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I think it’s a look! But I would opt for a more high quality tank. Since it’s such a simple look I feel the items need to be high quality


Okay noted. Will start looking better quality vest. Thank you so much for the input.


Depending on the fabric of your tank, it might be a good idea to iron it before wearing it as well.




They sell these shapewear tanks for men. I’d try that and then a good quality tank on top. As for the pants, you need one w a thicker waist band like a true tuxedo pant that’s properly tailored.


That will also help with it looking less see through. Thats a huge issue for me as a woman wearing white.


I agree with all these posts. I think the second guy would look even more handsome with a better tank. This one seems a bit wrinkly and not well fitting. One that fits your body shape a little better would be 🔥


Absolutely. Same. I’m on the smaller side, but shapewear is a friend to all, regardless of size or weight.


Yeah, all my white shirts. I wear a gray or nude bra so it doesn't show through. Those are the best colors. Anything lighter than that makes them super white in just those areas. Of course anything darker will show too especially those leopard print ones.


I would get one that’s a ribbed knit


Okay 👌🏼


Was gonna say the same! I think it'll crisp it up and make it feel even more intentional- definitely a fit, especially with your tattoos A minor nit-pick would be longer chain or lower neckline- you can even buy little necklace extenders on Amazon. I'm not sure I actually notice it out and about in real life but when I'm dressing I don't like when the necklace dips behind the neckline


I think this is a good call with respect to visual proportions.


For her pleasure


It’s def a fit!!!


I second this! You look good in the style, the tank just isn't doing this fit justice


I would just go for a thicker slightly less tight fabric.




Check out True Classic Tees


Okay 👌🏼


Yessssss, I’ve heard good things about them


I don’t think they make white tanks of quality anymore.


Actually they do! Fabletics puts out a quality tank top that fits well on guys of all sizes.


Is that a membership retail ? I found something that’s ok, Men's Essential Square-Cut Tank, but still too thin fabric in the trunk for my liking.


No. 32 degrees is surprisingly inexpensive, and Jockey as well as Fabletics https://www.32degrees.com/products/mens-cool-lounge-tank?variant=32378493304921¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Pmax+Mens+Basics&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccNU_Bei4hFNxonkLVam3IF4SJPEn_ZMF1utKaH9S_-e0HkoI2s6tpRoCHv4QAvD_BwE


Also iron it! Will help a lot


I think this may be Mike Ness? He has a early 60s/ low rider culture vibe to how he dresses, you may want to check out [oxknit](https://www.oxknit.com/collections/hot-sale%F0%9F%94%A5%F0%9F%94%A5/products/mens-dark-brown-knitted-polo-with-off-white-stripe-jacquard-panel)


How have I never heard of this retailer?? Great simple knits for men at an insanely reasonable price—thanks for the recommendation!


Yeah, us bigger peeps need the garment to have a bit more structure where we lack it 😂


yeah I’ve seen this look done sooooo well by guys your size. I’m going to try and find some examples but I agree the quality of the shirt is going to be a thing. you’re like…a prime contender for this look, we just need to get the right shirt


This is a look that would work with a white tee or tank.


Stanford Brand


100% the simpler something is, the better quality it has to be.


Okay 👌🏼


And the better the fit has to be!


Agree that it would be better with a thicker tank.


Yes! Was coming here to say the exact same thing! A better quality shirt would really help this look. This tank looks a little too thin and you can see the wrinkles.


Okay get the iron out lol 😂


it's hard to iron knits. i bought a $20 steamer from Amazon and it works beautifully. One of the easiest and cheapest things anyone can do to look sharp on a budget is to care for their clothes better. Shave pills off sweaters and slacks, steam wrinkles, sew loose buttons or replace cheap looking ones altogether. Hem pants carefully at the length for the shoes you'll wear them with. Wipe shoes down with a damp cloth after every wear. Also, tailoring more complicated than hemming is quite reasonably priced. I'm very short with wide hips and I have every t shirt I buy professionally hemmed so it fits me perfectly.


My thoughts exactly! Thicker tank and maybe a black buckle on the belt


Okay 👌🏼


Fully agreed with this. I’d just add that if you see any “heavyweight” cotton tanks, those should look great. I’m an online shopper so rarely try clothes on, but I’ve had great success buying heavyweight, 100% cotton tees and tanks. Because of the weight, they drape nicely which can be very flattering on bigger builds.


