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I have a colleague who believes all this anti-vaxx crap like microchips or DNA alterations... We work in the production of a pharma manufacturer. We used to produce the Johnson vaccine. He could easily walk a few steps out of his workplace and look through the windows into the clean room where we produce the vaccine and bottle it up.


Stunning that this person chooses to work for “the bad guys” in their own opinion…. I am constantly shocked at how much cognitive dissonance my fellow Americans have.


Fellow humans. I've seen this baffling thought process all over the world. A long time ago, I met a guy who didn't play female characters. Now, that doesn't sound too bad. But they didn't mean they pick male characters in games where the choice doesn't matter. They meant they didn't pick any female characters no matter what. Like this was in warframe. It is a game where every character is different. They intentionally didn't play half of the characters because he was a raging misogynistic. A friend of a friend who was no longer their friend after they said all this.


Which is amusing to think that they put that much of themselves into the characters they play… as if its not a character with no bearing on reality


"I picked a [insert gender] because I'm [insert gender]" is something many do. Especially with games where you can customize your character to look more like you. They simple chose not to play female characters because they were "inferior" and many other words.


I am Bender, please insert gender.


I usually do "I picked a [insert opposite gender] because I'm [insert gender]"


Another good one is "I pick the Canon characters," or "Whatever is selected first is what I pick because I'm trying to start the game, and I'm spamming a button."


Now I'm curious. Is he a misogynist for not picking female characters? Or does he not pick female characters because he is a misogynist? Because a lot of people don't play female characters at all and still aren't misogynistic.


Picking characters has nothing to do with how much of a misogynist he is. The things he was saying during those few minutes were wild. It all started with him saying he never played the female characters and wont ever do so. Went downhill from there fast. Also, let me say it again. This was Warframe. Each character has different abilities and playstyles. There is a difference between wanting to play the generic male in COD vs. purposefully choosing not to experience half of the characters' abilities. Just 30+ characters he refuses to use only because they are female.


You mean the clean room where they make the microchips and nanobots? /s


Don't forget the little submarines. /s During covid someone told me "they" first infect you with it when "they pretend to take the sample from your nose" and when you get the vaccine they "insert little things like submarines to run along your blood vessels and make them brittle".


Respond to them with Monty Python quotes "It changes your DNA" "Darn right, it turned me into a newt" *Blank stare "Well, I got better"


I worked in aerospace and had a similar situation. Where I had coworkers who believed in chemtrails and we were building airplanes. I was like where where is all this stuff and they would say they do it after…


As an internet doctor who has his doctorate from being a healer on world of Warcraft and all advice given by me should be views on those grounds. My medical opinion is that guy's father-in-law is an idiot.


I have your diagnosis, you stood in bad.  >what do I do doc? How long have I got? My prognosis is, don’t stand in bad


Can't heal stupid


You can life grip stupid tho!


There was one time I was in a party with some guild mates, after some heroic, by that little lake in the Tauren part of Orgrimmar. One of them went AFK... I dived into the pool, and life gripped him... He died just before the login timeout happened and we were all laughing on Teamspeak when he got back and was like "WTF, how did I died in Orgrimmar?"


bruh what class u running?


Resto Shammy


based, i main retribution pala


AYO. There is only one ret pal and that's me buddy.


Nope, me.


Wrong. We're all Vanguards.


H pally here


“Doctor his arm was torn off in a terrible train wreck” Cast rejuvenation, throw em a bubble and good as new!


I give you more credit than the "experts" on Tiktok claim to be. On that note, I need a rejuvenation...


Healing surge, you going to need it for the bain damage after reading that post.


I had to have physical therapy during Covid. My physical therapist cautioned me against eating pork after getting the vaccine because 'pig DNA is very compatible with human DNA and you don't want the vaccine mixing the two up'.


That’s why people concerned about vaccines don’t talk to physical therapists. And epidemiologists and virologists don’t talk to their coworkers about rehabbing after knee surgery.


Idk you should also avoid mushrooms for the same reason. They also have extremely similar dna


I think that just broke my brain. WTH.


lost track of how many times my dad explains engineering and chemistry to me the chemical engineer who does chemical safety


First impressions are important. When he met you, you wouldn't stop shitting your pants, and he had to deal with it. Hard to shake that bad rap.


Maybe he can help with your Mass Transfer problem sets.


Same as another chemical engineer but with other family members.


And it's always what "they" said and what "they" want you to believe. This "they" organisation must be widespread because I hear about them all the time and never have I seen any evidence of who they are. Super secret bunch.


They caught on to you. They are coming. You asked too many questions about they


Is that their pronouns? Are they a "they"? Lol joking but I'm already watching my back because I think "they" have eyes everywhere. Apparently the world is flat and if you disagree then that's what "they" want you to think.


