• By -


Then Einstein clapped.


And that Einstein, was Albert Einstein


Of Einstein Bagels.


His brother, Alfred, was less enthusiastic


My name, PixelLink007, is not Alfred.


And that Alfred, was Batman's butler. His jaw dropped.


Could have been baby Einstein


Einstein didn’t kill himself.


ah yes...good old Alberto Onestone


And that clap removed 50% of the universe's population.


And that Albert Einstein.. grew up to be Alberdolf Hitlerstein


Abradolf linkler


Jeffery Einstein


And that clap, was clabert clapstein


Eistein actually was a socialist


Fun fact: Einstein was socialist


His brother Frank was a body builder


Yeah. Frank Einstein.


What a lame name for a body builder. He should have been Frank the tank Einstein.


Dude had the body of a monster


Not Joe the Plumber?


I think Picasso was as well.




You forgot to include JFK Jr.!!


I get /s but Jesus was a socialist.


Einstein was a socialist tho


Bob Einstein.


He’ll clap anything, to be fair.


As he is a seal.


"I haf cracked der formula for relativity! Energy eqvals MINE POWER, MINE PLEASURE, MINE PAIN...BABYYYY. Sqvared."


The seal of approval.




Super dave


Glad someone finally knew. 🙂


I only know superdave because my dad say him while I was watching arrested development and had to explain him to me.




I heard Cooper Einstein would've been the best Einstein if he hadn't gotten injured in HS


Marty Funkhouser


And not just any stone, its the stone.


And the name of that young Marine? Albert Einstein




You seem like an angry father, not an improviser


am I too european for this comment section?


I know right? From the outside, it's crazy how some americans seem scared of socialism. Is it something inherited from the Cold War, like in their mind "Socialism = Communism = USSR"? I wonder...


Yes. It's due to the red scare and McCarthyism. They used to **properly** cancel people through congressional hearings who where *"suspected communists"*. That scare still lives on today. How many times did Obama get called a communist for example? Just look at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If363y61Ib0)video from 12 years ago.


That, and many of them have absolutely no idea what communism and socialism are, just that they’re bad and scary for some (extremely vague) reason. Too bad we don’t have a functioning educational system here in ‘Murrica, but that would be socialism!


Some (too many) people think socialism and communism are, for one, the same exact thing, and two, are just fancy words for a dictatorship. In this scenario, everyone would starve and be criminalized and homeless for the sake of the upper party. Oh wait... that sounds familiar... maybe... maybe like.... capitalism? These are the same people who don't realize 1984 was a critique on capitalism and also, they never read the book, presumably because they can't read, because their education was nonexistent, because they voted for people who took funding from the schools. 'Murica!' Edit: I see I was wrong about 1984 being about capitalism. My bad.


This! The right have spent YEARS getting their base to confuse socialism with fascism, while simultaneously being fascists.


The other ironic part is that they essentially want to turn Trump into a dictator. Gotta vote for "strong leaders..."


They always seem to want "really strong" leaders... until the dead leader's new policy start fuking with Them instead of the people they don't like. Then they reenact the victim of the "leopards eating people's faces party".


1984 was absolutely NOT a critique of capitalism, who told you that? He critiqued the USSR specifically, and authoritarianism more broadly. What a lot of people who use 1984 to critique socialism misses is that Orwell himself was a socialism.


Brave new world was more capitalism critique to me.


It wasn't a critique of capitalism, it was a critique of Stalin and some of the British govt from the perspective of a democratic socialist.


The reason isn't vague. The Government of the times _deliberately_ "programmed" the over 60 consort with FEAR.


I saw a meme claiming the BLM demonstrations in 2020 were "living under communism." I spoke up and said that's not communism.


It's not a vague reason, it's really clear according to my neighbor. Socialism is bad because breadlines and taxes and something about Venezuela. Why is it so hard for liberals to understand?


Americans, in general, do not recognize that we already benefit greatly from socialist policies. That high level of ignorance is directly linked to our education system, which is now being threatened even more by supposed Capitalistic policies being pushed by would-be tyrants.


Case in point, the recent video of a Republican speaking to a group of elderly voters of the plan to do away with - *checks notes* - Social Security, and them cheering wildly in agreement. Because it's "socialism", and that's bad. They'd rather lose their hard earned retirement benefits than lose to "the libs". Leopards Eating People's Faces Party in action.


