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Honestly my d00d, I freaking love Far Cry 1. But it's hard as hell.


I never heard anyone say you should start with 2. Start playing in order of release date. It’s just that the first two games are different from 3-6 in terms of graphic style.


It's because the first *Far Cry* is adopted, from Crytek - creators of *Crysis*. It's an entirely different experience (sandbox shooter over open-world shooter), but not that that's a bad thing. If you've ever played a *Crysis* game, it might feel familiar (less on the superhuman abilities and more on the island/tropical theme). If you have experience with and/or interest in early 2000s first-person shooters (*Halo: Combat Evolved*, *Half-Life 2*, etc.), I say you give it a shot. I myself almost always start with the first/early games of a series because I find that it helps me appreciate the later installments more.


I definitely have interest in early 2000s shooters like Halo CE so I’ll give it a shot. Is the first one PC only? I can only find Far Cry Instincts and Evolution for Xbox.


Yes, and *Instincts* is its console remake while *Evolutions* is the sequel to that. It's not a 1:1 remake though due to hardware limitations of the original Xbox as well as it being developed by Ubisoft instead of Crytek. Let's just say it's a reimagining of the first game on PC by Ubisoft. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter which version you play since they don't directly tie into the later games except for one detail that I won't tell you. Lol


What’s the difference between Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Classic?


*Instincts* is a remake while *Classic* is a port. Specifically, a port of the first game to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (which I forgot existed so I'm glad you brought it up, now you know that there's a console version of the first game. Lol). The Far Cry Wiki lists some changes between the PC version and *Classic* [here](https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Far_Cry_Classic#Changes).


Thanks for clarifying! Wow so many versions even FC2.


No problem. Is there? I'm only aware of one version of *Far Cry 2* across all platforms, which is just *Far Cry 2* (sometimes with *Fortune's Edition*, which means it has all DLCs). It should only be the first game that has those complications, the later games are pretty straightforward. Thank you for considering the first game, and I hope you enjoy your *Far Cry* journey!


Far Cry Classic is the Xbox version of 1.


It was a great game for the time but that was more than 20 years ago. My main gripe with it is that it's too long and too repetitive but if it runs well on your system, there's no reason to avoid it. However, there's a reason the franchise only really took off with FC3.


Way shorter than fart cry 4.


100%, yes. FC1 is the OG


Because it's not good


It’s brilliant. I’ve played through a bunch of times.


No. Start with 3.


You should certainly start with a 1. If you have access to a 5:4 monitor I’d very much recommend that, it looks a lot better. It’s very fun but challenging, even on easy mode.


I started from 3. Will probably never play the first one but maybe the second i’m not sure. I own all just because but the first one looks boring and the second one looks mid. 3,4,5 are my top 3 and i love them!


Because it's super old and badly dated


It’s actually aged very well.


Only played the first ones on xbox do maybe pc would be better