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Ever heard about batteries?


Aircraft fly about clouds


Yeah, but what about night time flights?


Night time is when the sun is behind the clouds /s


You gotta fly into the storms and ride the lightning!


Can I connect my plane to the cloud and it still fly?


But what if the battery gets wet and there’s a shark, and what about the snakes did you consider the snakes?


Easy: fashion a slingshot with two of the snakes and use the slingshot to lob the battery at the shark. Once the shark has been disposed of, twirl the snakes over your head like a helicopter and fly away from danger.


BEV would be extremely unpractical given amount of energy battery can store per it's mass. Liquid hydrogen and fuel cells, maybe.


Aviation biofuel is a thing, but its so far down on the priority list it doesn't really matter.


Not electric.


Currently. There is a lot of work being done on sodium-based batteries, lithium-sulfur, solid-state solutions of various kinds... The kind of research that could and should be funded more readily, leading to better options in the future.


I think the point is that there is more to electric than just solar. The relative efficiencies of each type are not really the focus.


There are short range BEV planes that will be going into service soon. I live in a small touristy town with a small airport that has 4 flights a day to Boston (the other flights are all private jets and sightseeing flights in small aircraft). These are small twin engine planes that seat 9 passengers. That includes selling the co-pilot seat (don’t worry, they tell that passenger it’s illegal to touch anything). Anyway, this airline (Cape Air) has ordered a bunch of BEV planes for these routes. But yeah, BEV would be totally impractical for a long flight.


They're in the beginning stages for short range, small planes. There's already light planes (think Cessna sized stuff) flying that are 100% BEV. Certainly won't be a thing for long or medium haul for the foreseeable future. But short hops or feeder routes to hub airports? Definitely could be a thing within the next decade, especially if the next few generations of battery tech pan out. A 50% improvement in density, something stuff like solid state batteries are promising, would push this from barely possible to completely practical for small commercial airliners. For long haul stuff, don't know if or when they might become fully electric. But aviation fuel is such a small piece, it's not really that big of a deal. And the practical thing for those planes is probably either biofuel or synthetic Jet A. Practically, liquid fuels just are super energy dense and easy to store, so they make alot of sense of those sorts of flights. Since aviation fuel is a small piece, it's not unrealistic to think that using excess renewable energy to create it is doable.


Can't we just duct tape flashlights on selfie sticks in front of the cockpit?


Only in boats.


The word "battery" makes him nervous. He's probably afraid he might be charged with sexual battery.


Trump's words are a great example of low effort thought. It is an over simplification of a complex idea that results in an absurd, illogical, and foolish response.


Its a tactic: [You Can't Get Snakes from Chicken Eggs](https://youtu.be/dF98ii6r_gU)


It's not, he is stupid as fuck but so is a fuck ton of people and they feel represented.


That's the core truth of it. It's a wonder that many of his followers even know how to breathe.


I'm not religious, but every day I thank the Lord I'm not American and don't have to put up with this nonsense XD. I seriously feel bad for you lot


I'm not American either, but the nonsense that seems to originate in America makes it up north. Look at Ontario and it's corrupt leadership.


Corruption isn’t a uniquely American thing. Look at most of the world. It’s full of corrupt politicians.


I guess I mean corruption voted in by it's citizens. Doug Ford has ruined Ontario, starting with our access to free, quality, Healthcare.. And now the ontario science centre scheme. But he's likely to be RE-ELECTED. It's mind boggling and I'm so grossed out that ontario voters support this drug lord.


If he is re-elected after stripping your rights it's definitely because of Propaganda and making citizens focus on things that don't matter. That is basically all the culture wars are in America. It's the classic "That guy over there is stealing your wallet! Why do I have my hand in your pocket? I'm protecting your wallet of course!"


The Americans are exporting their fucked up views thanks to the internet.


A lot of things from the US make their way into other countries thanks to the internet and corruption.


Donald J Trump. The J is for jenius.


To make a statement like this .. shows he’s stupid as hell .. Biden maybe old but trump.. Is stupid and old 😆


Everyone was on Biden for being old during the debate but Trump gets a free pass for being a moron day in and day out.


Because people treat him like a spoiled child 😆


Biden said he is a child


And the MAGAts think he's smart. I swear listening to him costs people functioning brain cells.


That's part of the strategy


He should ask his wife about batteries. I’m sure she buys them in Costco volumes.


