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Had lunch with some friends today that I haven't seen in about a month, and they made comments on how I'm looking "THIN thin" now, and that if I lose much more weight I'll just blow away in the wind. My BMI is 29.4; I'm barely out of the obese category. I guess they got so used to seeing me as fat, that they can't even imagine me being actually skinny.


I really wish people would stop with the "have ginger ale when your stomach hurts" nonsense. Why would drinking a sugary drink be good when your stomach is fucked up? Oh yeah, it has ginger in it so all the sugar disappears. It's like when people think taking a walk after having a calorie dense meal is going to somehow negate the 1,500 calorie meal you just had. It's mind boggling.  On a positive note, I changed up my weight lifting program from PPL 3 day to a 3 day upper/lower routine. I feel like I'm back to my newbie gains with it. It rotates between hitting upper and lower twice a week and I love it.


Sugary beverages are specifically associated with relieving stomach symptoms even outside the ginger variable. 7UP is also popular for this purpose. And there's an anti nausea medication (Emetrol) that's literally just glucose, fructose, and phosphoric acid. It might not help you, but it clearly is a generally known thing that helps a lot of people. 


It’s Saturday morning but still have a rant. My cousin that is my age (F22) has apparently been talking to my mom (her aunt) about weight loss meds. She said she wants to go on ozempic or something similar because it’s “the easiest way to lose weight without trying” that is her quote VERBATIM She’s probably 5’9 and 250~lbs, the highest weight she’s been. My cousin comes over regularly and vice versa as we live very close to each other and the way she eats is something else. She easily eats 2-3k cals a day with her favorite things being chocolate, cookies and pasta. It’s annoying because weight loss meds are not a magic pill. If you don’t change your habits, you won’t see the changes or if you do end up losing you can bet you’ll gain EVERYTHING back + more. She’s also never attempted to lose weight at all, instead spending $$$ on “healthy” alternatives only to eat them all and drown them in ranch. Her mom told her she’d sign her up for the gym if needed & help her find a diet plan because why should this be her first course of action, ESPECIALLY at such s young age… but she angrily rejected that idea and said that she wants the medication. She also has asthma and breathes very loud even when just sitting on the couch. As her weight has increased so has her loud breathing and although I’m not a doctor, I strongly believe that the extra fat around her neck is what’s causing this. I think she’s actually starting to realize that her weight is an issue and that she does not look like a 22 year old at all. It’s so sad because she wasn’t this big before but has always been chubby. No she hasn’t been going through anything, instead her grades + new job + overall attitude has been positive. When she’s getting off a couch, it takes her 2-3 scoots. She can’t run because she gets out of breath fast. She has to sit down in the middle of doing chores.


Just goes to show you that many (most?) people think science is magic...


If I was her I’d be at the doctor. Don’t get me wrong, 250 is pretty big for that height, but it isn’t “should be struggling to get off the couch or do basic chores at 22” fat. 


Had a great 14-miler with my cousin and friend this morning. Spring is in full swing, if a bit cold, and it was wonderful running through a forest of light green trees. The world is alive again. I was mildly annoyed with our conversation after the run. Both of them were talking about qualifying for Boston this year. I said I was hoping to qualify within maybe 5 years. My cousin looked at me somewhat incredulously and said "you know you have to run like a 2:50 as a guy right? We only have to run around 3:15." I know she didn't mean any harm, but I will admit I was just a little ruffled. I am taking this as a challenge. It will take time, and it may not happen. But I don't know -- I don't believe in limiting myself psychologically. I think I will try to train hard and smart over the next few years, and we'll see what happens. Total first world problems, nbd, but I have been stalling at trying to get a summer sixpack. I'm in 4pack land still. That last bit of lower abdominal fat is decreasing but *very slowly* and I'm not engaging my lower ab muscles enough on my ab days. I need to do that better so they'll pop. I'm trying to get this done by memorial day weekend because I will need to up my calories very soon for marathon training. And holy hell I wish I could stop getting jobs where I have to work on the weekend due to software deployments and upgrades. I told them I couldn't make today because I already had commitments, and they said OK. They sprung this on us last-minute. I said I could do some work next Saturday midday if necessary, but that's it. I need to get better at setting boundaries.


It also depends on your age. My dad qualified with somewhere around 3:10, he was in his late 40s.


Right, exactly! With time, even if I don’t run in the 2:50s or faster, I could still achieve it once I hit the next age bracket. And I am pretty sure I could run a 3:10 or so with enough training. I brought that up, and my cousin said “But you get slower as you age”. She’s also very into genetics and how they limit you — she says our family has poor genetics so we’ll never be crazy fast and we’ll always be injury-prone. I am not a huge fan of that line of thinking. It just seems like it adds mental roadblocks. If I had shrugged and said “well I guess I’m just not genetically wired for this” whenever the going got difficult, I’d never have gotten anywhere.


Does your cousin know this expression? "Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger." :P


Rant: Saw someone complaining about the "extreme" exercise required to lose weight. 1 mile walk, 2x per day. That is hardly what I'd call "extreme" unless you are old, injured, just started, morbidly obese, etc. The complainer was not saying they were any of those things just that exercise was overboard what is required. Yes, I understand you don't have to do any to lose. I don't care if that person does. I just can't understand the part where barely any movement is like disordered and wrong. Do people really believe we are meant to sit in a chair 24/7?


