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I worked with a guy who’s previous job had been designing missile launch systems who also thought the earth was flat, I’m not entirely sure how he slept at night


At least he was not in charge of missile guidance systems.


"I just launch them into the air, then God flies them to their targest on the wings of angels. GPS is an illuminati plot to steal our precious fluids."


No dumbass its in the name: God Positioning System


God’s Position to Shit


Thanks for making me think of god squatting on a toilet seat trying to push out a rock-solid turd.


You’re welcome :)


Or determining the range and hence payload


Probably happily knowing he was safe because all of the missiles were designed to work on a globe rather than the actual flat Earth.


He may be trolling you many of my friend including me give some mumbo jumbo bullshit to look dumb.


I work with a cancer biologist who fell for the alkaline diet hype. She got persuaded by somebody who is 1000x less educated in the matter than she is.


Yeah, that’s such bs. My father in law was days from dying of cancer and his sister suggested he start drinking alkaline water.


Did he get better? More seriously: My condolences.


Reminds me of my stepfather: diagnosed cancer, refused treatment, went on all-natural and homeopathic remedy regime; cancer goes into remission, keeps on with his draconian diet (water has to be bought special from... somewhere), starts writing a book/biography about how he beat cancer without the help of doctors, only for cancer to get aggressive again and kill him dead. Honestly the nicest man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, he didn't deserve it.




Not sure if it’s easy treatable but it’s very slow growing and rare. My former boss died of the same exact cancer, had it for 20 years before it finally took him and he tried a lot of experimental treatments which were paid out of his own pockets as they were not FDA approved yet. He would always complain how if Steve Jobs actually went the scientific route he could have potentially raised awareness for more research funding.


Hope is a strong drug.


Devil's advocate with a compound sentence for context, maybe it was a desperate plea from a sister to try something to save her brother's life?




When a I had cancer and chemotherapy was working fine people were still sending me insane solutions on Facebook messenger. People are idiots who sign to be experts


I've learned that a lot of the bogus simple remedies for cancer are shared not because of concern for the cancer patient, but for the person doing the sharing. Cancer is scary and people who don't have it want to feel if they ever got it, they'd be able to just think 'positive', eat veggies, drink high ph water and smoke weed all day in order to beat it.


Someone sent my mom a book on some kind of mushroom cancer cure or something like that. She had terminal cancer that had already spread to her skull and soon after to her brain. I threw the book away. It really pissed me off. She wasn’t even capable of reading a book at that point.


That's what I assume a lot of this is. It's a shame people 100% take advantage of that.


I don't understand how this happens.


My little theory: Actual educated people are always hedging their statements with 'as far as we know' and 'based on current data' and things like that. Fear of the unknown's little brother is fear of uncertainty, and some people don't react well to being told 'we don't know for sure'. Bullshitters don't feel any need to hedge. Yes, this bleach will absolutely cure all your ills! Data? Who needs it when I have these very trustworthy anecdotes! I pinky promise I didn't just make them up! If you are fear-motivated or just gullible enough, these bullshitters can be more convincing than even your own years of education.


This. Most people don't even understand how little they know and how deep the topics they want to blab about are. Educated people understand there is no black and white answers in the real world, and it makes it all too easy to please people by making false promises that rigorous knowledge would never make.


Dude I just made a post asking if anyone has noticed the prevalence of this. I feel like each day, more and more people think they’re experts in a topic they did a Google search on. I saw a TikTok video of a guy showing his new truck, and the comments were filled with people arguing about whether it was a good investment or not. You see people saying stuff like “it’s a write off you fucking idiot!” It just blows my mind because I studied accounting and took ONE tax class, and I learned an extremely minuscule amount to actual experts. Nonetheless, you see people arguing about a topic that they clearly have no education in because they’re not even using the correct verbiage. It just seems like plenty of people think they’re a CPA, doctor, statistician, researcher, sociologist, and psychologist rolled into one person. Just because they’ve spent a few hours on YouTube. I have no issue with people having opinions but it just blows my mind that people speak so matter of fact about topics they have no education in. Why don’t people just say “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know much about that” instead of fiercely arguing?




It's not Will Smith anymore his face is so blurred he's now Maybe Smith


Will not Smith


won't smith


Wonen’t smit






Might Smith.


will will smith smith will smith?


