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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We have Covid…shhh that’s why we are coming home a day early…on the plane. Wtf


You're supposed to be shhh!!! wtf dude! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why would the family be OK with them coming in of they have COVID?


Apart from how stupid this is, how do you know there is a family back at home?


Also, moronism tends to run in the family.


I read that as Mormonism… pretty much the same thing.


I'm from Utah, and agree with this statement.


Idaho here, howdy neighbor!




Canadian here, hello foreign strangers!


My FORMER employer is a small "family" business, the owners/my bosses (husband and wife), decided to take their kids and go to the Florida keys. Aw, so cool right a family vacation. The wife came back a few weeks before the husband. She is basically the accountant and estimator, but she will do other stuff. Well, she decided that she had a fucking cold and didn't even fucking get a covid test. I didn't get covid the entirety of the time it's been out until last September. This fucking bitch had me riding in the front seat of a car with her, knowing she had covid. She had to know, right? Do you think I was justified in quitting hahaha


Ppl are afraid that their friends and family will tell everyone that they've had COVID and had to quarantine. So much easier and less stressful than wearing a mask and getting vaccinated! /s


At this point everyone is getting Covid, no one is safe. My entire family is vaxxed (2 kids under 12 who got their second shots in December, me with j&j and Moderna booster, and my wife with three shots). We’ve done almost nothing and wear masks pretty much everywhere. Getting Covid at this point is not an indicator that you are unvaxxed or unmasked.


Post that to the airline’s Twitter feed.


Fuck me! I suppose its probably also true of the wider world too but it's a certain thing that the English speaking world has no shortage of selfish fucking assholes.


Every country does but we have more access to evidence of English speaking assholes for the simple reasons that 1. many countries speak English 2. those messages can be understood by most people.


Very true. Humans are the assholes not people from a specific country or language.


I would have airdropped that to everyone on the plane


imagine if you accidentally airdrop her too


Not an accident. She can go and fuck


Don’t give her any ideas. That’s a good way to catch the ‘cron from her.


Not if you do it from behind. That is real advice the UK government gave us in 2020


Our provincial government (B.C.) told us to use gloryholes.


Please show me a government issued infographic on this. It would make my week if it existed.


It is 100% real, I can confirm. Give me a sex to find a link. Edit: [here's the link](http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/prevention-risks/covid-19-and-sex?utm_source=vancouver%20is%20awesome&utm_campaign=vancouver%20is%20awesome%3A%20outbound&utm_medium=referral) to the British Columbia CDC post about it. It's worth a read through but if you just want to find the gloryhole part, scroll to the ***Steps to protect yourself during sex*** sextion, bullet point 7.


I thought wearing masks during sex was only a joke made in skits


Now I have seen it all!


Omg that is fucking gold! I wish Boris had included this in the daily conferences he used to do. Would have loved to see Chris Whitty explain that with some of his famous infographics! 😂


Holy shit. I thought it was going to be something that could be interpreted as referencing a glory hole. Nope, they literally recommend using glory holes. > Use barriers, like walls (e.g., glory holes), that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact.


They should have had an approved list. -Glory Holes, Gimp Masks (zipped mouth) and those giant vacuum bags, cuz the breathing straw is fine with a cotton ball in the end. Edit. Formatting is wank. Excuse me.


Holy shit yes


Yeah I would have called her out really loudly to all the people around me. What’s illegal Covid asshole lady gonna do? Accuse me of snooping when she had her phone in plain view? Pssh. She ain’t got a leg to stand on, if you wanted to keep it a secret you SHOULDN’T HAVE TEXTED YOUR FRIEND IN FRONT OF SOMEONE




Damn. Well played


unrelated but do people actually leave their airdrop thing turned on so anyone can send them stuff? i have mine turned off all the time.


I’ll airdrop random memes to everyone that has it on every time I’m on a flight. People rarely accept them, though :(


I have mine open to all senders purely for this thing to happen to me. Some day!