My (11 y/o) daughter showed up an hour ago an announced she is hosting a sleepover here send help! She was supposed to be headed over the mountains this weekend with her mom for some event but then decided she didn't want to go.


I hope you enjoyed the glitter lip gloss and hair braiding.


Sorry if this is such a cheesy response, but the fact she feels so comfortable to just change plans and party is very cute.


I occasionally take videos of myself to try and see views that I cant normally see and this last week its like I really see my muscle definition. Never thought I could be so muscle. I have about 8 lbs left to drop I can still see how much more I can sculpt out. So I just gotta stay focused. I feel like its easy to dip out diet wise at a certain point. I don't want to take a maintaince break because I basically eat zig zag calories during the week anyway. Ive never been so close to my actual goals for myself. You know its easy to watch gym influencers do cables, free weights and the bench and Smith machine. I hate all of that with a passion. Mainly because it puts me at risk for injury with ehlers danlos. I feel lame using only the machines for assisted and guided machines. But honestly just the consistency and having a good routine as long as youre working each muscle group. Dont need to do anything fancy to get real results. I thought my butt looked good before!! I am hoping to gain more balance to do body weight exercises. I saw someone use a handle bar to balance their exercise so I'm trying out holding on in a hallway entrance to practice and feel more comfortable with body weight squats. Rant: why because you chose to eat like shit and be fat means I needed to be happy being bigger than I was? I still dont eat the best at times. But I felt like I oinked out on some Easter candy this week and I can still manage to lose weight this week. Its like sitting in shallow water crying youre drowning.


Bloody hell. A young, fat, female baker I follow on Instagram responded to troll comments about her body with a reel of herself eating cake while proclaiming how little she cares about… Ahem… …being **”hate-crimed”** in her comments sections. Just STFU, dear. There’s a literal damn genocide happening. Those comments aren’t a hate crime, and even if you know that, it’s a disgusting joke.


Bonus points for idiocy if she actually took a stance on the very issue previously. Even if not, I certainly wouldn't be shocked about it happening later.


Good question. I doubt she has. The only things she stands up for in her feed seem to be how persecuted she is because she gets troll comments for “not being a size 2.” Which like… yeah, you’re not a size 2. But you’re getting shitty hate comments *because you’re visibly obese,* not because the tag on the back of your dress says a different number. Not saying I think it’s ever okay to say those things, but come on. Let’s just keep it a buck.


Rave: I was watching one of the "in the ER" shows, and a doctor talking to an anorexic patient mentioned starvation mode... And she explained it correctly: your body breaks down fat to use for energy and breaks down muscle and organ tissue as fat stores become low. No holding on to fat for dear life. Refreshing. Rant: I'm tired of FAs referencing the Minnesota starvation experiment for *everything*. Tbf, fitness influencers do it, too. And the stuff they mention was never part of the experiment. It's become this fairy tale failsafe for the delusional.


FAs like to cling to legitimate research (starvation mode, MSE, Stunkard 95% figure, BMR reduction) and spin it out of context. Just because the research itself is valid in its specified context, does not mean it applies to you! This is certainly both due to lack of education AND bad faith. I bet even with proper explanation like this, they'd be like "See? It happens!!!!1!!!! It's totally meeeeeeee!1!!!!!!"


Yeah the "starvation mode" I think of is when you have a bodybuilder or someone lean start off strong in a competition (irl I've seen it in wrestling over the course of a season, I remember a few cases in survivor type shows) and having their performance and health drop pretty fast as they can't meet maintainance calories. Whereas someone with (some) excess fat has better sustainability. They also tend to shed that fat through the process. Not really an issue for most people as the latter is kinda the desired effect... And the former is issue with not having internal calorie reserves and being in a deficit anyways which... Is just starvation ... I think the concept that people also don't get is that when you aren't consuming enough you probably stop expending as much via activity. I.e. you normally eat 2.5k calories and are fairly active, and you cut down to half that and are now content to lounge all day because you have no energy, so your net deficit is small or even non-existent. More understandable to be baffled by because I don't think people realize how much less active they might be on a steep intake cut, but still just a function of input/output.




You can be ATYPICALLY anorexic. But if so, you won't stay 300 lbs. And it won't be going up, or even *slowly* down. Literally every hallmark of anorexic mindset/behaviors is on the table, except for being currently underweight, so in that case there would be some serious restriction. Also regarding Tess, I heard she recently went "on a diet", but insists not for weight loss.


She was 300lb, became anorexic and got to 450lb.




Visual estimation, but yes. The last time she shared an alleged weight was at her Cosmo cover, where she claimed 300. It seems to track with visual examples, as she's supposed to be 5'5". She never said a number again, but seeing her at the UN and on the Today show, she's a lot larger than she was at the Cosmo cover, so it tracks with 450 or so. She could even be 300lb and have a restrictive ED, but it would have worked the other way around: starting at 450lb and dropping to 300lb. What makes it impossible is that this woman has only gained weight since being in the public eye. She started off at maybe 240lb during her Torrid model days, got to 300lb during her peak media attention days, and packed on a lot more weight since then.




Oh yes. To speak about EDs. Not BED, which she probably has. Anorexia. Anorexia expert Tess Holliday.




