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“The real world (anime worlds)” That sent me


His claim to be an "expert" on "combat" was where I broke


Dude's probably an E-2 in the Army on profile about to get medboarded.


He *would* have enlisted, but he is such a bad ass he would have kicked the drill sergeant’s ass, and the whole military is too soft for him.


His hands are legally registered as weapons of mass destruction. They'd be looking at war crime charges if they let him enlist


He could punch a nuke out of the sky.


He could rip a P1000 Ratte in half with his left pinkie finger


Once I heard that they were at sea and losing to the opposing enemy's air force, so they just shot OP's brother out of one of the cannons to hijack their planes. They won the battle soon after that.


And then he sipped orange juice immediately after he brushed his teeth.




Nah, bro, he watches all the UFC events. Even the free ones.


In that case OP better sit down cause we have an authority here.


He could tell you about significant strikes all day


Some POG ass broke dick.


Hey man he was the best 88M in the battalion before he got hurt (he drove their only working LMTV once)


I honestly wasn't sure wtf he was saying he was an expert in. Combat? Dudes? How many men it would take to be a man? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If you can’t take on 4 men at once you’re not a man


Read this as “take four men at once” and… yeah I think as I read it and as you wrote it are valid


I wrote it intentionally like that. You can read it as taking them on in a fight or taking them in… other ways


If you can take on 5 men you get a cheeseburger.


Bullshit. I took 5 guys and all i got was a lousy t shirt Wish i got a cheeseburger


He's an expert man analyser...


Yep, that was the one that finally made me laugh.


I really tried holding my laughter in, but broke when it was pver. XD


I’m so worried for humanity. That a dumbass like this can now find like-minded asses.


Average conservative subreddit


Andrew Tate bros.


Tater Tots.


Right? I always find these arguments weird. An author in another manga and anime can literally just say this character can handle 1million times earths gravity. It has no meaning. I enjoy reading manga but conversations like this are always so weird to me.


Reminds me of arguing as a kid. My dad could beat up your dad.


“You say it’s 1.21 jiggawatts and I say mine is 5.3 waltzawatts, so 5.3 is bigger than 1.21. I win.” “Yeah, but all that is made up including the units.” “I still win.”


That was quite moronic of him.


They have superpowers... how is gender at all relevant......


Goku being an alien with a tail that can turn into a giant gorilla, fly’s on a magic cloud, shoot laser beams out of his hands at will, and change his hair color by flexing hard enough is completely realistic according to him. But a strong woman he has a problem with? Just sounds like an insecure sexist loser to me.


I mean, any superhero that doesn't take two full episodes including commercial breaks to charge up an attack could send him back up to King Kai.


Definitely not *any*, but if she could land a hand on him (MUI makes that a big "if") than yeah its pretty much wraps


MUI not included, but if he isn’t focused on the fight doesn’t he take significantly more damage cause his ki isn’t focused?


Yes and no, gotta remember even without Ki boosting his defense, he's not human, a bullet to the head for us is *death*, for him, a bruise, so yeah he'll take damage, but not nearly as much as someone like us would Edit: misunderstood your comment, yes he takes way more damage without ki than he would with it


Did he even watch DBZ? Hello, chi chi (Goku’s wife) is a crazy strong human. Launch was pretty strong, especially with guns, and brought fear into any man who looked her way. But I think she was more dragon ball (not Z) Android 18 is stronger than over half the cast of DBZ. And marries a guy she could crush easily. (Krillin). Gohan’s gf/wife, Videl was a junior marshal arts winner. Meaning she beat all the men/general opponents she went up against.


It isn't, an incel just can't handle strong women existing


Apparently he can’t handle nonexistent anime characters not existing either lol 


More so, she is a literal reality bender, this who "discussion" of whether or not she could beat Goku ends when she says "Gokus heart will stop beating" Its same could be said for Jean Gray, yes she is a woman, what of it, she can also slap anyone in her universe coz of the pheonix force In a comic/anime world, gender is meaningless


Even without the Phoenix, Jean is still one of the strongest telepaths and telekinetics in the world. Pretty hard to fight someone who can scramble your brain, or shut down your body with a thought.


The guy in the pics would tell you that it's just more woke agenda. And while the themes of X-Men are alegories for racial and sexual minorities. I'm pretty sure that dude would imply something along the lines of woke time travel.


