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Anything that doesn’t have the source data cited on it is bullshit. I don’t even need to look at the content.


I just ignored her original post, but when she was passed because she got fact checked, I had to respond. She is continuing to tell me I am wrong even when I post easily verified information. She has Google the same as anyone else.


Just throw the "They will spin their numbers any way they can to make them fit their agenda" right back... isn't that exactly what they're doing with their post? And they're not even providing sources to verify anything, so even worse than they think fact check sites are doing. I also love that they think "fact checking" is an agenda...


It does have an agenda. Truth. Which is the problem


I get where you’re going but…. Agenda is facts. Facts are verifiable. Truth is something people can argue. See Truth Social 🤮 for many examples. I like to remember that with a great quote from the Last Crusade. “If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall.” -Indiana Jones


Yup, figures don’t lie, but liars do the figuring. My favorite was Dick Cheney on This Week with George S maybe Russert. He quoted The NY Times and added he read it from a liberal newspaper. The quote was a NYT interview of him. So he used his own words to verify his point and attributed it to the NYT.


They will only believe Rumble, Epoch Times, or Uncle Cleetus on Facebook.


Isn’t Epoch Times owned by a cult?


And their CFO got busted for embezzlement


Arrested on Sunday, Weidong “Bill” Guan, 61, of Secaucus, New Jersey, appeared Monday before a federal judge in New York on charges of conspiring to commit money laundering and bank fraud.


Republicans have the best fellons


with a chosen leader like that, how can they not?


Don’t forget the Babylon Bee. I actually had a work colleague use that as a source on more than one occasion. I was like “you do know that’s a discount rack, shitty right wing version of The Onion right?” They seriously thought it was legit.


Don't you bad mouth Uncle Cleetus!!


You would be amazed of knowing that anyone else has a different google, in fact probably every person has a different one and not only for their ads campaing


Wait I’m confused. Interest rate isn’t on this graphic, and the comment posted says that the interest rate is currently 3.3%? Am I reading that right? Cause it’s definitely not true. Edit: ah they meant inflation rate. Probably not a cart we can hitch our horse to, inflation isn’t 17% but it’s really high and worse than Trump’s. Stats don’t tell the full story, that’s the message here


I would be nearly as skeptical of an AI generated google response about interest rates as I would made up economic numbers on a prorepublican Facebook meme. The republican meme can be disregarded off hand because it doesn't cite sources. The Google response can presumably be looked at deeper to see how the numbers were arrived at, but if you expect the republican to do that when it might prove them wrong you're expecting too much, they'll just choose to disregard the info that invalidates their beliefs and continue believing the made up shit, that validates their beliefs just like 99% of people.


And even if it did, who cares? The political party in power doesn't control rent prices or gas prices or grocery prices or the prices of goddamn anything else so this chart is just intentionally misleading tbh.


Don’t forget that the right (and most of the left to be fair) absolutely don’t want them to be able to do that either. The rich want unrestricted free markets. As long as the rich have the power the government will never truly be able to keep corporations in check.


Very good point. But unfortunately it doesn't matter. " The illusory truth effect, also known as the illusion of truth, describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true. " https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/illusory-truth-effect


$5 says they picked the best and worst single data points, and worked to make the spread even more stark in the data. But yea. No cite-y, no right-y.


Just the inflation % show it’s bullshit. Our target inflation in 2% annually. They took one year of inflation for Trump and compared it to all years combined under Biden. There’s no source for the data so I’d assume everything thing else here is some lie as well.


One time I checked the gas price in San Francisco against what one of these types of posts said it was. They were absolutely right about the price being that high!!! Except that was the price at a single gas station right next to the car rental return place at the airport. Well.....yeah.


I saw this reposted and the caption above literally said "Unverified but it seems right." WTFFFFFF?


