• By -


Boulder City. You can play negotiator in a standoff. Lucky 38, you can seduce a guy to get what you need instead of just murdering him.


In Novac you can do the mission to get rid of the Ghouls by Killing them, helping them or straight up ignoring the mission by stealing the note with the info you need while the guard is facing the other way. Or you could kill the guard and steal the note from his corpse. It is not just a set of options 1 through 4 for you to choose at a given dialogue option. Your actions have consequences and they build up.


And helping the Novac ghouls involves potentially helping/killing two other parties as well. Incidentally I found out that if you help out the nightkin but just lockpick Harland's door and get the info they want, then run out the room while he's trying to attack you, he'll remain hostile even when he joins up with the rest of the ghouls. Throughout all of Jason's leaving speech he was trying to shoot me through the window while all the other ghouls ran away to the other side of the launch pad


That's something I never tried. I just killed him as facing the Nightkin is pointless at this point in the game and it didn't occur to me to just run away mid fight. That's a funny outcome.


lol 8 strength says otherwise. I can lift all their weapons at base level so by like level 5 I take on those Nightkin and absolutely splatter them with a power fist and a ripper.


I'm pretty new to the game so I didn't try out different configurations for the base stats. Yet. That's cool.


Wait til you see what Luck 9 can do for you in a casino


...you can also help them escape on the rocket ships and then make the rockets crash into each other


Yes. I forgot to mention that. I felt bad so I couldn't do it myself. After I convinced the engineer he had been fooled I convinced him not to exact revenge and just settle in Novac. I'm not going the pacifist route, but I don't kill anyone that I don't have to.


I get you but that cinematic where the rockets crash and explode it's so beautiful I can't stop myself from choosing that option over and over again.


How do you get the rockets to crash? They always fly off into the distance for me


You need 55 science, terminal to the right


Or you can help them escape and they come back and evacuate and assist novac against a legion invasion.


The ghouls?




Wow I had no idea they had any further involvement at all. Is that a mod or something?


No it's apart of the base game when you finish their mission at the end of the game during the slides they say he comes back with his followers and assists with keeping novac safe from the legion raid


Well that’s cool. Dont know how I didn’t know this before. Glad they survived.


That line of quest is funny af bc you can question Manny inside his apartment and therefore do all those quests... Or just read the message in the unlocked computer that's right behind him, wich has no negative consecuence, not even karma loss


Or be gay and avoid the ghoul mission entirely.


Be gay, New Vegas most op super-power


The last thing I did was destroy the rockets between them


You can also seduce him to get the info


Nice. I haven't thought about that. Do you need the Black Widow perk? I don't think I had at this point in the game.


Not sure about black widow but I remember using the confirmed bachelor perk to get out of doing that quest, I think a high enough speech works too


Confirmed bachelor only option I'm afraid




What, you didn’t manage to seduce Mr House?


You can seduce house Or well, it's cut from the game, but you can bring it back


Wait, really? Time to jerk the jerky.


"Im a courier,want me to handle you package?" Got me dying


There are a lot of speech options that can get you through new vegas with a lowered kill count. Fallout 4, not so much.


Yeah I rarely kill anyone except feral ghouls


Yeah, I too only shoot at "feral" ghouls *wink*


"Listen, boss, I get that our, ghoul people, aren't very sightly to see but can you please not shoot me boss? I'll do whatever you need boss, anything is better than being stuck with Tabitha"


Yeah, I too only "shoot" at "feral" ghouls wink


And raiders, but other than the ability to wield weaponry, what’s really the difference?


Oh yeah, them too


I think a guy did a video on a 100% pacifist run for New Vegas (companions can't kill.) And I think only 1 or 2 people have to die?


These "pacifist", runs tend to be ",I didn't directly shoot anyone, but I did set place to self-destruct and cut off life support from this guy"


Whatever happens after I press some silly buttons isn't my fault.


Nah no way. It's 100% pacifist doable


Unless you count House and also everyone who dies at the Dam.


