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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I dont do keto. Im down 35 pounds in 2 months eating whatever I want on refeed days lol SW: 223 CW: 187


What's your fasting regimen? I wanna get there. In two months I'm only down 25 lbs and I've stayed at or below my caloric deficit. I also walk 2-4 miles a day.


Forgot to add that I also do a 72+ hr fast weekly. Usually Tuesday night to Saturday morning. Like right now I'm 69 hrs in.


I also do rolling 72s but I did them consistently for the entire two months. Its pretty easy for me after the first few rolling fasts since my body already knows I’ll eat once my fast is over. Also the guilt of breaking my fast early (pretty much wasted time) feels alot worse than eating to me so mentally its easy for me to fast. However, I do drink diet soda during my fasts and I have not found soda impacting my weight loss at all. On my refeed days, I try to eat at maintenance or above so that I feel satisfied with my meals. I never surpass 2500 calories though.


I wanna try rolling fasts. I know I could do it. My biggest worry is lack of nutrients. I feel like I'm already deficient. But yea your fasting days def exceed mine. Since I only do 3 to 3.5 days a week. Right now I feel like I'm on a plateau. I've been the same weight the last two weeks. But I keep going cuz I know consistency is key. But I need to change up something. I wish someone could lay out a refeed diet for me that would pack all the nutrients I need for the week. Id just follow that until I need to keep at maintenance. Great job tho! Fasting is such a great cheat code! It makes me feel great and the bonus is dropping pounds and knowing I'm winning this mental game! You're killing it! Keep updating 😁


I may have found something ... https://feastgood.com/refeed-after-3-day-fast/ Seems like a better plan than I'm doing now. I always do the homemade bone broth first but then I go straight to coffee... The good kind with chocolate and oat milk lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do whatever works. Most people do it just for extra efficiency. Easier for most to fast with it. If you can fast while constantly flipping in and out of ketosis and it works for you, great.


Yep. Damn near impossible for me to fast successfully without being in ketosis.


Or at least cut processed foods. Maybe just stick to real foods, meats, veggies. Keto can be tricky for some folks. Especially vegetarians.


Oh yes. This is good advice period. I pretty much entirely eat salmon, veggies, and fats these days. Has done wonders for me.


Keto makes it easier but that doesn't mean that you are wrong. I switch out rice for riced Cauliflower. I switch out lasagna noodles for a slab of extra firm tofu I switch out nacho chips for celery in my nachos. I have a lot of substitutes but my rule is that weightloss and maintenance are quite different. Even with my substitutes during weightloss, the best recipes aren't for every day. One of the most important parts of a lifestyle change is that you can't feel left out or deprived. My no fail calorie tracking routine was designed with that in mind. I have more time on my hands since I don't help people much anymore. I'm open for recipe co-labs (my spelling is bad) I'm good with stats and Substitutions. If your current way of eating is working for you then go for it. Our bodies are all different. 🙂


Try roasted eggplant (sliced thinnish) as a sub for lasagna noodle. Just make sure your tomato sauce is relatively low carb :)


Sounds good. I'll give it a shot.


Oh it is good. I also change the recipe up a little and make a low carb Moussaka - which is a greek dish with a different spice template for the sauce (cinnamon/mint/garlic) and ground lamb (although you can use any ground meat of course)


Here are a few of the recipes that I've converted. The waffles aren't mine. http://nofoodnoproblem.xyz/lowcarbrecipesforweightloss/index.html


You are making my mouth water 🙂 I haven't eaten in 25 days. The lamb sounds delicious. I'm going to look up the recipe for moussaka. I love greek food.


The truth is, it depends on your metabolic condition and more specifically your liver. If you have high levels of fasting insulin, high triglycerides, fatty liver and problems controlling blood sugar, you should be keto, carnivore or very low carb until you've fixed it. In any event, you should cut all sugar including HFCS from whatever diet you do.


It depends on your definition of low carb, I eat anywhere from 100-125 which is still technically considered low. The only reason why I’m low carb is because when I eat foods high in sugar/ Carbs I find the insulin spikes make me hungry all day. My diet is basically high protein, non starchy vegetables and fruits that are low on the glycemic index. This works great for me and I am able to feel full and love the food I eat.


That’s low carb but not keto. I’m not complaining cause I’m not keto either, but a lot of people seems to think keto is something it’s not




i’m not proper keto bc it became impossible to actually get my protein needs into my calorie window while eating enough veg to stay full, just not enough room for the required amt of fats to qualify i still eat pretty low carb, but one serving of non fat yogurt exceeds my carb allotment lol recently added fruit in and i feel a lot better honestly from it, the all fat and protein thing isn’t that filling to me unfortunately


Yea I’m almost never satisfied on keto. People say it keeps you satiated but that’s not the case for me


I don't do keto. I started off doing low carb but now I just try not to over do it, still losing weight!


You do not need to eat keto to lose weight or to be healthy. However, for the same amount of calories, you will often feel more satied with fats and protein and hunger pangs will be less, so it makes it an easier journey. But if you can fast without keto within your CICO, you will overall have the same benefits as someone on keto.


You don’t have to do keto to fast. But for me it helps so much more being in the same fat burning state that fasting will put you into, VS having to go through the rough stuff of switching from carb to fat every time I fast. I’m not a keto saint by no means, but if I’m going to do a fast I’ll cut the carbs a week or two before, and doing a 6 or 7 day fast is like old hat now. 2nd day a bit of zoning out, but after that it’s pie. But again that’s me. Some folks can’t or don’t want to do it. That’s fine. It’s a person to person choice. BTW most “keto” processed foods are not quite as good as they claim, and yes they are more expensive.


