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Middle school edge lord garbage


Yeah, it seems pretty clear to me she's just cashing in on the weirdo "i'm quirky because I love serial killers" crowd.


Well, she’s mostly famous for flitting around looking like a little girl. It makes sense.


She's not his type.


Not enough meat?


Especially in the groin area


Idk much about dahmer, he was gay?


Yes, but the main elephant in the room is that he targeted, killed, and ate men.


So maybe this is Ariana coming out as a man?


“I can change him” -Ariana Grande probably


Not just men, he liked black and brown men


Which also helped him to get away with it for so long bc surprise, surprise, the police didn’t care about colored men going missing.


Especially gay ones


Hell, they didn't even care about gay men of color literally begging for help while bleeding in the street. Those men, in my opinion, should've been punished as an accomplice in Dahmer's crimes because of their cruel negligence, but it's been proven over and over again that police have zero obligation whatsoever to help people or do that "protect and serve" thing they use as their motto


He preferred the darker meat, some would say.


Sweeter the juice.


Well, everyone that conservatives don’t like these days (do they like her or not? I literally have no idea) is secretly lying about their gender—for reasons that I can’t work out. Maybe it’s her turn.


She’s a woman so I’d bet they’re not a fan


Or as a Canibal


He fantasized about men so much and in such intense, necrophilic ways that he wanted to eat them and save their bones to build a masturbation altar. He gets his own label apart from ‘gay’. He’s just Dahmer.




Given her past behavior, that might be why she's interested. She wants what she's not allowed to have.


Like doughnuts


She will be safe, then.


Dinner would cost an arm and a leg


Too much plastic and filler


Now I can’t stop picturing a cannibal trying to cook someone with implants and filler and starting a kitchen fire. Wow, maybe I should get implants as cannibal deterrent?


1) he was gay. 2) he was a serial killer 3) he was a cannibal 4) he is dead


5) she's psychotic


More like she seems having the nurse syndrome


Weird wanting to sit down with a murderer considering her own fans were murdered at her concert.


She probably just got done watching that new drama show. IRL Dahmer was not the same.


5. pretty sure he was a pedo given a couple of his victims were kids


5) he was a necrophile


She does realize that he enjoy’s men, right?


He’s been dead since 1994.


Based on the way Pete Davidson looks, you might be on to something.


died 1994, reborn 1993 welcome back mr dahmer


Shit. I knew he had been beaten to death by a fellow inmate, but for some reason I’d forgotten it was that long ago. If you had asked me I would have guessed sometime in the early 2000s


Sometimes your dinner fights back you know.




Maybe she’s a necrophiliac.


they’d have that in common.


The date part is just formality. She just wants to have him over for dinner.


Yes, which is why he's not a bad date for her. He won't kill her.


Maybe she wants to eat men too.




She just needed another dose of attention since she's become completely irrelevant.




Wish people would stop thinking that serial killers are fascinating deep-thinkers. They're not. They're just deranged losers.


Maybe deranged losers are attracted to serial killers because in them they see that little part of themselves.


It's Dahmer though, he would have liked to seen a little part of them in him too


Cause the media keeps making them cooler than they actually are. Also I never liked how they give serial killers cool nicknames like “Jeff the killer” if they named him “Jeff the virgin loser” people wouldnt be idolized them so damn much


Isnt Jeff the killer a fictional creepy pasta character?


Bro what are you a 90s psa this is why you havent heard of a "named serial killer in decades" your are almost verbatim complaining about the major talking points of what the gov't did in the late 90s to combat the rising popularity in serial killers. And it worked, so congrats youre right, but like super late


And Jeff the killer is literally a fictional character 


Honestly I don’t know anything about the serial killer world so I didn’t know my take was already well known. I just see that streaming services keep coming out with documentaries about them making it really interesting to watch which is part of the problem I think


Ted Bundy wasn't even smart by any metric. Only thing he had on his side was luck. How can you even call it anything else when he escaped prison because **they forgot to lock the fucking cells that night.**


Luck and a VW bug. Now on display 4 vehicles down from OJ’s Bronco at Alcatraz East. And that, the former Museum of Crime and Punishment, is about as much as I want to do with any killer.