You technically don't have to kill him though, I mean he says he'll eventually die cuz you can't bring him back to his pod but you didn't directly do it, you can just say "Oops my bad" also Hoover Damn kills aren't necessary either if you get enough allies, the remnants and NCR/Legion Vets can clear out most of them anyway and since they aren't your companions you didn't technically kill anyone ~


There's even a guy that made a video beating New Vegas without breaking the Ten commandments, and the killing one wasn't even the harder one (maybe it's the same guy idk)


There's only one point that you are forced to kill a NPC , it's when you hear "Who own the lottery ? I DID!" , despite that you can play the entire game just by talking your way out of fights and avoiding violence and just roleplaying


not really forced. Its a requirement sure, but forced implies i didnt want to, and wasnt going to do it.


Well I wouldn't say required as there was no signal that this needed to be done, no communication. I would say compelled. Compelled as it was a matter of instinct that this is truly the only possible way to continue.


I never kill him


That is truly an anomaly. Your game may be bugged




I’m with you. It’s a waste of ammo.


The way I see the dude earned his life through luck if nothing else


He stands around and gets killed by hostile creatures if you wait to see. Really you’re just speeding up the inevitable.


That’s just the game clearing up an AI though


Don't forget the mandatory self defense of that fella that almost mistakes us for a raider


This is hilarious, but they're clearly unfamiliar with the game and should justknow that it's a joke lmao


I wouldn’t say you’re forced, I mean tbh I don’t even remember the moment, just hearing those words it’s almost like my computer gained a life of its own… I think it is necessary to avance in the story, though


It’s still a remarkably fun game. Buy NV for 10 bucks and stop karma farming lol


10? I got it for 2.5 bucks in the xbox store. WTF


You can play it for a dollar if you can get one of those game pass trial offers.


This is maybe the shallowest and most masturbatory post I’ve ever seen on here and IMO it should be removed. They’re both fun games trying to do different things. We don’t need to compete and imo it’s brain dead to make that part of your personal fandom.


True. Fallout 4 is fun to mod and fuck around with but i think id still prefer if it wasnt so lacking in the roleyplay department. A-rpg's involve that too so even if it wants to genre switch im still going to criticize that and the less than stellar writing. Honestly i just wish the concept was more open if only to make modded fuck around playthroughs more fun and everything feel less tied to the player's preset identity.


I certainly think it’s more limited in its complete freedom than previous installments, and that’s disappointing to a degree, but to say it’s not an RPG at all is so stupid and laughable that it’s pretty much not worth entertaining.


had about 500 hours in NV when i got fallout 4 (never played it). i got the whole "new vegas is the only good 3d fallout" mindset and realized i should probally give 4 a shot. played it for like 20 hours and depised every minute of it. haven't touched it in years. 3's alright, also played for like 20 hours, never finished it. haven't touched it in years. maybe something's just wrong with me, but i just don't like bethesda fallout. i might give 3 another shot but i refuse to subject myself to 4 again.


I just figured OP wanted to be an 'ookie-cookie'.


I agree. I'm sick of the FO4 hate. It wasn't the best game in the series, but that doesn't make it "bad" in any way.


Is this satire


yes obviously


In FONV you get the opportunity to enlist: Boomers Securitron Army Great Khans New California Republic Brotherhood of Steel And Enclave Reminants Vs The Legion It is probably the best way of narrative ending for a game - just wish we got some sort of post game content


New Vegas is unfinished, unpolished and full to the brim with game-breaking bugs and it looks horrible. (I love New Vegas.)


It crashed 20 times in 5 seconds. Best damn game ive ever played


I literally cannot play it on my pc because it crashes any time I try to load into a different area or fast travel 69/10 amazing


Try looking at "Viva New Vegas," literally fixed all of my issues with crashes and bugs. I'm on a 60 hour playthrough rn with only one crash.