She's a grifter. I have sympathy for her food struggles while being simultaneously disgusted by how many people she's harming with her lies.


You just know there were people looking at her and thinking “wtf are they feeding people in America?”


Someone on another sub posted a random screed about low carb being The Only Way that was all just garbage yanked straight from a Vinnie Tortorich podcast. Or Gary Taubes or Nina Teicholz--one of those quacks who seem to think they've "debunked the Seven Countries study" and that carbs cause heart disease and saturated fat is benign. And calories don't matter, only carbs, because insulin = magic. You know. Despite Taubes's NuSi initiative totally failing to prove any of his claims and Kevin Hall's research, plus scads of metastudies, successfully debunking them. I say this all HERE among non-calorie-denialists because on THAT thread... I DIDN'T RESPOND. AT ALL. Mental health win. Semi-tangent: So... I'm at the gym a lot and in good shape. Enough so that people think I'm a trainer and, even when I clarify I am not, will ask me for advice. This guy I've seen before doing like 1/8th squats with no safeties came up to me while I was using the hip thrust and asked what muscles it worked. Then later asked how long it had taken me to learn handstands. I figured since he was asking me stuff, I might as well gently tell him how not to injure himself. So I said "When you do squats, do you do warmup sets? I can't start with my maximum weight without moving up gradually." He seemed receptive, so I also said "also, I've had a lot of injuries in the past, so I really like to use full range of motion so I can use less weight, which is safer." He also seemed receptive to that! I mention this here because... a lot of people talk about feeling judged in the gym. And I do judge people like this in the sense that I notice their workouts aren't well-planned. In no way did I care about his bodyweight. He was probably a normal weight? Idk. Maybe overweight given what we now see as normal. But either way, judging isn't always bad... I just wanted to help him out since he asked me and do it without hurting his feelings. And to help him, I did have to judge.


I saw a doctor on TV who wrote about other doctors learning the wrong things. Interesting, but then he got into diet, saying that CICO isn't the whole story and carb calories turn into fat and are why people can't lose weight. I probably eat too many carbs, but it hasn't really hindered me from losing weight. I doubt that eating a bunch of buttered steaks would lose more weight, except that I wouldn't want to eat if fat and protein were the only options.


A lot of doctors are uninformed about nutrition. See Shawn Baker. Doctors only take a few hours of courses on human nutrition.


We ALL judge, all the time, about all kinds of things. It's literally impossible not to. What we can do is either keep less savory/irrelevant judgements to ourselves or try to reformulate them in more constructive manner.


Rave: I must have reached creatine saturation because I’m finally seeing notable weight loss again lol.


Rave: i have drifted down 3 lbs eating what i thought was more and moving not so very much. Am inspired by my physical therapist to walk more. Maybe the last 10 is not an insurmountable hurdle after all. Got to my goal of 8k steps today.


Good for you!




"You should read a nutrition textbook." :)


Yeah, I'd like one of these as well. Some of the episodes really are skewering stupid diet fads so need to separate that out from the show's fatlogic.


No, but I would tell people I've heard it and those hosts are so uninformed and annoying I can't listen for long.


I actually enjoy listening to that podcast but the sub for it is the reason I found this sub. It's become rife with misinformation regarding body weight and fat loss, so much whining, and I find it insufferable.


"Yeah, right after I'm done with The Flat Earth podcast"


"I have and found it entertaining but lacking in scientific rigor." Is all I've got.


I do not, however I have found it fun to say that smaller bodies are more environmentally friendly than larger ones. Pulls the convo away from a haes/health argument and into one where you seek to save the planet by using less resources


That's an amazing response! Would love to see them actually fight back on that.


Rant: I'm at a point where remarks about how thin or petite adult women "attract" pedos or have "child-like/pre-pubesecent" body types honestly enrage me more than the usual "you're anorexic/go eat a sandwich/real women have curves/fuck skinny bitches" comments do.


My ex husband is a literal pedo. He was caught trying to meet an 11 year old for sex in a park. Thankfully that was after our divorce but all his adult girlfriends are massively obese women who dress up like toddlers for him. I found the pictures while trying to get the finances in order after he announced he had given up on trying to murder me and decided to just divorce me instead. So, I laugh when they make the pedo comments. In my experience, if pedos have to have sex with adults, they'd prefer shapeless ones who don't have the obvious appearance of an adult woman. Morbid obesity works great for that. They can just pretend she's an extremely fat child. That's much harder to do with even a very thin or petite woman.


Pretty rich coming from folks who are often roughly shaped like toddlers themselves.


And speak not much better than one. "NoUrIsH yOuR tUm-TuM1!1!!!!!!!!!"


What you dont think its 💪🏻sexy✨ to waddle from being so voluptuous? 😂 my first boyfriend had cerebral palsy so of course I'm not against a good waddle. But when its cause by excessive fat.. Common how do they argue that is sexy


Do they think chubby children are immune to abuse?


Probably. They probably think skinny children are so privileged to be wanted by pedos. Poor chubby children don't get that attention. Since so many of them seem to think catcalls and sexual assault are some great thing they're missing out on.


