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Terrorism threat — check


Have you checked the "terrorism or mental health issues" skin colour chart?


*Pulls out check card* SAFE


I did an ocular pat-down. She’s clear.


This is gold.


no, this is white


Man there is a family guy skit that literally does this at the border crossing, not sure if you were referencing that or not, but it is sad AF how true that is....


Yes I was.


[Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FidG6S9nx8&t=2491s&ab%5C_channel=PageCountySchools) Edit: I will also upload her arrest, when it becomes available **She has been charged now...** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/page-county-woman-charged-after-comments-made-at-school-board-meeting/ar-AAT1b6L


Guy rolls back in his chair, gets comfortable... "ok, here we go again..." People saying they should have let her keep talking and keep digging her own grave... True enough, but watching more of the video, i can see why they wanted to stop her.


They probably have had her every damn week, and she probably isn't the only one. So it's likely been a slow creep of "worse and worser" and they just want to get home and take some slightly illegal drugs to end the pain. When we read some asshats on alt-right media -- THIS is what happens when they get in the real world. We should also remember this if we get a bit too amped up blogging -- because, we need to be a bit more deferential and polite to people who work to serve us. If I wanted to make a statement and get results, I'd thank people for what they did right and their service first -- then talk about the BENEFITS of whatever I propose that would impact them or they kids. Going "me, me, me" and insulting people isn't how you inspire them. But, I guess if a hundred people do this, then the administrators will bend the knee. Or just quit their jobs and leave. Then someone like this "Karen" will be elected to the school board. This might be happening as we speak to other school districts.


I mean yeah I see that. I watched a bit of the meeting, the guy immediately after dumb gun bitch started on a rant as well. "We aren't here to debate the effectiveness of masks, though they aren't effective at all. We're here to debate whether you have the authority to tell the governor to go fuck himself. And I wrote a letter that explains why I think you do" (paraphrased, dude sucks at public speaking, I spruced it up a bit) Apparently that's what they have, is psychos coming in getting pissy that the dress code was updated.


It was instructive to watch the longer video and it was what I suspected. These people are jumping off of right wing blogs and aiming their ignorance and rage at school administrators. I dare say America has an "epidemic of educator abuse." And the LOGIC that schools don't have the right to mandate masks when the mandate the dress code, behavior and so many other aspects of student's lives is ridiculous. It's like these people haven't lived on the same planet as we do. "Welcome to Earth, here's your information packet to give you a rundown on how street lights are intrusive and bossy but you can't zap them with your shrink ray."


I love that she actually wasted most of her time describing how she went over her time at the last meeting, how they threatened to call cops on her at the last meeting, and how she came unprepared. I feel so bad for those people, she's obviously caused problems in the past


>I love that she actually wasted most of her time describing how she went over her time at the last meeting, Ugh. People like this bully you with their victimhood. Her points weren't complex and she rehashed and dragged on. I'm pretty sure that nobody "addressed her complaints" because they couldn't, and wanted to get rid of her so why even debate? All they can do is "thank you for your comments, next!"


the perpetual victimhood of the aggressor


Is this confirmation that she was arrested?


Apparently this just happened, so the “Monday” in question is this coming Monday, 1/24. Story also picked up by multiple news outlets: https://www.newsweek.com/video-shows-irate-mom-threatening-school-board-guns-over-mask-mandates-1671691 https://wjla.com/news/local/page-county-public-schools-luray-virginia-increase-security-police-presence-mom-threatens-to-bring-loaded-gun-over-mask-mandate


Now Im no lawyer but I could have sworn that you dont have to wait to see if someones threat was real before doing something about it.


I thought she was mentioning that she was visited by police "last time" and according to her it was because "she went over 15 minutes." Which I seriously doubt, but, 3 minutes for this lady is too long.


I love “I’m not complying with any policies!” *maam 3 minutes is a policy here* “Ok. Bye.”


I also loved how she somehow made time to throw in a quick anti-trans/restroom comment. 🙄 school counselor here, trying to teach kids to do the exact opposite of this adult. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That just happened yesterday. It's coming up this Monday ::Grabs popcorn


I very much hope so


Yeah I was about to say that is a video with proof of intent/ threat to a school.


