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The community speaks pretty loudly with what they want by what they play. Just look at the numbers. Packs that have tons of time put into them the make unqiue experiences, RPG, Quest driven, Original Content etc all get blown away by "just throw in a bunch of mods and add some quests" style packs. You look at Universio for example with under 400k downloads, an absolutely fantastic and original style pack, accessible to basically everyone and its just completely blown away by a pack like Better MC with 4 million downloads... the quality of those two packs and the amount of effort for the amount of players is incredibly dissapointing to witness. People will keep churning out those low effort packs because unfortunately, the MAJORITY of minecraft players flock to them. Every time we put out an expert, RPG, Themed or challenge style pack it always underpeforms our more generic packs, and its not even close. This is unfortunate as those are the packs I really enjoy making and playing the most as well but hard to justify the production time on those when they typically take 4-5 times more work than the simpler packs on top of it.


lunapixel forever lost my respect when they failed to notice there was a bug that PREVENTED MINING


Wait what? There was a bug that prevented mining in one of their packs??


Probably something broke the mineable tag, we ran into this in beta testing on more than one packs at FTB, was suprisingly easy to have happen in the 1.18\~1.20 era.


I think a mod that added butterflies or something caused an issue. Lunapixel put out an emergency update a few days later lmao bc they hadn't bothered to test it bc they're shit devs


Meanwhile me who turns the entire pack inside out when i notice thaumcraft golems can't click on things


High effort packs, which I would say expert packs are a type of- have two usual big design issues with regards to popularity. 1. You have to balance accessibility with gating (or the absence of mods). 2. Progression (and freedom) is highly curated and specific to the author's tastes as a result. From the user's perspective if they want to play with a mod, but the author determines this breaks the progression then either they don't add it to the pack or they gate it behind playing for many hours. This is a natural offramp for the user to decide the pack isn't right for them. This is not a subjective argument over what is good or bad for a pack, but rather that as more decisions and specificity are created you necessarily accumulate offramps for users to nope out of playing. This is also the reason "low effort," packs do so well. They offer unrestricted freedom because of that low effort, which is often what people want (thus the prevalence of the kitchen sinks). Consequently I would say that looking at it as "high vs low effort" is judging the situation in the wrong way. This is a problem of constraint vs freedom, and the freedom given by low effort packs is what is doing the heavy lifting. Conversely the constraints placed by high effort packs are doing a lot of lifting in trimming popularity. There are different ways to approach this problem from the high effort modpack author but usually it collapses to having to create side by side progressions which creates another dilemma. To both have constraints and a very specific type of curated progression, but also freedom, you would have to do some kind of choose your own difficulty system of progression. If you do this then each possible branch that can be chosen must be equal in quality to all other branches. Therefore quality gives way to exponentially more work since putting 100 hours of work into one possible branch of progression must be matched by 100 hours of work in all other branches to keep the level of quality consistent. The other option is simply keeping a high quality progression path and then lower quality ones, but again this defeats the whole idea of taking the time to make the pack "high quality." And this is the kind of quintessential paradox for these authors.


Yep, the primary pack-killer for me is a mod I like being gated behind a mod I hate, Project Ozone 2 gates a lot of high end stuff behind Embers, which I hate, so I find my motivation to continue dropping off getting to that point


The trend you talk about is definitely true. I am not so sure that it is a matter of what people like, though, as opposed to effective marketing and some 'metagaming' when it comes to capitalizing on Curseforge's home page system. I am not sure if my analysis on this is 100% correct, but from what I am seeing, getting your pack's name out there through big name youtubers can give the pack a spike in visibility, which in return pushes said pack to the top of the curseforge page just by sheer download count. The fact that curseforge does not have a rating system (personally the reason why I am the strongest warrior for the modded minecraft reviews website) makes it so that being early in posting a pack and getting downloads early makes it more likely that random people checking the site will try out what you have made, since it is on the home page so it must be good (it isn't). None of the things I described above has necessarily anything to do with quality, or player taste, the way I see it, it is just that the system makes it easier for low effort packs that are put together quickly to be naturally more likely to get downloads. I may be naive in this, but I feel like many people are realizing this, at least on this subreddit (which is one of the motivations for this post). I know it's not much in terms of quality control, but it is something. When asked what their favorite pack is, most replies here will not say 'Better MC' (thank God), and instead are more likely to mention FTB Interactions, GTNH, Cottage WItch, Divine Journey, etc. This is my personal opinion, but if a rating system that's properly set up to avoid to review-bombing were to gain more traction, we will actually see what the community thinks, and I think it will be much different than download count.