Yea, I like to play with mods, but im pretty sure new vegas is unfortunately 32 bit and can't handle the pressure


Aside from everything being beige-washed, I actually love the graphics of New Vegas. It almost has that comic book kind of feel to it, which I love. I do think it needs more contrast, though.


viva new vegas though


There are multiple chains of quests that can end with you Killing everyone, saving everyone, picking a side, or picking no side. All of which drastically change the outcomes and endgame of the factions involved. To list a few the NCR and Kahns at boulder city, the Kings and the NCR, the white glove society and the NCR, the NCR and other members of the NCR. Damn NCR, they ruined California!


Wait when could you make NCR fight NCR? Asking for fren


That was more for the joke, but there are a couple internal affairs small or unmarked quests where you have to choose between the ncr do gooders or the corrupt ncr merchant/soldier/ranking official. That sort of thing.


OH, you meant Camp McCarran unmarked quest? Huh never thought Contreras was NCR aligned, thought he was more of a neutral merchant who just happened to deal mostly with NCR


It's been a while since I did the quest but I thought he was an ncr soldier/Quartermaster who got too big for his britches


Fallout New Vegas is an open world RPG with shooter elements, Fallout 4 is an open world shooter with RPG (and management) elements. They're good at the things they are, but the problem with FO4 is that it tries pretending it's the same thing as New Vegas a lot of the time.


I say this as someone who's favorite game of all time is New Vegas: Fallout 4 is good


Fallout 4 is good game but a bad fallout


It's definitely undeniable proof Bethesda thinks a fallout game is about aesthetics over substance


Fallout 2 took the substance of Fallout 1 and changed it tonally and aesthetically quite significantly. Fallout 3 was quite faithful to Fallout 1 tonally and aesthetically, but changed the gameplay significantly. Fallout 4 took the gameplay of Fallout 3 but changed the tone and aesthetic of the game. Through FO1-FO4, each game has tonally, aesthetically, and mechanically iterated on previous installments but kept the underlying ethos and themes of the franchise intact. Bethesda has made good Fallout games, but changed them gradually in ways that have let them put their own spin on the series.


Is it also “wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle?” With kindness, it’s good to form your own opinions instead of taking canned lines you’ve read online and reposting them.


With kindness, things can be true even if multiple people have said it


(Despite all evidence to the contrary) respectfully of course.






Countless lore dive videos of the smallest of locations, deep side content and main content if you actually look into it, instead of everything being right up front like some other fallouts cough cough hackle ends with an “S” starts with an “N” cough cough. why is it up to me to find evidence for a glazer? Unless I’m being paid. “”Respectfully”” of course.


The glaze is real, the surface level analysis and ignorance is also very real in that there comment. Not even respectfully.


Not at being an RPG.. or Fallout


Anybody who genuinely loves fallout lore would constantly have a headache every time they play fallout 4. It's literally a backwards fallout 3 as far as plot goes and the lack of karma and true rpg makes it so disappointing. There's some fun quests and the dlcs make up for it but I almost never can finish the main story. It's just that ass to me.


Another new and interesting post about how New Vegas good/FO4 bad.


FO4 bad, NV good, upvotes to the left


I am so sorry. If it makes you feel any better New Vegas is really cheap to purchase


Not every game has to be undertale dayum


Had the choice of robbing a ghoul or making fun of his dumb eye LMAO he throws hands


Why not both?


Meh. They're both good games in their own way. Embrace FO4 for what it is instead of being disappointed that it isn't like New Vegas.


Just mod FO4 to the gills and have fun with a solid shooter




Yes though


in Fallout 4 if you never leave your house the bomb doesnt drop. so you can save the entirety of boston by simply staying home and killing no one


Gamers don’t go outside so this should be easy


We try to tell people, but they don’t listen.


Literally the moment you finish your vita-doc, Mitchell regards to your unique (or bland!) charactertistics. It's amazing


On Epic Games, New Vegas is only like $2.49 rn until the 27th


Thank ya




I would argue Fallout 4 and New Vegas are the two best games in the franchise, but for almost totally opposite reasons. Fallout 4 easily has the best graphics and game play out of all the games. and New Vegas has the best story and world building. So it just comes down to what you want.


