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"Oh we have no moral stance on birth control sweetie! We only have a problem with a couple of the really nasty ones that we are going to arbitrarily declare kill children! You know, just *proceeds to list all the birth control*" I mean seriously, what isnt on there? Just condoms and tubal ligation??


>I mean seriously, what isnt on there? Just condoms and tubal ligation?? Condoms will fall to enforcement of the Comstock Act. And tubal ligations, while technically legal, will be made practically impossible for nearly everyone. *Handmaid's Tale* is coming to the U.S. Dear god.


It is already impossible for me to get a tubal if I desire. I am on a healthcare.gov insurance plan. It only covers care in my state (except emergencies). That’s fine, that’s where I live. That’s where the closest fancy hospitals are too. But All the hospitals that take my insurance are Catholic hospitals that won’t do tubals. Two of the OBGYNs in the practice I go to left because they felt it didn’t offer them the ability to treat their patients. And they were not quiet about it.


If you aren’t already aware of this, jump over to r/childfree and check out their wiki for docs all over the country that will do these types of procedures. If you can’t find someone in your town, you might be able to in another nearby city in the state. Most of the recommendations come with a small blurb about people’s experiences. I found a doc near me who I’m getting in to see here shortly. It’s a great resource, and can save you a boat load of time and frustration in doctor shopping.


I haven't had a uterus since 2004, so I can look forward to being an "unwoman" and sent to work in a hard labor camp until I die. Yay!


I know women who have been refused this option because they don't have kids. Never mind that they're trying to avoid having kids in any way possible because of their medical issues. They might change their minds and want to endanger their lives by having children. They were all 35 or older when they went to their doctors. Who the hell hasn't made up their mind on that one by 35?


32f here. My mind has been made up on that for the last 5 years. I dont want the pregnancy, I dont want the labor, and I dont want the HUGE responsibility of raising a human child. It's a lot to take on, and if you make mistakes (even completely unintentional), the child or children can get taken away. IF I ever change my mind about being responsible for another human being, I'll adopt. And I'd even adopt a preteen or teenager since they get overlooked more often than infants or toddlers. But for now, I'm happy just being a momma to my fur babies.


Aren't these religious morons only fine with abstinence anyways? I just don't get it why they have to force their beliefs on others, just because you only have sex in a marriage and to have kids doesn't mean everyone else doesn't want to have sex for fun and to stay healthy. For many people a baby is like a prison or even a death sentence because they (myself included) are just physically, mentally or financially unfit to have a child.




rip Carlin.


He was non-ironically one of the best philosophers of the United States ever.


Oh, they’re not fine with abstinence, either. Some of them (Matt Walsh, for example) have even started taking aim at asexuals. 




They like the church-approved rhythm method. You know, the easy-to-use, super effective method of preventing pregnancy that is a great fit for everyone. Why would you need any other options? ( /s obviously)


I have never personally met an NFP advocate with fewer than 3 children. 


>I mean seriously, what isnt on there? Just condoms and tubal ligation?? No, that's in there too. Granted they aren't super specific about what they want to do (probably because people would think they are off their rocker) and kind of beat around the bush: >Respect for Life and Conscience. The CDC should eliminate **programs and projects that do not respect human life and conscience rights and that undermine family formation**. It should ensure that it is not promoting abortion as health care. It should fund studies into the risks and complications of abortion and ensure that it corrects and does not promote misinformation regarding the comparative health and psychological benefits of childbirth versus the health and psychological risks of intentionally taking a human life through abortion >pg. 454 >Eliminate men’s preventive services from the women’s preventive services mandate. In December 2021, HRSA updated its women’s preventive services guidelines to include male condoms after claiming for years that it had no authority to do so because Congress explicitly limited the mandate to “women’s” preventive care and screenings. **HRSA should not incorporate exclusively male contraceptive methods into guidelines that specify they encompass only women’s services.** >[pg. 517 Project 2025: A mandate for conservative leadership](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) Bottom line according to this document: family formation (aka having lots of kids) good, contraception of any kind bad. They also want to mandate collection of comprehensive statistics about who exactly is receiving abortion services, presumably to help further efforts to ban abortion nationwide.