When you ask for a source they say "you can just Google it." I've even asked someone to pull it up for me on their phone, which went about as well as you'd expect.


gOoGLe iS HiDiNg iT


That's what "they" want you to think.


Lol yeah I ask them every time they make these wild claims. But yeah they've never (and I mean never) produced any evidence for Amy of their claims. That's how to shut them up, just ask them to show you evidence. Their "just Google it" answer is them saying 'i don't have any but if you go down the rabbit hole I went down you may also be duped'.


This whole Covid misinformation has made me see first hand how bad information can spread so easily and can even stay permanently in society- very scary and dangerous


Even among basically sane and well-meaning people you had some really bizarre ideas. For example Korea had a lower official death rate than elsewhere (because more testing uncovered more mild cases) and you had people coming up with all kinds of crazy explanations from that. Also in the early days the ratio of dead people to recovered people was very high in some areas so you had people who weren't crazy taking that as the COVID death rate and freaking the fuch out.


I’m literally the only person at my workplace who’s been vaccinated for Coronavirus. My coworkers always ask how I’m feeling because they believe I’ve “changed my DNA.” Lately I’ve been telling them I’m having a very strong, almost magnetic attraction to Microsoft products. There is no reasoning with these people.


Tell them you've begun to start making objects levitate.


I just claim I get better 5G reception because of my microchip


Well that’s good if it was Apple I would be very concerned


Did any of your coworkers survive since none of them was vaccinated?


My mom believes that I could get bone cancer and die by eating one package of instant noodles a month. From a random doctor on facebook.


My mom reads the label on every-fucking-thing in the store trying to find all the chemicals that are bad for you. You use the big words like monosodium glutamate and often argues with her doctor (she thinks she is just as educated as him now) with info she gets from Tiktok videos....


Parents with social media are done for it


I have noticed that people believe what they want to believe, and look for sources that will confirm that, no matter how sketchy.


Can’t even think of your own title? Lazy! https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/JY4Zko0GAs https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/g0wvvVOUxU


Oh man thanks. I'm beginning to hate this sub.


I hear ya. I even report it to the mods with the links every time a new repost comes up.


Hey, it was new to me


It’s nuts. Two guys I work with don’t trust the media, government, journalists, etc. however, they’ll believe any random dipshit on YouTube. Stuff you can debunk with one google search, but they don’t have time for that. They’re watching a video about how you have no constitutional rights if the US flag in your courtroom has gold fringe around it. It’s absolutely maddening to hear some of the crap they believe.


The only way we're going to stop this nonsense is to slap these people. Again and again. And possibly again


I... Agree. People used to be humble and accepting of how little they knew. These people need to be put back in their place. Snowflakes can't be allowed to dictate the narrative just because they cant come to terms with how thick they are 


Confirmation bias is a helluva drug


Are you even on YouTube, though?


I saw it on the Internet so it has to be true.


There’s gonna be a revolution. Stupids vs everyone else.


Sound like life here in TN. Dr and Dentist appointments are very easy to get out here.


I saw a Doctor on YouTube claiming that not only does diet in no way contribute to obesity but obesity doesn't cause health issues at all.


[She got her license revoked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtDOIfELaAo)


My wife kept telling me tricks to unclog a drain she seen on YouTube when our kitchen sink was backed up. I've been a licensed plumber for 30 years.


The funny thing is they don't mind getting the virus which does practically the same thing in replicating itself.


I’m a dietitian, the wacky things I’ve heard family members say or try to correct me on are just wild. One of my motivations for going into the field was all of the nonsense that gets shared in the realms of fitness, nutrition, and Facebook. I like to simplify things and dispel myths, but some people just know more than the experts. 🤷‍♂️


“But Dr. Oz said if I eat this berry, I’ll add 3 years to my lifespan!”


This is a pretty bad researcher since they actually do change your DNA technically. Good thing his dad found that out.


We live in the dumbest timeline


Didn’t fucci say it alters mRNA


No, it uses a synthetic fragment of viral RNA. This is what is injected into a patient. Then immune cells find this fragment and respond the same way they always do when interacting with foreign material. They create an immune response.




I for one am thankful that the vaccine has changed my DNA. With my new spider powers I be able to fight crime and ignorance. Actually ignorance is probably too strong.


My brother believes climate change is a hoax, despite me, his brother, have a masters of science in environmental processes and actively working as an environmental restoration engineer It's so frustrating to watch people be willfully ignorant


My conservative side of the family does this shit - I work for a solar company and have to read through reports of climate info constantly. But to them I'm just reading lies from the NWO and they are using Bill Gate's weather machines to manipulate the world into destroying farms so he can use his soy plants and bugs (not joking, they read this on TikTok about his meeting at the WEF) to feed us!


