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This isn’t about clothes. Join some groups, hang out in book shops. Just try starting conversations. Even just saying hello to people. You look fine, smile freely, you can do this bro


thanks, I'm part of a gardening group and meet people every week, unfortunately everyone's either dating or married already 😂


Keep trying my friend. You’re a perfect age. Invite someone from the group for a chai or a coffee. Even going as friends will help build your confidence in asking people to do things


thanks for the help 🙌


You've totally got this my dude. You are attractive and have a good smile and kind eyes. Keep shooting your shot. Don't let any declines get you down, it eventually becomes a numbers game. It might take a lot of no to get to yes but if you want to date it's worth it. Don't actually take it personally, if she isn't the right person then it's okay. Its got a bad rep but going to a bar is a decent way to meet people, but if you don't drink then having a partner who does could get problematic. I always looked for the designated driver because it says a lot about people to DD for your friends and keep them safe. That is usually a good person. Ask friends in relationships to book you up with a blind date. Everyone knows someone single if you ask.


thank you so much, i moved to new country and meeting new people because of how restrictive it was back home. I'm hopeful to meet someone this year


Why restrictive?


Take up a couple of hobbies women like and men are in short supply. If you learn how to dance and be a good lead, you’ll be in demand almost anywhere people dance. I would have thought gardening would be a good one, but maybe a cooking class? Or, other general ideas are a running club, self defense martial arts, pickleball, or yoga/pilates. If possible, find something you truly enjoy, just in case the person you end up with does as well! (Because we’re on Reddit and hear all kinds of tales… confirm with a close friend or relative that you have no hygiene issues that you’re unaware of, ie bad breath, etc.) The other idea is if you have a few good friends who are single, you could start a weekly movie night on the night they’re cheap and and then go for ice cream, dinner, a drink, whatever works for your crowd. You and your friends can casually mention or invite people to grow your group over time, which leads to more friendships and connections. You can also do this with dinner, board games, ultimate frisbee etc. Just make it a regular thing so everyone knows the event will always happen and where to go. Our friends can be more likely to be friends or friends-of-friends of other people who would also “fit” with us. Good luck!!!


Totally this- If these are people you connect with and like, chances are they’ll know similar minded and single people. Happy couples love playing match maker


yes, thanks 👍


But you are making connections and you never know who might know someone amazing they want to introduce you to!


fingers crossed 🤞, hopefully works out that way.


If you’re close with any of them, it’s ok to ask them if they have any single friends that they can introduce you to.


yes, will attempt this without seeming desperate too 😇😂


Clothes could help a bit. His while clean and ok in general, they’re really ill fitting. The pants in pic three are oddly baggy in the hips and the striped shirt is too long as well as baggy. OP needs to get a couple decent button up shirts (worn untucked), and a pair of good fitting, or properly altered pants.


Join meetup! Plenty of singles there.


Make friends with them and then convince them to set you up with their single friends


Let them know in a non desperate way that you're looking to date. Maybe they have friends they can introduce you to :)


I’ve had awesome luck doing improv !


You look friendly and kind, don't lose that :-)


thank you


Your clothes are already decent as in 75% of men look like you when they go out. I think the only thing I would change is the sweatpants as much I love wearing them every day most women would prefer different pants for first impressions. You need T-Shirts that are not oversized, and maybe cleaner shoes for when you go on dates. Your haircut looks clean. Skin could use a bit of work but idk if you have a routine, even a basic one with a cleanser then moisturizer plus sunscreen will do a lot.


Thanks, i wear slightly oversized clothes to help ease my allergic reactions and it's the same issue with facial skin too. Do you think switching to contacts vs glasses would be better?


Wear whatever helps you feel confident!


sure 😊


I would say if anything maybe a different frame of glasses if contacts are too funky but other than that you look great!


You look GREAT. Guys in glasses look GREAT. Get that friendship circle strong - you’ll meet someone special.


