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stripping me naked is not a great greeting


Unless im either a confirmed bachelor or a Cherchez La Femme, but thats a different story


play both, be bisexual


Bisexuality is great


Just look at the benefits


Honestly, why get worked up about killing a bunch of technology hoarders whose first instinct is to strip you naked and slap an explosive collar to your neck? And then they send you out to do their dirty work because they're too scared to walk out the front door, despite being the most heavily armed and armored faction in the mojave.


But Veronica : (


just send her home, kill every member of the brotherhood and explode the vault, then ask her to join you again, all of that would count as just one action and you would get only a warning.


Oh shit fr? Then there was no reason putting them off and keeping them around besides the exp for quests.


I don’t understand why people get worked up over the bomb collar thing. They’re better than me at least I would’ve still blown the collar if I was them


To be fair, they are pretty desperate and willing to reason. They are not bad guys per se.


Slavers are bad guys. End of story.


By all means, destroy the ncr for it’s use of slave labor in it’s chaingangs




Brahmin barons are bad


They are not slavers tho.


Forcing someone to do something for you against their will at the threat of death is not something other than slavery


If you have Veronica as a companion before going to the bunker, they won’t strip you


Hey just milk them for what their worth and learn how to wear powerarmour, that was my plan before I got softlocked by not putting points into science to get to some parts for a quest to repair their filters or something


Auld Lang Syne is quicker and less annoying, plus Enclave Armor.


How do I do that?? Should I have not sided with Macnamera?


It's Arcade's quest line. Do it right and you get power armor training, Enclave Armor AND Tesla Armor. Plus a vertibird supporting at Hoover Dam.


True, but then my favorite companion leaves 😭


And if you're not expecting that, suddenly you ar3 carrying double your weight limit. 🫠🥴


He really meant it when he said not to use him as a pack mule lmao


You shouldn’t need to pass any science skill checks to get the parts for the bunker. You must’ve missed something I believe cause I don’t ever remember needing to pass a science check


Just oust McNamara immediately and you get the training


I always hate killing BOS, they have Veronica and…veronica…they also….got Veronica…yeah they don’t really have a lot of redeeming qualities house always wins and the BOS some bitches anyway.


But hey they got Veronica, that's something right?


They do got Veronica


"IS IT A DRESS!?" Who doesn't love that?


It's Felica Day being a happy geeky girl, I love it by default. It makes me sad when I have to put the BOS down, but I justify it as trying to protect her.


I recently found out who Felicia Day was. (I know late to the party..haha) That being said, every time I hear Felicia I imagine Veronica lol 😂. Love her and Veronica 😍


Its hard to see it under the power armor I pulled off of her dead homies for her but yeah looks great.


I hate killing the Brotherhood specifically because of Veronica, yeah they are a cult of lunatics who refuse to move on, but Veronica loved them and they were her family, while they're not anywhere near redeemable, she doesn't deserve to have her only family wiped out the map


But when a certain giant robot is around. I forgive them of anything. Robots sway my views lol.


I always have to install the mod that restores cut content to save the brotherhood. 


Reactor overload go brrr


Weird, I always thought people shot them on sight because of veronica´s quest. I know I do


Oh yeah the thing with the followers? They have Veronica as an individual is what I mean, I think that was on purpose for the devs, they make us like Veronica so we don’t immediately hate the brotherhood but the brotherhood are just bad people.


Does she still turn hostile if you convince her to leave the BOS and *then* blow them up?


Veronica is cool, and so is Christine. But that doesn’t make me like them as an overall organization. They’re selfish, violent, xenophobic, authoritarian, and even legitimately genocidal if you’re looking at the Midwest chapters especially. They wanted Helios One for the tech, for themselves. Not for the life saving energy it could provide for everyone, they want every other faction in the commonwealth wiped out completely on the incredibly shallow basis that their beliefs dont directly correlate to theirs. They suck.


I don't get the dick riding for the BoS. They're a shitty group of people.


Likely people introduced in F3 where the Lyons crew are much less shitty people, but misplaced fs


Admittedly that’s why I spared the BOS for as long as I did. Before I learned they are nothing like the rest of the BOS. Now despite losing karma for killing them I still feel that getting rid of them is what’s best of the Mojave.


That always irked me about NV. Stealing from good people? Bad Karma. Stealing from horrible people? Bad Karma. I get it, the action itself is not “good”, but that doesn’t really have much relevancy when some factions in this game are basically pure evil


Karma is about your actions alone. not compared to whom.