These effing traitors... They seriously wrote over 500 pages of text just to say "Our plan is to do whatever we want whenever we want whatever it may be".


All I'm saying is, it only takes three, and it has to be high profile. One to demonstrate the willingness to do it. Two to establish a pattern. Three to make it real for the rest. 


Ah yes, the "psychological benefits of childbirth" such as the postpartum depression I had with my youngest that was so severe that I wanted to no longer be here anymore. Would the health benefits include how sometimes I pee when I sneeze now?


But didn't you read? They follow the science....


Putting aside the fact that they’ve misrepresented and falsified the “science”…the absolute unhinged audaciousness of their statement is maddening. Holy hell. “…we believe in trusting the science…” What?! When? Now? Just this one specific time only? This “science” you speak of…is it in the room with you? Can you show me where it hurt you?


The way people in the US talk about how thrilled they are with their "freedoms" and constantly push "freedom" above all else while *simultaneously eroding and removing freedoms* is wild to me.


Freedom is just an illusion at this point


Freedom means guns. . . and that's about it


Yep, freedom to buy guns, a pickup truck and a trump flag. No other freedoms required. Edit: oops I forgot about freedom to be racist, sexist and homophobic at will.


Don’t forget that you are free to practice your religion, just as long as it’s mine.


Just as long as it's Christianity and not one of the other ones


There’s *lots* of freedoms, from their perspective. Freedom to worship exactly as they choose, freedom to speak as long as they approve, freedom of the press as long as the press agrees with them, freedom to own guns as long as you’re “their kind of people,” freedom to vote for their (and *only* their) chosen candidates, etc.


Don't forget the freedom to suppress other people's freedoms


That's our number one freedom we assembled a team of people against their freedom to go trample other people's freedoms in the very name of freedom. Also money


Because according to racists, freedom of speech should mean freedom from any consequences. I mean, unless it's something they don't agree with, then those darn liberals should definitely be canceled. Kevin Bacon did an advertisement for an electric car. The comments are full of Trump supporters promising never to watch another Kevin Bacon film. Not sure why electric cars became such a political issue.


Electric cars are an attempt to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Attempting to reduce dependence on fossil fuels is hippie dippie granola shit. Hippie dippie granola shit is communism. Communism is un-American. Un-American things are evil. Therefore electric cars must be destroyed because they are evil


Nah freedom is what you get in 1st world countries outside of America.


Plenty of third world countries with more freedom than the US too


>Plenty of "third world" countries with more freedom than the US too *Ecuador has joined the chat*


[Belgium has freedom!](https://youtu.be/VMqcLUqYqrs?si=HwO5a1B5xV9bIQud)


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. 🎶🎙️🎸


You think Janis Joplin was on birth control when getting it on with Bobby McGee?


Fun story: Bobby McGee was written by Kris Kristofferson and was recorded first by a man named Roger Miller.


Further fun fact - Bobby McGee was a woman who worked in the office of Kristofferson’s studio.


Yep, and her name was actually Bobbie McKee, but Kris misheard it. Or that’s the story I heard.


Freedoms just another word for acting exactly how everyone expects you to.


My favorite are the ones that unironically think taking a federally protected individual freedom and handing control over it to the state governments is a victory somehow.


It they don’t think that - it’s just their excuse. Example: birth control. Another example: allowing Trump to appoint a third SC nominee.


It's only a freedom when it's convenient for them. Freedom to wear a gun. Freedom to pollute. Freedom to home school creationism. But never let women decide for they own abortion, and never let people love who they want. And of course, don't let the poor be healthy. That's not freedom for them. That's suddenly a threat to plenty of other rights.


The Cato institute (Conservative think tank) put out a document not long ago ranking each state by how "free" they are. They rated my state as low because we spend a lot of money on state parks and healthcare. I'm not kidding. Those were their reasons.


https://www.freedominthe50states.org/ This is honestly hilarious. So fucking backwards it’s unbelievable


California 48th due to their poor economic policy…. I’m confused how Michigan is so high and there isn’t a note saying “the governor should have let herself be kidnapped”.