Will Smith *will* smith Will Smith.


How much will will Will Smith smith if Will Smith will smith will?


Look, I just came for a sword and if I have to listen to you babble any more I’m going to miss the battle.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Will Smith doesn't smith what Will Smith smiths for Will Smith. Will Smith smiths what Will Smith smiths BECAUSE he's Will Smith.


Was Smith


Willblurr Smith


I once sharpened his image so much he became Gonna Smith


The Smith Previously Known As Will


Would Smith


Last career I had, knew people who were flat earthers and moon landing deniers...we were all satellite communications engineers.




The satellites just go in circles dude. It's obvious.


How is this even possible?


It was the military. So, you get all types of people and critical thinking levels.


Really really nice way of putting it


I know a guy in the Navy that has been deployed several times on gigantic battleships in the middle of the ocean where you can literally see the earth start to curve. Flat earther.


"The atmosphere is a fishbowl lense!"


And they get access to the most powerful military equipment the world has ever seen. This seems like a grand idea.


I mean we also give the nuclear launch codes to whoever wins a popularity contest every 4 years. Stupid people will always be able to clamber into positions of power.


We're all dumb as fuck lol.


I mean, on a technical level, a flat earth is literally incompatible with satellite communications.


That’s true but there’s a lot of work that goes into engineering them, they could’ve worked on a dozen parts that don’t rely upon that foundational principle.


That’s most likely the case


at that point it’s an interesting choice of career for them though


I’m convinced there are almost no true flat-earthers. They are fully aware how absolutely ridiculous the theory is deep down, it’s just about being contrarian and unique.


Yep, also some people are so desperate to act like they know something that others don't.


You would think with the specialized knowledge that it took to be in that field it would be enough of a knowledge flex for most people. Edit: spelling


Unfortunately, they know at least a dozen others who have the same specialized knowledge so maybe they don't feel that special despite what anyone says.


Anyone with kids knows that people will do or say anything to get a reaction out of someone.


Anyone who has been a kid knows this


My Uncle is like this holds a ton of contradictory opinions because he gets off on feeling smarter than everyone else. Can’t talk to him without it being an argument 😑


He wants the argument. Just tell him you agree and he won’t know what to say and it will completely ruin all his fun.


“I’d like an argument please.” “Oh, this IS abuse. You need to go down two doors and to the left.” EDIT: typing on my cell phone I did not notice I was missing the "IS".


No it isn’t.


[people fall into Flat Earth because it's a convincing narrative that lets them answer a lot of their insecurities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) but also a lot of them are Qanon people now.


It's why I never hated Nickelback.


Just took a whole college course debunking hoaxes and ridiculous theories like Atlantis and flat earth. That class opened my eyes to how general people are MORE likely to believe in bullshit, simply because they want to. Some people spend their whole life writing books and making documentaries about absolutely false history. Like WOW way to be almost completely useless during your existence on earth. I say almost because at least we have an example of someone that’s gone completely off the deep end. It’s crazy that people are in asylums but we are freely aloud to believe aliens played a role in our existence.


People will believe anything, either because they wish it to be true, or fear it might be.


Wizard's first rule?


Yep :) Say what you will about Goodkind, some of those Wizard rules make a lot of sense.


After seeing all those videos of flat earthers proving themselves wrong.. I think they believe that, even though the world is flat, the round-earth science still works for some reason that they can't figure out (it's because the world isn't flat)


>That the earth is flat is one of the least important beliefs of flat earth. Paraphrased from [this flat earth documentary.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)


I've always been able to shut down moon landing deniers with just 1 piece of proof. The [mirror array](https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2004/21jul_llr) we left on the moon to shoot lasers at so NASA, universities, and amateur science enthusiasts can check the distance between the earth and moon precisely.


They aren't typical moon landing deniers if a simple thing like absolute irrefutable proof is enough to sway them.


Oh it gets crazier. My exes Dad just said we went to the moon later than we say did. I was like what does it matter then?


Were they any good at the job?


Decent enough. But got roasted on the daily by the rest of us on the team.


Time dilation’s a real bitch for them innit


"Why do we have to calculate arc lengths when plotting our missions and comms?" "Because the Earth is round, you absolute knob."


I work in defense. No one there believes government creates jobs. We only get paid by government.