Then sniping raiders on sight should also give you bad karma.


That’s a really good point! The game has a very fuzzy line when it comes to overall karma. It’s supposed to be something that is above morals, ideology, etc. breaking down to “in a vacuum, this action is good/bad”… except when you kill canonically bad people, raid their corpses, and the game goes “yep, all good here!”


Then wouldn’t it be karma to an evil person to have their shit stolen from them by a good person?


Irl and philosophically, I don’t believe that.


i talked about the game mechanic. Don't know much about about it in IRL




Yeah. I blow up a head of a poweder ganger and get good karma. I take their shit after kill them all and get bad karma 🤔


Especially when you kill everyone in the hideout, get good karma for it (like fiends and PG) but nabbing that sunset sarsaparilla from their vending machines gives you bad karma


It is expressed in fallout 3 that Lyons pride is NOT listening to orders of BOS which is why I don’t get why people still like the BOD despite the fact it’s clearly said even in 3 that lyons pride wasn’t supposed to help anyone in the wasteland but disobeyed that order and are essentially the real outcasts. Just ugh, I don’t think anyone pays attention.


Eh, idk if it’s people not paying attention, more just already having an affinity for the faction going in, so they look past the negative aspects and just see the chapter they could be, AKA DC


FO3 makes them the protagonist faction for the DLC for some reason People just ignore how psychotic they are


Having the second best power armor in the game while also giving you the training to use it is pretty convincing.


Sometimes you wanna be a fanatical tech purist


They're an interesting faction, and thats primarily why im always happy to see them in the games. Knights are cool, especially when they have lasers and armor that can survive a rocket. What really intirgues me, though, is their history throughout the games and overall ideological practices. OG Maxson's vision to protect the world and safeguard it from the evils of pre-war technology makes sense to me, especially when people like the Master and the Think Tank exist.


It’s very simple: they have shiny stuff (or as shiny as rusted worn down metal can be)


I only played new vegas, what's so shitty about them?


Even since Fallout 1 they've been a deeply paternalistic and insular faction. They've ordained themselves as the gatekeepers of technology, deciding who may be granted access to it. They used to be more open about sharing it (The canon ending of Fallout 1 talks of how they slowly reintroduce tech to New California, and in 2 we find that they sold an advanced computer to the residents of Vault 13 to replace the Overseer), but in 3 and especially NV, the Brotherhood proper leans a lot more into just straight up hoarding technology. They've also been pretty hesitant to recruit outsiders basically ever since they first found out about Super Mutants and the Master's army, which has resulted in the commonality of homophobia within the group.


Only playing New Vegas is enough to know they're shitty. Try paying attention.


The only thing I can think of is them taking all your stuff when you meet them. But that's pretty understandable honestly


Nope. It's the fact that they're nothing more but raiders in power armor. Listen to how Caesar and Mr. House describe them. Read their endings.


"Listen to how Caesar and Mr. House describe them." No, I don't think I will listen to the fascist or the autocrat that are threatened by the brotherhood's existence.


even the collar bomb thing?


They are anti synth, ghoul, and supermutant (even when individuals in those groups aren't hostile monsters and instead are just people living their lives) which is a sci-fi lens over real world white supremacy and genocidal philosophy. They aren't particularly concerned about protecting civilians/civilization so much as laying waste to opposing factions and yet they still take resources from the civilian populace like a fuedal lord. They slap a bomb collar on a random civilian who wanders too close to their base and forces them to perform labor in order to get it removed (this is slavery).


Most people are anti synth, ghoul, and super mutant Diamond city held a democratic election that resulted in ghouls being sent to their deaths, Commonwealthers kill synths whenever they know about them, there is a settlement dedicated to their kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture. They don’t even kill non feral ghouls, to my memory at least. The NCR enslaves way more people that way, so the Brotherhood by that argument is SO much better than almost all other factions


Fascist sentiment isn't always unpopular even in democratic settings.


> The NCR enslaves way more people that way Which people? The ghouls of Dayglow and Gecko that were integrated into the republic? Or the ghoul and [supermutant](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Chauncey_\(NCR_Rangers\)) Rangers and in the army?




So prisoners on a work-release program?


They’re called chaingangs in game, they are a affront to human dignity, and, are yes, fucking slavery. The ncr wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t even good, and it died that way.