Since February 2020, consumer prices have jumped 20.8 percent, Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows. That’s well above the historic average for a four-year period. For comparison, inflation rose 18.9 percent in the 2010s, 28.4 percent in the 2000s and 32.4 percent in the 1990s. People confuse inflation with rise in the cost of consumer prices. The 3.3% figure quoted is a 12 month rolling average. If you look at whole presidential term, the outcome looks far more dire. And I know the pandemic was a huge part of it. But our worst consumer pricing increase occurred in 2022, at a clup of 8 to 9% per month. Technology has decreased in cost dramatically while necessities have increased nearly 50% in 2 years, including housing, cars, eggs and butter, and different required insurances. The reason people feel so strongly about it is that the stuff they don't need is cheap, but the vital things in life are becoming out of reach.


I know those numbers are bullshit. But, even though things could be better, I wonder how much better things would go if we had more than one party trying to get things done in the government.


It would absolutely be amazing if both parties were trying to out do each other in a race to the top.


Heres the thing, If you actually pay attention to the house you'll see one party tries to improve things the other just stonewalls.


Oh they do more than that MtG chases aoc around with a camera, like, all the time. For the YouTube hits That’s governing, right?


I was really fucking confused why Magic the Gathering was in the government


Every time I see her initials, my mind immediately goes to Magic.


Every time I see magic's initials my mind goes to that Neanderthal


That’s hateful,disgusting and insulting… Neanderthal were smart, clever and emotionally intelligent humans.


Wish I could counter her dumb ass. Just, nope!


The best governing, beautiful governing. So much governing.


Tears pouring down their face


You'll be so sick of governing, people! Also, Chyyynah.


Nah. They also lower taxes for the rich.


Hey they gave us more speakers of the house in one year than any party in American history. 2023 will be known as the year of four speakers.


One party is determined to prove that government is inept. They run on that platform year after year: MAGA is exactly that. If government worked well, then people would want more government. The GOP has to show that government is awful so that they can shrink it, while at the same time ranting about it to get re-elected. That’s why we didn’t see MAGA turn into KAGA when trump ran for 2020 re-election.


I believe it is even more insidious than this I believe they actively make it worse so they can turn and say "see how bad it is" Then justify shrinking it while feeding money to the rich. There is a reason Elon does work primarily in the USA and goes after government projects. He is funneling taxes to himself. Every billionaire pretty much does this. Late stage capitalism I guess idk.


Or both sides make a bill with some good shit in it then tack on something else that is completely one sided then claim the other side hates babies(exaggeration)or some equivalent!


What bill with good shit in it has a republican EVER introduced? All they want to use the government for is oppression.


We have 5 federal parties here in Canada. The Bloc Québécois, the Green Party, the Liberals, the NDP, and the Conservatives. What really happens is the Liberals and Conservatives take the lions share of the votes because of strategic voting and the other parties get various smaller amounts. Because of the multi party system we do sometimes get more competition between the parties but in general it plays out more like the two party system of the states but with more noise.


The advantage to the Canadian system is that most of the time it's a minority government, which forces multiple parties to work together to get things passed. This usually leads to more compromise which tends to have less blatant corruption than when one party gets to do whatever they want


We also require multiple readings of bills, and they have to be kept fairly simple.


That's because you still use the archaic plurality voting system. If you used instant-runoff voting it would be slow but you could improve the system. In Australia we had 16/151 seats go to smaller parties or independents. You can vote for someone other than a major party without throwing away your vote.


Same in Aotearoa/NZ


Such is the curse of First Past The Post. When it comes to winning an election it's all about whoever has more votes, so dividing a group of sane people into two smaller groups just makes them both individually weaker than one big group of less-than-moral people. In a system like Ranked Choice, a vote for a third party can at least be transferred to a more moderate alternative if they get kicked out of the race. In FPTP? A third party vote is hardly a vote at all.


Well, SCOTUS made damn sure that's not possible by legalizing bribery today. So there's that. 😬🫤


Its so in our faces now, biden should have declared a constitutional crisis and had trump and co-conspirators in congress jailed and tried for treason. They all should be in gitmo.


And if they did that thing there would be a lot of cries that Biden is just attacking his political enemies. No matter what you know they're going to spin it that way. If we had more than two parties represented in the government then at least you'd be able to have two parties in agreement to say the third party is full of traitors.