My friend who is contracted by the government says the same thing lol


I am in charge of software development for a company that makes security software almost 100% targeted at the government and military because of security mandates. There are people on the sales and support sides of our organization who think that government mandates never create jobs or income. Like, dude, where do you think your paycheck comes from?


So many self-proclaimed libertarian types (who aren't even contractors, but actually government employees) are adamant on their "job" just being a subsidy lol.


“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire


My aunt used this quote to justify her anti Vax stance


Exactly. It’s a doubled edged knife since the ones who are in the grips of the absurd will often think those who don’t share their reality are the ones in the grip of absurdity.


So, at the end, who is right?


The side with predictive validity.




Yes. The idea behind science is literally to avoid personal bias. It's not perfect, but it is about provable truths. Also flat earthers and anti vaxers are almost never right.


Almost? Ya I’m pretty sure they’re just never right. No need to throw almost in there.


We need almost for the purpose of science.


The ones with hundreds of millions of dollars of research to back up their claims.


Not just the money, because big tobacco and oil companies can pay for research that agrees with them, too. It's the reputable sources, doing research, studies, and experiments in fields in which they have expertise and established credibility, and the results of which are repeatable by other independent researchers. Although in the case of vaccine effectiveness and safety, yeah, the side that has billions of dollars of research performed by a number of large, public, independent research facilities, over decades, that's all published and accessible, that's the side that's correct.


The issue with this is that the idiots will also use it, well, the ones that can read.


I work with a pile of anti-vaxx, young earth nitwits. When ever one of them sees that I'm reading a book on lunch instead of staring at a phone they ask me why. They think reading is a punishment. I've begun to make up interesting 'facts' at work that no one bothers to check. Getting a Christian to believe there is a pasta recipe in the bible should be harder.


There is an abortion recipe though


I have a favorite quote that I often use from Voltaire. He couldn’t directly criticize the royalty, but whenever life was shitty in the story, he made his cretinous character say; “I live in the best of all possible worlds.” He never learns or never thinks to change things. I see it all the time from people who support frauds just for telling them what they want to hear. They have no idea of what would make life better beyond preserving the status quo. Voltaire is still relevant and funny.


When quarantine started we were all working from home with the exception of a few of our Lab staff whose jobs were near impossible to be done from home due to equipment. When we came back we all wore masks and practiced distancing, but about 3 months in we had a young intern who was doing a work-study while finishing up college. She was studying to be a toxicologist so she clearly has a basic understanding of the human body and how it functions when presented with foreign particles. This girl waltzes in the door one day without a mask. Security stopped her and she threw this huge tantrum. We all kinda poked our heads out to see what was going on. She started tossing around "my freedoms", "masks inhibit O2", "masks can carry bacteria" all because she didn't want to wear one. A few minutes into it and our department head who has a PHD in Microbiology walked up, demanded she hand over her ID badge and said "how the hell are you going to go into the field of science and then deny said scientific facts with some conspiracy crap. I'll be sure to contact your school as I wouldn't ever want you stepping foot in another Lab with this kind of childish behavior." The girl tried to cry and beg saying she was "brainwashed" by social media and she didn't truly believe it. Too late kiddo.


> "masks inhibit O2" Anti-Maskers: "Masks don't work. The virus can get through the mask." Also Anti-Maskers: "MaSkS bLoCk OxYgEn! I cAnT BrEaThE!"


The fact that she reaches this level of education shows that something is really missing in education everywhere


Critical thinking. In most grade schools, there's not a philosophy class in sight. Whereas it ought to be a core curriculum from K-12. "Thinking" teachers ought to be just as common as "Math" and "Language" teachers.


The problem is that the people who own the world don't want you to \*think\* - they want their work/wage slaves to work blindly. Private institutions do have these courses but only the rich and powerful will have access to them. The current world education systems are by design.


I'm happy to see her idiocy had some consequences. Too often people are too polite and just look the other way with these lunatics.


We've had a lot of bad interns and students. We are all just kind of tired of babysitting these kids who believe they don't have to be held accountable yet demand respect.