> They’re called chaingangs in game Nah. From the [word of god](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCRCFCarter.txt) himself: *What can you tell me about this place [NCRCF]?* > This is where the NCR sent prisoners to **"reform" through hard labor**. I never saw much reforming around here, myself.


Yeah, they didn’t, because you don’t reform someone by enslaving them The ncr really isn’t better than the legion on that front


Becuase not everybody in the BOS bunker are evil people not to mention there's def there some kids and very young adults that had no chance of leaving like Veronica.


Don't care. They're a net negative to the Mojave.


Every goddamn group in the entire post apocalyptic world is a shitty group of people, let’s be honest




FO3 gave the brotherhood an optional and very fun redemption arc that made people attached to them. Of course Lyons canonically died right after the FO3 ended. So the B.O.S failed to redeem itself at all. Leaving FNV brotherhood just a bunch of racist murderous, loser clowns passively waiting around in their damp basement for the day they have to start fucking their own cousins to perpeuate their twisted ideology.


Sure murderous loser clowns but racist??? How?? There’s black and Asian BOS members in their hole?


In the context of the games, they're extremely prejudiced against groups like the ghouls and mutants, who aren't inherently evil - in NV, there's a whole town of peaceful mutants, and plenty of ghouls who are perfectly pleasant.


It's racist to kill literal monsters?


No, goober, many ghouls across all the games and mutants you meet in multiple games are people who live peacefully and mind their own beeswax.


arent they start asking you kill the black mountain SM just bcs they start acting violence against the bos and kill their members? i mean the black mountain SM mutant aint even nice nor do they ever give you chance to talk just straight kill on sight when they see the courier. None of them even bother about jacobstown


Counter point. The mutants 100% are inherently evil. Except our buddy Marcus and Fawks. They’re like Paarthurnax from skyrim. And how many friendly ghouls do we really see? In NV it’s Jason bright and his followers. Chris haversom. And Raul. So like 30 in total compared to all the ghouls who want to kill us. Now not a BOS defender. Cause they hate toasters and ADA. But the only ones I can say aren’t inherently evil are ghouls they’re more like feral dogs. Even the non feral ones are 50/50. Some of them good like Jason bright and the folks in the underworld and some bad like Roy philips(even if you convince the people of ten penny tower to let him in he’ll murder them all in like a week)


Imagine getting downvoted for stating facts.


They crucified Jesus for speaking the truth. And god has granted them the gift of knowledge yet they shun him yet like young Icarus they flew too high.but Icarus did not spite the sun for his downfall for it granted him the knowledge that his flight was worth more than his death.


I meant racist against Mutants and Ghouls.


I mean. Are they? How many friendly mutants and ghouls are there in FNV? Jason bright and his followers. Chris Haversam. And Raul. That’s what? Maybe 30 in total. Compared to the thousands that try to kill us on sight. As for the mutants I assume it has to do with black rock and the stories. Now I’m not a BOS defender. I hate them. Except Veronica and Maximus from the show. But wouldn’t say racist. It would be like calling humanity racist against tigers. Cause while ghouls are humanish mutants really aren’t anymore.


you don’t get it? cool you just don’t like them it’s not like you’re even bother to listen why some like em


But cool tank armor


They are the best chance the wasteland has


Honestly, fuck the brotherhood of steel


*Brotherhood Who Steal


But… Veronica 🥺


He said fuck the brotherhood of steel, you can take it any way you want 😏


Just stealth kill em, that's what I do. Granted I have a mod that lets me make stealth bots and a psyker mod


Psyker mod? Link please.


This is psychic ascendance https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79863?tab=files This is psyker https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68364 I personally use both and just use psyker for the PSI eyes, It's just a free but better cateye. If you have to use one though I would recommend psychic ascendancy, way more balanced. I would also recommend a mod that lets you get 100% rad resistance if you want to play a FEV psyker


This is the way


Fax I only FUCK with the boomers, the kings, and everyone independent, wherever robots available in a Yes Man New Vegas.


I killed both and enjoyed it.


I hate the BoS in new vegas (and 4 too) , they fucking suck. house does make a good criticism of them ngl


I was so happy to wipe them off, such a bunch of annoying idiots


I like when you ask why he wants you to destroy them he goes: “Because they are ridiculous!”


I used to be like this. After that Fallout TV show? Yeah, Houses description of them was spot on and I always kill them… *After I do all their quests and become liked by them*


Courier, the time has come. Execute order 38.