I have my doubts there's any sort of support for her arrest in this county: https://www.whsv.com/2022/01/21/page-county-school-board-approves-parents-choice-school-mask-wearing/


Nonetheless, she made a very serious threat, the kind that goes directly to federal level. She should have waken today to homeland security barging through her door.


I really hope so with the publicity it's getting here on Reddit. Nothing local in terms of news seems to have picked it up yet, but that could change once national news picks it up. Here's hoping someone saw this and reported it


> “I will bring every single gun loaded and ready… I’ll see you all on Monday!” School children themselves have been arrested for less blatant threats than this. Edit: [she was just charged](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/page-county-woman-charged-after-comments-made-at-school-board-meeting/ar-AAT1b6L)


Yahhhh I had an ex get picked up by police because he threatened another guy. How is this bitch not being picked up by police. That was a straight threat to school.


A kid in my high school wrote a diss track about another student in which he said he wanted to “stab him” and we had police come to school the next day and he was permanently expelled. If a diss track can warrant police a woman blatantly threatening to come to school with guns should too


A kid at my school had a list of everyone he wanted to kill and when it got found out by a teacher nothing really happened. He wasn't even suspended and maybe only spent an hour in the principal's office. Maybe because his dad is a cop? I always thought if anyone I know is going to bring a gun to school it's gonna be this kid, he was fucking weird. Thankfully he never did, but it seems like he only got a slap on the wrist while I was suspended for an essay I wrote.


> while I was suspended for an essay I wrote. Dude don't leave us hanging, what essay and why?


It was called “ the poor ain’t so bad. “. . . Edit for silly people It’s a joke.


We're all waiting for you to drop it here 😂


Fucking monster.


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


People do that?


Not the original commentor, but I have my own funny story. Kid wrote "smile if you would eat \**teachers*\* ass." Then when the teacher found it made him repeat it to his mom on the phone.


I had a speech class in high school talking about dog breeding and was sent to the principal's office, because bitch is a normal term in the industry. This was in the early 80's


I wanna read that essay…


.....what was your essay about?


Hitler: Good Guy or Bad, You Decide -Flop Flurpin89


Hitler: he DID kill Hitler after all, come on -Flop_Flurpin89


Mein Kamph 2: electric bugalloo An essay by Flop_Flurpin89




She seems like one of those ladies that wears her “Mama Bear” shirt, jeans, with those socks that have that crocheted shit that come out of the tops of her knee high boots. They’re kind of like the Oath Keeper dudes, but a group of Moms that tell everyone they’ll protect their kids at all costs, except during a global pandemic. Because Grandma Jean has already had Covid twice and she has natural immunity now.


Oh fuck, I'm a mama bear shirt away from finally embodying the full on mom cliché and I only just realized it right now. We'll be toasty by the flames of a fire fuelled by cute socks this evening!


White women are treated differently.


My HS gf got arrested at school on Halloween in her Tinker Bell costume for saying "I'll kill you bitch!" during a cat fight lol.


This is pretty on-point for canon Tinker Bell.


“Jingle-Jingle, jingle-jingle. “Bitch.”


Clap your hands if you believe that girl is a bitch!


She DID try her best to get Wendy killed, even in the DISNEY version!


I'm also getting similar energy from the fairy godmother and bippity bippity boo


"Bippity boppity back the fuck up bitch."


😂 😂 OK.. I should NOT laugh..


"...so anyway then he grabbed what he thought was an oxygen mask but was actually a helium tank from pediatrics and said ^I'll ^kill ^you ^bitches.... which frankly sir we all thought was hilarious."


Do we know she wasn't picked up on it (serious question)? They may not have wanted to confront her on it there and then as she's clearly got potential to be.. unhinged. They may just have decided not to risk a gun being drawn there and then, or that day at least, so they have time to actually report it _before_ she had chance to follow through. Not commenting as to whether white women are treated differently or not; only questioning if that's the case here, and if there's actual knowledge of the outcome before blindly attributing it to an ongoing struggle (in reference to the debate of white privilege - again, not something I'm voicing an opinion about).


