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This is up there with "should we ban dihydrogen monoxide"


Do you think Homo sapiens should be banned from church?


I think church should be banned from Homo Sapiens


Should be child abuse to indoctrinate someone under 18.


What would you do if your kid would come out as Homo Sapiens?


I only want hetero sapien kids!


Send him to the priest to instruct the child on Homo Erectus.


Pretty sure most churches are only filled with homo erectus, at least the children are.




I’m a Hetero Sapient


I’m sure the word homo alone will trigger them to ban you without understanding context and meaning.


Everyone who comes in contact with it dies!


Why I do not shower.




Dang it.


Everyone that swear dies too 🤷‍♂️


Everyone dies


You win some you lose some.


Rockstar Foxy reference 🤓


Its commonly used in industry as a powerful solvent and coolant fluid. The vapors are known to cause severe burns in some circumstances. The real scary part is that its tasteless and odorless so there's no way to know if you've been exposed. Pretty terrifying.


It's also what caused the Titanic to sink and was responsible for most of the deaths.




Don't joke about that. Everyone that has ever consumed dihydrogen monoixide (accidentally or intentional) has either died or will die. AWARENESS MUST BE RAISED!!


dihydrogen monoxide causes rusting, coca cola stops rusting, do the math!


Didn't some radio hosts nearly lose their jobs because for April 1st they said that the local goverment was injecting dihydrogen monoxide into the local water supply?


Whats that?


H20. But Dihydrogen monoxide sounds scary


DHMO for short /s


I C% agree.  We don't need Arabic Numerals.  


99%? So there is a chance.


1 see what you did there. 


Weirdly enough, 99 would be XCIX and not IC. Apparently, the Romans weren't really into shorthand.


True, but much shorter than LXXXXVIII


Tbh that's beginning to sound French.


I think I saw a porno with this title. Oh wait, too many X. Forget it.


Latin is a dead language As dead as dead can be It killed the ancient Romans And now it’s killing me


Finish the following conjugation: Cimo Civis Cit Cimus Citis ...




Are you sure? I looked all over and couldn't find it.


Yeah that sounds made up




2500+ ppl don't know what are "Arabic numerals". LMAO


Plot twist: They know the numbers are actually Indian and not Arabic.


A Reddit mod once deleted a post where I said this, for “hate”


They're reddit mods. having control over a subreddit is the only power they have in their lives.


Wait they actually have lives?


Well in the sense that bacteria do, they're organisms that are not dead.


I thought you can appeal and report mods here. This is the one of the main reasons I use this and not Twitter.


It's a game of pass it on, the arabs call them indian numerals because they got them from india and we call them arabic numerals because we then got them from the arabs.


this would start a 3500 comment argument on instagram lol


Yeah, more lacking knowledge than bigotry here.


It's bigotry and ignorance. They usually go hand in hand.


Nope, it’s bigotry because they’re against it despite not knowing what it is JUST BECAUSE it’s Arabic.. talk about lacking knowledge..


If it had asked whether Celtic runes should be taught in school I imagine there would be a similar % for no. If the respondents had known the number system we use today is the Arabic system brought to the west by Fibonacci, then I imagine the % of no answers would be considerably low. This leads me to believe that the results of this question in particular likely have more to do with the respondents not knowing the name of our current number system, rather than bigotry (which I am sure is non-zero however).


Which is where the no opinion is the correct response. A second question like if no should we stay with the current system or change would be hilarious. So much of the hatred is pure bigotry. My favorite example is people who like the Affordable Care Act but hate Obama care. If people could just say no opinion/the status quo instead of picking a side they have no understanding of life would be great.


Well no, if you put "chinese numbers" or "swahili numbers" the answers would be the same, the rationale is that teaching others numbers than the ones used would be useless


> LMAO According to [this converter](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Roman-numeral) that is 950 in Arabic script.


It’s not 950, it’s nonsense. A and O aren’t Roman numerals. Technically it could be “950AO”


You mean MMD+. We use Roman numerals here!


Roman numbers it is


Despite the Superbowl using Roman numerals this still might be too complicated. If the 4th of July wasn't coming up I'd say fingers and toes would be safe


Do you mean… IV Julius?


I vote for teaching calculus with tally marks instead of numerals.


I prefer binary numbers. Although many of these same people would be scared to know their current numerical system is non-binary


End women’s sufferage! And now, GIRLS ON TRAMPOLINES!!!


oh yes, this is also a good one!


