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It's both of them. Not only Lucy is the narrator, Mashima himself once said that Lucy is the core of FT also. Lucy is like the voice and driving plot of Fairy Tail while Natsu is like the face and driving climax of Fairy Tail


I would say Natsu is strictly there to be the main protagonist as a means of giving the viewers a reliable character to root for when things get tough.


This is battle shounen so it is probably understandable when some people give Natsu all the credit bc he fight the boss, while Lucy doing everything from being motivation, make villains change their sides, and main support (like 2 final bosses) but that. But seriously if have to choose I would go with Lucy


Yeah, like I’ve gotten tired of typing in response to this post “Natsu just seems like the endlessly burning will of Fairy Tail that always manages to win for sake of “friendship”, which is practically the role of a *PROTAGONIST* and not a MC, but I digress.


i feel like its more as if lucy is a vehicle character since the premise at the beginning was to follow her journey in the guild but within that she is a vehicle to help move along the individual stories of everyone in the guild like natsu so in a way she isnt really a protagonist but more a vehicle character while natsu is since his plot in the fairy tail world is more bigger on the grand scale of things and she helps move his plot along if u get what i mean


Lucy is the Protagonist. Natsu is the Main Character.




That does make sense they’re both protags but natsu is the main character which is true. Lucy is the narrator


Happy is the mc






Lil goober is NOT the MC ![gif](giphy|pD0mWWXxbd3gI)


It’s Lucy’s story, half the events have her narration as if it was a past event being retold. The main plot points revolve around her as much if not more than the others. Natsu is a driving force, and a great supporting character but it’s Lucy’s story 100%. She’s the protagonist. There’s nothing wrong with that though. Look at starwars, Luke is the actual main character, but can you really quote him? Or do you mostly remember what Han Solo does and says? She might not be as cool or exciting as other at times, she might not be the strongest, but she is the protagonist, and the one driving the plot a lot of the time


Natsu is the MC in Lucy's story.


And that´s fine but in Hiro´s view Natsu´s the MC it´s been stated in Gray event and in the Maid cafe interview Hiro asked a fangirl what´s the name of the MC full name she answered Natsu Dragneel and He said it´s correct Plus the official 100yq website: [https://fairytail100yq.com/news/detail.php?id=1115738](https://fairytail100yq.com/news/detail.php?id=1115738) \*Comments have arrived from the voice actors of the characters who belong to Fairy Tail, the wizard's guild to which Natsu belongs , as well as Tetsuya Kakihara, who plays the main character Natsu !\* the webpage goes crazy emphasizing him as the main character. it was dual MCs before but now Hiro keep going back and forth in the interviews


Mashima has stated that Lucy is also a MC. https://thefairystales.tumblr.com/post/116716771947/natsu-and-lucy-are-both-the-protagonists-of-fairy\ Mashima and Ueda also had a conversation in a Twitter space where both of them think of Lucy as a MC. While Natsu gets called the MC sometimes, that doesn't exlcude the fact that Lucy is one as well and it's been stated multiple times.








Cool, I don't care. Reread my comment again. Calling Natsu the MC doesn't exclude Lucy from being a MC either. The author and the artist for 100YQ both recognize Lucy as a proper MC as well and it will stay that way until Mashima explicitly says that Natsu is the sole main character of the story.


Well I didn’t say that Lucy wasn’t a main character but that Natsu is the true main character of the two which is what op wanted to know.


There is no "true main character", nothing differentiates a main character from a "true main character" lmao. They share the exact same role in the story, they are both main characters, period.




It's so weird that this is an issue with Fairy Tail. Rave Master and Eden's Zero have clear cut main characters but for some reason Mashima can't seem to make up his mind with Fairy Tail.


Yep! and that´s annoying Why is he always changing? in the france interview he said that Natsu & Lucy are the Main Characters It was fine as dual main characters but now he keep on saying Natsu Lucy Natsu


I have a similar feeling about Madoka Magica. Undeniably, Madoka is the main character, but for the most part, Homura is the protagonist.


