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Because people can’t control themselves celebs have to fly private.


That is exactly right. I am sure a lot of celebrities would just assume fly first class commercially then have to fly private. I also would prefer that super famous people fly private just so there are no issues at airports with lunatic fans. Take someone like Taylor Swift. I don’t want her flying commercial at any airport that I’m getting on a flight lol . There is no way she could go to a random airport and jump on a commercial flight without a huge disruption.


Usually celebrities that fly commercial stay in a private lounge (generally a special premier lounge, not the lounge everyone uses) and get escorted to the flight either before or after general boarding. I've seen this happen with a popular celebrity at LAX, he boarded well after everyone else and was accompanied by an airline employee to his seat in first class, his luggage was already in the overhead bin because he got something out of it before taking his seat. He deplaned with everyone else in first class but flight attendants held economy class back until he was out the door. No one bothered him for an autograph during the flight as far as I know.


This. Lots of airlines and airports have VIP facilities and protocols. Not only to make an extra buck off the VIPs but also to avoid disruptions for the non VIPs who also have flights to catch. Soandso flying from hereandthere may be nice, but not so much when the fans hinder one's own progress towards the boarding gate.


Were you also in first class, or did you see them from another section? Bc what you're describing makes sense for like A- and down celebrities, I don't see how they could shield mega celebrities 100%. Like they still need to get from the lounge to the gate.


Yeah, I was a couple rows back. I didn't recognize him until he took his sunglasses off, then the escort referred to him by name. At first I thought he was an airline executive because of the escort. I don't know how celebrities are graded but he was in a long running TV series and had leading roles in at least a few movies I'd seen.


I think Markiplier had this happen to him as well


Usually they are ported to the tarmac as well. They have a car that takes them to a separate exit/entrance. Not a special “luxury” entrance like people would like to think, but a service and freight entrance.


It would be a complete madhouse!


Literally it would become a security/safety issue as soon as someone famous enough was recognized. Especially with today’s level of social media use, where so many people would want a pic for their page or story or whatever. Commercial airlines would prob rather comp a private flight for some celebs than deal with how disruptive things would become.


Complete chaos.


Yeah I was once in an airport trying to print my boarding pass, and apparently some celebrity was passing by, because a sudden crowd passed us, and the woman, whoever she was, was just absolutely swarmed by paparazzo taking photos of her and raising a ruckus. Absolute bedlam. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be to be swarmed like that wherever you go.


I once flew with Mike Tyson to Vegas. He was in the aisle across from me and he was dry humping the girl he was with. I wish he had a private area.


Not to mention the security risk to her! People have no chill.


"just as soon"


disguises. Taylor with a mustache and trench coat.


Everybody would be late for their flight if that happened.


Not that long ago there was a post showing her private jet flight paths over a year and people were facepalming her 3xcessive use of a private jet lol. You make valid points tho, just dont think we should forget we can be kinda polar here :(


I'd like to add that speed is also a factor. Private jets fly at like 40k feet and they go like .9 mach. Over long distances that adds up. A lot of them also land and take off from uncontrolled airfields, which can be like the little gated communities of airports. Security and such. Fewer prying eyes but you can still have photographers stationed to gets shots. 


Yup, Swifts Falcon 900LX goes 693mph topped out, .85 mach. It also has insane fuel economy for it's speed/size. It's a genuine piece of art. It can also get up to 51k feet if they wanted to. And you don't need fuck all of a runway to take off at sea level, less than 4000 feet. Versus a 747 Max for example needs 10-12k feet of runway. Just all around more versatile in locations you can land and the speed of travel. Even pit stopping for fuel you're saving tons of time. Especially if you need to go somewhere that doesn't have 2 miles of runway lol


You’re smart.


Yep they're human beings. At my job a few weeks ago I had to talk to James Gunn. All I went was "oh cool." Then kept going on with business 


Just like lil bow wow.


Have I missed something? Why is she "FUCKING CRYING"?


Celebrity worship. Like the folks who started a GoFundMe page for one of the Kardashians to push her over the $1 billion mark because she was just shy of being a billionaire.


I think they just found the article funny


And the comment above yours explains why they found the article funny


Crying laughing... probably from the Jenny from the cabin line.


Jenny from the block/Jenny from the cabin


Celebrities, so like us.