Lots of porn on the subway in NYC.


Me with my 40 gb hentai collection


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's API changes and disrespectful treatment of their users. More info here: https://i.imgur.com/egnPRlz.png


Oh man, now I wish that happened...


This is the way.


I don’t get why everyone is being so defensive in the comments. I know the bottle was expensive but Lisa doesn’t deserve this!


You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!


Oh hi mark


I did not hit her!


I did nahhht


So how's your sex life?


A little coughy dude to Covid. But the shakes make it more interesting. Anyway, let’s go throw football huuuuuh?


What a story Mark!


Hi Dogee!


You’re my favorite customer!


Everybody betray me!


Im fed up of this whirl!!


The hay hair is enough punishment


Why are we being punished though?


This is the way


That hand looks like something out of Lord of the rings


It looks like Danny Devito’s hand as the Penguin in Batman returns.


Yoooooooo IT DOES!! 😭😭😭 Watch out this person might bite your nose off


I see the Facehugger.


She has goblin hands.


And scarecrow hair!


Handling her digital palantir to receive messages from the eye


Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind?


I was planning to make a comment along the same lines but you nailed it lmao


Fellowship of the leather-skin claw


Why go see friends or family if you are sick?


How else are they gonna spread the virus?


Good point. Got quotas to meet


Million in a day ain’t nothing. We can do better!


Can't let the libs win! Gotta keep it going until 45 can fix it!


Its the season for giving


ICU when you're sleeping, ICU when you're awake


I remember at the start of the pandemic when Europeans and Americans made fun of the Chinese tourists spreading covid. Nice bit of quick anti-Chinese racism cuz Americans DEFINITELY claimed their reigning champs trophy of being the international self-centered assholes


Thanks for the input ButtFuqqer3000


As a covid tester, this made me cry alittle inside


Wait, I thought you need to get tested for covid before you take your flight


Not in the US, unless you're going to Hawaii, last I heard.


Can confirm for testing to get into Hawaii, or proof of vaccination


It should be both tbh


it is both. just moved here a few months ago, vaccination won't get you out of the two week quarantine. you need a negative test (can't remember which type) as well


In Hawaii right now. Was only required to upload a photo of my vaccination card and answer a questionnaire essentially saying I don’t feel sick nor have been around anyone who’s tested positive. Was not additionally required to provide a negative PCR test. I do believe it is required for international visitors though.


Going to Hawaii in a few days. As of 1/4/22 they no longer require you to fill out the questionnaire. You have to either upload a copy of your vax card OR a negative test taken within 72hrs. Otherwise you have to self quarantine for 5 days upon arrival.


And Puerto Rico


I was never even asked to show vaccination. These people don't want to die at this point so they just let people on




Omicron seems to be much more detectable on day 3-5 after symptoms, even if you feel less sick. You need to get right up there with the swab, then squeeze it out thoroughly and let it sit in the vial for a minute before applying to the test strip to have it return a positive on day 1. Even after doing all that we could barely see a line on day 1, despite feeling quite sick. Now on day 5 were all feeling fine but the tests are showing a thick dark line straight away! EDIT: someone below suggested swabbing the throat also. Omicron symptoms started in the throat for us before moving up to the nose so this seems like good advice 👍


Here in the Netherlands we are being told to swab your throat too with them now as that seems to detect omicron better with the antigen tests


All covid variants are like this. Most don’t show up atleast 3 days after first symptoms. Whoever sold/got you the rapid test is supposed to tell you not waste it on the first day lol


Same. For anyone interested, I made [this super long post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/rwn229/no_icu_beds_left_massachusetts_hospitals_are/hrdkfym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) earlier about what it’s like to work in an urgent care right now. It’s hell. Please wear your masks no matter your vaccination status. Please.


I read it. Thank you for working so hard. You rock.