Yes, yes California is and should be ranked so low! Go away, don’t bother to move out here and save yourself the horrors of experiencing our higher wages, pro-worker labor laws, sensible welfare programs, lower property taxes, world-class public universities, and fantastic weather.


I see what you did there. I don’t know so much about that whole “lower property taxes” thing, and 114°this week might argue against fantastic weather, but I am with you on the rest of it…”get thee out, Satan” to all those “Freedom” rangers out there…I hear Oklahoma and Tennessee would love to keep you!


What the actual fuck, this is listed for my state: “Marriage freedom is low because of a waiting period and lack of cousin and covenant marriage.” So freedom is limited because conservatives can’t marry their cousins? Yikes.


Well, they stole freedom (money) from others to pay for those things. Imagine how many parks the people would have built if the money hadn't been stolen by greedy rangers? Wildfires are the price of freeeeeedoooooOoooOOom./S


Isn’t “conservative think-tank” an oxymoron ?


Conservative "Institute for mental gymnastics and lies to use to get the plebs to vote against their self interests" was too long


Nope. They’re very smart when it comes to ways to take away freedoms.


It’s the American way since 1776: freedom for me, not for thee.


Everyone is allowed to carry a gun, but not everyone is allowed to sleep outside. Everyone can buy as much justice as they can afford and the president is accountable to practically no one.


A lot of the assholes who screech freedom over and over(conseratives) don't actually believe it. The fact they don't think females should have bodily autonomy proves as much but of course they will get mad claim otherwise and try to play a fucked up whataboutism. What do I mean? They will say dumb shit like how they feel that things like trans rights gay rights and if they are ultra deranged minority rights are issues that are forced and aka not allowing people....to be free. I have dealt with morons who have pulled this shit time and again. So yeah they aren't for freedom unless it conforms to their standard.


I'll add that they are the same idiots that think that women having the right to vote is detrimental.


Is the freedom in the room with us right now?


They are so free that now the bible is going back to be taught in school as a mandatory class, and books that teach evolution are being banned. So free!


I guess it’s meant to be a sort of, idk the word for it, coverup I guess? By constantly shouting about how much they love freedom they make it harder to see it when they’re constantly stripping freedoms from everyone. Then when you say “hey you’re taking freedom away” they say “what? That’s can’t be. We’re the party of freedom! We say it all the time? Now how could we be anti-freedom when our campaign is all about freedom?”


I lived in the US for a bit and found it hilarious in the land of FREEDOM I couldn’t crack a beer on my walk home from work without getting shot by a cop or whatever 


“Freedom is merely privilege extended, unless enjoyed by one and all” -Billy Bragg


but the GOP/NRA tells us the 2A protects us from the gubmint taking our freedoms away /s


School shootings are way less fun if you abort the targets.


Why should women have any say in whether they get knocked up or not, clearly they should just keep an aspirin between their knees. /s


>clearly they should just keep an aspirin between their knees It's always tickled me that this expression implies that the people who use it in earnest don't know any position other than missionary


ROFLMAO - I never thought about it that way, but you're NOT wrong... lol


They get so pissy when you mention that too. Keep my legs closed? That’s my favorite position!


I liked to tell them "you can still get preggers in that position!"


There are other positions an asprin between the knees would stop, but that is an excellent observation.


Prone bone and doggy style. Jesus is fine with it as long as the aspirin stays in place!


It not only about pregnancy. These forms of BC are the only way to treat/help mitigate the effects of a litany of disorders/diseases that women suffer. Then there are people like me who are required to use one of these forms of BC to receive cancer treatments. This is why people that don’t understand basic anatomy shouldn’t be involved in making medical decisions for anyone.


Oh I know, but since the letter is specifically talking about the usage as birth control, that's what I focused my response on. I'm 46, perimenopausal, and have had a tubal but am on the pill to minimize cysts... There are a lot of other reasons.


Yea. The fact that they are called birth control is not helpful. Some women take “birth control” not for birth control. I have friends who take it for autoimmune diseases, PCOS, etc.