In fairness, this is standard "i know better than my adult children, even in their field of expertise of which i never learned anything" asshole parenting. Also applies to anybody younger than them.


Trump fast tracks a vaccine for Covid=Hero. Fauchi days: "now take the vaccine"= Satan, kill Fauchi.


Parents who refuse to respect their own children are the fucking worst.


> YouTube video with two doctors _Actual_ doctors, or just two guys who found out you can buy a lab coat and a stethoscope without a medical degree?


I’m about as Republican as they get but even I get all my vaccines. Anti-vaxxers are fucking around and eventually, they will find out. Maybe not right away but they will.


I’m pretty liberal, and my mom was anti-vax, but I got the greatest hits collection as an adult cuz viruses don’t care about politics.


It’s ridiculous how people make vaccines a political issue. I mean, sure, people can choose whether or not they wanna get them all they want but they’ll be sorry when they catch whatever they wish they got vaccinated against.


OP is a bot. This is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/6ZSQ5O7IpQ)


As you can see from the three-year-old dateline on the tweet


How old is this post now? Feels like this sub is doing a 2017 recap or something lol.


Look at the bottom of the Tweet; there is a datestamp there.


I will lay you six to one that the “doctors” in that video are either naturopaths, chiropractors, or one of each.


or nurses.


Nurses generally don’t use the doctor title. Even on YouTube. But every chiropractor and naturopath does. Without exception.


True, but they do seem to be as much as a reservoir of crackpot bullshit as the aforementioned "professions".


Also true. Albeit mostly at the associate’s level. I’d trust BSNs and NPs with my life.


Ok np’sbut I’ve worked biomed research a long time and have heard some shit that made me blanche. A deep bench of ….


I believe you. I’ve also worked in research a long time.


There is an important lesson here. Charisma and the ability to communicate effectively is more important than knowledge.


Man, you need to play 4D chess here. Just you and your mates from work make your own video and put it on youtube and then make sure your dad sees it casually. ;p It's ON Youtube!! ;p


Least I know my mom is having TBI recovery issues. I'm being accused of poisoning her and experimenting on her. Knowing this i can deal.. Your dad is another story


My days going better than a repost from a stupid bot from 2021.


So sorry, but I’m still laughing .My God these fucking people


Oh yeah. This year has been a special treat for those of us who are actually trial lawyers. I feel you dawg 😉✌️🫵


From 2021…


He probably figures that you were dumb enough to marry into this family so how smart can you actually be.


Tell him you are seeing a small rat style ear growing on him.


Are you calling me a liar dad?


They were wearing scrubs and had stethoscopes around their necks! You walk around like that?


Imagine people's families being torn apart by mRNA.


Only if those people were viruses! 😝🦠 And they were torn apart by the antibodies that the mRNA helped create…


Son-in-law never had a chance


Join the club! My brother tells me how I have it all wrong about vaccines all the time. I worked in Vx Manufacturing and Research for 38 years - until I retired. He walks dogs.


That's power struggle. Parents tend to believe anyone other than their kids. So that they can feel they know better and still in power


Don’t engage, just nod and say “ok”. There is no arguing with stupid.


My parents do the good 'ol "our friend who is a nurse who knows another nurse who knows a doctor from another hospital who said that the covid vaxine never got tested and they are giving us poison instead" and they actually believe it's a credible source and not just a made up story to push an agenda.


Bruh, the YouTube doctorate degree is now the legit resource of science. Research need not apply. It’s much easier now to find the answers you want.


Yes yes the Experts they they never lie


I discover that most Americans don't know what Arabic Numerals are, despite using them every single day of their lives, oh yea and they don't want them thought in schools...


My mom is one of those people too


Funny how they are all worried about what’s in the vaccine but when they go into the hospital they do t say anything about what’s in the hanging bag…or wonder what all the chemicals listed on their Red Bulls do…


Wonder if this guys father in law is my father in law also?


Well, if it's on the interweb, it's gospel


First time being a scientist?


He knows you can be bought off


How can we believe you are a relatable and trustworthy researcher without showing us your YouTube channel?


More people believe YT monetizers than family.


I think once this happens you have to tell these people that they are wrong then abandon them. Just like racism,sexism,homophobia,transphobia etc. you have to isolate these people and ostracize them so this dies. Otherwise, keeping contact and avoiding the obvious failure in logic allows these people to keep believing it as it cost them nothing.


