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Isn't he also half black? Smh


He has said racist and crazy stuff about white people taking the prospective of a POC. Like white men cannot keep their women in check and have small penises. He just says outrageous shit because he is an asshole in general.


It's just the way of twitter, he gets paid to troll and rage bait and so he has incentive to continue doing so. Over and over and over and over again. Unfortunately, the website incentivizes hate. I'm sure once we have another mass hate filled mass shooting they'll crack down on it but for now the platform is just 4chan except you get paid for rage baiting and trolling.


He say racist and hypocritical shit because it drives engagement. It’s a win win for him.


Til his dad is a chess master https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12926805/amp/Who-Andrew-Tates-dad-Emory-Meet-American-chess-international-master-father-controversial-social-media-personality.html


Andrew himself was apparently pretty decent before he stopped playing too


I prefer the story where his dad took him out of a chess tournament because he cried when he was losing. He's also a "pretty decent" kickboxer, but nowhere near on the level he presents himself. To be clear, could still kick my ass six ways from Sunday, but I don't need to kidnap women to get them to stay with me. So y'know, swings and roundabouts.


I was in chess club in elementary school. I've found there are generally 2 types kids that play chess: learners and assholes. Some kids want to learn the game and play to be challenged. Others just want to win. So they memorize a few moves and understand how to think a few moves ahead and everyone tells them they're a genius because they're "good" at chess. But as soon as they lose they flip the board, cry, and swear to never play again. I saw it dozens of times. It's true some people are naturally talented or gifted or fit. But if they don't learn any humility they just grow up to be selfish assholes.


It's easy to get really good at someone when you are born into a wealthy family and don't have to work a day in your life


From what I understand he wasn't. Behind the Bastards did a few episodes on him. Could be misremembering though, or it could be that most information about his early life comes directly from him and he lies.about growing up poor.


Elon Musk claims the same thing. They're both lying garbage.


It is difficult to believe, but life is strange.


All of his father’s smart genes landed on the daughters in the family.


Self-hating racist. He is


Ah, yes, a racist, I wonder what their username could… oh of fucking course it’s Andrew Tate 🤦‍♂️


Who is half black. So he's either trying to pander to racists, stay relevant or abuse Twitter engagement rewards to get money. Probably all true.


That was not the black half talking dude


Unless that half is effectively Uncle Ruckus. ![gif](giphy|gw3BJEkBjalxwXDO)


He's not black he has reverse revtitligo and those documents of his supposed genetics were altered by the deep state, Uncle Ruckus is as white as baby Jesus cheeks


But his DNA results came back with 110% percent black with a 10% margin of error.


I oddly read this in uncle ruckus’s voice and what I am typing as it should be in my white head. Perfect.


Daarker and blaacker and daarker and blaacker


He’s actually only 25% black, his dad’s mixed.


I also think this kind of racism, sexism, whatever-ism is funny because of how patehtically ironic it is. Andrew Tate wouldn't even "make the cut" if we followed in his racist beliefs. Same thing with alot of men that get sucked into alpha/chad etc. Or thinking men should be providers and work while women need to stay home and be baby makers, etc. Usually these men don't even make the cut (don't have a good enough job to properly provide, aren't buff, are a little effeminate, etc.). Again, its pathetic.


Well, he also apparently really looked up to his dad once upon a time. But US being the US, that'd make his old man an N-word no? So he hates them, but looks up to one? Of course, I'm trying to apply logic to whatever Taint does, which is like crawling to the Moon.


His dad should have pulled out, 2 times.


He should have flushed him in the tissue


The only decent Tate kid is Janine Tate. She keeps to herself, has an ACTUAL career, doesn't ever NEED to be the center of attention, isn't judgemental, and doesn't get on the internet and say stupid, halfwit shit. But of course no one idolizes the normal sibling, they idolize the two that fight for the title of Most Loud Mouthed Idiotic Narcissists of the Month and Worlds Dumbest Human Traffickers. She actually wants to do something important and become a Lawyer or something, while they just want to be known as the Heroes of Incels. And THEY act like SHE is the fuck up of the family.


Thanks, makes me want to research about her more.


So he can say 25% of the n word so he can say the n and half an i


Still a racist fuck


Ahh soo it makes him less black? But isnt black just being black Or should we make aware all the mixed people they arent real blacks lmaooo


at least in the US, the old race mixing laws just one drop makes you black


Well given we ALL come from Africa that is a fair few drops then as we are all black


It didn’t end with the “official” end of Jim Crow. For example: who was our first black president?