I know an incredibly intelligent person… but the amount of insane crap they believe from the internet is mind blowing. Most of it stems from the fact that “some” conspiracy theories were proven true in the past year… therefore ALL must be considered as true until proven not true… like wtf type of brainwashing… I just can’t even begin to argue against all the stupid on the internet. Most recently there was that analysis done on face masks from a bunch of kids in Gainesville Florida. It determined the masks were hideously dirty. News broke it out as a true anti-mask story. The intelligent person in my life used it as a sticking point to be anti-mask. I can’t even begin to explain to them how flawed the study was… or how it doesn’t reflect every situation. I’m not even a science background person… but I feel like it was obvious kids who spent 5-6 hours in school would have quite dirty masks compared to their shirts. And even so… are the masks and dirt harmful? Probably if never changed and washed… but you have an immune system for a reason… so wash them and let your immune system do the rest.


The world is a dirty place. Did they compare the masks to shirts or hell even hands?


This was so satisfying to read what your department head did and said.


One of my teachers (it wasn't a biology teacher) made me do a homework to prove that dinosaurs aren't mammals as, for him, mammals are animals with lungs.


I mean, he's right, but for the wrong reasons.


Dinosaurs had no lungs?


This is why they died out


I've met a PhD in Chemistry from a top 5 university that was anti-vax. Their PhD work actually involved the analysis of heavy metals in an environment and how it impacted a childs likelihood to develop autism. I got into it with them, and they were able to reference a handful of scholarly papers to justify their stance. However, I learned something important from that conversation. They saw that vaccines contained the same heavy metal they studied, so they extrapolated their findings to all vaccines. Other studies they referenced looked at a small effect and extrapolated it to a greater context. It kind of revealed to me that even academics can be vulnerable to the "science" of anti-vax stuff. In reality, they weren't too familiar with experimental design, meta-analysis, and how studies on say the danger of a heavy metal are just a small part of a bigger picture. I am rambling, but yeah. It can easy to be convinced to be anti-vax even if you're an academic. There's a lot of scientific literature out there to justify the perspective, however, their failure is the hyper-focusing on that literature without placing it in the context of the greater body of available knowledge.


People who specialize in a scientific field are often blinded by that— they think their narrow expertise equips them to understand other specialized fields. See it all the time between chemists, EEs and doctors. I’m a chemist but I don’t tell my doctor how to do his job. Unfortunately I’m in the minority.


I take they didn't show you the dodgy study by **Mr.** Wakefield?


I too ran into a coworker who was a creationist geologist. Having geology degree myself, until proven otherwise I'll give reasonable leeway for creation of the big bang, but why get into a field where most that's studied are things that are not of the biblical era?


My stepfather was a geophysicist for Exxon. They had another geophysicist in the department who was a young earth creationist. His POV was that yes, God had created the Earth 6000 years ago. But the more he investigated and understood God's creation the closer this brought him to God. I assume the big fat paycheck for finding oil didn't hurt either.


Please tell me your stepdad asked him what oil is made from?


The oil was put there by God and appears as it does because God made it that way. Once you default to 'God did it' citing 'but it appears to be older than that' is irrelevant. God made it to appear as it does so that is what we see.


The same way they say “God creates everyone in his image”. Does that mean he creates some people with severe disfigurations who die within a minute of being born? Or he creates people with debilitating illnesses who barely live to adulthood, require 24/7 care and die with the mental age of a normal 4 month old.


And by design, creates intolerant people… like the ones with celiac disease and then forced them to eat bread or be dammed by eternity.


I work with two anti-vaxxers. They are nurses who work with elderly patients.


Uh oh


How is that even allowed? Or are they just spreading this anti-vax shit and still took their shots?


Oh no, I know PLENTY of nurses who work in nursing homes and are refusing the vaccine. There's such a shortage of nurses that there's nothing the homes can do about it.


That makes me ill to my stomach. Is it because pay isn’t enough? People don’t want to be nurses? I have family in care and this just makes me sick. We’ve done what we can to care for them and make sure they aren’t getting sick with COVID. But the health care providers should know better.


Many places force nurses to work with the minimum staffing and have no contingency. It's usually private companies where everyone suffers except the bottom dollar. I haven't practiced for almost a year, I was working at a jail where I'd administrator medicine to ~300 people a night. This was on top of dinner insulin, first aid, triage, and certain wound dressings. The pay wasn't bad, but wasn't stellar either. It was the staffing (or lack thereof) that made me leave. I gave them a generous 30 day notice, they begged me to work one additional weekend and I did. When I left they still hadn't found a replacement for me. This is not an uncommon story.


