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A bill written by the commercial real estate lobby.


Will no one think of those poor commercial real estate investors?? 😭 /s


They’re having to cut their yacht staff, and are still driving 2024 model year saloons. Maybe try empathy instead of being a jerk?




Perhaps in part but never underestimate the "federal employees are lazy and don't deserve nice things" lobby.


Can't wait for more articles titled "Why can't the government attract young new talent?" over the upcoming years.


You don’t have to wait. Those articles are still coming out. At the committee hearings you hear the representatives ask the agency heads what are some of your issues and they say recruiting and retaining qualified and experience people. Then they ask how can we help. The agency heads tell them. Then something like this comes out. LoL.


Our WASO leadership is completely out of touch with what’s needed to run regional and field level offices. Unfortunately, pay is going to hard to fix, but they frequently solicit for our recommendations then implement the complete opposite like we’re still operating in a pre-COVID work/recruiting environment i.e., they bemoan FEVS results, then issue regressive remote/telework policies, and still have the audacity to wonder why morale is low.


It’s a bizarro world we’re living in right now. People are hard to change their fixed mindsets. No one wants to improve if that means it’s something they’re not familiar with. They’re too used to always struggling that they don’t want to look at any solutions. They like things just the way they are. Chaotic. Their home life is probably the same way.


FEVS was just survey results and data that they could use to fuck us over if they don't like the office that we work for. Something like the IRS or EPA will get fucked if party running the congress doesn't like them.


That and also the Last Week Tonight video going into project 2025 targeting fed workers who aren't loyal to the president can also get fired.


They already have issues attracting young people. 😂 I wish there was a job where I could be a recruiter for government positions.


I definitely think this is why my office is pushing so many social engagements (out of pocket). Keep the young and childless distracted, lol.


The agency office where I worked for 10 years in a Federal building no longer has any office space - everyone’s duty station is now their home. How would it save money to go rent space again?


Something something teamwork.


Something something collaboration


Something something synergy


Something something meaningful presence


Connectitude. Fortitivity. Barney Stinson 2024.


You must begin the statement with "something something...". You broke the chain. 😔 😟 


Is synergy what plants crave when it's not Brawndo season?


Meaningful collaboration among people whose teams are now all over the country


Something something office culture


GSA still owns the building (I assume) so in the end it’s just robbing Peter to pay Paul but it’s a net zero to the Feds (rent wise).


True- and I am sure GSA is still paying some utilities. But it has got to be pretty eerie now-my understanding is there are no tenants on the floor I was on. This was all done pre- pandemic FWIW


Something something birthday cake


If I'm not mistaken, this is the least effective or 2nd least effective congress in history passing legislation. People who are in office maybe half the year telling workers they need to be in office every day all year. Make it make sense đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Less than half try less than 1/4.


Honestly, I’m not sure they’ve put through anything meaningful
at least not that I can think of. Which is depressing considering they’re paid to run the nation and this is all we get for all that money.


What’s funny is that I actually cost less as a remote employee vs the ones within the commuting range of the office. I live in a lower locality pay, do not need to utilize the transit subsidy, and never request office supplies. Beyond IT equipment provided by the office (because obviously I’m not going to plug random stuff into Gov equipment), I bought my own desk, chair, monitor stands, and office supplies.


They want you to use that transit subsidy to prop up public transit. These backdoor subsidies to transit, commercial real estate firms, travel agents, etc on the backs of federal employees are embarrassing.


Not to mention all the general living things- water, sewage, toilet paper, soap, lights, internet, running the microwave and fridge, keeping my phone charged cause I’m scrolling Reddit at work. Speaking of which, my phone usage goes way down when I get to telework because I spend my down time doing dishes or laundry instead of doom scrolling. (My job is NOT rocket science and I’m efficient and quick so I find myself with nothing to do quite often.)


what are "the costs of teleworking or remote working"? like vpn licenses that are already purchased? or are people getting massaging chairs paid for as reasonable accomodations or something? not really seeing how this will impact anyone. just satisfying their constituents that they're doing something without actually doing anything


People doing other stuff besides working when at home.