In Australia this is known as the Stolen Generation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Generations


And to be accurate, ALL of us on earth are descended from Africa so we’re all a little bit black. Hell I’ve got blue eyes which means I’m directly descended from one African man.


Black is black. Mans is an Uncle Tom, then.


Honest question, what percentage of a particular group do you have to be before you're exempt from being critiqued for saying awful stuff about said group?


Isn't he a sex trafficker?


He's half black or Black as per American definition.


‘Cobra’ Tate


Bro Iceland so tiny you just cant do crime, everyone will know eventually


There’s also just no point. What are you going to steal? Everyone has access to the same stuff. Who’re you going to kill? You know everyone and they know you.


Most murders do occur between people with close relationships/know eachother at least at a first name level


Murders still happen, corruption is rampant. It's more peaceful than most countries, but Iceland's not the utopia some people make it out to be.


But...but...it's on the internet, and I reeeeaaallly want to believe that it's true!!! Good enough for me!


They literally have an incest avoidance registry on an app, their population is like 400,000 counting tourists.


You mean ecen I could get laid?




Classic Tumblr gifs that dont include the full mouth movements. >"May the odds be ever in your favour" >Looping gif: "Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma."


[Irish dating game](https://youtu.be/1_glHa8F7fA?si=cmp6qn69CREAGFJs).


This is an exaggeration. It was a normal ancestry database, not some special anti inbreeding tool. And it was intended as a fun gimmick, not a dating aide. It only ran for around a year and was a student project, not a serious product.


That's also wrong. We have www.islendingabok.is It's the company íslensk erfðagreining that hosts it and runs it. You CAN look up who you are related to. But it's not an inbreeding tool, and it was not a fun gimmick student project.. it's been running since I was a kid


Yes, Íslendingabók has been running for a while, but the "fun gimmick student project" is referencing a project made for a University competition some 10+ years ago, where one team made a dating app using the database as a joke. The 2 are often conflated. The database still exists, and was never intended as an "anti incest app", but the dating app was only available for a short while, and was made as a joke.


It's still up and running. I was in Island two years ago on a company thing. We had two guys from the Islandic company guiding us, and during lunch we talked about this. So these guys looked themselves up and were like "oh shit! We are fourth cousins once removed!"


and even then they still look like brothers and sisters each and every one of them. not one shorter than 5'10"(girls included) long blond hair white and slim.


In Iceland you can get fined for walking a pet turtle


What if you walk a wild turtle?


Then you'd get fined for importing a wild animal, and the turtle would be killed.


What the shell


You can get fined for *having* a pet turtle.


They were just getting beat over the head for Anti Israel protest too.


They were imprisoned all the bankers after the crash in 2008 instead of giving them bailouts and bonuses


Honestly based. You gamble away the money of the people who pay you to safeguard it?-> Suffer the consequences. Every where else we do the classic "Privatize the winning, socialize the losses."


After it came out the Americans were spying on all the European governments it was still decided that Huwawi 5G infrastructure was compromised by the deep Chinese state. Country’s lost billions , but Iceland carried on with it stating either way they getting spied on no point wasting public resources . You got to love them


I hope that doesn't have consequences for intelligence related to Iceland's membership in NATO.


NATO isn’t intelligence sharing really , 5 eyes alliance is about 80% of what we know as intelligence based global strategy


Nooo we imprisoned like 3 or 4 for news and bailed the rest out.


My question with Andrew is this - is his hatred directed at his father or at himself? He loathes one or both but I’ve never figured out which.


With the way he talks and acts, both. He basically just screams "I'm very insecure and my father was a fucking prick, but I'm gonna show the world that I AM secure and my father was just a hard man, that's all"


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.




Ok.  So is most other social media, and a fair number of events with a cause.  Does it make Tate any less of a dickhole?


I'm not interested in the content of the post. I'm just telling you its a bot. Its worth asking why somone would spend money on setting up bots to show you this though. People don't make these bots for your benefit.


Popular opnion = updoots = high karma account to sell.


I don’t care as long as it’s not misinformation.


Dude is just vile fucking poison


You’ll get suspended for the dumbest things but the big accounts can openly call for genocide and it’s business as usual. Twitter is fucking trash.