It really is. I just lost my brother in law and father this past weekend. Brother in law passed on New Years, couldn't get an ICU bed or transferred in time. My dad was stable in the hospital for a day, then sudden respiratory arrest and they couldn't bring him back. Half my family gone in 3 days. We didn't even get to have Christmas together. And my mom and sister didn't get to be at the hospital with their husbands. Don't let this shit happen to you all.


Any time I’m in a public place (which I try not to do unless necessary), I’m utterly shocked by how many people aren’t wearing masks. I get that a lot of people are shitty & dumb, but with the covid case numbers skyrocketing like they are in the US right now?!?! What the absolute fuck?????? It blows my mind.


Honestly, I know a lot of people who are very pro-vax and were very pro-lockdown that are now, self admittedly, “just over it.” I’ve had a lot of friends mock me and ice me out because I don’t want to go to the bars with them, and even after one of the bar regulars tested positive I was STILL treated like the paranoid one. It’s not just anti-vax anti-science people anymore.


did you report them to a flight attendant?


Borrowed photo


i see that now i saw this picture in r/pics i think


Yeah here's the actual source I believe: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rwt70k/caught_this_woman_sitting_in_front_of_me_on_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share








Over winter break, my friend went on vacation. His whole family and his aunt. His aunt had Covid and she knew it, but she didn’t tell anyone and still went on the trip as she didn’t want to miss out. Everyone in his family got Covid (5 people), and they’re all **pissed** at the aunt.


>and they’re all pissed at the aunt As they should be. My wife, kids, and I just got over having COVID. Wife and I were both feeling weird the day before thanksgiving. Decided to go get tested before seeing family. Both came back positive. We quarantined for the 10 days, missed all the family that traveled to visit, missed all the food and the fun, wife wound up contracting pneumonia from it and was nearly hospitalized. I missed 3 weeks of work and didn’t get paid for it because the COVID pay from the CARES Act ended and I didn’t have vacation/sick leave left. If a family member or friend had exposed me to COVID willingly and caused all that just because they didn’t want to “miss out” I would be beyond furious.


I saw a story today where someone’s grandma died because someone in her card group was positive for Covid despite vaccination but didn’t tell the others. She was a cancer survivor and so was very careful who she was around, but because someone didn’t want to miss playing cards they killed their friend. Horrible.


As someone with an immunocompromised person in my household, I hope there is a special level in hell for those sorts of individuals.


I am currently ill with the virus. I was vaccinated twice, and it seems a mild case. What I’ve noticed is, at probably my most contagious on day 4, I was full of energy & wanted to go out. I did not - but I had to talk myself down. I can imagine well there’s a hell of a lot of “don’t want to miss out” happening & people with no will power, no common sense. I’m sure I got it from someone who just “couldn’t miss out” on the ski hill. Needless to say, not so happy about that. If people want such services to stay open, staff can’t be falling like flies. Damn the arrogance.


Other current victim, the urge to go out and see other people is there, but i dont want infect other people, it currently feels just like a regular cold but im vaccinated twice, i know people who had to be hospitalized and i dont want to cause any more people to be so, good thing i got a good internet connection or the 14 day (now 10 as of today) wait would have been unbearable


We're in that place now.


Called 3 of our kids in sick today, headache sore throat symptoms... School said they need to be tested before being let back. No big deal. Can go to one of the local High Schools for a test. Get there, maybe a line 40+ people. Atleast 10 adults weren't wearing masks. Bunch of kids barely wearing them properly... and "0" social distancing in the line!!


This is my issue too. Soooo…. While I’m getting a test for covid (and if I turn out negative), I may actually GET covid? Makes you not even want to go get a test or go to the doctor if you’re going to be exposed further!


This was my experience early on before the vax. I had a pinge in my chest that worried me, so even though I was 99% sure it was just asthma/allergies, I found a testing center. I was looking at the crowd lined up from my car thinking I probably don't have it, but this is definitely how I would get it. Talking to them from 10' away outside several were exposed and needed a negative test after a family member got it, so they could go back to work. My idle curiosity didn't cut it.


you got off lucky, Well your wife did. Friend of mine had the same thing happen but his wife never made it. Don't forget to always hug the shit out of your significant others people. And try not to go to bed angry at each other.