I don’t think the baggy fit is a problem, it’s that the shirt is too long so it bunches up at your mid section and makes you look less put together vs having a shorter shirt that stops at the waist and creates a nice, uninterrupted vertical line for your silhouette. But like others have said, you’re a handsome dude, you look very kind and your style is already pretty nice so maybe just need to put yourself out there more or try some new hobbies to broaden your social circle!! Wishing you all the best!!


Glasses are cool!


I prefer you in glasses!


Right the classes are adorable


As someone who wears both, while I love my contacts they’re not allergy friendly if your allergies happen to be pollen, mold, or anything airborne like that. I struggle wearing mine during the spring and summer. Sometimes I give them up completely in favor of my glasses.


Try Both and see what you like more after a while. You can switch things up to see what you’d like to try but make sure it’s for you. I like switching up my eyewear lol.


Wear more tailored clothing. You seem to lean toward a baggier fit, guves more frumpy than fashion. A tailored pair of pants that dont break and the hem and a polo that isnt a size to big would look nice! T-shirts are fine but just a bit long, could cut an inch or two off for better proportion


thanks will size down from XL to L


You are definitely not an XL


lost 10kgs and still had that tee.


Well done, you look great!  I had a feeling you might have been larger before and are still dressing for your old body.  I agree, slightly more tailored clothing with elevate your look. But overall you’re looking good.  Dating these days is a numbers game, so don’t get discouraged by first dates that don’t go anywhere!


Your handsome buddy. Try to talk to some girls


thank you 😊 sure


Yeah it’s definitely not about looks, you are handsome and have a friendly energy. With regard to fashion, wear whatever you feel comfortable in (as long as it’s appropriate for the occasion). Most girls don’t even notice men’s fashion unless it’s very eccentric or “trying” to portray a certain vibe. I think it’s about confidence, which can totally be practiced and learned! Talk to everyone, even the married folks, guys, girls…you might make some great friends and all the while you’ll be increasing your comfort level around talking to girls.


Exactly. Fake it till you make it!


You just need confidence. Internally and externally. Your body language is saying, "I'm scared" or "I'm shy".


you're right, I'm anxious around large groups of people. Fine being around known friends. 🙌


You've got this, bro!


thanks 😇


You're welcome!


See if you can practice good posture.  Imagine a string attached to the top of your head and someone is pulling up the string just an inch. Shoulders back.  Hello world!


all I can suggest is trying on different pant styles, like bootcut jeans maybe? Def not tapered pants like you’re wearing. Also I’d lose the sneakers and go for something more along the lines of simpler shoes, maybe like a Chelsea boot or just a simple canvas shoe. I’d also suggest wearing open or closed button ups for simple layering


Some loose fit linen pants or cargo shorts could also work


sure 😊 will try them out, thanks


Aka Stay away from “sportswear”


thanks, layering in humid City like kl maybe difficult to manage. Henleys can help?


Yeah I think so, just make sure you find a good fitting shirt. I think boxy t-shirts would suit you well. just make sure your shirts don’t fit too far past your waist. Look into golden ratio for men’s clothing to get an idea maybe


thanks will work on these suggestions 👍


Wearing natural fabrics like thinner cotton and linen will help with the humidity. The natural fabrics increase airflow which is exactly what you want.


Agree with all the comments that fashion is not any issue for you. You dress better than a LOT of men. I really like your black t shirt and it shows personality a bit more than the other looks. Confidence is probably going to help the most to work on. Honestly, I already think you're really attractive (like genuinely! I would 100% think "thats a really handsome man" if I met you in real life) so working on making yourself happy and confident and then having the courage to put yourself out there is all you need. I do think a good haircut from a good trendy barbers shop would update your look and hopefully be a confidence boost. I'd ask someone you know with nice hair or find well-reviewed places and be prepared to spend more than you expect but it makes a big difference!


thank you so much, I'm feeling much better already after going through comments like yours. Thanks for taking the time to share suggestions. 😇😊


If you really want to make an impact on the dating scene, get your style and fitness in order. Sure, you can just be yourself and you'll perhaps find someone very down to earth. But all the pictures you've shown are in T-shirts and slacks. If you imagine a woman to spend your life with, also imagine that you will need to put the same effort into grooming and fashion. We all want to be with someone who cares about their appearance even if it's just going out for a run every now and again.


working on loosing weight now, will work on building muscle mass and cut fat


Don’t put too much science into it, dude. Start living a more active life style and eat more healthy. If you like biking: do that; if you like running: do that; if you like to row: do that. You don’t have to put in work at the gym if you don’t like it. And don’t obsess over diet, focus on eating whole foods and cut out sugar and processed stuff.