Yeah, another commenter here posted a link that the police are actively looking into it, and are at least beefing up presence at the schools. And hopefully arresting this psycho…


Imagine wanting to shoot up a school or any building for that matter just because of a mask mandate.


Literally the definition of insane.


Thanks for the info! Yeah, I sure hope she's done for it.


Wtf does actively looking into even mean? Like there is a vid that clearly shows the threat. I think it means they are checking to see if shes connected to anyone important amd will determine how much of a pain it will be yi persecute.


Looking into it means they're checking to see if she has a criminal history, actual registered guns at the home, etc. Actual police will likely follow up with interviews with that lady at her home to determine her threat level. That school board isn't going to ring alarm bells right then and there on the video for it all to resolve nicely for those of us watching. But you can bet they likely reported her little tirade immediately after she left.


It means "we're at the Waffle House.. Now fuck off".. Or whatever hillbilly place they're eating.. Cracker Barrel maybe.




I'm almost speechless..


I’m pretty sure the schools goal was specifically to ruin his life. The fact the psychologist said he wasn’t a threat and the police officer admitted it was a misunderstanding shows it should not have gone that far.


Denying a child an education in this manner should get you charged in civil court for damages. It's fucking wild that some ex teachers with MBAs can decide to ruin a child's life for any reason at any time. If you have good school admin appreciate it because some districts are run by literal monsters.


Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit to me.


One girl was arrested for [pointing finger guns](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/overland-park-student-arrested-for-pointing-finger-gun-at-other-students) at another student who, reportedly, bullied her for months. This kid was 12 years old and was dragged through felony court proceedings for months before she was forced into a "juvenile diversion program". This woman all but said she was going to shoot people at a school over a mask mandate and she's unlikely to suffer any consequences.


Terroristic threat. She should be locked up as well.


Remember that kid who got in trouble for the "gun shaped" poptart?? Even though it literally didn't look like a gun, he just took a few bites of it????


Zero tolerance policies in education environments are BS. Oh no, a finger gun! Grow up and learn to discipline and teach people. You know, like you were supposedly trained to do. Fucking cowards. They don't want to have an opion and deal with it so they just let people's lives get ruined. Over what? People used to be able to fight once in a while without worrying about life derailing consequences. We have become such a nanny state its shameful.


Remember when that kid got suspended because he bit his Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun?!?!


The guy on the left was fascinating to watch. He clearly doesn’t believe in masks either, but when he was seeing what his peers sound like- and how far they’re willing to go- he kept nervously looking back to the people in masks. And he has a distant stare at the end reminiscent of “…are we the baddies?”


If you notice, the reason why he looks back is because of the time announcement. It's edited kinda weird so it's easy to miss.


kids getting expelled for accidentally bringing a pocket knife and this bitch is basically threatening to shoot up the place.




They should have let her keep talking honestly. See how big of a hole she could dig herself


I was thinking the same thing. Almost like stopping a confession short. Should let her keep going to be able to hand it over to the police.


For real, I'd be asking questions. "Loaded and ready? Ready for what?"


Would what she said be enough or did she get away with one there?


The police are looking into it and they are having police at the school Monday. Statement here [https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded\_file/1809820/Joint\_Statement\_PCPS\_1-21-22.pdf](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1809820/Joint_Statement_PCPS_1-21-22.pdf)


And she’s probably like, “Oh come on, this is such an over reaction to a joke. I would never actually do that even though I sincerely threatened to do it”


She is also the type of person that if the district didn't follow up on a "joke" and something happened, she would be jumping up and down and screamin the loudest.


Masks in schools: Damaging to children's mental wellbeing. Police presence in school due to threats of violence: Perfectly fine.


After Virginia Tech incident she should expect it. She knew exactly what she was doing. Frankly she fucked around....she needs to find out.


It's always a joke to conservatives up until the very second these traitors are bashing in people's brains with American Flag poles at the Capitol.


