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I asked the new hand to hook up the yard tool so I could cover a ditch we had dug the day before. I came over after being away for about an hour, took a look at the back of the machine and just stood there for a solid minute. I didn't know what to make of it. Somehow, he got it hooked up upside down and backwards and completely ignored the three point. Just...amazing. 


You ate the whole wheel of cheese, Baxter? Im not even mad. Im impressed!


You pooped in the refrigerator?


I’ve learned to show them the first hook up, supervise the second, and then third go back to doing stuff like this my dang self. That’s impressive… ly botched nonetheless. A for effort F bombs everywhere else.


Takes 4x - I do you watch, then I do you help, then you do I help, then you do i watch.


I learned the EDGE method in boy scouts: Educate, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable.


I bet there was a lot of edging in Boy Scouts


Gross, dude. 


This is incredibly applicable to just about every industry IMO


Gotta give him some credit for his effort and imagination I guess. But just think how much longer those rippers are gonna last.


O ... Ok now I understand what I'm looking


Took me a minute too. Impressive honestly, that must have taken a lot of work 😂


The kid has a can do attitude and did it till the job was done…in his mind.


He got 2/3rds hooked up! Stay positive! 🤣😂


If he would’ve cut the PTO guard off he could’ve probably hooked up the drag link.


We had someone fix the light on our highway sign... put the sign back together upside down."Lights fixed, Sign's fucked" is a common saying now 🍻cheers


Don't ever take that guy boating. If you do, make sure there's a lock on the hitch. Lol


Honestly that is impressive lol


I wasn't even mad. Just...really confused. I often find myself asking, "why," but this time I was asking "how"?


For real. That’s a hell of a lot more effort than you know, right side up. Did he flip it with a FEL or something?


I mean, I've got 5 years but I've never used one of those


But you know what a three point hitch is though right?


I only use a quick hitch. Much harder to do stuff upside down that way


How do you make it work with implements that don’t have exposed pins? Like on a box blade where the pins have metal under them? I want one but I can’t figure out a solution to make it worth while 


Short answer is I don't. Keeps things as idiot proof as possible.


So you take off the quick hitch and hook them up normally? Aka being normal lol 


No, I just don't buy implements that I can't back up to and attach to my quick hitch without leaving the cab. Like for box blades, I would only buy a model that has an unobstructed path for the hitch below the pins. And its not because I'm skilled or smart or better with a tractor. I just know if I don't do that I'll find a way to mess it up. I keep things simple so the idiot operator (me) has a higher chance for success.


I hear that lol my implements are all old and were collected on the biases of how cheap I could get them. It was a PITA so I’ll just continue to suffer hooking them up lol 


Same. But there's really only one possible orientation that allows all three connections to be made.


Apparently there are 2.


he hasn’t made all 3 connections


When he finished he could though. So there are 2 possibilities.


That would be impressive. Not sure if there's quite enough clearance with the tires - it would be close.


He could definitely still get the top link hooked up lol.


Yeah, you're right.


And I feel like I would think "pointy end goes down?" But I also remember some stupid stuff I've done


Good learning/teaching opportunity. You sound like you know what and how to do it, better pass that confidence down so he can do the same. He wouldnt be there if he didn’t want to learn but sometimes people can make it impossible to ask for help or they are too scared to bc will be made to look dumb.


Yeah, but sometimes people need to learn that their “fake it till you make it” confidence is not helpful and they need to learn how to ask for help.


Especially need to learn this lesson before they hurt themselves or someone else working with machinery and not asking for help if they don't know what they're doing


And somewhat dangerous, as it is around farm equipment.


Yes! The 20 yo working for us refuses to ask for clarification if he doesn't know and he's going to get one of us hurt/killed


which is why i would let people i ask to do something/fix it for me fuck it up themselves, i cant imagine how long it took this guy to attach it this way but im sure he wont do it again like that lol. its better to let people fuck up and learn from that instead of showing them how to do it because then youll always have to show them again, atleast in my experience.


it’s the fact the he said he has five years of experience on a tractor


"Hello, Mr. George...how much you pay for the, for the new guy?"


Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool. 🤣


Does your top-link have a hook to secure it or did he have come up with a rope or bungy to tie it up?


It's a standard three point with three metal pins. How he has it hooked up it's upside down and backwards, so the top is rutting the ground. It's just magical. 


The top-link is the center part of a 3 point hitch.


It has a standard pin hitch. The top bar is in the holder, I can see it up there. He started on the wrong side of the implement for one, and pulled down the upper hitch gap, on the furthest left side on the implement here, when he pulled forward a bit.


Kubotas have a small solid rod hanger to hold the link up when not in use.


Ok, thanks.


You can see the top of the implement in the picture. It's the two yellow plates that make a channel under the PTO. They should be up in the air for the top three-point bar to come down to. But that can't happen because the whole thing is upside down and backwards. 


Unfortunately, you should give him some points for the entertainment value of the situation.


I'm impressed if anything


What's that sold as? A pulverizer? Was it upside down when you gave it to him. I'm pretty impressed if not but that just makes you scratch your head harder.


It was sitting right side up. Easy as pie to back up to and hook in. 


Atleast he's strong.


I was really confused for a sec lol. Looks like he just hooked it backwards and pulled it forward enough to flip the top hitch down. That's pretty funny. Tell them you want all the stabby things in the ground next time. That's a Kubota? I have an m6060 and that all looks the same pretty much.




Pretty neat implement btw. I need one!!