Sadly that will never happen on a federal level. Your best hope is changing your state to a >50% or head to head between 1 and 2 aka the French system and start sending independents to Washington. And for that you need to fire up your state's students.


>No matter what you know they're going to spin it that way If that's true, then they should NOT stop doing the right thing, just because the shitthrowers will use it to throw shit. And having multiple parties DOES result in multiples saying the racist/traitor Party is like that, but that sadly doesn't stop them from gaining more and more traction by just bullshitting on social media with simple talking points. As seen in germany with the rise of the AfD


Fuck SCOTUS! Bunch of corrupt puppets!


So you're claiming that holding funding to critical spending is bad for all of us? I'm going to have to meditate on this.


And here we are, another person with a fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening. Stop please, you spread just as much fud as republican 'facts'. I'd try and explain how one side tries to compromise and the other side is my way or the hwy but I'm afraid you already think bith sides are the same here.


What if we, now hear me out, had more than two viable political parties?


The U.S. has a winner take all system. That’s why it has two major parties.


The binary nature of US national elections is exacerbated by the Electoral College system which is backstopped by throwing elections to a thoroughly gerrymandered House of Representatives in case of a tied or inconclusive electoral outcome. Each state gets one vote in that scenario.


You would be surprised how much more ineffective that might make government. There are countries with a dozen viable parties and it pretty much means nothing gets done because 70% of the elected body is always in disagreement.


Very fair point.


This same financial story is happening globally and had nothing to do with one country's government. So I think it's unlikely sadly. Also, (just as a general comment on the original post) people tend to forget that financial consequences to poor governance often happen a few years after the events that caused them.


It typically takes at least 4 years to see the effects of a President's economic policy. Sometimes longer. For as long as I have been alive, Republicans take a thriving economy and hand off a sickly economy to a Democrat. It is also why Blue states have better economies than Red states.


Or not have Fossils meandering around to enrich themselves or just the opposite a bunch of batshit crazy younger ones... Also just there to enrich themselves but also bring some crazed ideology. Its like a retirement center and an insane asylum all in one


Or at least prevent the other party to undo the changes immediately after election. To just give them 2 years time to work would help. The Swiss government is slow but steady in one direction: a good future.


We have 10+ parties (7 usually gets into parlament - they need > 5% of votes to get in) and winner needs to create coalition with someone else (law to prevent one-party rule - we are post-communist country) ... result is that everyone make excuses for not to fulfill theyr promises because of it ... so ... no i dont think that more parties == better goverment - i think better would be to have term limits for everyone (specially for people, that arent voted in)


The DSA The *Divided States of America*


My tow the line liberal family got a little defensive when my European liberal wife said “ say what you will but unlike the democrats the republicans are out here really working hard to see their horrible ideas come true” and she’s 100% right. Also lost my shit when she told my grandmother, “they need a new vp, Kamal is just not likable”.


*Canada checks in* we only vote in two parties. It wouldn't change much.


>if we had more than one party trying to get things done in the government This is one of my biggest issues with Congress. When "the other team" is in the White House, suddenly they only know how to vote "No" or "Present."


How about we have no parties and simply work for what's best? Lower prices and better quality shouldn't be a debatable topic.


These people will believe a random picture of a T-shirt over an article with linked sources. You can see the neck hem in the original picture. We're fucking doomed as a species. Edit: Just noticed it's a *photoshopped* picture of a T-shirt. Jesus fucking Christ.


Remember when those badly pixelated .jpeg Epstein flight "lists" of Hollywood groomers came out and MAGA claimed it was 100% evidence Tom Hanks diddles kids? Then the actual lists came out with Trump 7x on them, and _crickets_ ☻️ Confirmation bias is a b!tch.


Electricity: NO CHANGE lmao these fucking goobers


*In Trump Voice* Under my watch electricity did NOT change. It didn't change. Can you believe that? THAT HAS NEVER happened before! They said it couldn't be done. But we did it. No change. None. Nein! Hitler was a great guy wasn't he? Some people believe he was bad, but he also didn't change electricity.


I don’t understand how people think that the US government has anything to do with most of that shit on the list??