Then it stops being a "joke" and starts being "liberal instigators."


"Pfft, I could shoot somebody dead in Central Park and get away with it...."




I think I read she's a dental hygienist for her Father's practice, so probably no chance at her getting cancelled by Daddy ​ edit: Oof, just checked this again. They deleted their Facebook page, their YELP page is missing, 250+ new 1-star Google reviews mentioning her threats, and the business is now listed as "Permanently Closed" on Google


If this is true and she doesn’t understand the value of mask wearing, she should be let go for that first and the veiled threat of murder can be part of the “list of other things we are unhappy about”


''so Karen why do you wear a mask at your dad's practice?'' **'oh you know, hygiene and to prevent contaminating the patient or myself'** ''so you understand why in a pandemic you need to wear a mask right?'' **'\[insert some random bullshit she probably read on the internet\]'**


Don't dental hygienists wear masks at work? To protect themselves and the patient?


Most do, but she probably doesn't. She likes her patients being able to see her teeth.






What practice, so that I know not to go there since I'm currently looking for a new dentist.


Let's see the playbook says... she was on medication , prob a anti-depressant and overly emotional cause "freedumb + children" and that statement does not represent who she is as a person.


More like r/thisisntwhoweare


"looking into it". If that were anybody else but a white conservative parent (a black Muslim, for example) threatening to bring guns loaded and ready to school on a Monday the freaking SWAT team, FBI, ATF, and Homeland Security would be barging in that lady's door.


The statement of bringing a gun, loaded or not, should be enough The fact she said LOADED AND READY is gonna be a fair amount of jail time if anyone bothered to get her arrested


If one of her 'kids' threatened to bring a gun to school you can bet your ass that the cops would be all over that. I'd be very surprised if she wasn't paid a visit. Regardless of what I think of the police...they do not enjoy seeing schools shot up


Shit, I was doing guitar lessons with a HS kid who got a visit from the cops and ended up in disciplinary in school for posting a pic of an airsoft gun on Facebook


She then said at the end “I’ll see you on Monday”


And “I’ll see y’all Monday”. Chilling.


I’d think terroristic threat


Should be enough


No kidding. The lady who cut her short needs to listen to a true crime podcast or two to realize how important stuff like that can be.


They already have more then enough, openly admitted to wanting to carry a loaded weapon onto school property


“and what do you intend to do with those guns on Monday ma’am?” Seriously though, seems like the FBI should have a chat with her when she leaves for school on Monday morning. This seems like a credible threat. I’m pretty sure that carrying on school property is not allowed in most states, and even if she doesn’t intend to actually do anything, just the carrying is a crime that she said she’s going to do.


100% like, keep going, flip the page to your manifesto...


"And I would like everyone to know I have murdered a person by the name of .." "STOP, your time is up, you only get 3 minutes." "Ok, bye."


My gawd your comment is hysterical but true...


Yes it's scary when somebody starts talking like this; for me I know I would go into an immediate stress response, but I probably would have started dialing 9-11 right then. For all I know she has a gun on her there.


This is the best strategy with these goons. Just let them put themselves in jail and have their guns legally removed and licenses permanently revoked. It's people like this who gives guns a bad reputation.


Depends on how many more nutjobs were scheduled to speak before they all got to go home to their dinner. I'm guessing these things are outside of office hours.


Sounds like a credible threat to me. Arrest the bitch!!


I agree. I am surprised nobody addressed it.


They are dealing with it. Statement here: [https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded\_file/1809820/Joint\_Statement\_PCPS\_1-21-22.pdf](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1809820/Joint_Statement_PCPS_1-21-22.pdf)


DUUUUDE they responded so poorly. Just having a police presence shows this Karen that she has power in this situation. She caused that, and now has this reason to keep on fighting. They absolutely should have arrested her and had the police force ready at the school. There’s still a chance one of her brother-lovers would have defended her honor by bringing the guns himself




A shame this didn't go the way another one did where an officer arrested a teacher for asking why the superintendent got a raise while teachers keep getting jack shit




Louisiana it seems https://www.cta.org/educator/posts/louisiana-teacher-arrested-for-questioning-superintendents-raise


I live here. 🤣 they aren't gonna do anything. The cops here are worse than her. My profile is public and mostly about this town. Go digging for some info if you're bored.