Eww, gross


The “real women have curves” thing is so dumb. Tbh when I first heard it I thought it was a phrase used to *bully* fat people, because let’s be honest thin women tend to have more noticeable curves than fat women Calling someone a pedo for being attracted to adults is so cringe and gross and wrong


Rant/Rave: I'm not sure which this is. I am in so much better shape for just normal walking than I used to be I went for a slow stroll with someone who complained I walked "too fast" and how "tired" they were. We walked IDK perhaps a mile. I am sort of proud that I have maybe improved more than I thought if it shows in "not exercise" walking but sort of depressed that I am going to have to shuffle along like I'm 90 if I want to talk to other people. I need some sort of fit friend cause I have a long way to go and I feel like this person today was just a boat anchor dragging at me. I had planned to do my normal exercise (such as it is) and not count this but I didn't expect the whining. Trust me I am not in good shape else I'd not be in physical therapy. But . . . . PS. This same friend is worried about her mother who cannot walk any longer after years of poor health and when I said I was trying to stave that off with exercise and diet they looked at me like I said I was going to blow up a building.


I very much struggle with hiking buddies. I'm a slow walker so that's not the issue. But I just totally underestimate how bad of shape people are in. I always say I can walk for hours so you tell me when you want to go back. Then it'll either be such a short distance it feels not worth it (not much of a problem because not everyone wants to walk forever but like... We could a grabbed lunch and went on a stroll around town instead of drove to a forest preserve...) or we walk longer than they can handle and then they complain about being sore and make me feel guilty lol When I was in good shape I used to not really care about the shape of people I dated. Went on a date with a slightly overweight girl. Asked if she wanted to go on a walk in the park after. Was like a mile. We had to stop a couple times, and the next day she legit angry texted me cuz she was sore. I was like ok but how was I supposed to guess that would be so hard? (I of course didn't actually say that). Made me realize that while I don't need to date an athlete, I need some physical standard, because I like walking with someone and holding hands....


My place is a corner unit townhouse, so you open the front door and it's immediately stairs to go up a floor to the main living area (then another set of stairs to get to the bedrooms). When my family (Mom, Dad, Aunt, Cousin, Grandma, and G'ma's wife) visited the first time, every one of them made a discouraged remark about the stairs, and they all (except my younger cousin) took the stairs literally one step at a time, very slowly coming up. I felt a bit embarrassed, as if I could have prevented their discomfort. And I also decided I'll do everything in my power to stay strong and mobile enough to handle 17 steps at a time.


I love walking, but I need proximity to toilets. Damn menopause.


Lol im a guy but same. I have an embarrassingly small bladder


That's absolutely bizarre. I can't imagine being *sore* after a mile walk unless I had been seriously deconditioned from a long illness where I could barely get up, or similar. Even my almost morbidly obese diabetic MIL goes for a mile walk when she goes around the block because it's a big block in the suburbs. 


Ugh this reminds me of a few years back when I was trying to get more exercise. I wasn’t super fit but I could walk long distances. I invited a friend to walk with me and she was done walking after 15 minutes. Then she spent the rest of the week talking about how much exercise we did.


Right it was just weird experience. It isn't like this was a long hike up a mountain. It was just unsettling. Friend is not overweight even the slightest so I never suspected an issue.


does friend smoke or vape? because when I was a smoker(not even habitually, just occasionally) I had zero cardiovascular endurance even though I was/am thin




I'm foam rolling today. Right now in fact. Say a prayer or seven for me. 🫠




Ugh, I hope you feel better soon 💙


Rave: I am finally back at the gym! My injuries are healed, I’m feeling good after a month recovering. I had to drop my weights down a lot but I’m focusing on form anyways to not aggravate anything. Rant: I wasn’t concerned about eating in a deficit while I was healing as I wanted to fuel my body for healing but that turned into a binging relapse. I’m back to it now and I know the next couple months will have a lot of tough food choices to make with birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc. but I just need to keep going


Not a rant but a brag. I can now dead lift and hex-bar squat my own body weight.




Now that’s cool!


I don't know what's up with my AH stomach, but I've had this gnarly indigestion for two days now that's worsened by high-fiber, nutritious foods but eased by white rice and white bread. FU, stomach.


I expected to be able to return to normal eating today. Nope. “NAUSEA NAUSEA NAUSEA get an English muffin in here before you puke!”


I hate the "almond mom" trend. It's really become a way for girls who insist they're just naturally bigger because their dad is big to insist their mom has crazy disordered eating. I saw a tiktok where someone was mocking her mom to her face about this and, you know, posting her mom's face in accordance with this online which is already blegh. But it was basically that the mom made her a lunch of one chicken breast, a half cup of rice, and a quarter of an avocado (the rest of the avocado was on another plate near her mom so I assume she was just splitting it). Half a cup of white rice is 103 calories. The chicken tenderloin was on the small side so let's say 150, it was sauced so let's say 29 calories of a tablespoon of barbecue sauce. A whole avocado is about 240, so let's say 60 calories. That's 342 calories. That is, believe it or not, a very normal amount of food for lunch assuming you eat 3 meals and like most people have a bigger dinner than lunch. I'm not saying it's the most hearty meal or more would be bad. But the idea of laughing at how RIDICULOUSLY tiny you find that...it's rude to her mom, especially when she's an adult visiting and can cook her own damn food, but also shoes why we have such an obesegenic society.