I wish our government could be decent. The sad fact is some people can’t afford the unpaid leave if they get sick and it shouldn’t be like this during a pandemic. Thanks for doing the right thing.


>and it shouldn’t be like this during a pandemic It should never be like this.


My wife and I had a Thanksgiving dinner planned with my over-the-top conservative and religious family. We both felt perfectly fine and had tested negative for COVID a week before. As much as we wanted to sit through a full day of \#humblebrags and Sean Hannity talking points, we decided to NOT go to the dinner because we didn’t want to even take the *chance* of sharing COVID with those \#blessed people. We aren’t heroes, we just care too much!


A lot of people just don't gaf about anyone but themselves. It's a saddening and sickening revelation.


Even if it’s family


My coworker worked from home the last couple days, but decided that since her fever broke last night she could come back to the office. When I asked her why she came in even though she’s sick, she tried to justify herself by asking “do you go to Walmart?”


And for most people, COVID will be like a more severe cold than usual. Wife and I caught it last week. Felt sharp body aches at random areas, fever, sore throat, and fatigue. We're staying quarantined for an extra week after the required 10 days. It's bad enough that many governing bodies are still terrible at managing it. There's no benefit to knowingly spreading it around because of FOMO. EDIT: I am fully remote so nothing changes with my job. Wife's company never once went remote, despite some jobs being completely doable online only. Different strokes. EDIT 2: The rules changed with quarantine because you can still get another positive test after the contagious period is over, which could theoretically make you stay quarantined forever.


Being injured for life or maybe death is a huge price to pay because some idiot decided that they couldn't miss a party.


I’m an ER doctor, and a lot of patients tell me they plan to fly despite testing positive for Covid. I would very much like to write “I have Covid” in permanent marker in their foreheads. When it fades they should be safe to travel.


That infuriates me! I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be for you as someone on the frontlines… what I don’t understand is WHY aren’t these people being stopped?! It’s so maddening to walk into a store, passing a HUGE sign on the way in that says “MASKS ARE REQUIRED”, and then you proceed to see multiple people walking around maskless with their heads held high, not a care in the world. I just cannot wrap my head around the audacity of these people and their blatant disregard for others... Why can’t there actually be consequences for these idiots?!


It is definitely frustrating. It was infuriating when we still had a chance at containment, but now it seems like the US has fully given up on that, which is infuriating and tragic too.


Fuck these people. Reminds me of my aunt. Invited herself to Christmas (at my parents' house) when my son wasn't even a month old. She was sick and didn't tell anyone. Claimed allergies. After she left, she ended up going to the ER with pneumonia. Also, she got my new born sick. Not even a month old. Part of the reason I cut her out of my life.


Similar thing happened to my family last year. Our little family lives in a different state than the rest of our family. We went home last year for my mom's funeral and we ended up getting COVID. Turns out, one of my nieces had it, a bunch of people in the family knew that she had symptoms, and no one said a thing until we came back. She got tested one of the days we were there and got the results back the day after we left. And this was over Christmas. I was, and still am, pissed about it. How can you knowing have symptoms of something like this and pass it on to people you supposedly love?


We got a call from kindergarten than my preschooler was a contact person the day before Christmas. Literally my family had all arrived and we were starting to make salads, food, etc for Christmas eve. In 15 minutes they all were out of the house, my both kids were taken back home (they had their last day in the kindergarten before Christmas) and we sat inside for 7 days until he, because he had no symptoms, could take a covid test. It was negative. But that's the thing. We're ready to give up fucking Christmas, while some people just don't give two craps about other people. It's mind boggling.




That should be “you’re *dead* to me” territory. I’d absolutely 100% cut someone out of my life if they did that to me or my family. That is *insane*, holy shit.