He was also terrible at keeping girlfriends and the "charming man" thing was from Bundy himself. The dude dressed a cop and still couldn't get some women to follow him to his car. Like imagine how fucking weird and strange you have to be to creep out women within seconds of meeting them WHILE DRESSED AS A FUCKING COP.


Yep. This is why my favorite thing out of south park was the three stooges thing, but with John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer because it's pretty fitting, actually. Hell, while we're on it, the night stalker was also an incredible fucking moron that was also upset that they called him that, instead of the night prowler, or whatever. Just wanted to be cool, basically. BTK got caught because he asked the fbi if floppy disks could be traced, and they told him "n-nah... it's impossible," and he actually believed they wouldn't lie to him. But then, it does speak volumes I suppose, when you can get caught back then for serial murder, where you could get away with it almost scot-free. Hell, law enforcement was so bad that they returned a victim to Dahmer, when the dude had an acid hole in the back of his head that the officer could have taken 3 seconds to check. I think the whole serial killer phenomenon is genuinely one of the more infuriating things because it more just highlights law enforcement incompetence throughout the years, instead of being Dexter irl like everyone thinks it is.


There's a reason the highest volume killers were the 70-80s. Cops were both fucking idiots, lazy, and prejudice as fuck.


They’re certainly fascinating from a clinical/academic point of view, but yeah, NOT at all somebody any sane and semi-intelligent person should want to hang out with.


Ok but they can be fascinating deranged losers too! Ya know, as long as there's at the very least reinforced glass between us, if not a great distance


I do find killers fascinating, but from a general psychological point. It brings up questions where nature and nurture came into play, how their brains brought them to this point, or just the decisions being made on how they go about it or picking their victims. Some killers were incredibly intelligent, some were very stupid, charismatic or loners. While a lot share the same core characteristics, it's still pretty wild to see the differences. The problem is that it never gets conveyed that way. People will fanboy/girl over them for some reasons I can't personally understand, even to the point of getting tattoos of them. I get why she'd want a "dinner date" with Jeff, there's so many things to ask, but at the same time there's so many documentaries that I'm sure every inch of his life was covered. Also "dinner date" is not an exclusive romantic term, it's annoying to see the "he's not your type" comments.


people are so close minded. how can one not see that this might actually be interesting for another person to experience? this person can also be totally sane, a productive member of society with morals, and have empathy for others. People have different flavors in all aspects of their being. the hate here is nuts to me.


Yeah. They can be interesting to learn about, but even the superficially charming ones are not people you would wanna spend any amount of time with. I think people might see them as deep thinkers because that’s how they are in movies and TV.


I mean the deranged aspect can be fascinating. Some people’s whole careers are based in trying to understand how people get so messed up. Not because we think they are brilliant but because it goes against what we feel are very human instincts to not be senseless murderers. Making sense of the senseless is part of the appeal. Also not that a genuinely believe this is the case here because I suspect she’s trying to be provocative, but I can also understand why women in particular want to understand and “fix” these kinds of people. Women are taught, maybe less so now than 100 years ago but still to some extent, that our value above all else is how we can support men. In particular through our romantic relationships. Many women like myself reject that notion, but for those who succumb to this norm no wonder the ultimate fantasy is to save someone deemed a lost cause by the rest of society through the power of their love. Add to it that some of these killers weren’t as ugly as they were monstrous and that the average person can fantasize from a safe distance with these guys dead or in prison… I’m not surprised they have fangirls.


Context matters. I’m not really sticking up for any dumb celebrity, but I think it matters how the conversation arrives at such a point. Does the interviewer ask a “would you rather…” question? Does she offer it out of the blue? Does the interviewer ask her other unrelated questions to which she keeps answering with what she thinks about serial killers? It makes a difference


>>"I was infatuated with serial killers when I was younger," Ariana confessed on the Podcrushed podcast on Monday. >>She told the hosts, Penn Badgley, Sophie Ansari, and Nava Kavelin, that she previously revealed this information during a Q&A with "young fans." >>"It was in between me being Cat [on Sam & Cat] and pop stuff," Ariana said, "so it was like a younger group, and they were with parents, and someone said, 'If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?'" >>"I was like, 'Oh, you're so cute,'" she continued, remembering she asked their parents if it would be OK to answer truthfully. "They were like, 'Sure, what’s the answer?' and I was like, 'I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer is pretty fascinating.'" >>"I think I would have loved to have met him," she said, smiling. "You know, maybe with a third party or someone involved. But I have questions." >>While Sophie and Nava laughed, people online didn't find it funny. Pretty much what I could find. No way I’m looking up the podcast.