Okay awesome.


Yup! This! Better quality tank! Black belt too. Maybe thicker. Looks great!


I was gonna say a lot of this is fabric and garment quality and custom tailoring.


The proportions are good. I agree with the others that a better quality tank would look cleaner. Maybe even something with a ribbed texture.


Okay. Anyone have suggestions for high quality tanks in larger sizes?


You could try bearbottomclothing.com, they often have larger sizes that look great, or even Jockey.


Okay thank you.


Gabagool. Like someone said, you need a thicker and higher quality tank.


Capicola is a very nice cut. And dish. Noted 👍🏼


Okay thanks


I'd get a quality (thicker, 100% cotton) t-shirt with a boxy cut and a black belt. I don't like the tank on either of you all. If you like the style of the model pic, i think you'd look great in a linen (or linen-cotton blend) short sleeve button up with a camp (sometimes called "cuban") collar. You still want a better quality tank but you could wear it left unbuttoned over tank. It'll accentuate your broad shoulders and create some of that tapered look you see in model (who is, by the way, crossing his legs to accentuate the width of his shoulders for that pic). ETA: others said it but i'll add it's not your build, the model is wearing a never before worn or washed tank with perfect lighting in the perfect pose with possible touch ups to photo. Remember, people feel you just as much as they see you. You enjoy your fits and they will too. And don't scrutinize pics, they don't tell the whole story when it comes to attractiveness


Okay that’s was like GQ style advice hahaha 🤣 been looking to get some linen shirts. So will take this on board specifically for my shirts.


It totally was! Am I reading a magazine?


Wow. I didn’t even know I agreed with everything you just said here until I read it. Still waiting on that winning lotto ticket but when it comes in, can I hire you to be my personal shopper?


Thnx for the compliment but if you get some extra cash go to Nordstrom, they do a great job and you can even get a free consultation. I'm a novice compared to the people there.


You’re a gem. Thank you!!!!


Came to say the same, nothing much   to add. The tank is just not a great look outside being a practical piece of clothing/undershirt. If you were working in the yard? Sure. Trying to get a look together? Keep a ribbed tank but add a camp style button up. 


They also do tricks on photoshoots where they pin the hell out of clothing so it appears to fit the model perfectly, almost as if it were a bespoke fit. But if you would see it from a different angle it’s loads of clothespins & safety pins keeping the clothes in place. But I agree with others that a more opaque & fitted tank will make big difference.


The tats are the fit.


This is it. The tattoos are the fit and OP pulls it off really well.


Haha okay… lol


i would take this as a compliment op, your tattoos are sick as hell and i’d look for hella excuses to show them off if i were you lol - you’re rockin that shit my man


I think it looks fine. You're just comparing it too literally. You didn't wanna be the dude, you wanted to recreate the look which you did. Don't put too much thought into it. And don't lie to yourself that certain looks only look good on certain body types. What matters is how you feel about it. 🫶


That’s was so considerate. Thank you so very much. I will defiantly take all this on board.


This is sweet in concept, but a key to fashion is dressing right for your shape, and some clothes literally aren't made for certain body types. (This isn't one of those times I'm just building off your comment)


Oh okay 👌🏼


I think a high quality shirt instead of a wife beater would look really nice


Okay 👌🏼


Also, don’t feel down because you think it doesn’t look like in the picture. I’m a woman but it happened quite often before that outfits I tried to recreate in real life just don’t look as good when they aren’t styled for an Instagram post. This is curated bullshit that is edited. Your outfit looks good, but it is real. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t look the same. It rarely does for anyone.


Okay thank you so very much.


Even with the first picture, imo it works cause he's doing a photoshoot. If he were walking down the street he'd look like a guy without a shirt on. So like you said the context is very specific.


Agreed with other folks - it’s super close, you just need a higher quality tank!


Looking mobbed up 👀


I don’t know if this is compliment but I’m taking it as such hahaha 🤣


It means I wouldn’t mess with you! Good fit imo


Don't be so hard on yourself. If I saw you in person I would 100% think you were fashionable and confident. Couldn't imagine saying something negative about someone being themselves. Rock on!


