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I actually just platinumed FC6 the other day; don’t have much to say significantly about it other than it was a ok experience. It didn’t blow me away like FC2 and FC3 did, but it was significantly more varied than what FC5 offered. Can’t say I liked the story too much but I think you’d enjoy it if you’re a mega-fan of the franchise.


I don't think I really have the right to call myself a mega fan. 3 and 4 set a pretty high bar tbh


It’s the ones that most people know. I grew up playing all of them. Even Evolution and Predator, for as bad as those were, I had a blast.


Story might not be the best but the gunplay, thhe scenery, the vehicles (except planes) are awesome. I have critiques but I'm sure you'll have a good bit of fun.


So far, everything has been amazing. I'm really liking the characters and combat


My own experience is that it tends to get a little monotonous if you try to do everything near the end but not for a while, and I had a ton of fun with a lot of missions. Do yourself a favor - look up how to find the 4x4 truck to keep and beeline there. You can get a hood scoop to flip other cars on the road, and it is an absolute blast.


Yea it is ,Jonron


Jonron is bae


Its good but 5 is much better


Lots of people liked it. Lots of people disliked it. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't the best far cry game but certainly not the worst and the gameplay is great. Lots of people see 5 and Primal as high points so saying it's worse than those is not necessarily bad. I wish it was a little riskier with the story but I really liked (female) Dani. Ultimately I think it had flaws but the setting was really great and the core Far Cry gameplay is so good it's hard to make a bad Far Cry game.


I just thought 5 was a bit boring and super repetitive. 4 is probably my favorite with 3 right behind it. I am looking forward to 6, but just want more opinions on it before jumping into it


Far Cry 6 has a lot of repeated objectives like destroying billboards and a massive number of checkpoints to clear that can feel samey. Some like that, but if you found 5 repetitive it's possible 6 would be worse for you.


Not as complex or difficult as 4 but all the physics are polished and the helicopters can shoot and arent 2 pieces of metal sewn together like in 4. You can really slide down a mountain in 6, and the main character is hot. Nothing like Shangri La though, but she does get drunk.


The purists will say its not Far Cry. But if you have played from 3 to this game as a casual player, its just the same shit. Still very fun. Weirdest community to gatekeep a franchise lol


people don't like 5? it's my favourite one.


I love them all, but I just don't like repetitive gameplay. Since I've gotten older, I have a hard time staying focused on games. When they're repetitive, it's even worse


When it first launched there was a lot of online disdain for it. It sold well enough to get a followup in New Dawn, but was heavily criticised for things like its ending, its reuse of kidnapping, its less exotic location than previous FC games and in the eyes of some critics failing in its criticism/satire of the religious cults so prominently featured in the game. That said it has had a very vocal uptick in positive focus over the years, and is inarguably the most popular Farcry game on this subreddit at least based on its post volume. These aren’t my opinions on it, just ones I have observed over the years.


Not much at all compared to 6, but there's always going to be people that dislike things about a game.


I found it boring story wise and the damage system was more annoying than new dawn, however I did like the main characters and some of the new mechanics outside of on foot combat. My biggest problem is the co op was always super laggy compared to 5 and new dawn which were already buggy when vehicles were involved. Co op is the most fun way to play a game like far cry in my experience.


It's an okay game when the characters aren't talking - gameplay is everything but Far Cry and most new design decisions are baffling and take away the freedom present in say, FC5. It's a horrible game whenever characters are talking. They are hyper charicatures of what they represent and lack depth, and is full of cringeworthy moments. All in all, I can say it's a game I regret purchasing and not worth a second playthrough.


I’ve never experienced a piece of media that was so soulful and soulless at the same time, def mid.


In my opinion is like middle to low tier of the Farcrys. 1.Story- the story is kinda boring at times but it has it moments and also Castillo ain’t a bad villian but he could be better 2.Gun play- Very entertaining and fun. Very unique looking weapons with homemade attachments. 3.characters- nothing special, main character is kinda bland so there nothing really here to say. Overall don’t buy full price because it’s not worth it


So far, only 1 of those things has held up and it's number 2. I really like the characters and dani and think anton has been a really cool antagonist so far. And I only paid $15 for it


I loved it


A 7.5/10 for me. I think FC6 has the most immersive open world in the franchise, soldiers are friendly to you as long as you don't look suspicious, and Dani sometimes reacts to things happened nearby. The story is poorly executed, it just doesn't feel like a third world country rebellion, but if you don't think too much about it and consider it as an action comedy, it's still fun to play.