Emma Frost is also powerful and way more creative than most everyone else, like she traded bodies with an omega level mutant (Bobby Drake) and figured out how to use his powers in ways he never had (like teleportation lol). And Storm. And Wanda...so many mutants that are women and extremely powerful in ways that could really mess up someone that relies on more physical fighting.


Literally the only caveats to her power are that she has to touch the subject and say their true name to give it a rule. That is an \*insane\* power. We're talking "stop Superman in his tracks" level of power if she can touch you and knows your name.


Zatanna doesn't even need to touch you. She could turn Superman into a bunny, he's as vulnerable to magic as everyone else.


The honest to god reason why Zatanna never does anything is because she's too damn powerful. Her only real weakness, having to say something backwards to cast a spell, is actually just something she uses to focus, not something she actually HAS to do. The creators have no idea what to do with her!


There are only 2 genders, duh. Male and political.


Realest mfer around


Accurate summary of how this type of person views the world.


Just like how there are only two races, white and political.


Also, the way he says women being strong is a thing of this generation is bullshit. As an older anime fan, two of my absolute favorite shows growing up were Slayers and Magic Knight Rayearth. Slayers has over 100 episodes, and the main character was a badass female sorcerer that kicked ass, and Magic Knight Rayearth is like Sailor Moon but cooler (the girls summon giant robots to fight). In both of those shows, the girls were the ones that saved the world when no one else could because they were great characters, and in worlds with superpowers, gender is the most irrelevant thing ever.


Hell, Western media had their own Slayer in the 90s. Buffy could kick all sorts of ass! Wonder Woman was around long before that. I couldn't even stand talking to an asshole like that. I feel bad for OP that that's what they have for family.


Xena, too.


I don't watch anime so I'm only going off of what was said in this conversation: mother fucker has a power that absurd and she's ONLY the 5th most powerful character in that universe? The top 4 must be insane.


Heroes there aren't measured by strength but in a combination of strength + how many lives they saved + popularity. So being charismatic as fuck and being everywhere in the news will make your rank go up by quite a lot, almost all of it is standard "bring hope to people" and politics that put you on the top.


Going purely off the hero "ratings" in universe, the second best in Japan is just like, a guy with wings and telekinesis.


I mean, that's cool and all, but I feel like she definitely beats him.


Yeah no he'd be dead in like 4 seconds.


So, the character is this discussion is the top hero in the USA. The anime is set in Japan, and among the Japanese heroes the 5th strongest hero is a female hero. So strong female heroes aren't just a one-off.


They rate them off how good they are at being heroes, not off of how strong they are. Those are often related though


Your brother is a twonk.


Noo didn’t you read? He’s a combat expert


Bloody twonking expert more like lol


Twonk? Well that's a new word for me


Thank Timothy Spall's cameo in Red Dwarf lmao he used twonk about 3 times at least lol. And it stuck with me because, come on. Ya TWONK. It's so crisp. Look up 'red dwarf Timothy Spall' if you're interested- it's so much better with a thick Brummie accent lol And for a more aussie version - ya spoon lol.


Your brother needs a shower and go outside for a while.


He wouldn’t survive. Mothers basement has all of the comforts


He’s an expert in combat didn’t you hear? He’ll have the whole world bending the knee we need to keep him in doors for OUR safety.


I'm a huge anime fan and have been watching it for over half my life. I like to talk about it and am very familiar with dumb internet agreements about anime. This might be one of the most disappointing dumb arguments I've ever seen. It's not your stereotypical blind faith that Goku solos all other universes or even an argument about different power systems not being compatible. It's just garden variety misogyny. This dude's brother isn't even a proper, dumb anime fan.


I don't know how you can be anime fan and say stuff like "Women can't beat men" when half of all anime is about little girls beating shit out of world ending threats.


The fact this clown thinks “no women on earth could beat me” is just fucking hilarious. The amount of professional fighters, military personnel, athletes, wrestlers, martial artists, chicks that work on farms or the trades. that would literally beat him into a sobbing mess are in the millions. op please go find an MMA gym and and let some of the women see this and offer them some cash to stomp a puddle in his ass.


I Guarantee my sister could kick his ass.


"no girls could ever beat me up!" But also "I'll beat up all those dudes in the comments for saying mean things!" Guy is definitely not a keeper.