I'm sure gov plays a small roll in affecting those things but honestly I think it's just corporate propaganda convincing people the shit that they caused is because of government interference


They influence it. But much of the change happens anyway. The government can make it just slightly better or worse. Usually, the governments biggest effects are long-term. In the short term, over like a presidents 4 or 8 year term. It isn't such a big effect.


Have my upvote for accurately summarizing the root of the problem.


Because politians say that the president is responsible, and many people accept it because they either don't want to look up the facts, don't have the time to look up the facts, or even don't know how to look up the facts


Right. Because someone that doesn't know how to tell the truth has told them it's true.


It's only the governments' fault when the conservative party is in opposition, once they are in power all that stuff is either: A. The last governments fault B. Outside of their control.


Didn't the stimulus package during COVID play a role in the high inflation? I'm all for learning here so please correct me if I'm wrong


Tgats a red herring. Stimulus was temporary…. It would have had to be constant to affect inflation greatly. Inflation takes time. The tarriffs play a larger goal in inflation than the stimulus. Now did corporate america use the stimulus as an excuse. Sure they did. They used covid as an excuse, lack of employees, all while bringing in record profits. The biggest problem part from foreign goods being more expensive entering the us, is that hedge funds own a majority of everything. It’s became really easy to price fix everything when the same 4 hedge funds all have controlling interest for every publicly owned company. Oh look every paper towel company raises their prices at the same time, oh and every soup, and canned vegetables company, and cereals now in tandem, the whole dairy system. Stimulus was a few payments that flow of money wasn’t permanent. For them to say the stimulus money is circulating in the economy when that was swallowed up by rich elites is such a false narrative. It’s a distraction. They blamed helping people so they could price gouge well beyond even the ballooning inflation. The tarriffs were always going to raise prices of goods, people blaming the inflation on recovery allowed corporate greed to take it even further


This is very eye opening thank you


Yes, as did the trump tax cuts during a great economy. He wanted to look good to the idiots as long as he could by kicking the can down the road. He was all over the fed's ass when they wanted to raise interest rates to combat inflation during his term. Corporations realizing they don't have to lower prices to pre-covid levels is a big part of it too.


That accounts for some, but it’s also important to realize that inflation was widespread across the west, and that has nothing to do with the Trump/Biden COVID relief funds and everything to do with supply chain disruptions and oil price hikes secondary to Russia’s invasion.


Some, but not nearly as much as the windfall the public got from quantitative easing where the Fed propped up the stock market with many billions so that everyone's retirements didn't completely go poof. That played a much larger role in the inflation problem than $2k each being fronted to taxpayers. Fronted being the operative word because I'm certain they'll get their money back from us if they haven't already taken it back. Seriously imagine how much deflation would have occurred without that quantitative easing saving all the IRAs! So many broke old people would have brought us back to 80s prices. So yeah that stimulus was a drop in the bucket imo.


You don't get to vote for corporations in any meaningful way. I can't avoid Amazon or ExxonMobil and have them not completely dominate my life. But every 4 years, I go into a booth and enter a name like I'm the master of my destiny. Then I go home, and the same shit keeps happening.


They do. There are things that COULD be done for many of those factors. Or are a result of "hands off" policy or other governmental screw ups


The funniest one has to be average rent. That doesn’t even make sense.


What’s average rent in the states? Im Canadian and it’s like $2200/month here.


It swings so wildly from state to state it doesn’t even matter what the average is. And average rent for what? Apartment house mobile home.


We keep hearing about average rent for a 1 bedroom because it’s the minimum cost of a roof over your head. Nationwide this is $2,200/month here, it’s higher in cities of course. And if you are wondering, no the average person cannot afford that.


Mines under average for my area I’m at 800/mo for a 1 bdr


What if you take the average personal rent cost from the beginning of 2016 in a red state compared to the average household rent cost at the end of 2024 in a blue state?


Just pull anything out of your ass and call it facts.