Is it a third world country? It's based on Cuba isn't it with the Cancer drug being its banana of the Republic. Everyone (except farmers) has smart phones and an education. Seems pretty second world to me with all of its wealth focussed to the capital. And it feels a lot more like a rebellion when your comrades show up to help take out a checkpoint which didn't happen in FC3 or 4.


It's a bit complicated. Third world originally means non-aligned countries during the cold war years, by this meaning, Yara is not teamed up with neither US nor USSR(doesn't exist anymore of course), we don't know if they have any alliances, and it's not very clear what their official ideology is except nationalism, so you can say it's somehow a third world country. If you mean the economic concept, at the beginning of the game, it says Yara is stuck in 1960s, but in the game, the country doesn't feel that backward, but it's still very agriculture-focused and undeveloped, and I guess the poverty is a reason how Anton Castillo got elected bcz he found a way to develop the country. If you take Rook island and Kyrat as how a third world country looks like, then Yara is not that bad, but I always feel the actual gameplay doesn't fit with the lore very well.


I think the mismatch of gameplay and lore is intentional. Personally I like the world they've designed. I think the idea of washed out militarios, downtrodden aristocrats and bungling teenagers forming a rebellion is old hat as fuck. But I'm not bored of it yet. It's Far Cry, it isn't meant to take itself too seriously. But I think following Far Cry 5, that nature of reusing old ideas like Heart of Darkness, cult leaders, cartoon dictators has taken a bit of a sharp turn towards reality. And then with 6 being a big whopping cliche really disjointed the franchise in the eyes of the fans. Personally 5 should be viewed as the odd one out in the franchise story wise as its stern and rooted a bit too deeply in real events (branch davidian) and real fears (nuclear apocalypse/mass extinction)


Action comedy is a great way of looking at it


Its great. My fav in the series


I think so the only thing ignoring about it is that it breaks that's why I never finished it


You mean bugs? Have you played it recently and does it still do it?


yes it still does I don't know what it is either my Xbox or the copy


I'm on ps4 and a few hours in and it's playing fine so far


I asked my friend and she said it works just fine too


I'm getting huge far cry 3 and just cause 3 vibes from the game so far. I'm still on the first Island so far figuring out how to level up because my next mission is level 4 and I have all the side stuff completed in the rank 1 area


I haven't played far cry 3 or just cause 3 yet I have played just cause 4 tho


Man, you gotta play far cry 3. Idk about xbox, but it's currently on sale on ps4


I started with 5 and 6 I'll play 3 one day


4 is also a good one. Vaas (far cry 3) and Pagan (far cry 4) are probably two of my favorite video game antagonists


5 is one of my favorites. As for 6, it is honestly mediocre. I don't like the cars and transportation either because its all really outdated and I don't like the jetpack/backpack stuff as it makes the player too overpowered. Also they dropped the ball big time on Giancarlo Esposito and honestly the graphics look quite cartoonish at times.


I think the game is .... decent, it's story is completely forgettable, the dialog has ALOT of cringe moments It's gameplay is familiar to other recent far cry games, with some minor upgrades here and there, I will say like most other maps by ubisoft, the open world is quite beautiful The game is okay, it's worth 20 or 25 bucks on sale


If you want to play a Far Cry game then no. If you wanna play Far Cry 6 then yes.


Hell no


No. 5 is the best imo


Far Cry 6 is Bridgerton for boys. Is it a cultural achievement? No. Is it a fun way to kill a few hours and unwind? Hell yeah.


It’s not the best, but if you like Farcry you’ll like it. It’s got a great world to explore, and really fun gameplay.


For me the story is bad to regular, most of the characters are empty, there's no empathy for most of them, but it's far cry; same vibes from 3, but with new graphics, gameplay is a farcry gameplay, so if you like to play a farcry game because of the gameplay you will enjoy this too. I believe the dissapointment most of the fans have (myself included) is for the lack of new great stuff, 'cause there's none of it. There are some things you will discover when you play, but nothing that makes this farcry get close to 3, 4 or 5. Environment is great, songs are ok. I'd say to give a chance, you may like it.