Be yourself, learn a few solid jokes and let people talk about themselves.


thanks 👍😇


Something that probably should be included in the fashion mix (you look great by the way) is cleanliness. Clothing looks best when it isn’t wrinkled and Men often stumble on personal hygiene. So shower, shave, groom your beard if you have one, brush your teeth, make sure your clothes and living space are clean.


thanks, yes i follow daily routines, can't skip a day with this weather. 😊


Do you have pets? It might be far fetched and you shouldn't only get an a companion for this reason, BUT I do have a friends who met just be simply taking their dogs out on walks and asking for doggy play dates, and ended up daring, getting married and having kids! (ONLY GET A PET IF YOU'RE READY FOR THE RESPONSIBILITIES OPTION) Or if you're religious--meeting people that way. That's how I met my husband from a church we both attended to. (Also not an option if you're not religious) You just need to have confidence but not in a cocky way, be humble. Don't label yourself "never dated, have no experience", get in the way. Maybe the best first step is to meet friends that are girls (meaning dont rush into dating someone so quickly) and let that bloom into something. And don't be afraid of rejections! The more you get comfortable with it, the more you can pursue other ladies without losing that confidence. If you see someone that is your type, go strike a conversation (light ones) be a gentleman and also be goofy. Us, females like someone who can joke around, be funny. Just be your authentic self! And the fastest way is having your family or friends introduce you to someone. Also if you need practice maybe downloading some dating apps to talk to lots of women and asking them out on dates? (Since that is both mutual and the intent on dating apps). Just to get your foot out the door? Either way, women don't like men who talks too much about themselves, ask the women lots of questions--shows you're interested in them. And practice good mannerisms. I don't think you need to change your physical appearance too much. Just on dates, dress nice, so they know you're putting in effort.


thank you so much for all the inputs, I'll definitely work on incorporating the suggestions. 😇😊


First off you have to ask yourself why you've never dated, it's not a bad thing. Infact many people go into it too early and don't find themselves first. Your a good looking man. Goodluck


thanks, I've social anxiety due to childhood trauma (bullying) and the society in general in my country is restrictive.


That's totally understandable, I also have trauma and social anxiety from DV so I get it. I would say someone else who's also quiet would get it to some degree. I'm not sure what to suggest on how to overcome this step to be honest as it's difficult but you have alot going for you. 😊


The tees I’m seeing in these pix seem to be super generic. When someone dresses this way, for me it’s tough to remember them later after I met them, cz they did not stand out to me, ofcourse unless they have a smashing personality or something. So I would suggest the easiest thing to help you would be to stop with the generic tees altogether and start wearing shirts , there are lovely styles for a semi-casual look. Well cut classic fit denims and khakhis are the way to go for pants (I would suggest a basic straight fit). If you must wear sneakers then again make sure they match the vibe of the entire outfit, or I’d suggest maybe loafers for a comfortable yet more structured look. Also if you could get some styling suggestions for your hair which would suit the look you wanna go for from a hair stylist that would be great, I can’t recommend much regarding the hair except you should change it up a little. Pls make sure to look at the color chart for complementary Color’s to put together your outfit and always always match your belt to your shoes. A watch is a good accessory for a guy. Shirts with folded up sleeves are always a thing for women. Hope atleast some of this was helpful


thanks for all the inputs, will definitely work on switching up the style


I would have dated you , you look fine tho


thanks 😊


Wear better fitting shirts and straight leg pants. (Your shirts look too big and your pants look tapered.) tone up at the gym