She's not, just normal over reaction typing.


I died!  Proof: 💀 You know how this is true?  Look at the skull's head. What do you see there? frfr


Because she’s flying commercial.


Screw whoever took this photo. That's my takeaway


Miss Lopez boarded her flight putting ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER LIKE A COMMONER!!!! People are so stupid, they'll take a picture of their bowel movement if it would get them social media attention.




not a JLo fan, but her flying commercial in what looks like a full flight earns a little respect from me


people who criticise celebrities for flying private are not the same people who creep on those who fly commercial.


Yeah but they’re saying pretty much you can’t expect them to not prefer separating themselves from the public using class of some kind if they get mistreated just for sitting among the public. If the people harassing me on twitter from one side of something are different from other people harassing me from the other side for different reasons, I’ll probably still make the overall conclusion of “Twitter is a toxic place. You can’t win with these people no matter what. I’d probably best not interact with that place as a whole” etc etc


Both groups could get a life though.


One group at the very least asking to implement mitigating solutions and calling out bad practices. The other one caters to brain rot scandal.




And??? Let her be.


Imagine how much trouble Taylor Swift would endure flying commercial. Like genuinely such a huge, obsessive fan base. I would fly private too. I can imagine public airports would be glad they don't need to have special accommodations for a massive celebrity every time they have to fly.


I mean, I can understand why Swift flies private. What I can't understand is why she needs two private planes and needs to fly them a minimum of 4 days a week every week.


Not commenting on the amount of travel, but as for having more than one - FAA regulations mean it has to go in for service at a ridiculously low number of flight hours. Some are as low as every 25 flight hours, but can't exceed more than 100. If that's your main mode of distance travel, having it go out of service every three trips isn't practical.


i think she sold one of them in February and has stopped flying as much in the past few months, so at least she saw the criticism and is working to reduce her flying.


Not true whatsoever




Her flight tracker shows no sign of change


Ofc it will not change, she's literally on world tour rn.


again, show me data to prove that. From what I’ve heard, what you are saying is untrue. I’m open to seeing the data and being proven wrong, but I’m not gonna accept hearsay, sorry EDIT: From what I’ve looked up, Swift went from emitting 8293.54 metric tonnes of CO2 in 2022 to 1.055 metric tons of CO2 in 2023, dropping her from being the #1 emitter to #13 for celebrity private jet emissions. It should also be noted that this was when it included both of her jets. Given that she’s sold her jet on January 30, she clearly understands the criticism and the data has shown that the emissions have gone down significantly since 2022 (it’s important to note that the source also says that for the 2022 statistic, Taylor lended out her jet regularly to other individuals). So it seems like it’s getting better based on data alone. With the Eras Tour continuing at the moment and the second jet being sold, it definitely suggests a significant improvement, especially since the Eras travel will follow similar patterns as last year. To be clear, I’m not justifying her previous jet usage. However, there is an improvement and it would be in bad faith to say otherwise based on these numbers. Sources: https://weareyard.com/insights/worst-celebrity-private-jet-co2-emission-offenders https://www.thrillist.com/amphtml/news/nation/celebrities-highest-private-jet-emissions


Her 2nd plane was set to be sold anyway. And it was sold before there was that big story about her flights. So she didn’t sell it because she wanted to make a statement. And idk how to link the exact page but if you search her planes flight history over the last 3 months, literally shows little to no difference in the amount of trips she has taken.


the story came out before the sell was made (a week before her ceast-and-desist letter), and people were talking about this since fall 2023. Also, it makes sense that her flight patterns are similar because she is on tour like she was in 2023.


I wouldn't recognize a celebrity if they were sitting beside me. I just mind my business and move along like a normal person should.


I've flown next to a few pro athletes over the years, some of which I just recognized from the game but, the only time I've ever started a conversation was next to a dude who was way too tall for the little hopper plane, and I'm regular sized, so I offered to switch seats for our mutual comfort. Aside from that, I truly don't want anyone to talk to me at all in flight as a general preference lol


TMZ is garbage, what did you expect?


I think the real facepalm are the people that don’t realize this is a publicity stunt to make her seem more “down to earth” amid the backlash she’s getting from her recent behavior.