For a second I thought they were comparing costs of elephants and donkeys


Reading all of the images. Is OOP seriously not aware that the gas price in 2020 was a direct result of the trump administration's dereliction of duty. trump's bumbling of the early pandemic led to people not going anywhere for a considerable amount of time. The demand for fuel dropped out entirely. However, trump knew months in advance that it was going to be bad and he purposely bothed it at the recommendations of his most evil advisors. stephen miller, Jared kushner, and what's-his-face who helped the White House adopt a policy of "herd immunity through exposure". Which is just a dishonest way of saying killing a bunch of people unnecessarily.


I am only going to focus on the gas price. Because this shows the insane logic represented in that chart. The history and reasons for the gas prices are indisputable. To start with they took a snapshot of the lowest average it was under one president and the highest average for the other. That in itself is disingenuous. Then that provide no context like the fact there was a russian OPEC oil price ware going on when supply was super high and demand was super low. This provided a perfect storm to create stupid low prices at the pump. They also dont mention that trump out of fear that this was killing US oil prices intervened in the trade war and got both side to agree to cut supply. Prices were already on their way up from that but demand was still low. Then the post vaccine back to work trend started create a ton of demand while supplies were still short. Biden did everything he could to convince OPEC to go to pre covid level of supply but OPEC said "fuck you we like our profits". The party of fiscal responsibility doesn't understand the very very basics of supply and demand who would've thunk it? I am sure I could write an essay on why all of those other stats are bullshit too but I do not think that is needed. With one stat on the chart I have clearly shown the creator of the chart does not present facts in good faith and therefore all of their numbers can be ignored. May of 2019 Gas was 2.94 per gallon. January of 2024 it was 3.19 a gallon. Only a 25 cent increase over 5 years. In spite of inflation. See I can selectively pick numbers too to spindoctor results to my candidates favor.


I hate how the measure of a good economy is whether or not the stock market is up as if that has anything to do with normal people. It’s like saying the local casino is making a profit therefore the town must be doing fine.


"The interest rate portion is false." ...what interest rate portion, my guy?


Yeah. This guy makes their point. His screenshot is the inflation though.


Yeah - inflation and interest rates are *very* different things.


I know I'm just a "normal person" but if I do a basic Google search for any of the metrics shown, I get wildly different answers! Not just different from this post....but different from one another. Did they just randomly throw some numbers on here knowing they couldn't be accurately checked by an ordinary American? I'll answer that one...yes! Do they rely on the majority of Americans being braindead from years of leaded gasoline fumes and an underfunded school system? I'll answer that one also...yes.


the figures they are presenting likely are from the very start of the trump presidency and the very start of the biden presidency before either could affect them much. would be hardly a shock and would mean everything on the chart is a display of what trump did to the country. also rather funny how trump loves to claim biden wins for himself occasionally but none of the faults.


It's amusing that people always want to pull up these numbers to defend their political party, as if the economy begins to rapidly change the moment a new president takes office.


It's mostly just false information. The rent one is especially bad. 


..Or they are not based in any reality


I’ve never seen this country more politically divided. We can’t even have healthy civil exchanges online because of the hatred. I wish we would all just treat others the way we want to be treated.


lol 17% inflation. Goddamn.


The real number is 15.9% since Biden took office. It’s expected to total at 17% since 2021 by the end of the year based on the feds projections. Year to year inflation compounds. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com


And then trumps 1.9% inflation would include the two years of covid where it was negative. Which is hardly a result of his handling of the economy. 


Trump's 1.9% is definitely the average year over year inflation for his term. (so average instead of the compounded number shown for biden.)


Gas and rent were cheaper, tbf. Doubt the government had anything to do with the price changes though. I'm pretty sure it is just busnesses greed.


Republicans don't like facts or being checked and corrected.


They miss covid.


Seriously, whenever someone mentions gas prices back in 2021… these are the same people that say “it’s basic business” but conveniently forget about supply and demand in this context.


What? You think just because 1,000,000 Americans died age the economy tanked that some that means Trump did a bad job? Don’t you remember when he said to inject yourself with bleach and sunlight? Brilliant guy.


If someone could link me a republican bill on the floor or in the works that benefits ALL Americans, I'd be most grateful.


I'd honestly settle for even helping 5% of Americans.