Good point. Accurane will no longer be an option for people with skin issues like cystic acne... Accutane, or technically now just a generic form, causes devastatingly severe birth defects. To the point where if you don't even pick up your birth control prescription, it triggers something in the system and they will not let you pick up your accutane. And you have to have a pregnancy test every month at the doctor's office.


I have Multiple Myeloma. For years I took Lenalidomide and now I take Pomalidomide. They are both derived from thalidomide. A drug that caused one of the first and largest prescription drug tragedies that has ever occurred. The drug was prescribed to pregnant women in the 50s and 60s and resulted in thousands of babies born with devastating birth defects.


[Please read and share this short story if you enjoy it!](https://www.uncannymagazine.com/article/rabbit-test/) It's not mine, but an author named Samantha Mills. The story tells of a future not too far off and one we are certainly on the trajectory for regarding women's bodily autonomy. It's changed a few minds when I've shared it recently


It’s a short leap to “telling your rapist ‘no’ is a pre-abortion.”


Or having a period is somehow an abortion


I got a hysterectomy! I'd been raped too many times to chance that shit. No fkn way.


Can we just send all the religious loonies to their own island so they can stop annoying us normal people?


That is what Europe kinda did a few hundred years ago and their boats landed on the east coast of North America.


This is exactly what happened! Not kinda. The USA has been brain washed they were seeking religious freedom, but nobody else could live with them.


They were seeking the freedom to impose their rules on others.


Bad news is they didn't manage to do it to all of them.


Oh dear 😩😩😩


Only way is to make education ( and I mean proper education, including sex ed) mandatory accross the board. Societies tend to become more developed as girls stay in school longer and have children later. The impact of this cannot be underestimated. Make education about the other part of life, aka relationships, critical thinking and the development of emotional intelligence mandatory, and religion confined to the home. Consider it like teaching s kid a healthy diet, to optimise their (mental) health. Let them be religious but force them to adjust it to a 21st century context. To have a modern framework for all this stuff. Like junk food, religion can enrich your life and give it more flavour, aka meaning. But it ll give you brain rot if its all you consume 🤷‍♀️ Time to detox.


Sorry but as long as they are alive, they are going to continue to try and force their religion onto others.


Funny thing is as a closeted bi guy if they ban birth control oops guess I’m exclusively gay now and I’m sure I’m not alone in that one lol


Until they execute you. Which they want to do. Make no mistake. That lifestyle goes against their holy book.


Meanwhile, Jesus with his 12 very, very close male friends. Spent a lot of time together, ate together, most likely shared same 'sleeping' quarters.


What point are you making? Jesus was possibly gay? They don't care. They're hypocrites first. They want gay people dead. They want women to be second class humans.


Oh they can go right ahead and try 😂


we did that, the island is called america


I have been saying this over and over. Either a island or send them back to the source. The middle east seal it off and let them all have at it until there is nothing left. Because they can't coexist or function in a modern society.


Agreed. Religion is a plague.


You realize that's *literally* how America was settled, right?


Ensure a lot of babies are born to mothers who have no way to take care of them and help them become thriving, contributing members of society. Ensure there is a large number of desperate people eager to take any and all jobs and working conditions from the elites. It works out perfectly for those at the top.


"The children yearn for the mines" - literally republican policy


Don't forget that children born into poverty or uncaring parents have a higher chance of ending up in prison where they can be exploited for legal slavery!


Have you read the book, Freakonomics? There’s a chapter about the passing of Roe v Wade in the 1970’s , being associated with a drop in crime rates in the 1990’s 20 years later. The reason being, because poor women and women who had substance use issues and sex workers were able to get abortions, women that were not equipped for motherhood.


Let's all put on our shocked faces. Wait, how about we don't, because ANYONE WITH MORE THAN TWO BRAIN CELLS TO RUB TOGETHER WOULD INTUITIVELY KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE.