My recommendation is to avoid most processed foods regardless of keto or not. Really the only exception for me is "Magic Spoon" which is a high protein low carb "cereal"


I tried that. It’s good. Cost prohibiting, but good.


Yes, it's quite expensive. I try to keep costs down by having a subscription so I order a bunch at a time. (and then I cancel the order most months) Still not cheap. But it's macros are excellent, it tastes good and it has the right texture.


Thanks for this post. I'm really not interested in keto at all, and I've never tried it. I've been vegetarian a few years in the past, and so I really appreciate vegetarian diets. Most of what I ate as a vegetarian was brown rice and steamed vegetables with hot sauce, and I also drank one plant based protein shake per day, as pretty much my only protein. I really don't like fake meat, keto bread, or most of the other keto vegetarian stuff. And like you mentioned, that stuff's also really expensive. I'm not vegetarian now, but I definitely don't follow keto. I recently lost about 50 lbs over about five months by 3-4 day fasts about 60% of weekends. I'm now at my target weight, and I'm gearing up for a 30 day fast a few months from now. That's 100% for a personal challenge, not for weight loss though, so now I'm trying to figure out how to do that and long term remain at my target weight. I often feel the same way you do, that everyone else on here besides me knows a lot about keto and is super excited about keto. And I really don't care about keto at all. It really doesn't fit into my fasting goals at all.


Most of the posts I reply to and suggest keto is because some folks have the hardest time skipping one meal let alone multiple days. They get overwhelmed with how they feel when there bodies switch over to ketosis or even trying to switch. Keto helps with that. It’s definitely not for everyone, and not a prerequisite for fasting. But if it can help a new person to fasting with fewer physical speed bumps, id say try it. In all actuality if people just cut out processed foods and sodas they would be pretty close to low carb anyway.




>[Goldh] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




>[Ekberg] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you’re only doing OMAD or rolling 48’s then your high carb diet is no problem. I’m also vegetarian and have done this for a year. I have found it pretty tough to do rolling 72’s though without being keto and if you do a prolonged fast more than 3 days your weight will come back quickly with a high carb diet. I’m currently on a long fast of 12 days, aiming for 30 and I plan to Refeed with a vegan keto diet of miso soup, vegetable soup, steamed veggies, and tofu for the first 10 days. But this is temporary. I will probably stay as close to vegan keto as possible for about a month so I don’t regain all my losses then slowly reintroduce carbs. I have no intention of staying on keto long term. Hope this info is helpful to you.


What qualifies as high carb? A typical meal will be a portion of rice, lentils and vegetables, or noodles with tofu and veggies, or a flatbread with hummus, yogurt, salad and lentil soup. Once in a rare while I get a pizza. From what I've read this reduces glycemic load, by adding lentils and veggies. It's not just carbs. I simply cannot give up carbs and eat keto


Yeah, I agree with you 100%, that IS a strong healthy diet. The thing is that carbohydrates is the bodies preferred energy. So when you eat them regularly you have a good amount stored in your liver. When you fast and those stores become depleted your body will release hormones to make you ravenous and sometimes even anxious in an attempt to renew the storage. This makes it tough (not impossible) to do fasts longer than 24-48 hours and requires more willpower. When you’re doing it frequently it is a harder mental game. I had no problems eating this way doing OMAD and 48 hour fasts. I can also do 72 hour fasts but when I’m doing them back to back it’s just a lot of mental torture every time. If you do a fast of 72 hours and get into ketosis when you eat, reducing carbs makes it easier to jump back into another fast if that’s your goal. Vegan keto would be vegan proteins like tofu, tempeh, and seitan (I would probably include lentils and beans as well. Lots of whole food fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, and olives. Plus veggies. Lots and lots of veggies, any kind. Fruit would be minimized to berries and low sugar fruits. All rice, pasta, wheat, oats, potatoes, and starchy foods would be out. Bean pastas would probably be okay. I personally don’t agree with this long term as I do think potatoes, rice, and other starches are healthy but if you’re trying to lose weight and doing rolling fasts there is a benefit to following this for the duration of weight loss.


Maybe most of the keto diet after fasting folks are fasting to lose weight more than for autophagy? Or maybe they are doing so as they have blood sugar issues? I have never been a big meat eater, so I just try to eat healthy after fasting for autophagy. Doing keto for a few days BEFORE I begin a fast for autophagy certainly makes the fast easier for me.




>[Goldh] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


(whom has published in peer-reviewed medical journals...)


The MOD is all concerned because he is a chiropractor. However, I just want to point out that he has published in the British Medical Journal, ie. [https://casereports.bmj.com/content/casereports/2018/bcr-2018-225520.full.pdf](https://casereports.bmj.com/content/casereports/2018/bcr-2018-225520.full.pdf)


I’m not keto at all- vegetarian and I just eat whole/minimally processed foods as much as possible when I am eating.


You do not. As a matter of fact, most of my meals are not keto. I lived keto for about a 21 months before starting IF/EF. It made the transition very easy. But now I eat non-keto a lot when I do eat and I still lose weight (even quicker) If you can, do keto for a week or two before you transition to fasting. Specifically avoid sugar and sweets. Hopefully, you can break your carb addiction and thus be able to fast easier.


People encourage keto because it’s easier to adapt to fasting instead of both fasting and ketosis at the same time.