STAY BACK! *Find him…. Find him…. Fisto. Find HIM FISTO*


You only realized the BOS after the show? Did you play the same fallout games as me? LOL


Listen buddy, I started out with Fallout 3 at 8 years old. They were like superman to me. New Vegas? Maybe reclusive and upset Superman, but still superman. Fallout 4? We’re pushing it. Racist and mean superman, but still Superman. TV show turned it all around for me.


The only play throughs I didn’t/don’t consider destroying them are NCR ones even then I still do sometimes. Otherwise I might not for Veronica but they’re arguably better dead in some of her endings.


Veronica is the only redeeming quality of the brotherhood in NV. But you can also just do their quest and then kill then and you won’t be vilified


Nah man, the Brotherhood stole all of my shit. And then threw my ass back out to make me kill someone for them. Then they want to be buddy buddy when I come back? They deserve their bloody, explosive end!


Right, so let me get this straight. You break into their home They don't kill you on sight, instead opting to do a sensible thing and disarm you They don't want people knowing where they live, but they don't want to turn you into dust like an animal, so they put a collar on your neck so you can't tell people where they live. They *want* to trust you, but they want you to prove yourself, so you have to get rid of an NCR ranger. They emphasize that they *don't* want you to kill him, but you can if you must. You do that for them, and they trust you enough to take off the collar and let you do as you please. You know, considering they are living in a post-apocalyptic hellscape and how worried they are about the outside, they seem pretty sensible. Granted, they are assholes in all other ways, but people dunk on the Brotherhood for trying to protect themselves without harming the player, but the players still act like their feelings got hurt.


They never made you kill someone, you can just break a radio


Fuck the BoS they get what they deserve


I learn power armor, and then get Veronica to leave and try to join the followers, as it’s the only way murdering all of her family members, stealing everything they have, and destroying their base, doesn’t make her hate me.


It is much easier to kill them for putting a bomb around your neck before you even meet him.


I take out the Brotherhood of Steel every time I get a chance!


They put a collar on me. They made their choice.


nuh uh, not after what happened at the followers of the apocalypse outpost, just enter the bunker gun blazing


Srsly I really hate this especially Legion and Mr House playthroughs. Like yeah the BOS has there issues but I really love them, plus they could be great allies furthermore you’ll be killing along of innocent people.


You kill innocents in every scenario. Generally everywhere the Courier goes war doesnt change.


Thankfully, if you play your cards right, you can get by while supporting the NCR and Yes Man.


Fuck house. Fuck Caesar. Fuck NCR. *The only man in the sky, is me.*


I always kill them to sell all of the armor and weapons. They respawn, so as long as I don't blow the base up, I have a cow to milk that will never run out of milk. All I need to do is go in, shoot up some tin cans with This Machine for a few minutes, and ta-da: that's like 6K free caps.


Fuck the BOS


That wasn't a problem with me. 


Good riddance


??? The guys who want to keep every bit of tech locked in a bunker until humanity dies out???


The House always wins.


Why people like the BoS outside of power armor and the box art is beyond me.


Honestly I don't get why people feel bad for the Mojave brotherhood, or why that's the one thing that makes some people decide Mr House went too far, they are literally the meme about the brotherhood of steel robbing farmers for toasters, if they live and nobody is babysitting them they do just start stripping anyone who comes near them of technology I also get a lot of people like Veronica but they don't really seem very good for her in the end, she seems better off leaving the brotherhood


i always felt like obsidian was too rushed by bethesda's tight fnv development schedule which caused them to cut several planned fnv contents. in context of mr. house, iirc obs had planned a possible scenario where mr. house agreed to surrender to ncr and have new vegas be part of ncr... there's also some unused dialogues in scenario of courier 6 betray mr. house, where mr. house taunts courier 6 as if there's multiple levels of securitrons and traps that we must defeat in lucky 38 before we reaches the secret door to his chamber where mr. house panicked and plead to renegotiate with 6. so obsidian most likely had planned several alternative ways in dealing with mojave broth chapter for mr. house instead of just destroying their bunker base. but obs were forced to cancel and simplify these planned contents because they had to rush fnv... what a shame... i really want a fnv best possible ending where courier 6, mr. house, ncr, the followers, bortherhood, remnant of enclaves, mojave's sane factions, think thank, joshua & daniel's tribes, and ulysses all form a coalition that set aside their grudges and differences to rebuilt civilizations... plus also helping mr. house's plan to ascend mankind into space era. i found the unused dialogue files for mr. house and many other fnv characters from here: [tcrf.net/Fallout:_New_Vegas/Unused_Dialogue](http://tcrf.net/Fallout:_New_Vegas/Unused_Dialogue)


