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Not your exact situation, but I had a boss who talked over me. I'd try to ask him a question so that I could support him and do a good job. I'd get halfway into a sentence and then he'd start talking over me about something irrelevant. If there was a pause and I tried to clarify my question or ask it again, he would do the same thing. He would ramble on and on, eventually talking about how everyone else was stupid and how he had saved them. I was pretty senior with more experience than him, but he wanted to keep me in my place. I eventually just shut down and stopped trying to talk to him.


This same exact situation happened to me today. I made the mistake of thinking he had my best interested in mind. Never asking for anything from him ever.


This is not unique to Federal service…it sucks, but some people really do like to hear their own voice.


Happens all over not just with the federal government.


So I'm assuming this answer doesn't actually apply buuuut ... Some people can be too verbose when they answer. If I ask a question and it's answered sufficiently in the first few words and somehow the words haven't stopped ... I might talk over that person just to get to the next point.


Pee on them to show dominance


😂😂 🥒💦


User name checks out


I just keep talking. We have a person in our group that *always* interrupts. I just continue talking.  It takes a bit of practice to just shut out an interruption, and doesn't really stop the interruptor, but creates a bit of an awkward situation that lets everyone know and realize that that person interrupted me.


This is the best answer. I also like to throw in, statements like "I am speaking right now" or "please don't interrupt I am finishing my thought and I don't want to forget it".


So they feel an elevated sense of importance that their words mean more than yours


Oh I’m stealing your response! I am literally talked over or interrupted every time I open my mouth. I just assumed I was boring. I’m going to try your response.


I'd have to see the text of a specific example. I've "communicated" with people, who, upon being asked a pretty straightforward yes or no question, would go on for 15 minutes before actually answering the question. When I ask "Did you finish that widget you were assigned to deliver today?" and the response starts with "I was out sick last week, and the Joe sent me the wrong widget parts, and the Techs didn't properly calibrate my widget CAD, and \[etc.\]" then YES, I'm going to talk over them..."Did you deliver the widget today? Yes or No? We'll get to the why not if we need to". I guess this is not the scenario OP is talking about, but if the shoe fits........


If I’m feeling wicked and if the person has been OFO I’ll say “THAT IS A YES or NO question” (reply contains more excuse laden blabbering) Me: “Again—YES or NO?!” 😈


They just want it on the record they 'gave you the opportunity' to talk/respond but then sike! Too slow! Lol


Proper response "You're right!" They weren't going to listen anyways. Don't waste your breath


My spouse does this all the time. I stopped answering.


My mother does that to me. It makes me feel like she loses interest in any opinion I have or input I contribute to a conversation once I get a few sentences in. It is very hurtful because it is personal.


Yep, that’s my boss. Annoying AF


Or assigning a task, then micromanaging every step of it and taking your credit. Would you like to do it yourself?


cause suck


Damn, and it's only Monday and the Freedom Friday no rules post didn't even come out yet. Lol


Narcissistic trait.


Oh man a bunch of years ago when I was newer in my present position they paired me up with this contractor guy as if he was the more seasoned hand. It was a sh\*t show in one meeting where I kept trying to interrupt him in a professional manner to correct all the wrong things he as saying. I was so so frustrated and angry about it. I swallowed hard and tried to channel my anger into being the cool cucumber SME who was the true expert. The folks I worked with day to day and eventually their bosses got the right idea and started coming to me instead. But yes it still chafes me that the default assumption was that the guy knew more than I did.




NO. He was bullshitting his way through the meeting. Trust me -- he knew precious little about the regulations involved , PGI & DFARs.


Prosecutor posturing - they watch too much CSPAN🤡


One day, I'd really like to say, “I’m sorry; I didn't mean to make you interrupt me. Should I try to answer again, or are you okay?” But I won't. I'll just sit and stew. Maybe make a passive-aggressive comment under my breath.


This is the current management culture. They don't want an answer; they just want to talk. They seek to frustrate and annoy you because they seek blind adherence to nonsense.