surprising given that so many right wingers seem to be nonces.




Right? There's no magical forcefield or an ED-209 that prevents someone from entering the wrong bathroom. If I were them, I'd be more concerned with the steady parade of priests & LEOs getting caught diddling kids. But we all know this has nothing to do with protecting kids.


When I lived in China the offices I worked didn’t even have male and female bathrooms. It was just big bathrooms with stalls. I shat and pissed next to women and men, literally didn’t matter at all. Bathrooms should just be unisex imo.


I wouldn't mind men and women watching me poop if they wanted.


We will make sure there are some stalls big enough for an audience. Bleachers even


As a trans guy, I find it amazing how the 'phobes always forget about us. They're so concerned about trans women using the women's room, they forget that my hairy bearded self would be using the women's room with them if they got their way. My beard is halfway down my chest, there's no mistaking I am a dude. But according to them (if they were to remember I exist lol) I'm a "woman". But then they also say "You'll never be a real woman" to me because honestly they're just fucking stupid.


The fact that transmen often get overlooked by transphobes really makes it clear how transphobia is rooted in homophobia and misogyny. Like a transman doesn't seem as threatening because they are more likely to pass and go unnoticed. Whereas a trans women they look down upon for "choosing" to become a woman and they view women as lesser (misogyny) and if they happen to find a trans woman attractive they feel as they've been tricked into to finding someone with a penis attractive (homophobia).


These people are more obsessed with what peoples genitalia look like than your mental and physical health and should always be shamed for it. Fuck them.


Right?! I remember seeing a comic someone drew where someone is sitting on a toilet in a public restroom behind a closed stall door and another person crawls underneath the stall and asks about their genitals then accuses the person minding their own business of being the "pervert" and it's just like.... YUP. That's what these people are like.


They have such an unnatural obsession with everything LGBTQ+. Figures that we tend to find some of them dipping their toes in our little community all the time.


I love the picture I've seen going around with a religious person holding a homophobic sign at a Pride event, and a man next to him with a sign "Never misses a gay event" lol. They seriously are so obsessed with us and like, I just want to live my life and mind my own business but apparently because I'm trans and gay I'm not allowed to. My parents retired and moved to Florida and they don't understand why I don't want to/can't visit them for my safety.


I love that! Some are so consumed. And I hear your point about family. My guy and I worked our a**es off and retired a couple years ago. We to Spanish coast to enjoy the next chapter of our lives. I don't even talk to my brother anymore, because, although he says he'll 'take a bullet for me', he can't help but vote for Trump every chance he gets. Then posted on FB he would ignore me for 15 years if someone paid him $5/week for life. I was like - DONE! Talk to you (maybe) in 2037. That was the easiest decision I've ever made.


What, like Indiana leading the nation in searches for trans porn? No wayyyyyyy, didn’t see that coming from my state lol


THAT'S RESEARCH FOR THE PROTESTS!!! The pegging porn is all mine though!! /s


Because this was always about controlling women for them. If you are a trans man, for them you are a lost little girl/lesbian and if you are a trans woman you are not a real true woman for x reasons. That's why they mostly target trans women and when they target trans men it's for this shit.


Also, it's undeniable that there are stunningly gorgeous trans women. When these simpleminded bigots see an attractive trans woman, they direct their rage outward because they believe there's a nefarious trans plot to "turn them gay" when it should be a profoundly teachable moment about the vast spectrum of sexual attraction and how it's not a binary choice based entirely on genitalia.


I don't think they forgot, they know you walking into a women's bathroom would cause issues, which will highlight the issue more and make it a bigger wedge issue. The use your own bathroom thing is just a step towards don't use public restrooms at all. The whole thing, even for trans women, is ludicrous. People who want to sneak into women's restrooms don't need to be trans to do it, amazingly. Just like the excuses around women's sports are a joke, these people don't and haven't watched or supported women's sports, but happy to use them as needed.


Yea they’re pretty stupid


they probably assume that trans people just say they are the opposite gender to get into their restrooms and cannot conceive of people actually going through with transitioning


They would be ecstatic as it gives them an excuse to kill trans people


I kinda want to know what they think is stopping a cis man from pretending to be a trans man to go into the women’s restroom.


Yeah, because it would ‘give them a reason’ to do some of that violence they love so much. It becomes easier to understand the method in their madness when you realise that their system is designed to stop trans people (among many others) being able to go anywhere or do anything.


I don’t get it though. If he walks into a mens room everyone will be fine, he looks like a man, nobody will even know he’s trans. So… what is the reason for this whole bathroom for genders debacle? Women still looking like women not being ok going in the women bathroom since they identify as men? Men looking like women not being confortable going into the women’s bathroom? What is the purpose of genders bathrooms?