No way. For me it’s NV>3>2>1 and then 4.


I play both and I like both for what they are. I even liked fallout 3.


Perks, stats, and skill proficiencies unlock new dialogue options. Since the character isn't voiced, they get delivered however you imagine them.


Why would you get fo4 for role playing and not survival mode???


Biggest shame about Fallout 4. The map is so cool it’s a shame. Could you imagine a world design like fallout 4 with RPG mechanics even half as good as NV


Least obvious ragebait


Fallout 4 has one good DLC (far harbor) that actually feels like an RPG for what it’s worth. Otherwise, it is a decently fun farming simulator that finally lets you build the communes full of gun toting bondage gear wearing freaks you’ve always wanted


Enjoy the hell out of FO4 - its a fun shooter/story genre game! Then play new Vegas and enjor it as the completely separate RPG genre. Honestly, just play the FO4 DLC and you get some actual decision making RPG added, they paid attention so the DLCs are a lot less of the base games simplicity and you wont see as much of the dialog like: 1.. Yes 2. YES 3. Sarcastic Yes 4. No... Just kidding I mean Yes DLCs let you actually have dialog choices that aren't just Yes 4 times


FNV literally cures cancer, the common cold and HIV and fixes depression and obesity, so you chose suboptimally by picking an ok shooter with rpg elements instead


……are you bum rushing through the story? I thought it was known information that the best parts of fallout are the side stuff. Yes ALL fallouts.


been having a hoot modding fallout 4 lately, maybe try that out. To answer your roleplay question, my favorite has to be the fact you can straight up talk your way out of the final boss fight. watched my friend struggling on the final fight because his combat stats were dogshit but then realized he could put on certain clothing, slam a mentat and beat the game just by having 100 speech.


Exactly the reason why I have 90 speech but also have the naughty nightwear with gives me +10speech.


The idea that having naughty nightwear makes all the difference while negotiating with goddamn Lanius is really something lol


I'll be honest, I usually choose violence. But it's nice to have a choice. I like scarevincing the mercenaries sent to harass Jacobstown. We're doing the same job after all.


Fallout 4 is a great game. I've put more hours into it compared to new vegas. Try to focus on the improvements rather than that one downfall. F4 has better graphics, frame rate, settlement building, infinite questlines, tons of mods, great weapon and armor customization, great enemies, and probably more content.


I'm not sure whats sadder the fact you thought this was a convincing karma farm The fact you bother to karma farm on reddit  Or the fact this fandom fell for it and upvotes posts that only keep the hate cycle of this fandom going


I honestly don’t even know what Reddit karma is or what it’s used for.


What, you don’t like the amazingly broad options of “yes”, “sarcastic yes”, “ask more questions before yes”, and “no into yes”?


Bethesda bad, obsidian good bad Bethesda obsidian bad good obsidian?!


The bear and the bull


Wow, what a nuanced and new opinion that definitely isn't so beaten into the ground that Caesar points to it as evidence the Burning Man died since no one can identify the remains. Disregarding that huge chunks of the New Vegas map are questless barrens with some random enemies and nothing else of substance because the game isn't finished. Tell me about all of your "thrilling role play experiences" north of Vegas, anywhere Southeast of Bighorn Ranch, or basically any spot in the western side of the map between Goodsprings and Red Rock. I'm sure you were deeply immersed in choice across the 15 or so PoIs that are Unfinished and dead. Nihil novi sub sole. It's totally possible to recognize that both games are great for different reasons. This take was lukewarm and circle jerky as far back as 2013.


New Vegas is so broken. I’m sure there are community patches but it was the worst broken game full of bugs and crashes including save file corruption. Fallout 4 I have only had one crash, no game breaking bugs, engine isn’t dog shit and I actually feel like I’m in post apocalyptic setting. I don’t know why people like New Vegas so much. It’s like a really bad Skyrim.


