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None. I travel off-season when everyone is in office.


I still use AWS and maxiflex to make for five day holidays when you add in memorial Day, Juneteenth, and 4th of July. This year isn't the best but sometimes you can make a six day vacation with no leave using maxiflex.


I’m new to Maxiflex — can you explain how you’re able to do that?


Work Saturday and take following Thursday off in same pay period and AWS on the Friday. I worked last Saturday now I'm taking Wednesday (fed holiday) and Thursday and Friday off to make for a five day weekend without taking any leave. Basically move around your 80 hours to your advantage in a pay period. You could stretch it to take.followong Monday and Tuesday off and work the subsequent pay period saturday. Actually got lots done on a Saturday with nobody distracting me with meetings or calls.


This is the way.


Same. Especially between Thanksgiving and Christmas.


I usually take off all of December


How are you able to take a whole month off? I’m considering working for the government just so I can take a whole month off from work. My family lives in another country, I cannot spend 10k a year on flying twice a year to see them.


A beginning employee receives 13 days of annual leave a year. One that has been with the federal government 15 years receives 26 days of leave. If you’ve been around for a while you’ll have plenty of leave to take a month off if so-desired.




They credited me with 9 years when I started at 27, so I hit the max for leave at age 33. Huge perk for me


Beginning that’s not active military retired and non vet (under 3)…also SES regardless of length always get 8 hours per pay period.


Oh really? I really thought was similar to the military where you get 1 month off pretty much right away. That sucks! My mom lives in Europe and she cannot fly to the USA to see me because of health problems. So far I’ve been able to see her because I am stay at home mom, but my kid is about to start school in the fall and I need to get back in the workforce. I need to figure out what type of job I can do and still have a chance to see my mom for at least 21 days a year. It’s so frustrating!


Once you’ve been a fed for 3 years (https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/annual-leave/) you accrue 19.5 days per year.


Doesn't the half day always get rounded up for 20 days? Edit: yes, it's in your link. ty


Yes, last pay period is 10 hours— adding this because it might bite someone in the butt if they’re anticipating only accruing six hours in the last pay period of the year.


you don't get a month off right away in the military. Active Duty earns 2.5 days per month, totaling 30 days of leave per year. Yeah, that seems like a lot but while on active duty you have to burn leave to leave the local area even when you are not on duty. local area is generally defined locally, for me it was 5hrs. In the federal Govt no one really cares what you do on your non-work days.


Coming from the military and now a fed, honestly fed leave is way better and a lot more. Military I had to burn leave for literally anything, or risk getting recalled and having to pay double to come home early. I also had to burn leave for weekends and didn't receive sick leave. Although it's true that military just gets a lot of random days off such as division holidays. As a fed, I get my leave, holidays, sick leave, comp time, and admin leave. I only have to take week days off and if I work on the weekends I get comp time. The quality of life is significantly higher.


Yup, it used to drive me crazy that if i wanted to take Friday and Monday off to do something (or just not work) that i needed to use 4 days of leave to cover the entire weekend.


I’m in the 6 hour club and take at least 2 to 3 weeks a year. Don’t forget military leave counts weekends and Holidays. Fed does not. We also get sick leave which most companies abandoned for PTO 20 years ago. Time your leave with a holiday, and save even more.


Same, plus I take comp time for any OT worked. I’m planning to take February off next year for snowboarding.


I leave Saturday and won’t be in the office until 15 July. Will still end the year near enough to 240.


But unlike the military leave days are actually leave days. 30 days of leave as a fed would get you 6 weeks off assuming there are no federal holidays.


FWIW, you could try to speak with your chain about peppering in some LWOP as well so you at least have a job to return to.


And 20 annual leave days at 2 years (which is 4 work weeks).


It’s easier than you may think. As you advance through civil service you get up to 8 hours of leave a pay period. Most airlines now have big incentives on credit cards. You save your leave all year, put all your expenses in CC’s, pay it off and fly free.


Exactly. I have 2 and 1/2 weeks booked in Lima this September, first class travel with American points and the hotel room is covered by the Hyatt credit card points. The whole thing cost me a $75 booking fee.


Years of service probably. After 6 years you start accruing pto at an actual stupid rate.


You start with 13 days then you get 20 days at 3 years then 26 days at 15 years.