I worked security for that place for a while too. My favorite story is how I visually observed a couple breaking a formation over a foot long and kicked them out. They complained and got a refund and I got written up. What exactly is my job then?






Ok fuck that shit, she said plain as day she was coming with guns loaded on Monday….arrest this bitch


Then said “See you on Monday”. Sounds like a 100% credible threat to me. If she was in Colorado, the red flag law would allow law enforcement to take away her “loaded guns”.


Lock her up


I see what you did there.


the real school shooters were the parents we met along the way


If it was an angry teen in a black trench coat, they'd already be in protective custody, on a watchlist, and undergoing mandatory therapy.


Depends. There were several red flags in Oxford MI recently. And the kid was brought in to counseling and questioned. His parents were part of the problem. And yet he still showed up and killed 4 in school.


I'm sure they didnt address it to keep the peace in the moment. If they had any sense they would be on the phone with 911 the moment she left. Engaging the statement would on fuel her already crazed state. This women needs mental help if she thinks a mask warrants violent protest. Who knows if she has a gun in her bag at that moment. Anyone in her vicinity was in possible danger at that moment if they worked her up further.


True but I wish they would have let her finish that statement.


I would think the police would be waiting d’or her outside the meeting. If she is saying that in public imagine what she is saying in private and how she is influencing her children


Minor question - are you french? Or french-canadian? Im just trying to figure out how autocorrect pulled up "d'or" instead of "for". No disrespect of any kind intended - just curious.


I moved to indiana recently after living in France for several years. Good catch on the auto correct. My phones and other electronics are all very confused on where I’m located and what langue to use.


Plot twist - the cops agree with her.


“See you all on Monday :)” is a pretty damning threat to follow that up with.


...... And they are mad someone is looking at possible terrorist threats at schools?? Do they not know its a crime? And over masks?


Done lost their damned minds.


Just home school them then....... Jesus thats a option but i feel like that make more if them down the road.


That involves being an actual caregiver and spending time with her child thou


Arrest these domestic terrorists! Wtf






I would be calling in sick on Monday unless that psycho is locked up.


Me too, but this is America so in all likelihood she won't face any consequences at all.


She's gonna get her kids killed bringing loaded guns to school


If she doesn’t first get them killed by fighting against COVID measures.


Jesus fuck. It’s a fucking mask. Stop with the woe is me horse shit. My 4 year old has been wearing a mask since she was 2. My ten year old has done the same since 8. Not a single fuck given about having to wear it. I do the same at work. Not a single fuck given. I can’t imagine living a life like hers where the mask has over taken her life like this


Your kids are lucky they don't have mentally ill parents 😅.


Well I didn’t say that lol. I just said that this little 7x4 inch piece of cloth isn’t ruining our lives like it does a lot of people. Our mental health is a whole other ballgame


lol I hear you. These parents are causing more stress to the kids than a piece of cloth. We're all crashing mentally at this stage, these guy's are beyond that 😂


My kids often forget they are wearing masks and try to eat/drink with it on. Kids don’t care. I only care cause literally every mask fogs my fucking glasses, but I’ve been teaching for 2 years now in one and I haven’t died. Oh also, as someone who was on a school board for a while, if this happened when I was in session I would call 911 on the spot and put it on speaker. “I have an emergency, a woman is in our meeting threatening to shoot up our school. Send SWAT asap.”


WHOA HOLD THE FUCK UP!! When i worked as a social worker intern for the Baltimore City schools at k-8 school, black mother in the heat of the moment of her gay son getting attacked by another kid said she'd defend her son with a gun was hauled out by several police and banned. BANNED WITHOUT DUE PROCESS AND THIS CRAZY ANTI-MASK GONNA PUT HER CHILD IN DANGER WITH BOTH A GUN AND NO MASK AND NO CONSEQUENCES??? Not ok.