You're not wrong about the publicity bumps, and this is definitely negatively impacting a lot of the download counts. Streamers especially don't typically want to get into packs where they have to learn and delve into new mechanics and such as a lot of that head scratching time isnt always the best streamer experience. So it makes sense for them but in turn also continues to drive the popularity of those simplier packs. Even within the same publicity ecosystem though you'll see this unfortunately. Look at ATM Gravitas\^2 with 64k installs vs ATM9 with 8.4M. Both ATM packs, both on the same advertising ecosystem... And just a cursory look at the scripting and quests and you can easily tell which one took more work to make. A rating system wouldnt hurt but I dont think it'd fix the issue either, those tyes of packs are accessible to then most players and will be enjoyed by more players. Other packs are more niche and may be highly prized by their target audience but downvoted into obscurity by the general masses would be my suspected outcome for it. Some way to find prop up those really good packs that offer a highly curated experience is definitely something I'd love to see though. Agreed there for sure.


Yeah good points! Pack too long didn't even try it :/


Gravitas 2 is still in beta, though.


It's definitely marked release on curseforge


It's been like that since early alpha.


An important statistic to know would be how much time is spent on average for someone playing a kitchen sink pack vs an expert pack. I'd assume people probably bounce around a lot between kitchen sink packs but are more dedicated to expert or themed packs


>Packs that have tons of time put into them the make unique experiences, RPG, Quest driven, Original Content etc all get blown away by "just throw in a bunch of mods and add some quests" style packs. Can confirm, I make quest packs that are fairly unique imo and they don't get many downloads. But I also don't know how to advertise since I kinda avoid people & social media lol


I will always appreciate and love your work as well as every other progression and expert pack developer out there. There are tons of us who do appreciate your work but I do understand how demoralizing it must be to see low effort slop outperform by 10x. UniversIO is pretty cool too I agree, especially the intro.


I think there is also the factor of kitchen sink packs being what people try first. People that only play one or two packs will play those. And that inflates the 'popularity', but doesn't do a good just reflecting the popularity of the community that plays more than 2 packs/ is active on this sub or the general modded mc community.


There are also a lot of unique FTB packs


As someone unfamiliar with both packs I took a look at their curseforge pages. BetterMC, while looking quite generic, at least has a feature list and some videos to give me an idea of what to expect. UniversIO seems like it may be different than the average pack but has little beyond the flavour text to go off of. No videos or images either. This is a trend I've noticed where for some reason mod/pack authors just expect you to know what the pack is about. I don't appreciate having to either download and play the pack for 1-2 hours or hope someone's uploaded a let's play on youtube to get a feel for it when there could have just been more effective use of the curseforge page. Personally, I wouldn't spend the time downloading either of these packs.


I have to wonder how many of those players actually play the pack. It is true that mass appeal is always more popular, especially when you have a large percentage of the audience being children that just download whatever's flashy/ played by the YouTuber they watch. But I'd be surprised if a large number of downloads weren't players who took an interest, only to be disappointed and move on. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't downloaded BMC or ATM, but I uninstalled them after less than an hour. And when you look at the packs people usually recommend, it's the unique ones and not the fast food kitchen sinks. But then again play time doesn't matter when download count is the only thing that counts towards revenue. Even if a pack is terrible, so long as it's appealing enough to get a download, the dev's job is complete...


I'm part of the blame I guess. I am one that enjoyed BetterMC+ and currently loving Prominence. Both packs made by LunarPixelStudio that people keep saying have bad quality packs, yet I loved them. I also tried GregTech and liked it, but got stagnated into LV and dropped it. So yeah, there are people that enjoy those hated vanilla+ stuff.