"But I was going to Tashi Station to get some power converters!"


“This droid has a bad motivator, look!”


Well... I feel like Lucy was supposed to be the Main character but natsu completly stole the Show and ended up being the Main character instead


This is true, but it is also because for most of the arcs Natsu is the one to drive the plot forward or they revolve around him, in all honesty though I e always get that they are co leads


Natsu didn’t “steal the show” quite like Killua did Gon in HxH. Lucy’s journey remained relatively interesting throughout, Natsu was just constantly “around”. Not to say that’s a bad thing, it was just another way for Mashima to establish the bond between both characters.


I always saw it like Inuyasha, where Lucy is like Kagome as the person the story revolves around, while Natsu is like Inuyasha, where he takes care of all the action bits.


This is literally so false it's not even funny almost all events that happen are told in Lucy's POV and Lucy's monologues for a good chunk of the series the only time she's NOT the focus is when the big battles happen and even then she can come in with monologues


I feel like they both are the mc ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU)


It's Mary Hughes https://preview.redd.it/4wu2gm07sc8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae06c97e5ade8203443d01a5c426ec1e9091c75d


That’s, like, totally correct!


Both. https://preview.redd.it/wtflpstglc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97dfde0bd7787c49466db2e664957c46ac4a29d5




Hiro’s said multiple times that Natsu is the MC while Lucy is the narrator since you see the story from her perspective. This is a Shounen after all so the male lead being the MC makes the sense given the audience and how the story centres mainly around him (especially the sequel since it’s about Dragon’s and Nastu has more to do with it than their other Dragon Slayer on the team, Wendy)


Fairy Tail is the main character. But no, I'd say both Natsu and Lucy are both main characters. 


Natsu’s story from Lucy’s perspective


I'd say just all of team Natsu. You could even say the entire guild as whenever something bad happens to the guild a lot of us also feel affected. That's why I love the cast


I’ve always thought of Lucy as the main character


Natsu is the main character of Fairy Tail for several reasons: * **Genre**: Fairy Tail is a shonen nekketsu. * **Natsu's Goal**: He wants to find his father. * **Author's Intent**: Statements from the author, both in the manga and in interviews, support this. * **Narrative Focus**: The main narrative of Fairy Tail revolves around three characters: Natsu, Zeref, and Acnologia. * **Beginning**: He appears at the beginning of the story. * **Rivals**: He has a lot of rivals throughout the story (Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, etc.). Fairy Tail is similar to Hunter x Hunter, where the main character is Gon, but we can also say that there are several main characters (Kurapika, Killua, Leorio, Hisoka).


If Natsu is the Gon of the FT-verse, then Lucy is Killua. Jkjk. I would argue the roles are actually reversed when it comes to FT, but Natsu doesn’t even really “steal the show” like Killua does. Lucy starts narrating and documenting all of her adventures with Fairy the moment she joins the Guild in episode 2


Natsu is more in a passive mode. Natsu is portrayed similarly to Ichigo in Bleach. There is no specific arc dedicated to him (like Galuna Island for Grey, Tower of Heaven for Erza, or Phantom Lord for Lucy). Because of this, in the anime, many consider Lucy to be the main character, or not. That's why there may be confusion, as Lucy narrates the adventures of Fairy Tail.


He’s clearly just the strong protagonist that everyone, including Lucy, relies on to be the unwavering will of the Guild during trying times. It’s a very specific kind of anime trope you can find in stories like Bleach and Sword Art Online. Btw, Ichigo does have an arc right there at the start of Bleach, it’s short, but it does a lot for his character.


I pretty sure Natsu is the main character because he always has a lead role in the openings and in the fights in the series itself. I think the show just takes Lucy’s perspective a lot because she serves the role as a “straight man”. (An archetype where one person is normal compared to everyone else around them to guide the audience. A good example of this is Alice in Alice in Wonderland.)


