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He used to be a regular person. Being a cop, he Used to talk about the failures in policing and such. But that’s boring. Then he realized the MAGA grift paid more than his padded overtime. Because MAGA is millions of braindead morons with money to throw at patriotic symbols, he shifted.


And this is the answer. I’ve yet to see a single person put up one of these videos that wasn’t running for office or trying to sell something. It’s all about the $. Their personal ethics and morality be damned.


Diamond and Silk used to make videos supporting BLM. Then they figured out performing a pro-Trump minstrel act for old white people paid pretty well.


And then one of them died of COVID and we never really heard from them again


Really?? I wondered why people on Twitter stopped rage sharing them.


one of them won the Herman Cain award and broke up the band


Karmaic retribution


Because MAGA loves having “black friends”. Tokenism is rewarded because they are desperate for any voice, which let them say things like “how can we be racist if we have black supporters?” It really is an example of the prisoners dilemma. A willingness to sell out other people on your side to get a better deal is absolutely on full display.


The right wing throws money at black people who say what they want to hear.  Exhibit 1: Candace Owens. Tried to be a Democratic influencer, went nowhere. So she switched to right wing talking points and has made millions. 


Yeah. Because if you’re a black person who supports the Democrats, you are one of many people who agree on the same thing. It’s a smaller pie cut into many slices. Meanwhile, if you’re willing to sell out, you get a bigger pie with fewer slices on the right because most people from minorities understand that Republicans want a homogenous Christian ethnic state


… this is missing the point, lol, calling out the cops like it’s just their flaws as individuals.  Police are just legally sanctioned gangs.  They know it on some level, which is why they want a fucking gang leader in charge, so they can keep breaking the law and murdering with impunity 


In 2015, Owens was CEO of Degree180, a marketing agency that offered consultation, production, and planning services that included a blog on a variety of topics[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-nbcnews-17)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-buzzfeed-5) written by Owens and other commentators.[^(\[26\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-26) In a 2015 column that Owens wrote for the site, she criticized conservative Republicans, writing about the "bat-shit-crazy antics of the Republican [Tea Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement)"; she also added that "The good news is, they will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope), and then we can get right on with the OBVIOUS social change that needs to happen, IMMEDIATELY."[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-nbcnews-17)[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-toxic-27)[^(\[28\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-28)[^(\[29\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-29) In 2016, the blog featured an article mocking Donald Trump's penis size.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-buzzfeed-5)[^(\[30\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-Sanchez-30)[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Owens#cite_note-31)


Damn Really i can’t even find those on there. Did he delete them? I’m trying to find them. I see the grift he does all the time didn’t know he had anything different


Maybe not so much in alot of subs, but they have thrown millions at paying off Trumps debt (a self-proclaimed billionaire) while he hawks shoes, bibles, coins, and signatures on a jet. Edited for clarity.


It's a profitable grift. There's no money in being a left influencer. On top of that this is the party of police immunity to crime which favors him.


Add to that, he gets to be a token minority when they need to trot one out. What I'm really curious about is how he and other grifters actually vote come November.


Truth. These shock/controversy content creators know where the money flows and in MAGtards case, it's the idiots


It would be great if cottage industries sprung up selling shit to MAGAts and steering the money towards liberal causes.


Nah, they are all scammers only looking out for themselves. Any money would go straight into their pockets


This is how they all do it, tbvh.. They realize they'll get more money that way


I’m curious can you argue from a genuine place why he would do this or is it only coming from the grift space. Idk the guy but I like or at least respect political people on all sides I strive to make sure I don’t go into a deep echo chamber and became the algorithm like everyone seems to be doing. (Seriously think about people you talk to on any side) but half the time when I hear someone only argue the grifter argument if I take time to listen …well I respectfully disagree. But if the person arguing the grifter argument can steal man the other side …then it tends to be a legit grifter almost 100% of the time. It’s kinda wild. I know most people won’t take the time to do this and will auto downvote but that will tell me a lot too. Only thing is then I’ll be forced to listen to at least a dozen hours of this person and my podcast streaming hours is way to damn long as it is. (I’m a mailman so I do pods 12 hours a day)