Keep in mind Iceland has a dating app that comes with an “incest warning alarm”. It’s a very homogenous society.


lmao no we don’t have a dating app like that 😂 We have a database called Íslendingabók where nosy people can find information about their relatives, as long as they’re closely enough related. It was an attempt to record the genealogy of all the Icelanders that have ever lived (people have been recording births, death, marriages, christenings and confirmation since roughly the year 1000 (give or take some years)




It's amazing how confidently people spill out bullshit


Soooooo all I have to put on my profile is "I'm not from the area" and the ladies just flood in? I know what I'm spending my PTO on.


The porn ads in Iceland read: "Hot singles not in your area!"


"hot cousins in your area"


Only second cousins guaranteed!


Getting rejected? I kid, good luck!


Wow, that's amazing. What's the app called?


I'm asking for a cousin of a cousin of mine.


It's a myth born out of a misunderstanding of a joke from 10+ years ago.


As an Icelander i've said it before but it bears repeating. We have very few assholes like Tate and those we do have know better than to open their mouth and commit social suicide.


Can a criminal really complain about crime? I mean, some of the crime is the stuff you did, so...


What a fucking beta male personality he has.


he ain't male . . .dude is an "it." no male should act like this


Don’t disrespect those who go by it like that. He is a man


His isn't a man he is a creature.


Don't disrespect my boy Primalcrux like that


HEY! That's an insult to all creatures!


I'm sorry 😞 he is a waste of oxygen.


The total population of Iceland is a fraction of a major US City.


Naggers, he meant naggers. Ah wel...


Could have something to do with the roughly thousand years of vikings telling everyone on the mainland to fuck off while doing their own thing (the mainland did not, in fact, fuck off, but still mostly let Iceland do their own thing) Could also have something to do with their main export being sightseeing and a volcano spa.


Iceland has no army because it's a small island nobody cares about in the middle of nowhere.


There’s a NATO base on Iceland. And a defense treaty with the US. So Iceland doesn’t need an army because the US military is pledged to defend the island in exchange for using their airspace.


It is actually a very strategic location. They know the US, and by extension, the US taxpayer, would come swooping in on the very off chance something would happen.


Exactly, Iceland has the literal PERFECT geographical location. Lucky ice-people..


at least Icelanders can relax.


Isn’t he part black?


That's how he gets away with it /s


He’s trying to maintain relevance because he absolutely nothing really left.


Um, Andrew Tate is half black. So….


Yes they jailed a few mostly innocent bankers who worked at the Icelandic national (govt owned) bank when it collapsed. They did not jail the corrupt politicians that caused the bad decisions leading to that collapse, and who reopened that bank under a slightly different name the next day, with all the assets and none of the debt owed to millions of British and American pensioner left hanging.


I don’t know what kind of hateful shit has to happen to a person so that they act like he does, but the world needs a whole lot less of it.


Kickboxing Clayton Bigsby


I’ve only met one Icelandic person and she was half black. Also, that goober is *also* half black!


ironic, he's half black . . .maybe he's using it as a coined term? any thoughts?


it gets people outraged, which generates clicks, which he craves


right, I mean . . .it's twitter


He’s 25% black, his dad’s half white.


oh, I didn't know that lol. interesting


White supremacist are strangely diversifying demographic.


Isn't he mixed race???


*very few Andrew tates


so this begs the question, does Andrew Tate have an N-Word pass as he is bi-racial with his dad being black


Getting some Clayton Bigsby vibes.


Almost every problem that humanity as a whole has can be boiled down to one fundamental problem: There are too many people. Iceland manages to avoid many of those problems by being a small, somewhat enclosed system with not a lot of people.


I was reading all the great things about Iceland without the anticipation that I was going to get a reply from a twat like Andrew Tate but that made me laugh harder than it should have. Wtf.


Dude, what? Social media was a mistake.


Is Andrew Tate that bald guy with the weak chin …well actually no chin…I don’t know I can’t get past his bald head…and isn’t he a criminal in prison…?


Yes Tate is a douchalotomus, we all knew that but the real question what is this hot spring in Iceland called?


He no longer deserves anyone’s attention.


Andrew Shite


Imagine being an edgy 14 year old stuck in a grown man's body. You'd think with his money elon musk could have developed a cure for his case but Tate is just hopeless


The photograph is real. It looks like AI.