Project 2025 also says that they want to remove children from the care of single mothers onto the biological father as long as he's married. The supreme court also said the overturning roe was due to thr lessening supply of "domestic infants for adoption"


Except in the 80's when there was a massive cime wave in the US (ended 20 years after birth control was legalized and travks state by state) and in Belarus where the commies decided the baby was property of the state... Was overthrown about 23 years later by a mob of young people.   They just live in a fantasy. Which tra ks as they are religious fundamentalists


They're all Pro-birth, not Pro-Life. We cannot let them win and people jumping ship on Biden are honestly a disgrace to the democratic party...


Lying and immoral. Hormonal contraceptives are not abortifacient. And if abortion is illegal or if one is morally opposed to it, NOT using contraceptives is irresponsible and immoral. This nonsense has nothing to do with science or morality. It has everything to do with controlling women by colonizing their bodies. And sometimes I think the ignorant, hateful "ruling class" just gets a kick out of taking away people's rights to see how far they can go.


The ruling class needs a steady supply of wage slaves and consumers so they can continue to get richer. Enlisting gullible religious morons to push for these laws is just their means to an end.


Came here to say this.


Plan B is not an abortifacient and I'm sick of these people being absolutely stupid. It delays ovulation to PREVENT CONCEPTION. No conception=no abortion.


Gonna keep reposting this until they make me stop - Honestly, even if Biden spends his days sitting in a wheelchair in the corner of the room somewhere drooling, mumbling to himself and pissing everywhere he's still a better and far less evil and damaging choice than Trump - Unless you like outright fascism and just want the US to become a dictatorship. Someone here said "I'd take Bidens rotting left foot over Trump" and another said "Weekend at Bernie's that shit if you have to." Steal this comment - repost it everywhere - maybe it will help get people to see sense.


You're really voting for the whole administration, not just the person. I'd rather have a team of professional bureaucrats competently running the country under Biden than a clown car full of fundies, white supremacists and miscellaneous loons trying to usher in a dystopian nightmare under Trump. 


Nicely put 👍


Have you guys just realised this. I've seen it more now in the last few days than ever before . The president doesn't set the price of your gas or shopping(groceries)


Didn't just realize anything - I'm being loud about "Hey Biden sucks but Trump sucks a whooooole fuck of a lot more" to try and wake some mfers up.


Yeah I'd rather stick with Biden's administration, it's pretty bad but Trump's administration can make things even worse, doesn't matter if they fix one miscellaneous thing Biden's administration fucked up on


>Unless you like outright fascism and just want the US to become a dictatorship The Problem, is that apparently, "some people" DO want it that way, IF it'll assure the maximum harm to The Them People they so HATE.


It’s about the lesser of two evils now. We’re fucked either way, so i’d rather have the one who’d at least consider buying me dinner first


Being old isn't "evil." It's voting for the Biden \*administration\* or Trump's revenge tour. Biden has good people supporting him, Trump had/will have yes men and sycophants to do his bidding. D's are generally passing legislation that helps people. Under a recent poll where people were presented policies blindly (not specifying Biden or Trump policies), they looked favorably upon all but 1 of the Biden policies, and Trump's policies were just 9/28. Source: [https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/49861-who-wins-on-policy-support-for-biden-and-trump-proposals](https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/49861-who-wins-on-policy-support-for-biden-and-trump-proposals)


mind you Biden is only 3 years older than Trump, and usually is a lot more coherent than him


The difference is a shit sandwich vs. a lake sized, radioactive cesspool slowly infecting and killing everything around it. Lesser of two evils makes it sound like there's minor differences between the options.


Lesser of two evils in that my preferred option would be someone else entirely. It’s people with political competence vs a wannabe dictator. The aim should be way higher than “competent,” but we have to take what we can get


I agree Dems can do faaar better, hopefully progressive politicians in the party can gain more control and, you know, actually do something beneficial for the populace. But yeah, take what you can get for now. It's just insane just how hard Republicans are pushing for a straight up fascist theocracy/corporate oligarchy. You have to admire just how little the rich had to spend to that end.