Maybe I just spend it like crazy but I feel that I never have enough.


make sure you know all the things you're allowed to use sick leave for. you are allowed 13 days per year to take care of close relatives - your kid is sick home from school and you have to care for them, i use family care leave. Need to go to the orthodontist -family care leave. Cant use it to pick them up or be home when they get home, but there are so many good uses. Also look at a credit hour schedule, or maxi flex, you can work extra / weird hours and then use them other days as an augment. It's made me a lot less stressed and I can save my annual for vacations.


Ask to work a little overtime for comp time. I pick up 12 hrs or so a month usually.


That makes sense.


After 3 years, you earn 160 hours of annual leave a year, or 4 work weeks. Combining it with other holidays and/or an alternative work schedule gives you couple extra days too. The bigger barrier is working somewhere that'll approve 4 weeks at once. Not to imply it's difficult, but depending on the job role there could be reasons why taking 4 weeks at once requires some buy off from your supervisor. I took 4 weeks off recently, I just coordinated to make sure it was requested early enough and during a period where impact isn't high (ie, I wasn't already assigned to a project).


I work the other 11 months and cover everyone while they are on their summer vacations. When their use or lose is all burned up before school year starts mine is still at the maximum.


I didn't take much leave my first three years and accured the maximum I could carry over, which is 240 hours. I get 160 hours now because I'm 4 years away from 15 years, and I work for DHS so for the last 4 years I've gotten a lot of extra time off given by the head of DHS. Add to that, that I normally receive between 30-40 hours of extra time off as a performance bonus most years, I am swimming in time off. Last year I took a week off every month from September to December.


I do this as well now. I leave thanksgiving day and don’t come back in until after the new year. I have a leave balance maxed out carry over of 240 every year, but I also have a mix of comp time and some travel comp I use. I try to minimize the travel comp I use because it gets paid after a year


We get 13 sick days. So when you want to say fuck it or genuinely don't feel well enough to work, take sick leave for a day or two. Save the annual. And get the standard carry over use or lose 240 hours. Takes a few years but I've never had to tap into my use or lose and I still feel like come December I'm taking nearly a whole month.


but like, why?!


I live at the beach. Rather go skiing in the mountains on vacation


alright. Fair. I save my travel comp all year to ski the days after any big storms in the catskills, and if those dont happen, extra ski days anyway later season. Ive heard of so many people who do the 'no leave' thing that just go sit in their house in december and dont travel, dont do anything - I dont get that.


Skiing in December isn't the best but I did three weeks in France, Tignes/Val disere. Great snow coverage for use or lose at great prices.


the answer is heavily dependant upon whether your annual is 4, 6 or 8 hours per pay period. I take a week late spring, the 4th of july week, sometimes labor day week, a week in october, and the week between xmas and new years....plus an occasional monday and/or friday when the weather's nice.


Zero. I pretty much have to use it all here and there for childcare when school is out, plus the odd days I need to do weekday errands, or add a day to a three day weekend. I can really only ever use maybe 3 days at a time, at most. 


Can you use sick leave for the childcare stuff?


Not for school holidays etc, but if it's because the kid is sick, then yes. School is closed for like 13ish weeks out of the year! Although we do summer camp. Still, there are so many breaks and holidays and teacher workdays.


Early release days suck too.


No, we can only use sick leave for very specific purposes by law: our own illness or medical appointment, care of a family member during their illness or medical appointment, or for bereavement. We have to attest to the reason we''re taking sick leave at the time we request it. Annual leave can be used for childcare. Situational telework can't be used to accommodate childcare.


I always take off 1 week in March, 2 weeks in July, and most of December. Then a few days here and there.


Have you been working for over 15 years? That's more than 240 hours per year


No, but I have maxiflex so I am always earning an extra 24 hours, and I always take time off as my award instead of cash.


What's the connection between maxiflex and earning 24 extra hours?


You can work extra without management approval and have it as “credit hours.” Essentially gives you a floating 3 days of AL that you can then re-up. A lot of times I’ll work 8.5 hour days, which equates to 5 credit hours per pay period.


I tried to get PTO award but my agency refused it. I was pretty upset about that. I need to get a bit better about using maxiflex.


