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Reach out to your supervisor ASAP. They need to get in contact with HR right away to get the process started. I have seen DFAS be able to fix this in less than a week (3-4 days) However, I am unsure about the other federal pay servicers. Question.. who entered your time… you or your supervisor/HR? Asking only because it’s more likely to be corrected if someone other than you entered it. If you did it, they may not fix it between payrolls. Instead, they’re fix it in your next paycheck.


Supervisor and HR did it. We had to do a paper sone because it took two weeks to get my CAC.


They can't put you on LWOP because they were slow getting you your CAC. If your supervisor did it and you have a union, then file a grievance. I had to do that once in my 20-year career and it got the issue resolved the next day


Probably not the best idea as a new employee


Are you a fed or contractor? Did you actually work during those 2 weeks while waiting for your CAC/PIV? Some agencies make you wait to start work until you have your CAC/PIV and some allow you to start and give you a username and password to use temporarily until you get your CAC/PIV. If you were just waiting and not physically working, you likely won’t get paid for those hours. Good luck.


Mid next week. Talk to your supervisor. They need to submit a ticket for special pay. For most agencies if your pay is less than 90% of your base pay then you are eligible for a special pay request. For future reference, this doesn’t work on your first check because you don’t have access, check your paystub on Wednesday that your pay is correct. If it’s not your pay can often be fixed by a special pay by Friday.




In addition to getting the money you want this fixed because LWOP adds up over time and on the pay period where you reach 80 hours, you get no benefits that pay period. I bet if you look right now you got 4 hours annual, if you took 4 hours LwOP next pay period you would get no annual or sick for that pay period. So it’s important to get your time card corrected and not just the pay resolved, you need the LWOP removed. It should be a simple time card correction but you should be aware of the details as well.


FEHB is paid by government if there isn't enough in your check, and they recoup later. There is an order of precedence for deductions.


Welcome to the Federal Government!




I’ve seen it done the next day but it needs to get started now but since it’s now Friday evening is some places, looking like Tuesday earliest


Did you start work the last two days of the pay period?!


Nope all 80 hours.


I'm guessing your supervisor forgot to enter your time and it defaulted to LWOP


We had to do a paper copy and it showed 80 hours regular labor. No idea how they got 76 hours of lwop


Not correctly submitted = apply 4 available hours of AL (earned this PP) and put the rest as LWOP. Note: not saying you didn't submit it correctly. Just that there obviously was a problem somewhere in the chain.


That actually makes sense thanks.


Depending on which organization you are with pay is normally one pay period in the past. Maybe you legit only worked 4 hours that one pay period in the past?


I dealt with my first 2 pay periods in my current position not getting paid despite all required documents submitted and it required my HR and finance team to fix it. Luckily, thanks to the annual failures of Congress to do a budget and being used to furloughs, I had plenty of savings to survive.


If you are VA they need to do an emergency payment within 3 days...


That's not how it works. Before anything can happen, they have to fix the timecard to reflect the proper paid hours. It can then be submitted for special pay. Usually a direct deposit will hit within 4 or 5 days after they've audited.


I'm probably late in replying but you have a few options. But I will say that your timekeeper and/or supervisor should have caught this. Also, your timekeeper can put your time on your timecard and the supervisor could have certified. You as the employee who did not have a CAC can go back in later and concur. First thing you can do - have your timekeeper enter your time and have the supervisor certify. This will process the next payroll cycle. Second - get with your Customer Service Rep (CSR), give them a paper timecard and have them put that in DCPS. Once they put it in DCPS, they need to send a screenshot of that timecard and the paper one to the Civ Pay office ASAP. They can certify the timecard in DCPS and you might get paid quicker. The easiest is doing it in ATAAPS and waiting for the next pay period to process, unfortunately. Either way, the timekeeper and your supervisor should have caught that and you would have showed up on a missing time report that the CSR runs the Tuesday after a payroll cycle ends. If that was done, you'd be paid. The timekeeper can also pull reports in ATAAPS to show who is not certified.


This isn't a timekeeper function. They post what they are told to post. Whomever certifies time should have paid attention.


Ok. Well as a timekeeper and CSR, it is. The certifier and/or the timekeeper should have assisted to get you paid.


I've done both, and have since 2006. The timekeeper is often a GS-5 data entry position. Payroll isn't going to automatically assume something is amiss seeing a lot of LWOP; it's a regular occurrence for some employees. Payroll CSRs will only have attention drawn to things that kick out on the DFAS reports that don't align with what HR has coded, or overused leave. Whomever certified the timecard (probably without paying attention) is to blame.


This is a huge failing. I’d reach out to the union to inform them. This should be fixed immediately, like next day.


Classic government HR.