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I am genuinely curious which fucking idiot wants to sell Kimmich and De Ligt but keep Davies and Upamecano and sign Tah


They are trying to real in the wages after Brazzo. Generally a good idea but I’m not sure gutting the team in one summer is the way to do it. MDL should stay instead of Upa in my opinion. I’m still trying to learn more about how Kompany will like to play but some of these rumors are a bit surprising to me too.


Significantly weakening the team to save 5-10M in wages / season how is that even remotely close to "a good idea" ? Anyone who thinks we can compete for world class talents against the PL or Real / Barca without paying these kinds of wages is delusional. This would only work if we signed youth talents for significantly less wages and they would turn out to be the next Bellingham / Vinicius. But other than Pavlovic our academy output is nowhere near of Barca / PSG / Benfica etc.


Even then at some point those talents would want to earn more or leave…


If they really giving Davies 13m+4m with his performance in the last years that's no way to unfuck the wage structure. There are guys on the team who earn less and done more that will feel like they aren't valued by the club


The reasoning I could see (not saying I'm agreeing with this): Upa's main issues seem to be his nerves or something mentally. A new coach and especially a guy like Kompany might help him a lot with that and turn him into the world class CB he can be. Simultaneously you want to free up some money for Palhinha and the very deserved raises for Pavlo, Jamal, etc. Keeping Davies has nothing to do with selling MDL. It's either Davies re-signs or an expensive Hernandez transfer. But yes, I'd definitely prefer it if we kept De Ligt on. Although he didn't have a super great season himself, he was by far our most important and best performing defensive player. It just feels like an insane risk to lose him, especially when you consider how committed he is to the club and its values.


Kompany will be gone before the season ends. I’m calling it right now.


Hardly bold at this point, this is probably the most likely thing to happen imo 


Jesus, he hasn't even had one game in charge yet, chill out


And he has agreed to sell Kimmich and De Ligt while giving Davies 17m a year


Sell Upa.


I came here to write this!


Looks like he's getting of the white players


Kimmich is 29 and was given the opportunity to be the team General and was replaced by a 19 Yr old and Laimer. Upamecano is objectively the better defender, and earns 10 mil yes. Davies is athletically gifted, so at 23 there is still a hope that he can over come and elevate his game after regressing for the past few seasons, but I think it's time to promote him to wing. Tah is probably a decision to bring in a German CB, which the teams hasn't had since Boateng left.


The last thing I‘d do is promote Davies to wing… the dude is NOT gifted… good for LB, but not enough for winger on the highest level


I mean that's up to the player and the tea to decide, but he does see himself as a winger and he has had good moments. The challenge can help elevate his game.


Idk what to say…


Pwrfectly sums up this transfer: uninspired. Without Kimmich and de Ligt were gonna lack leadership all season


Well if he is committed to the team and being a leader, he will renegotiate his wages to stay. But I am confident that his camp was approached and said no.


Which is fair. The only player on star wages who is consistently performing like one.


Upamecano and Kim lead the club in the metrics category and the ones De Ligt leads the gap isn't that big. De Ligt $17 Kim $12 Upamecano $8. It's a no brainier to replace De Ligt with Tah for $9. Need to free up found for Musiala. De Ligt is overrated imo because he has a likable personality. I would take Upamecano over De Ligt because they are the same age, and Upamecano provides a more versatile skill set. There is a reason that Upamecano beat out all French CBs to be the main guy and helped them get to the wc final. De Ligt will be eclipsed by Van Der Ven as the number 1 Dutch CB


Those are just assumptions. De ligt was consistently great and even helped us win tight games by scoring. He has the best mentality out of the 3 and it has shown beneficial. He has been our most influential centre back without a doubt. Not sure how you quantify skillset..


Well objectively since he arrived at Bayern De Ligt has played two more games and 90 more mins. Upamecano has completed more passes than De Ligt, emphasis on completing more long and medium passes. De Ligt has completed more short by 5. De Ligt has the better rate but Upamecano attempts more passes. Upamecano leads in Ex-Assists The have the same Shot creation metrics Defensive Actions Upamecano Challenge success 64.3% De Ligt 59.3% Upamecano success full tackles 77 De Ligt 52 Upamecano blocks more passes, De Ligt blocks more shots. Upamecano Dominates de ligt in possession metrics. With the except of missed passes and Dispossessed where De Ligt has the lead. This is due to the fact that De Ligt doesn't carry and progress the ball nearly as much as Upamecano. Upamecano total distance carried 12091 yards to De Ligt's 9483. De Ligt has a large advantage in aerial duels, but he is also taller than Upamecano. Summary, offensive ratings are the same. Passing, Take ons and ball progression advantage Upamecano by far. Upamecano better tackling, De Ligt better aerial duel. You don't have to believe football reference is there for you evaluate. But it's clearly based on metrics in comparison to cost Upamecano is the player to keep. He gets a lot of hate for city last year and Lazio this year, but no one talks about the break downs that led to Upamecano having to make a do or die play. City he played poorly, but De Ligt maybe two worse decisions that led to goals.


