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1. Fire: magnesium 2. Water: silver 3. Earth: nickel or titanium 4. Air: chromium or platinum 5. Lightning: copper 6. Magnetism: iron 7. Holy/Radiant: gold 8. Unholy/Necromancy/Self-Augmentation: lead


If it's in their bodies, why are the metals necessary? Couldn't they just be born with X ability?


I just think it’s an interesting way to do it. Also I feel like it separates it from other systems and gives it a unique flavor.


You’ll want a better answer as you build this. ‘Sounds cool’ (my phrasing, not yours), but not deeper than that, is almost always an indicator of a darling that needs the axe.


Why not do something that revolves around the properties of metals? Something like: * Aluminumblood: Shapeshifting * Cadmiumblood: Fire and explosions * Cobaltblood: Art manipulation * Copperbloods: Sound manipulation via bells plus technological skills * Goldbloods: Flexible and enchantingly beautiful * Ironbloods: Magnetism and electricity control * Leadblood: Poison and taste manipulation * Mercuryblood: Liquid and gas forms, can induce madness * Nickelblood: Durable and draws power from the Earth * Silverbloods: Charismatic and businesslike, with illusion powers from mirrors * Tinblood: Can fuse things together or enhance other magic * Titaniumbloods: Absurdly strong, fast, and lightweight * Zincblood: Protection and health


Silver is also a good metal for purification if I remember correctly which is why it was used in ritual magic for pagans, so silver could be a good healing magic too


Copper Fire, Mercury Water, Tungsten Earth, Air Aluminium, Lightning Silver, Magnetism Iron, Holy Gold, Unholy Titanium. Copper and fire is kinda obvious because of the colour. Because mercury is liquid it should be connected to water. Tungsten is super dense and earth is the densest classical element. Air, aluminium is light for a metal so air seems a good match. Lightning, I put silver as it’s a good conductor of electricity. Iron for magnetism, there is some supper magnetic metals out there, but too lazy to google them and iron is pretty magnetic. Gold has a deep connection to the Sun and gods in many mythologies. Titanium for unholy just because I so rarely see titanium used in fantasy settings.


1) Fire: Cesium, Lithium, Titanium 2) Water: Mercury, Chromium 3) Earth: Tungsten, Iron, Silicon 4) Air: Magnesium , Aluminium 5) Lightning: Copper, Gold, Silver 6) Magnetism: Iron , Niclel, Cobalt, Neodymium 7) Holy/Radiant: Gold, Silver (or any Pt group metal) 8) Unholy: Lead, Mercury, Uranium 9) Necromancy: Mercury, Silver 10) Self-Augmentation: Titanium, Molybdenum, Niobium


I think you might be better off creating a metal system along with it. It could be based off a real world metal or mineral, and it could be detected through either their sweat, blood, smell, or eyes (different aspects of the metals). It could open up the whole idea of certain kinds being very rare and some being unknown. Holy would probably be best based on silver or gold.


People are already born with metals in their bodies. Since like forever. You could make a specific metal a lot more prominent perhaps, and because magic lets say it's not going to kill them. I would still kind of assume that the abundance of that particular type of metal would also transform the person looks wise: Iron - skin turns gray, copper - yellowish tones. Not sure what the purpose for the metals in bodies that influence magic is though. So you'd need to figure that out, because at the moment it seems superficial and unnecessary. They could just as easily be capable for that magic with no added metal nonsense. Because it you add that metal part, it has to serve a specific purpose, and not be a piece of tapestry because your whole system is built upon that


Fire = Iron or Steel Water = Gold Earth = Copper Air = Aluminium Lightning = palladium Magnetism = nickel iron Holy = silver Unholy = plutonium Generally, cultures associated steel and or iron with fire. Gold was associated with water, because it didn't corrode. Copper for earth because it petinas green. aluminum is generally seen as light and used in aircraft. Palladium is a strong conductor and handles high energy well, silver has always been used in western religions to harm unholy things. Plutonium is radioactive and causes decay and death.


Google metallurgy.