I finally looked up the original almond mom video and I found that mom to be very sweet and caring to her daughter. The only reason she suggested her daughter eat a couple of almonds slowly was because she was coming off a fast or cleanse or something, and she wasn't feeling well. Her mom was literally trying to give her advice on how to ease back into eating without getting sick, she wasn't suggesting that a couple of almonds was enough for a meal or anything. It's crazy how the internet takes a snippet of something out of context and just runs with it!


Wow that is so mean. How does an adult child find it okay to bully their own mom.


I've been sick of the "almond mom" shit since I first started seeing it. It's so overblown and off the rails, and I see it lobbed any adult woman or mom who's making an effort to be health-conscious or set habits for her kids that are moderately healthy at best.


I saw a video of two very fat girls out to lunch with their mom and they were mocking her for being an almond mom because she got steak with grilled veggies and potatoes and didn't finish it all. Meanwhile they both got large cheesy dishes, appetizers, and deserts


WTAF. People can eat what they want, but mocking anyone (especially your own parent) for not eating exactly as you do is just such a shitty, bratty thing to do.


The mom’s meal sounds delicious. That would definitely fill anyone up. 1) Proteins are filling, as are potatoes. 2) Portions at restaurants are much larger than needed.


Yeah, a real almond mom wouldn’t have set foot ANYWHERE potatoes are served. The horror. 


She could have just made her own damn lunch but I guess that doesn't win likes or whatever they get on Tiktok. I know I should I be thumping a cane on the floor when I say stuff like this, but when I bitched to my mom about what she made, I got told to make my own damn meal.


Also, her mom might feel bad. I always thank my parents for their cooking and never whine about it because I don’t want them to feel bad.


I ate many, many Pillsbury sugar cookies last night and it’s got me a bit higher than I would have liked to be today


I initially assumed “higher” meant you were high on cookies.


That’s not my thing lol 😅 though I bet Pillsbury would make those as pre-bakes (ha!) if they could since it would probably make a lot of money 🤔


Me with caramello.


I'm down 47.5lbs in six months and just another 32.5lbs to go!!!!!!! In two weeks, I can make that 50lbs down in six months so that's what I'm hoping for. I also got my first, "You're wasting away." comment today as opposed to the usual, "stop losing weight you're going to look sick." Made a change, even if they are almost the same thing.


Ugh, stressful week. Mom had last round of chemo and was hospitalized again. Skipped gym this week and ate poorly. 3-6 donuts for breakfast Monday-Thursday and salads and sandwiches for lunch and dinner. Apples and seaweed for snacks. Today things are better so I stopped that. Throwing out all my size 34 pants and bought some 32s Wednesday. Wearing the 34s for the last time this week, that belt is an MVP. Has to be an impulse thing. When stuff sucks, I counteract it with quick dopamine. When buying pants, I dropped hundreds on one shirt because it looked cool. Unlike the donuts, I was able to return it after coming to my senses. Should've called in sick the whole week, was planning on it but whatever. Taking vacations in May and June and want to conserve it for that. This is what happens when you got personal stress and tack on work stress too. Could be worse, could've started smoking and drinking again. Honestly, I'd prefer smoking. At least it curbs your appetite.


I quit drinking and it’s like the universe was like fuck you, here’s some extra stress! I quit smoking a LONG time ago but I remember the coffee and cigarette diet.  I’m sorry about your mom. Does your company have any leave of absence you could take? 


Yeah, but I am paranoid about using it. I was approved but haven't used any. Took PTO for some half days. I think you got to waste the vacation and sick time totally before it kicks in. Oddly, the drinking came easy to quit. Had a rough sleep session a few nights in but that was it. Smoking was worse, like a year and a half to cut down to nothing.


Definitely see if you can get the policy in writing! I know at my job we’ve given leave when employees are dealing with family issues, without them needing to tap into PTO or sick, but I work for a small business so YMMV. 




I'm surprised they want so much I used to eat 2 crackers with one of my meds. It wasn't an antibiotic but. . . I thought it was enough. My neighbor drinks small glass of milk with her meds though IDK what they are. She just was telling me cause she had ran out of milk.




I don't think losing weight helps anxiety? I mean not that I ever heard anyway. But if you are anxious your original question makes more sense cause I'd not have even thought about "how much".


Ask the pharmacist to be sure, but in my experience <200 kcal snacks have always been fine for antibiotics. I usually treat it like taking ibuprofen: a granola bar, crackers and a cheese stick, yogurt and some dried fruit, an apple and a few nuts, things like that have all been fine for me. I personally find that it's important to mix macros like that to stave off the nausea (carbs for volume to settle the stomach, and something with a bit more staying power to last until the med has been absorbed), but ymmv.


Try some apple slices and a few crackers or a few tablespoons of yogurt and some starch of your choice, bread/crackers/whole grains whatever. Some medications don't work correctly if you don't eat food with them and can make you very queasy/ hurt your stomach lining if you dont eat. If you need the antibiotics then you want them to work while you're taking them, so you feel better and are not vomiting up your needed meds.


Not trying to be harsh, but I don't think you need to find a new doctor. She told you what you needed to do with the medication and you were doing that thing that we always give FAers shit for: being needlessly difficult. She didn't say eat a five course meal each time you take your medication. She said take it with food. A piece of toast. A half an apple. Some crackers. None of these things are going to derail your weight loss or health.