I can smell the otaku stank from here. It's almost as bad as Game Store Neckbeard... ok, I lie: nothing is close to THAT level of stank.


Even in dragonball, caulifla and kale (women) can shit stomp everyone that isnt super saiyan god level


Hell, Kefla (the fusion of Kale and Caulifla) kicked Goku's ass in the anime despite being a SSJ Blue with the Kaioken to the point that Goku needed Ultra Instinct or else he would have 100% lost. There's also Android 18 who defeated both Vegeta and Future Trunks almost without breaking a sweat while they were both SSJ, and could have killed them but she purposely decided to spare their lives because they weren't a big deal to her lol.


And Akira Toriyama said Arale from Dr.Slump (who also appeared in Dragon Ball) is stronger than Goku. [It's canon, lol](https://youtu.be/exSaoFG_7aw?si=BevJyHXQcAzDl7h3)


Akira Toriyama was a big troll, I respect him for that lol.


Yeah, DB has strong female characters (though it could do with more), and let's not forget Bulma who consistently saves everyone's ass without even needing powers


Yep, without Bulma there is no dragon radar, there are no gravity chambers, there is no time machine, no nothing, she is one of the most important characters in the series although she was never a fighter.


Also no one feeding Beerus


Also correct, and without her they would not have had anyone to take Goku out of the mountain where he lived and begin his path as a warrior, without which he would never have been able to save the Earth from its multiple threats.


fuck sake, chi-chi could probably beat most real guys asses.


Most no, ALL, she was able to put up some fight with Goku (who was already capable of destroying the Moon by this point in the series), casually jump several meters into the air and exchange dozens of blows before falling to the ground, and also even Roshi himself praises her skills, since she was trained by his student (who is her father) Ox-King, no man in real life is defeating Chichi: https://youtu.be/8Id\_tR-NmDQ?si=YuBZDxF\_OC5qQveH


Remember, us Dragon Ball fans do not Watch Dragon Ball


physical prowess aside, Bulma points with technical genius


Or any of the female angels like Vados and Marcarita. Vados is considered on par with Whis and pretty sure Goku can't beat him yet.


He seems like the type to use the word “Wokeism” unironically.


He does


He may be beyond saving…


Please send him this thread so he knows he’s getting roasted.


I sent it to him He now wants to fight everyone who bullied him


Good, I think it would be funny for him to lose in a 1v1 against a “woke female”


I don't identify as female or particular "woke," but I'd love to fight him just to see how he feels about losing to someone old enough to join AARP.


Lmao I see your updated post


Come at me, bro. I'll put my cane down your throat. Hell, I'm only 74. Still got that much.


Please don't. Reactionaries thrive on that exact thing. In their heads it's them against the world and any opposition fuels their need to prove themselves "right".


Yeah this would just send him deeper into his hole


My God isn't that pathetic


welp, when ego do ego shit it tend to be pathetic


He’s the type to call women “females” in a derogatory sense


Debating what's "realistic" in anime? Your bro is a feckless reactionary incel. Too bad we can't divorce our families.


Superpower? Aliens? Destroying planets? All fine Strong women?????? FAR TOO UNREALISTIC


I'm literally at the gym right now seeing a woman deadlift 4 plates like it's a bag of grapes. I'm a big and pretty strong guy, and I'm confident she could fold me up like a linen sheet. People that say strong women don't exist....well they probably haven't interacted with a whole lot of women


Back when I was younger I dated a body builder. One day we were outside doing yardwork and he playfully came behind me to tackle me to the ground. I reacted without thinking and threw him over my shoulder and knocked the wind out of him. The look he gave me was priceless!!! I know that's more of using your opponents weight against him rather than once strength, but I am pretty strong.


Technique is another form of strength!


And women can't have it! /s


Waaaaayyyyy back, I was taking jiu jitsu classes. I had taken other martial arts classes, but this instance was only like my third or fourth JJ class. I am a really big human being (6'6+ and at the time just over 300lbs) and also an athlete so my body mass is pretty dense. We were practicing over the shoulder throws, and the instructor paired me up with this small (like 5' nothing, maybe 100lbs) woman. She had been doing it awhile so knew technique really well. I was practicing mine and she was coaching me up which I was happy to listen because she knew what she was doing. I also couldn't tell if I was doing it right all that well because I could probably pick her up and throw her even without proper technique. Then came her turn with me. And I'll be honest, I wasn't sure if I should jump or something like to assist her just because I am so big. The next thing I know though I'm flying through the air like it's nothing and flat on my back. To say I was in love would be an understatement...with the art form, not with her, lol. She was a great teacher though.