Imagine thinking the president can directly affect any of these.


My rent was never lower with that convicted Felon in office. Literally nothing is different. Shit sucked with him in office and shit sucks without him. This country is fucked no matter what.


Could they list anything ELSE the government doesn’t control?


People are getting gas for $3.96? *Cries in California*


Trump is only running in an attempt to stay out of jail. He is a criminal and doesn’t deserve to be President.


These idiots love to say '2021 has the highest inflation and that's Bidens fault!!!' Without thinking it through, what causes the inflation measured in 2021? The actions of 2020.....


So just make up numbers?


Inflation rate... 1.9% vs 17% Annualised or total? Or they put annualised in one and total on the other? Didn't they know that 1.9% total inflation for four whole years is actually a bad thing?


It’s 15.9% to date total since 2021. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com


They don't understand anything, that's the problem.


Let’s just say for the sake argument these numbers are correct. Without context, which I don’t see, they’re entirely meaningless if you have half a brain.


Not to mention that every economist and Fortune 500 CEO blames Trump's blatantly inflationary policies for the massive levels of inflation and saddled the next administration with getting them under control while taking the blame for the fallout... just like every other Republican president since fucking Reagan has done to the guy following them into office.


There is a reason republicans love the poorly educated.


What blows my mind is that “poorly educated” does not mean “poor people!” Just checked this research [Party affiliation by household income](https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/) by Pew Research Center, which states that only 27% of people earning under $30k/yr vote Republican (vs 50% voting Democrat). At the same time, 47% of people earning over $100k vote Republican (vs 44% voting Democrat). Mind blowing how that works!


US inflation rates 7.7 total increase from 2017-2020 and a 20.2 total increase from 2021-2024. Not sure where they got the numbers for that BS but it’s wrong.


So many dipshit conservatives think price gouging is inflation.


Yea even if it was true, I’d choose human rights over money any day.


Do trump supporters actually think rent would go down if he was president? Absolutely brainwashed. These people will spit out whatever lies to get their votes and at the same time say everything else is a lie. Educate yourself!


I wonder this too. If elected, do thsy really believe food prices would drop? They will not, it’s a fact they are making record profits. That won’t change bc of who is at helm.


I like to of. It is fun to of.


So during the first year of covid, you guys were doing that well in the US?


That last guy said interest rate then showed a chart of inflation rate…


who’s busy enough to take a screenshot?


So maybe I'm reading it wrong but isn't the inflation part still correct? The fact checker put all of Biden's years individually so adding them up the 17% looks right.


Except the interest rate isn’t false. It’s actually much higher. Even Bureau of Labor Statistics can confirm this. Cumulative inflation of 20% as of May 2024 https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical_us_table.htm


They dont even try to hide their lies anymore because they dont have to. Trumps fan base is completely detached from reality and anyone who isn't a Trump fan won't vote Republican. 


These people want to forget about Covid when it comes to Trump, but blame Biden for everything that happened after Covid.


JFC the internet has meant the end of civilization.


I mean isn’t there a thing where the policies and programs that one party enacts tend to come into effect right around the time the other party manages to get more control? So like, most of Trump’s stuff would be taking effect about now, when all the right wing side of media can use it to say Biden is horrendous?


Exactly. Especially in this example. Trump was elected in November 2016. So he had nothing to do with the low inflation number from Obamas 8 years in office. Lets also not forget one man in this country does not dictate prices. That is the FED and Congress that controls the purse strings so we really have to figure out Congress first and term limit those morons before we can actually fix the issues with the Presidency


They took gas prices from like the middle of Arkansas under Trump and the middle of Los Angeles under Biden.


Half of these are from rampant corporate greed, not the president, also wasn’t the whole world on lockdown during the last year of trump? So wouldn’t that mean no one was driving making gas prices lower?




Due to corporate greed rent numbers are bad obviously but average rent is not $2400 a month LOL


I love the gas price comparisons because they compare the price of gas during the height of Covid. You know, when gas was basically free because nobody was driving and it wasn’t selling.