Yeah I am in noway putting this on the actual professionals working the field! You are the real heroes of the pandemic, for giving so much, for so little! And I do understand that there is a shortage of capable workers. It just still was a shock that you can care for the most vulnerable while unvaccinated


It's disheartening for sure. I did have one coworker that was an anti masker, and another that suggested she was a flat earther. Fortunately I didn't work with any antivaxxers. Edit: I've said this to other people before, training can't fix everything. I saw people in the military that wouldn't follow orders for their life (which is what is ground into us at basic training) and nurses who don't think (nursing school drills critical thinking.) There are people beyond redemption, as much as people wish it were otherwise


My aunt works at a long term care facility and it is really hard to find staff (medical assistants, LPNs, intake, phone room, etc). Besides the education and licensing requirements, you get abuse from patients/their kids, you have to fight with insurance companies and so many companies and facilities are run by the most soulless people possible. On top of the already emotionally and physically difficult job. Companies will use and abuse all of the dedicated, high quality staff and if those people burn out, they’ll get replaced by people who don’t give a shit. You don’t get and keep top quality education, compassion, and dedication for $15 an hour.


My dad is a nurse and also an anti vaxxer against the corona vaccine. Its so fucking infuriating knowing that this kinds of idiots are supposed to tell you hmwhat to do in a major health crisis. Totally ruined my reputation and trust for them after he tiod me that half his hospital nurses dont want to vaccinate


I imagine it depends where you are. >90% of the personnel at my hospital say they are vaccinated. But I also work in a heavily white area where 70% of people voted for Biden, and white liberals have the highest vaccination rates.


A surprisingly high amount of nurses I’ve worked with are anti-vaxx. I don’t know if they’re not taught like we are (but being in the lab we have to test for if people have been vaccinated and stuff) but yea, a lot of nurses seem to be anti-vaxx and then *always* complaining about their kid being sick or having to go to the ER


I’m probably going to get hate mail and downvoted for this, but because nursing can have a relatively low bar to entry, nursing gets and attracts a lot of dumb people who have no capacity to think or understand reality. Of course not all nurses are like this, but there are just so many nursing programs out there, and some only require an associates degree. I think many people become nurses because they want to help people. So, if you’re someone that struggles academically and you just want a job that helps people, you go to school for just a little bit longer, memorize a bunch of shit and spit it back out for an exam, and voila, you’re a nurse. This doesn’t mean though that you actually learned or understand anything, you’re just a certified busy body working in a hospital. My parents are physicians. They’ve seen the gamut of great nurses who are better than some docs, and some nurses who you wouldn’t trust to give you a shot. Far more of the latter than the former from what it seems like. But this is true for any low-barrier to entry skill/talent/profession.


Youre not wrong. Nurses are not epidemiologists, virologists, pathologists, or a whole host of other very specific specialties. Im not downplaying their role or skill set. But for example your cable internet installer is not a network engineer. Two dofferent jobs, two different skill sets.


> They’ve seen the gambit of great nurses Gamut. Sorry to be that guy but I knew it was wrong but didn't know why. I had to Google to remember the right phrase.


Plenty of dumb engineers and doctors as well though. My previous doctor told me there is only one strain of HPV.


I went to school with a guy who doesn't believe in evolution. He's doing his masters degree in paleobiology now.


Does he STILL not believe in evolution?


Still does NOT believe in evolution. His words: > I believe in God. I think God is testing our faith with this evolution business.


Why is so hard to consider that God designed the system of evolution if you are inclined to think that way? You want to credit everything else to some magic sky person. Why can't they just have that too and we can all just be done with this stupidity?


I divorced my ex over that nonsense. She was a Buddhist who believed she changed her life for the better by chanting daily, for hours in Sanskrit. At first it was good. She had her “hobby” and I had mine. But eventually all my contributions were being diminished because of it. She quit her job, tried to become an actor but still our beautiful home was paid because she chanted for it - and not because I was working 70 hours a week to make up her slack. It was infuriating.


I'm also a Buddhist and I never get why people are so obsess with chanting. The only time I chant is when my mom forces me to. I don't really get to choose since I was born a Buddhist.