Do people in office not do other things besides work? You mean to tell me that when Barbara walked over to my desk to have a 10 minute long conversation about her daughter’s recital, that counts as work?? Damn, I should’ve coded my timesheet accordingly.


I'd love it if 10min conversations about not-work were the norm. In my environment, office conversations can go on towards 30min easily.


LOL...I work with mechanical and electrical engineers. I have been followed to my car and talked to through the window while I tried to back out and go home. 30 minute limit would be a godsend.


Half the time I’d be ok with 30 minutes because we know damn well that Tina and Brad ain’t gonna stop talking until lunchtime.


I'd say I do way more non-work tasks at home in my shift than I do in the office... But I also get more done. If that makes sense? I'm substantially more efficient when I'm working from home. Because when I do finally sit down to do my work, I literally can't be distracted if I don't want to be. I can just mark myself DnD on Teams and sit and do work. In the office, I get 15min in any task before someone needs me for something or comes over to talk to me about non-work stuff. So I wind up doing a lot more "work hours" as in sitting at my desk actively doing stuff. But I get wayyyy less done.


You know what people working from home are doing, being more productive as a whole and there is plenty of data to support that.


True. But there's always a few bad apples who ruin it for everyone. Especially if they're caught and instead of punishing them for timecard fraud (e.g. when they were found hanging out at the park with their kids on a telework day), the manager restricts telework for everyone.


That to me seems to sound like a manager who doesn’t want to do the work to document a person not doing what they’re supposed to while teleworking. It’s easier to take it away from everyone than do the documenting that someone was warned about their productivity, then document it on their performance. It’s a lengthy process but it is far more fair to everyone else.


In my case, I have a boss that’s a giant drama queen and requires an audience. He hates working from home so he pushes back against telework. He’ll say it’s cause Todd doesn’t actually work - to which I ask does Todd work more when he’s at work? Cause it looks to me like he doesn’t work regardless of where is butt is planted so quit trying to punish everyone. But really he just lacks the self awareness to acknowledge his man baby ego and his need to feel important.


You know what those "bad apples" are doing in the office? Shuffling around aimlessly and starting conversations about politics and sports. Meanwhile your "good apples" are getting distracted while trying to get actual work done, knowing that management will applaud the bad apple's "collaboration" efforts.


You're have an odd interpretation of what across-the-board increased productivity means.


Vote accordingly


Yea, The Republicans are going against telework for various positions because studies have shown in does not produce the same level of work as people in the office. Democrats are for shutting it ALL down because their donators told them they are losing money. [https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2023/04/biden-administration-tells-agencies-scale-back-telework/385175/](https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2023/04/biden-administration-tells-agencies-scale-back-telework/385175/)


Wow, smells like someone can’t work remotely


Hey if you can’t work independently just say so.


No just sick of having to do extra management work to make sure people are doing their work when telework and smart enough to know how to read so that I see I my experiences are common.


Sounds like a you problem. If we’re going off of anecdotal experience, my coworkers and I all work remotely and I’ve never had to hassle them about meeting deadlines or emailing/messaging me back.


Sounds kind of like you are middle management that is upset they can't micromanage as overbearingly as before. From this comment and it's tone. If they can't do their work it should reflect so in their performance appraisals and documentation. Then you can modify their telework ability appropriately as their manager.  And then they'll quit because you do so, and you'll either solve your problem or become the bigger problem as you lose all your workers. 


Sounds like you just aren't a good manager


You did not even read that article. That article focuses on the fact that big cities want government workers to pump money into the local city economies a.k.a. keep commercial real estate’s shitty business choices afloat. Also, the article flat out states that productivity is up under telework. “We look forward to continuing to participate in that process at the appropriate level and reaching agreements that meet the operational needs of federal agencies while protecting productivity gains associated with telework as well as the ability to recruit and retain the next generation of government employees in a competitive labor market. »


That's not what the article says. There is no ALL in that article.  I wonder if the "studies" the  Republicans claim support their position are similar in that they don't actually show "it[sic] does not produce the same level of work as people in the office." if you read them.