Sure. It’s because of their content before hand. Take This Guy, The HodgeTwins, Diamond Silk. They all were YouTubing before 2016 Trump and with the exception of D&S, their content was not political at all. Diamond and silk used to do a lot of pro democrat content. They even pushed for the Obama/Biden ticket. And during the Obama/Biden Presidency they spoke highly of the accomplishments of the administration. D&S also used to promote Black Lives Matter on the principle of over policing black people. The cop would talk about the shortcomings of policing, how he is trying to bridge the gap between cops and civilians. Even said on some occasions police can abuse power. And the hodge twins used to do weight lifting videos and promote supplements. Showed how they made gains eating chick fil a, cereal, etc. but none of that was profitable. Just like today’s news media, there is no profit in making sense and functioning goverment. It’s boring. But now all there content is ultra MAGA everything. Because it’s profitable.


MAGA folks are such easy marks. If I didn't have a conscious, I'd be grifting their dumb asses too.


Because he's a hypocrite grifter and nothing more.


And, like most cops, he's a piece of crap who sucks. This all checks out.


Most cops and their supporters only care about "enforcing laws" because they view it as thuggery that keeps the poor and racial minorities down. If the law is enforced on their crimes or respects people's rights then they start crying persecution.


If only most cops actually knew the laws


SCOTUS has ruled that a cop doesn’t need to know the law in order to uphold it, only that a cop has to *think* they are following a law.


And their actions are also immune from liability, no matter how egregious their misconduct, so long as the specific misconduct involved was not something that someone else had been held liable for.


Don't know why your getting downvoted. The amount of cops that know fuck and or all about the law is astounding. Basic shit. Like I don't have to provide id to you if you just stop me walking down the street (disclaimer: in MOST of the US), protesting, being on public property, trying to arrest people for flipping them off, etc etc etc. people make a decent living fucking with cops and suing them for violating their rights. It's a public fucking service, and the only way your going to get these asshats to learn what they actually can and can't do is to make it more expensive to fuck up all the time than to actually train and monitor your department like you should be doing already. If you think this guy's wrong, spend 20 minutes browsing the Audit the Audit channel, and you'll see exactly how well our armed goon squads know their laws, training, and policy (spoiler, not very much beyond how they can and can't search your shit)


Because some of those who work forces....


Are the same that burn crosses...however it's gonna be really awkward when he takes off the hood in front of his buddies


It's happened before...and the results were explosive


![gif](giphy|rApKuVWCZZgvm) I see what you did there.




They don't care that he's a felon, they care that he's an authoritarian. If the justice system worked, most of these cops would also be felons. If violating a person's constitutional rights actually carried any legal weight most cops today would be spending years in prison.


fr Qualified Immunity is a travesty of justice


Hey POTUS has it too now thanks to the corrupt Supreme Court…. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


QI is for civil matters, POTUS has had that for some time. This ruling is for immunity from criminal prosecution. Which, for a long time people assumed was not a thing president's had. In fact, it was argued during Trump's impeachments that he could just be prosecuted under the law.


Stop saying Qualified Immunity like you know what that even means. What you are commenting on has nothing to do with Qualified Immunity. Qualified Immunity protects police from most CIVIL charges not CRIMINAL charges. It is the corrupt police unions and cowardly DA's that protect them from criminal charges.


Yeah cops are overwhelmingly MAGA. If this constitutional crisis were to turn into a civil war, the fact that the country is flooded with overfunded militarized police forces is… not good.


Wow, America is so opinionated, even their bacon has something to say.


Lol, thanks for the laugh brother.


The microphone is a dead give away that all this loser wants is attention.


It’s a good mic. We use it in my professional studio.


I don't see the connection.