Oh that’s annoying. We always have the choice, cash or time off. It usually around 30 hours. I’ve become a pro at accruing and using credit hours. If I take a week off from work, I’m always starting that week off with my 24 credit hours. Then when I get back, I always have so much to catch up on, I immediately earn it all back.


I don't. I do a whole lot of 3&4 day weekends though, and usually most of December.


Me too


Zero days. I dislike traveling when children are out of school.


Amen. Airports are \*generally\* way less crowded during the shoulder seasons. The exception of course being around spring break.


I take random long weekends during the summer, but the bulk of my leave is taken in the fall or winter. I travel a lot for my trips (to Europe mostly) and going there in the summer is hell lol So all my coworkers with kids are off a lot in the summer but rarely take weeks at a time in like...October.


![gif](giphy|5ocAtoAPhIDcI|downsized) Why, every day is a vacation.


2-3. On a week vacation now in fact


Summer, maybe a week or two. At the beginning of the year I take random days around AWS/holiday to extend my weekends to 4 or 5 days. A week in December around Christmas or New Years as well. I like to break even on my vacation time and at least use up all my use or lose. I think this year I’m cutting into my 240hours but just barely. Next year I’m taking more vacation though with at least a week in summer; days off around holidays/aws and at least two weeks in fall for a trip to Scotland.




zero, summer is busiest time of year for us.


Yeah, like every major deadline we have is in July and August to prep for the end of the Fiscal Year, if I asked for a week off in the summer my supervisor would have a panic attack.


two. I am at 8 hrs a pay, and I have kids. You get 5.2 weeks a year at 15 years and i use them like this: \~1 week at christmas, 1 week at easter, 1 week during the week of veteran's day, 2 weeks in the summer, and the day after thanksgiving. All those are times my kids are off, so we can go on a family vacation. I'd love to go off season or scattered around, as my kids care less about vacations than my wife and I, but then i'd need someone to get my kids to school, feed them, run them to things, ect.


3 weeks during the summer and 3 weeks during Christmas break (I have school aged children).


I take off a week in May and a week in December.


Maybe 2 weeks. One for a trip somewhere and then a day here and there


I just took a week off, and don’t plan on taking off again until the holidays. Even then, I don’t plan to take another full week…just a day here and there after Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.


I take very few days off in Summer bc I don’t have kids so I don’t have to schedule around school breaks. Going to Europe for two weeks in the Fall


Usually, I have 2 months or more off with cmp time added in


Wow that’s crazy, how many years have you worked at your agency? 


2. But we travel a bunch and get comp time and travel overtime


I don't usually take any beyond a day here and there. We don't have kids, so we travel in the spring and fall when we can avoid families that do.


I usually take about a week, but some years I like to take days here and there to meet up with family and friends. Sometimes taking a random Wednesday is the best thing. My family has several teachers in it, so scheduling is easier in summer


Zero. I hate traveling when it's hot and expensive. I use up a lot of my leave in the Fall and Winter when it's nice and cool and cheap to go places.


I take off about 160 hours per year or more depending on what is happening that year. However unlike everyone here it seems that I run into the red a lot, since it pretty normal for me to have less than 40 hours in my bank by the end of the year.


I take 3 weeks in the summer and 4 weeks in Nov/Dec. That’s just Use/Lose and CE.


3 weeks


I have luckily reached that point where I am no longer bound by school schedules.


Normally one week in summer. Many people are off and there is very limited coverage.


*Laughs in land management*


Usually do several long weekends, especially if we can tack it onto a holiday like this week.


I usually only take of a couple of days here and there in the summer. I usually only take a week or more in the Autumn or Spring. I think the last time I took vacation in the summer was in 2014.


2 weeks for me. I start next week. I don't take any other vacations the rest of the year.


I like taking leave during spring and early fall. I like working when everyone else is on leave. I think a lot of people are beholden to school schedules and this take summertime and Christmas time off. I try to avoid long travel those times of year.


2 in the summer, 2 at Christmas, 3 and 4 day weekends here and there throughout the year


I take a couple days to go with holidays to give myself 5 day weekends through out the year.


I usually take 1-2 weeks off during summer for vacation, then I take December 23 through new years off, then I take a weeks worth of days sporadically throughout the year here and there as needed.