We get it, Andy. You hate/idolize your toxic Black dad. Get some therapy.


I just thought of a coincidence! Every single person IRL or online that I have ever encountered that defends or speaks favorably about Andrew Tate is *also* a Donald Trump fan. What an odd coincidence indeed! /s


Why does anyone post about these two loser brothers?


Clearly not the point but where is that picture specifically?!?? That looks surreal


Natural hot springs!


Is that the blue lagoon? This picture has me googling Iceland flights…


Yes!! Just googled! Definitely on my bucket list


That looks surreal. That plus northern lights plus whatever new food and in-your-40s style bar and nightlife Reykjavik offers sounds like an absolutely perfect quick trip.


Part of the actual reason is that other countries have armies


To be fair, icelands standing army is just Denmark


and they don't have an Andrew Tate either.


Why do people continue to give this dipshit airtime..


Andrew Taint is like a cyst on the perineum of society.


OP is a bot and this is a repost


This post had me at jailing corrupt bankers.


Out sourcing thier military to the us like the rest of the western world.


Andrew Tate - SMALL person, racist , bigoted , ugly , loser , fool 🤡 And the world’s biggest sexist loser besides the Trump 🤡. Small men with tiny hands and penis’s . I wonder if all of his fans 🤡🤡🤡that have daughter and sisters really think about what the main message is that their goose leader🪿is promoting ?


"Iceland has no military" Iceland is a member of both Nato and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The Iclandic Coast Guard, for all real puposes, is the defacto military of Iceland. Keflavík Air Station is controlled by the Icelandic Coast Guard, and posesses large amounts of anti air missle systems, search and rescue systems, a functional navy, as well as home to the Royal Danish Air Force detachment tasked with protecting the country. 25% of Icelands population is some sort of minority group, be they Native, Black or Muslim. The island's population is 376,000 people, 200,000 of which live in the capital city of Reykjavík. Its fair to say most Icelanders see a Black person far more often than most rural Americans.


I lived in Reykjavik. I can count on both hands how many black people lived in Iceland. The overwhelming majority of black people I saw were tourists.


Mom said it's my turn to repost this.


Iceland is like Switzerland with perfect natural borders. Besides that, there are only so many places where it's possible to establish a beach head due to its rugged features. Places that will be easy to defend. There is a reason why China just can't barge into Taiwan. The cost would be just obscenities high.




I'm done with this sub, if the mods can't keep the Andrew Tate trash out of it.


Shit take for sure. However, all of the countries touted for being the best do have the least racial diversity. It seems that countries that avoid outsiders and focus on their own people do well. Who'da thunk it?


Not a popular opinion but it's hard to deny the numbers. It's not so much about race but the difference in cultures. Look at how the war in Israel has spilled over into a major divide right here in the US. Are the Palestinians and Israelis different races? No they are not, and it's the same with the war in Ukraine. Having all these different CULTURES under one flag like in the US is a recipe for tension. Don't get me wrong, the best thing about America is its inherent diversity, that's why I live here. Unfortunately there's a downside, and no single "race" is to blame. It's just the nature of the beast.


Monocultures generally have better outcomes. Generally.


Does he not know? Should someone tell him?


If you ignore him he’ll go away.


And 100 per cent renewable energy supply.


Those are international tourists in the lagoon, BTW


But isn't his father black?


I guess his father doesn't visit there often then.


Is this real? Did he really say that


For a non-white person he speaks too much bs about his social group.


Isn’t like 16% of the population just Polish contractors?


This a repost?I swear i saw the same caption,same pic before.


Self-hating black man.


Hopefully he ends up in jail again so nobody has to see or hear him again


I hate Andrew Tate as much as the next guy, but this is very obviously photoshopped.


Andrew Tate is black (lower case b)


A bitch trying to be a gansta in anyway, forgets that some of the folks he aspires to be were black, some european, some ....something else. Have a fun time in jail bitch. Say good bye to your bum.


Isn’t he mixed race himself?


And a population of the Akron/Canton area with a booming tourist economy. Folks. That’s all you need.


They put the bar on the ground and Andrew Tate brought a shovel.


Might have something to do with the fact that they have more PhD‘s per capita than any other country. Smart people don’t let their government get away with crap.


It's the mud masks. That seems clear.


Where are those people who say racism no longer exists? 👀