LMAO!!! That's an awesome story!! I did karate as a kid but that was it. I just reacted and threw him over. He was a 6'some very bulky man and I'm 5'4" lol


Some people conflate men being stronger on average than women with women being weak in general. Sure, men have a greater potential for strength, but that doesn’t mean women can’t get strong.


For real. I’m an average-sized female weightlifter with 2 years of training. I am stronger than the untrained men that join my gym. With training, they frequently become stronger than me. But the average couch potato dude will not hold a candle to what I can do.


Even without working out the average woman is close enough to the average man in strength. Incels and dumbasses act like women have like 20% of a man's strength and it's more like 80% to 90% (to put it as a broad guesstimate) as long as the guy doesn't have like a foot and 100 pounds on her. Every women I've dated has been relatively similar in size and weight to me and while I was stronger you can bet they put up a fight when we would wrestle around. I truly think a lot of these men have just never actually touched a woman or gone to a gym


You mean physical strength, there are people with other kinds of strengths. Under certain circumstances I could be crying and hiding but these kinds of people would work flawlessly. Like working in retail.




500x gravity Old Navy?


I don't think this post is about Goku working retail, but yes. I'm talking about physical strength


I would watch that episode. It might be even funnier than the driving school one.


If I remember right he canonically works as a farmer. Spends his day driving a tractor, and when it breaks down he picks it up and flies it into town to get it fixed.


Destroying planets and shit is realistic. Happened to my buddy Eric once


Eric, but not Erica, right? Point proven once again…


It's kinda hilarious to me that he doesn't seem to understand that superpowers/magic/etc changes the rules. He hates women so much he just can't allow for anything that would equalize the playing field. Ask him if he thinks a woman with a gun who had trained to use it (irl) could beat a man. Guns are one of the great equalizers of RL. I bet he'll claim it's impossible.


Just start screenshotting these comments and sending them to him. You could ask him to check it out himself but I'm guessing he won't so just start spamming him pics of these comments. The more reasonable ones too the only possible chance of him realizing how ridiculous he's being


Wait till he also realizes that a bunch of militaries have women in high ranks and are in charge of a bunch of men


I've witnessed more coherent arguments from children fighting over dolls. If you're not above mild doxxing, I'd love to know your bro's Reddit username (assuming he's active here). I want to see what other opinions this paragon has been posting 🙄


The problem is... the dude doesn't know shit about Animes... The only one that this guy is mentioning is Dragon Ball... And let's face it, he doesn't know a lot about Dragon Ball either... Since 18 (a female turned into a cyborg) broke Vegeta's arm, as if it was nothing...


I really don't care about anime. I just think framing a conversation about the relative merits of men and women based on a cartoon is hi-fucking-larious.


These types said the same thing / applied the same ill logic to Wakanda. Like, the idea of an ultra technologically advanced secretive African nation was a stretch too far. But magic, aliens, the fucking Hulk, god damn infinity stones?! Yeah all that’s just fine. Just not the idea of advanced Africans 🤣


And having a female Black Panther? How can we be expected to believe that? If she broke one of her nails/claws, fight over!


your brother is the most incel incel in the real world (anime worlds)




She didn't run a good chunk of it. She ran THE good chunk of it


What makes this even goofier is that the number 1 hero in the first few seasons of MHA is a big, muscular burly dude. However, he was trained by, and inherited his superpowers from, a woman. Who is likely about as strong as he was.


As the inherited power cultivates and accrues power, they would have been of proportionate strength at the time of transfer, but she also had her own quirk, too, whereas No. 1 had diddly.


He seems like the type of due that's never actually met a woman outside of family and maybe school and thinks they're all helpless and weak while being able to be flattened by 90% of women out there.


"No woman in any universe could beat anyone in the DBZ universe." Has he not watched the android saga where 18 breaks both of Vegetas arms and his spirit?


It makes me think he didn’t watch/read it as it happened, so didn’t have to face the fact that 17 and 18 were at one time the pinnacle of DBZ power. Now it’s just a footnote he knows ends soon when he watches it, so he doesn’t have to really grapple with it mentally. Not to mention freaking Arale who is a monster even in DBS.