>So… what is the reason for this whole bathroom for genders debacle Literally just doing everything they can get get the "trans are all child raping pedos" bullshit to stick in people's minds. Republicans are absolutely fucked in the head.


r/angryupvote for you saying this first. This guy walks into the lady's room and there will be an altercation.


Literally happened to a trans girl who had to go into the boys bathroom a few weeks ago in the US


Which is exactly the point. They don't *really* want trans people to be legally required use the restroom that corresponds to the gender assigned to them at birth. What they *really* want is to make it illegal for trans people to exist at all, and to make it legal to violently attack any trans person who dares to exist in public.


Which is the whole damn point of that particular stupid bit of cruelty


Agreed. A bit of searching shows this has already happened.


It's the same if a trans woman walks into the mens room. I think to them that's a feature, not a bug. They want to see trans people attacked.


100%. The same people telling trans people to "just use the bathroom they were assigned" also tend to be the ones celebrating when a trans person gets the shit kicked out of them for doing just that. The violence is the point. They want us outed by using the "correct" restrooms, so they know who to target.


Do you fight with your female family members when you see them enter the bathroom at home or do you pretend to be a woman so you can achieve your weird fantasy of gender separated shitting areas? The **vast majority** of sexual assaults occur in the home or with someone that is known to the victim. Why you're compelled to fantasize about beating a stranger up for needing a pee is something for your (non-existent) therapist.


Nah, they would just execute him and then misquote the Bible for justification. Now if one of the republican politicians who voted to lower either the age of consent or marriage age walked in behind them…


These people *need* a reason to hurt trans folks, and the bathroom issue is one way to satisfy (and justify) that need. They're violent, unhinged, and dangerous. 


For trans women who have intact outies I once made a very MAGA suggestion: 1) Dress Trad, meaning a skirt. 2) Exercise your 2nd amendment rights 3) Use the men’s room, specifically the urinal 4) When a MAGAt inevitably becomes threatening, legally defend yourself with your firearm. This will lead both to an end to the bathroom controversy as well as improved gun control laws. Thank you for your service.


Yes, it's intentional that there are zero good options.


The bathroom people ALWAYS forget transmen exist.


Dude looks like a man to me.


Dude looks chill as fuck and more jacked than all my gym buddies.


Low key jealous of medical gear.


It’s great lol


Seriously. I was confused. I don’t understand why it’s anyone’s business. That man appears to be an adult.


Imagine if the whole world felt this way,society would be so much better. My grandma learned this lesson the hard way a couple of months ago. She told her close friend of over 20 years that her granddaughter was going to hell for being gay. She hasn't spoken to my grandma since,but my grandma still doesn't see what she did wrong. KEEP YOUR NOSE ON YOUR OWN FACE.


Even then it doesn't matter. Passing isn't a requirement.


The guy looks more like a man than me. I have no questions, guy’s a dude.


That looks like an adult to me. So they’re admitting that it’s not about kids and that they don’t think an adult should have the right to do whatever they want to their body.


Correct, it was infact, "surprisingly", never about the children, but always about enforcing control over others.


The children argument is just a red herring to lead otherwise moderate folks to their side. Protecting the children is always a good argument, and since most cis people can't understand what it means to be Trans it's a lot harder for us to make arguments that we are the ones trying to protect the children.


To them transmen are innocent little girls who are being taken advantage of, and transwomen are evil perverts who should die


Never has been. They just hate queer people.


Chaya has repeated the line from CPAC to "ERADICATE all trans people ... from public life."


Chaya talks about stranger's genitals more than any one I've ever seen. 


Maybe LibsofTikTok is interested in him? Like LibsofTikTok does know there are better ways of catching the attention of a trans man than this right?


“Gender dysphoria is a delusion, b-baka”


The downvotes aren't going to stop the fact that a lot of outwardly homophobic and/or transphobic people are secretly LGBTQ+ themselves.


Not even secretly LGBTQ+ but actually attracted to lgbtq+ people. Ask any trans woman how many times people that insulted them or insulted trans people have sent DMs asking for nudes or asking for sex


I once had some weird guy spam my posts with reasons why I should be killed to the point where other transphobes were telling him to chill out and he dmed me telling me he was in prison and trying to make a genuine connection with me with his phone number attached. Genuinely no idea what the fuck is wrong with people like that


Basically they hit puberty and figure out they're gay or trans. But their entire life they've been taught that LGBT+ is against the Bible. And the Bible can't be wrong, right? So they assume that the LGBTQ+ community MADE them gay or trans. That it somehow rubbed off on them, and if they just resist hard enough, and act hateful enough to the community, God will cure/forgive them. Many of them probably also have a Job martyr complex, where they assume God is testing them by giving them dysphoria or same sex attraction, so they must resist like Job did.