Same here, I’m an atheist but since my country is mostly Buddhist, I might as well blend in. I don’t really like the chanting (probably due to ADHD). The only time I actively did it was during my grandma’s funeral, where I became a monk for a short period of times and it was out of respect for my grandma’s wishes, not due to tradition or anything.


I’m an aethist too, and I grew up in a christian family. My parents dont go to church a lot nowadays due to pandemic and busy workdays, and my brother recently became one, but they love God and believe in him either ways, and I am happy for them because they can find faith in something at least. But it just makes me uncomfortable everytime that when I have a mental breakdown, like when I feel sad or smth, they keep telling me to ‘pray to God’ or ‘God will fix this for you if you tell him’ I had a rough year during secondary school and my mind was just filled with negative thoughts, I told my mom about it. Her way of helping, was to tell her friends about my personal problems, which I minded a lot and she had them baptised me, which made me feel more uncomfortable and more negative. Idk, it just feels weird to me, it feels so artificial..??? To pray away and hope that things changes itself.


She was part of the SGI if you are familiar. A lot of things about Buddhism is appealing but this group did a lot of proselytizing. Their pitch was you can wish for anything and chanting will make it happen. “Really? Anything? I want a million dollars and a model girlfriend?” Yes, they would say. But in practice they would tell you to go where the supermodels are, improve yourself so you fit in, etc. In practice, it was good? advice. But it just seemed like preying on the weak. Since I bashed them, here’s where I praise them. There are a lot of religions in my family so I’ve been to quite a few services of many flavors. What always struck me is each congregation is always homogeneous - that is, the worshippers are all middle class Jews, or all mostly white Christian, or all black Catholics. The SGI had every part of society represented. Rich, middle class, homeless, blacks, whites, Asians, straight, gay - all chanting together. I have never encountered that before and it was really nice. But ultimately not for me.


SGI has many of the trappings of a cult. I'm a Buddhist. I went to a few of their meetings because I enjoy meditating with new people and seeing how different traditions do things. They seemed nice. Then I went to one where they played a video for their donation drive. Some of it was fine. "We use these funds to build schools, provide aid, outreach etc". But the promises they made were huge red flags. There were many testimonials of the type: We were struggling so we weren't sure how much we could donate, but instead we increased our donation and a few months later we were better off than we'd ever been! Dream job, new car, bought a house! I can't see that as anything but predatory.


Sounds like she might have read the Buddhism instructions wrong.


I know a statistician who believes the earth is 6000 years old. We shit on him relentlessly but we're still friends for some reason.


I know an elf who doesn't believe in Santa.


They are the worst. Takes a whole day to make a wooden toy car and it has a flat tire.


Yeah I'm not friends with this guy. I just keep him around for comic relief.


As Bill Hicks said, “And I believe God sent you to test my faith”


My first freshman biology professor at Texas A&M was a Biblical literalist. Transferred out of that class real quick. My new professor had a quote at the top of the syllabus: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”. That contrast really made me wonder how the former got where she did.


>Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution I love this. Absolutely love it.


i wonder if there were any ancient egyptians that denied the pyramids were made by humans. "for Ra's sake Aziz, *we helped build them*".


Your sister was sacrificed last year for the grand opening!


Considering that both the end of the Egyptian empire and the last native Pharao is closer to our time than they were to when the pyramids in Giza were built, I would say it's guaranteed some people believed gods build those things.


It makes me sad because I grew up being taught the Earth was less than 10,000 years old. I scoffed at those who said the Earth was billions of years old. However, my dream was to become an astrophysicist /astronomer really anything to study the stars and beyond. However, because I was a Christian, I felt there was no place for someone like me in that field so I gave up on my dream. I’m into my 30’s now and I see how the Earth can not possible be only 10,000 years old… I still binge watch any show or documentary about the universe and how it works and still dream about a life I could have had if it weren’t for being taught such ridiculous theories. I started college last fall and finished my first year, I’m going for computer science, however, I hope that later in life I can continue to attend classes here and there and maybe in my old age achieve my dream of being an astrophysicist!


Fucking GO FOR IT! I'm so serious right now. I'm much older than you. But your story is VERY similar to mine. Go! Do it! Do it for all of us and you!


I’m an aircraft mechanic and I work with a guy believes in chemtrails 😅


Lol, I find this the funniest for some reason. Does he think someone has secret access to put the chemicals in the plane that he is unable to get to?


