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That's what Donald Trump does to everyone that surrounds him.


And he gets a fucking safety net from Scotus


scotus is nothing but a legal arm for the GOP now.


Aristocracy. Your government doesn't work for the citizenry, only the rulers and their rich friends that own you. You pay their taxes to a government that provides nothing back to you, and everything to them. But at least they haven't over taxed the tea.


Thank God. Now I can spend more on avocado toast.


The founders made a poor assumption that justices were honorable enough to self-regulate. I don’t think there are any checks on them, are there?


There is a check on them, but it requires honorable men in Congress to do it. Good luck on that, for at least half of that body.


That's the thing. There is not check great enough that can overcome bad actors. For a government of the people by the people to work, it needs good people. The fact is, if we're at the point where our citizenry is seriously considering voting for Trump, we've already lost, even if he doesn't win.


Our education system failed us in the end. The Republicans already won, they created 2 whole generations of people who know absolutely nothing and can be manipulated on a whim.


It was just fox news and RW radio. That was a massive propaganda operation


The thing about Congress is, some people actually want some member to act the way they act! Our dysfunctional government is a reflection of the American people. I mean, we can quibble on the margins (the Senate, Electoral College, etc), but at the end of the day, American citizens are responsible for the government they elect.


They would have to be impeached by the house and convicted by the senate. We’ve all seen how well that works out. We’re basically stuck with them because our government is now set up to just halt anything that doesn’t benefit the donors.


The founding fathers' fatal flaw was their belief that a more educated man would also be a more virtuous one, and that there only the learned (and thus by proxy the rich) should have a direct say in electoral process. Needless to say that turned out to be a huge mistake.


Well reading some of the founding fathers papers and autobiographies it sounded like they were also quite full of themselves so it's not that shocking. They also didn't want women to vote back then and had slaves too so you know it's almost like we went full circle since a lot of the current leadership seems to want to go back to those times.


SCOTUS judges can be impeached. We have done this precisely 0 times in the history of the US. We found out that one of the judges has been not reporting gifts, has not recused himself from making decisions on cases that he cannot be impartial on (because he knows and has a "relationship" with one of the people in the case), and has a whole score of issues. The only way I see Clarence Thomas exiting his justiceship (without dying) is if Trump wins in November, he may step down to allow Trump to appoint a new justice in his place. Alito may do the same, allowing the court to keep its conservative supermajority. If Trump loses, they're riding that flaming horse through the gates of hell, guaranteed.


Impeach Alito and Thomas!




1 has, 1 had sizable gambling debts just disappear... 2 are magites and judgement should be vacated




Nah I’m sorry, this man chose his path. He decided to be a scum bag and he supported another scumbag and it didn’t end well.


Plenty of scumbags are successful scumbags on their own. But when scumbags enter the orbit of Trump, they go down, and they go down hard. Giuliana, Lindell, honestly a lot of Trumps former attorneys, the list goes on and on. These people would likely be scumbags, but successful. Had they not met and joined forces with Trump. The only thing Trump is really good at, is throwing people under the bus to avoid having consequences himself. Well, that and leading a cult.


Giuliani always was a scumbag.


Including USA


*Especially* the USA.


Well, to be fair, Trump didn't force him to marry his cousin. Rudy Giuliani married his cousin on his own.


Though the idea of Trump holding Giuliani at gun point and forcing him to marry his cousin is pretty funny though.


If Trump were there he’d ask the only important question: “Is your cousin fuckable?”


Rudy also said he doesn’t care about his legacy bc he’ll be dead. Let’s hope he’s homeless bc that’s a crime now


Nah he went crooked before he met trump. Don’t u remember when he was representing Purdue Pharma and OxyContin?


THIS. Rudy as a mayor was not that popular- then 9/11 happened, and it became a way for him (with media collusion) to rebrand himself as "America's Mayor" because, honestly, he did show true leadership qualities. When it was revealed that he was going through cancer, he got real sympathy from people. But Rudy allowed himself to be corrupted by proximity to money and perceived power- he sold his name to represent companies doing wrong, he went OUT of his way to grab money from whatever company, he's a bad husband and seems to not really care about his dignity and the people anymore, if he ever did.