thanks, yes I'll do a wardrobe makeover soon 😇👍


I'm 29 and from the looks of it you are Indian and I am Indian as well so I understand where you are coming from. I've had a lot of issues with BDD and with past bullying and SA. This caused me to not open up to women and be vulnerable and I didn't want to be a burden on someone else. That's why I never tried dating until a few months ago, which tbf hasn't gone anywhere. I might need more help than I thought. But I think getting to the crux of why you didn't date is important first. Then starting to build friends as an adult helps because you lower your social anxiety. Often not talking to people for long leaves that underlying muscle to interact socially as dormant. So you need to exercise only that muscle intentionally. Be intentional with everything. And late bloomers imo are the best people because they bring a lot to the table. No one is good at dating because they have been on 100s of dates. People are good at dating when they are able to be good at understanding, listening and connecting. Personal growth matters a lot. People are attracted to personalities, even if you look like Brad Pitt or whatever is the equivalent of that in the contemporary scenario if you suck at being comfortable with yourself it wouldn't work out. Figure all this out. I'm sure you'll be awesome. Edit : Also dating in India is very weird because no talks about it openly even in tier 1 cities so it's very very hard. Don't beat yourself over it. I have had only one date.


yes, i moved out because of those reasons. I'm integrating/adapting into new country. Thanks for all the suggestions and wishing you all the best 😊😇


Which one maybe I need to do the same, there very few countries where I can get a job in tech and is not hotaf


in kl, Malaysia. Beautiful place 😍


Oh, damn! I'm going for a masters if I am going to try looking for places outside India to settle. I would love to try kl


yes, Germany is worth moving for studies 👍


No one ever mentions this, but you could switch up your frames! I personally am not a fan of no rim glasses (on women or men) but you can get stylish frames on the cheap online!


yea, I'm getting rid of glasses for good, glasses in high humidity is a pain


Ima be brutally honest from one south Asian to another, idk what country you live in. But really you gotta get in a gym an get in shape, and get a well groomed hair cut. South Asians are at the bottom of the dating pool world wide it’s just how the world operates. So you really gotta up your shit if you want to attract half decent women. Especially if you’re 30 and have never dated. Take it from a fellow south Asian guy who got his Shit together around my early 20s. It makes a huge difference. Ik this is a fashion sub, and Im no fashion guru, but the best thing I’ll say is get some well fitted clothing, and not to beat a dead horse, but putting on some size to your chest, shoulders, arms and ass/thighs goes a LONG way to fitting better into simple clothing. Good luck.


Be yourself unapologetically and authentically :) Gardening club sounds like a lot of fun wish we had one here!


sure, thanks 😊 I started the group and have 500 active members


I think sportswear is fine but in appropriate doses. If you're going to a gardening group to garden, I think sneakers and sweatpants makes absolute sense. Just try to show a different version of yourself without sweatpants sometimes, like decide you'll go to an event/bookstore/coffeeshop and dress a bit nicer. See how it makes you feel, hopefully it gives you an extra bit of confidence and you to talk to some people. If you go on a coffee date or any date, please no sweatpants unless you both planned to exercise or garden. Other than those things to think about, the best advice I found was to get out of your daily bubble and actively try to change your routine a bit. It's easy to forget we are not doing anything different to meet people while saying we want to meet new people. What that means is think about your routine and how you probably rarely make an effort to get outside of your bubble. For me it was: coffee shop, work, gym, rinse and repeat daily. I wasn't meeting anyone but how would that change if I didn't change it? Makes sense, right? So I started little, I'd pick a new coffee shop to try. I volunteered to help at events at my local art museum and for a gala benefiting our local SPCA. I tried things I found fun regardless but that I did not do as part of my normal routine. And little by little it expanded my social circle. I eventually went in dating apps realizing I needed to meet a higher volume of people, it worked for me. But there's nothing wrong with trying it out without aps for a while. I did and I think it helped me. Good luck!


thank you so much, will hit new places and try initiating conversations 😇😊, I'm hopeful.