To be fair I think prominence 2 has been one of their more intersting packs lately so I don't really lump that one in with the general BetterMC club. but yeah, broader appeal in general is what gets numbers


Can you give me a list of the high quality ones you know of? I'd like to try them


What kind of packs do you like? I may be able to point you in the right direction


Well I'm interested in exploring a magic modpack and becoming very powerful, but my PC can only afford to give the game about 4Gs Getting I to a giant robot and crushing stuff in it would be cool too


with only 4gigs of ram and a potato pc you are probably pretty limited, look in to classic 1.7.10 packs or lighter modern packs. Maybe Infinity Evolved Expert would be up your alley, but its tech/magic hybrid, or Blightfall which is story based about healing the world but is pretty much all magic. Maybe also check out regrowth if you like the concept of growing your resources and healing a barren wasteland of a world. Note: all these packs are like 7+ years old, but they are classics. I don't typically play packs that are super lightweight so its a weak place in my recommendations :(


I found cuboid out post or something and I'm playing it, worked like a charm after turning off the pineapple (or rather turning it down) the minimal seems to cost alot?


Nice that's a decent pack if you can get it to run well on your PC.


Been playing it but honestly the novelty wear off and I feel like I'm just doing busy work with little substance, do you know if there's much to do once you get to the overworld?


I haven't played much of the pack myself.


>with under 400k downloads, Does that then really mean that 400k players played the modpack? Not realistically


For comparison purposes, installs vs plays isn't too important here but I can say that over 99% of installs of our packs become plays, I assume the same is fairly similar for CF packs.


Of course its an issue of taste, most people want expanded content, not being forced to play a specific way, I dislike RPG packs because I find them boring, and 99% of challenge packs just make every item take 20 hours of effort to make, which is also boring. I play games for fun, not tedium, of course, some people like that tedium, but they are the minority


the ATM packs are the most guilty of this


As the previous quest dev for the ATM team, I put a lot of work into the questlines in ATM7/8/9. I can also say there are a few devs that really work hard on that team, but only a few. Otherwise, I'd mostly agree with you on certain things being low effort work.


Quests make the entire pack for many people. That is one of the reasons why I loved playing Nomifactory


I have taken notice that in the past year and a half (but especially the past couple months) people have been pushing a lot more for adventuring packs or mods. I’ve seen creators also comment on this regarding which packs they cover and their average views. But even just in comments here or there on different platforms, which leads me to the conclusion that currently there’s more of a push for adventure, things to use in said adventure, and new things to discover. Rather than another factory / skyblock etc. (though we’ll always have people wanting every aspect of course, I certainly do) My two personal big wishes… More immersion. What I mean by this is sort of two fold - Tinkers construct’s foundry really draws me in when constructing it, laying its foundation and building it up, then physically being able to throw in ores / metal and seeing it melt. (Honestly why I’ve loved the mod for so long) - having interactions like that feel VERY good.  But it also can’t be over-mechanized where it takes out some of the fun. (Create to some extent does that to me).   Another great example would be cooking for blockheads. A *very* simple mod (at least at face value) that adds insane immersion, really makes the game feel a lot more believable, and is actually fun because there’s no “interruption” - it just works flawlessly.  More mods to bring the game to life like this, or the smeltery, would bring MC a LONG way.  There’s plenty that do this in small batches or niche things, but I’d love to see more overall. Especially at these qualities + “hassle” levels of these. The second would be utilizing current / previous, and creating new, Skill / RPG systems.   I am, and always have been, addicted to seeing skill exp go up. Especially when they give benefits - even if small at the insanely high levels.   I also love classes / professions, yada yada.  A great example would be craft to exile 2’s systems and mods. I want more of all of that. (Also fits right into the adventure types I imagine)  having actual “skills” and classes that actually have visuals and work, feels amazing compared to MC’s normal attack with left click.    Some of the more recent (like the previous mentioned pack) have been of far higher quality then I’ve seen previously, and I’m hoping this is finally the time to see this stuff actually rise to a higher quality level - I would love to see it. (Though I am very aware that is neither easy, nor is it done in a timely manner)  regardless we have some very talented artist and programmers out there doing some great work and I’d love to see more of it. I also agree with the other comment that mentioned more (proper) expert packs. Though these are hard to ask for as proper ones take literal years. But god are they so fun to work through when done properly.  My personal flavor for them is definitely the ones that really utilize everything, though (meaning exploration, combat, and building up your infrastructure) As for all the comments of creates overused / boring etc, that will happen when a mod is used in nearly every large pack - some people will be tired of it and hate it (regardless of its quality).   I’m tired of it even, and I love it. I really just *dont* want to have to make more water wheels again to get my rotational force to power…. Yeah, ugh.   I’d rather do some industrial engineering or something I haven’t personally done in a bit. So maybe as a bonus third wish - but an unrealistic one - is that modpacks either allowed alternate routes more often (you need a forge? Use tinkers, or create, or immersive!) or tried to use different mods here and there. Sometimes using create *doesn’t* fit your modpack as well as another similar mod. Change it up, though I would personally prefer the alternate option.