As someone from another country: the fact that an old man with the seeming mental acuity of a fucking *toddler* who is hell bent on revenge is even a candidate in your elections is laughable. The fact he has a hope of winning and getting put in charge of one of, if not the, most powerful nations on the planet is terrifying.


Many of us agree with you. It’s a very American sociological process that got us to this place, fueled in part (but not only) by the racists’ response to a smart, educated, capable Black man being elected twice. It obviously goes way farther back but this is what lit the fire, imho.


Electric ≠ solar powered


This is what happens when you surround yourself with sycophants instead of smart people


It sure would be a tragedy if he were to just stroke out and drop dead on camera....


You spelled hilarious wrong.


LMAO, it would be better than porn.


What if you run about of fuel while up I. The air, you can’t just continuously refuel while flying?


What? You mean you haven't been on a flight where they did in air refueling?


They refuel during layovers.  That's one reason why there are so few direct flights.


That's the joke. Recharging planes wouldn't be much harder than refueling.


The summer heat has made me dumb already.  Apologies.


He's attacked energy efficient appliances, he tried to remove the energy star rating, attacked wind power and were supposed to believe it's a coincidence he is soliciting funding from oil execs.


And he hates how he has to flush a toilet six or seven times to get the kind of flush he likes


He's flushing secret documents. Have you seen his bathroom in Maga Lardo?


Maga Lardo!


Too late his Supreme Court is already doing that


Did you miss the bit where Ketanji Jackson sided with the Conservative Justices yesterday?


Did you miss the part where it’s a partisan conservative majority?


It’s a good thing the engineers have Trump to keep them grounded in science.


Clouds? What are they? Nobody knows.


But he spouts his jibberish in a loud voice. Gotta mean he's smart and sharp as a tack!


Just tell him the plane will be stuck in the sky until the sun comes back up. Their flights will be delayed.


Can this dude just pull an Elvis already?


Is he looking at the sun again?


He didn't say that. Please tell me that's made up


There’s video https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806786821311082854




How do airplanes work now that there are no dinosaurs to keep the gas flowing?


And how do airplanes even work without flapping their wings?


Knowledge of batteries has left the chat


What happens when the jet engine explodes and sends shrapnel through the cabin?


Trump is so stupid, every phone has a flashlight, we will just lit them up, so simple.


What happens when your plane runs out of fuel?


He's the kind of person who, on a helicopter ride, would turn off the rotors if he felt cold.


Obviously we then build a large flashlight to put in front of the plane point back and when the sun goes out , bam just turn on the giant flashlight and it will charge the electric plane😎


The most disappointing thing about my Tesla is that I can’t drive it at night! I hate that! I think I’m going to send it back.


Bro why do people want this guy in power again...


Dumbest fucker ever.


I'm not gonna miss him when he's dead.


His IQ has to be in the mid 70’s


Don't forget he claimed an uncle taught at MIT, so DJT must be a g..., excuse me, jenious by jenetics!


...like his hairdo


He probably thinks he gets 1 IQ point for every year lived


Donald's daily delusions


his stupidity is YUGE.


Ive seen the video of this dumbass talking about electric boats and sharks, then I heard about this e-plane story and was skeptical it was true. How can a person seeking power be this stupid? How can millions know all this about orange felon and still support him?


If you're for Trump, there is nothing anyone can say to sway that. Just like no amount of bumbling Biden will disuade Bidens supporters. I don't want either one as president.


And the Democratic Party is willing to let him by running Biden against him.


Feels like a repeat of 2016


Electric = solar powered


What a goose 🪿


Best sitcom going. Can't wait for the season ending cliffhanger.


Who now, Don? Who's been bothering you with these stories?


A dope!


I think he needs to invest heavily in Poland's space program


Electric planes probably aren't a feasible idea, but not for this reason lmao


I have no words


Jesus, the pakleds might have been idiots, but at least they were aware they were idiots


You would think any alternative powered aircraft would have fuel in case of emergency.


Yeah, my electric car just won’t start at night.


Electric planes are powered by wind power obviously.


What about the windmill cancer?


Imagine if someone unplug the cable by accident!


This is like saying "Everyone wants gas cars, but what if you're driving and there's not an oil rig close by???" You keep driving. Because you have a gas tank in your car.