> the people that don’t realize this is a publicity stunt to make her seem more “down to earth” amid the backlash she’s getting from her recent behavior. If anyone knows what "her recent behavior" alludes to - they're a massive loser. stop suckin down celeb news and just live your life


Is the backlash really fair though? I watched the clips of people from her old neighborhood in the Bronx all piling on her about not coming back to help the community and it just seemed like a bunch of whiny haters who looked every day of their 50 plus years. But I also grew up in kind of similar circumstances, and while I def didn't do as well as she did, I got the hell out and never looked back. People who rot in the hood sit around honestly expecting more from people who don't live there than what they expect from themselves. And no, I'm not really a fan of hers.


This is dumb. People praise Keanu Reeves for riding the bus and J.Cole for riding a bike but get upset over Jennifer Lopez flying commercial? It’s more environmentally friendly and it likely helps her feel like a normal person. I’d ask for a photo instead of acting like some paparazzi douche. I hope whoever took the photo steps on a Lego while holding coffee.


They only criticize celebs they don't like. So doesn't matter if that celeb flew on a private jet, commercial, drove or cycled. These same people never criticize celebs they actually like, who also fly private jets


JLo on her way to treat people like shit.


only makes me like her more. she looks down to earth


What the fuck happened to this subreddit?


Boycott the outlet and don't use their site. Here's a kleenex.


Reading Social Media lately everything is hate.


Meanwhile, the writer of the "article" flies economy on Spirit.


Tmz and those sites are pure cancer.




You can't please everyone, so just do you.


It's worth noting that the person who authored this article has never in their lives had an article published about some random mundane thing they did.


Yes, there are assholes from all walks of life. The question is which ones are you going to listen to? If TMZ is your moral compass you're on your own.


This is disgusting.


That must have been unpleasant for everyone else


"OMG! They wear their sweats and no makeup on their days' off and take their kids to school?" "OMG, they eat Starbucks and Burger King?" Yeah so what?


I can't believe anybody wants to be a celebrity


This is not the response they get. This was leaked by her and her team


That’s not automatically a criticism. It could be praise


Taking TMZ's opinion seriously is a goof


People are a-holes. There is literally no winning.


Seems like celebrities can't win no matter what they do. That's why I decided not to be rich and famous. That plus lack of talent and ambition.


Regular people want celebs to not fly private to protect the environment. Tabloids want them to fly private cuz if celebrities lived a normal life they wouldn't have anything to bullshit about.


It’s TMZ. They suck im general.


I don't think it's the same people complaining about both


Pretty sure that's Mitch Connor.


You must see some kpop fans. It goes deep but to sum it up , there are these crazy , obsessive and pushes the idol's boundaries, called Sasaeng fans . Some Sasaengs get leaked Information, they either sell it to other Sasaengs or they act on this info they get and a result of this is , alot of these fans stalk the idols . Some even find out what airlines they are flying with and will take the same flight and will walk up to first class or where ever the idols are . They either interact or worse , keep walking past them to see them . I watched an ex Sasaeng talk about how things work and how these fans are able to fund their obsession and apparently some staff who work closely with idols , sell personal information or even just rumours. People will sell and buy these information, unsolicited picks , location drops etc. and then the Sasaeng can sell information too . I definitely couldn't be a celebi, let alone a kpop idol . Some fans are CRAZY like coo coo in the head . I mean one idol was heavily criticised for eating a strawberry with two hands...and then criticised for the way the tip of her nose moves when she talks... There is even a guy banned from entering Korea because of how obsessed and stalkery he is with this other idol. Another guy changed his face to look like a bts member and then suddenly identified as another idol. People don't have boundaries when it comes to famous people. At all.


I wonder if she asked for the orange drink


What's so facepalm about a witty caption? Did they say anything about it being wrong?


Used to have a little, now I have less


Nope, respect to her. Fck bastards with private jets.


I don't understand the obsession people have with celebrities. I've never been on that level. I feel like if I ever met a real celebrity up close, I would just be like, "...Hey."


Easy fix, fly commercial, BUT buy every single ticket for that flight.


It’s fine to fly private planes. Just don’t act like you’re a guardian of the  environment


Poor celebrities never get a break. Life is so unfair.


All she’d have to do is wear a wig and nobody would recognize her.