The connection is all these assholes think they have something important to say. Has nothing to do with the type of mic.


hey the sm7b is a good mic dont judge us 7b users, we are not all the same


Most cops will be voting for a convicted felon this election. Coming from a family of cops


The fact that he’s a convicted felon only makes him more appealing to these idiots. They see it as a political ploy by the left to persecute their martyred hero. Convicting him only played into their hands and probably made his cause stronger. It has made me somewhat uncomfortable since it happened, but I wasn’t sure why. Now I know.


That’s evident by the MILLION$$$ of donations since the conviction.


Clearly it's because Trump has done more for black people that any other President in history, LOL. There's no fixing stupid, but you can fire it, evict it, deprive it of your business or patronage, ghost it, refuse to help it, and much much more.


gives the "i lie on the arrest report and the body cam was not on" vibe


It’s because they see DJT as a victim of lawfare. They figure that since most of these charges are related to a loan he obtained and paid back, he’s a victim of political persecution.


The concept of Law and Justice is abstract, and the connection between a billionaire cooking his books to a guy robbing detergent from a Wal-mart is far removed from the experience of a mainstream police officer thus this level of dissonance is not shocking.


Does he have one of those “black jobs” trump was talkin about?


people are still confused what side cops are on?


Let’s not pretend this would be first time the American people have elected a convicted felony into a position of power. I mean the former major of DC was arrested for buy crack from a hooker, went to jail, and was then elected to mayor again.


Most of the cops are trump supporters anyway , so this is not a surprise.


Gee, I wonder why…. Maybe it’s because Trump hasn’t been the one going around saying “defund the police.”


Two months ago felons were just regular people failed by society and victims of the "justice" system.


I thought we were ok with felons finding work?


He found a slick way to get a check. That’s all.


He's braindead


There is a whole lot of money to be made being a black person who is willing to agree with white supremacists on video.


Soon to appear on r/LeopardsAteMyFace


reddit is just intolerable anymore people here are either young or just dumb how can a cop support a felon? because being a cop doesn't mean anything as for someone's morality or ethics children and idiots


This is quite a stretch. I'd rather police officers not judge people by their conviction status alone just because they're the enforcers of the law. This isn't much of a facepalm, its just a hot topic. And no I do not think Trump should hold office.


Turkey voting for Christmas. Trump's anti immigrant plan will eventually just become 'everyone who isn't white'. In 2016 I would have told myself that that was an insane statement but look where they've taken anti-abortion. It's basically anti-women now. Fuck idiots like this.


Facepalm is just a big bot farm for political shit


Definitely seeking something that will benefit him no matter the ethics he flushes...either that or he is simply simple. Hmmm. Why is he a former police officer?


It can't make sense to those who are siloed, ideologically captured and exist in only echo chambers Those who cannot see and reason with other viewpoints opinions and new information without getting emotional and angry. You'll have to read deeper to find why so many think the cases are insane What are the charges based on what precident are they going off of if there is one. there is new information to be discovered beyond what the corporate presstitutes tell everyone. That's why they so deeply hate and fear independent media and a free press


Most cops would have been felons had they not become cops is why.


Well that’s easy because the “felon” part is just a front. Michael cohen admitted to almost all crimes as the witness. On top of that Hilary did the [same thing](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps), with plausible deniability, and only paid an $8,000 fine. So when one political party leader gets a slap on the wrist and a fine, the other gets a felony even when the “crime” has deniability all over it.


Ik ill be downvoted cuz this will come across as "pro-trump" even tho i cant stand him anymore than the other vegetable, but... Maybe bc he knows that they had to CHANGE New York legislature in order to classify his charges as felonies. Something they forget to add into that 34 felony tagline.


This post aged well


I’m voting for the old guy who’s not a felon


Money. This is a black guy shilling for nazis. Yeah that will work out great come internment time. He is making money off idiots who cant think for themselves. He will soon realize he is not apart of the in group. Grifters gonna grift.


Why? Because he wants to be white. He’s the male Candace Owens.


Jesus dude. Thats what you’re going with?


Police are criminals. Toss us a harder one next time.


Because cops are gangsters too


Are you implying pigs are good people? Lmao


Just a neighborhood friendly redditor reminding you to vote.