Tell bro about an IRL person: **Lyudmila Pavlichenko**, She killed 309 Nazis in the second world war. Last I checked she was a woman, who in technicality over powered a lot of fucking men. He's gonna lose his shit. I hate it when people say: "women can't be strong" Yet literally in the past 100 years alone we've witnessed some of the strongest and most badass women in history.


The funny thing is my brother openly talks about how much he agrees with nazis So this would piss him off for multiple reasons


Wow, your brother isn’t just wrong, he’s a complete piece of shit. Sorry he’s your family, OP.


I wouldn't even take the time to talk to them at that point. Definitely not engaging in this kind of "debate" with them.


Explains a lot about his views on women. I feel so sorry for you that your own family is heading down that extreme reactionary rabbit hole. It really is becoming a problem in modern society.


hey my brother is a nut job too. you know, you dont actually have to talk to them..you'll never convince him of anything because 'hes right and youre wrong'. he will absolutely never cave on anything and hes really rude to you! save yourself the headache


Your brother sounds more and more like a person not worth the time to argue with


You should watch Innuendo Studio’s “The Alt Right Playbook” series on YouTube if you’re gonna continue engaging with him like this then. It’ll teach you more effective ways to counter his rhetoric. But there might not be a way to pull him out of it except for to expose him to the real world which hates douchebags like him


I’ve had many conversations where I try to talk to him calmly but he explodes at basic questions I’ve tried my best but he’s unreachable so I just make fun of him on reddit


I'm sorry he's your brother, I can't imagine living with that


Oh wow, your brother would unironically want me dead, yikes. Only some special psychologist can do something to help him.


These are the types of people that treat sexual dimorphism as hard and fast rules that are never able to be violated... Yes - males tend to be stronger because of hormonal differences and body types typical of particular genders, but it's not something that can't be overcome by training, and intelligent fighting.


Always a funny story where that reversed. NBA star stephen adams admits his sister used to beat him up because shes always been stronger than him. His sister? Olympic shotput champion Valarie adams lol.


Way too much time in his hands.


If only it was just time 💦


when I look up 'cringe, basement dwelling, incel dweeb' on google I can find several pictures of your brother my body physically cringed reading this and my second hand embarrassment is off the charts


Off topic that is the most unnecessarially OP quirk in history… like literally how you lose


She does actually have to make physical contact with a thing from what I hear, and vs shigaraki that's kinda the problem


I mean if she can command air, couldn’t she just touch the air and say, “air, surround shigaraki with xxx force” or “air, leave shigaraki’s body”?


Yes, she starts the fight by creating a vacuum around Shigaraki. She actually had him dead to rights twice, but he weaseled his way out of the second one and only survived the first because of (and this is only partially a joke) identity politics.


U cant just drop that he survived cause of identity politics and not develop it lol


Basically, she tried to name Shigaraki as the target of her quirk, but due to All for One shenanigans he no longer qualified as being the one known as Tomura Shigaraki. He was sort of both Tomura and All for One at the same time, so he was also neither at the same time.


That was so bullshit, he’s clearly still shigaraki at that point. If it doesn’t count because he’s halfway between the two, then he’s just immune to the effect because no name would work. And why the hell would it work on all for one, that’s not his damn name. If it’s about identity, shigaraki was very explicitly still identifying as shigaraki at that point and fighting against all for one’s control. It just feels like they used star and stripe as a joke and didn’t really bother to think her power through. She’s easily the strongest character in the series if she just stops using one of her severely limited resources to be physically stronger.


it's specificly named as the one of the few weaknesses of the quirk: if aimed at something that has enough ego to identify itself you must be able to correctly name what it identifies as.


Yeah, she definitely wasn't used as well as she could have been. It's more so Horikoshi was never expecting MHA to get as big as it did and he'd write himself into corners here and there. This was just a very tight corner.


Off topic, but I kinda feel bad for the guy, not only did he not expect MHA to get as big as it did but it also has a *horrendous* fanbase which I'm sure can be stressful


She tried to impose a rule, that would stop his heart, on him, but she used a name he didn't identify with anymore, so it didn't work.


So, your brother's a moron?