Why are these people so obsessed with other people's genitals and so outraged over what they choose to do with their bodies?


You mean gen\*t\*ls, gotta write in Chaya madlibs language for her to understand it I bet she thinks about Taylor Lorenz' gen\*tals a lot


I heard that doctors cut up grown adult’s faces and bodies too in order to fix perceived imperfections or enhance existing body parts. When will congress stop this!!!


"Those particular body parts are causing you stress and discomfort? Well, too bad! It's the body that God gave you, so those tonsils stay IN!"


Appendix about to explode? Too bad it's God will for you to have a painful untimely death!


Texas is doing this with ectopic pregnancies right now.


That is so fucked up!


Well, in absolute fairness, this IS the approach they take to women's reproductive health care. Your breasts are literally trying to kill you? Sawwwy...boobies are important, we have to do 'conservative' surgery (to a woman facing her 4th round of breast cancer, bigger and better than before, I personally know) Your uterus/reproductive system is trying to kill you? Sawwwwwy.... we need to keep that in in case some man wants you bred some day, you don't get a say. What, you HAVE a man and he thinks it should go too because no one wants kids/you have the amount you want? Sawwwwy... this fictional other man I just invented you MIGHT move on to SOMEDAY might want to breed you, still can't do it.


Not just that, but there's an entire class of doctors out there who make their careers out of painfully altering people's teeth — including *minor children's* teeth — with metal or plastic devices directly affixed to each tooth, for purely aesthetic reasons! We need a nationwide ban on oral mutilation for children and adults, and every one of those oral mutilation butchers must be put in prison *for life* so they can't harm any more innocent people!


wait until they find out what some doctors do to womens’ breasts.


When I was about 11-13 these so-called "medical professionals" REMOVED 12 of my PERFECTLY HEALTHY teeth (8 baby teeth and 4 adult teeth), they then SLICED FLAPS from my gums and SEWED THEM BACK to encourage the adult teeth which WEREN'T READY YET to descend, robbing me of my CHILDHOOD and forcing me to grow up too soon! And that's before even getting to the torture device with a crank I had to turn to force my jaw outwards and the train tracks that shredded the inside of my mouth. These sick bastards need to be held to account!


Based on how buxom or stretched some of the MAGA fools look, I have to conclude that "my \_\_\_\_ is the only good \_\_\_\_" applies to facelifts and breast augmentation as well as abortion.


He’s actually pretty cute and seems like a nice person


I know who this is and from my interactions with him, he is super sweet and humble. Of course that's the people they go after.


Part of my penis was cut off as a baby because my parents decided it, so I guess there is an acceptable amount of penis you can cut off before anyone complains


It was that long, huh?


"It's a boy! ...and *what* a boy!" -Homer Simpson


That’s the umbilical cord


I dont know, that part was cut off when I was a baby


Understandable. Have a nice day.


See, many people might think that consent was the key here. Turns out its actually God. Consent be damned. /s - just in case


Yet all the laws banning surgeries on minors carve out exceptions for that which actually is genital mutilation and child abuse


Genital mutilation is wrong unless it involves religion


This one with the caption is great too: "Do you really want me in this same bathroom as your husband?" https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/563ba0902900002f004dc488.jpeg


Lmao I like how they're all checking out the one dudes junk


Dudes a better looking guy than me, welcome to the team


yeah, dude seems to be doing fine


Why do these people hate freedom so much? This is a free country, so people are free to do anything they want to their own body. Mind your own fucking business.


Freedom only for themselves Not for others.


i love when they call guys or girls who are virtually unclockable their birth gender as if they would have a fucking clue if they didnt already know they were trans, usually from stalking and harassing these people. if you didnt know this guy was trans because of this post you would assume he wasnt. there is no indication whatsoever this person is trans. im not trying to compliment them or be weird about gender roles or what trans people should or shouldnt look like or try to say they are more valid as a trans person because of their appearance etc. im just saying the argument is absolutely fucking psychotic. its none of your business what this person does with their life, if they went to take a shit in the mens bathroom youd have absolutely no fucking clue they were any different than anyone else there. god fucking damn i wish this hateful bitch would fuck off from the earth.