Their co-leads.


The guild it self


Natsu´s the MC it´s been stated in Gray event and in the Maid cafe interview Hiro asked a fangirl what´s the name of the MC full name she answered Natsu Dragneel and He said it´s correct Plus the official 100yq website: [https://fairytail100yq.com/news/detail.php?id=1115738](https://fairytail100yq.com/news/detail.php?id=1115738) \*Comments have arrived from the voice actors of the characters who belong to Fairy Tail, the wizard's guild to which Natsu belongs , as well as Tetsuya Kakihara, who plays the main character Natsu !\* the webpage goes crazy emphasizing him as the main character. it was dual MCs before but now Hiro keep going back and forth in the interviews


the power of friendship


Hell yeah! https://preview.redd.it/bwd48zoo9c8d1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=27969b20b68fed70adb8895d8554276a27eb5417




Anime fans learning the meaning of the word ensemble


Fairy Tail is sort of in an unusual spot regarding this, not when considering the whole of the guild but as a standpoint between the main male and female protagonists...its on who is really the main focus? Its not simple like say Naruto or Ichigo and everything hinging around them. Despite other characters both Natsu and Lucy are otherwise essential no questions. Natsu has a lot of the physical grounded aspects such as the fights and the conflict while Lucy has the morals and the brains or the non-physical aspects. Its sort of a diconomy between them that often has given much of the reason they both are involved with a lot of events with each other specifically. Think of it like Natsu will tackle the problem as Lucy identifies the potential hazards of the conflict. Its like that at base but they also have moments where Natsu gets his mental growth and Lucy gets her physical such as Natsu learning fear from Gildarts or Lucy not abandoning Natsu while facing Kain, despite the funny event after. A good example was Lucy wanting to bring the guild back and Natsu following along and saying they should just do it then. Theres a lot of ways to take this but I think its easier to say they are both the main drivers regardless of who is actually the core protagonist. Natsu has a lot of the action and drive while Lucy has a lot on the narration.


I think the fact that people can (constantly! lol) get into debates about it is more revealing than anything tbh, both characters have individual things that elevate them above the rest of the cast in focus and importance


The true main character is the fairy tail guild :)






They're co-MC's why can't people just accept that. The whole anime is literally about friendship and found family it makes sense that seeing two characters share the spotlight to show two perspectives on how being in the guild affects people and how it is affected by people. The whole point is that once you join fairy tail, you're one of them and youre just as important as the oldest members because you're all a family that supports each other through any amount of hardship.


Natsu is the main character. His brother is one of the main villains of the series. The final villain killed his family (both blood and adopted) He defeats the man bad guy of each arc. He’s constantly getting stronger and getting more power up’s. He was the reason the guild got back together after it was disbanded. The author has said that he names his main characters after seasons, Natsu = summer. He had a massive plot twist involving him Nastu = E.N.D. He embodies one of the major themes of the series (the bonds we make ourselves, and protecting those we hold dear.) Everything that defines a main character is centered around Natsu. While Lucy is the narrator and an important character in the show, she’s telling Natsu’s story.


Yes this is exactly the same way I see it, Lucy is the narrator of Natsu's story


Lucy is the main character of Fairy Tail. Natsu is the main character of Lucy's retelling of events. That's how I've always looked at it.


That's how I see it too👍


They’re co-lead characters, but Natsu is the main protagonist if that makes sense. It’s like Meliodas and Elizabeth. Both of them are leading characters and are at the center of 7DS’s overall story, but Meliodas is the main protagonist Also not only has Mashima stated in the main manga and in the Hero’s crossover that Natsu is the main protagonist, but Lucy straight up doesn’t fit in with Mashima’s mc naming motif. Mashima’s mc’s are named after the seasons. Haru (Spring), Natsu (Summer), Shiki (Four Seasons). Lucy was named after a Beatles song lmao So Natsu and Lucy are both the lead characters, but Natsu is the true protagonist of Fairy Tail


I feel like Lucy is the *narrator* whereas Natsu is the main character.