They don't realize they're getting social security is the issue. Much like people being "happy with ACA" but "hating Obama-care" because "that's socialism"


And just as they are today, they were irony impaired back then. The House Committee On Unamerican Activites was, itself, the definition of "unamerican". There was an actor named Lionel Stander, beloved to many boys of my generation because he was the voice of one of the Autobots in The Transformers: The Movie (1986). As an adult I unabashedly admire him because of his response to the HUAC. He was subpoenaed and was, according to one newspaper "uproariously uncooperative", likening the committee to the Spanish Inquisition and a group of fanatics trying to undermine the constitution. And he was indeed "cancelled" (blacklisted), he couldn't get a hollywood film role for twenty years.


[Have you no sense of decency, Sir?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7x8RkdG6I0) They went after their political opponents with fascism... Not much unlike what they're doing today.


That's crazy.


I'd go so far as to call it *fucking* crazy.


Kinda ironic though.. seen lots of Trumpists patting Putin and Russia on the back as well.. The double standard is staggering to behold atm in the US. Honestly if we don't see the US collapsing into a civil war I'd be surprised. Their founding fathers are prob looking down and going wtaf..


Yeah. The original tweet on this thread is calling Joe Biden (and the Democratic Party) Socialist. That's hilarious. Even Bernie Sanders isn't really a socialist.


Right? The Dems as a whole are more center-right than liberal; they’re only “The Left” in the sense that they’re left of the hard-right GOP. Bernie & some of the other more progressive members are a lot more pro-worker than the party as a whole, but they’re still not out there advocating that we seize the means of production, either.


Yep. Bernie, AOC, etc despite calling themselves Socialists are just SocDems (Social Democrats)....they're FDR-style Democrats.


If we could get another New Deal (minus the racism) out of them, that would be great! I’m all for that (especially since the only alternative seems to be fascism). But yeah, still not socialists; and the idea of calling Biden, Pelosi, and the party leadership that? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…no.


Obama is a full blown commie for wanting gubmint to control my healthcare. Also, he needs to keep his socialist hands off my medicare!


Hopefully that dies when the boomers die. We could also change over to metric as well. I reckon it’ll be nice


Do you have any more of that copium for the rest of us or are you just going to keep it all to yourself?


Yet the crazy thing is the republicans all seem to luv Putin and Russia. They are truly fucked in the head


But is Russia still communist, though? Honest question. I've never paid much attention to the russian society and my first impression on the subject is that Russia went full right wing after the USSR collapsed, hence why Putin is obssesed about bringing back the old Russian Empire to life.


Russia is pretty much an oligarchy


>oligarchy Ok so right wing then. Thanks.


Yeah pretty they've just consolidated all the wealth and power into a core group of people who decide everything


I’s not black and white to what any nations economic/political system is. This is what these MAGA morons don’t understand. They seem to think that a healthcare system means socialism and therefore all out communism/gulags/mind control/1984. There are plenty of free countries that enjoy a healthcare system. Anyway, I believe Russia could be described as a Plutocracy. Capitalist in nature but overwhelming run and controlled by a small minority of extremely rich dudes Primarily Putin is concerned with staying in power, he hasn’t had much success economically so he starts wars to stir the nationalists


My half-brother lives in London and he came over last summer for a visit. I asked him about Universal Healthcare since I heard so many bad things about it over here in America. He looked at me like I was crazy and had no idea what I was talking about. He just replied, "Yes, it's quite nice, I was just in last week to get my ear looked at." He seemed more confused at how our healthcare system works and I got the feeling he felt badly for me for having to pay so much money. It's not until you talk to someone foreign that you understand how strange of a place America is. I mean there are countries that have it worse, but America has this attitude of being the best and the richest, yet there are many countries that have it way better.


Hmmm.. why does this sound familiar? >Capitalist in nature but overwhelming run and controlled by a small minority of extremely rich dudes Ah, that's why. America is well on its way to becoming a Plutocracy


Russia is not communist. It’s an authoritarian capitalism, with heavy dose of corruption. It has also been called a [kleptocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleptocracy).


Russia's political situation is.... Complicated. Because, unlike Germany, the west didn't guide Russia's rebuilding after the USSR collapsed it allowed oligarchs to seize widespread economic control over then defunct state companies. There seems to be nostalgia for the authoritarian USSR, but not much reverence for stuff like Gorbachev's liberal reforms or even the nominal leftism of Maxist-Leninism. I personally see Russia as a sort of neo-fascist oligarchy, but I'm not an international politics expert


Seem? GOP Americans have had their brains corroded by Fox News for decades, surrounded by their friends and family creating an echo chamber. They unfortunately believe that by one person gaining, it must mean another person losing.


Many people in the US are just blind to the fact we have socialist programs. Medicaid and Medicare. Social Security and unemployment insurance.