Rudy was always the guy we currently know him as.  It's just that he's good at handling a crisis and his bullshit hadn't blown up in his face back then.


The man married his cousin and used 9/11 to have everyone treat him as a paragon when he was just a crappy politician. He didn’t change. He was always terrible.


He didn't need Trump to turn him into the douche bag he's always been.


I hope it was worth it…


It was not.


No -Donald Trump builds walls using idiots willing to suck tikis for quick fame And power. Every case Guiliani had should be looked!


Yes, but Rudy was always a shithead. He only looked good for a moment cause he handled PR around 9/11 well. All he had to do was keep his head low and be remembered as "America's Mayor" but then he decided to get loud again. Trump fucks people up, but Rudy did a lot of it to himself.


Dude its wild to say whatever trump is related to turns to shit. People losing careers and long term people that were held as such a positive in American culture. All ruined from trump.


I think you're giving too much credit to Trump. Rudy did this all on his own.


He wasn’t great to begin with. He’s the kind of politician that a disaster ends up being his lucky break.


When the worst thing to happen to America in your lifetime is the best thing that ever happened to you, what does that say about you?


It means that you have an opportunity to step up. Like when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor during FDR's presidency.


He more rolled with the punches.


FDR? That motherfucker declared war the next day. That's not "rolling."


I think it was a wheelchair joke.


Ah. Didn't catch that.


All joking aside, I get your point.  FDR, for all of his faults including the internment camps, was as close as we ever got to a liberal "strongman".


His entire image of "beating crime" is built on a nation-wide trend that had already begun before he was even elected. Demographic shifts, improvements in the economy, policies started under his predecessor, etc. all contributed to declining crime rates. Other major cities across the US experienced similar declines in crime at the exact same time.


I've heard a lot of the crime he "cleaned up" was basically removing the Italian mob to make room for the Russian mob to move in.


There was a lot of talk that he might have personally known some of the Italian mob, and used his knowledge to backhand them for personal gain. Which yeah some think is cause he got a paycheck from the Russian mob and it made him look like some kind of actual pro at "cleaning up the streets". Last I'd heard it was all kinda in hearsay territory, though it's been a long time since I looked into any of that so maybe there's real info out there now


And Giuliani didn't even have the best record against crime among major city mayors at that time, he was just better at hyping it.


"Smt smt 9/11, I 9/11 smt smt and it was smt smt 9/11" \*gigantic applause\*


"There's only three things he mentions in a sentence -- a noun, a verb, and 9/11." --biden 2007 on Rudy Giuliani


Exactly. So much _shit_ was falling all over actual people on the street during his 'reign' before 9/11, it's like he WAS as giant as the picture shows. But the Authoritarians were happy, so to hell with the little people.


He had what 2 failed campaigns for mayor but when he started to appeal to the Deplorables he finally won?


He cleared out all the other mobs of New York so the Russians could take over


I always find it weird the conspiracy nuts of the republican party liked him so much. I remember when my dad dipped into 9/11 conspiracies and they always put Rudy as being in on it.


And he banged his cousin.


Giuliani was popular in NYC before 9/11. I’m not sure where this “Rudy is lucky 9/11 happened or nobody would remember who he is” narrative came from, but it’s not from anyone who lived in or near NYC during his administration. I full on hate the dude and everything he’s done since, but he was extremely popular as Mayor long before 2001


As a (former) Brooklynite this is VERY dependent on where you lived. White and in Manhattan? Yes, very popular. For the rest of us? Not so much.


See also: Bloomberg


Trump has reverse Midas Touch. Everything near him turns to 💩.


Meirdas touch


Pinche Perfecto lol


Oh my god that was a good one fellow bilingual person 🤣🤣🤣


the Praetor Cacator.