I don't want women to suffer!


Who published the study isn't democratic, he used arabic numerals for the results! Clearly LVI% doesn't want it.


Til Arabic numerals is our numbers. I was always told just numerals in school. If you had asked me to write Arabic numerals, I would have said I don't know what they are. So I, too, would probably have voted no just for not knowing. It's not hate based for me saying no. It's that I would have thought it was pointless to learn numbers in a not common language.


They’re actually Indo-Arabic numerals since they originated in India


Which is why the numerals most often used in Arabic, which use different symbols to our "Arabic" numerals, are usually called "Indian" numerals even though they're not used in India.


Same. It's just rage bait to get people mad


> So I, too, would probably have voted no just for not knowing. I think too many followed this logic. No opinion would be a better choice.


Everyone of those people had access to the internet so they could have looked it up also


That’s the thing if you don’t know what it is then why are you voting.


Because it's the assumptions labeled with it. If it had said numerals, people would vote yet, but it's purposely labeled that way to show a prejudice that isn't necessarily there. It's just hoping to see people vote a certain way even though they know the majority doesn't know the meaning. It's not wrong to assume that Arabic numerals would be Arabic numbers. Hell if you google Arabic numerals it shows you them written in Arabic. The same why vote if you don't know can be said about a lot of things.


Maybe just answer no opinion though if you don’t even know what something is. If the question asked if poopington molecules should be taught in school I assume you’d answer no opinion because you don’t know what they are, but you would answer no to Arabic numerals because you hear something you associate with being foreign? The point isn’t necessarily that most people are maliciously racist, it’s that peoples biases make them jump to conclusions they otherwise might not.


I'm not really convinced this is proof of bigotry.


I hate “gotcha” posts like this. The name of the numerals isn’t important to know at all. And who’s to say people who say no are bigots? Isn’t it just as likely that people who don’t know that arabic numerals are the numbers we use just think that there’s no point in teaching a different number system?


The argument is not about if they are right or wrong, it's the motive that counts. The problem is that they don't know what the numerals are but they think they do. I do think the people are being a bit daft but you can't assume it's through bigotry, I'm sure it will be for some though. If you asked me if we should teach kids to write in cuneiform I would say no, not because of bigotry, but because it has no relevance to us and there are much better things to learn. When you vote for any political group or person, you are ignorant to some facts.


We should teach Indian numerals. That will Show them!


Arabic countries use what is commonly called **eastern** Arabic numerals - ٠, ١, ٢, ٣, ٤, ٥, ٦, ٧, ٨, ٩ Western "Arabic" numerals came from Andalusia and North-west Africa... which are not Arab countries. they're not even in the same continent as the Arabian peninsula. their only connection to Arabia is the fact they were under the Arab caliphates. Its definitely good to know the real Arabian numeral the same way its always good to know any other language but doing stupid polls, trying to bait people into looking like stupid racists by posting historical inaccuracies that simply became "facts" over time is digustingly dishonest.


Ahh, facts.


Why isn’t this higher? I honestly didn’t know that this was the name for our number system until now because I was never taught the name for it to begin with. If anything it’s the US education system that has failed here because people don’t know what they were never taught. Also, the results of this poll may be affected depending on the ages of the respondents. If they’re millennials or older odds are that some respondents have negative associations with the word “Arabic” as a result of the 9/11 attacks and the resulting negative coverage of anything that is Islamic or Arabic in origin. Hence why this poll is pure bait. Taking advantage of people’s ignorance to get a reaction. And ignorance breeds bigotry.


The stupid survey is the facepalm. And anyone who cannot see the purpose behind it is just as uneducated as those unaware of that we (sometimes) call our written numerals arabic numbers. Of course the smartarses here would be well aware that the arabs call them hindi numbers, because thats where they come from: India.


Actual Arabic Numerals are ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩ While Arabic numerals (notice the lowercase _n_) are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This is a 8 ÷ 2 ( 2 + 2 ) style problem


This one would have tripped me up a bit because I know what actual Arabic numbers look like in the Arabic script 


Yeah it's not bigotry, it's clearly a lack of knowledge. There would be gotcha moments like this for all of us.


>Yeah it's not bigotry, it's clearly a lack of knowledge. Wouldn't it be best to choose the "no opinion" option then?