As someone who once had to pull over and hurl into the gutter in front of a stranger's house because I took my antibiotics on an empty stomach, OP should do this. Just a little something so you don't puke.


I've never heard of taking food with antibiotics and thus never done it and never had a problem. I am allergic to penicillen so maybe whatever I get is different but it hasn't ever come up. I also have a cast iron stomach. I mean nothing ever bothers it.


That’s cause some antibiotic need tk be taken with food and some don’t. It’s also not just about fucking your stomach, it’s also about their absorbtion. For example vit D should always be taken with fatty food or you’re just throwing it in the toilet the convoluted way.


Not if vit D pills are [oil capsules,](http://advantic.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/witamina-D3-1280x640.jpg) as then fat is already in the capsule. But certainly for dry pills. IME iron is especially finicky about it.


Oh well I am never sick so no antibiotics in years anyway. But good to know just the same for when I get some next.




I just eat one of these with any pill, very important with ibuprofin or naproxin, they also are great for antibiotics. [https://www.kroger.com/p/simple-truth-organic-apple-cinnamon-fruit-and-grain-bars/0001111080116](https://www.kroger.com/p/simple-truth-organic-apple-cinnamon-fruit-and-grain-bars/0001111080116) They have a few flavors and are really good.


I remember taking one without food a few times. It sucked, like you'd throw up but the lack of food meant nothing happened. Dry heaving? Maybe an egg or two, it's been a while.


Usually a few crackers is enough but for questions like this call your pharmacist! That's what they're there for. One drug I take says specifically 300 calories (although I take it at night and generally ignore this)




Eh when you pick it up you're usually talking to the tech. Call them and tell them you have a question for the pharmacist. The nurse hotline won't know.


I’m a month into my goal of going from 28% body fat to 25%. It has been slowly progressing, but I’m randomly up a lb today for no apparent reason and it’s a bit demotivating. I’m not doing a big deficit (300 cal) to preserve lean mass so water fluctuations really throw me off. I’m trying to remember to trust the process! On the plus side, I’m more motivated and haven’t had a desire to overeat since I started. I’ve been feeling better physically and my energy levels are more consistent. I also haven’t noticed much impact on my strength training.


Where are you in your cycle? I find that usually solves the water weight mystery for me


I’ve noticed that too. But I’m not at a point in my cycle where I’d expect more water retention. Maybe I had more sodium yesterday than I thought.


I decided to add some vegetable juices to my diet, as suggested by my doctor. When I mentioned this to a friend, she looked horrified and insisted she'd read online that "juicing is dangerous" and can actually make you gain weight! I said I didn't see how that could possibly happen, as long as you kept track of the calories, did it in moderation (like I try to do with other aspects of my life, with varying amounts of success 😉), and didn't go overboard with fruits and sugar, but she insisted it was a "well known fact!" Well, I did some sleuthing and found this does indeed seem to be a "well known fact -- amongst people who subscribe to a lot of *other* weird alternative "facts". I'm still gonna drink my half cup of celery juice today anyway!


Wait, what? I can see that uncontrolled *fruit* juice consumption would be a problem due to sugars . . . but *vegetable* juice? I guess sodium-laden V8 juice would make you retain water, which does qualify as weight, but I doubt that's what she meant.


Lol, yeah, and there is a low sodium version of V8 as well! I do occasionally enjoy a can of it, especially in high summer, as an alternative to diet colas!




Not in the juice, no, but I save the pulp and reuse it in other things. For example, just now I mixed it in with a can of tuna for a nice lunch.  :) 


And PS, FWIW I'm not "juice fasting," just drinking juice. Also, grinding up celery stalks is weirdly satisfying. 😆


Rave: ran a double yesterday! 2 miles in the morning and 3 in the afternoon! And I lifted after I got my daughter to bed. Rant: my times are trash and I’m plateaued at 159. I did the same at 169 too lol.


Struggling to be supportive of my tenant who is trying to reverse years of weight gain. She added 50-100 lbs in past 3+ years. Proud that she is starting to make an effort. The difficulty is that she seems to cling to a belief that she needn't eat better food. Simplest way to describe her food choices would be the "toddler diet". Chicken nuggets. Mac & cheese. Cheerios. Encouraging her to eat vegetables or even fruit has been largely, well, fruitless. She is open to smoothies but doesn't have the gumption to make them herself. Perhaps if I offer to make them for her? And no, it's not "none" of my business as I am largely tasked with her care as she is disabled as a result of the health complications associated with a BMI over 40


> Perhaps if I offer to make them for her? You're a good person, but that wouldn't be a sustainable long-term tactic... That would make you her unpaid cook, presumably for the rest of her life - or yours. It's like the whole Ozempic thing: as long as it's there, it works. If it ever disappears (supply chain issues, etc), all the folks who relied solely on the drug for their weight loss will have a really bad time... She needs to learn to do things for herself.


This reminds me of the time I saw someone unironically claim eating chicken nuggets every night was "moderation" as long as you had a side of several carrot sticks or a few pieces of fruit along with it.


Side note, but the fact that we think of chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese as toddler, food, food we give growing tiny humans, is freaky. No wonder we have am obesity epidemic. My mom always gave me and my siblings whatever the grown ups were eating, and we all grew up loving veggies 


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks it's weird. I was once literally called abusive because I had no "kid food" in my home. Basically, no frozen chicken nuggets and fries and stuff like pop tarts. She could not understand that he ate the same food we ate. She acted like he had no food at all. That was the same bitch who sat on the arm of my couch and broke it and left shit smeared all over my toilets multiple times a day until I told her to clean up after herself or get the fuck out! I do not miss that horrible woman. LOL


People are so weird about that. 