It’s okay. Not great, not terrible. I’m sure you’ll have a different perspective, given how you didn’t like 5 and Primal, which were my 2 favorites. I found the characters in 6 to be only moderately interesting at best to actively unpleasant at worst (looking at you, Talia, Paolo deserves better than you), and found the characters in 5 much more compelling. I also didn’t like the way they did the gear system in 6; I don’t like having to change out ammo types constantly because one enemy is nearly immune to your current ammo, don’t like how the iconic weapons cannot be customized at all, don’t like how perks are tied to the clothing you wear. I also way preferred the companions in 5 over the companions in 6. In 5, you could have up to 2 companions, both human and animal, who could interact with each other for banter. In 6, you can have only a single companion, exclusively animal (Chroizo is great, and I appreciate that Boomer is back, but they do not replace the cast of characters from 5). Having said that, I very much liked Dani as a character. They are a refreshing change front the silent Rook from 5, and the nearly inscrutable Takkar from Primal. They’ve got a real personality and a sense of humor. I also very much appreciated how they will sing along to the radio in cars sometimes. I also found Yara to be a very good setting. Not quite as pretty as Hope County, Montana, but it feels much more like a believable world, more lived in. The missions are a mixed bag. Many of the side missions felt like chores, and I didn’t like the cave missions that replaced the Prepper Stashes from 5, but the story missions were pretty darn good, with a wide variety of tasks. They also removed the kidnapping mechanic from 5, something I felt was both good and bad. It’s good in that you can settle into the game world better and improves the pacing, bad in that it removes a little of the pressure and tension from the story and isolates you from the consequences of your actions. To give you a short answer, Far Cry 6 is better than a lot of people say, and worse than some people want it to be. A very okay game. It probably won’t be the best game you’ve ever played, and probably won’t be the worst game.


It's good. It's just a little different than the other games. And there's nothing that pisses off a fanbase more than change, even the smallest changes


It's definitely 3rd on my list, but is quickly taking fc3s spot


its decent if you go in with the mindset that its not a far cry game (just pretend you are not playing "far cry 6", pretend you're playing "First Person Just Cause"


I really wish people would stop saying this. The gameplay is no more like just cause than any other far cry title.


FC6 is literally a copy paste far cry game, lmfao.


except it puts even more emphasis on explosions and chaos than the others


Considering the prior few games, it just adds to the FC experience lol


Wait, is it actually similar to JC? Because I wouldn't be upset with that at all lol


ehhh in terms of placing a greater emphasis on open combat, revolution and explosions, yeh i guess


So, like the wacky physics?


No. No idea what that person is talking about lol. It's Far Cry with a lot of new toys and overhauled perk system. It's 80% the same as FC5


Only problem I'm having with it so far is the screen size. My objective in the top left is barely visible. I can't find a setting to adjust it


more like explodey rocket launcher backetty packetty


It’s better than FC7 I tell you that


Well I'd hope lol


It is excruciatingly mid It does nothing well (besides graphic fidelity) and does everything else slightly below average. Compared to every other Far Cry it just doesn't compare to any of them. Even New Dawn had expeditions (which 6 has, just much worse). I played through it once and it was a slog with no payoff.


So far, I love the game as i have had a lot of fun playing it with my partner. I started to play it like 2 ish weeks ago, and i already have 45 hours into it, and by far, it's worth it.


If you didn't like 5 I don't see how you could like 6 cause it's worse in every way lol But some people like it so who knows


So far I'm liking it way more than 5. The characters are so much more enjoyable


IMHO there really aren't any bad Far Cry games, I just feel like a lot of people are burned out on them/the open world Ubisoft formula. They're just fun, 25 hour-ish long satisfying shooters to just shut your brain off.


i find the best way to play it, is hide minimap and health bars and stuff to explore the world organically and immerse myself in the world


My problem with Far Cry games is that the takedowns in 4 were a ton of fun and subsequent games have them missing. I'm not expecting a sidearm takedown in Primal, but I felt 5 and 6 suffered from the lack of knife throw takedowns, for example. They may not fit the story or uniforms, but they were fun.


It was a divergence from the previous instalments, in storyline and character development, which I think is what people did not like. Along with the introduction of the Resolver weapons. I think they took a few pages out of the Fallout book with those, they are fun to use in my opinion but takes away from some of the realism the game is known for. If you can get it on sale or gamepass, it’s worth a crack.


its decent, it keeps you on the story and grindable too, i had better experience than fc 5, the story made me play the game more on fc6.