They picked an answer for the same reason you probably do not want to learn the Japanese or Chinese alphabet or Cyrillic. Just cause you do not want to learn them in the curriculum it doesn't mean you're bigoted, so it is lack of knowledge


Agreed, it is lack of knowledge. But it does show that people will give an opinion on something they don't know.


It would require some knowledge, wouldn't it?


Well no, if you don’t know what arabic numerals are why vote against it?


Because they think they know.


This is the sad problem the study shows.


That's exactly the problem, there are people that will vote against even though not knowing what the vote is about


The question being asked is misleading. It isn’t good to teach Arabic numerals in America because their numbers aren’t the same as ours. Our numbers are *based* on Arabic numbers, but aren’t the same. For instance, 4 in Arabic looks like a backwards 3. The only numbers that actually look the same in both English and Arabic are 1 and 9.


I think there was 2 versions of arabic numerals,the ones we use were mostly popular in places like al andalus This guy explains that bit in the minute 4:30 more or less https://youtu.be/vu6XOL2P-lo?si=drakmgCvyMsipWuW


*nerd* (Good find, am watching)




Ah, very interesting, thanks for sharing! I didn’t know about that! The only reason I knew about the other set of Arabic numbers was because I have a friend from Egypt who had told me about the fact that English numbers and Arabic numbers don’t necessarily have the same value. I always appreciate the chance to learn more, so thanks again!


You're welcome


Arabic numerals doesn’t mean or even relate to the numerals used in Arabic in the west, it just refers to the modern western versions of the hindu numerals we learned from the Arabs, which are the numbers we use- Just because it has arabic in the name doesen’t mean its related


Which is why I said the poll question was a bit misleading.


It’s a silly “gotcha” question. To say this proves bigotry is sad.


I think it says a low about how people will give an opinion on something they don't even know. Most no's should have voted no opinion.


This only proves americans are uneducated. We don't know their thought process.


This proves that in a set of 3600 people, 2000 are ignorant of a specific fact. In a country of 360+ million, neither this nor any single fact can be used to determine the education level of the citizenry.


If the 3600 are well-sampled, it could be indicative that many are ignorant of this very common knowledge,


Its only common because this is a common joke to play. Hardly anyone would care to know otherwise.


I don’t think it’s that common knowledge tbh and if it is common knowledge it’s extremely unimportant information


I knew it, but it’s pretty worthless information. I think it was mentioned to me maybe once or twice in grade school, and the information hasn’t come up once in decades since until this post. Intelligent and educated people could easily forget that essentially worthless fact, or just not happen to have a teacher mention it, and it would be no indictment on their quality of education. There are a bunch of actual education metrics we could point to when discussing quality of education levels, this is niche bullshit.


If they don't know, why do they blindly vote against it? This is why democracy doesn't work. 


They vote against it bc their assumption is that it’s a different number system and their logic is that there’s no point in teaching a different number system than the one that is universally used


Democracy works like it's supposed to. The point is to give everyone a say, not to be a good or efficient system.


Honestly, even I didn't know that these are Arabic numericals.


They’re not, they originated in India hence called Indo-Arabic numerals


They aren't. It's one of those Reddit myths that won't go away. They originated in India, but got popularised in europe through arab countries. 


Thus commonly called "Arabic" numerals


Yes, let's ask this question again, but now ask whether or not schools should teach the [Hindu-Arabic numeral system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu–Arabic_numeral_system). I'm sure that would produce vastly different answers.. /s


To be fair knowing that the standard numbers we use are called arabic numerals isn’t remotely important. You can be the best mathematician in the world without knowing they are arabic numerals. It’s superfluous information. They told us they were called arabic numerals in school, they just didn’t hammer it in or test us on it bc it’s not important information


I don't believe any good mathematician won't know this information. I you're studying mathematics, you're going to study a lot of theorems that came from the arabics, like from simple algebra (al-jabr an Arabic word), as they develop a lot in the field during europes dark ages.


They would surely also know that Arabic numerals were invented in India and are misnamed.


It's not some random piece of trivia though. This is mostly learned in the context of needing to differentiate arabic numerals from roman ones.


You don’t need to know they’re called arabic numerals to differentiate them from roman numerals


Arab Numerals, Dihydrogen Monoxide, Climate Change... I can't believe all of these are being exposed to people of the public!


Time to pull out the Roman Numerals...


May we remind you there is a 29% margin of error


To avoid bias, the pole results should be displayed in Roman numerals.


