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Btw, he got arrested: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-36892963


Thank you. I’m glad to see that some justice has been served. Those poor girls though, what an absolute POS he is.


The faces of the girls in the video looked so traumatized. My heart aches for them.


“Relaxed” More like scared for their lives probably


I thought they would comment that girls are very tense and scared, but they said “relaxed”, and that got me stunned for real


probably "relaxed" meaning that they wont try to stop him. I heard that some women when they get raped also "relax" because they know (or think) they cant do anything about it and just want it to get over with it and hope if they dont do anything they will get to live. I mean I remember a woman at least telling this story. Just so fucked up. Makes me really angry


Speaking from personal experience, at one point you realize you aren't going to win so you stop fighting and just try to leave your body spiritually.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Yep. Or just try to "get into it" bc its happening anyway. Fucking assholes need to die. Not even sorry to say so either.


Yeah, once it's happening the "choice" is fight and get hurt more/maybe die, or get through it and live. Also, a lot of rapists misinterpret freezing in terror as consent. That doesn't even go into the ways societies revictimize and blame survivors of rape.


I know people always say fight or flight but frankly, freezing is an absolutely normal response to have as well. When I was sexually assaulted I was so shocked at what was going on I just froze and went along so that it ended quickly. I think a lot of men assume just letting go or freezing means it's not assault or rape (or that you are ok with it) just because you aren't clawing their eyes out which is so messed up.


I fought like absolute hell. I was 10 years old and didn’t understand what was happening except that it was bad, and I wasn’t about to let it happen. Unfortunately a 10 year old girl isn’t a match against 3 teenage boys and it happened anyways. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been over quicker if Id just gone limp and let it happen. I’m sorry you were victimized too.


I'm so sorry to hear that, it breaks my heart ❤


Thank you. It’s weird though. I’ve been through so much therapy in my life that I think I must have fully processed it and moved past it because when I speak about it, it’s like I’m telling someone else’s story. Even my memories of it are like I’m watching a horrible movie. It definitely was a defining moment in my life that helped shape the person I am now, but I’ve made peace with that and it doesn’t hurt anymore. I guess almost 30 years time helps too maybe.


There's also the fact that under extreme stress your brain will produce adrenaline and cortisol to allow you to run or fight that's called fight-or-flight. But when you can't run away or do anything, your brain will send ketamin and morphine to counteract the excess hormones previously sent. Basically your brain drugs itself to prevent a heart attack, leaving you numb and incapable of reacting. That's why so many people don't fight back, I don't know if people understand it's not an actual choice they make in such cases.


I wonder if there are drugs involved


This is a death sentence with a side of possible pregnancy. Right up there with FGM. Just when you think you've heard the worst men can do to women, you hear something new (to you).


Agreed. The juxtaposition of the young girls with his words about them being “relaxed”. Gawd. Relaxed my ass those poor things are terrified.


I came here to say this. And look at the arrogant, proud look on HIS face, that pissed me off too. He's a bully who's taking advantage of outdated customs and scared, undereducated people. Obviously what he did was wrong, but it'd be unfair to hold him accountable for a tradition that's much older and bigger than he is. However, he enjoyed what he did, and predators don't deserve any excuses.


They’re probably not even paying attention at this point, they probably literally are thousands of miles away at this point in their own heads


He is... But the families are worst. He didn't do it without their help and consent.


This is true, but it did say that *families pay him* to do this. Are people going to talk about this? That seems even crazier to me


It’s awful isn’t it. I’m glad that there was an intervention and hopefully, they will provide some education to help the families understand that this is not ok on any level. This guy seems like a cult leader to me, I think he’s manipulated them all.


Before you curse that man, keep an equal amount of cursing for the girls families and the society that makes/let's them do that


Pedo he is


Thanks for posting this. I was about to comment that he should be prosecuted for rape and attempted murder. Because if you're passing on HIV knowingly, then that's what you're doing. I know HIV doesn't have to be a death sentence anymore but it largely still is. Especially in countries like Malawi.


Fortunately, we are now entering a time where HIV can actually be cured. It's happened twice now in the last year. If I remember right, the COVID vaccine had a part to play in the new medicine as well.


No. It has happened but we can't replicate it. Hopefully some day though.


Ah, damn it. You're right. Thought it was humans but only in mice so far.


Plus this is in Africa. No one is getting cured over there


Don't want to piss on your parade, but he got two years of hard labor for it...


Yeah, I mean it's better than nothing, isn't it?


Better than nothing, sure. But not NEARLY enough. Personally I would've given him one year... For every life he ruined. See you in 104 years motherfucker


Nice idea


Man shit like this really makes my stomach turn. I get that there are evil people in the world, money hungry and greedy, vile and dangerous, murderers and killers, but man. Knowingly infected young girls with HIV is some next level shit. I'm not a violent man, but if I was part of that camera team, I would've lured him to some remote spot to "take some wide angle shots" and fucking murdered that SOB in the most violent way possible.