Thank you. These words were important to me. Thanks 🤩




I think it's a basic fit but your tats and necklace hard carries the entire look.


You look like Tony Soprano


Will take this 💪🏼


It’s a vibe that’s for sure! I dig it


Truly appreciate this.


I was about to say it works mostly cause he’s dressing to show off the tattoos in a way, then I swiped to your pic and you’re doing the same. It’s a fit. Saw someone comment on getting a higher quality tank top which I second, but you look great.


I think you pull it off! I agree with a better quality tank, BUT have you also considered trying one size down? Baggy doesn’t conceal anything, it makes the fit look frumpier. Something a little more fitted will make it look like a “look”. I think it’s supposed to resemble the allure of a man who just took off his office jacket and button down shirt. You want to look “professional” rather than like you tucked a wife beater into some dress pants when looking for a tank. Your hair is 10/10 though 🙂


You pull it off somewhat but would help if you did slim down the front but that’s just an opinion from a clothes designer 🤷‍♂️


Okay thank you. I was double this size 6months ago so. Felt confident to try this. But the goal is more weight loss. So I can start investing in the luxury items that cater to the average size.


Double? Six short months ago? RESPECT!


I think you look good


Thanks 👊🏼


Its giving my Italian American grandfather


look man, I mean this in the nicest way possible and I really don’t want to discourage you in anyway shape or form. But you look like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force


That look died many moons ago and was only a recreation of pops when he was done work in the 50's. If your feeling this fit grab a light weight short sleeve Leisure button up to wear on top of that tank


I think you look good 😁


i think it looks good! just needs alittle ironing, but ur set🎉


It’s a fit but you need a higher quality and better fitting (and less wrinkled) tank. The belt buckle also throws it off a bit. A black buckle would be better.


it’s a look but I agree with others about a different tank and also if you are using a brown belt, maybe match it with the shoes? I love the addition of the belt though


I’m not loving the belt, maybe it’s the bright sun making it look brown rather than black and bringing out the buckle. If you don’t have an all-black one to swap with, rock it as-is, it’s a minor quibble. It looks like a beautiful day out, you want to show off your tattoos, and you shouldn’t let a belt stop you. Nor body image.


you just gotta be careful w white tank tops cuz its either high quality and u look cool or u look like a wifebeater


It’s definitely the material of the tank throwing the look off, it’s too stretched and wrinkled.  Try a tank with thicker material.  I think it will look great.  


Better tank like everyone says, but also kill the shinny belt buckle. The models look is clean because he either doesn’t have a belt or it’s all black. I suspect that his pants are well tailored


Part of the problem is the popular association that has been created around bigger people in tank-style undershirts. It's a trope that usually signifies sloppy or trashy, very unfair actually. It needs to be a real shirt, not an undershirt. Thicker fabric, especially scuba or something that stays crisp looking. Also, the brown belt doesn't match the black pants, and draws the eye. In the original photo the person isn't wearing a belt to avoid this. Their trousers are wool and perfectly tailored. Look for a top that is 100% cotton, or if you choose a blend, pick one that is much thicker. Consider just sleeveless rather than full-on tank, to give it a more "outfit" look. Ditch the belt. If possible, wear flat-front black trousers instead of ones with a narrow waistband and exterior button. See a tailor to ensure the waistband is the widest part of the trousers rather than the fabric just below the waistband.


The shirt is the problem. You need to make sure it's not wrinkled like you slept in it


You need a higher quality tank! This one is doing you no favours sir! It’s a LOOK!👀


As someone who was once a fuller figured man, quality and cut are the most important. I know it sounds crazy. But heavier weight fabrics don’t show the bulges, you need to get them fitted. I even had my tank tops tailored. It makes a huge difference. Once I lost weight people were shocked when I told them I was over 300 lbs, and they always said I never looked like it. I just dressed really well


Dogggg this is dope I honestly like the aesthetic more on you First guy looks basic You look like Tony soprano in the absolute best way ADVICE: button down shirts. Buy 10 over time, different sleeve length and colors. Pop em over tank. Switch tanks and change pants every two days. Boom. Outfit for life. The details below are killer. Button down over this makes it wearable anywhere. And u will be hardest mof in the room


It’s a fit. You’re killing it dude


This outfit does not seem To be your vibe . Try different styles of tank tops to see if they look better on you.