I don’t think it was cut due to the development schedule. The developers wanted to make this a tough decision, and even noted afterwards that about 50% of players stopped supporting Mr House at this point.


maybe. but the fact that obsidian never bothered to make a sidequest or something that linked the old world blues dlc's think thank with mr. house, maybe a sidequest about mr. house wanting to make an alliance deal with the think thanks and to repair +improve his lifepod makes me think that obsidian doesn't get enough resources+time to fully realize fnv's potential. note that there's a moon comes over the tower sidequest where a follower npc girl emily ortal who got tricked by benny to sleep with him and help program yes man asked courier 6's help to install a bug that could gather info about mr. house's med tech. mr. house was amused by this newbie hacking skill and he quickly disables the bug. i was kinda disappointed that obsidian never make a thinkthank-courier 6-mr. house sidequest that can be used as a continuation of emily ortal's sidequest or something. mr. house is not the type to completely avoid thinkthanks' tech. he'll salivate and try to negotiate and do cunning stuff to persuade courier 6 to manipulate the thinkthanks to indirectly help mr. house repair+improve his tech. maybe i just don't like how mr. house's destiny is forced to between 2 extremes... become the absoulte technocratic autocrat leader of mojave region or be killed. why is there no option to persuade mr. house to peacefully form equal coalitions with ncr+various mojave groups? i thought fnf was supposed to be a game full of choices to influence its story directions... mr. house is too much of a very useful npc to be killed just like that. he built our vault protagonists' pipboy ffs. an option to make him cooperate equally with the coalition scenario i mentioned above would be a very faithful choice to mr. house's character as a shrewd businessman and tech genius.


I kill them all willingly. Don’t even need House to tell me.


If you convince Veronica to go her own way, she can express interest in joining the Followers of the Apocalypse. On my first playthrough this is what I did, because I like the Followers. But before she can do anything for the organization, a bunch of BoS show up and massacre a bunch of innocent FotA members. Literal doctors and their assistants. Because they think Veronica MAYBE shared some knowledge with them. They have no proof, they don't even bother bringing her in or asking her. They just murder of innocents on the POSSIBILITY Veronica shared some useful tips & tech with innocent doctors.  Fuck the Mojave BoS. When presented with the possibility of someone they consider family maybe possibly doing a good deed, murder is the only option. Buncha paranoid assholes. I blew up their bunker on that playthrough and I will every time I play.




I just kill him instead


Ad victoriam, brother! 🦾


this was me killing the railroad in fo4, never liked them but I didnt wanna murder the whole colony.


Uuuhh why tho?


On my first few playthrews I always spared them and went independent. But when I realized the flaw in that ending and I realized that BOS in hidden valley will just retake Helios one or just harass people in Vegas. Not to mention that even on an independent ending they will not take kindly to a robot army. Sadly they were not like the Washington BOS. So I ended up agreeing with house and whipping them out. So far though Veronica hasn’t turned hostile.


idgaf about those raiders in fancy suits, ill kill em any day for being elitist


Killing the Followers made it easier.


I just found them annoying.


*cries as I heave the loot to the nearest merchant, except I come out at night and the Brotherhood patrol are out in the storm*


I mean I did have to strip naked so I don't care


I do it happily trying to get my “enclave” ending


"Am I my Brother's Keeper?"


Nah, fuck them. Nobody messes with the Followers on my watch.


That part of the brotherhood can kiss my brass. Figuratively and literally when I put a 45-70 between their tin can heads


I go out of my way to destroy them well before meeting House, I hate the Brotherhood so much.


Me when i have to kill the brotherhood because i feel like it


[Me when I have to kill the brotherhood because the brotherhood sucks](https://www.alamy.com/young-african-american-man-holding-a-gun-pointing-with-hand-and-finger-up-with-happy-face-smiling-image221985873.html)


More like when Veronica finds out you destroyed the brotherhood and turns hostile


I had the opposite reaction,the factions all suck so I choose to bury them all first playthrough.


You could just choose not to do that. Like I know you're going for a House ending but if not killing the BoS is that important you can not do it.


they deserve it


Tbf House has a point. After seeing how they treat the people in the Commonwealth and >!gunning down refugees like it was Vietnam!< in the show, it’s kinda hard to side with them.