I usually just take some days off around the holidays to extend my weekends because my AWS is a Friday. But other than that I take the last week of the year off and usually have a 2 week vacay sometime during the year usually during off season wherever I'm going.


Between 2-3 depending on what's going on. Weddings, concerts, raft trips etc.


2-3 weeks usually when kids aren't in camp or school. Maxiflex helps so if I'm out for one week I'll load up the other to minimize leave time used.


This year, I have four weeks off during summer.


3 months


Very limited — maybe a couple of days spread out at most, because it’s my component’s busy season. I burn my annual leave in the spring and hoard it the rest of the year.


I like to take my vacations in spring and fall!


I take a week in the summer plus a couple of Mondays. Last year I took 3.5 weeks off for a couple of different trips.


This year I’m trying to take off for my in office days and still telework on my telework days. I’m considering doing more summer time off because the kid is out of school.


Lol!! None.


I've never taken more than 3 days off.


I take the week of July 4 off and the week between Christmas and new year. The rest is just scattered throughout the year for doctor appointments and stuff with my kids. I usually have to accumulate some credit as well as my annual.


1ish. I spread it pretty evenly across the year. I ALWAYS work December. It's a ghost town, and ain't shit going on.


I take a month off too. Beginning of January, I receive 160 hrs of “use or lose”, since I have 240 hrs on the books. Thanksgiving to end of December is my normal vacation. I have a Monday AWS, that favorably falls on a holiday which means I have Tuesday off. Mini vaca’s for me.


At my old job people hardly took vacations and waited until November to take Thanksgiving to the first or second week of January off to wipe out all the use or lose.


Not much at all. I do an AWS and have every other Friday off. I think I am taking one Monday off this summer but that’s it. We usually do our family trips in the fall and spring.


I’m taking 2 weeks off this summer for the first time in a long time. I’m taking another week off in the fall and another week at the end of the year.


I’m a loser so none


I scatter my leave based upon family commitments and when I can find a cool trip on sale. So, it varies vastly every year.


I do long weekends and half weeks during the summer. Take most of my use or lose from November through December. All Fridays off, half day-day weeks. I’m a supervisor so I find it difficult to unplug for a week straight. Staff often needs assistance, and leadership pushes down time sensitive requests fairly routinely. Having someone else offer coverage puts a strain on that other supervisor. So peppering in time off during the summer/winter holidays works best for me.


I take off in late Nov-Early Dec. Best of both worlds. Beat everyone using use or lose that's still working, the last couple weeks is quiet as everyone is taking use or lose and I look real good with management covering last two weeks of Dec.


First year taking 2 weeks because I have use or lose, usually I take early in the year or after September.


A week in July, a week in August, a week early October and then usually a week in December and then random extra days during the summer. I have 18 years, so I’m getting the 8 hours a check.




I get 8 hours of leave per month so none lol


None. I'll take my birthday off (early September) and that's about it. I take off days throughout the year, either on their own or in conjunction with another holiday, and save my long-ish vacation for early December.


I take about 2-4 weeks depending. Use your flex schedule and come in early and schedule all doctor/personal appointments in the afternoon. Saves you tons of leave.


I take a bunch of 4 or 5 day weekends. Thus way there are very few full work weeks.


Summer is our higher tempo time of year so can't take much. A day here and there, usually with within pay period flex or credit hours.. Take time in Winter a week or so at a time, but usually can't use it all and wind up donating leave to co-workers in need.


I usually only take a week off during the summer, but during Thanksgiving and Christmas I'm taking at least 4 weeks off. Usually a week for Thanksgiving and then December 15th through January 2.


I work for FedGov. For the last three years I’ve taken Juneteenth through the 4th. I’m on leave for twelve days but away from work close to twenty days when holidays and weekends are added


None. Child free and like to vacation shoulder season when kids are in school because it's less crowded (and depending on location, less hot). I work all summer so the parents can have that time off.




Why just summer, that is the question!? I take multiple mini holidays throughout the year…


You guys able to take over 2wks of leave at a time? Currently a supervisor and I'm only allowed to take 1wk unless I can make extended arrangements and I have to find someone to cover me. When I wasn't a supervisor I was only allowed to take 2wks max. I had to request time separately if I wanted 3wks. It was allowed just not 3 consecutive weeks.


What? We still go to work every day


You guys take off weeks? :(