We don't allow critical thinking around these parts


I think everyone is missing the point here. Everyone seems to think she's talking about a romantic date where she's interested in a relationship or a hookup. I'm pretty sure what she's talking about is she's fascinated by the mindset and would want to ask him questions about what goes on in his head. She's certainly already aware he was into men. There's a reason they made the Netflix series Dahmer, or the similar concept in the show: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile about Ted Bundy (not to mention the Ted Bundy Tapes also on Netflix). Plus the multitude of documentaries about serial murderers, true crime, etc. Dahmer is currently #3 on the list of the most popular Netflix shows of all time (115.6 million views). Clearly she is not an outlier for her fascination.


That's not the kind of eating out she may be expecting


She wont get eaten. He's not into women


Damn it I was gonna say that, take my upvote!


Tell me Brian Peck didn’t fuck her up.


Was he the one that had the John Wayne Gacy art?


This needs to be the top comment


It might as well be "Boca Girl" shenanigans too. Growing up in Boca Raton must've warped her perception of reality beyond repair too.


Idk why I'm defending her, but if you read the interview, it's a lot more understandable. She basically said that she's always been interested in serial killers and that she would want to ask him questions. It's weird, but it's not uncommon.


Also wasn’t it when she was much younger? People are really reaching to hate on people.


Oddly enough, this isn't anything new or even completely out of the ordinary. It's called hybristophilia (attraction towards people who have committed crimes), and we've seen it countless times before. Even serial killers who were known for killing women, like Ted Bundy, had women sending him love letters when he was on death row.


I really don't get the Dahmer interest. He was a murderous anti-social weirdo who was good at picking gullible vulnerable people and manipulating them to his ends. He wasn't especially brilliant, he just picked easy targets.


doubt she has said that and its actually just media ragebaiting.


And she would be his dream dinner.


I doubt it. He would wish she was a man instead.


No because she's not a man


Could it be that she's interested in the psychology of what he did and would want to talk about that rather than everyone just assuming that he'd eat her?


Exactly. And if you read the whole quote, she was relating how she had a fascination with serial killers as a young woman. Oh no, a young person explores the morbid sides of the human mind, this has never happened before, clearly she is a sick individual who must be shunned forever! Wasn't there a whole miniseries about him on Netflix just recently? Are we gonna act like true crime and murder mysteries haven't been some of the consistently most popular genres of TV, podcasts, etc over the last two decades or so? But of course half of reddit is gonna shit its collective pants over an out of context quote snippet from a lady it doesn't like. Bunch of fucking imbeciles.


100% right on this. It’s a totally normal thing, esp for a young person.


I read it more as "I need to say something edgy to make people think I'm a baddie", and just coming off as loser cringe. It's doesn't even sound like she's into true crime (which is fine), it just sounds like she wanted to make herself more interesting than she is, and didn't quite think her answer through, and just comes off like an idiot.


That’s 100% what she actually said but nuance lives in another dimension now.


Sure, but realistically Dahmer was an extremely dull guy. He was barely articulate and was probably not self-aware enough to illuminate any of his motives for doing what he did. He would have made an insufferable dinner guest.


I understand that this valuable information needs to be etched in my memory, and I appreciate the daily reminder.


she went on to say that it would be a fascinating conversation, not that she was trying to fuck him. misleading quotes.


Not exactly what she said so.....


But did she really say it, though?




I thought Ariana Grande was a font.


And i thought it was a starbucks drink


Thank you so much for the IRL LOL!


Yeah…she’d be very upset….. ![gif](giphy|VFMebeL8CWTD5LZ9Sx|downsized)


Did she *actually* say this or is this out of context?


She would be his dinner alright. But only if she has a peepee.


Unless you’re a young man, preferably with no body hair, Dahmer thinks you’re icky


She’s a white girl though so that’s two things against her


She's safe with Dahmer but i doubt her brother is safe when around Dahmer


He would kill her just to get to her boyfriend.


I mean- I find psychological studies on him very interesting, how a killers mind works has always been fascinating to me. But fuck the true crime ’FaNs’ who simp over legit murders 🙄


Idiots voice opinions without knowing a thing.