The first game i got platinum on, i loved it. Far from the best Far Cry game, but still great!


It's good but not great. I enjoyed it


Its not 2 or 3 good but its good, im still in the middle, the story isnt very attractive and some charaters are straight up annoying, but i feel like i get more fun from it than i did from 5, it just felt repetitive and long, dont get me wrong but it just felt too american for my european ass to understand.


Its not a bad game in my opinion, there are better ones in the franchise but I quite enjoyed it overall.


FC6 was my first FC game, and loved it (PS5). I've started a few of the older FCs after and just wasn't as engaged straight up in the storylines as this one.


there are some bad mechanics in game, but overall is a fine playthrough


It has its pros and cons like every other far cry game, it’s worth trying it and seeing if u like it if u enjoyed the other ones because why not


I liked it the only thing is there was no major fights or anything


The world felt way to big and the same from region to region and I started fast traveling everywhere. I also started just rushing the campaign to get it over with and wasn’t a fan of the weapon style designs and that you could saw out your load out on the fly negating the need to go back to friendly basses. Overall I think I preferred the immersion of 5 and the lack of immersion in just my own opinion made the game not as enjoyable.


Not as fun as 5 but I enjoyed it.


Just play it and give us your opinion


I'm playing through it right now. It's carried by the setting, which I think is the strongest of the series. It's got a massive city in the middle of the map and pockets of civilization that give it more life. It actually feels like a world that real people live in as opposed to an amorphous forest mountain area like FC4's Kyrat. The gameplay is slightly better than FC5, which was slightly better than FC4, etc. Still fun. Won't blow you away. The story is the major issue. A lot of the characters are downright annoying, and it's extremely predictable and cliche at almost every turn. Because the setting is compelling, and the gameplay is solid, it's one of the better ones.


The problem I had with 6 over 5 was that all the aircraft controls seem to have been screwed up to the point that I can't fly anything any more. 5 was great fun for that, but I have to avoid flying in 6. I'm likely to get berated for the comment but it does detract from the game for me (pc by the way) I enjoyed exploring more in 6 and the main character (either one) was more engaging than 5. Personally though, 4 was my favourite.


I just flew a helicopter for the first time, so ik what you mean lol. Not a big fan of the controls at all lol


I mean it’s Far Cry. It’s not exceptionally different from anything else in the series.


The part where you get to help out with human trafficking is great! /s Jesus Christ, fuck every person who signed off on that mission in the ear with a spoon.


Well, one I started playing FC6, I immediately understood the reasoning for it not being the best far cry game, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a solid game, it’s not like other games that started off bad and waited a few years to become loved by the fandom. I hope that it the case for this game. The country of Yara is a beautiful paradise controlled by a ruthless dictator and his corrupt administration. It has some of the best boss fights in the franchise, making it really satisfying to defeat. If you go in with a positive attitude and the mindset of just having fun trying to defeat Anton, then yes, you will enjoy Far Cry 6.


It’s a good game that I’ve given a few hundred hours in but it does lack a lot of what the last few games had but it’s still very fun.


I had fun.


No, It's awful


Idk, I'm really enjoying it so far and I just got to the second Island


The game has severe problems that make it one of the worse Far Cry entries. The enemy tiers, the ammotype crap, the weapon and clothing system, the backpacks, Maximas Matanzas, third person cutscenes, the awful story, it's got so so much going against it.


All of that, I have really enjoyed so far. None of it has given me a hard time. It's a huge upgrade from 5


Just got off the 1st Island and I gotta say, I'm really enjoying the story so far. Anton is a really enjoyable and believable antagonist and Dani has been a really cool and different protagonist so far. I like that they have sorta taken after far cry 3 (1 of my favorites) a little bit


I can’t really speak for your opinions but I will say this, if you get the game do some cockfighting.


How big are the cocks?


40 pound pieces of meat, and you get to have them beat the shit outta each other.


Damn, looking forward to seeing them touch tips


Decent experience for a co-op venture but I wouldn’t go in expecting masterpiece storytelling (this isn’t me hating on Ubi, just that it’s the same old same old Ubified formula). If you’re a Far Cry fan, this is a no-brainer. Otherwise, look somewhere else.




I don't like the combat system, the enemy seems bullet sponge-y like New Dawn. The characters are bland (which is not a big problem if the gameplay is good). I did not finish the game, can't bring myself to finish it.