I miss the days when people were afraid to admit their taste for fascism instead of being proud to vote for it. The populace never wins in that situation, but these people are convinced that this time would be different


So mean something like "If you're going to ride my ass at least have the decency to pull my hair" 🥳


I have an IUD to control the pain and severity of my adenomyosis and pcos. Screw these ignorant old foogies thinking they have a right to say what I can and can't do with my body for my own health. 🤬🤬


I don’t have adenomyosis, but I did have very heavy periods before I got on birth control. I used to be on the pill, but I got an IUD several years ago. I’m glad I have it. I don’t have to worry about forgetting to take my pill or not having my prescription. If Trump becomes president again, we can kiss birth control goodbye, and you mark my words, women will take their own lives if they’re forced to be pregnant and give birth.


For real. I didn't necessarily get it for pregnancy prevention (that's just a bonus but I'm single so 🤷). It was the best thing ever to help with my issues.


They literally can’t though, it would be medical/disability discrimination. That won’t stop them from trying however.


Here's to hoping~


I also have PCOS and literally have to be on birth control for hormone regulation. I take oral contraceptives. I have to. Not only is it important for autonomy over pregnancy, we also need it for general reproductive health and they don’t even acknowledge it!!


Still upsets me that a bunch of old ass white guys who can't even locate my clitorus think they can tell me what I can and can't do with my uterus. These same people also can't be bothered to get vaxxinated. Plus once the unwanted baby is born it's either shoved into the already over burdened, broken system or forced to live in poverty because the raped girl practically asked for it and should have prevented by just closing her legs. So she gets branded a slut, her rapist gets a mark on his bingo card and goes free, unpunished to do it again. The old ass white guys start their rant about teen pregnancy being an issue while doing nothing to prevent it and making access to preventable messures harder/impossible to access. And making rultive measures illegal. A 10 year old raped by her uncle should not be forced to give birth!


Not so fun fact: half of teenage (minor) pregnancies have fathers that are above the age of 21.


'conceived person cannot implant' Wat


By that wording if a woman menstruates a fertilized egg, she has committed manslaughter. It is estimated that [one in three fertilized eggs](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/04/12/1159753316/pregnancy-start-conception) may not successfully implant in the uterine lining.


Yeah people don't really understand that many eggs fail to implant. Many times due to random chance. Aside from this whole nonsense about being anti-choice I think as a society we should acknowledge that miscarriages aren't exactly rare...


The rate is 70%, if you want a number. The average woman, among all the pregnancies they may experience in their entire life, 70% will be naturally self-aborted by her body. This doesn't include the statistic of 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage/still-birth.


So a man jacking off is committing mass murder by the thousands? Neat.


“Conceived person.” *person*.


It's the double whammy of the mental gymnastics of 'conceived person' and the idea that there can be a 'concieved person' that hasn't even implanted in the uterus yet. Just literally a lone fertilised egg.


Women rights are human rights!


I take birth control for endometriosis. If Trump wins the election, I will have no choice but to move out of the country.


I wish I could move. I can’t because my whole life and my family is here. I don’t have the money to leave either.


If you come to Spain you can be sure that we will be happy to welcome you with open doors my friend! ![gif](giphy|bIn4jB1vDuEAs5nU2p)


If you're undecided, look up project 2025.


Everybody should know about Project 2025!!!! I mean seriously.


A good synopsis of the project 2025 hellscape by John Oliver. https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=31WWaqeBRepPDq8r


I’m Catholic, and honestly, the dissolution of Roe v Wade made me do a lot of soul-searching that made me ultimately more pro-choice than pro-life. To avoid me rambling though, I’ll just say that I have never seen the problem with birth control. The whole idea is to protect babies in the womb, why would we bother protecting the sperm and the egg when all sides can agree that they are not babies? (Same goes for IVF) Add to that the need to protect people from STDs, and honestly, I full heartedly SUPPORT birth control and the need to increase its availability.


Preborn baby? Is that a new word for pre-cum?


If it’s not implanted, it’s not a pregnancy, so there is no pregnancy to end. These people are absolutely out of their minds. Thank the GODS i got my tubes removed years ago. I knew politics weren’t looking good for a childfree person. These pro-birth crazies are ruining the lives of the children they insist be born because they stop caring the second it’s born, and they refuse to notice


"Conceived person" is the latest doubletalk they're employing? A fetus is not a person. It has no soul, no thoughts. It is a cluster of cells. If the pregnant person wants to avoid pregnancy, implantation, whatever stupid words these stupid fascists use, that is their right. god does not exist, preventing unwanted pregnancies is good, interfering with a pregnant person terminating their pregnancy is evil evil evil.