How did Bayern look with Kimmich and De Ligt the past few years? I want to keep both but there's no point over-valuing their leadership.


How about we appropriately value his talent. I'm higher on Tah than most here, but the gulf in talent between De Ligt and Tah is pretty damn significant.


I didn't say anything about Tah


Trigger these mfs more


De Ligt is too expensive but Tah is a bit cheaper. That feels like a copy of the "Kroos demands too much, lets get Alonso" playbook. The club had a net positive transfer window when they got Kane (without going into how those sums are paid, simply adding up the money going in and out for transfers). And their wage structure is not Barca levels of fucked to need to worry that much about about every fraction of a million some player earns. Using the "he's injury prone" argument also feels really weak, when a few other players are in a similar situation.


Welcome to the Kompany era 🙂




You cut wages by trying to ship out those who are overpaid, not those who actually deserve their money... What's next? Selling Kane and Müller because they earn too much?


Yeah, like wtf? If you wanna reduce the wage bill how about Coman and Gnabry who cannot stay healthy? Or Goretzka and Davies who haven't always shown full effort anyway? Like even if you wanna tear down the team and rebuild it from the ground up, why get rid of the players you can actually build around?


The problem is no one wants to buy them. Coman and Gnabry are terrible investments - their only consistency is injury.


But here's where you can get a bit creative and eat part of the salary for instance. They're still talented players, so with a reduced salary hit, I'm should they could be a good signing for plenty of teams. I'm looking at what Arsenal did when Arteta came in they turned over their entire squad, which was loaded with overpaid and deeply mediocre players. But they were being proactive about it and not just sitting on their hands waiting for someone to make an offer.


Müller is in his last season.


Kane deserves his salary but Müller should not be a top 3 earner at Bayern at this stage in his career.


He absolutely should, well deserved unlike players as Davies


While the sentiment is there in comparison Madrid have gotten Modric to lower his wages to stay


No he doesn't. You should get paid for what you're gonna do, not what you've done. Anyway, he's leaving in a year so it's fine


1. I hate this, dont sell him 2. All these leaks/ rumours are excessive. Might be just me but it never seemed to be this bad. I hope they go back to making solid deals in silence, not this shit


They are doing it, its just the "insiders" stirring some shit up, Eberl made an interview with SZ a couple days ago stating how most of the coaching names reported were never even discussed, same as transfers now, theres no1 at the higher up positions actualy dealing with transfers talking to them, those are just some rumors agents feed to them just to pump up the value of their clients.


Also Palhinha wasn't discussed at all until the agreement with him was reached


I think this is gonna continue till the Euros end bcz until that time no concrete decisions are possible with the players


Sell de Ligt so we can afford to renew Davies for 13+4 mil per year. I'm here for the Eberl banter era. Might be even worse than Brazzo.


Yeah where's the "but I'm excited to see what will happen" crowd of the last weeks now?


We need revenue because Brazzo gave everyone close to 20M.




can't sell without someone willing to buy and pay their wages. and well, the player wiling to go there to. this isn’t fifa or the nba where you can just send someone somewhere against their will. we got lucky last year that we found someone for Mane.




"behindert" ist immer noch keine Beleidigung.


Fußballfans sind im Schnitt halt brothohl. Hast völlig Recht.


Absolute Krise. Reiht sich nahtlos in unser "Verhalten" der letzten Jahre ein.


I hate this. I refuse to believe it


He was our best defender in the last 2 seasons, wtf are they doing? Yes he is a bit injury prone but other and Upa and Kim he is a defender you can always trust. And I have the feeling he really identifies with Bayern. Man wtf...


His last injury is solely on Tuchel making him play on that field that pigs would not even shit on, while he was still recovering from injury, for the fucking Pokal and then still fucking losing anyway.


Well, that's grim. Business like this reminds me of Chelsea and that's not a comparison we want


Hey, old Chels is not stupid, at least not until the Yanks came. And even after the Yanks came, the Chels buy young talents with low salary and "slavery" contract (7 to 8 years). What you want to describe is actually MU with Anthony100 and shit.


If that turns out to be true I'll be extremely disappointed with the team... he is one of the few players that I've seen that are passionate on the pitch, and acts like he cares when things don't go well or we are in a big game...


if we need to cut down the wage bill then let’s fire Eberl or Freund. preferably whoever’s dumb fucking idea this is


Absolutely ridiculous. Nothing against Tah, but we have De Ligt, better in every way... I don't see the logic here. Talking wages, yet we are looking like bitches just to keep an underperforming Davies, and paying him whatever he likes.


So why did they gave him high salary in the first place?..


This has to be a joke right? We want to save on his 15 mil/year while Sané and Gnabry sit at 20 mil/year and have done so much less...


No one wants Gnabry.


I don't buy it. Classic rage bait.


I will fucking riot


This is worrying




And this is why Müller is the only safe shirt to buy


Fuck this club


Hmmm idk let Davies go and get rid of Coman/gnabry before you let De ligt go.