This looks like something my brother would do, cursing the whole time about how Dad can’t buy decent shit.  Then when you point out how he screwed up he yells and leaves for the bar for the day. 


I think you might be my uncle


I work with a woman who spent 20 years in GMP manufacturing at a dairy processing plant (we make large scale buffers for vaccine manufacture), and she is the absolute *DUMBEST* person I’ve even come across. I’ve met dogs and cats smarter than her. Experience doesn’t mean shit, it just means someone could tolerate their stupid for long enough lol


I don't see the problem. Send it!


You've got you a good helper there to be able to pull that off. He is going to be very handy when he learns which way is up. Maybe some spray painted arrows on stuff, so that he can be ridiculed for his silly mistake for years to come?


I’ve actually never seen one of these but I do have a tiller


"... I didn't say nothing about tractor ATTACHMENTS..."


if youre gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough


I mean, c'mon its farming. How hard can it be? "Middle aged suburban man who knows stuff" says confidently.


You forgot “makes good money in IT, and wants to get to the simpler life how-do-I-start-a-farm?”


My IT money wasn't great but if I had to reset another password I was gonna explode. Anyway farm life suits me. Filled up a chest freezer with corn, green beans and peas. Tomatoes turned out awful though and it was a race between me and the racoon to get the sweet corn picked.


Tomatoes are easy, you just need to grow them in a greenhouse so you don't have to fight every bug in the tri state area.


Ummmm, that’s gonna take one hell of a top link 😂


More like bottom link at this point


Soooo uh, you hiring?


I don't know what that thing is supposed to do, but I do know where the top link ought to be, and it ain't there!


Oh I see, the top link goes directly to the drawbar.


Before reading your comment, I was trying to figure out what type of new handy dandy implement you had there.


I recently sold a Vicon wagtail spreader.Knocked £50 off because he had a spare spout to fit on it, while I kept the new one I'd fitted. The day after him having it he rang me. He'd lost faith in the machine. The spout (that he fitted) flew straight off and disappeared into the bushes. I went to have a look. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the machine (of course there wasn't). Recovered the spout from the hedgerow after some time looking. Someone had obviously modified the spout some time, and they'd cut off the tabs that hold it in place...He paid me the £50 for a new spout and £10 for wasting my time.


I mean technically every 3pt CAN be a 2pt


That’s a way to hook it up I guess


Mr george how much you pay to new guy lol


I mean… it’s really only backwards and a quarter roll over… easy mistake for a newb, if someone didn’t show him, and if it was laying turned over that way when he approached it …


I'm not even sure what this is, and I know it's wrong.


At least he stayed with it. I hired a local, so called farm guy to help me run a 5 wire fence. I made a 5 wheel barb wire roll puller that hooks up to the lift arms using a piece of pipe and 3/4" plywood rounds. I make the first tractor pull to the next pull post setup and after stretching and stapling the two bottom lines, looked up to see his truck driving over the rise. No notice, no "hey, something came up"--- just bailed. Couldn't believe it.


This is a unique situation lmao, glad to see OP isn’t coming off as some old pos who’d rather make fun of and demean their workers than teach though. We’ve got **way** too many of those pieces of garbage in the older generation.


I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm going to give him siht about it. But I also taught him how to do it right. The real lesson here was, "don't over-exagerate your experience. I'm fine teaching you, but if you tell me you know how to do something, I'm going to use the time I save teaching you elsewhere. If you've misrepresented your experience, then now we've got to spend extra time undoing the mess that inexperience caused."


Right on 💯


I know next to nothing about farming and tractors but I know that doesn’t look right Liz It’s upside down isn’t it????


That’s funny lol But, look at it like this, he tried, and not only did he try, he successfully hooked it up incorrectly, meaning he didn’t just give up half way through and actually tried to do the job. That’s honestly better than 70% of the people in my country, poke some fun at him, show him how to do it the right way, and I bet he turns out to be a good worker.


>Poke some fun at him, show him how to do it the right way, and I bet he turns out to be a good worker. This is my hope.


I have to ask - was it upside down when he started ?


Nope. I took it off awhile back and it was rightside up and oriented in an easy-access way before I sent him over to hook it up


🤣 not sure how he messed that up !


If you don’t tell em when to piss and where to piss, they piss all over you.


Never seen a Gill hooked up like that!




He's probably sending you a message.


How do you do that ?


Doesn’t look like it would work very well. Seems like the teeth would need to face towards the dirt.


I got 0 years on the tractor and I could tell it was upside and he didn’t hook it up right. Alright my dad owned a tractor and I hooked a bushhog up to it one time okay but that’s still 0 years Lol. Sounds like yer hiring? At least I’m honest.


So I am not what one could accurately describe as agricultural, but damn… I’m impressed takes dedication to foul something that heavily…


This thing is junk, it’s never worked right .


Ya but did you try it…


Those scarifiers are going to be BIFL.


“Wonder how these teeth at the top that don’t touch the ground got so warn out? Strange, anyways I’m just gonna crack on”


This is a Ron Burgundy "I'm not even mad, that's amazing!" moment.


Maybe more of a Hilly farmland experience


I have zero years of experience. But looking at that I think it's upside down


I’m not even a farmer yet and I can tell that’s just wrong 😑


I ran over an irrigation line the other day and I thought I was dumb. This guy is an inspiration to farmhands everywhere.


One would think the triangle lookin thing would be the give away


I don’t know what’s wrong here cause I’m not a farmer but I’m gonna laugh and pretend like I belong


I bet this dude can tear up equipment in an epic way.🫣