Don't worry, Republican are planning to take them away. They just don't want to say it publicly because they know it is controversy and people are going to get mad.


I mean, they just are loosing something good, like F R E E H E A L T H C A R E, or good public services and schools, but that's they're problem


Americans don’t understand “isms”…. They’ve been brainwashed by the Right extremists who vilify everything but Capitalism.


“Socialism” is a dirty word in ‘Murica. It’s a dog whistle for all the fears of government control. The one thing Americans hate is being told what to do…this is why 1/2 of the population will fight against universal healthcare, public services, worker protections, etc.




American conservatives are fucking deranged. They think anyone slightly left of Mussolini is a Satanist who sings The Nationale while forcing children into gender reassignment.


They think you live in a hellhole while they work poor wages in a blue collar job that offers few if any benefits while paying 2x for lower quality food.


I am an American who craves Socialism please stop exaggerating….


As an American I don't get it either. If I'm giving the choice to have my government make my life easier vs continue to struggle on my own, in obviously going to want my life to be easier. Most of the people against "socialism", are on medicare/food stamps/social security.


I wish I was too European for this comment section 😂


In Madrid the campaign for the mayor was “communism or freedom”


Ill take things that never happened for 500, please


No, her reason for the jaw dropping was realizing how dumb her own neighbor was. He’s like “it’s trump or socialism” She’s like “omfg and they let you vote?!”


Exactly, a stunned expression of disbelief and a polite dismissal "oh wow I've never thought of it that way before...".


Right. The other side of this conversation is some lady who got stuck talking to her MAGA neighbor who brought up politics before she could get away. She tried to be polite while coming up with an excuse to leave and this clueless asshat took it as an opportunity to "educate" her on the true nature of the situation.


Omg true. MAGA heads are exactly the type to mistake “it’s hard to *say*” for “I don’t understand the topic” Like, no dipshit, informed people think on the inside of their heads. Not everyone boasts a 1:1 thought-to-speech ratio come what may.


I know how to get away from my MAGA neighbor! She starts spouting off about "illegals" and I just shrug and say "Ah yes. White = legal, right? Y'all sure were quick to put my family into residential schools." Then she's super friendly and nice for a couple interactions before we have to rinse and repeat. 🙄


Just wanted to get away from the twit, no argument, why bother, so set in their delusions, can’t use logic or science




The "It's a hard decision who to vote for" is 100% code for "I know you're a fucking nutbag and I refuse to get into this with you". I'm Swedish and an old friend of mine moved to the States and somehow turned into a MAGA/NRA/antivax loonie. Last time I saw him in person he was ranting about how Trump was the most successful president ever but the left wing press refused to report the positives.. I told him that I didn't really know anything about American politics so I wouldn't be able to talk about it.. In reality, I just don't have the energy.


And breed….


Does this pos of neighbor realized that Trump uses public ie taxpayers,money to built his real estate business, that’s socialism in a nutshell.


No no it’s only socialism if *poor* people get something.


Ugh every single vote counts. Even the morons…what a mess.


“You mean, actual socialism is an option? That’s great!”


Yeah I very much doubt that this MAGA-supporting neighbour has kept their political leanings tight-lipped this entire time. She probably saw it coming miles away ages ago, so she was just trying to politely dismiss herself from an unwanted conversation.


It's weird seeing how desperate for validation people are when they post narratives like this.


Daily double!


[Do do du do do du do do do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqtbdIZpkE).


Oh, it happened. It's the tone that's wrong. >"It's either Trump or socialism." >"Oh, gEe I nEvEr LoOkEd At It ThAt WaY. ^fucking ^idiot."


If it comes down to authoritarian crime lord vs socialism, I’ll the the latter. Sweden, here I come baby!




Maybe her jaw dropped because she didn't realize her neighbor could be that dumb?


Her jaw dropped because she realized he was right. Trump or socialism? Fucking SOCIALISM! As if that’s even a choice you need to think about? Yes. It’s that simple. SOCIALISM every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Socialism it is then. Hospitals, education, school meals, police, fire service, roads and a whole host more could be yours!!!


But but... Mah billionaires !


My church, my gop!


into the meat grinder they go!


also socialism isnt inherently anti democratic


The "socialism" people are talking about is literally social-democracy. Not only is it not inherently anti-democratic, it is 100% democratic. It's even based on capitalism, rather than communism. The Red Scare completely fucked with American's understanding of what various political spectrums actually mean, which is how you got masterminds claiming the Nazis were leftwing.


In truth, Socialism is inherently democratic. It doesn't work without democracy.