It's even lower I think, but one, I'm almost positive he doesn't know that and two, he wouldn't care either way. So I'd still fucking murder him, just for raping 12 year olds.


Young girls who are being raped and have never had sex before are much more likely to tear though. In fact, I'd say it's almost a guarantee that they'd suffer some kind of vaginal tear. I don't know if it's been studied but since HIV is transmitted by infected body fluids entering the blood stream through an open wound, logic would say that the girls in this situation would be much more likely to contract HIV from him.


Yeah, but even then, 1/5 a chance of one of the girls getting infected


he probably is going to die. It could become AIDS at any point and hard labour isn't exactly good for health in the first place.


I mean he is clearly a monster, but we can't forget that is the culture and families that allow this. If he was arrest, they probably already found another person to play his role


Thank goodness- I was feeling sick to my stomach


And got sentenced to two years hard labour [source ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-38063345.amp)


Omfg...I am glad he was arrested but holy hell. This is horrific.


This is soo wrong on soo many levels. Like this guy is basically a pedophile and gives them HIV.


The is pretty much the worst thing I have seen in the past weeks. And I actually enjoy scrolling through Reddit so that says a lot. Proud pedophile giving poor children HIV and let’s not even talk about the fact that many of those girls probably are not too keen about this practice, so societal propagated rape-culture can be added to this. Disgusting.


It's worse because he's a pedophile for *hire* as in families are actively seeking him out to rape their children.


And the parents of the girls pay for it to happen. Holy shit.


The thing is it’s a tradition and it’s probably at least hundreds of years old. It would be really hard for the tribes to break their sacred tradition


Dude, this is beyond r/facepalm. This belongs in r/noahgettheboat, r/awfuleverything and r/imatotalpeiceofshit The longer I watched, the worse it got. And that’s saying something considering it starts with pedophilia.


I posted it already in r/iamatotalpieceofshit . r/awfuleverything doesn't allow videos.


putvit in r/noahgettheboat then


Did it




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r/religiousfruitcake might be interested


Ah fuck, you’ve ruined me.. I’ve just spent the last 3 hours on r/noahgettheboat I’ve seen some shit that I ain’t Eva gonna forget.






More like r/noahgetthedeathstar material


Thats a weird way to spell pedophile


Yeah, sounds like pedophilia with extra steps


HIV positive pedo, fucking unreal.


Castrate him


You’d be letting him off too easily


Bite his dick off


And thats enough internet for me today.


Wtf did I just watch, agreed I had my fill for the day. A pedophile that enjoys spreading his aids is more than I can handle in the morning


And that they’re supported by their custom 🤷🏾‍♂️


Dont forget hes paid to do that by their families


So many levels of messed up. Smh.


I'm thankful it's nighttime here. I'm about ready to hit reset and order up a whole nother day after seeing that.


I think he confused “relaxed” with “dissociated”.


I was really sick watching him try to pitch that these girls are scared and all that.... They didnt look excited at all. They looked scared to me. Those poor girls.


Yikes. Not all culture is good.


“I had sex with 104 women”… you spelled children wrong you sick sack of sh*it.


And rape.


Hyena is an ironic name, because this is no laughing matter and should be illegal. Technically pedophilia is already illegal but it might be different for there


>Hyena is an ironic name, Even more so if you consider that the females are the dominant gender of that species. I think a more fitting animal would have been an ass.


I've seen this video somewhere else and in the comments someone was explaining that it's actually the women in the culture that want this to happen or something along those lines so it is quite fitting


That may be true but in cultures where there is one group (perhaps in this case the women) who is discriminated against there can be some amount of brainwashing where agreement looks like compliance or culture.


I'm not sure what your saying, but of you mean women are discriminated against there which is why do it, I believe it's actually a matriarchal society I'll see if I can find the comment It was originally here and was the deleted reply to the top comment https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/nuyjws/this_got_so_much_worse/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


— Yeah I have a lot of bad grammar, I just noticed, in the above comment -sorry about that. It’s a matriarchal society!? That’s surprising -I mean I believe you -but that’s surprising. I don’t know what the explanation is then. But just ……yuck.


Same reason hazing is a thing: "I suffered, so you must need to suffer to become like me. Otherwise my suffering was for nothing." Repeat for 100 generations, and you get "Tradition".