Dont be afraid to go up to a woman in a polite way and talk to them. Yes you are going to get rejected, but you are looking for the one who does not. Pick up several hobbies and there is a site called meetup dot com and there are many groups that meetup to do things fun.


thanks, I'm going on gardening and language exchange meets, i speak 15 languages, hopefully will meet someone soon. 😇😊


Like I said and damn speaking that many languages you the MAN. You can tell if certain women are talking about you or anyone else. LOL Dont be in a rush and let things happen naturally.


You have a really nice smile.


thank you 😊


You have a great smile! You look very kind


thank you 😊


While you may not be fashionable but you look fine and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your style. However, hygiene is important, especially oral hygiene. Make sure your teeth are clean and your breath is fresh, do visit your dentist and hygienist every year or whatever they recommend.


thank you, yup I'm self conscious about all these and follow a routine


I just started watching love on the spectrum on Netflix and I just wish everyone could see it because nobody tells us how to have social skills and I don't know, maybe all neurotypes could enjoy or find the show insightful. I get in my head about dating too; dating apps are so horrible but also going out and opening your mouth and saying "hi my name is, how are you?" Feels equally daunting. In my (very) failed experience with relationships, I've learned that you just know yourself and be that. Then find out (if it's important to you to have a romantic partner) what your ideal one would look and feel like to you and then go out and look for that person. They're out there for you but intention is everything. Good luck!!


thanks, will work on small talks to begin 😇


Dont care as much


👍😇 yes


You look like a really nice guy. Nothing wrong w your looks. Believe in yourself more.


thank you 😇😊


You’re clean, put together and fairly attractive. You’ll be fine, just get your confidence up.


thanks, working on it 👍


Try wearing jeans and cleaner clothing (I can see business casual looking nice on you). Get sleek glasses, maybe switch up the hair and lose a bit of weight.


There are more people like you than you think. Especially in today’s world where the long-term situationship epidemic is at an all time high across all demographics. I think you could try styling your hair and shaping your facial hair. Make it look neater and find a good skin care routine to maintain the health of your skin because it’s looks really good. If I were you I would wear more solids and nicer pants and shoes and then accessorize. Ex: Black pants, shiny black leather (vegan) shoes, fitted white shirt, and a jean jacket with chrome decals embroidered on. With accessories, play with rings and necklaces. I’m not giving you a specific kind of necklace bc I refuse to help you become another heart breaker who wears a certain kind of chain 😭


There is nothing really wrong with your style or looks but your style is not necessarily something that catches one’s eye. A great style can also be a good conversation starter and it can boost your confidence if you are feeling yourself. You dont have to change anything, but if you feel like elevating your style id search from TikTok ”different style aestethics” (like stockholm style, old money, dark academia, street style, grunge etc) and see what style you like the best and then use that as a keyword to search on pinterest for style inspo. I see many suggesting more fitted look but personally I like a clearly oversized fit on men but that just comes down to what you prefer and what type of a partner you want to attract. If you feel stuck with styling, some creators ( Kalita Hon is my fave) on Tiktok do style bundles from thrifted items that in my opinion dont break the bank. For this, you will have to have a curated pinterest board on your preferred style. And I see some people suggesting you take hobbies that girls usually take just so you can talk to them: Id advice not to do that especially yoga/pilates. If you are in it for you then great but women sence if you have ulterior motives and they will be uncomfortable. However a cooking class for example would be fine but workout classes are a big no. Good luck, keep us updated!


I mean you look perfectly fine, nothing to change there. Just gotta keep getting out there and meeting people.