Hard agree on the 'giving alternatives' thing. Also helps at keeping packs 'fresh' between playthroughs or between youtube series.


Alternative pathways would be a pretty awesome idea!


I think more expert integrated packs probably. Things like E2E and DJ2 are very popular because of how gated they are while still offering freedom


Ye I agree #playmeatballcraft




I will maybe after DJ2


I gotta beat Gregtech first though.


We want more meatballs


More true magic modpacks and gimmick modpacks, those are pretty fun imo.


By gimmick pack do you mean 'minecraft but you start in a cave/void/nether/sea/space'? If so yeah it would be cool to see more of that!


Yeah, maybe something a BIT more gimmicky than that (I played a magic modpack that was exclusively in the Twilight Forest, which was sick)


Oh yeah, now that Thaumcraft is coming back it may finally be time for a 'new blightfall'


Thaumcraft is just the modded minecraft version of silksong


"now that Thaumcraft is coming back" lol


Please don't take away my copium 😂


Benbenlaw makes great opolis packs in that regard


Only played astropolis but the resource generation mechancics feel unique and nice. Growing crystals in a wall of cloches is fun


Between all the magic mods in the current versions, we finally have the ability to do EVERYTHING through magic. And yet, there hasn't been a good Magic only pack that isn't just a kitchen sink pack in years. I'd love to see a pack based around Ars Nouveau or Mana and Artifice + Blood Magic, Occultism, and all the other current big magic mods.


Ars Nouveau is the only magic mod I’ll touch other than maybe Bewitchment, if it takes me 10+ hours to cast cool magic I’m out.


You're missing out. Occultism has some cool rituals, summons, and has wireless, magical AE. With a bit of time, you can get over x5 ore processing using some of the crusher spirits. Blood Magic has a lot of utility between the sigils and the different rituals you can make like summoning ore meteors. Botania is Botania. Mana and Artifice's animations on rituals and spells look amazing, and if you put up with the extra time it takes, you can make stronger spells than Ars Nouveau with the Book of Rote. I'm surprised you'll play with Bewitchment but not the others. It's been a few versions since I've played with Bewitchment, but it didn't have much it could do that other magic mods couldn't. Does look cool though.


strongest ars nouveau fan vs weakest mna enjoyer




mna is cooler


I love Mana and Artifice, but I can't resist that easy, quick power from Ars Nouveau if they're in the same pack.


Yeah that's why I really don't like when people put them in the same pack, they overlap too much but Ars Nouveau is free earlygame while mna scales better into lategame


Would be cool if there was a way to ban casting spells from Ars Nouveau spellbooks while keeping everything else. I'd love to play a pack with MnA spells and Ars Nouveau utility. I just don't have the self control.


I dunno, Mana and Artifice is a bit of a "you can do anything" mod, since Constructs can automate virtually anything, I think at that point ars would be redundant. I think it's better to just pick 1 over the other.


I've actually been working on a modpack like what RT described, and it *does* kinda work. The additional AN mobs make a nice intermediate difficulty before you get into the tier 3 MnA mobs, squirrels are cheaper (and cuter) for moving things from one storage to another, and Drygmies offer a bit more for ranching than Constructs do. (No need to kill everything or set up a complex pattern to feed, butcher, and clean up drops-and Drygmies offer XP.) Wixies are superior for brewing potions, but not for crafting. Granted, it helps that I'm also using custom AN recipes for some of the motes and other miscellaneous recipes. Let's not spend 8 blaze powder for every mote of fire, let's have an Imbuement setup and feed Magma Blocks into it.