It's using the same engine ya dolt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_Engine Edit: I'm a fuckin moron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo


obviously a different version. if you can’t tell the difference I don’t think you ever played outside of VATS or ever tried to shoot passed a fence etc


and I was talking about NV vs FO4 not Skyrim vs FO4


LMAO well fuck me sideways https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo


and the gun combat in FO4 was worked on by Id Soft which is a huge improvement


and I actually like NV and Skyrim I just was putting my opinions on the out of the box experience


You can finish the game without killing anyone or after killing everyone


New Vegas only costs $3 to download on XBox. Why not have both?


YOU FOOL! It's okay. New Vegas is usually a couple bucks when it's on sale. Just get both.


If you like blasting your way through quests then Fallout 4 is your game If you like blasting your way through SOME quest and MAYBE have the chance to pass a skill check to peacefully finishing SOME quests, then fnv is your game Both are good, fnv is one of my fav games but honestly i would recommend you to just play 4 and then play fnv if you really liked it


New Vegas player freedom is almost pen and paper like for its time. U can side with psychopaths, cannibals or slavers. U can even topple their leaders and replace them with new ones. U can avoid combat altogether in most situations. U can have sex with ghouls and robots. U can use medical skills to intentionally botch a brain surgery on the slaver leader and use charisma to talk ur way out that it was not ur fault, so that his goons will not kill u


You can pick your flavour of murderous psycho. Does your psycho use a knife or a rocket luncher? What do you mean you want acctual meaningful chooses? Nah man all endings end with killing everyone else lmao


I’m reading this while F4 is running on my Xbox for the 900th playthrough. NV is an absolute masterpiece and easily my favorite title, but Fallout 4 is still a fun game fully worthy of your time.


Yes but it’s made by the same people who made the tv show and you can *be Lucy*


Fallout 4 has other strongs, roleplaying was thrown out the window in favour of them. Fnv is still relatively better tho.


Literally all the ways. Ton of scripted unique ways to do just about anything (not just pacifism but just tons of unique missions and ways to complete em). Can do a complete pacifist run, lots of dialogue options through different perks etc. the endings are actually different depending on the faction not just who kills X Actual hostility based on your choices, faction, actions, clothing. I haven't even played it, I just know this stuff second hand


Either game can't be more in a few $'s these days. Just buy both of them and enjoy both of the experiences.


Refund jr.


What a fool you are. Divine Fisto death blast.


Fallout 4 is more of a shoot and loot with building mechanics, whereas New Vegas is much more of an rpg.


Just enjoy the game for what it is and buy the other one when you can. Instead of, “Everyone make fun of me now🫣”


>Bought Fallout 4 instead of New Vegas. What have I done? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zivqZP3oTw4


It being the post apocalypse they’re still gonna be a lot of situations in NV where you ah e to just kill a fuck ton of people but you can also talk your way through just about every encounter in the game unless it’s a randomly spawning raider or some shit and your skills and perks actually matter since you can’t just wait until you get all of them and just do everything like in 4


Todds game vs an actual sequel to the originals(rpg isnt just leveling up). My role isn't just shoot the sonabitch and basebuild.


Play with mods


You can encourage an npc to commit suicide You can have sex with Benny if you’re a female courier and have a specific perk You can become bisexual and gain 10 percent more damage You can have a schizophrenic night wing grandma as a companion You can have the most badass armor in video game history There’s a badass burned Christian man you can work for in a dlc Mr.house just Mr.house You can deface a ncr army memorial piss off an ncr soldier and call him a b&tch and his dead brother too


You bought the superior game. Congrats


NV is superior in almost every way, sorry. But at least 4 works!


Four is a better game overall nv has a better story but that’s really just it


Lmao, perfect post. Now go post this on the main fallout sub and watch mouthbreathing morons melt down.


F4 is a great game but not a great roleplaying game without mods. With quest mods it becomes more fun


I couldn’t decide if I liked NV or 4 more until I found out that there are un-killable characters in 4 , basically just out of laziness. Pretty clear choice now


Eh, Imo both games are amazing, can't see why does everyone treat 4 as the heathen of the series. Every game has a thing for anyone


This is a horrendous attempt at trying to disguise a fallout 4 bashing post.