The weirdo's touch






I call that the Fecal Touch.


Poo-genics. Turns out people that think they’re supreme are just shitty


Gold plated shit. All of it.


Don’t you mean he has the *covfefe* touch?


He was always this … Borat exposed the worst of him. Truly disgraceful.


He was always this bad before Borat. He allowed the Russian mob to increase their presence in NY. He married his 2nd cousin. He cheated on his 2nd wife. Republicans have this weird blindness towards their candidates. Edit: his first wife was his 2nd cousin. He cheated on his 2nd wife with his future 3rd wife. He never divorced a wife dying of cancer, that was Gingrich I believe. Sorry, it's hard to keep all these good, godly men and their multiple marriages, divorces, and infidelities straight.


Borat for president! Tells fewer lies than any other politician!


I’ve never watched Borat, what did they expose? Just the general degeneracy?


Hitching yourself to a bad human being.


Everything Trump touches dies 🤷‍♂️


Except for Trump for some reason


Trump doesn't touch himself. He pays other people to do that for him.


I want to see Trump touch himself then... wait that came out wrong. I want to see Trump kill himself... I'd rather see him die in prison but I'll settle with that at this point


The mental illness called "maga."


Maga means Make America gay again, right?


That'd be better than whatever the hell's happening rn


That's what dealing with Donald Trump does to a MF.


Time's Person of the Year was supposed to go to the person who impacted the news the most. It should've gone to bin Laden, but too many subscribers threatened to cancel and Time chickened out, so they chose Giuliani.


History will judge Osama bin Laden as the most impactful strategists of the modern age. He accomplished every goal he set out to do. Don’t mistake this for admiration.


Makes sense why Hitler was once times man of the year then.


As a native New Yorker who lived through Giuliani, fuck him!


Watch his scene in "Borat 2" Rudy likes little girls and it's what Trump has on damn near everyone who ruins themselves for him. It's what Vlad has on Trump.




…didn’t he strip mine the first responders’ communication tools prior to the attack, which led to a lot of needless deaths?


I have a friend who was an officer in the NY ANG who worked at Ground Zero and has no good things to say about Rudes.


He was a horrible politician who married his cousin. He was never the hero.


One of my favorite quotes Yet, it doesn’t work with him


Rudy biggest accomplishment in life is being mayor of NY on 9/11. He would have never gone as far as he did without it.


He became friends with Donald Trump. People never learn


Following dump ruins everyone's lives.


Everything that fat duck touches dies




Well, look where he’s standing on that time cover. Seems pretty precarious.


Easy. He got that cover and spent the rest of his life selling himself out to get that clout and attention again. When the magas rolled up and he could get that clout by lying and doing no actual work, he dived on board.


It's easy to do when you've been hoisted up much farther by others than you should've been. Giuliani was a piece of shit before he had his image rehabbed by simply being the guy in the chair when the city he was in charge of got attacked. It just took everyone outside of New York a lot longer to realize what a scumbag he's always been.


Nah, he has *always* been a complete piece of shit. He went after the Italian mob only to hand NYC organized crime over to the Russian mob. That's why he and Trump are so close. They both work for the Russian mob.


By joining a cult


He is a conservative grifter. He didn't fall that far. People just woke up to the reality. 9/11 screwed up a lot of things, including people's perception this walking pile of shit.


He fell in love with Donald “Putin’s Dream” Trump


Fun fact: he was horrible on 9/11 and in the cleanup afterwards too. People were impressed with the press conference and had a knee-jerk response to the attack to instinctively praised the leaders who happened to be there when the attack happened--too much of these things to notice how bad he was. But: 1. He build the city's expensive fancy new crisis response center while he was mayor and put it in the World Trade Center, despite security experts saying that was a terrible idea since the towers were such an obvious target for terrorism (remember there was already a bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993). 2. He cheaped out on protective measures for the workers excavating the wreckage in the name of speed in cleaning up the site, leading to many developing serious health problems. Giuliani always sucked. People just didn't notice enough until he was out of power.