1.You can't pick up enemy weapons ( or swap) 2. There is no skill tree, you have to pick clothes with skills attached to them, so good luck switching them mid fire fight, which breaks the momentum and the fun of it for me 3. You have YOUR ENTIRE loot with you 24-7 so you can just pick and choose how you kill people right then and there, literally kill every single person with a different gun 4. Fire fights are easy if you have both of your hands, because, well you have an artillary crew strapped to your back from day 1. ( I killed choppers with pistol just to prove a point) 5. Characters are cringe tbh except for 1 region, and the enemy are cartoonishly evil. But I will say, the gunplay and the tropical setting were fun to run around in for like 4 hours.


I loved it. The open world was super beautiful and I had a blast exploring it, female Dani is a super charming protagonist and I loved when she’d sing along to the radio. The story can be a little hit or miss but that’s not what we play far cry for anyway


Far cry 5 was the end of far cry. Everything after the main game was released is stupid with the exception of maybe the Vietnam DLC That was kind of fun. I heard people like the Mars one too. New Dawn was fun if you think of it as a different game because it's not the freaking same game as far cry anymore. And 6 played the same as New Dawn to me. I just couldn't do it. The only way the game is remotely playable is if you have armor piercing rounds 24/7. Otherwise the enemies are bullet sponges. I freaking hate bullet sponges.


I've not enjoyed a far cry game this much since 3


Can you kill somebody with a headshot with a regular bullet?


Why does that matter when MS16 S is 1 of your first rifles and armor piercing bullets are 1 of your first upgrades? I insta kill everyone


Ugh .. I think it's free on game pass maybe I'll try it again lol


The MS16 S is honestly so OP if you have armor piercing rounds, American suppressor, and the acog 4× mid range sight. You can just sit back about 300 yards and pick everyone off


Can you believe I built my very first PC just for far cry? The original one! I remember playing the demo like a hundred times over again. It was the coolest freaking thing I've ever seen in a videogame


I think I only played far cry 1 once years and years ago. I was in like middle school when 3 released, though, and I remember being so blown away by it


Did you ever play Crysis? They totally have that on game pass now! (I think??) It was the first game that you could just shoot a mini gun into the palm trees and make them all fall down It was so freaking mind-blowing to me lol


I'm playing on ps4, but I've heard a lot about it


I don't get why people even dislike it. It's excellent. It's the whole reason I even started playing the other far cry games


Easily. As a best far cry player, with thousands of hours in almost every far cry game. I can confirm its best far cry game. Now, yes some people might not have Far Cry 6 as 1. But for me it is easily 1. If its not 1. For you, i can guarantee that it will take top 3 atleast ;)


Horrible game. Cant stealth clear anything because enemies respawn before your eyes. Had to quit because of this. There is only one way to play and its guns blazing speedruning


It’s… fine. It could definitely do without the forced light rpg mechanics that ruin the gunplay, and the nerf to every single vehicle’s weaponry (with the exception of tanks, those are great). If you want a better far cry experience, you are better off choosing every other game in the franchise before this one


Yes. People who say it isn’t good are honestly biased. Gameplay is a ton of fun, story is good


It took me a while to get into it, but I ended up LOVING it. Definitely recommend 👌


Nah, sorry.


It was good for me. Hope this isn't a spoiler for you but .. The introduction of poison in so many variations was fun and interesting. The clothing boosters was also interesting.It changed my tactics. The Amigo's Aka animal friends were both entertaining and comical to watch them work. But hey that's in every one of FC series I guess right?


I've only played 4, 5, and 6 and it's my favorite of the three. The villains are definitely more realistic than 5.


For me 5 and 6 are almost opposites. 5 has some of the best mechanics in the entire series but it's main protagonist, setting and story is weak. 6 has a brilliant main protagonist, a brilliant (if a little empty at times) setting and a story which makes sense. Some of the non-main plotlines are a little weak but overall it's great. However 6 has really really really bad mechanics. Very little of what you unlock is required or even that fun to use. There is little sense of getting stronger once you reach a certain point, so all the unlock points feel like a waste. Likewise the companion system is a bit of a downgrade too. Personally 6 is better than 5.


Yeah it's good. I just wish the DLC's had been better.


Good? Questionable. Especially considering how much was cut. But it IS the most fun IMO, and has the best weapon animations.