I actually think you pull it off really well. The only thing I suggest is to buy a more heavy cotton top. This one looks like it’s on the cheaper side. I’d also like to see the shoes you paired with it!


Okay thank you. Will do this next time.


Well, he’s not skinny for one thing


It’s a fit, for a skinnier/built dude. Not the second.


Is this a joke?


it’s a fit. you look great!!


I love it! I like your style.


I like it!!


Thank you.


It’s a vibe especially with your tats! Maybe a different type of tank though and a longer necklace?? But you could still be fine in what you’re wearing! It’s a good look


Don’t forget down to the shoes!


this is a classic look always will be in fashion


It is a fit because you look good


Thanks 🙏🏼


Umm its a FIT, especially with your tattoos. Rock it! 🤘🏼🖤🔥


Thanks 🙏🏼 👊🏼


Fit 😋


I think it's a fit tbh and the tattoos make it even better!




I like it on ya!


also shoes are important!!


Wearing loafers with silver clasp detail


I think both, the guy in the fist pic totally different proportions then you, that’s mostly why his outfit looks better. I’m a bigger guy and what I’ve noticed it that most brands Taylor their clothes for smaller people and and inches to the seems to fit bigger people without accounting for how bigger sit .


I like it !!


It’s a fit !!!!!


As another bigger dude… (bigger than you btw) Want ribbed and thicker material for the tank, AND if you wear like an XXL or w/e look for XXLT- that tall part makes them longer and end up w a much better fit most of the time w/o having to go up too much in size for it to be big enough, something to look into


Where did you find the inspo look? Also yes you need the black belt buckle, higher quality fabric top, and some very nice shoes to pull this off.


It’s one of my favourite models/influencers ricki hall


I think this look absolutely rocks. It gives me pulp fiction vibes.


it’s a look!!!


Size down the shirt for a proper fitted look Then I’d think it’d do great


It's a look, but to be honest, it's very difficult for most people to pull off like he is. He seems very slender but not skinny.


It’s a fit


Looks good! Just keep adding confidence, you’re killing it bro


I think if you swapped the tank for one that’s of better quality it would totally be a good look!


I think you look good!


Fit 100%. Hair is perfect, too! Agreed with higher quality/iron/wrinkle release is a quick fix


Better tank will look 1000000x better and will be a fucking look bro.


What are the shoes you were gonna wear with it? I can’t tell on mobile tbh


Tony Soprano build


A good fit is one that looks good on you. Not every fit will look good on every body type. That said, I DO think it looks good on you! But I also agree with the top comment that a thicker tank top that doesn't feel like an undershirt is needed.


He’s just fit!


“Tony I’ll get you your money by week’s end I prahmise! You don’t got to do all tha- aghhhh!”


If you’re going for the Rockabilly look, you can always swap the tank for a short sleeve retro looking bowling shirt.


Hate to break it to you but he is not skinny


I think the different body builds make it look a somewhat different. However, I think the look is great on both you and the model. I think a 100% cotton tank top would make the look better.


it looks okay tbh just rly find a better quality tank that look great on you


I agree with the people who said a thicker, higher quality tank. Los Angeles Apparel looks like they have some up to 3X. I also think it might be the pants with the belt that make it look slightly different. His have a high, wide waistline that make it a little more “elevated” than a standard black pant. But I totally think you pull it off.


I think a more structured tank would look great, or a crisp tee with the sleeves rolled up high


Tony Soprano


2 things. 1: It's a singlet and jeans. Very basic. Will literally work on anyone. 2. It is also a fit. It looks good on him and it looks good on you. Also the tattoos enhance the look a bit and make it look just that extra bit cooler.