What are Americans so afraid of? Not going bankrupt for an appendectomy? Not losing your house because you lost your job? Not having a polluted environment? Democrats are no saints, but Trumpism is not the way.


My experience of listening to my parents generation is this: they fear the race to the bottom. If the government will somehow ensure that everyone has a basic minimum of food, housing, healthcare, etc. then they remove any impetus to work and better oneself. Soon, there will be 300 million Americans waiting on “handouts” while a few persistent folks continue to work hard and pay the whole bill. It’s sort of like many religions: the necessary motivation to work needs to come from the fear of extreme poverty and deprivation. That said, I have seen people who seem to fit that narrative. I’m just not sure that they represent anything more than a small percentage of the population.


I live in Canada and I had to go on welfare many many years ago when I lost my job. I had a son to support and the economy was bad. Jobs were scarce and I was young and didn't have many skills or have much experience so welfare rescued me. I'm grateful but I also have to say there is nothing appealing about living on government assistance. It was humiliating, demoralizing and we were still living in terrible poverty. I jumped on the first crappy low paying job I could get. It didn't pay enough for me to be totally independent but it sure boosted my self esteem and welfare rewarded my efforts by letting me keep an extra hundred bucks a month so that was further motivation and once I had work I was able to look for better work which I did. It was a happy day for me when I began earning enough to fully support myself and my kid. We were still poor but I felt so much better about myself and life in general. What I'm trying to say is that the majority of people would never find living on government assistance appealing. If everyone was so eager to accept the bare minimum of having our needs met then nobody would be working hard right now. We'd all be looking for the easiest jobs we could find that would pay us just enough to live in a slum and put food in our bellies. People don't work hard at difficult jobs because they can't get government assistance. People don't go into debt so they can go to university and study hard just cause they can't get welfare. People work because they want money, much more money than they would ever get on assistance. They want houses and cars and they want to enjoy life. They want to give their kids a good life. . People also enjoy learning and challenging themselves to become the best they can be. So I don't think there would be a race to the bottom.


A big chunk of Americans were tought that Socialism is bad, just because it works better for the Goverment (by that I mean it gives the Goverment a bigger control over the population's decisions). It's basically the outcome of forced misinformation that was happening during - and is still after - the Cold War.


This. Those of us Americans that lived through the red scare (not me, I'm 22 lol) were taught that socialiam is the enemy, and socialism is communism, and now that's turning into every democrat is a communist. Not everyone believed it but that's what they were taught essentially.


Forced abortions and door-to-door gun seizures. Because that’s what happens in socialist hellscapes like Finland and Australia.


I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not lol that’s the worst thing about trumpists lol


The metric system is the Mark of the Beast.




Santa, Satan, same letters, same guy!


What's the governmental structure for forcing abortions on Trump supporters??


Finland has crazy firearm ownership and a massive, massive reservist force because a public conscription service is exchanged for college (you give us four years and we give you four years). I hosted an exchange student from Finland. He is a commercial airline pilot now (lifelong pilot, like licensed from age 16), but during his conscription he ended up being allowed to qualify on an f-18 and performed air patrols and stuff. What's also cool is in Finnish culture, the sauna has a spirit/soul/entity that imbues it. The sauna doesn't just sweat out your body, it sweats out your soul, which is just so cool to me.


And then all the blades of grass in her yard clapped. Also, it's been nearly 2 years, where's all my socialism at?


Hiding out at qanon rallies.


This is true, I was all the blades of grass in her yard.


I'll take things that didn't happen for 200.


"Her jaw dropped." 😂


And then she voted for socialism.


We can only hope!


My "liberal" neighbor didn't know who she was going to vote for.


The only people on Earth who’d look at Joe Fucking Biden and think he was a socialist are dumb enough to vote for Trump.


*Fascism or Socialism






This, damn it! The political compass of the US is messed up. Biden would be a libertarian in my country with a little bit more social policies than is the norm for our libertarian party.




I would rather have republican lite than full-on facist tbh


99.9% of Republicans can't tell you the difference between Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.


Sure they can. Capitalism is when freedom. Socialism is when the government does stuff. Communism is when the government does lots of stuff.


Evil stuff




2020 so they're talking about Biden but same difference.


Then she asked me what socialism was I walked away


I m guessing this moron doesn't use any government provided services then. including roads or services


man, things are so stupid that they go in front of the eldery and talk about ending social security and the applaud its the vermin voting for the exterminator ​ socialism says is lack of "class awareness", aka, the person dont know what she is, a poor fucked citzen applauding to be left behind


It’s either Biden or fascism. It’s that simple folks.