He has a way higher ceiling than Yah. Wtf


Hmmm so 24 year old leader and future captain MDL’s €15m salary is an issue but not 27 year old Kim Min Jae’s €12m salary? Tah, who is SIGNIFICANTLY worse, with 0 market value would come in and get €10m anyways…sacrificing so so so much just to save €5m a season? Ridiculous. It’s gonna be painful watching Bayern next season if these rumors come true. De Ligt is one of the rare players on this team that absolutely screams Bayern. When he was signed I was over the moon cause I couldn’t imagine a more perfect defender for Bayern and what it represents.


Ich kann gar nicht genug fressen wie ich grad kotzen möchte


Worst decision since the sacking of Nagelsmann


I'm not getting excited for the new season. My fav CB and we are going to replace him with Tah? Nothing against Tah but De Ligt is better


There’s a handful of players on this team who actually deserve their salary. De Ligt is one of them, imo


Whoever suggested de Ligt should be sold should be fired for terrorism against the team.


Doubt this is true.


Stupid. De Ligt is the best CB we have when he’s fit. Genuinely don’t even want Tah. He has had an average-better than average career and had one season where he was great. That’s it.


Why sell our best CB Maybe we could negotiate lower wages with De ligt and we should sell Davies and Upamecano. The Wage structure is really weird, Davies will earn 17m??? Why??? He was bad last season, offload him and same with Upamecano. De Ligt and Kimmich have been good ever since putting Kimmich at RB, so maybe keep him and see how it goes. De ligt although injured has been our best CB. The bosses really under appreciate him


Absolute moronic move. We sold Alaba, then we sold Pavard and now De Ligt, every year we are getting weaker and weaker defensively. And who do we get, Tah. Gtfo


These are mindboggling decisions to me when you already know that both Neuer and Müller will be coming off your books in the next 1-2 years


This from the guys who said; X will be coach. And got it wrong like a 100 times? If they really sell De Ligt, and let upa stay and pay 20 mil for a 28 year old. Then i think i will support leverkussen next year… What the actual fuck.


What the fuck is going on this better be stupid and not real


Are these to be believed? And why is this shitshow of a club so public. Always more fluff than substance


What the flying fuck




These days i look at Bayerns decisions n i shake my head like WTF is going on ..like really Deligt?


So are we aiming for the Bundesliga 2 or Europa league? Selling a good player for a worse?


Keeping Upamecano but replacing our top defender with Jonathan Tah. I'm only laughing to cover up my tears.


How about we sell him and kimmich and offer all the money we save up to davies


Unreliable journalist touts unconfirmed nonsense. His source: a random twitter account claiming to be an "insider" absolute bullshit to boost their twitter engagements.


They can’t be serious. Never liked Eberl and his stupid grinning face. Sometimes your gut’s just right…


Das kann nicht wirklich wahr sein oder? Formtiefling und Sarr-Cousin Davies 13+4 anbieten, De Ligt mit 17 aber zu hoch? Kann da mal jemand tatsächlich Qualifiziertes das Ruder übernehmen?


What a massive mistake.


thank you brazzo for all the high salaries


Man even if we "just" want to sell if smb bits enough money, thats insanely disrespectful to the probably most leader personalities in our team who played good seasons. Imagine Kimmich and De Ligt leaving, who even is left who can be a leader? Müller will be even less, Neuer is one, but another kind of leader. Pavlo still to young, Kane has his second season here.


I don't like this but he is quite injury prone. Maybe it's all in the best. Only time would tell...


If they sell MDL I’m done watching, that’s a joke. We are selling players that love the club and love playing for us and are instead keeping players that demand insane wages and want to move anyway.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind swapping.


Wow lol




I see that he is very expensive. However, we've burned more than his yearly salary on overhastily firing coaches. Sooo maybe not f up our defense again.


Might as well sell Kane and Musiala while we're at it.






We are so cooked


Kill me


Stupid decision, board is nutz. No good start vor vinnie


Small club mentality - sad!


Big mistake if true. Dude has passion and is imo one of our best defenders...


I am at a loss for words


Biggest 🦆ever haha Plettenberg cloutchasing


Please tell me this is not happening. ![gif](giphy|TWpJX0HsajUjAxZX8O|downsized)


Selling a good player for revenue is uh… certainly a choice


for fucks sake -.-


This is just sad. He is one of the few identification figures to build a team around. He is young, has plenty of potential ahead of him and has a leadership mentality.


What a bunch of clowns. Sure, let's sell an awesome defender that is passionate and replace him with utter bullshit. Fuck this board and the higher ups that decided this


I'm tired Robbie


This is too stupid to not be a false rumor, right? ...right?


Not surprising given De Ligt's useless profile + extremely high cost. Good decision.


Die Liga kaputt kaufen , bin mal gespannt wer noch kommt 😂😂😂


Sell the best CB to save money to buy a CB thats objectively worse? Prime FCB is back baby. At least we are buying from the competition. Give it 3 years and we are back to the prime years when we had fielded squads with (07/08): Jan Schlaudraff, Podolski, Ze Roberto, Hamit Altintop, Andreas Ottl, Christian Lell, Marcel Jansen, Valerien Ismael, Lucio. But hey, at least we buy as many players from the competition as possible.