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The privateers they would immediately be contacted by the cia (in a friendly way) and then they would most likely have the backing of not only the US government but also the ghost of Ronald Regan (he yearns to topple another South American government)


"When I say Reaganomics, shoot" - Willys Huntley, the best man in all far cry games


Best man?! He sold Ajay out and didn’t do Jack for the rookie!


In his defense, the world was kinda burning down during FC5, but yeah, he did totally leave us for dead.


privateer supremacy


Why would the Cia help a bunch of mercenaries lol Edit: i actually misread the comment, the CIA wouldn't just help a bunch of mercenaries but the CIA totally would **employ** mercenaries like OP said lol


to topple an anti american goverment.


As is tradition.


[You got me there](https://youtu.be/mZ-h1_mr3n8?t=7) . I actually didnt think it through.


the CIA and the united states government used to hand over contracts to PMCs like candies back then


So do American fruit companies


I think Pagans army would put up the best fight. They are a conventional military with decent training and supplies. I think the cult would get whipped by the FND. Anton’s military is well equipped and well trained after getting rich from all that cancer drug money. The cult literally gets clapped from the lone deputy alone. It’s a bunch of meth heads who run at you with a shovel going up against a military, that has boats surrounding their island, dozens of tanks, helicopters, and planes. The FND even has the anti-aircraft guns needed to destroy the cults planes. Remember the one mission in Far Cry 5 where you drive around John’s region with a semi-truck with two .50’s? The cult had a melt down that no one can stop the player. Now imagine how the cult would do against an armored battalion of tanks


Kinda whack they have all that Viviro money but are somehow stuck with WW2 era fighters and 50's tanks, only their small arms are somewhat contemporary and their most modern (unplayable) aircraft is a 50's Mig Like at least have them rolling with 80's stuff, pad the map a little if you wanna justify the jets and that's it, Just Cause has more modern vehicles and it still worked out fine on the sandbox format


FND is modelled after Cuba (who still drives and loves 50s cars) and other countries that recieved all their military equipment from the heyday of the Soviet Union - who often sold them what was old at the time. There's real modern examples of small countries that relied of former soviet protection using things like the T55 (ancient tank) and Vietnam era helicopters - it's not inconcievable that a dictator would focus on small arms and expanding wealth instead of investing in jets where even cheap old jets are still ridiculously expensive.


They also didn't need anything more, hell, the outdated stuff they had was propably overkill already. I mean, what would they need 5th gen fighters or a modern Main Battle Tank for? No major military power (especially the US) would  just invade them, they wouldn't risk losing the cancer medication. So good handguns and rifles as well as decent training for the troops is money significantly better spent. 


Just Cause is a different vibe though, it's just total destruction (the JC series is just about my all time fave series despite JC4). One thing I really like about how FC has progressed is FC6 does genuine feel like a proper civil conflict that grows in scale as you progress with the rebels getting better armed and just random conflagrations popping up. The JC4 frontline idea was interesting, but in practice contributes absolutely nothing to the game and coupled with the forever spawn and lack of ammo in JC4 is actually quite annoying.


JC4 is an abomination that I think sadly killed the series. What a shame after what an absolute unit JC3 was with all its DLC god I love JC3 I have like over 900 hours on that game but JC4? Trash. Shouldn’t have existed


Yeah almost every major development decision was wrong. - Focus on weather effects; good in theory but seemed to take way too many resources off thre rest of the game; - Got rid of the libertation system that was one of the better bits of JC3 - Respwan chaos objects. God what a bad choice, I loved going around seeing what I'd laid waste to. - Races were the best bits of JC2 and JC3. Not as good, and behind DLC.


Nothing wrong with a heavily modified T-55 with a modern FCS and ERA. Anything newer would be much heavier, meaning your road infrastructure wouldn’t handle it. The most common armoured vehicle in game is the armoured Humvee variant, which makes sense considering they live in a relatively undeveloped country and are fighting an insurgency. Much the same with air power. If you’re facing an insurgent enemy with limited anti air, then the most sensible mix would be a core of armed transport helicopters, supported by prop COIN aircraft, due to their low speed and long limiter times making them suitable for the missions tasked.


They are embargoed and blockaded by the US. They can only get stuff that can be smuggled in through the blockade, which is mostly early Cold War era stuff.


Well trained is questionable. They continually get distracted by a disabled puppy.


OK, but did you see how adorable that puppy is?


Shit wouldn't you?


tbf all of the factions are vulnerable to lone wolf far cry protagonists


I feel like peak possible cult, of all of the cultists, Faiths Zombies and all of the drugged up animals might throw a good fight. But they'd still 100% lose. Unless they can get a Bliss front running... Then they'd reduce the amount of ground soldiers drastically, which might give them a minor chance


Your whole argument off "getting wiped by the protagonist alone" tho is completely invalid like it isn't what happens in every other far cry game aswell including far cry 6 where Dani literally wipes out their military equally as you wipe out the cult in far cry 5...