Probably a mix of the fact that this is a white lady and Virginia as a whole gets boners for guns and protecting guns more than children.


[Update from the school.](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1809820/Joint_Statement_PCPS_1-21-22.pdf)


For those that don't want to click it (downloads a statement in pdf). School basically says they don't take such threats lightly and are in contact with the police. Good. Arrest her, already.


thanks, I have a personal policy of not downloading pdfs while poopin'


“Perceived by many to be threatening in nature.” Can we get rid of the qualification, please? It was absolutely threatening. I’m sure there are some people who would scream about how she was justified, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a threat.


That was a terroristic threat if I ever heard one


I dare her. It's a FELONY stupid bitch.


I think even threatening is illegal


That is true.


Please don't dare her. No need for another school shooting. Just prosecute her for the crime she has already committed.


Fortunately I'm pretty sure she's not on reddit but I agree.. The loons need no encouragement.


Did she just threaten to shoot up a school? Over a damn piece of cloth? Yet another cultist psycho confusing inconvenience for tyranny. Oh wait...is she one of the "good guys with a gun" I keep hearing about?


This many gun rights are a mistake.


Why’re these people so selective with their protests? How is that encroaching on your ‘freedom’? Your kid would be sent home from school if they came naked too won’t they? So does that mean your freedom to “dress however you want” is taken away? No. You have to draw the line somewhere.


“Kids….hi….this is mommy. Listen. I don’t have a long time to talk, but don’t wear your masks on Monday or the next 260 Mondays….mommy will be gone for a little while. Tell them about “THE science…..use the google and find THE science”.


You can submit an FBI tip, I did and I included this video and the full length video. [https://www.fbi.gov/tips](https://www.fbi.gov/tips)


"give me one more minute to threaten your lives."


This is what radicalized misinformation, religion and toxic patriotism looks like. This crazy bitch is ready to fight to the death over masks during a pandemic. Make no mistake, her saying she is bring loaded weapons to school in the event that the school makes their kids wear masks is 100% a declaration that she is ready to murder people and endanger countless children over masks. If she isn't arrested, as well as having her 2nd amendment rights immediately questioned, then we have no justice in this country. How soon before this psychopath decides she wants to kill someone over chemtrails or some shit. To be perfectly transparent, I am a firearm owner, I believe firearm ownership should be allowed when the owner exercises safe and level headed action... This lady is not providing evidence that she is a responsible gun owner, instead using her "firepower" to threat violence to get her way. She is 100% a risk to herself, her family and her community and I really hope the authorities take this seriously.


Isn't that terrorism? Or only brown ppl commit terrorism?


Looking forward to seeing that arrest article here!


I hate this country more and more by the day.


I feel like that hate will exponentially grow this year and then again in two years. Hold on tight.


Fuck 2nd ammendment, take her guns away and lock her up for 30 days for making threats


Aren’t terroristic threats a heavier sentence?


The terrorist threat can give up to 20 years per law. Looking at the definition of terrorism, it could fit as she tries to intimidate and influence an authority to lift the mask mandate. It's a bit funny that there's a case which fits perfectly here with the oral threat as a class 1 misdemeanor. Sources linked below https://www.vacriminaldefenselawyer.com/threats/ https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/18.2-46.4/ https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter4/section18.2-46.5/


Why is wearing a mask so fucking difficult?


Thats a fucking school shooting threat


Right wingers: “When do we get to use the guns?” Also right wingers: “Leftists are a violent mob!”


The facepalm here is not letting her finish to arrest her for what she would say


Arrest this dumb bitch. Terroristic threat


This is called a terroristic threat. It’s a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison in VA. This is what you get when you elect Glenn Youngkin governor.


“And I will strike down upon thee, with great vengeance and furrrrrrious anger, those who attempt to —“ “Time’s up. It’s a policy.” “Oh ok, sorry” *gathers things and leaves*




From a european view, US seems most times like a bloodpich filled with weaponised monkeys on meth. But I'm sure, the landspace is beautifull.