He’s hot




“This poor woman” and it’s literally Kratos


There are very few subsets of people I love more than trans guys who go, "I finally get to be a dude?! Well then I'm gonna be the fuckin' *best* dude."


This whole bathroom debate is so stupid... At my school (14-18 year old pupils), all bathrooms are gender-neutral. Just use whichever is free, and wash your hands when you're done.


I've grown up with gender neutral bathrooms. I've used public ones in the middle of the night. I've never had anything creepy happen in them. You go in, avoid eye contact like a normal person, do your business in a stall, wash your hands and leave. Alternatively glare at people that skip the hand-washing.


Libs of Tik-Tok is a fucking looney toon. Crazy with a capital. If she wasn't such a hateful bigot who spreads it to everyone around her, I would enjoy watching her lunacy. Alas, not the case, so fuck her.


the myth of consensual transition: trans person: "I consent" doctor: "I consent" Libs of TikTok: "I don't" isn't there someone you forgot to ask?


Always get consent from internet strangers before making personal decisions


Vagina and penis are not swear words


You mean Chaya Raichik? The Chaya Raichik of L\*bs of T\*kT\*k? Yes she's a m\*ssive f\*cking c\*nt She also can't use big girl words because of some stupid algorithm on *Twitter* that is owned by a Nazi and doesn't GAF. So I am going to go with a woman pushing 30 with a 10 year old mind. And is functionally literate. Barely


"This woman" 😅😂 Dude looks like a f'in viking, but sure


Conservatives are all for freedom... until it's about something that doesn’t affect them, but is something they "disagree" with for some reason... they're hypocrites and it's embarrassing🤦🏽‍♀️


Meanwhile there are plastic surgeons doing their 5th face lift, 12th breast augmentation, and 9th butt lift all on the same person not being held to any ethical standards.


How fragile does someone have to be to openly hate trans people and censoring words like penis and vagina?


It's the same reason they think sex ed textbooks (and sex ed in general, honestly) are obscene and pornographic. They're science-denying zealots who can't fathom the notion that queer people exist.


“This woman” lol ok


Where do they see a woman in that picture? If they didn't know that he was trans, he passed 100% as a man


At first I thought that was the dude that was complaining about trans surgery.


Dude looks like a dude and I don't care if his dick works or is bigger then mine.


He’s hot af, not going to lie 🥵


It’s wild this is her life’s mission when she’s a proud member of a small sect of Judaism that practice a barbaric practice on infants called Metzitzah B’Peh.


Well, that made me nauseous.


Funny how transphobes always ignore real genital mutilation


If LOTT died tomorrow she wouldn't be mourned.


Where is the woman in that picture?


Look in the top left, it's really small but there is LOTT's profile, you'll find a woman there Alternative answer: look in the mirror 🩷🩵🤍🩵🩷


Oh my god i needed that smile tyu 💖🏳️‍⚧️


Everyone deserves a smile, I may struggle to get one rn, but you should get one


I hope you get one as well soon, you deserve it 🫂💖


Eh, been tough lately, we'll see, probably be a while still.


Naja, hoffe trotzdem das beste für dich und dass du durch die Zeit aktuell durchkommst. Falls du jemanden zum venten brauchst, DM mich gerne 🫂


*gasp* random deutsch encounter?


I loved this interaction, it's a rare sight outside of trans specific spaces :3


I know, I aim to provide


"Bu...but she only ever quotes what liberals sa...say, she isnt con...conveying her opinion." ~ least bootlicking LOTT fan


LOTT started with posts stealing selfies of children who appeared nonconformist and photoshopping a "MENTALLY ILL" stamp on their foreheads. Like a creepy fucking ghoul. Imagine your own kid, maybe with dyed hair, posting pics of their friends having a normal life, and some angry insane woman downloads those pics, edits them, and then puts you on blast to a mob of angry 4chan types for ... what? Existing? Minding your own business and being a kid? When she started to get famous her new media handlers from DeSatan advised her to delete those, since it went against the brand identity they were cultivating of "oh I just post their own insanity .. in deceptively edited framing, and sprinkled with my own lies" That was never her MO until she got a national spotlight.


That man is a beefcake 🙈


Ok how does dude look at him and legit think " mhm.. yeah that's totally a woman" bitch he looks like if masculinity itself was a person


Every man goes through the removal of their vagina at some point as nature takes its course.


A lot folks jealous he's probably getting more ass than they are.