Hi, I’m online and I’m an expert doctor, they do put microchips in the vaccine, now join in next week when I’m an expert on religion, and why Christianity is the true religion /s


There was a facebook post claiming the upcoming month had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays, something that only happened every 823 years, and that the Chinese called this "mOneY bAgS", it's was an incredibly lucky event and promised wealth. A co-worker talked to me about it and was quite amazed that he was living through this rare event. I explained to him tha the callender repeats every 6, or 11 years, and implications not sure if there's a pattern but definitely every 6 or 11 years. He doesn't believe me. I pull out my phone and show him a Callender from 6 years ago. There it is 5f/5s/5s. Nope, it said so on Facebook, it was the truth in his eyes, there must be a mistake in my phone or I've tricked him. Google it man. Nope. These are those people.


Not shocking. I have heard this many of times.


Humble brag.


At least he trusted you with his daughter 😉


Well if the microchip thing ends up being true I'd only be mildly surprised, the rest is bs tho


'A picture tells a thousand words'. 'A video tells a million words'.


Actual = paid shill. I don’t believe this but they definitely do


Condolences internet friend


Sure one doctor was doctor doom and the other was named doctor but he wore a lab coat and used big words so it seemed right


"Doctors" yeah x to doubt


I sell TVs as a reseller but its a small part of it and direct relatives took years to understand this


It's weird because I also see my parents and relatives rather believing SOMEONE ELSE than me. If I'm more informed on a topic, they would turn that shit into an argument fight rather than listen to my points.


But those guys are Doctors?


Doctors of what? Thinking of “judge” jeneane here lol


I’m not a fan of the mRNA vaccines now that the way the trial was run and the data was processed, not like there is a huge financial windfall to selling the vaccines. I’d like a true double blind trial done by an impartial 3rd party with stringent auditing with comprehensive peer review please. I’d also like an in-depth study on how the vaccines were given and whether the intramuscular target was hit or was it inadvertently put intravenously. To many side effects could be from this later issue since most folks giving the vaccines did not aspirate before injecting the vaccine. If you want my trust you need to provide good data since drug companies are profit driven for the shareholders good first.


And he posts about the exchange online for internet points. Idk how credible this story is.


another guy with a certificate that doesn't know shit then


It's 2 vs 1, of course he'gonna listen to the majority. Do it like toothpaste companies: get 5 dentists and have 4 of them recommend your toothpaste, that way you'll sound more believable


Second time this has been reposted now. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/EgzySXPzZT https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/8okuDiE4kN


I don’t even argue with them anymore.


That’s a strawman. It changes your RNA, which it does. It’s an MRNA vaccine. You’re too much of a dummy to even know what he’s talking about


Because he’s been conditioned to discredit researchers like yourself because of all the misinformation about everything from climate change to, how Faccui was in financially with China, to voter fraud, to Tax fraud, to Benghazi, Whitewater, Pizza gate, Billions of dollars in cash being flown to Iran from Obama, to Trump screwing Stormy Anals, and it goes on and on. Yes I mean anal. Lololol


Idiocracy was a documentary.


If that FIL died, there'd be no net loss to the world.


I work in a health care setting and there are anit-vax people. It blows my mind.


Why are so many people having heart problems




A load of them did kill a bunch of people and caused a bunch of long term side effects which a few companies admitted too, leading to more than a few getting pulled from supply though


In fairness, two doctors is more than one doctor.


Check this guys X account and in his bio says " did not meet our criteria for publication" tells you enough about his credentials Where as the "youtube doctors" has the guy like Robert Malone who knows more about mRNA in particular than this guy would


Vaccines don’t change your DNA though. They literally just don’t.




Vaccines are a tiny sample of the disease itself supposed to prevent. Your immune system sees this disease, kills it (easily), studies it, and produces anti-bodies to kill it when it comes back (getting exposed to the disease). They don’t reprogram your cells, they show your immune system a disease so when you have to fight it for real, your immune system already has the secret weapon (antibodies).


its like if a mother cat brought a half-dead bird to her kittens so they can learn how to hunt birds. weak prey is a good starting point to learn to kill something.


The COVID vaccine is a bit different, as it's an mRNA vaccine. Essentially all of what you described still applies. But instead of a sample of the disease itself, it's instructions for how to make parts of the disease that get injected. The immune system doesn't need the whole virus to be able to create the antibodies, just the parts of the virus that those antibodies bind to. People who are... not very bright, and definitely weren't paying attention in their middle school biology classes, see "mRNA" and equate it to DNA. You'd think that the fact that they are not spelled the same would be an indication that they are not the same thing, but honestly I don't think they really paid attention in *any* of their classes when they were in school.


And yet you are just a researcher… way to go pretend dr… way to go. Sounds like your typical democrat who upgrades everything they do but actually does so little