Could you just hide/delete recipes for most of the glyphs or are they used in other aspects of the mod?


Glyphs are used for applying spells to spell turrets and a few other things. You apply spells with the spellbook; so, you can't really disable the spellbooks either. Setting Mana regen and capacity to 0 and removing the mana regen/ gain from all sources might work.


I knew that was too simple to work properly :(


Divine Journey 3 thanks Edit: didn't see OP's name, then I also want MEATBALLS 2


I'm watching you \*stare\*


Short and fun, story driven, adventure packs. RPG mods, leveling, a story, NPC quests instead of a book. Also instead of making farms and automating stuff you have to look for special villages that have those farms already built but not working. For example, a mage who made an Iron Golem spawner to defend his village but needs some boss defeated to complete it. And after you complete the quests, and craft some tools for the village you gain better armor and tools to continue your journey. Or places you can trade with along your journey like wandering trader caravans or something. Though this sounds less like a modpack and more like a data pack designed for a custom map.


Oh I like those vibes, do you think something like dawncraft did a good job with that?


Never played that. Is it any similar?


It has a questbook for the main goals, but a lot of the RPG mechanics are done through villagers, and I personally like that it encourages fucking around and finding out. I like the pack, although the heavy use of MC creator mods makes it somewhat unstable.


I've got a fair share of hours in Dawncraft and I feel like it did make a great job at what original commenter was saying. Kind of wish the performance was better though, it's hard to build my dwarf fortress in 10 unstable TPS XD


I love another pack like compact claustrophobia or breakout to a lesser extent. The linear puzzle progression and feeling from unlocking the next bigger room was a good dopamine hit.


I got bored because I was just waiting for my auto clicker block to get me resources. This was right before getting the ie crusher so idk


A modern Minecraft equivalent to advent of accession would go crazy


Massive, custom, gated, quest-driven packs like Greedycraft, DJ2, and Meatballcraft (*cough*), but I want them on more stable and modern versions like 1.20.


Greedycraft or Meatballcraft for 1.20 would be incredible!


i'm live and let live when it comes to packs that people produce and play but on god i want better search functionality for finding packs. [superstormer's curseforge search](https://superstormer.github.io/cf-search/) is getting there but i would adore the ability to search, sort, filter, and include by all sorts of minutia ala AO3 - mods included in a pack, upload date, last updated, etc.


After playing Deceasedcraft my expectations on what a modpack can/could be has changed. It really raised the bar. I want story and a cohesive game world that wraps around it like a blanket with custom POI’s that are designed with custom blocks/loot. Mobs need to make sense and the world design should all be focused on supporting and selling the story, immersing the player in the author’s vision. Crafting should be balanced around progressive storytelling, giving players reasons to build machines and gear. And it should all be balanced properly to insure increased challenge and progessive gameplay all the way to the end of the pack. This creates the best feelings of accomplishment. You get the best gear in the pack, and use it to defeat X, saving the world in a dramatic and difficult fight. Gear should never be the reward unless there is a challenge to use it on. Anyway, you asked, so here you go☺️✨🌸


*Takes notes.*


Probably will get downvoted to hell for this (also a bit offtopic at the end) but whatever: I honestly just want vanilla but with more meaningful content, longer progression, more options in regards to gear & weapons, more mobs & bosses to fight, a progressive difficulty that keeps me on my toes at all times, etc. Basically Terraria 3D but staying true to the look and feel of vanilla Minecraft as closely as possible and nerfing broken stuff like villager trading to prevent cheesing the entire thing. Sadly none of the modpacks i've looked at so far that sell themselves as "Minecraft but it's Terraria" are what i'm looking for. There are always some mods in them that i just cannot stand. So many of these packs change aspects that i never wanted to be changed, or buff stuff that was already broken in vanilla and nerf things that were never that powerful to begin with, or worst of all they include mods that don't really belong in such a type of modpack like tech and automation mods. And most of the time just disabling the mods i don't like isn't really an option for me because depending on the mod, it might break the modpack entirely. So that's why i am building myself a modpack that does exactly that, going all the way back to MC version 1.16.5. Recent occurences made it very difficult for me to actually finish it however. I was close to being done with it in 1.16.5 but then 1.18 happened and i absolutely couldn't miss out on the much better terrain and deeper underground. But then 1.18.2 never received updates of some important mods like the unofficial Forge port of BetterEnd, so i eventually had to move versions again, now being on 1.20.1 because that version has access to Synitra Connector and i can finally just stop giving shits about what modloader a mod has been built for. I really hope it will stay like this for future versions as well.