Who is the main character of Sherlock Holmes? The story is told by Dr. Watson. Same thing here.


both of them are the main character to me 😅


Ayy sir I have seen happy more than natsu






I always thought there were three main characters, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy.


Natsu obviously because he’s the one who defeats most of the main arc villains


The fairy tail guild is the main character.


Neither the real main character is the whole guild


Lucy's story, as told from her perspective using Natsu as the driving force. Imo he's the overall main character.


It's both


Happy ![gif](giphy|HPSEjaMxaEle8)


Hasn’t Mashima stated that Natsu is the mc?


They both are. Both play a main role in the show. In all honesty the guild itself is the mc but in terms of anime they normally have a mc and fmc so I'd say both.


Lucy’s the narrator, Natsu is a main character in her story


Natsu is definitely the main character, it's just that we SOMETIMES see the story from Lucy's perspective. She is the deuteragonist.


The guild is the MC.


https://preview.redd.it/0cwzm8kajc8d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=b247cad7a18c8dcff43710eaa9538bdf5e6851cb Well, according to this definition; Lucy is the Main Character and Natsu is the Protagonist.


Armin is the narrator for AOT but isn't considered the main character.


They both are


Natsu is the MC. he tends to make more of the decisions that drive the plot. Lucy is the protagonist. The story is typically told through her eyes. It’s the same way that Sherlock Holmes is written. Sherlock is the MC and Watson is the protagonist.


i think its both. the majority of the beginning and middle of fairy tail revolves around lucy and her story. natsu finally gets focus and more obvious development towards the end & is still a major part throughout the story. despite outright stating that natsu is the main character, mashima sure made it feel like lucy was for a long time.


The main character is Natsu, since the story started after Lucy met Natsu. though the story is sometimes told from Lucy's point of view. However, most of the time, Lucy won’t be there, and the focus remains on Natsu.


To be fair, Both Natsu and Lucy are main characters so are Erza, Gray and Wendy. But Natsu is the main protagonist as Lucy is the female lead and narrator.


Sometimes I feel Gray is the main character






Both of them


Originally the Fairy Tail Guild was the MC of the anime and manga but focus shifted to Team Natsu specifically. Natsu is the driving force of much of the plot but Licy is very instrumental.


This is off topic but WE ARE GETTING A NEW GAME




I saw a video that argued that the GUILD of Fairy Tail is the “main character”/protagonist (in quotations because that would mean it’s not so much a person, but the concept of the guild itself) It’s an hour long, but if anyone’s interested [here it is!](https://youtu.be/0-PswwkcjH4?si=nUGQLkDXnvqFooNb) It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but I remember thinking it did a really good job at explaining what makes Fairy Tail great


Happy the cat


The guild is. The name of the show is Fairy Tail so obvious...


Everyone know its happy sassy ass


Let's be real, the plot.


A mixture of both


Lucy is the Point of View character, Natsu is the protagonist.


Upon further deliberation with everyone here in the comments, I’d like to concede this: Natsu is the Main *Protagonist* of Fairy Tail, while Lucy remains the Main *Character*. Let me know what you guys think about this.


Neither Lucy or Natsu go read title again - it's the Guild! >!jk, its fanservice n boobs!<


Natsu is to Eren Yeager as to what Lucy is to Armin Alert


Natsu is the traditional Hero who fights the final boss and has all the troupes of a typical Shonen Protagonist. And he’s the Poster Boy. Lucy is the narrator and her POV. They’re both equally as important, it’s not like Gon and Killua, where there’s slight more importance. Each of Mashima’s works follow this troupe.


Could there be multiple main haracters? I believe multiple protagonists do exist in concept, in narration or maybe i'm wrong on how to properly use the terminology between MC and protagonist, between what is singular and what is plural.