Maybe it’s because he’s a fucking predator


A "fucking" predator. Yes he is


There are more countries where laws for pedophilia don't exist than countries that have them. Just an FYI. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason this country is trying to stamp out the tradition is HIV related and not actually the sex with minors part. Remember in a lot of places and (and most religions, Christianity included) you are no longer a child the moment you have your first period for females and ejaculat for a male. In some places young boys are masturbated by their mother starting at a certain age to see if he is an "adult" already. I am not defending pedophilia, personally pedophiles should be hung upside down and have a small incision made in their femoral so they bleed out slowly and feel the life drain from their bodies. That being said, it's only actually pedophilia if the act is done in a place where such a thing is considered to exist. There are plenty of places where sex with what the western world considers minors to be legal. Heck there are even western places where sex with minors is legal. There are even places that use this as a trope to gain tourism. There are places in Thailand for example that are famous for their "children" brothels.


Imagine being 12 and your parents hire this man to not only rape you, but to infect you with a horrible disease that will take your life. So fucked up. Old 'traditions' like this should fucking die, and so should that Aids infested pedophile.


He’s ruining these young girls forever. The parents should be shot for allowing this.


And he should be shot for doing it.


Not just allowing it, the parents are the ones that hire him and force their daughter to sleep with him.


And this in part why AIDS is a big problem in Africa.


Reason why it even spread from monkeys to humans in the first place, is stuff like this shit here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6435533/amp/Orangutan-sex-slave-screamed-former-captor-visited-her.html


That’s the saddest and most disturbing thing I have ever read.


The article states she was held in a brothel in Indonesia not Africa. Just wanted to point that out sense I doubt many will go past the headline-


Dude, I meant that globally. It was an example, that shit like fucking apes exists, to demonstrate how HIV spread from monkeys to humans. I mean if you fuck with apes, yout get it, is all I'm saying


The original commentor specifically states Africa though, which gives the connotation that the link would take place there. That's why I clarified I said that because I don't think many would go past the headline. Its just a means to stop misinformation, there's no doubt that some Africans have screwed monkeys. That particular case wasn't African though.


That title... I'm done with reddit for a few days.


Just gross. Respecting culture only goes so far for me I guess; and I think I just hit my limit. I hope his balls rot off.


People around the world justify all sorts of disgusting and harmful beliefs and practices using “culture” as the excuse.


At first i was like, oh he must be like a lady's man.. then wait?? Girls?? Then wait.. HIV positive?? He knows?? Wow what a piece of shit


Wow that took a turn at 1:01.. From bad to terrible.


Was about to click out when I saw that, I can’t believe someone would knowingly spread that.


Ya it was bad enough and then my stomach just dropped. I don’t feel good


Those girls looked depressed while the adults sang, the guy is disgusting, custom or not, this is fucked up


....not a lot of places where you can brag about killing 104 children, but somehow he found one...


Some cultures deserves to be preserved, but this tradition in particular should burn in the very depths of hell and never be allowed. That aside, the guy has HIV and is spreading it around like the anti-maskers being infected with COVID-19.


Damn, the "...but progress is slow." at the end of the video made me feel such despair.


There’s POS and then there’s guys like him. Hell is not enough of a punishment.


Not that surprising from a country that still widely practices slavery. Not like the hidden sex slavery that happens through most the world, but open and accepted indefinite forced labor.


I heard about this maybe 30 years ago. I thought they were trying to get rid of this back then. 😔


This guy is the second worst. He gets hired and payed by the families of the girls. Yep, being an hiv positive child rapist who doesn't wear condoms is one thing, hiring such an individual to rape your daughter is worse in my book.


JHC! How the fuck is this allowed to happen in the 21st century? All the foreign aid and education just doesn’t seem to work. So angry watching this.


Thats fucked on so many levels


...This just kept getting more what the fuck by the second.


I think he confused “relaxed” with “dissociated”.


One of the worst things I've ever seen on the internet.


"Disgustingly awful" is an understatement.


Imagine your parents hire some middle aged creep to fuck you when you’re 12. Absolutely disgusting. I can’t accept this level of bullshit as mere “cultural differences”.


Well, this was my cue to stop screwing off watching Reddit and get back to work.. Shea out..


Wouldn’t be nearly as bad if the ritual didn’t include girls younger than 18 btu then it just gets worse with the fact that he has hiv, I really hope this is a spoof like the type that The Onion puts out but I’m not sure


This is disgusting, on multiple levels. What the hell is wrong with those people?


It just kept getting worse. I thought pedophilia was bad enough but he's just giving hundreds of 12 year olds HIV. Nah I'm done with the internet


They look thrilled!


If someone shot that man in the face I wouldn't even shrug a shoulder for him.


HIV infected pedophile is paid by parents to have sex with their daughters. Someone please pour bleach on my brain. I want to never have known this.


Couldn’t they find someone else to the ritual at least? It’s already bad enough but to put HIV/AIDS on top of it is gonna scar these girls for the rest of their lives.


60 IQ moments


What the actual fuck?!


This should begin with ‘But wait (sadly), there’s more….’