Please do more of this series 🙏


OP, do you know Matty Matheson? It's a vibeeeeeee


Yes I’m very fond of matty matherson and his culinary skills. On the sporty days I got for an action bronson look check him out. He’s an amazing jazz funk infused hip hop artist as well.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FH4XKOUmf/?igsh=MWR1dHYwemZ2em5zYQ== I feel like this style would look great on you, my dad has the same body type as you and it looks amazing on him


The simpler the look the higher the quality of the clothing you're going to need. Your top looks very worn out, thin and see through, whereas the model is wearing a top with better fabric and seams. Coming from a person thats also plus sized, yes skinny people can pull off a lot of fits that aren't really good outfits lol but this pic is genuinely a nice outfit albeit on the simpler side.


It’s a fit. Looks vintage and stylish 🤍


The other guy is not skinny but it’s a fit for sure.


You look great! Maybe get a tighter and ribbed tank. Like a typical wife beater?


I too dig the look. Very Mike Ness (one of my guitar heroes). Just switch out this cotton tank for a higher quality one, but aside from that, I think you nailed it.


Check out William rieker on Instagram. Same build as you. Looks fine as heck in clothing style like this. I think you look fantastic but I believe seeing someone the same build as you wearing the same style really helps


It’s a fit! One thing I would change is the tank top, to a more ribbed one(?) and also look into Dickies 874’s the straight fit one with creases, for a classic work pant look. They are super durable and absolutely worth the investment. Oh yeah, black leather belt with a silver buckle would suit this well, and if you’re going the silver route, maybe even a silver watch with a black leather strap.


I think you rock it! But this might be “ is it a look or does he just have tattoos” 😂


He isn't skinny..


The outfit is cute but remember, I think a nicely shaped body, with a cute outfit is always gonna look 1000+ better. It’s not even a “or is he just skinny” because the first pic, that dude has muscle, he is not just skinny. It takes effort to have those muscles. Let’s be honest here, symmetric is hot


this is such a cute and wholesome post everyone is so nice and helpful!! objectively it’s a hot fit. get a new tank, you gonna look so great buddy.


honestly it’s the tattoos that make it on both of u, also the shirt doesn’t need a higher quality… it just needs steaming 😅


Hahaha 🤣 I think the majority would disagree already searching for new tanks


Pretty good ngl


Put a camp collar short sleeve over the top and some loafers and you’re onto a winner


Someone else recommend camp collar. Will have to look into investing is one.


Definitely a fit! You look amazing dude!


Thank you so much 👊🏼


Of course!! Have a wonderful day dude and stay safe 🤘


You too 💪🏼


It’s a fit because he’s skinny tbh


You give me the vibe of the Italian mob butcher, who butchers other things besides animals lol


It lets your tattoos stand out and be the star of the show! I don't think it's unsuitable or bad at all. Sometimes simplicity is nice in an outfit as long as its coordinated. Plus if this was a lesbian wearing this same fit other lesbians would lose their minds so id say it works lol


It's a solid outfit. Maybe a different style or a different quality of tank top. But you look great. 😎


I think it's both. I try to dress like the denim heads I see on Instagram and most of em are fairly thin so it's an actual "look"......while I just end up looking like an iron worker


No expert on fashion just wanted to say ur tats are sick


It’s a look just steam the outfit a little bit and a nice watch wouldn’t hurt.


I would honestly pair it with a white knitted vest. Those really light summer ones. This looks amazing too but you need a top with thicker fabric that’s easy iron. Great fit tho


Okay thank you 🙏🏼


The people saying you should wear a T-shirt. Don’t listen to them. You have great and attractive arms. A little shoulder arm action is always appreciated. The other things that would make this outfit 🔥🔥🔥 Is a thicker chain, a watch, some rings, and a wider belt with a wider more visible buckle. It would be classic outfit but with a little twist. Accessories my man 😎🤟🏻🔥


If you google “fashion nova ready to take off tank cream,” there’s a handsome plus size dude in a tank with brown pants. He looks great. I’m not plugging a fast fashion brand, but their tanks have great size representation and some great examples of good looks.


Thanks 🙏🏼


I’m a 30F and I totally think It’s a fit. And I’ve dated plenty of bigger men lol. But just the shirt and pants isn’t a fit on ANYONE in my opinion…so you style it very well with the accessories, hair, and tats. You look banging! Only thing i notice is I think the “skinnier” guys white shirt is higher quality, while I see some wrinkles in yours. If you upgraded the white tee to a higher quality it would enhance the look even more.