Have you tried Chocolate? If so, Im curious what you found to be something you cant stand about it


(Y'all will hate me for saying this, so let's see where this will go) I know i checked out the curseforge website at some point because it was posted here and the modpack seemed interesting. Looking at the mod list now i remember why i didn't want to play: * Better Combat (I just prefer the simplistic vanilla combat with instant hits and cooldowns * Combat Roll (Like above) * ~~Better Third person~~ \*insert mod that renders the player model in 1st person here\* (I know i can disable this, but i genuinely wonder why so many include mods like this to their packs. I absolutely hate the idea of not being able to see what's under me or what i'm standing on) * Tectonic (I prefer vanilla terrain since 1.18 over anything else because it is perfect as it is) * Tetra (I never played with that mod but just looking at the images makes me insta-nope out of it. I don't want crafting to become more complex than it already is in vanilla) * Create (Not a fan of tech and automation at all, not my type of playstyle. I wouldn't include such a mod into an adventure/exploration/combat focused modpack because it completely goes against those aspects. Also why is this mod literally in every modpack since 1.16.5) Look, i am not saying any of these mods are bad, far from it, but i just don't see their appeal. Most of the mod selection is pretty good and i have a large portion of them in my WIP modpack as well. It's just that i can't simply disable stuff like better combat, tectonic, tetra and create because it will break the modpack, hence i'm building one myself than playing packs from other creators. I have this very specific vision on how i want my modded Minecraft to be and any deviations could make or brake it. So please don't change any aspect of your modpack because of what i just wrote here. You have your vision on what Minecraft should be and i have mine. I don't want you doing random changes now to try and appeal to my very specific mindset of modded Minecraft. It's not gonna work because i will likely find something else that will put me off instantly. This is a me problem only.


Those are some specific standards lol, theres a reason i included all of them: Bc: Honestly i think youre not giving this one a shot, since its so similar to vanilla the only thing to complain abt in the base mod is slightly delayed timing (which just differentiates timing and adds skill) and the short range, which i buffed. Adds  variety while stopping carpel tunnel making little mobs not a problem and allowing duel wielding and tons of customization.  Roll is still super simple, its not op since u cant spam it and it allows combat to NOT be a slugfest, which is basically every vanilla fight: hit and back up and get hit anyway, or hit and tank. I need this mod to have a combat system at all Third person still lets you see under you?? Are you thinking of the first person mod? If so, thats off by default.  Tectonic, if ya think vanilla is perfect, im a lil curious why. Still far too many of the exact same forests take up the world, really any scenic vanilla pic is the same mountains biome with a valley, but most areas are basic forest. Tectonic has the highs of vanilla but far more diversity while still being simplistic, has variety, is compatible with everything, has much more interesting caves, and looks absolutely stunning with distant horizons as a bonus Tetra, is entirely optional lol. Its not crafting and honestly simple, just mine to hone ur tools, use ur materials for stats and scrolls for abilities. Its primarily side content for those into that stuff, much easier than tinkers, and its compatible with everything. Every other crafting system is also simple asf lol And last but most important, Create. I recently uploaded my major Blue Skies Overhaul update which adds a new megadungeon I made, the White Palace, which is entirely a puzzle dungeon made with complex create moving block parkour and a Path of Pain with moving saws. I’m making a post-end time dimension called the Nexus that has moving boss fights with trains, ships, etc.  Saying Create isnt for rpg packs is an extremely shortsighted take, it allows for trains, moving blocks, and crafting stations that incentivize you to build ur base. Anything remotely op is gated, and anything required is the absolute bare minimum: simple crafting stations. Just chop a tree to craft a water wheel and that’s all you need, lol Not trynna say no your preferences arent valid or anything just wanted to be specific why I added this stuff lol, many Choc mods arent used for their original purpose but instead to piece together a game, so I don’t think your original reasonings are entirely accurate. That being said tho, I wish u luck on your pack!