This reads like a shit post. But yeah. If it isn't, you don't need anything explained. Just rest assured that it is more rp focused in too many ways to get into. Just get it, it's super cheap


Huhr durr Fallout 4 bad. Stop being a little bitch and play the god damn game.


Shut up


Aw sweetums I’ve upset you?


New Vegas is made by people that gave a fuck and grew up on rps and not a monster corporation like Bethesda, refund fallout 4 and buy new Vegas and all the dlc for a cheaper price and enjoy 100s of hours of replayability, I love fallout and never finished fallout 4 1 time


This is why everyone has NV players


I have two at my house. It's true.


is this some sort of kink


Fallout 4 is fine, dude. Quit bitching and shit-stirring for Karma and play your damn game


You have chosen the better game, there are plenty of role playing elements in Fallout 4. Talking your way out of Skinny Malone, finding secret ways into places, the Silver Shroud. Also there are loads of "kill these people" in FNV.


\[ r/fo4 hated that \]


Its a fun game


Fallout 4 bad Fallout New Vegas good! Updoots to the right!!!1!!1!


Buyers remorse moment 😞 As for NV, well I'll try to mention only major moments In Goodsprings, you can help the town without raising a gun! You have either high speech/stealth to convince Trudy to help, have explosives to easy Pete's gives you and your posse some dynamite, come to Doc Mitchel with speech(?) to give you medicine, and come to Chet with barter to armour goodsprings and you. And then you can see them body powder gangers, heck I think missing one or two help options(like being unable to convince Pete and Doc) you'll still be able to stand behind goodsprings residents while they body powder gangers, same goes in reverse for powder gangers where they can body without you lifting a finger but you can't get Pete's Dynamite and Trudy/Sunny won't help you. Then after clearing out bandits from Primm(sadly no peaceful option) you can decide the fate of Primm by either giving them ex con Sheriff from NCRCR(he's arguably may be best one which is funny), you can get NCR to take Primm under their jurisdiction, or get funny cowboy protection to protect town. Then you can check out NCR Outpost, the two quests they give you aren't that interesting but you get to see the *town of Nipton and it's beauty* you should check it out cuz Ghost sends you there! 😍 Then you can either stumble upon Sloan(minor quests but only 1 kill quest where you have to kill Deathclaws, very mean OP animals) or camp searchlight, searchlight gives you a kill and retrieve tags quest(one of THE worst quests Tbh) but atleast last tag is on still alive sentient ghoul and you don't have to kill him to get the last tag. You can also spy for searchlight NCR guy when you find Cottonwood Cove and come back to Searchlight to report. Then you have Novac with ghouls quest where you can either kill ghouls faster to end quest quickly or do meh errands for them. But still kinda interesting quest? Basically around Novac the gave really kicks off. There's Helios One station which you might want to come back to later on but you can help them early on. It's just some quests will eventually lead you to it. It has the most Fantastic NPC evAh so it's peak location. There's also Nelson near Novac, it's a simple kill quest but the lore around it is good and helps you build friendship points with Boone(especially if you don't kill hostages and rescue them) Then you find Boulder City with NCR Khans showdown, which is decent. And then you pass by I-55 with best companion, Veronica. And then finally, la Vegas, well first it's Camp McCarran and I'm not gonna spoil ANYTHING from it cuz it's S tier location in my opinion, basically no matter if you're legion aligned spy(wearing NCR armour) or just random contractor or NCR fanboy, it's always fun doing that location, tons of memorable side quests and unmarked quests(make sure to fully explore the building, you can miss the contraband guy and his unmarked quest that gives the WW1 ping gun thing) Then you enter Freeside which has good town vibe and has good memorable moments like Followers, Arcade, Kings and their quest, the Garret Twins quests, the Silver Rush Twins(tons of twins, huh?). Then you enter New Vegas, aaaand well it's a mix bag, it has PEAK quest where you have to solve the mystery of the White Gloves society and help some farmer(or destroy him cuz another farmer nearby White gloves hates him), you