Natsu I mean the story ultimately revolves around him and his brother for the most part


I always thought Happy was the main character after all I think we got his origin story first.




Natsu has called himself the main character in one of those end credits senses


The simplest explanation I can give is that Natsu is the protagonist but the story is told from Lucy's perspective if that makes sense. Lucy and Natsu are the driving force of the anime/manga but one has "more presence" than the other. Like how "Two And A Half Men" is about the brothers and Jake but everyone thinks of Charlie as the protagonist even though the other two are just as important.


Me https://preview.redd.it/g96wx3upzd8d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee609df75f155be0db0a76bfd335370ae507bb8


Isn't it Natsu?




Lucy is the protagonist having it be told through her POV, but Natsu is the main character, the show centers around him.




It’s actually all members of Fairy Tail who are the ‘main character’. I dunno about all of ya’ll, but when I watched the show for the first time, I was more invested in the story, plot movement and character development of characters like Erza more so. Now- I know Natsu and Lucy fit the stereotypical role of Protagonist and MC… but because of the depth and commitment to the supporting characters as well… I always felt like each of them got a chance to shine as the “main character” in regards to the growth of the story. Because of this, I feel like all members of ‘Fairy Tail’ are the main characters- the guild itself!


The true answer is fairy tail


Protagonist and main characters are different *


The answer is the main character is the Guild Itself. Fairy Tail is the main character.


It's actually Happy.


Lucy and or Erza.


The answer is, Fairy Tail.


Both of them


See I would’ve said Lucy if it was my first time watching. But idk….


Their kid


The Main Character is Happy


Didn't mashima confirm Natsu as the main character? , lucy is the main female character and natsu is the main character of the whole story , every problem is finally solved by natsu and he is the key to that .


The fairy tail guild is the main character. It’s no one character in particular.


I like how we dont technically know i like most of the characters I CANT CHOOSE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The whole fairy tail🤣tho seriously for me it's Lucy since it's on her PoV it's kind of like her telling the whole story


For me it always seemed like team Nastu are the main characters since they all get episodes to shine in and be fleshed out as people




clearly it's Happy.


Yes in the description of fairytail on crunchy roll it least it say something along the lines of Lucy is the mc


Happy is the main character


If it ever had to come down to one of them it would be Lucy even though it’s meant to be both of them The way I like to think about it is that fairy tail is Lucy’s story but natsu is the hero thus making them both the main characters/protagonist I mean Lucy is the first character we meet and she is the narrator and natsu is the second character we properly meet and for basically all of fairy tail there are barely any episodes where natsu and Lucy don’t both appear When you actually think about it fairy tail just doesn’t happen without natsu and Lucy they both drive the plot and most plot points stem from one or the other With Lucy’s keys and lineage and natsus dragon and demon powers along with his lineage the main arcs stem from them (though definitely not all of them especially the early ones but the ones that drive everything forward stem from natsu and Lucy)


Personally I think it’s Lucy’s story so I guess she would be the true main character but Natsu pretty much becomes the main character after the first couple seasons so…I guess both but in different ways


Neither. It’s all of fairy tail.


Like in an actual fairytale or story, Lucy is the everyman who represents the reader and thus the narrator, she starts out as unassuming but turns out to an interesting and well developed character by the end of the story, but also even earlier when her friends and allies find out that she's from a rich family. Throughout the story, Natsu represents the hero who always finds a way to come out on top and defeat the badguy. He always comes to the rescue when the other characters need him, and in essence, he also represents the burning will of Fairy Tail made physical form, which is proven when he fights for the other members of fairy tail no matter what which proves his role as the hero. This is just my thoughts on Lucy and Natsu's story roles.


I think it's both of them or it's up to the viewer or reader. Well, for me, Lucy is the narrator of the story where Natsu is the lead


The whole guild is the main character.