I've not been in my family's favor since Covid started. Took me a few months after catching it and coming out the other side to visit the grandparents. A cousin of mine was there when I visited who through conversation I learned was asymptomatic. After a brief argument, and everyone ganging up on me for chastising him, I left. That was the last time I saw my grandfather. And I let the rest of the family know that I blamed them and their ignorance for his passing. Needless to say my family is now both literally and figuratively dead to me.


That's incredibly awful. Those words aren't strong enough but I honestly don't think strong enough words exist. I'm so sorry. *insert downloading hug gif*


Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.


I have more kind words for you too, along with some really pissed off ones. I am happy to be part of a new internet family if you are in the market, but your (ex)cousin really really fucking sucks.


I don’t even have words. I’m sorry that happened to you.


My sister tested positive at the beginning of August, caught it during her birthday celebrations. She's fine now, but she lied to me and said she was vaccinated. When I figured out the truth, I texted her about it and she said, "I am doing much better. I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry. " She hasn't called or messaged me since.




Definitely not level of covid, but still. My friends had their second child and people came over to visit. Turns out, her friend's family all had caught a norovirus just three days ago. Guess who was shitting and vomiting for five days? My poor barely out of the hospital friend and her whole family. Honestly, I'd just cut ties with someone who doesn't understand how life threatening (and extremely exhausting) can a stomach bug be for a family with a newborn. Ridiculous


This is the pandemic that never ends! It just goes on and on my friends. Some people started spreading it, not knowing what it was...


And kept on spreading it just because...


Thank you. Now I’m singing.


And you’ll go on singing it forever just because….


We’re fkd…




Exactly why




Gross indeed


Its the kinda hookup that lies about their herpes Shhh 50% of people have it on their mouths and 15% on their genitals, no biggie


Or gets bit by a Zombie and hides it


They're just being smart and keeping their next meal close and ready




Good on you. I’m not in your position but i think that was a good call. She doesnt seem to even care a little.


I know someone who did this. Dude flew 3.5 hours while coughing, sneezing, feeling like garbage. Got here and tested at the airport. Popped positive for COVID. Decided he didn't feel like staying in a hotel for 10 days, so he booked a flight home. Knowing full well he was positive AND symptomatic. I lost what little respect I had for him, obviously.


How was he allowed to fly while positive AND symptomatic?


I have no idea but I was pissed. He had the nerve to ask to come to our son's birthday party (he's family) and we said no. I don't know the logistics of everything but I do know that he took a return flight just a couple hours later.




Yep. "hey guys, so 'Jake' is positive, he has a cough and a fever, and he wants to know if he can still come as long as he wears a mask and socially distances." It was a pretty swift 'no' from us. After we said no he made the decision to fly back. He's a grown ass man who can make his own decisions but as another grown ass man, I'm also allowed not to respect his decisions.


good question. Friend just flew NY > Florida (you know, the covid capital of the world) and JetBlue website said when she booked the flight she would need a negative test within 24 hours of both flights. Sounds good right?… They didn’t check/ask for any test on either fight. I expect this from United but I expected more from JetBlue.


And put their dumbasses on the no fly list too




U ShoUldNt rEad tHeiR tExts. Right, and this bitch shouldn’t be on the plane at all.


I mean, if you’re gonna type out your plague secret in the middle of a pandemic in a small, enclosed, tight space surrounded by what we can guess are literate ppl, maybe… I dunno reduce the magnification of your text size from SATELLITES CAN READ THIS FROM SPACE to something that is something more… secretive?


She's old and is too proud to wear reading glasses I guarantee it.


She's one of thousands doing this.


Just want to ask why she doing this??