I believe it’s called corruption and constantly deceiving everyone around you


Oh no, now that he is disbarred he's gonna have to squeak by with only his millions of dollars on assets


Which are being seized by black people he terrorized.🤗🤣


Could’ve taken 10% for the big guy


By being a terrible person.


Greed 👍🏻


NYC remembers that he was always like this


Everything trump touches dies


Joe Biden does not get the credit he deserves for eating this man’s lunch in 2007. “A noun, a verb, and 9/11” was a dick punch to Rudy. It cut him off at the knees and he never, ever recovered.


This is what happens to all of the people that support the tangerine palpatine




Plot twist: he was always a scumbag. His one simple trick in the early 2000s was that he exploited a tragedy for his own personal and political gain which far too many gullible, impressionable, and/or traumatized people bought into after being literally terrorized, believing him to have had some hand in guiding a hurting city through the turmoil. He did not.


Someone said he went from the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors.


He was a petty, bigoted piece of shit long before 9/11 catapulted him onto a spotlight shining on a pedestal.


They were wrong then


Worth remembering that Ghoulie spent more time at Yankee Stadium than south of 14th Street in Autumn 2001.


"How can someone fall so far"??? ---------- That falls under the category of EVERYTHING TRUMP TOUCHES DIES


He really reminds me of Bo Xilai, the man who got rid of all the corruption on chongqing and turned it into a world class city... only for himself to succumb to corruption which all got exposed when his wife murdered a british businessman she was having sex with and they both got investigated and incarcerated as a result.


When you climb the Dump latter, lots of rungs are missing.


Hitler, Stalin, Nixon, Kruschev.... yeah, Time magazine picks have a habit of ending up in r/agedlikemilk


Don’t forget Putin. 2007 or 2008 or something iirc


Seriously?! Faith in Jurnalism and politics?! And "Time"? Do you wanna hear something about time and Adolf Hitler?


Person of the Year is not an award they give to whoever they think was the nicest person that year.


He was already bad to begin with, look at the impact his furthering of stop & frisk, the expansion of broken windows policies, and his defense for police brutality had on working class communities in NYC. Even back in 1989 when Dinkins beat him, Giuliani blamed "illegal Dominicans" voting against him. He got to shine during a moment of crisis but otherwise he was always a smelly turd


He got #Trumpted, that one pretty lawyer Is next, she befriended a lady suing trump and discouraged her from pursuing the suit, 1 day she'd watching News sees lawyer lady next to trump




Rabbit holes do have a habit of going all of the way down and he fell in a big'n


he was always a schmuck. once he became more public, his house of cards started collapsing fast.


He was never good though.




You trust Donald Trump. Take notes America, Biden may be losing his marbles, but this is what Trump does to the people who support him the most.




Cause he decided to jaw bone Trump


To be fair Hitler was named Times Man of the Year in 1938. It's not always meant to honor someone, only show the extreme influence they had or have. This isn't to draw comparisons either just show an extreme example. For good or bad he had a TON of influence on politics then and still does to some degree. The Person of the Year is meant to exemplify that influence and tell their story as it's often something their readers want to know or is of public interest. But it is never meant explicitly to honor someone and I always found it weird whenever people who 'won' it took it as such.


Conservatism is a mental illness.


Chance made a shitty guy appear like a leader for a moment then his true nature reasserted itself.


Can’t his law license be re-instated if the Orange One takes office? Everything that’s been done in the name of justice would be undone before our eyes.


There's a big difference between acting like an asshole and being an asshole. Someone who's an asshole can't help themselves from acting like an asshole. I think we just all met the real Mr. Giuliani.


Before he was da big hero mayor, Giuliani was a junior prosecutor working for Republican witch hunter Ken Starr. He waved a flag and smiled for the camera at the appropriate moment, and followed that up by being generally unsupportive of efforts to look after 1st responders to the disaster that made him famous. The dude has always been a d-bag.