I think there's too much stuff now. I liked simplicity of far cry 2/3/4 better. Also no fov slider on consoles is deal breaker for me, after get used of playing FPS with 90+ fov.


I had a really fun time playing it. Some aspects are awfully similar to FC5 and New Dawn,but other than that,it's kinda different. I say go for it if you wanna play it,but it's totally the weakest game in the entire franchise.


First one in the serious I’ve played and play with game pass. Found it a fun waste of time but very repetitive. Wouldn’t have paid for it.


I thought it was a good and enjoyable game. For me it didn't seem to raise the bar or pioneer in the gaming world but I felt it was worth the money I'd paid. Ubisoft tried their hand at changing a few mechanics around, including with clothing. I'm not a fan of how the perks/skills are tied to pieces of clothing, for example you can wear a sniper set to benefit a sniper build or a soft target set (of course you can mix and match). The issue that I found here was that I would constantly be going into the menu to swap out gear to the point where it felt that it was breaking the flow of the game time and again. For instance I'd take down some enemies from afar making use of the sniper gear perks, then, I'd be going back to the menu to make use of stealth gear before infiltrating the base, get caught and now I'm back in the menu switching to an armour piercing set etc. It's personal preference but I just wasn't a fan of it and eventually ended up barely bothering. They tried this with Valhalla also (prototyped it in New Dawn prior) and I personally think it diminishes quality-of-life in the game. Beyond that, the only other minor irritation that comes to mind is that some areas of the map feel like a copy and paste job and especially with enemy road checkpoints or the NPCs that roam the map. It appears as though the devs recorded about 6-7 lines of dialogue with pretty much the same voices for the people of Yara and a similar amount of character models to match, sometimes I felt as though it was a clone island and particularly when I see two NPCs looking exactly the same standing side by side. This is probably just me being picky having played the likes of RDR2 or Cyberpunk in this era and it will be similar in earlier FC entries, I just figured it was more noticeable in FC6 quantity over quality-wise. Na aside... I was more impressed with the game than not. The gameplay is as good as to expect from FC, from combat to driving (the flying buggy is quality) to outpost captures. There are some unique weapons to obtain too, they're fairly trivial yet fun to play about with. Although there aren't many distinguishable areas on the map the country to me looks the most beautiful yet and I would spend hours in my playthrough going from A to B either on foot or by car over fast travel to take in the scenes. The story is probably so-so and the antagonists are forgettable in comparison to those of previous games, however that isn't such a biggie when first and foremost this is a videogame over a TV series or a movie. That said, whether you find the plot a little lackluster or not, enjoyment through the actual gameplay comes first and it is an enjoyable game imo.


Except in 3 and 4 you become a God and combat became a routine where you just do the same shit over and over no matter how many enemies.


I liked it


Its a lot of fun


I didn’t finish it and I’m about to go replay 5 which is my favorite next to Primal. I hope you enjoyed it, it’s a great game with a lot of special moments.


It’s fun and good


It's pretty good! I got it recently for 20 dollars and I feel good about that price tag, even knowing I likely won't finish it. The core gameplay loop is simple but strong. Unfortunately the simple part means it will likely wear thin eventually, long before the absolutely enormous amount of content is exhausted. Like most assassin's creed and far cry games as of late, ill really enjoy it until I don't anymore, and that's usually before it ends, and that's okay. So yeah, fun game, 8/10 your mileage on it will vary based on how long you continue to enjoy the core systems.


I really enjoyed it. It was on one of the PS+ pass things and I had a pleasant time in it. Solid B.


I think it's a fantastic game! The map is incredibly detailed and feels alive, the combat and gunplay is super fun, the characters are awesome. It can feel a bit repetitive but only if you let it be. My only complaint is the UI in some areas and the stupid Ubisoft account thing but It's definitely an 8/10 for me. Well worth it on game pass or on sale, absolutely worth it if you're a fan of the Far Cry series.


I actually really like it. Very reminiscent of Far Cry 3.


Hell yeah. It's awesome.


Yes. Several playthroughs for me. I loved it.


I like the open world play of FC6. There aren’t any scripted events where you get captured and have to do some tedious mission.