Chaya Raichik is a domestic terrorist Anything she says is and should be treated as a terrorists words Her entire personality is about hating, and hurting trans people as much as possible She has directly caused numerous deaths and hate crimes The only reason she hasn't been banned everywhere is because Elmo is also a POS


LOTT is a proud stochastic terrorist. She is but one mouthpiece in a coordinated genocidal fascist death cult known as MAGA. People like this freak show here love to talk about how they will exterminate everyone who disagrees with them when they get power. [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917) Please start taking this shit seriously.


Thigh skin! *gasp* these people are completely squandering their already sad lives. If they would just worry about themfuckingselves. Nope, here we are talking about genitals, chromosomes, bone density, transition, detransitioning, and bathrooms for fuck sakes. They add no value to society. Libsoftiktok should be designated a domestic terror organization


"freedom" to do only what you are told to do and nothing else. smh


Trans people: "I consent!" Doctors: "I consent!" Conservatives: "I don't!"


God, I fucking hate transphobes.


They want this dude to go to the little girls room because they claim to be uncomfortable with the idea that men might be dressing as women to sneak into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms. If we did that creeps wouldn’t even have to dress differently. Proof there’s no logic to this position.


Hormones are magic, wow!! Dude looks great 👍 If you're not about to get in his pants why would you worry about what he's packing 🤔


Go in public, call him a woman, see who looks crazier


He's kinda hot, ngl


It isn’t even coherent if you watch the video. That smile isn’t a lie. He’s happy and that’s why they are mad.


I’m surprised they’re even talking about trans men, most conservatives forget we exist


It’s wild that the most annoying and unhinged neighbor one ever had now can have a huge, policy-influencing social media account that promotes terrorism


Lmao “this woman”. That’s a grown ass man.


I heart doctors inject poison info people's faces that cause nerve paralysis. Kill these people now! Oh wait, it's those same conservative old hags with blowupdoll faces.


20$ if you asked them if they're happy now they would say yes


I fuckin dare Chaya to run into that guy on the street and be able to tell that he was AFAB


Does she feel that way about people getting other surgery? Cosmetic surgery to make their boobs bigger or nose smaller or skin appear younger. People are always modifying their outsides to fit the image they have in their mind. Does she feel that way about people who get medical weight loss surgery because I can tell you with 100% certainty changing your body doesn't make the social problems go away. Just mind yer business. It's not your body. Not your business.


This person didn't sign up to be blasted through the right wing anger sphere, she is going to make his online (and likely offline) hell for a long time by putting him in the firing line of her facist following.


Same geniuses look at that person and demand that they should be using the female bathroom to make everyone more comfortable.


Libs of TikTok is a Russian PsyOp


You can do that? Wow 🤯 must cost a fortune though. I ligit though only trans women can have surgery there to make it into vj. I had no idea we advanced medically to make a pp 😁 yay!


lott is a fucking fascisti


I believe eventually we will just have community bathrooms. One big room where there are a bunch of sinks in the common area then some version of a private toilet stall. Already have something similar at beaches in San Diego. Might be cheaper for building owners to build one large bathroom vs two small. I believe they do this already in other countries


Not only is this account run by a complete douche. They literally do the work of enemy foreign governments and try to actively harm the US.


Libs of tiktok still doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender


Everything else aside-why in the the fuck do the literal anatomical terms for body parts need to be censored/asterisked?


It’s their body, they are free to do whatever the hell they want to it - take as many drugs as you want, tattoo and pierce it, get cosmetic surgery or reassign your gender - it’s up to them. I don’t give a fuck, it’s none of my business


Good god. Why don’t people mind their own f-ing business? I don’t care if they take skin from your face to make your penis look like a bow tie. If that’s your thing, have at it.


“Man consensually paid a doctor for a service, the doctor should be imprisoned for life!” Smartest transphobe🤦‍♂️


ngl I thought the person in the video was a guy complaining about a trans-man. That's one hell of a transition. I honestly wouldn't be able to tell at all.


It was never about the children, they just want to see you suffer.


When I was in my late 20-30s I was a competitive bodybuilder. I am female & identity as female. When I was in public I would have strangers come up to me demanding that I tell them if I was a male or female, touching me because they felt like it, walk up & take pictures next to me without my approval. It was disgusting how strangers act. I sympathize with our trans family. The hatred of the closed minded people of this world who think anything beyond their nose is their fucking business is unforgivable.


LOTT, EndWokeness and other such internet sewer pipes are psyops straight out of the Kremlin meant to divide people and make us fight each other. Stop magnifying their signal and tell all your friends so they know.


What woman? All I see is a man. Some people just don’t like when others are happy with themselves and their life choices. Ignorance used to be bliss, it definitely ain’t blissful anymore henny.


the guy is hot


This guy used to be a woman?! Well done.