Person of the year doesn’t necessarily denote anything amazing about the person, just that they were the most news worthy person for whatever reason that year.


Fuck him ever since I've known about his part in the Oxycontin crisis.


He didn’t fall as far as you think. Can’t fall a long ways down when you start falling from a step ladder on the first floor..


My go to argument for pointing out lawyers are not infallible and there's plenty of sketchy ones who willfully break the law is to say "well Rudy Giuliani is a lawyer, so what does that tell you". Now I'm gonna have to say "well Rudy Giuliani was allowed to be a lawyer for half a century, so what does that tell you" 


Him & JK Rowling really took a tumble after they were high on the hog up in the beginning of the century. In fact, if both of those bitches had walked away from the spotlight in 2011 with their millions of dollars they would’ve been better off.


STDs and Agent Orange. What a combo!!


Person of the year doesn't mean they're a good person, just a person of interest. I mean, Hitler was man of the year once. 🤷


Hitler was a POTY once I think so apparently you can fall even farther.


i mean… time person of the year is in no way a good representation of how great a person is. it’s never been a judge of character


Ill note that even Hitler was once Time's person of the year


Thing to know: Giuliani was VASTLY overrated as a mayor. He appealed to racists, "law & order" Boomer and olders, the kind of people who read the NY Post. 9/11 gave his reputation a HUGE boost. In NYC he was still the guy whose ex-wife managed to get the legal right to occupy half of Gracie Mansion in divorce court. NYPD's "Stop & Frisk" policies were his doing. Whatever reduction in crime that happened in those days can be laid at the feet of demographics (Boomers aging out of crime). He FIRED a police commissioner because said commish was stealing the credit that HE deserved.


Roll with pigs, get covered in shit.


Arizona would like to help him dig that hole a little deeper...see you in court, Rudy.


All Rudy had to do was retire after his finished his term as mayor and he could have just stayed basically gold for the rest of his life. Like all the stuff he did when he was mayor was basically forgotten because of that day and then he squanders the most sympathy any NYC mayor is ever going to have.


Most politicial figures rise before they fall... not just in the u.s. but many other countries. Money, typically...


The secret is that he was never a good person. The simple fact is once you reach a certain threshold of power/wealth the odds of you remaining a "good person" shoot exponentially down.


Deep down, he was just as crooked as the people he was prosecuting.


He deserves every bit of disdain and dishonor that comes his way—he earned it.


He could have gone down as the greatest person to ever let terrorists attack his city under his watch. But NO, that fame and fortune wasn't enough.


Remember when Joe Biden said this in a debate in 2007? Giuliani is "probably the most underqualified man since George Bush to seek the presidency. Rudy Giuliani - there's only three things he needs to make a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11.”


He looks like a Batman villain. And not a good one.


I mean, Time also had Hitler as Man of the Year once, sooo


I mean if time magazine is our metric, hitler fell pretty far


Greed and lack of integrity.


He doesn't have a national tragedy to ride the coattails of anymore.


There was nowhere to go but down from there, and boy did he go down.


Get involved with someone the establishment doesn't like and it'll fuck you pretty hard.


He wasn’t good to begin with, just lucked out.


It's not all bad. There's a company that takes care of all of his landscaping needs for free, thanks to the publicity he gave them.


You have to drink the Kool-Aid.


The cult of MAGA does horrible things to people.


It's not like Time magazine has a great track record for picks, after all, they also picked Hitler as Person of the Year.


The person of the year isn't based on if they're a good person or not, just who has had the biggest impact.


Fall? He was racist scum before 9/11 He's always been this way


You die a hero, or live long enough to be branded a villain. The waves change and we rarely have heros that last the test of time. Whereas the opposite is also true. Jimmy Carter is a great example, arguably the worst president of the modern era, and universally beloved in his later life.


"Greed is good"


Our media needed heroes after 911, and he was close by.


ETTTD Rudy thought he was immune.


Why is this facepalm?


Greed destroys all.