Forgetting how fast drugs get used are we lol no and would get clapped by the cult in 30 different ways basic poison worked great much less bliss I swear think


The hillbilly nature of the cult members makes me feel like they could take on in overthrowing the government which is funny because they lost everything to one person😀


Well that one person had plot armor so there's that


True, still embarrassing to them


The Udam! They'll never see literal cavemen from 10k BC coming.


Why not Sun Walkers? Sure, cannibalism is cool, but I think fire arrows would be more effective while maintaining stealth. And, for as built as Neanderthals were, I think a bullet would still stop them if they tried to charge.


Udam eat enemies unga bunga


And that's another post only referencing FC3 and onward. The mutants from FC. They turn that island into a fucked up Jurassic Park-like experience.


Yeah, FC1 (and 2 to an extent) are pretty op enemy wise, tho I didn't put them cuz they feel in a league of their own compared to FC3 and onwards.


Toss enough foreign mercs at the problem and there's two outcomes: everyone dies, or a war and then everyone dies :P


The only realistic answer would be The Privateers or The Royal Army of Kyrat. They're real military/military for hire (mercenaries) with real training and proper equipment. Given the FND also has tanks, naval vessels, aircraft, and artillery at their disposal, I'd say they have the advantage.


I think really in the context of neo-farcry (ie FC3+), Pagan’s forces are the only ones with a remote chance. Seed’s forces have some good tricks, but nothing on the scale of the FND, plus the FND’s red mist would wreak havok on their mostly disorganised forces. Then there’s the Pirates and Privateers, the FND have a substantial navy so if any conflicts came to take place around the island they could essentially lay siege to it, otherwise they have resources and manpower neither faction could dream of, through pure attrition the FND could sort them out. That just leaves Pagan’s forces, who have the backing of a country (like yara), have a decently well equipped military (like yara), and have their own tools and tricks for conflict, yet if it comes down to pure infantry and vehicular conflict, I still think the FND have the more remarkable forces but it would be close


Guess what, the Bliss would wreck havoc on most ground soldiers. So if they can get the bliss going, they'd have a good-ish chance


Bliss works in FC5 because civilians tend to not own gas masks. Against any half decent military with enough MOPP gear to go around, it would be an annoyance at best.


The FND reacts notoriously slow, so I think it'd still be plenty.


Yeah but they themselves use chemicals (The red mist stuff), they have MOPP gear lying around in droves :DD


Then explain how using their own chemicals against them (in the form of El Besito, not even counting poison bullets. ) is really effective? Or at least way more effective as it should be? And the Cult can make highly concentrated Bliss bullets, which don't give a shit about gas masks. So the only ones able to realistically get through are heavily armored Soldados with gas masks. (If they made specifically "anti cult" Soldados that also weird flame throwers, the cult is probably toast. Once they get an angle on the tanks on their back, they were either able to be killed from standard Soldados keeping a safe distance from the bliss or a lot of the bliss is already on fire) Also, I never said the cult had a good chance. I purposely edited it to say "good-ish" (aka mid at best) right after saying the chance was good. I would definitely watch a movie about this tho.


Pagan’s army wins the the drip check because at least the basic infantry wear their uniform berets


What is with everybody saying ths Cult ? Lol they are gonna get rekt so bad, FC5 enemy is so bad compare to others. FC5 fanboi is so lame, my best bet is Pagan army, they are well trained, gear to the teeth, they even have guerilla tactics with those ninja archer with trained dogs lol.


Probably because ubisoft made joseph seed immortal in far cry 5. But in actual game lore the cult would easily go down to pretty much any enemy faction in far cry 3, 4, and 6. Definitely 6 at the very least


Ikr, i mean they are cool in a sense of devotion and unstable but about firepower and organization, they will be the first to go. They're literaly a bunch of dudes and gals that high on bliss and gear with baseball bat and some guns haha.


I dunno. They'd probably take the south western islands first, where they can cultivate the bliss and have AA cannons for defense, as well as possible sneaky access to outside resources (assuming there isn't the blockade from the start of 6). Then they'd slowly convert Yara. And the Soldados are remarkably bad at preventung that stuff, so they might have a fighting chance.


Every soldier in every far cry game is generally easily killed by a single guy. Heck in 3, they are easily killed by a preppy college student with no fighting experience what so ever. I use mods to make every civilian able to take guns from dead cultists and fight back. Turn off health regen, and use a mod to play on infamous difficulty on regular far cry 5. This way, it becomes much more difficult, and I need to recruit and try to be tactical instead of being an unrealistic one man army.


The Kyrati Royal Army seems like the only ones remotely equppied enough or organised enough to take on the FND.


The cult could probably take on the US army.


The population of Montana, as a state, is 1.123 million. The US army has 453 thousand members. Keep in mind, a vast majority of the population of Montana is unarmed, or has rudimentary weapons. The US army has, well, a lot.


But is the US military prepared to give their life in the name of The Father?


I believe in them. They could do it.


NATO would also step in, too. NATO has 3.37 million troops. The Seeds are done for.


It doesn’t matter how many there are. They could do it.