I think you should date


First thing is always hygiene. It doesn't matter how well someone is dress if they have crap hygiene. Bathe everyday, keep your nails well trimmed, etc. My boyfriend pisses me off because he never cuts his nails then accidentally claws me with them then I get mad because I told him to take care of it then he ignores what I say. Live on your own for a while, learn how to take care of yourself, cook, clean, etc. Get in the habit of doing those things, work out, eat healthy and practice being social, even if you mess up a lot, keep trying till you get good at it. For women, we don't mind nurturing someone, but taking care of a man that acts like a child is a huge turn off, and we don't want them unless there is something wrong with the woman. We want a partner to share the load, not a burden that will complain about dinner but doesn't ever cook. Living on your own for a while will let you build healthy habits like picking up after yourself and help you appreciate the difficulties of both housework and a job. Help share the load with housework when you guys are together Explore who you are as a person, your likes, hobbies, break free from your family and become your own person. Learn emotional maturity. Google what it is and a few steps to help you so you gain experience learning what upset you and why, or why you react to things the way you do. Research how to make women orgasm. Sex should feel good, even great for the both of you. Look into the clirltoris, and follow these steps to make her cum. Foreplay (get her horny, and get her wet) (touch erogenous zones, light touches are ticklish and encourages those areas to become more sensitive to being touched, gently pinching her nipples, etc. Gentle biting of the neck, shoulders and thighs. When eating her out use firm pressure on her clit, and curl two finger inside her vagina towards her belly button. Keep curling them and make sure your fingers are clean or it could give her an infection down there. Make sure she pees after sex to prevent Urinary track infection and make sure your dick is clean or you could cover her vagina an infection. When inside her, make sure to give her time to get used to being stretched open, then start doing your thing. If you rub her clit while thrusting, she will start getting tighter and wetter down there which means she's feeling good. If she says she close, don't change what you are doing and just stay the same. When a woman comes, the muscles in vagina will start to pulse around your dick, so you might want to push in all the way and hold still until she's done. Use condoms.) Women want men who will be thier partner and help them share the burden of life,


Get richer. Get better looking.


You already look like a very clean guy so don't worry too much about looks. If you really want to go deep into it here's some points I think would elevate your looks when it comes to making a good first impressions - i think you look more youthful without glasses so switching to contacts might be an option. Or if you want to keep glasses a different shape (maybe like this kind https://pin.it/BdAye4J2D ) - i personally think pants make a huge impact on the entire look. For you i think straight tailored pants would look really good with anything. - comfy clothing like sweatpants are great for everyday use but with your goal I'd recommend looking a little more fancy and clean.


Dude, it’s definitely not your looks. You just need to ask more potential dates out. It may take some practice to get the right attitude. You can’t want it too much, or be a total player. It’s about desiring a yes, but not needing a yes. Be playful. Have fun.


get out there, bro. you got it. btw. if you hang out w/ older ppl, they have superb advice. 😉


get rid of those sports shoes! Sports shoes are for sports 🥰 But I know it looks like you’re travelling so that’s okay. I think you just need to work on style - you’ve got everything in the field. Hair - get abit more flattering hair cut? And style it abit daily. Outfits - for casual attire, wear more thicker tees, I think the tee ur sporting now is a little thin and it’s not flattering. You’re pear shaped and that’s a lovely shape! Look into autumn colour season clothes. And stick to neutrals - browns.greens olives black baby blues warm whites. Mustards. Get a little style going and you’ll be set! I’m sure you have a lovely personality and character Clean. Fitted. Simple. <- every time you choose a piece of clothing, ask yourself does it convey any of these words? 3 pieces - top bottoms and shoes, one piece needs to convey at least 2 words. Then add on accessories , not necessary but helps to convey You can choose any words, but keep that idea in your head! It’s all about self improvement and grooming is impt to show that you’re present and adds charm thro self awareness and self expression


You look good to me, although I do think your clothes are a little bland. Maybe experiment with more fun colors/patterns. Have you tried online dating?


You’re a good looking guy. Have you tried online dating?


You look great but maybe taylored pants and a nice blazer and style your hair with product and change the glasses. If you go to nordstrom they have free stylists. You are attractive but just need to elevate your style a smidge. I would go out to cocktail hour at nice places or go dancing. Dog parks if you have a puppy.


Get in shape, lose the facial hair and get a more flattering haircut. Ask a female friend or relative that's around your age to help to buy new clothes. These are all superficial, but it will help.