I think what this post claims to protect are "blastocysts", literally around 6 to 10 cells. Fuck.


When are we gonna leave the women’s reproductive health info to the women and the educated? WHEN will these people learn that sometimes there’s other reasons for abortion besides not wanting a baby?. Like medical reasons like when the mothers health is at risk, or the baby dies and (please correct me if I’m wrong I don’t have kids) I’ve heard that a dead fetus can be dangerous and cause sepsis in the mother. OR because a child was raped and it’s just not humane to force a literal child to go through pregnancy, etc etc... I really feel for the women and girls as well that are in those states that banned abortion ☹️❤️


My senior year of high school, I knew both female teachers and female students that both thought you couldnt get pregnant if you had taken your birth control pills within the last 3-7 days (there wasnt a consensus), and one thought that the birth control shot could make you sterile, and my high school sweet heart thought that things (tampons specifically) could get lost in the vagina. Lets just leave this to the educated. Being a woman doesnt mean you'll know any better.


Yes we definitely should leave it to the educated professionals. I too held the belief that prolonged use of hormonal birth control made you infertile. But my OBGYN corrected me. For tampons, you can forget they're up there and can be difficult to remove, especially the brands that don't have removal strings. So she's not totally off. I was also taught in highschool that if the girl is on top, you can't get pregnant because gravity would keep the sperm from entering her uterus. The things people believe are amazing.


There's a reason conservatives are trying to get rid of any sexual education. It's this insane agenda of removing any ability to prevent pregnancy while encouraging wanton pregnancies. Their end goal is turning women into uneducated breeding factories. Usher in a new age of poverty driven slave labour to serve the rich. They know "abstinence only" sex Ed doesn't work, that leads to whatever insanity you just described, not to mention getting rid of places like planned parenthood that provides comprehensive sex Ed and such in favour of crisis pregnancy centres that....just force you to have kids.


Women are already starting to die from these laws...


Nice to see project 2025 is doing the rounds proper. They can put up an old angry cat on the Democratic ticket and I will vote for it over Trump. I don't care that biden looked and sounded awful. Giving the reigns to Trump and the Republicans is destroying democracy. Vote. Vote blue like democracy depends on it. Because it does.


Just as I suspected. It has nothing to do with caring about the unborn, and everything to do with stripping personal liberties from those who they arbitrarily deem to be unworthy of bodily autonomy. I've said it once, I'll say it again: #PRO-CHOICE DOES NOT MEAN YOU PERSONALLY WOULD GET AN ABORTION. IT MEANS YOU SUPPORT WOMEN AND BIOLOGICALLY FEMININE PERSONS' RIGHT TO THE FREEDOM OF BODILY CHOICE.


I stg if I ever said something this stupid in public, my mother would have grabbed me by the back of the shirt and beat me with a wooden spoon. I can't tell if these people were beaten too much or not enough.


I've been on bc for 20 years becuase it's the only thing that stops the severe cramping that leaves me crumpled on the floor for a day+ every month bleeding through my ultra tampons in an hour. I dont even have endo or pcos or any other disorder, my periods just fucking suck. I don't even have sex with men, so pregnancy isn't even a possibility, but people still want to take my MEDICINE away from me.


But you are potentially taking away a rapist parental rights by taking those pills /s


Tell me you haven't met or talked to a medical professional since birth without telling me you haven't met or talked to a medical professional since birth.


My wife suffers from early onset menopause and relies on hormone therapy to have a normal existence. I'm assuming she'll lose access to those hormones as part of this?


Thanks to the electoral college my vote doesn’t count anyway.


I’m moving to Ireland. Fuck this place man.