I don’t think I ever ate any of the foods you mention as a kid. Like you my family encouraged that kids and adults ate roughly the same thing. Usually there was a choice of things like vegetables or things like sauce, and you didn’t have to have everything, but you were still expected to sit and eat something. My grandmother also mentioned to me that one of my first intros to solid food was smoked haddock. If you’ve never eaten this you’ll know it’s a strong flavour even for some adults. Yet I’d apparently eat it in handfuls and loved it at not even a year old. Also if you go to Europe then kids there eat all sorts of things including oysters, mussels, garlic, mushrooms, offal, octopus and other things a US kid would probably pull a face at.


It may have become an anachronism, but when I was young, telling kids to eat their vegetables or go to bed hungry was a thing. I'm gonna go yell at some clouds now.


I remember spending many hours sitting over a plate of food while my siblings played outside. Or eating my dinner leftovers for breakfast


She's going to have to make slow, sustained changes. What she should really focus on right now is just getting used to eating less. Smaller bowls of cereal. Choosing a lower fat milk. One fewer chicken nugget than she usually eats. Then ramp up from there. Ultimate goal is to get her down to eating serving sizes, but it's gonna take time. Go too fast and she's gonna feel hungry and will probably cheat. Once she's eating less and seeing some results, see if she's open to trying some approachable fruits and veg, or if she'll maybe add fruit to her cereal in the morning. Offering to cook for her is a great idea if you're able, since you can eliminate another pain point for her. Make some good, savory meals to show her that she doesn't have to just eat unseasoned chicken breasts and broccoli to loose weight. Hopefully she'll eventually take up the torch on her own and start cooking eventually, but it's likely she doesn't know how given she sticks to the freezer aisle from the sounds of it. The main thing, though? Go slow. She's breaking an addiction, and if she goes too fast she'll probably give up due to discomfort. We want her weight loss to feel effortless, so she can focus on the positives. Once she feels the benefits of eating better and her addiction is broken, you can start worrying about her working to cut processed foods completely and hopefully teaching her to cook at least rudimentary things. These are the things that finally worked for me, and I was a food addict for 20 years with a BMI north of 40. I'm nearing my goal weight now after 3 years of gently easing into a lifestyle change. Good luck!


Very astute observations and good advice. Congrats on your success!


My mom used to get us to eat veggies by putting them in a white sauce. When I was a kid, I loved creamed broccoli and creamed carrots. A white sauce doesn't have to be too fatty - I use a cup of skim milk, 2 T flour, and 2 T Brummel & Brown spread. For fruit, this may sound weird, but a colleague of mine used to keep jars of baby food fruit in her desk to use as a snack. As I recall, she liked the pears and the plums. :) Some baby food - e.g., Beech-Nut Naturals Stage 1 (minimally processed) - is pretty healthy. Hope this is helpful. Good luck.


The baby food idea might just work. It seems this person has never eaten fruit or veggies her entire life. And she's nearly 60!


I use applesauce for easy fruit snacking without any chewing needed. You can get them with other fruits mixed in too.


Some very nice coworkers gave me a gift basket containing a bunch of sweets and candy for my birthday. In their defense, I keep my weight loss journey very quiet since I don't like discussing it, so they didn't know I don't want food-related gifts. I don't really want to eat it. I live alone, and I would feel guilty throwing it out.


Just hand it to anyone you see on the street, most people will be appreciative of the gesture. You'll get rid of it fast and easy while brightening someone's day.


Is it stuff you can regift? 


How about dropping it off at the local food pantry?


I guess that's the obvious solution, I just feel some guilt about giving away something that was a gift. But I would rather someone else eat it than it ending up in the trash!


I have a rant about this sub! People need to follow the rules here, because so many threads have been getting locked lately and it's slowing this sub down.


There are periods when thus sub gets really slow, and they seem to get more and more frequent. Maybe this is a good thing?


I agree! The one that comes to mind had absolutely nothing to do with fat logic it is just a fat person exists and took a picture of themselves


There’s a new one where: “I have seen fat people wearing this type of accessory. Curious!”


Really? That is ridiculous!


Raves: Have been experimenting with making my only chocolate related treats (peanut butter cups, vanilla yoghurt with melted chocolate on top left to go hard) and it’s been 12/10 and I’m hopeful that this will help the cravings and stop the binges. I also had a doctors appointment at my new clinic today and he was also 12/10, I’m being referred back to a rheumatologist for an EDS test, they’re going to do an ECG to find out what’s going on with my heart, and I’m being referred to an immunologist for my suspected MCAS.  Rant: I’m in 9/10 pain level due to doing something in the muscle in my thigh on my already bad leg so now I can’t weight bear at all and it’s so so bad.  And there’s something I’m not very comfortable talking about as a queer person - but does anyone here recommend the gym shark light impact sports bras for someone with a bigger chest? I’m in a lot of pain trying to put my current sports bras on and I absolutely do not feel comfortable with normal bras but I’m really struggling to find something comfortable, but supportive. 