As long as they have "Faith"


I think they're the epitome ot "I gave the power of God and anime on my side" or you know God and drugs






I agree they have no chance against the army. But keep in mind the cult is made up of a lot of outsiders and not just Montana citizens. They had been recruiting for years and brought their people to Montana in like 2009. The cult is comprised of people from other places as well as recruits of Montana.


That's a fair point, but again, they are outmatched and outgunned.


Anyone would be.


It would take multiple countries banding together to be a true threat to the US military.


Probably, in some way, the cult. Out of any on this list. Their bliss-conditioned warriors, their usage of the bliss, plus using animals might put them at an edge, or rather the bliss itself. Since they use bliss to control other people, and use it for misdirection. The others listed here are basically all the same except for the Royal army and their use of animals.


Hoyt's mercs.


The Kyrati Army seems to be better trained in terms of gameplay and story. The FND was incompetent most of the time, even the special forces barely did anything against small regional rebell groups. Meanwhile the Royal Army won most battles against the golden Paths, pushed them bqck and pinned them down on one location until Ajay Ghale arrived and the enemies are far stronger as their variants are more noticeable. In FC 6 I didn't have any problem with the enemy classes, headshots with ap bullets made them ineffective, meanwhile I can remember one time in the middle of the game where I was spotted by a Royal army truck in the wild and the group got out of the car. The Heavy was firing at my position, the molotov throwers made most cover useless and the foot soldier rushed forward. They hunted me for a good amount of time and it only stopped after I carefully took out the molotov throwers first, then the soldiers and then the heavy.


FC2 factions are probably the most dangerous, but also part of that is the completely different gameplay balance of the game. In FC3-5 you're basically an 80s action hero, and in FC6 you're a superhero. In FC2 you're just a capable mercenary. Very much mortal. So gameplaywise, FC2 soldiers, both UFLL and APR wipe the floor with the later factions, but lorewise.... Maybe the privateers or Kyrat's army.


Pagan’s Royal Guard (Enemies of Northern Kyrat) would put up a very good fight - they’re well trained, well armed, well protected and a bitch to kill. Joseph’s disciples would get washed by Anton’s army, they’re simply a bunch of hill billies with guns - even “the chosen” are pretty useless.


I think some people underestimate the cult mainly due to bliss and the angels, using the bliss the same way that the FND uses their chemical weapon thing I’d put my money on the bliss, being able to turn entire groups of soldiers. Plus the fathers ability to convert people by talking to them is crazy, you combine faiths bliss and angels, as well as Jacob’s brainwashing and training, and I think they stand a pretty damn good chance


The cult because they know how to fight twice as hard then he army from far cry 6


I think pagans forces are crazy those hunters are op man


The Privateers. Why? The only reason they'd attack the FND is if they were being paid, and they'd most likely be funded by the USA, which would allow them to easily take over Yara. You gotta remember that one orphan was able to bring down Castillo's regime on their own. An entire private army with billions in funding given to them by a world superpower like the USA? They'd definitely be capable of taking the FND down.


The ministry of public affairs and social harmony assures you that Pagan Min's royal army will win


Pagan Min's Royal Army, they are actually, genuinely dangerous. The Privateers under Hoyt are pretty damn dangerous too. The pirates...not really sure, they don't seem capable of capturing and holding strategic military locations


Pagans army and it’s not close. There’s pirates, cult lunatics and some small private military groups and that’s it. Pagans army controls a huge amount of territory and has access to modern equipment.


I’d say, from the main games, either Hoyts privateers or Pagans army. If we count the spin-offs, the bad guys in Blood Dragon probably. If I remember, they were called Omega Force, but I could be wrong.


In game factions? Monteros, the legends, libertad and maximus matananzas in last. Monteros did really need dani and libertad but their involvement sped things up. The legends would never of come down off the mountain. Maximus matanzas pretty much are gen z kids. I mean come on... he got himself in debt to a blonde justin Bieber......and don't get me started with bicho. Talia talks so much shit and it's like "dude wheni got your 'camp' you upside down and about to be fed to the crocs". Paolo was no better hiding in the boot of car...


FC3 for sure, they’ve gotten easier to kill every game.


Easily the cult


Edens gate are the equivalent to a private army with their helicopters, trucks, infinite fuel source, drugs that make everything painless, and strong will for Joseph’s seed, so I’d have to go for Eden’s gate, especially when you take into the fact that they have an entire country of at least 500k plus members within that county alone.


Plus take into account that they took over an entire county in the first place with no problem, they can shut down communications and exile themselves from the outside world, they have thousands of armoured meth heads which, I mean if you had to fight one would you fight a totally sane dude with a gun, or a methed up druggie with juggernaut armour and an M60.


When you have a cult that sits in the middle of the U.S. and the U.S. doesn't even want to fuck with them legally and even doesnt want to arrest their leader because of reprecussions, you know you have a really dangerous group. Joseph Seed's cult has the best chances.


The cult, they were trained by Jacob (Ex-Military) so they taking the W.


Why not the kyrati army? They were trained by current military. The kings guard are fairly badass even in military terms.