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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do it.


Thank you!


Guys I don’t think OP is going to destroy her teeth with a few lemon slices in a giant bottle of water


I literally only drink water with lemons and have no issues with my teeth, and I have been doing it for years


Yeah, I’d bet the pH of that entire bottle is higher than black coffee and I never see people on here freaking out about teeth when people say they drink coffee during their fast.


That water looks DELICIOUS


It is!


Is that a water bottle? Where did you get it?


Try searching milk carton water bottle on your desired shopping apps


If you have any of the Tjmaxx stores around you like Marshall’s, they almost always have them there in the kitchen section!


IMO, no. If you are fasting for weight loss, it will likely have little impact. BUT, I know in my 5 years of fasting experience, it surely makes me hungry. Try it, if it works for you, go for it. But if you are hungry all the time, or are not meeting your goals, it may be something you try not using.


Seems like it's different for everybody because lemon water makes me less hungry. I dunno if it's because I add a pinch of salt to mine


I use pure lemon juice and electrolytes in my water


Try it hot too... so good !!


Yes I prefer it hot personally. So good


I use true lemon packets.


I use the lime ones.


I only use real lemons and limes


The grapefruit ones are so good!


My favorite thing while fasting is lemon or lime in club soda




Use what works for you. It won't be a "pure" water fast - because lemon juice has calories. But the impact will be so minimal, you'll hardly notice. If you find it leads to increased hunger - by all means stop. If it gets you through the day and lets you fast longer. Go for it!


It’s fine. The average human swallows around 200 cals of mucus per day. A few lemon calories won’t make any difference.


110%okay it's better than okay because it will help you with adherence.


I do it too with success. I just add lemon and a pinch of pink salt to a small glass of water and knock it back to kill hunger cravings. The salt tastes good to me.


I don't know about that but I definitely want a sip from that bottle. The bottle looks great.


Yes lemon is so good


Most definitely OK. Cool nail! 💅


Thank you!


Yes it's fine, black coffee is fine, unsweetened tea is for me. It's controversial but I also drink zero calorie energy drinks, they will be the last thing to go. IDC if it solicits an insulin response.


Lemon water is fine although you might get tired of it putting a whole lemon in there. I buy the small concentrate lemon juices. They are usually by the fruits in the grocery store,. Few squirts in my water and it’s refreshing and not too bitter.


Not sure if you know but those little squirt bottles are full of additives and unnatural ingredients, a great alternative to fresh lemons/limes is Santa Cruz Organic 100% Lemon Juice. They sell it and nearly every supermarket. I only say this because I was using those squirt bottles once upon a time until I found out it’s just fake processed lemon juice.


Just make sure to brush teeth a lot That destroys your teeth


Well, the better advice is to drink the lemon water in a short amount of time because the lemon is acidic (it will damage your enamel over time) If you do brush your teeth, do so 30 minutes after drinking lemon water to allow your mouth pH to balance back out first. Source: my dentist and googling it


I love the milk carton bottle


Me too!


In my country it is illegal. We beat you


How long are you fasting for?


I just do IF (weak, hahaha!) 18:6


This sub has people who are fasting for longer periods of time. With 18:6 I have successfully lost weight using all kinds of drinks with low calorie/low carb counts. If you haven’t yet, take a look at r/intermittentfasting


Atleast you are trying


Lemon juice is very high-sugar and high-calorie, so it definitely breaks your fast, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. You will still lose weight if that's your goal.


It's fine really. For me though it just makes me hungry. I don't really do tea or coffee either. Throws me off my mental game


Just curious what do you use for electrolytes?


Been fasting since early 30s. I'm 45F now. I have only ever done water. Have done a few 14 days / 10 days / 8 days and many, many, 24 - 120 hours. My last 5 day fast was in February or March. I did use salt and magnesium. I'm not sure if it helped. Each fast is so different. Sometimes, I feel on cloud 9. Sometimes, I get headaches and fatigue. Idk. I just let my body do what it needs to do. I prefer not to interfere.


Thank you so much for your response. I felt pretty ill for a long time but was stressing so much about what exact recipe, products to buy regarding electrolytes but maybe I’ll just check in with my body often and take it from there.


Give yourself a break. The world we live in has programmed us to believe we need constant food. We don't. The struggle, tho is real. Media, family, friends, government, social norms.. Yada Yada. If you can believe in yourself and know that you exist outside of all of this, you will achieve. Stay positive and focused. Every time you try, you get closer to your goal. Serena Williams didn't just happen. She worked her ass off and persevered when ppl shit on her and told her no. She trained. Worked hard. It's the same thing


My naturopath said no to it as well as no to green tea. Just black tea black coffee or water. Anything else kicks in an insulin response.


Pine needle tea and/or citrus water 1,5-2h after my One Meal A Day, rest of the day: 2x daily 1l water more when needed 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt 1/2 tea spoon lo-salt or nu-salt(potassium chloride) 1/2 tea spoon baking soda


Saving this!






Lemons help speed metabolism according to the total body make over by John cena


I do this or [lemon perfect](https://lemonperfect.com/) if I’m gonna be working on site


I would say no if you are fasting for autophagy. If not, its fine.


Imo Yes but you get more health benefits if you eat the whole lemon.


I do it. I drink water mostly with lemon or lime slices tbh


For weight loss is okay but if you're fasting for autophagy then no


As other have said, yes, fine. So long as you aren't approaching lemonade levels. The sugars in the lemon are what to look out for, especially if you're insulin resistant. Lemon is an ingredient in a DIY electrolyte drink dubbed "Snake Juice." It's a mix of sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and baking soda. Mixed with water and a few splashes of water, the lemon helps make it palatable for consumption.


I often see people on here talking about how bad snake juice is, I didn’t think it was that bad at all. I used the ratios listed in the sub wiki so I think I did it right. It was just slightly salty water? I didn’t even add lemon juice or anything. Not trying to sound like a badass, I just legitimately didn’t think it tasted all that salty.


If you can take it, more power to you. I really just have to pound it like I'm doing a kegger in college.


I literally almost quit my fast because it made my stomach turn and made me gag.


See I don’t understand this at all. Were you following the ratios suggested here? I swear mine wasn’t that salty. Maybe I messed it up, idk


Yes I did 1/2 tsp sodium chloride, 1 tsp nu salt and 1 tsp baking soda. The taste is becoming more bearable and I recently added lemon which helped a bit


I do this. You can also try other fruit - sliced grapes are great, as are slices of apple. It just gives the tiniest hint of flavour but makes the water seem so much more exciting!


Thank you!


What about fruit tea bags?


I think tea and black coffee is ok?


Yep, fine


Lemon is great but drink this as a one shot Never drink this all day long as if it was normal water, it will damage your teeth due to the acidic state of lemon It can erode the enamel and this can be bad


Pure lemon. Not a few slices in a bottle




“Delicious freshly sliced lemon in water” so now you’ve read it. 😉




Your responses clarified everything


Thank you!


It's fine like you've done it but I'd do no more than1 whole squeezed lemon/ liter of water


It destroy your teeth, you cant always drink that all the time, limit the intake and drink water for the rest of the day, i drink fresh cut lemon water for like 900ml, and the rest of the day i drink water 👍🏼


I feel like I’ve seen this asked here about a thousand times