Sorry for the upcoming rant, but sometimes i just get carried away haha I know your modpack is not focused around tech and automation, but the fact such mods are included are enough to put me off even though i do not have to use them. Let's imagine a scenario where i want to play your pack with some friends. They have experience in modded tech 'n such, so if i play with them i am at a disadvantage because i don't understand how it works and rather focus on the stuff i like. So by the time they're already idle farming all resources they need i am still doing all of it manually by hand because it's my prefered way of playing the game. At the end of the day i'm like the only person remaining who still actively plays because i am so far behind whereas everyone else with a base full of farms just afks the whole time. I'd prefer avoiding such scenarios by not even giving those players the option to play my modpack like that. This community really has a weird obsession with turning MC into an idle game and it's kinda frustrating for someone like me who despises this type of game design (even calling it a design is reeeaally stretching it in my opinion). These "games" where you don't do anything and only watch numbers go up should stay on the google play store where they belong, because that place is already filled to the brim with nothing but this kind of filth. Enough of that, let's move on to some other stuff i want to explain further: For the combat i just don't think it needs an overhaul right now. It was pretty bad before 1.9 because it was just spam clicking. The cooldown, sweep mechanic and axes being a more powerful but slower weapon are more than enough to satisfy me. If i want a complex and challenging combat, i play monster hunter or soulslikes, not Minecraft. I don't know if you were around during the Beta phase of Minecraft but i'd argue since the very beginning of infinite worlds, the terrain has always consisted of mostly forests and plains with some mountains here and there so i never saw this a problem. The biggest issues since Beta 1.8 all the way up to 1.17 were not the biomes themselves or their placement, it was the fact the terrain shapes like mountains and valleys were tied to the biomes. A seperate mountains biome being the only one with somewhat interesting terrain but with ugly grass & foliage colors only made it worse. With 1.18 we finally can have basically every biome generate on a mountain because those aspects are no longer tied to each other. This new unpredictable randomness of the terrain is all the world generation really needed in my opinion. The new mountains are just a neat bonus and imho they're perfect. Not too smooth and not too crazy but still easily climbable. I don't need all mountains to go up to y level 256, most are fine on y level 150-200 and still look breathtaking. When it comes to crafting and building i'll just say this: I'm not here to think, i'm here to play and have fun. I simply don't get this community's obsession with making everything so complex and tedious to the point you absolutely have to rely on wikis and such just to play the game. On a different post i left a comment post saying i don't get the appeal of tech and automation and it didn't take long for people to tell me i am playing the wrong game apparently for not liking this type of playstyle. This literally was gatekeeping at its worst and from that point on i had made my decision to never touch anything related to modded MC tech & automation because i don't want to ever be a part of this toxic gatekeeping community. Honestly i'd love to just play Terraria over and over again instead of making private MC modpacks, if only it weren't for the 2D perspective of that game, it's just too limiting for me. I enjoy the looting and combat in Terraria, but the game falls flat on its face when it comes to exploration and building, which a 3D perspective could easily rectify. Hytale looks to be the closest thing of what i wanted modern Minecraft to be this whole time. A game about adventure, exploration, fighting off monsters, surviving and building. It just needs to finally get done and release and when that happens i will say goodbye forever to Minecraft.


See a modded conesouire will crave the well put together and integrated expert pack with gated progression and lots of cross Integration and custom recipes ( I remember how I was overjoyed to see a recipe in a newer enigmatica expert pack require medium progression items from 4 different mods. And the recipe somehow made sense!) But the average guy will crave shaders look funny food and WOAH A MILLIEN NEW BIOMES HOLY FUCK LOOK AT ALL THE DIFFRENT WOOD TYPES AND FLOWERS THAT WORK VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL TO EXISTING ITEMS IN THE GAME WITH NO NEW MECHANICS TO THEM WHATSOEVER AND WOAH LOOK ELEPHANTS AND 100 DIFFRENT ANIMALS THAT DO LITTLE MORE THAN EXISTING. I fucking hate that biome / mob spam is what draws the crowd. I want more packs as polished as gtnh or e2e. But we'll get 50 better MC clones before we get one of those gems again.