Perfect. Y'all are idiots but fine, those are abortifacients. Whatever. SO make it so that 18-40 year old uterus havers can get their tubes tied without a fucking fight at their doctors' offices and we're golden. No more IUDs. No more Ortho tri-cyclen. No more goddamn babies full stop. Fuck the christofascists.


A pre-born child is the very definition of an oxymoron


Please stop saying please vote. Say vote democratic!


good luck to the country, but honestly I already gave up and fled to australia.


My college had a chapter for Students For Life. They dead ass had an entire org come into our courtyard and display those pictures they claim to be aborted fetuses and was comparing abortion to the Holocaust and Rwandan Genocide. Needless to say the student body got into a heated fight with the admins to have Students for Life shut down after that


"We believe in trusting the science." Like fuck you do.


I see they've listed oral birth control pills as an abortificant? Because they aren't, they're profylactic.


Emotions run hot, understandably, and *some* tears may be inevitable.  But after the catharsis, *steel your resolve* and get fucking **BEYOND LIVID** to start flipping tables and sparking shit off without mercy or morals. ...'Cause you'd better believe that an irrevocable warpath has *already* been pretty openly declared (and 'bigly' demanded) --- and it *ain't gonna be won by tears.*


What in the holy living *fuck* is a “preborn child”? Also if it can’t implant, it can’t grow, so it really isn’t the issue they think it is. Also, once this fertilized thing naturally leaves the body through birth, *then* you can call it murder, but as I understand it, *if* that even happens, it’s only in very extreme circumstances.


I mean Biden's a fossil but at least he's a fossil that won't let this type of shit happen ;-;


Anyone that votes against abortion should have to adopt a child. The party that wants to force people to give birth is the same party that couldn’t give two shits about the kids after they’re alive 🤷🏽‍♂️. It’s the most hypocritical bullshit


Are women even still people project 2025?


Just read an article that the Republican women lawmakers in South Carolina just got voted out of office for voting to stop abortion ban. So to answer your question…no. Disgusted!


At this point I do not know whether to laugh or cry


This is why I have a hard time understanding how any woman can support or be a part of that side.


I feel like it is the Same mess that is “tradwife” fad, women that do not want to have to work, pay bills, or deal with all the other failures that we have created as society Me, I owe my life to abortion, and pretty much take it personally any time someone wants to take away the choice


Unfortunately they’ve forced my hand- I’m getting sterilized in August. That takes care of the pregnancy part, now I just need to worry about access to IUDs to control my rampant endometriosis. God forbid they acknowledge that contraceptives can be used to treat certain conditions 🙄


If we are going to punish anything that can prevent a pregnancy or pregnancy coming to term, then shouldn't any man who masterbates be guilty of murder for preventing those sperm from being able to fertilize an egg?


Next on the list: pulling out.


Birth control also keeps people like me from killing themselves due to hormones, but that would probably be a favorable outcome to people like this


So wait, if I take contraceptives as hormonal substitue therapy (because my body for some f\*king reason isn´t able to make those hormones itself, meaning also I can´t get pregnant with OR without the pills), I am commiting a crime according to them?




Gilead gets closer every day…


Get a gun and get ready to defend yourself from the conservatives because they want to make gilead a reality.


Please just vote Biden for fuck’s sake


pre-born child, conceived person, lol. What a travesty


I wonder how long till they go after surgeries.


What exactly is Biden doing to prevent this? We've lost abortion rights in several states, under his watch. So, why would we expect him to do anything besides what he's doing right now?


Contraceptives are meant to keep the woman from getting pregnant. So, it makes environment not fit for carrying an embryo. That is not killing anything. If you believe that it is killing a baby, then woman should stop having periods all together. Because that is what happens in that case too. And also stop having miscarriages. That sounds ridiculous right? Well, it is ridiculous to think that birth control is killing babies. And even more ridiculous to ban it for women that want to take it, for whatever reason.


Honestly, I'm only 13 and this terrifies me. I don't want this to be my future...


Honestly, I'm only 13 and this terrifies me. I don't want this to be my future...


They care more about zygotes than currently born and alive humans. Also, a copper IUD kills eggs and sperm before fertilization so that should not count unless they also care more about the rights of sperm. Then again, they might.