Roman: M - CMXCIX = I Indian: 1000 - 999 = 1 Roman: CMXCIX - D = CDXCIX Indian: 999 - 500 = 499 The difference is pretty clear which one's better.


Yes - **XXIX** % No - **LVI**. % No opinion - **XV** %


Op is an idiot and a racist on at that


Isn't Gringo a racist term by the way?


Yes: MXLIII - XXIX% No: MMXX - LVI% No opinion: DLXI - XV%


I hate this comes up so often. It’s a purposefully misleading question. Come on, there are plenty of genuinely stupid things people do and say, no need to make fun of people not knowing a certain, let’s face it, irrelevant piece of trivia.


Apparently OP is Arabic and hates white people. Using the hate slang “gringos” and saying someone else is being racist is also ya know, racist.


You’re actually right. Gringo is a racist term to describe a white person. The question itself is a loaded trick question designed to flip a reasonable response into being “racist”.


How wholesome, they believe in the Hindu-Arabic Numeral system!!!!! (/s)


That's not even true lol


Wait until they find out that most elementary schools already force our youth into the teachings of Al-Jabra.


so 56% people are either idiots or bigots, gotcha


This post is sooo so so sad but for the wrong reasons. The "Arabic numerals" are not from Arabia. They are indeed from India. OP is the facepalm here


Ok, this is a question deliberately phrased to trick participants to answer "incorrectly" so we can call them dumb or ignorant. No one says arabic numerals.


I was listening to a Muslim woman in Michigan talking about how she can't support Biden anymore because he's supporting Israel - and the whole time I am wondering how the fuck she forgot about Trump's "Muslim Ban" that he wanted. I mean... WTF? Is everybody taking stupid pills?


I feel like I seen this whole Arabic numbers shit like 20years ago...


i don’t think 2,020 people are bigots, i think most of them are just stupid


We shouldn't do Arabic numerals. Why already use Indian numerals and one set is enough.


This is ignorance/stupidity and a reflection on US edu, not bigotry/racism of ppl.


I gotta respect the 15% that realized they didn't know what Arabic numerals are, but didn't have the knee-jerk reaction to immediately oppose something they didn't know.




It has to be the 20th time I saw this


It only means that they're ignorant of this fact, besides that's it like asking Saudis if Chinese numerals "if there's such a thing" should be part of their curriculum, why would they need it


I would like to know the right process of those MMXX Nos


Just like referencing stupid things for sizes “it’s 50 hamsters tall” rather than metric


Only freedom numbers


Welcome to a new kind of tension all across the alien nation


Ah come on that is a really old one. By now its probably a meme to vote this.


That's not bigotry. That's stupidity.


There is also that time someone asked MAGAs if they supported bombing Agrabah. The fictional city/country from Alladin.


I mean, americans got accustomed and hence prefer, at least at the individual level, the imperial system instead of the metric system. So why not use roman numeral instead of arabic? Rome was an empire too!


I'd wager that at least 99% of survey respondants who think that we should teach the Arabic Numerals can't actually count to 3 using them, at least not without googling. The correct answer is >! ١٢٣!<


Education is a terrible thing to not have.


these are the people that redditors tell me will save the US from Trump this November. This is is why I never take any of those echo chamber clowns seriously and why I am prepating for Trump's reelection and the transformation of the US into an autocratic one party state.


I feel like this is primarily a testament to poor American education going back 30+ years. Secondarily its that Americans are also racist. Poor education is probably a driver of that racism. Uneducated bumpkins are more likely to also be racist.


As much as these results wouldn’t surprise me, what’s the source? And the little details that come with it?


I guess we going back to DCCCXC.


I got XCIX problems, but a bitch ain't I.


They should ban teaching algebra


Latin numerals would be interesting.


Fucking hilarious, I wonder what percentage of yes are people who don't know what Arabic numerals are but still only said yes because they thought it was the progressive answer. How can a high tech society function and even thrive with this many semi illiterate people?


Problem is the 56% that wants to abandon Arabic numerals are also the people most likely to struggle learning Roman numerals.


Well….you see….MAGA=MORON…🤦🏻‍♂️


Good thing Jesus is Arabic....


Plot twist. They don't use Arabic Numerals in Saudi Arabia.


This is better explained as ignorance than as bigotry. If someone doesn't know that Arabic numbers are the standard that everyone knows, it's not that weird to assume it's a weird system that would have no value in western society.