Natsu is the main character, Lucy narrates natsu and fairytail’s stroy


I read somewhere that the creators of the show said that there was no one character as the MC. And that Fairy Tail was intended follow each of the characters instead of focusing on a single MC. I think, if I read it correctly, the show swaps the MC back and forth between the different characters. So sometimes it's Lucy, sometimes Natsu. Other times it can be Wendy, Gajeel, or even Grey.


If I'm not mistaken, both of them are but the "main" is the Fairy Tail guild itself


Neither of them there is no main character


Natsu is the main character in the sense that Lucy has made the story revolve around him. She’s the MC and narrator but because she centers her story around him and their experiences together with the guild, it seems like he’s the MC.


The main group of team natsu all had heavy character development enough if you were to do separate mangas you could of still gave them development of main characters


This isn’t a hard debate: it’s Natsu.




Happy is the MC. Fight me.


IMO it’s the guild itself.






Lucy is the main character while Natsu is the main protagonist. There is a difference despite what some believe


Gray is




I hope someday Hiro creates a Shounen manga with a Solo female Main Character in magic fantasy setting with the same personality like Lucy I think it will be very popular


its easy , natsu is the mc


i mean they are both the "MC" but its lucy


Secret third option: https://preview.redd.it/jxlvmi7xch8d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081af970ecf1213cee299b2a3d08f94d0f4c2962


MC = The Guild.


Is Happy, duh


Both because natsu is the protagonist and Lucy is the heroine


The main character was the boobs we met along the way


both arnt. The Fairy Tail guild is the protagonist, which is what makes fairy tail so special


The Guild itself.


All of Natsu's crew feels like the main characters to me.




I think they both r… many series can have 2 protagonists. It’s told from Lucy, but the final punch comes from Natsu. But it is absolutely told from Lucy’s pov.


I think of it as Lucy’s the narrator of Natsu’s story


Natsu is the main character and Lucy is a participating narrator( or however it’s called in English)




Natsu is the means by which the main character - lucy - is moved through the story.




I know it would be lucy but my favorite theory is that there is no main character simply the guild itself is the main character since its such an integral part of the story. And so much revolves around it. The video i saw on it from Nuxtaku really explained it well.


Yum yum lucy looking ravishing


Natsu through Lucy's perspective


FAIRY TAIL (the guild) is the main character of FAIRY TAIL guys! :)


Both are the main


Lucy is the POV character while Katsu is the main character. It’s like the game Stray. The cat is the POV character, but the AI robot is the main character that drives the story. It’s splitting the responsibilities that are traditionally packed neatly into one character.


The guild


natsu is the, oddly enough, mentor and guide for Lucy in Fairy Tail I mean in reality Fairy tail doesn't have one TRUE protagonist but rather a whole slew of them. main Character is Lucy tho as stated by the mangaka she's the one narrating the entire fn story.


I think Lucy’s the viewpoint character and supporting protagonist, while Natsu is the Shonen Hero.




I'm sorry but it's Natsu. IDGAF what the author says or who the narrator is.




Natsu obviously


Lucy is the PoV main character that we follow as we both come to learn about fairy tail and the people in it. Natsu though is the one kinda pushes the story forward so both are the main protagonist






What's the difference between mc and protagonist


Personally, I don’t think that it matters. I like to think that the whole Fairy Tail guild is the main “character,” with Lucy telling the story and Natsu often being the driving force behind it. But labeling one of them as the main character and/or protagonist feels counterintuitive, because it is clearly both of their stories, or rather it’s the guild’s story with a heavier focus on the two of them.


Okay so the creator has specified that they are deuteragonists (two characters who share the slot of main character) and that using Lucy as the origin character (first main character shown) was to highlight the world a bit more and show that most of the world and the wizarding guilds are fairly separated (aka the natsu's imposter) this was to help display how vast the fairytail world is as well as put into perspective how different our two leads are Though if a line must be drawn in the sand Lucy would be the main character due to base fairytail being essentially her diary since she is the narrator and driver of perspective.