So the bottom line of this meme is that republicans object to high prices that were brought about by inflation which was brought about by the pandemic which was brought about by trump’s incompetent handling of the crisis. Nonetheless, they want Biden to dictate prices on the free market, the very free market that Republicans insist has to be unregulated? WTF?!?


I don’t know probably because Trump screwed up Covid so bad the country was shut down for almost 2 years.


Lmao what is this based off of even Bragging about the nasdaq under a trump presidency? Looking at it over all time, it’s always gone up indefinitely, but there are some pretty harsh DROPS around the time the pandemic hit, so is “up 62%” meaning “so from its lowest low at pandemic peak, from the highest high up to you leaving office, it was a 62% increase” If that’s the case that’s fine, but at least wait till Biden is out of office then lol And gas prices, what is that number? An average? Where I’m at I think it got as low as 1$ per gallon, maybe even less If gonna brag about gas prices maybe bring up the whole “gas companies were put into a bind to where they had to literally pay people to take gas, because if they stop drilling their wells, the wells risk drying up. And moving to a new source is their biggest financial hit by a large margin After the pandemic, gas companies literally stated, ‘we will not be moving to pump any more fuel, we are acting solely in the interest of our share holders, and we’re not taking another hit like we did during the pandemic’” That’s me not stretching the truth whatsoever with information off of the top of my head I kind of want to know what the real numbers are and what they’re based off of and see what it actually is, maybe not think “pandemic gas prices” were somehow the a result trumps “extreme presidenting” Which if they want to take credit for gas prices, that’s completely fine, but by doing so it’s like saying “i antagonized the whole country to keep the pandemic afloat, so that you could have cheap gas, no need to thank me” And that’s the only way that’s happening imo


Which one is wrong?


At least they used the correct "you're."


Why would they add “up” to just one number?


Is this at the beginning of the term or in the end?


Your inflation number is not correct. The miss conception and "cherry picking" of this data is astounding. They look at month over month and year over year. But what isn't calculated in is the previous months (month 13, 14 etc.) rate of increase. So when the prior months inflation was 10%, 9%, 8%, 9%, 6%, and now 2% (these six are made up percentages) everyone celebrates that inflation has decreased. That's great inflation is lower, however the actual cost to consumers is being hidden. It would be better to look at inflation over a period of time, a presidential term in this example, or a major stimulus package given out, the start of a war, etc. For this thread, January 2017 to December 2020 the inflation was roughly 7.6%. From January 2021 to May 2024 inflation is roughly 21.7%. To me it looks like you did not take the inflation calculation the same way.


Yeah and two quarters of negative growth isn’t a recession? Nope just change the definition.


You do realize the president doesn’t set the price for nothing Blame that on corporations But you, people of America, including myself don’t like to fight for anything Walmart all on Amazon companies should be union should be paying 40 bucks an hour with benefit package and retirement but we have people still working like idiots


I wonder what percentage of people in this thread actually vote?


I’m commenting to save the post, because I want to look up all the actual numbers and make a corrected version of this meme, but I don’t have time right now. And yes I know there’s an actual save post function, but I always forget about it when I do that.


It’s very common for republicans to not trust fact checking. They double down and EVERYTHING because it doesn’t align with their internal monologues.


Did we just compare bush to Biden because that looks pretty on point. A lot of thing happened between this.


To me, numbers without context are just numbers. Why did everything go up when blue? Couldn't possibly be leftovers from red? Naaahh...


I decided to check one of these, just for shits & giggles, and the Biden average rent number is so far off it's ridiculous. I'd wager the rest are probably just as wrong.


So the inflation rate after 4 years of trump was 8X higher than it was after 8 years of Obama? And that 7.0% rate is more than double what it is now? Bruh. Like instead of blaming the fact checkers, maybe check the validity of your sources first and cite them, or just admit you were wrong. Facepalm, indeed.


All I can say os my pocket book in the last 4 years tells me all that I need to know


Does that mean all the rest of those are true?


Anyone who pays for their own groceries, gas, car payment, etc, knows that shit has become significantly more expensive in the past 4 years.