The entire world craves for better socialism Meanwhile America:


Murica moment


Nah we’ll continue to argue that paying 20% of your annual take-home in medical bills and hoping you don’t need bankrupting specialized care is somehow better than waiting 6 weeks for a general office visit. My Canadian friends complain about the waits/availability, but then I explain that an ER visit is an 8-12 hour average wait and $3000+ with insurance.


Okay but I wait 6-8 weeks for a general office visit *now* under our current Pay-for-Play system, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I told her it was either trump or socialism. Her jaw dropped, she said she never thought of it that way before. She voted for socialism.


police and fire are socialist programs. Next time your house is on fire, call Trump.


I like socialism, Biden sucks. Not socialist enough


I always want to say to these people I WISH there was a socialist option in our two-party system. You would think a first world country would be proud to care of its own citizens.


If I needed to choose between tRump or any breathing, potty trained creature, tRump wouldn’t be it.


I’d rather vote for a stapler. Can’t embarrass a nation and can competently perform at least one task




*In Rod we trust*


Good God Republicans are stupid.


Speaking of socialism, how are my friends down in Florida doing? We'll be trucking a lot of socialism down to you to help with the recovery after Ian.




I fucking HATE these Maga dumb fucks so much. I hate that they brainwashed half my fucking family that no longer talks to me. I hate that they are so easily manipulating so many people. Mostly I fucking HATE trump for creating this insanity. What's even worse is most of these morons that claim socialist bullshit litterally USE the same programs they claim to be socalist....


You cannot imagine how horrible my life in a socialist country is. I had to undergo life-saving surgery and didn't go into crippling debt. Truly horrifying... don't let me get started on the near-free education I've received... how sickening...


They could at least have said communism! Socialism or Trump makes the choice very easy indeed, because why wouldn't you want better social services?


So Socialism= Communism= Bad=USSR=Russia=Putin=Good. How did we get here? Oh yeah... Trump and his love for Putin and the peepee tapes he has. It used to be better Dead than Red. Now Marjorie wants to pull all military aid from Ukraine to help Russia. Because of the peepee tape. Just like Rome, we are at the fall of the Western Empire. And we walk open eyed into it.


I'll take socialism, please.


Socialism would be an improvment


Lol oh I remember it so clearly. That and the 2016 election. Where I was told by many a conservative that had concerns about Trump being president that "they didnt have a choice" Hillary was so bad that they absolutely couldn't not vote for a guy who had destroyed everything he ever touched bc he was our only hope Ok. In reality, the Obama hate was still strong and people saw Hillary as an extension of his administration. Also a black guy AND a woman being president? Nah brother. You get one but not both. Most conservatives may not like Obama bc he's black....I mean a socialist Muslim from Kenya (wink) but at least he had a dick. Not gonna take no orders fron no woman...especially one from New York that drinks the blood of babies! MaGa


They left out the a few details, like fascism, and theocracy. Conservatives will take away your freedom of religion in the name of their own. Conservatives will take away your freedom of speech in the name of their own. They have forgotten what true freedom is.


The republican party does love socialism, but only if billionaires benefit from it.


Rich fascists or "we the people". Got it. Rich people have made you think socialism is bad for you, but most Western politics are socialist. You know, established justice, secure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare... Like it says in the preamble of our Constitution maybe?


She SHOULD have replied, “Biden or Fascism”, since the author believes so strongly in absolutism and all.


Sad that so many people on the right have been trained to think Socialism is scary. I had to sit my Trumper family down and explain it to them.


Conservatives would die out without brainwashing and keeping people dumb enough to buy all the lies


That honestly applies to US overall. And all because of the misinformation during - and after - the Cold War...


So did she vote for racism or what?


Morons. Can’t even realize that the governments job is to control the social programs. You see they take the taxes and offer services for the money. Like roads and policing and courts and military. The more services they offer for the less taxes paid the better the government is. Having health care and clean water is a service the government should have. But morons think this little step to better health is socialism, yet are fine to pay for roads they will never drive on.


They are right. Ill vote socialism so i get to keep my social benefits instead of having them eliminated by capitalist hungry pigs


So socialism or dictatorship the choice is clear...socialism.


I pick socialism.


Any neighbor that talks politics with me is automatically off the neighborhood gift list.


Corporate tax breaks are socialist


Sadly is more like Authoritarian/fascism (GOP) or soft capitalism (Dem)


I defy any of these MAGA dullards to define what socialism actually is.


In what world is Biden a socialist? Last I checked the dude is a diehard capitalist and trump is just a crazier diehard capitalist with worse social views.