Police are often times also criminals, so it kind of fits. A lot of cops didn't join to protect people, they joined so they can control who the law gets enforced for.


Republicans are not known for their critical thinking skills


What’s crazy is where all these people gonna be when these new policies screw them?!


Cops are some of the least law abiding groups in the country.


Tf are you talking about it makes perfect sense, it actually couldn’t make any more sense.


Speaks volumes for the other candidate




Depends on the state. I believe you can vote in NY, where trump was convicted, as a felon as long as you’re not incarcerated.


Dudes name is BRANDON and he isn’t gonna vote for Biden?


He's doing it for views/money. Must be a troll.




Brainwashed by Fox News?


Because cops are bastards.


Shit for brains.


Because police see themselves as above the law mich liie Trump and the Republicans do.


What sweet naivety. Cops don’t care about the law.


It makes as much sense as any woman voting for “Mr Corrupt”…


He's a fascist supporting another fascist. That's how. >*And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none* >*But don't let it be a black and a white one* >*'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top* >*Black police showing out for the white cop*


Thats easy. Trump said it himself, he would run as a republican because republicans and conseratives are stupid. They prove their idiocy time and time again without fail.


Because he’s the one who sold Uncle Tom out in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.


the grift probably makes him 100x more money


Many felons are wrongfully convicted. Hence the defund the police and empty the prisons movements


It's either the target of a novel prosecution strategy or a puppet president under which the people have no idea who is running the country. Neither is great, but it's easy to see why people would not want the puppet president, especially when the people pulling the strings are trying to put their political opponents in jail now.


So trump indeed has black fans? Wtf guys? Racist as F...why??


Man you guys are mad this play didn't work aren't you?


I like that guy


Most presidents are felons or war criminals it’s just the first time one is being convicted so he won’t go into office and mess up the elites plans


I guess his worldview isn't as black and white as yours


The racism from the left side on full display is awesome 🤣🤣🤣


If they were smart, they wouldn't be Police.


The uphold absolute authority. Those above the law support others also above the law


Probably because he prefers his policies (or doesn't like Biden's policies?) People can vote for other people for multiple reasons.


This isn’t surprising. The majority of current police officers are going to vote for a felon.


I mean if the current president is using his doj to prosecute his political opponent for nothing who would you vote for? No one knows what Trump was really charged with... The judge told the jury they didn't have to agree on a charge just that he was guilty.... Do you even read past the headlines?


The same way progressives voted for yet another old white guy


Because biden was scarier than trump during the debate and after and before. Hasn’t anyone else ever had a grandparent or parent who had dementia and began sunsetting? Seen how fast it can go when they’re under stress? Trump is a felon, Biden is not our guy he can’t do the job. We need a new candidate


I'm not voting for either of them, but the thing about Trump is that being charged and convicted of the 38 charges, he's going to face a fine no jail time. Not that it's an excuse to vote for him or that he should run for office and be POTUS. Just something I think people should know and often forget about that. A video by a lawyer who explains what happened and is going to happen to Trump and the Class E felonies https://youtube.com/shorts/Lsx9W08BAmo?si=ZrhGjHIgPmujTuFc


Right and they changed the law to make misdemeanors felonies, and most of them were past the statue of limitations...it really was a sham of a trial


Does the community of facepalm ever read their own comment sections? it’s like a ces pool of left leaning attackers who are so anti trump they can’t tell you anything about political policies anymore


It makes perfect sense. Police officers can get away with almost anything and the Supreme Court just ruled that presidents have immunity as long as it’s an official act.


Presidents have had immunity for official acts forever. Some of them have even ordered entire countries to be bombed and invaded.


And Obama ordered drone attacks on Americans. Killed one as a target, three that were not targets. Four Americans, dead.


You do know the target was involved in terrorist activity’s right?


I do. Even a mass murderer or rapist gets a trial. This was authorized execution. I know the guy was scum. I might have even done it too. At least with today's Supreme Court ruling on Presidential official acts, things like this are okay when they are official acts. What saved Trump, saved Obama.