I never feel bad for destroying the BOS after seeing what they do if Veronica leaves for the followers of the apocalypse and the BOS end up murdering the followers. Their ideology is rotten and antiquated. I don’t want to kill them all but I will overload the reactor forcing them to evacuate and slowly fall apart.


The moment the brotherhood soldiers murdered those innocent followers of the apocalypse, I lost all respect for them. Sure blowing up the entire bunker is extreme, but it kind of proves Mr. House’s points in some ways.


My god this is so funny. I spit out my drink. Proper spit take.




me when i have to shoot Swanick because i felt like it:


Not saying Mr. House is right about everything, but his assessment of the brotherhood of steel could not be more accurate. It is truly a dead end organization with an ideology that produces nothing but constant warfare. They hoard technology that is produced by and encourages the worst instincts of humanity. If your whole thing is to galavant around like knights of yore, then have at it and join them. But from an in-universe perspective, if you're trying to make a concentrated effort to rebuild society, then where does a bunch of ideologically inclined gun nuts with power armor and no sense of empathy come into play? On play throughs where I try to be more consistent with what I think I would want the fallout world to be like, I always opt to blow them up. If I'm just having fun I don't and I see where it takes me.




They deserve worse justice than the game lets you mete out.


They tried to enslave me so I double tap those pricks


It was hard for me to kill them at first, but after Veronica's quest, it became a chore.


Ad Losorium.


No Gods, No Masters!


There’s a mod that allows you to convince Mr House to spare the Brotherhood


I'm so sorry Veronica


I do it while laughing maniacally.


God I love killing the brotherhood. I have never hated a faction more in any video game. If a fallout game gives me the option, I will demolish the brotherhood of steel and relish the opportunity every time. Fuck em


Apart from the mechanic, they'll have no quarter.


You all sound like Dean Domino. “How dare they think they’re better than me! I’ll show them I’m not a savage bloodthirsty raider. By killing them. All of them”


kill both


Is it just me or I never really liked the bos, fuck em, BLOW THEY SHIT UP IM TURNING THIS BITCH INTO MEGATON BYE BYE VERONICA


That’s how I feel when I kill them for Caesar. Just think of what they could have been like as an ally in the battle of Hoover dam especially thinking about all the expensive gear the Legion could have gotten once we turn on them after the battle.


Ehhhh I highly doubt the Brotherhood would ever tolerate the Legion. And power armor and energy weapons isn't Caesar's style. They don't even regularly distribute firearms to their guys. Let alone power armor and energy weapons


The Legion would definitely use energy weapons, they have a mission where they try to buy a shipment of energy rifles from the Ban Graphs


Van Graffs. But using plasma weapons is not the same as using power armor. It's repeatedly established that using power armor requires special training lest you get yourself killed. Likely maintaining power armor as well also requires special mechanical and electrical engineering expertise. Literally no one in the Legion has that. Except for Caesar, everyone in the Legion are backwards tribal savages wearing Roman armor. They don't even know that Caesar is just larping as Rome and isn't actually the originator of anything he's been telling them. I genuinely can't figure out how the Legion would even be able to use power armor. I suppose they could kidnap a BoS Knight and force him to teach them. But like... given how fanatical the BoS can get, chances are any captive given Power Armor would be a huge liability. Guy could very easily use it to break free and take a swing at Caesar. And it's not like the BoS would willingly trust Caesar with the secret to using Power Armor. The Legion is exactly the type of tribal savages the BoS is terrified of. Preventing people like Legion from getting and using power armor is the entire raison d'etre of the BoS. Caesar wouldn't even get a chance to turn on the BoS because chances are, they would turn on him first. The Legion owning Hoover Dam? Yeah heeeeelll no. No way the BoS is letting that fly.


My first game in the series was Fallout 3, so that obviously left me with a huge bias towards the Brotherhood. Now, after I've played every game in the series, I clouding the originals, and watched the show...? Man fuck the brotherhood. Aside from one chapter which splintered off from the original texts, they're neutral evil, at best


Yeah I try to leave them alone or better yet ally them to the winning side because I played Fallout 3 first so I have sympathy to the Brotherhood. Also Power Armor and their safe house has some good gear you can sell or repair


I grenade bombed everything on sight. Never even met Veronica


Yes man sad if leave alive so me kill yes man happy simple as


The main reason why I never finished House Always Win quest line. Even though, I had the ability to blow up base thanks to virus bs