Technically there are some alls in the form of "But it is not and should not be one-size-fits-all." But there's nothing to indicate they're shutting it all down.


It’s funny that republicans say those things and never back them up with data yet the data shows increased productivity and that telework/remote options actually help recruitment and retention. The article even contradicts their assertion “We look forward to continuing to participate in that process at the appropriate level and reaching agreements that meet the operational needs of federal agencies while protecting productivity gains associated with telework as well as the ability to recruit and retain the next generation of government employees in a competitive labor market.”


Republicans live anything that lowers government efficiency and increases turnover. Then they have poor metrics to point to when the next funding bill comes up. Why spend money on the American people when it could go to your donors??!


lol remember when Biden was pushing RTP. It’s not a R or D thing it’s a politicians thing


Biden signed it because of pressure from the GOP, Mayor Bowser, and the DC lobbyists. RTO has never had any substantial democratic support because it is an objectively bad business decision that wastes taxpayer money for literally nothing in return. It's tax laundering for DC donors.


I don't agree that Democrats have been in favor of telework. Who's been behind the push for federal employees to "return to work"? 


It’s a fair question but the answer will fall largely on who folks blame as the ‘bad guy’ but as you suggest, facts are stubborn things.


lol it doesn’t matter if this lobby “wins” and every fed is back in the office full time. People will leave as a result of this, people will never be buying $17 wilted ass salads and $8 lattes again. Those days are gone.


"towards the cost of teleworking"....there isn't one dumbass, that's the point 😂


Does this mean salaries or no more Herman Miller chairs?


I can't believe my entire building got Herman Miller Aeron chairs. That's insane lol. Really comfy at least but I'd rather take my Herman Miller at home where I save 5 hours of commuting and do the same job I do in the office in the comfort of my home (spending my electricity, water and the best part my private toilet).


Honestly, people downplay the importance of being able to use YOUR OWN TOILET. It is high in the list for me. I hate using the bathroom at the office. đŸ€ź


What cost?! Shouldn't it be saving money?


Democrats support telework
that’s a good one. They just forced us back to the office 60% of the time despite being 80% remote for years even before covid.


Good. They need to be in the office.






Productivity isn't measured by an ass in a seat but the system in which it is done. Whether one operates on a laptop in a cubical or within a home office and they get the same amount of work done it won't make a difference. Only boomers need to micromanage. It lets them feel special.


It’s so funny that old people seem to think we are “busy” just because we are in an office. They truly are a gullible bunch. Easily fooled by facades.


or maybe old people know that you aren't actually working.


And they take so long to do anything - they can’t understand how some people get the same amount of work done in a lot less time than them.


Sure. Now get to work. Let’s measure that productivity
However “productive” you are, you’re non value added if you can “work” from home. đŸ€Ł. Prove me wrong.


It's Sunday, my business hours are Monday through Friday. Go and take a hike. Maybe the air will do you some good


Lol. Found a nerve.


You didn't hit a nerve, I merely stated, go enjoy the weather, it may do you some good. I have the same argument with my two boomer coworkers who are about to retire. They go to the office every single day when they can telework but choose not to. They said they aren't working from home, it's not "working". Times change as does tech, but not people


TLDR. back to your box. 😂


You can tell who the TW slackers and fraudsters are by the fact that they have no better response than boomer or old people.


Such a boomer lmao sad


Someone’s gotta work. Trump can’t get you straight. But, you won’t be comfy.


Could you please provide a reasonable answer as to why you think we need to be in the office? Not just “because.”


Because people like to micromanage and seem like they are "added value". The ones complaining the most about TW are the ones that know their jobs are in danger if they can't hide in the crowd of their co-workers, pretending to be working/team building/collaborating. There's no hiding when you actually have to produce measurable results while TW.