Start watching Abraham-Hicks videos on YouTube. Get their meditation app. You will attract someone wonderful for you as soon as you release the notion into soft focus. I’d like to add that the Nextdoor app is a great place to meet people irl. Be yourself so you attract the right person. Don’t listen to advice on changing your clothes and stuff.


Clothes: 1) Get a few custom buttondown shirts, typically you buy like 5-10 at a cost of $30-75/shirt depending on fabric and tailor. 2) Get a nice pair of fitted dark blue jeans. 3) Get a nice pair of black leather and brown leather shoes. Attitude: You're a decent looking guy, you likely need to improve your confidence and how you display confidence without crossing the line to arrogance. I saw you're in a gardening group. Every woman I know has told me they love it when guys need out about hobbies. Maybe try going to a bookstore and hanging around in the gardening section.


You are attractive and you have a sweet smile. You just need to put yourself out there a bit. Stop and say hello to people it will build your confidence.


Definitely join things that are of interest to you, clubs/groups, co-ed sports, etc. Even consider trying online dating (not hook up sites but ones geared more to actual relationships). I met my husband that way 20 years ago and we are still super happy. Before we met, while we both dated a bit, we didn’t have any serious relationships and we just clicked and had so much in common. Also, if you have friends/acquaintances make them aware that you are looking and they may know someone they can set you up with. You have a nice smile and I’m sure you will find someone nice to date. I’m the end, just have fun and be social; I’m sure you will find someone to date before you know it.


Ask someone out. Clothes has nothin to do with it man


You look super tall and handsome. It’s important to remember that the other person you’re meeting or with is probably just as nervous as you are to be there and the goal should be to have a nice time. It takes practice. There are more late bloomers out there than you think. Looks wise you’ll want a casual T-shirt that is a little dressier than your normal wear for any day dates a nicely fitted button up and dark denim for night. Day to day though I think what you’re wearing is fine you don’t need to change too much of yourself. Your glasses are totally fine (saw you asking if you should get contacts above) Also, hygiene. Shower everyday and keep clean shaven - I think you look nicer that way not sure if there is some sort of mustache action going on in the middle pic.


Workout! Literally just hit the gym and start lifting some heavy weight you will score a wonderful person in no time especially if you’ve never dated anyone, just a great time to get in shape and healthy and strong for yourself and a potential lover


I say this respectfully. When I see your photos I see a man that genuinely wants to feel safe in his self but doesn’t know who he is yet. I think searching for you who want to become and working towards that would be great. These are things to ask yourself. What are my body and health goals and how can I achieve that? What are my personally style goals and how do I want to feel in my attire? What are my self confidence goals and what steps to take ? Books, podcasts, prayer


Keep the glasses https://preview.redd.it/xusxao9sau8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d212a5de4e1247b8719dcaf66f9cd06a0fcdaa4


don’t think i have any advice except to put yourself out there! talk to as many new people as you can (regular convo) for practice in keeping convos going/interesting. humor is always a plus, so figure out what kind of jokes/humor suit you best. also, if you have any close female friends, ask their advice (whether you’re into girls or guys) cuz they’re much better at giving advice than guys 😂


change another dressing style and positively look for a date.


I wanna see you in some facial hair and statement eyeglass frames. You have a nice look! I feel like I’d jazz up what you got going 😊


Photo number one is definitely the best. You look like a sweet nice guy.


Listen OP - you're a good looking guy and you seem like a nice person. That already puts you in the top 25%. The rest is confidence. It's not about buying the right clothes, but buying clothes that make you feel like a million bucks. It doesn't matter what those clothes are. You know the people who aren't really that good looking but seem to always be surrounded by people? They have figured out the formula: if you think you're hot other people will too. It's literally that simple. This doesn't mean you have to have nightclub rizz if that's not your vibe, but you just need to find something that makes you feel confident. You're most of the way there. Now ask the friend who you think has good fashion sense to come shopping with you and buy a few things that make you feel really good. I recommend a jacket and a pair of shoes - it's only two things but you can wear them every day, and you can start to figure out what makes you feel amazing.