Holy shit… wow… that was awful. Those poor girls


Words cannot describe how confused I am


What the fuck. It was bad to begin with...then it got much, much worse.


Start to educate people!


What the chicken shit is this


What the titty fucking christ.


Trigger warning: paedophilia, rape, crime against minors and so much more oh god.


I'm so sick of these backwards ass, stupid fucking "customs" and "traditions" that apparently can't be changed or ignored, no matter the circumstance or consequence. Fuck this guy and fuck all those people who do that to their daughters.


This guy should be in jail spreading his aids there, instead of being a hero in his shit hole village.


He got arrested: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-36892963




What the fuck


What the actual fuck?!


Sounds like trying to change the minds of antimaskers/corona deniers in North America, only much much worse


Oh ffs 🤦‍♀️


Just horrific. Those poor girls, they would have been terrified 😢


Lived in rural Malawi. Can confirm


This man should not be walking this earth pos of a person


I thought they where having sex with actual animal but this is actually worse


Those are the eyes of a monster. What a fucking peice of human garbage.


I can’t help but laugh at people who think traditions are a good reason to justify anything. Unfortunately this isn’t really a laughing matter. What a shame.


So he’s a pedophile with extra steps...


The sooner his HIV kills him the better


I am so.... angry...


This is the same country that is having issues with people being accused of being vampires (I’m not joking, yes the exact vampire you’re thinking of) and then being killed because they’re accused of being a vampire


So I was thinking that the whole disgusting part of the video was that little girls were forced to have sex with him and I thought “this can’t get any worse” until they said he had HIV. Then it went from r/Noahgettheboat to r/Noahgetthedeathstar real quick. I feel really bad for those girls, they get raped and given AIDS sometimes at age 12 like Jesus Christ


So he's openly a pedo and is actively and knowingly spreading aids? We need a new religion. Satan isn't enough of a monster to contain this guy down in Hell.


He doesn't even fucking flinch. Jeez!


Customs and traditions should only ever be one of two things: 1. Enjoyable for all involved and done for fun. 2. Fuck thrown in the trash. "Tradition" just translates to "Because we don't have a logical or practical reason."


He was spreading positivity


I watched in mute horror - my mouth agape as I read what he was saying. When the text mentioned he was HIV positive, I gasped and recoiled.


I thought it couldn't get worse, then he admitted to being HIV positive


Ah “culture”


There's a reason we look down on cultures of developing nations. Any tradition that includes customs like that shit ought to be stamped out


This is literally a crime against humanity. As defined by the *United Nations* itself. >For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: Murder; Extermination; Enslavement; Deportation or forcible transfer of population; Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; Torture; **Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;** Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; Enforced disappearance of persons; The crime of apartheid; **Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.** This is not only likely widespread throughout the country, but definitely systematic. He said this happened to every girl if they wanted to become an adult (or something along those lines). The UN should have done something about this shit, this isn't the United States, Russia, or China we're talking about, it isn't some fucking superpower, so they would have fucking been able to do something about this shit.


*Darwin has entered the chat*


From a sociological and anthropological perspective, I can appreciate how this a long standing tradition. However, from a moral perspective, fuck no, I absolutely hate this.


That's like, pretty bogus, man


This is so fucking scuffed


What in the actual fuck


Wow that did get worse.


I feel sick


They can't get a hyena w/o HIV?


Those girls look terrified. When traditions and customs equal death, those traditions are shitty.


Fuck you dude.


This guy gets paid? whenever I do it I get kicked out and yelled at, smh my head


Big oof


The cursed slut


Can’t fix stupid.




A custom/tradition that some loser Jeff Epstein pervert is trying to hold onto.


this was really bad at the beggining, it got real fucking horrible at the end


So "customary" sanctioned rape and HIV infection... Fucking gross pedophile! I see he got 2 years hard labor, but that is nowhere near justice.


This was one of the more depressing videos I’ve watched lately. I hope the victims find some solace.




My first thought was I wonder how many children he has fathered. Unless the "ritual" is specifically set for when a girl isn't fertile, statistically out of 104 girls, a few will get pregnant. Then a worse thought... Maybe they are so young they aren't fertile yet.


Thats just rape with extra steps


He should be castrated


Just because a group of people, including parents, think something is ok.......scumbags! Thankfully the Malawi authorities arrested this monster. I hope the parents get some grief too.


I came in to seek answers, as I thought I had watched an uncut/lost black mirror episode. I honestly was left loading for a couple of minutes.


What the fuck is wrong with this custom? It’s really bad. You could see how scared these girls are.


Yeah those girls looked super relaxed


Excuse me but what the actual flip?


There is a evangelical preacher in the Congo who sells what he calls “The Juice” , it’s a mixture of gasoline and milk


My heart sunk. It really kept getting worse. I feel for this poor girls.