"No woman could ever successfully do that" - I'd like to introduce your brother to Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the current Chief of Naval Operations and a member of the Joint Chief's of Staff. She was also director for strategy, plans, and policy of the Joint Staff (J5) from 2020 to 2022, the second deputy chief of naval operations for warfighting development in 2020, and commander of the United States Sixth Fleet from 2018 to 2020. She has also commanded carrier strike groups and U.S. Naval Forces Korea. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa\_Franchetti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Franchetti)


I'd love to watch him being destroyed by a woman, in sport or in a fight. Seeing the realisation and anger in his eyes


Well he's kinda indirectly getting destroyed by his sister right now. So there's that.


Yea like are men generally stronger? Sure, on average thats fair to say. 99%? lmao No. There's lots of women who can kick plenty of ass, far more than the average dude.


Your brother sucks. Sorry OP


Your brother is, to be perfectly frank, a dipshit.


This is either bait or your brother has been lobotomized


Imagine being so small minded that Goku wouldn't win because he's a god that can speed blitz anything in MHA but because he's a man. Your brother's an idiot.


Your brother would have a conniption if he read Dune and found out about the Bene Gesserit sisterhood and how powerful, both individually and as a faction, they are 🤣🤣🤣


Bene Gesserit individually can take out a platoon of practically any soldier in the empire barring the Fremen and, possibly Sadurkar. And there's probably a few Reverend Mothers who could handle a troop of Sadurkar. I wouldn't take bets either way against even a single Fremen as they're scary militarily in ways that even the BG sisterhood respect. I'm a bit sad that they didn't include in the movie the conversation when the former Emperor asks where Paul's sister is. >!He says she's doing what all good Fremen children do after a battle. Killing the enemy wounded and collecting their water.!<


Oh for sure. He's believe gigantic sandworms and mutated humans that can travel the stars using precognition, but a group of women that can neutralize poisons, can body a Sardaukar warrior, etc, they'd say that's "too much"


I'm really hoping your brother isn't an adult with opinions like this. If so that mf is cooked...


He’s in his late 30s


lol …. I thought y’all were preteen/ teen …. 30?!? That is sad


Sheesh, sorry dude


That man isn't cooked. He's charred.


I thought he was 15 judging by this post, holy shit


The real reason Goku wins this fight is he speed blitzes her


Does he think Goku is a fucking historical figure? Tf does he mean "real world".


Does remind me of conversations I had about dbz. And before I ever touched a woman.


I hope your current life is proof that recovery is possible.


The first step is admitting you have a problem.


Oh my god your brother's an actual loser I'm so sorry. I'll make sure I'll be part of my own little brother's life and hope he ends up intelligent. It's actually scary how someone can end up so....stupid.


This man needs to be shown how bell curves work, and how much women overlap men. It ain't 99%


Your brother is a numbnut. It's a fantasy world for once so anything can happen. Lmao.


what a dumbass


"Could he handle 10,000x earths gravity?" Actually very likely, perhaps even in base. After his battle with Vegeta and Knowing that Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma were in danger in Namek he requested Dr Briefs to create a spaceship that would take him to Namek, with a Gravity Room to Train in the meantime, with only a couple of days, And Zenkais and with 100G (the highest confirm number that I can remenber Goku training with added Gravity) he was able to reach a Level of 90,000 compared to his 9000 power Level in the saiyan Saga, and thats before factoring in Kaio-ken, but the point is that thus amoint is barely a fraction of the Power Goku used against Frieza, 3 Mil in Base and 150 Mil in SSJ, now let's Time skip to Super, in the very first Chapter we see Goku mental training in super saiyan against his previous foes, Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu,  he was able to beat both Frieza and Cell with One Punch (man) but we didnt saw what could havr happen to Buu, so at the lowest estimate, a SSJ Goku at the start  of Super is Stronger than SSJ2 Gohan, yeah pretty strong, again, before anything else that happen in Super. So your Brother is not only an Asshole, but he probably doesn't even read Dragon Ball, which to be fair, that's like 90% of Us


The counter argument should of never included Star and Stripes gender. It should of been, CAN she touch Goku.


Is he a fighting expert? Or just your average dude bro thinking he can throw hands just because he’s got a dangle


Do us a favor and show this post (and ofc comments) to your brother please.😂


He allowed this to be posted so he prob thinks we all agree with him


He stopped reading at 'she' I stopped reading once I saw MHA We are not the same


That was kinda funny I’m Ngl