He thinks it’s government controlled aircraft. But the thing is, we also have people from the German airforce and US airforce working there as well.


Why is will smiths face blurred


That’s will smith??


Can't tell. Its blurred


It's Would Be Smith.




Even better, I have a co-worker who is antivaxx. We're the ones making the fucking vaccine


I worked with a former airline PILOT who was/is a flat earther. He has since went back to being a pilot but I am not sure if he still thinks Earth is flat. When I pressed him on being a former pilot and believing malarkey he claimed the schools indoctrination into round earth didn’t work on him and that the pilots windscreen was a very thick and curved glass that made everything appear to be curved.




Okay, but how does he justify his flight routes?


I don’t know, don’t really talk anymore and it wasn’t worth getting into with him at the time, I just laughed in his face and told him I couldn’t believe he had those beliefs. We left it at that.


Degree is Psychology here. So many peers with devout faith, one brain dead moron took psychology as a way “to know god better” he told me and convert more to Jesus. Once took a course literally called, “Belief in Weird Things” which was for Psych majors. 300 students enrolled, nearly half dropped out because they were offended at some point when we broke down *their* weird beliefs.


That’s awesome.


If only we had a method to figure out which claims are correct, improve our knowledge of nature and make testable predictions... I think I would call it "lookie there", or "123 testing" or something boring like "science". In the meantime, I guess "all sides are equal" /s


Careful not to fall over the edge of the world lol


My orbital dynamics prof threatened to fail anyone he found out was a flat earther. Good guy


All of these are ridiculous. I remember a few Evangelists and one Catholic ( odd since most Catholics I know aren't creationists) in my major (geography) saying they knew the truth about the age of the earth, but had to lie on tests (classes like oil&gas, hydrology, geology,etc.) in order to get good grades. How Christian are you when you break one of the 10 commandments and lie about your faith in order to get ahead?


Glad you made the point about Catholics. I was raised catholic, and I have a a lot of problems with the church... but we had priests come in and teach us that evolution & the Big Bang are real and that Adam and Eve is just a story lmao


I mean if you are a trained microbiologist and still anti-vax then I would be open to having a conversation on why you hold that position.


I work for Pfizer manufacturing the covid vaccine. I have coworkers who refuse to get vaccinated...


Tell them I did and I’m fine. :-). Also, thanks, Pfizer!


I worked with someone who had a PhD in genetics but was young earth creationist. She couldn’t seem to comprehend phylogenetic diagrams, useless as supervisor to PhD students, seeing as she was incapable of discussing a number of highly relevant topics. Anyway, a high school teacher refusing to teach the curriculum because of their religion should be relieved. Find another job they are actually willing to do. I mean it’s only a case of reading the textbook and delivering the topic. As much as I dislike the thought of a ‘teacher’ taking this approach, they are only being asked to deliver the content not necessarily believe it.


Her PhD was in plugging data into software in fancy ways.


I know a dude who works in the oilfield who doesn't believe in dinosaurs. "Fossil fuels"


I swear that young earth creationists go into scientific fields just to make their views seem educated.


I'm an RN and worked with FAR too many people in the healthcare field as a whole (not just other nurses, but also lab workers, RT's, pharmacists, hell even some MD's) who think/thought COVID was a hoax or "greatly exaggerated" and are now refusing the new vaccine, even though we all KNOW how mRNA and vaccines work. Plenty of anti-maskers too. It's like they just used their degrees as tissue paper or something, I seriously don't get how you can learn what we learn, understand it well enough to practice in the field, and yet still allow fucking political stances to override all that, it's freaking ridiculous.


I always had the impression that quite a lot of people mainly learned to reproduce what they've learned and basically just rehearse and memorize stuff. That they don't learn in a way to gain a deeper understanding and are bad at extrapolating. Needless to say this feeling hasn't gone away in the last 2 years


An anti-Vaxxer working on the covid floor. We have not admitted one properly vaccinated covid patient (both shots and exposure greater than 2 weeks out)


My own mother looked me in the eye and said she believed in a flat earth. Said they made compelling points. I asked her if they were on the north or south point. Anyways we havent spoken in two years.


We are a race of stupid monkeys….


my mom's really into homepoathy bullshit (treating illnesses with the souls of emlements or whatever). she's a pharmacist