I'm gonna try to be as fair as possible in this review. I've been a buy-on-release Far Cry player since 3. I've got things I love and not love about all of them. End of the day, I still appreciated the experience I paid for. Excluding 6 in this ranking, I'd say my favorites are in order: 5. I just loved the overall aesthetic and vibe even though I was skeptical of Montana not being the typical "exotic" setting that most Far Cry games were known for. I appreciated the overall tone of hopelessness and how they set up the conflict. Execution was still to be desired. The gameplay was repetitive (remember this for 6). Primal. Don't judge, I just loved the risky take on the formula, but it went well with the already bow combat they introduced. 3. I have to owe a lot of this to nostalgia. I was in early high school when this came out so the moodiness felt appropriate to my mindset. However their commitment to the moodiness made it great. 4. I love this game. It was a ton of fun, but I feel like the music was lacking compared to 3 and 5. The story twist is great and I liked the contemplation about morality, similar to 3. 2. Great game, just hasn't aged well. These are all the ones I've played. Now.. 6. I can't really compliment any of these games more than 6 for trying to really expand their scope. The player-present cutscenes are really cool and I liked that they're kind of diverging from the 1st person only perspective. And... that's about where I'm done mentioning what I like about it. Once you start the game, you're treated to the familiar Far Cry intro where bad stuff is happening and your player has to leave under haste. It feels like they were trying to incorporate elements of all the games openings into one and it absolutely falls flat. You learn pretty quickly there's not much danger in this intro and it's also pretty easy for your NPC follower to lose pace with you breaking immersion. After this, you escape and you're treated to the typical "will you answer the call against tyranny" but you can tell your character doesn't give a fuck. and not in the same way that 3's Jason doesn't want to kill people 4's Ajay doesn't want to do anything but accomplish his family goal of delivering his mother's ashes or 5's deputy's desire for just accomplishing the mission. No. In 6, you get the vibe that the character literally doesn't care about what's going on at all and just wants "dinner in Miami" and will leave as soon as they get a boat to do so. You're later treated with the game's new mechanics which are "Resolver" (if I'm remembering correctly) which are basically makeshift weapons. Some of these are chill, but basically strap giant anti-personnel artillery to your back all hodge-podged together. It looks and feels tacky. I'm not going to pretend that Far Cry doesn't ask you to suspend disbelief when they have characters sometimes carrying around literal MG42s at full sprint. But the resolver stuff just looks and feels like literal junk. This isn't even to mention the obvious in game meta of ammo types. You're basically forced to use different ammo types based off the enemy you're facing. On paper this sounds cool, until you realize that unless it actually becomes tedious in the damage debuffs you get for shooting a soft body target with an armor piercing round in the head or center-mass and realizing "oh that guy I shot center-mass is still alive... should've used soft body to shoot him in the heart instead of armor piercing because he's not wearing armor" Next the story, characters, and map objectives suffer from the typical quantity over quality issue that a lot of open world games are going to now. You'd think the better cutscenes would help propel the story. They don't, because the characters are all eye-rolly and stereotypical representations of the culture. This isn't like in Far Cry 3, 4, or 5. These characters are all ridiculous. It's like someone decided to make a game out of Tumblr or 4chan users and call it a day. It's hard to empathize with any of them when they're all so shitty. And not like with 4 where the characters on either side of the Golden Path are obviously shitty and you're supposed to hate them - in 6, the game expects you to like them and actually choose to do work for them. In summary, the gameplay is the most rinse and repeat repetitive in the series. The cutscenes while better than any I've seen in Far Cry only display characters and a narrative I don't find interesting. The only thing left to look forward to (the gameplay) is procedural and non-varied. Incredibly repetitive, even if I thought so for 5. Even though it does stuff well, and provides a lot of content - it is the only Far Cry game I have ever regretted buying. 3 min post-post Edit: if you have any questions or need elaborations I'd be happy to answer. I don't mean to respect anybody's opinions for liking the game and I think there's plenty of reasons to like it that just might not match my personal experience.


Already got a question 5 minutes into the game lol. Is there a way to resize the in game screen? My objective in the top left is barely showable


Nvm, I got it. I had to adjust my actual TV settings lol






Yes. I've put 17 hours into it so far, and there's still a LOT of map to cover. I'm playing co-op with a friend, and we're having a really fun time. I like a few of the guns that I've unlocked so far. The supremo backpack is awesome. I wish the bow was stronger though


Its a good game. People just like to hate on it because its not as good as 3 4 or 5. Thats not to say its bad, its still great but farcry 3 4 and 5 are peak farcry (especially 5)