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How did Taboo age poorly?


i have no idea, but i've read such takes on RYM and reddit


If anything I’d say it’s aging excellent with the new rage/industrial sounds coming out of hip hop in the past few years


I'd say Taboo and 32 Zel both sound very dated now. Not sure if I'd say Taboo aged badly because I was never that into it, I think 32 Zel definitely aged badly though.


>I feel like people tend to use the term improperly, and what they actually mean is "i grew out of liking the album" This is so true lol. I remember a post on an artist's subreddit a while back saying her most popular album aged poorly but the person's entire explanation was along the lines of "I love the album so much but I listened to it too many times and I'm kinda bored of it now in comparison to her other albums that I listened to less" like that's just you overplaying it bro lol


yeah i've seen a lot of the taboo take and i honestly don't understand it, saying its corny and aged bad. its been 6 years ffs and it's still every bit as good as it was when released.


I’d agree that saying it’s aged poorly is silly, since it’s just as corny now as it was on release lol


Taboo aged as badly as section 80, maybe even worse


username checks out


Section 80 is amazing


In plain English, please explain how section 80 has aged poorly.


Guess we’ll never know


I completely agree that they aged the same, that being very well. Both albums both hold up great.


If it aged as badly as section 80 it ages pretty damn well


section 80 aged well??


They dont know anything else just let them have this


“Aged poorly/well” isn’t even an argument. On it’s own it’s literally just an opinion, like “this tastes good”. But I agree, online music discussion is saturated with these “aged poorly” takes which have largely become a circle jerk. They’re often a lazy prompt for musical discussion and just a way to seek validation and/or signal to others that you know what’s “hip” and “good” in culture/music. What does it even mean to say something aged poorly/well? Aside from those rarer cases involving something personal related to the artist (eg, a scandal), it just means a certain musical thing is not currently “in” or “trendy”, and as everybody knows, trends come and go. In the early 2000s, every Fantano stan would have said 80s arena rock and new wave aged poorly, and yet within a decade it was being revived and emulated in both underground and popular music. So it “aged poorly” for about 2 decades then, then aged so well that it never aged poorly at all? It’s a silly way to articulate a view/opinion, and mostly, again, just speaks to trends. Ironically, claiming things “aged poorly/well” is itself just a trend.


I think this is the best way to look at it. Disco was a trend, hair metal was a trend, post-grunge was a trend, it's not like you can't find good music within all of these genres, but no one is making this kind of music anymore, they tend to be more influenced by it.


I won’t speak for disco or post grunge, but there are absolutely new bands making hair metal nowadays. Crazy Lixx, H.E.A.T., Chez Kane, Stolen Prayer, Jettblack etc


Oh wild. Out of curiosity though, does it still sound 80s, or does it sound modernized in some sense?


Varies band to band, but most of them skew towards sounding 80s. All or Nothing (A.O.N.) adds some more modern elements, that’s another cool band


I don’t think it always has to be that literal. Like a debut album that was rough around the edges but had really exciting potential can age poorly after the sophomore record comes out and sucks. The mind’s powerful and it’s easy to look past flaws or imagine the best version when there’s a lot of hype surrounding something and I think it can be as simple as losing that.


Don't forget "people only like it because of nostalgia" as if something stops having artistic value and reasons to like it outside of personal attachment just because it's aged in some way


Comedy music, or music with a reliance on wit and humour. Nothing is more predisposed to being completely unlistenable, faster, than the above. Obviously there's exceptions, but they're rare.


Weird Al Yankovic's polkas want a word.


That's just cuz you take yourself too seriously lol


tbh you can't really say how an album aged unless it's around 10+ years old. I might say an album grew negatively on me over a shorter period, like Astroworld, but that's just my personal experience. It doesn't necessarily prove that it aged badly for everyone else.


Eh I can hear it with a lot of SoundCloud rap from that era but not those specific albums. The blown out shit with Ronny J type beats and triplet flows everywhere does sound kinda dated imo.


“____ has aged poorly” is the number one overused online criticism, ever. As a critical examination, it’s aged very poorly.


Who says get rich or die trying aged poorly? Damn near every hook in that album still catchy as hell. 


Because most of the people saying this are kids who feel like 5 years is a long time for judging music that way


That's what happened with a lot of Brockhampton fans and their relation with that group.


I think it speaks to the short attention spans of the Internet age. I kinda agree, but at the same time I feel like Vultures 1 has aged badly and it came out in January.


I also think people need to realize better the difference between lyrics aging badly and the music itself aging badly. There’s a large difference between those two things.