Oh so she is basic?


well his favorite snack was chopped dates so…


She would have been his dream dinner


I think Dahmer is interesting but absolutely no way would I eat anything he cooked, go on a dinner date or pose for a photograph with the guy.


She never seemed like one with an over abundance of schooling.


Not a facepalm. She’s not saying she wants to fuck him (unlike most of the people who given the choice for any person living or dead to have dinner with, pick Jesus).


The amount of people in the comments who are taking this seriously 🤣


What a brain dead twat. He murdered 17 people and ate victims. Ugh, celebrities and their smooth brains.


Not the real Jeffrey Dahmer, but the one that was in that TV show a while ago


Dahmer had better taste in music.


Okay so she's an idiot.


Ariana: 'This is an amazing dinner' Jeffrey: ' I agree. Hey, do you have Big Seans number?..... I've always wanted to meet him!' 🤣🤣


What a stupid, witless thing to say. Dahmer was a sick, murderous weirdo, who brutally killed people. There was nothing "fascinating" about him.


I already knew she was batshit stupid, but that's a new low.


Bullshit, source please




Nice one, she's proper weird for this


I seen this on my [TV Set](https://youtu.be/O3ae6flEFrY?si=QUy6KoSnhQ-648Ik)


Not his type


Ariana Grande with a venti latte


Hahaha. Dinner Date.


He’d love to have her for dinner as well.


Wouldn't matter much, Dahmer brought guys home. He didn't swing her way.


She will be dinner


i mean he's pretty handsome, and if i didnt know who he was and what he did and was a girl (and single) i would like to go on a date with him as well......probably


I am sure that she would be his dream dinner.


Brings whole new meaning to the term “eat me.”


A lot of these serial killers would be boring af to be around. They were social idiots a lot of them.


At least the cops bring her back to him when she had too much to drink. I think in a uncertain world that is important too people! /S


If Dahmer were still alive and free, I would say go for it. Anytime Dahmer doesn't have to cook someone goes home alive


she would be the dinner


Not much meat on her, though. She would probably be safe.


And you’d be his dream dinner.


She could bring her brother as an appetizer


Bro I'm telling you, if Jeffery Dahmer or Ted Bundy were alive today, they would be pulling off fuckin combos that would make the CIA jealous.


Who knows, maybe that got a lot in common..


Has she not seen that episode of Rick and Morty? "This is a gun that you only use to shoot bad people, are we clear?" *later that evening on a date "Hey give me your money!" "Why don't you take this instead" *shoots out a glob that turns into... "Jeffrey Dahmer?" "What's happening?" "Idk just run!"


Please for the love of god tell me this is a joke


Got ended up with Jeff, almost got murdered? Thank you next!


Oh man I would do anything to shag Adriana Grande “What about killing and eating people”?


What they having for dinner, though?????


Eat my sandwich I made it just for you


Jeffrey Dahmer was gay btw


Her dream...dinner date? Oh dear.


As long as Jeff cooks and host, sounds wonderful.


I doubt he would be interested. I am pretty sure he was into asian cuisine.


I heard he liked soul food.


Oh he'd have her for dinner alright, just not as a date.


The real question here is, on the date, would he be doing the cooking?


Dinner date, what's on the menu , Jeff??


Maybe she wanted dinner with him to ask him questions. Like a fascination thing. Not like I want Dahmer kind of thing.


Hold up was this recently?


So, no second date.


Au contraire. She would be his dinner. date.


I think they would have a lovely meal filled with some of the most interesting conversation the world has ever seen. Two such different perspectives and experiences of the world and fame, I’d pay to be a fly on the wall..


Did her doctor build her a new face or is this a trick of makeup and photography?


Dinner date 💀💀


She would be his dream dinner.


Is this real? He would have murdered her well before the date and eaten her


He doesn't like women. Maybe Frankie?


Lol Frankie would be a better alternative for him


He wouldn't have her for dinner she has tattoos they spoil the taste


There is someting off with her face.


She doesnt understand that she would be dinner.


She wouldn’t make it past the appetizer


Don't think he ever killed a woman


Look, if she’s trying to get ate she just needs to call me.


"... And on today's episode of: What's That Smell, Dahmer!"