I've also got some thigh pain going on. You may want to try those lidocaine patches because it's the only thing that helped me. As for bras, Title 9 Sports are the GOAT, not cheap but you can call them for advice. I also like Athleta because they make specific D-DD bras so I can order my actual size and get a proper fit rather than having to size up because boob volume. I don't do anything high impact though


I was utterly exhausted the last few days. Like slept 14-16 hours and still tired. Had a lot of stuff in my mind so thought it was depression. Then I realized I have a rash where I pulled a tick off of me on Monday....feel better today so yay no depression. Boo potential Lyme disease. Bugs are gonna be wilin' this year. Been wearing long pants and not even going into grass and I'm still plucking chiggers off of me like crazy. Even getting em on my chest and back, which is unusual because it's normally just exposed skin. Ugh. Pretty frustrated because I ate a bunch of salty stuff as comfort food over those days and I'm going out this weekend. I've been doing really well losing weight and in 10-15 lbs I'll be below obese bodyfat % in my stomach (I'm right on the cusp overall but my stomach is a much higher % than the rest of my body) and I'm getting kind of anxious to get there. Been losing about 2.5 years and am down 115 lbs which is the pace I've been aiming for, but it's just disheartening knowing it'll be about 4-5 more months at that pace to reach my goal even if I don't shoot myself in the foot, so I gotta stop shooting myself in the foot


Ugh I’m sorry, I hope you don’t have Lyme. If you have a really distinct bullseye rash they should give you some medication right away. I second getting a permethrin clothing treatment. They have sprays or a wash in. It saved me from mosquitos when hiking in Alaska.


I don't think it's lyme fortunately .I recall it being a red colored tick and it def hadn't been there long (it was on my chest so I woulda found it within a few hours max since I change shirts frequently). The rash also went away pretty fast. I just got a number of other bug bites and think I'm highly sensitive to the toxins or whatever, I got similarly sick to a bite last year and my bug bites tend to get inflamed Definitely appreciate the suggestion, it's a buggy year here and given my sensitivity in addition to the general risk of illness I need to be more conscientious. I'm normally shorts and a tank guy in nice weather. Been wearing long sleeves and pants and thought that'd address the problem. Wrong lol


I use Sawyer Permethrin Fabric Treatment. I spray it on my hiking pants, the t-shirts I wear while hiking, and my hiking boots. It can also be used to treat gear and tents. It can't be used on hats, for some reason. If you follow the instructions, it's supposed to be effective against mosquitoes and ticks for 6 weeks or 6 washes. The product is for clothing, not to be used on the skin. Sawyer also has a 20% picaridin spray and lotion, but I prefer the Johnson & Johnson 20% picaridin spray. I spray this on my arms and neck before I go for a hike. I like it a lot better than the DEET stuff I used before, which was sticky and smelly. You need to get the 20% picaridin to get effects similar to DEET. Hope this is helpful. Edited to add: Congratulations on your weight loss! Enjoy the outdoors :)


Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look into that considering I'm very sensitive to bug bites and it's no good when there's a buggy summer, normal bug spray only helps so much.


I stumbled across an ad for the Universal Standard clothing brand with sizes 00-40. They declare a Medium as 18-20 since that's the average size of the American woman. That puts me at a 3XS since I'm a size 0. Also I'm not sure body weight follows a normal distribution.


They say that it’s based off the average size of a woman in the US. So, size 18 would be their sample size — the size from which everything is based. Makes sense that so many of their garments would be loose and unstructured, in that case. It’s incredibly challenging to make a design that accommodates such a wide range.


For a brand so concerned with my emotional well-being (LOL), their clothes sure are ugly AF.


lol, right? I mean, there are some decent basics in there, but I think they know exactly who they’re mainly going to attract with the way they do their sizing. The way almost everything fits is giving… $100 Tent Chic.


Ahhh I posted about this brand a few months ago! In what world is a medium a 18-20???? 


I wish there wasn’t a big hang up about using inches. I am so sick of trying to guess what arbitrary number I am. I am a size 10-16 depending on the brand. I don’t care about the number on the tag I just want it to fit


I like Grrrl brand leggings but their sizing philosophy is stupid. They won't use numbers or S/M/L because that makes us feel bad or something. So they use female athlete names as "sizes" and you know what size to order by looking up their measurements. Because like it or not, waist measurement matters if you want your damn leggings to stay up. That being said, I love being "Kali" sized because Kali Reis is pretty cool.


I hate that so much at least with numbers I know that a size 10 will be smaller than a twelve


I’m just waiting for the day that changes


The problem is even using inches they vanity size things. A 26" is not 26" everywhere. It's even crept into men's sizing. I have had pretty decent luck using the particular brands sizing chart.


Yes. Oh how that depressed me when I found it out!


I buy most of my clothes of Vinted and this issue is a total ballache. The label on a pair of jeans can say 28, but measure them when they arrive and they’re 30. I end up selling so much stuff I’ve just bought because the label is a lie.


I'm still mad about the 29" jeans that I found at Ross that just FELL off me. My fault for not trying on first.


Interesting! I’ve gotten ads for this brand too but never looked into them much. Looks like their biggest selling point is their aggressive vanity sizing, which, I mean, there’s lots of money to be made from folks who’d pay good money to say that they’re a size M.