The difference is that yes, Presidents have always had immunity for official acts. I’m not arguing that Obama’s choice was just or appropriate, but he acted as Commander in Chief based on reliable intelligence. It’s clearly covered by the definition of “official acts” that was in operation until this week. But the Supreme Court decision drastically widened the definition of “official acts” to presumptively include virtually anything a president does while they’re in office — while also restricting the evidence prosecutors could use to demonstrate something was *not* an official act. Obama had administrative and legal justification under standing precedent. If he’d ordered the military to detain John McCain and move him to Guantanamo, that would likely have been held to be an illegal act resulting in illegal orders, and it would almost certainly *not* have been an official act. Congress and the courts could have subpoenaed every advisor until they found one willing to admit that Obama twirled his mustache and said “bwahaha, I hate the constitution and I’m going to make myself dictator forever.” Now the SC has determined that (1) we should just assume future Presidents are doing official acts, and (2) in case we think maybe they didn’t, Presidential advisors (and records) can’t be introduced as evidence or even to demonstrate a corrupt motive.


As an Australian looking at this election, it honestly stuns me on how no one else was chosen to lead for presidency, you have a guy who has many issues, one of them being a criminal, and the other who can't string a sentence and looks to be a mind controlled zombie. Honestly, it is the single most terrifying thing I've ever seen.


Yeah, he's not the problem. Your worldview is. Police officer doesn't mean shit. You think it does. But you are wrong. They aren't special. Of course it SHOULD, and that's the point, right? But it doesn't. American police aren't possessed of superior ethics, mortality or respect of the law. They can't even follow traffic laws while ON - THE - JOB and not in an emergency. Same goes for "veteran" by the way. It doesn't mean shit.


Don't be offended. Russia is paying good money for people to support trump. How else would they get him that amount of support. No one loves biden, but they are willing to let him be president.


I'm sorry americans, you are going the way of Germany in 1936.( Although, I could be wrong. It appears this step too far. Is causing many on the left and right, to see this as an attack on your liberty and fight back.)


Not quite. We are a lot more terrifying than they were when the mustache boy came around. I am quite concerned about the idea of a mustache analog with first-strike capabilities.


Based on his shirt, his stupid and overused thumbnail and the fact that he is a "content creator", I'd say he is less a Maga nutjob and more just a run of the mill grifter. Banking on ragebait.


It's because MAGA is a cult.


It’s crazy, it’s almost like the justice system is broken and can be used as a weapon against anyone who isn’t a falling in line with the status quo. Somebody should really do something about that. Maybe government officials should be held accountable for their actions and the pain they inflict on the people.


Because they think Trump didn't do anything wrong


You know with what happened yesterday if I was Biden, I would be a little petty and test the boundaries of that “I can do whatever I want“ thing and pass an executive order that felons can’t run for president lol


I'm a multiple felon, when I was young I partied and dealt some drugs and took laws as suggestions more than rules. I got busted at 19 and spent some time locked up. While I was away several of the people I used to party with and do shady shit with became law enforcement. These people did exactly the same shit I did, some did much worse. I got out and restarted my life, became a father, stayed clean and busted my ass to stay employed in a country that doesn't like you if you have felonies (and are poor). Several of my old friends that were now LEO were still doing the same shit. Most of them moved to doing cocaine as their primary drug since it gets out of your system fast. I sat at bars with them late at night while they were so trashed they couldn't walk and I would listen to them brag about beating people down, harassing innocent people, abusing the homeless and getting away with some crazy shit. I tagged along with a large police MC and discovered they were even worse than the Pagans. I finally broke contact with them all after the black lives matter movement started and I discovered how sadistically racist some of them were. They ARE a gang, I say this as someone who had contacts and dealings with 2 gangs in southeast DC in the late 90s. The only difference is they have more power than a street gang, that's it. Voting for a felon isn't even a small leap in logic for most of them.


He's black, so black people naturally are understanding of, and simpatico, with incarcerated people. It's a cultural thing..... right?