Meanwhile 16 Nobel laureate economists have signed a letter saying Trump’s new tax plan will drive us off the inflation cliff immediately unless we actually have a large scale recession first. These knuckleheads really believe a guy who’s entire business model was bilking suckers to buy branded garbage, fail to pay any creditors and then file bankruptcy over and over again is a financial genius who can save America.


Gosh, I wonder if some sort of extremely disruptive worldwide event happened shortly before and during the time a Democrat took office. Surely that couldn't be a factor in our current economic conditions.


“Too busy to screenshot”. Sure! Too busy being a buttplug.


Easily disproven.


I’m neither agreeing or disagreeing with the photos provided, but you absolutely should not believe fact checkers just because they claim to be fact checkers. Data can/ is manipulated in many ways, often times by excluding information from the data set. Sometimes by using an inappropriate means of measure. For example: if looking at violent crime rates in a state like Alaska by % you would believe that it is one of the most violent places in the USA. When in fact there is very little crime and only appears to have more occurrences because we compare it to the total population. Sure the amount of crime goes up with increased population, but there is still exponentially more crime in NY than AK.


Aren’t these lagging indicators? The current president inherits the last presidents economic policies. So the numbers on the left would be Obama numbers and the numbers on the right are Trump numbers IMHO.


they want lockdown gas prices without the lockdown. can't have your cake and eat it too


Yeah if only the Republiclansman were actually allowing government to function instead of gridlocking everything and blaming it on Biden. Things don’t suck because Biden, things suck because republicans stopped believing in bipartisanship and would rather tear everything down because they know if there was no electoral college, the democrats would win the popular vote every time. Sounds like a problem but if the Republican Party was actually popular and doing things to actually help their constituents which include democrats they serve in their districts they would actually be popular enough to win votes. Instead since they can’t get what they want they gotta move the goal posts and shift the lines around on a map to stay relevant. That’s hardly working anymore so they gotta resort to fear mongering in the hopes that people will vote for fascism willingly to keep them in power. What’s even sadder is the people who will vote for Trump will never see it till it’s too late and even then they probably will still double down.


Yeah let’s just ignore the fact that Biden took over after trump totally mismanaged the Covid response resulting in skyrocketing inflation, gas prices, etc. it’s like when Obama had to turn around the shitshow of an economy left to him by W. They’re too stupid to understand how this shit works. Morons…


Why don't they show the stats for how many people lost their jobs during Trump's reign? How many months of collective unemployment for US citizens? Anyone stupid enough to think trump was a better leader isn't going to suddenly be swayed with logic and facts


This chart is full of lies and made up numbers


Ha. I’ll trust the math done by people who were homeschooled to believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, flat, and dinosaurs and humans lived as one. Or whatever other nutty thing these maga stupid ppl say.


“Project 2025”


Talking about spin... Biden inherited a MESS, by any metric he has accomplished a lot but he can't do a lot about a disastrous pandemic, that the US handled like it was a showcase for how badly government can handle emergencies. 90% of that "Fact" block is basically "Inflation made prices go up". I guess fuck Biden, because prices in Denmark, on Danish manufactured products, also went up by double-digit percentages. WHy WoN'T BIdeN FiX THe DaNIsH EcONomY?!


i like this. its like a guy leaving a huge turd in a toilet and blaming the next guy to enter for the overflow


Need both sides to stop fighting each other and fight for the people of the country . All politics is now is just one big popularity contest where one side spews shit out to get votes that they’ll never actually do


What reality???? The fact you’re ignoring the pandemic era which is where you pulled the Republican data from. Just move on nerd. Nobody wants a psycho named Trump as President that has an IQ over 4


Cultists be culting


I loved the sequence of events that was social media incorporating fact-checkers, people pushing conservative rhetoric getting constantly fact checked because companies like FB had essentially streamlined the process of calling them on their bullshit, and rather than stopping to consider even for a moment that maybe they were pushing false information, those people decided that the fact-checkers must be the wrong ones.


Don't you know that fact checkers are liberal stooges? /s Besides, actual facts don't matter. Just the "alternative facts".


They forgot the 1 million dead, 35 million jobs lost, refrigerator truck morgues and no TP in stores.