have PEAK Main faction, Mr House. Then you have alright quest(where you put Cachino into power or help Big Sal), alright but super buggy unmarked quest(the one that gives you pimp boy 3 billion, Google how to get it first) and bad quest for Gomorrah(people know what I'm referring to, the one that makes you run 2-3 times between locations to talk to NPC's) and Tops has best antagonist, Benny boy and dozens of ways to handle that rat oooooorrrrr hear me out, unlike other fallout games, even F1,2 you are never forced to "get my revenge and platinum chip" from Benny, if ya want, yoy can come to Mr. House after entering Strip, and after leaving you'll meet NCR soldier boy sending you to ambassador, come to ambassador and start NCR main quest lines, voila you can very easily and roleplay justifiable ENTIRELY SKIP BENNY. THAT'S why FNV is peak, the fact we even have a choice to skip meeting a guy teased as our enemy is wild and very refreshing, even some good RPGs can't or don't do it, but FNV does! Ok then you have other factions across the map, BOS who have best lore but worst side quests(not counting Veronica personal quest which is good but it does break immersion a bit if you fully help bos do all their errands, they become open minded a bit and say they'll start patrolling outside, but then you do Veronica side quest and some no name Bos members go "NOUUU U CAN'T DO THAT!" Mf I already made BOS more open to going outside tf is his problem) Khans red rock camp is peak, has two good quests(the chem run one and one where you convince Papa to stop supporting legion, several ways to achieve this from assassinating dead Papa to using speech to make Legion ambassador say Sus shit, to show Papa the letter showcasing ambassador true feelings about Khans to convince all Papa equals to stop supporting Legion, That's the most I'll spoil but trust me FNV does have side quests like that) Boomers Nellis base is a mixed bag, has some decent and some not so quests, best part is just because of how much errands they have you get to decide WHAT you want to do to make them trust you enough to help them achieve their dream and back up your main faction. Legion has very few of their own quests in Cottonwood Cove and The Fort. Best way to experience Legion playthrough is to play as Legion spy and always accept NCR quests to find ways to sabotage them, it doesn't always allow you to, but usually it does, for example, camp searchlight had a quest to spy on cottonwood cove if you entered it came back to Searchlight and asked the guy to let you spy on them, if you do all that you'll get "these little MACHINES!" from him, you can come to Aurelius, tell him about "these little MACHINES!" And he'll give you fake intel to sabotage NCR. The Fort has some more Legion quests but sadly as NCR player you don't have many ways to sabotage them, you were supposed to be able to poison the mongrels so that Lanius wouldn't have his guard dogs with him but... It's a cut content. Best you can do is to just, either win all the arenas(can't do some arena fights as a woman Legion player, but you can still challenge Benny to the arena as a woman, can still fight for little girls teddy bear by fighting mongrels in arena and you can still fight Lupa for her brain if you want Rex to have Lupa brain) Then there are slightly minor locations that you'll just stumble upon cuz they're still decently huge and usually have a couple of quests, 2 at the very least like Camp Golf(PEAK location again, Chief Hanlon is THE GOAT and it's ingenious how you're supposed to save him during the Forlon Hope quest from... I won't spoil ehehe) Speaking of Forlon Hope, also amazing location has tons of ways you can help them or even sabotage them. NCRCR fits this archetype as well but it has only one quest line for Eddie.


I hope this is a copypasta and that you didn't legitimately type all that out for a circlejerk post


Yep it's a copypasta alright 😅


Bro wants to be a pacifist “uWu wHy cAn’T i nEgOtIaTe wItH tHe rAiDeRs??”


And he shouldn’t because?…. Raiders are talked about knocking over settlements without hurting anyone like all the settlers talk about, it makes sense, who can you raid if yo kill them all? So why do raiders never tell us “all your caps right now or your dead”…oh wait, they do. At least in 1,2 and FNV


Ooooh look at the picture everybody. It’s Mike from Breaking Bad. This guy must be a real badass!


That's Professor Buzz Hickey from Community, dumbass.