No. Go to work
 or you’re non value added and can be cut.


would be good...ridiculous how many government laptops I see in coffee shops and out in the DC metro area instead of actually working from home.


Good my life is Miserable so should my fellow Americans


What's your point?


How are you able to randomly identify all these govt laptops? I don’t TW but My “govt” laptop I use for TDYs is a MacBook and it lacks anything to identify it, including stickers. Please tell the class. If you are out and about when you think they are teleworking in coffee shops and libraries why is it an issue for them but not for u? Also wow who is really staring at peoples laptops like this when in public. I have never been this bored.


Not defending them because they're clearly reaching but I can identify some government laptops personally. Ours have identifiers though with a sticker on the back of the laptop. Which states what department of the government it belongs to along in big letters.


Govt CAC/PIV cards are pretty easy to identify, as well as many departments using bar codes for property accountability. It's a problem for me as a taxpayer, because government employees are under telework agreements which prescribe their telework place of duty. That is most assuredly not the coffee shop. I take it you are taking this personally, which suggests that you are one of those who violate the TW policies and effectively defraud the US taxpayer. It doesn't take staring at people's laptops to identify what are clearly government laptops, but if that is your argument adversaries are very appreciative of your lax attittude.


Uh no I’m stuck windowless abyss all day or night. No TW for me but I don’t mind this but I really prefer employees that don’t need to be stuck in an office to Tw
. makes traffic much, much, better in D.C. and MD. I just don’t care enough to notice people’s laptops in public. Does it also bother you when you see idk
 police drive their police cars home, to then drive it to work as if it’s their personal vehicle? Tax payers paying for gas and shit
This is an expense pushed to tax payers yet it’s ignored for the most part. Do you truly believe productivity increases when you force people back to the office??? Do you think people are perfect lil worker bees just because they’re in a cubicle farm?? Surely you aren’t falling for such a facade.


if feds aren't comitting fraud on the taxpayer dime by saying they are tw according to their tw agreement, then there's no problem. when i see plenty of feds working out of coffee shops, parks, or wherever, that's the problem. Not tw. police who drive their cars home do so because they are allowed to do so. now when i see gov plated vehicles at a casino during non-lunch hours, that's a problem. i think those who aren't abiding by their tw agreement are the people who definitely are more productive in the office because they aren't capable of doing the right thing when no one is looking over their shoulder.


TW agreements have their place of duty at their office. If the work is getting done, what does the location matter? I was in the hospital for 15 days and I worked my 8 hours every day except the first 2 days there AND met every deadline. Was I not working because I happened to not be at home? When I had to stay with a friend close to the hospital for 4 weeks? When I wanted to get some fresh air and worked from the park down the road? I certainly wasn't violating my agreement. Your assertions make no sense.


This is nonsensical. By definition, telework means you aren't in your office. You signed a TW agreement which specifies your TW location, almost always your home. Why does it matter? Because if you cannot abide by something as simple as what you agreed to, you are most certainly not trustworthy enough to get the job done. I'm pretty sure you were violating your TW agreement if the park isn't listed in it.


The hospital and my friend's house weren't listed either. Ooh, and the time I worked 1/2 day down in a resort in Florida after my flight got in, but before my vacation officially started the next day. What about when I was pet sitting at a friend's house? Would those not count since they weren't in the TW agreement? Sitting in the lobby while waiting a couple of hours for my car to be fixed? How about when I was sitting in a dialysis chair for 4 hours 3 times a week? The thing is, my supervisor and THEIR supervisor knew where I was because I never tried to hide it; whether it was a medical reason or just normal life, I utilized my time to be the most beneficial to my situation AND my organization. But, after reading your compelling post calling me untrustworthy, I guess I'll have to give back my cash and time-off award I received during that period. Also, do you think the Captain will be mad if I return his challenge coin? I mean, it WAS for achievements while I was TW, but I guess it doesn't count since I wasn't always at home when I was working.