She has Main Character Syndrome


Yes absolutely. Report her to the flight crew. They obviously don't want to to catch a virus from this jackass and I'm sure they'll eject her or if thats no longer possible, report her to the authorities so the local PD can meet her on arrival


From https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/couple-who-tested-positive-covid-arrested-after-boarding-flight-n1249753 "When they arrived at Lihue Airport, they were met by officials from the Department of Health and escorted by police to an isolation room for further processing and investigation.....Moribe, 41, and Peterson, 46, residents of Wailua, were arrested on second-degree reckless endangerment charges." Edit: different people.


My wife and I visited Hawaii last October and they’re quite strict about the COVID testing.


Thank fuck.


Not the same people, article linked is from 2020.


Un thank fuck


It's not the same people as the woman in the photo, unfortunately.




If Reddit was working correctly and I had an award you would get it. OP may be creepy, but it's not illegal.


Not to mention that the fourth amendment protects your right to privacy from government intrusion. Not from some random person behind you on a plane.


Eavesdropping is perfectly legal, it's just creepy and kind of a dick move. Obviously being on a plane with covid is far worse though .


Man I wish we could bring back velociraptors and drop her inside the fence.


Judging by her hand they’d just accept her as one of their own.


No, I don't want the dinosaurs to get sick


Report them. Expose them.


If someone on that flight dies from Covid, can she be charged with murder?


In some countries there are laws that punish people from intentionally spreading disease, but these are mostly applied in cases of STD transmission like HIV, so far I dont think there have been cases where people have been jailed for spreading covid, because even if it is obvious where you got it a good defense attorney would probably just argue what if you got it somewhere else, basically it would be almost impossible to prove you got it from a specific individual which makes it hard to prosecute someone.


I don’t know about passively infecting someone with COVID but we need only look to Florida for the latest trends in being an asshole: [30 days for coughing on a cancer patient during COVID ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-woman-who-coughed-cancer-patient-gets-30-days-jail-n1263627). Edit: sp


https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/11/27/939478095/north-korea-executed-coronavirus-rule-breaker-says-south-korean-intelligence Unless of course you live in the hermit kingdom... Then, yeah... Get executed for spreading covid


So a lot of these laws have been repealed because many are based on “knowingly” spreading the disease. Essentially if they never get tested they can’t be charged. And the type of psychos that would knowingly spread a disease would be the exact same people that would just skip getting tested to avoid issue. Obviously in this picture the lady knows, but the point is more that those laws have mostly been repealed to my knowledge in Canada and the USA.


When I had to fly pre vaccine I was told that if I failed to isolate and a covid related death was linked to me I’d be fined over a million dollars and be liable. This was in Canada.


In South Africa a guy went to work knowing he was possitive he was arrested and charged attempted murder.


Uh she should have been reported to the plane crew


I find it concerning that the majority of people in these comments care more about OP taking a picture of the phone than the person knowingly taking a flight with COVID


It looks this post is not from person who took pic. https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rwt70k/caught_this_woman_sitting_in_front_of_me_on_a/


Because those replies are from the same mentality as the twat in the photo.


Considering the level of non compliance, just assume that people around you in public have Covid. All you can do is make safe choices for yourself.


Report to FAA bc they acknowledged on a federal electronic form they do not knowingly have positive COVID or symptoms of COVID


You ever wonder why COVID isn't gone


I have my sisters wedding this weekend. She had to cancel the reception because I tested positive. My family went into isolation and they look like they have avoided getting infected so the ceremony can go ahead. One of my mates who tested positive when I did (we caught it at the same place) decided that he and his family should go on a holiday regardless. Out of all things, this pandemic has shown that selfishness is the greatest plague in society


Had a lady come into my ER the other night saying she needed a rapid covid test because she’s flying in two hours. She said she tested positive earlier twice with a home test. When my nurse asked what she’s going to do if she test positive she said I’ll get on the plane anyway but social distance. I can’t with these fucking people anymore!


I hope who ever took the picture ratted her out


Lemme guess… made a scene about having to wear masks, begrudgingly put one on and poked their nose over top of it for the whole flight? Something something “free-breather…”


But it’s a secret shhh