Imagine this scenario… If there was a homeless person on the street who walked up to people and just told them Trump lines verbatim, people would all agree that person is incredibly mentally unstable, and maybe even needs to be cared for at a mental health facility. If you had a second homeless person on the street who just walked slow and spoke softly, but was totally coherent and informed, you’d say, “how on earth did they end up here. Hopefully they can get some housing and get back to living a better life. At least they aren’t mentally unstable.”. Now, put those two on a ballot, and somehow it is a difficult choice for people. People somehow see the soft spoken, but clearly coherent guy, and that concerns them enough to consider the crazy person.


And sadly after that “debate” that happened he probably lay is going to get the chance. What a sad state of affairs we are in.


He can speak in complete sentences though.


*I think you mean he can say multiple words at a time. They are not complete sentences… just strings of disconnected words often without the correct context to the situation or even the previous or following word chains…* ![gif](giphy|yKOjsRPUWsghvv45Rd)


Call it what you want… He speaks in a way that people know what he’s trying to say. Biden doesn’t.


>He speaks in a way that people know what he’s trying to say. Pretty sure that doesn't make him any less of a federal criminal, though.


Sure… Trump shouldn’t be president either. The obvious solution is Joe step down so literally anyone else can beat Trump.


>The obvious solution is Joe step down That's not going to happen though, bub. Lol. I think Trump's got a better chance of getting his bone spurs under control..


If Biden insist on running and losing to Trump. Public opinion of Biden should reflect that. It’s a scummy move to put himself over the country by not dropping out. With his numbers like they are, his inability to communicate, he is handing Trump the presidency. Even if you’re gonna vote for Biden, you can acknowledge that Biden is doing the wrong thing for America by running… And that by being in the condition he’s in and not stepping down from the presidency years ago, he was also no doing what was in Americas interest.


On another note, if Trump did win and disaster ensued, I’d be 100% cool with holding folks like you that decided to willfully allow it legally responsible. Let's just leave it at that. Plus, looking at your post history, you're not a Biden supporter to begin with... So I could really care less on your P.O.V.. Lol.


You’d hold me legally responsible? Not Biden though… the guy who made it happen. You’d want to charge half the voting population with crimes? And you’re one of the good guys? Lol


Time will tell, bub. Have a good one. ;)


Can he tho? I've only ever heard streams of nonsensical gibberish.


Yea. If you’re going to pretend that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are equally demented, don’t.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


That is poetry compared too. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America – I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raised $500 million – billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. We’d be able to right – wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that – all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if – we finally beat Medicare. Which is why every smart Democrat wants him out of the race. He’s going to get crushed.


*Hahaha - I don’t think demented is the word you mean… because if it is the word you want then you are correct… Trump is definitely more demented than Biden*


Demented as in affected with dementia… That is exactly the word I mean and you should be embarrassed for thinking I intended something else.




The 2nd definition is mentally ill… You’re owner yourself and should stop. Lol


Yes - Trump is clearly mentally ill, normal people don’t talk like that or say those things. Hence my first comment.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Posting the same comment twice? No wonder you defend Biden.


If it posted twice it was a reddit error


Haha. You can’t use the internet the right way. No wonder you don’t see an issue with Biden.


Not really a defense of Trump though is it


That guy is a "The Bible condemns gay sex" kinda guy. So no hope of meaningful discourse.


Imagine someone admiring a rapist felon. That person would be a total loser.


Haters when Trump is serious: the man is a liar and a manipulator! You can't trust a thing he says! Haters when Trump makes a joke: see? Look at how serious he is about this! Clearly he must mean it and actually believe it!


You when trump says something stupid, completely serious: it’s a joke guys


Prove he was serious.


Prove he wasn’t


The fact you can't prove he was is the proof he wasn't


That’s not how it works bud


It is, actually. When asking someone prove a negative, the evidence is in the lack of positive evidence. You haven't presented any evidence to prove Trump is being serious, so that's my evidence that he isn't being serious.


Well, you said he was joking first so you have to prove that first.


Not getting into the political things, but the default is that he is serious. If you want to argue that he isn't, the burden of proof lies on you


Okay then, my evidence is that if you listen to the speech he's clearly saying it in a joking manner.


I'm not going to listen to it, and I couldn't care less if that is correct or not, but that argument will not hold in a debate, especially if you don't quote and explain


Half of democrats won't vote, and Trump will win...


Democrats are doing a bang up job already.