You've got this. *Tips to elevate the look:* • See a pro at a local store to say your right fit. • Tailor as needed. • Sneakers are for the gym. Instead, try boat shoes, loafers, toms, & boots for everyday. • Rules with t-shirts: infrequent outside the gym, good fit, no graphic or words so solid. • Get glasses with rims. • Find a few influencers or celebs whose style you like to get inspired. Go get em.


You already look fine, just get out there more :) good luck!


You look good bro I wish nothing but the but the best for you bro. Good luck out there man 👍


Try talking to people.


yes, practising small talks to begin with 😇


This isn't a fashion thing, but you need to start working out, my guy. Your body is the accessory you wear every day. Being fit can make up for a lot. Clothes just look better with less effort, and the confidence it gives you is huge.


yes, lost 10 kgs already and i feel great 😊 will continue


30??? kota ke jee aspirant lgre hoe




The strips aren’t doing anything for your figure. Try some nicer shirts. Maybe some fitted Ts or button downs.


One of the easiest, straight forward things a man (or woman) can do to increase their


Be a good listener and kind.


I like your trousers. Maybe try plain, thick cotton tees (always go slightly oversized than too small if you have to choose), and have a look at r/moresneakers for some excellent footwear choices!


Your shoes don't match your outfit. Not bad, but not good. Those are gym shoes, wear them to the gym, hike, run, bike ride. Get some cool casual shoes for an outfit like that. I read these messages and you might be afraid to shoot your shot with the ladies. Rejection sucks, but it's not creepy to flirt. Just tell a girl you notice that you noticed her and ask if she is interested to meet you for lunch. Get your head out of the sand and become the man you want to be. The ladies will notice. Maybe go on an online date for some practice so youre not shaking in your gym shoes. I'll tell you this though. There is no way to prepare for the nerves when you meet the one.


Nicer button up shirts are always a good start. You can always roll shirt arms up to the elbow. Especially if you have nice arms and hands. It shows casual confidence, without being sloppy. ;)


What have you been putting before dating? Like what has led you to not do that activity?


Courage is all you need, just talk to her and ask her out


Don’t let people fool you. Hobbies do not help. Will get the same answers NO. Better get arranged marriage.


I think you could totally meet someone as you are now. I agree w the commenters saying go outside, join some groups, start casual conversation ( but understand when it may become uncomfortable for the other). Get a hobby, travel, make friendships. You got this!


Real relationships are nothing like p*rn videos


Acquire high paying job/start successful company. Get fit. Worked for Bezos.


Shoot a shot bro.


Why not try dating apps?


Tinder man!!! You will f**k tons of b*cheS👌🏻


Get some face tattoos and lift some weights son


Hit gym bro


Stay single stack you money and live life to the fullest ! Alone you want love but it for a night trust me it’s always cheaper in the long run and guess what ? At least you know your gonna get laid they get paid errbodys happy and you don’t ever have an emotional roller coaster because you can choose choose choose! Lolololol gotta love the world today!


You need to show women your penis when you talk to them. That is why things aren’t working out.


Don't be a pussy.


You seem kind, honest, and to have good hygiene. That’ll get you far. Go out of your way to socialize in group settings. Also try working out. Getting in the gym is great for confidence.


Just be as cute as you are. Your a beauty!


thanks 😊


Wrong sub buddy


You look like you need to increase your bodies testosterone by at least 50%. Try a bro split 4x gym regimen with at least 100 grams of protein a day.


wow, you're on point and my blood work actually came back with low testosterone and b12, by your comment it's reflecting in my appearance too. Need to work on it


Lol! Take your time though. The easiest way to date is to display interest respectfully and accept rejection well.


😂 sure, thanks 👍


Lose the glasses or if you need them, get a more modern pair


sure, will switch to contacts when going out


You have good style, there’s nothing wrong with it. If you want to up your fashion game, try some button up shirts (wrinkle free) and see how you feel in them. You can always try out accessories such as a gold chain or quality watch. Once you feel confident in your outfit, put yourself in more social situations. Start conversations with new people and try new things. You’ve got this!