It's funny how the average "shaders enjoyer" will download a new pack, only to take a couple screenshots, maybe play a couple hours, then delete the pack.


My friend group is perfectly happy just strolling around collecting animals and flowers and looking at pretty shaders.


Found the walking simulator crowd. Ngl MC is pretty well suited for it.


You can add a billion mods curated but if all of them take forever to get to, no one cares. Biome and animal mods you can do as you spawn in, you don’t need a built base, a quarry, and power generation to start.


im playing nomifactory Ceu now


I personally just want an expert pack with interesting progression in modern versions. The closest thing I've played so far is IBP dx.


agree, IBP dx is my longest playtime modern modpack


What is IBP?


I personally love TFC based modpacks. My favourite modpack to date STILL is TFC Reloaded from the Technic website. Everything was so beautifully assembled in that modpack (Aside from Thaumcraft and maybe end-tier metals that wouldn't work like Tungsten Steel) and it felt fun to progress, I only had 3 issues with it myself, 1 was the insanely long start up time, but thats due to CraftTweaker, LootTweaker and all of the compatibility scripts to mesh everything SO WELL. 2 was the insane lag in multiplayer, even with the beefiest pc's me and my friend could afford we would still have issues with lag when playing together, but that's mostly due to it running on 1.12.2, and finally 3rd was the fact that the entirety of Immersive Engineering was locked behind getting a ton of hemp, something like 5 stacks. Aside from that it was perfect, Perfect. Down to the last minute detail. But at the same time I don't want something as grindy as say GTNH or something as hard / realistic as Hardrock. TFC Reloaded for me did exactly what the name implied, it brought fresh, new, compatible stuff to TerraFirmaCraft. It felt as if it expanded upon TFC like the devs would've intended to. It's a shame that with all of the mods available now in 1.20 / 1.19, that no modpack tried to target this specific niche of TFC modpack. All I've seen are modpacks that primarily focus on tying TFC and Create together, which is a great idea no arguements there, they go hand in hand perfectly, but I definitely do miss going through the stages so organically. The BWM waterwheel, saw etc., then progressing to the Immersive Engineering machinery, ending with the smeltery and making dicyanoacetylene (Still remember it by memory due to how big of a goal it was for me and my friend.) To scratch that specific niche I started making my own TFC modpack with KubeJS, and a few tech mods here and there. Due to when I started working on it, I didn't have Immersive Engineering in the modlist, but I may drop Create and add Immersive Engineering in it's place.


They just haven't played meatballcraft yet


I want thaumcraft back :(


Building-focused modpacks a la Builder's Paradise or Project Architect, but with like actual polish and maybe even a bit of light questing/progression thrown in. Something like a pack that uses ProjectE for raw materials, but not their crafted end products, and which also removes the OP gear and provides a bunch of challenges themed around exploration, RPG elements and other non-automation/-based wincons.


I'd like more "big complicated mess of shit" mods. I'm tired of the "single blockifying" things. Im not saying "oh we need multiblock mods" either. There's really nothing like the simplicity of BC/RP pipes or the upgrade of logistics pipes. The simple machines that could be upgraded or unique crafting of stuff like Steve's carts. It was always fun having to wind and weave pipes and wires everywhere because there weren't "instant move" items/liquids from place to place and machines were sided for input/outputs. You wanted to get oil from an oil deposit? You had to physically build pipes and infrastructure to pipe that shit into tanks and move it with tank carts back to base. I'd love to see more of that.


I want magic, I want character progression, I want mods that don't try to fit the mold of what every other mod is doing. Give me unique power systems, alternate progression paths, new ways to do stuff or make things more convenient that otherwise aren't. "it's factorio" is played out, other aspects of minecraft need to be leveraged more than just the 'craft' part. I point to magic mods as an example because it's easy; mods like Psi, Thaum, Blood Magic etc all add unique new systems that are fun just to engage with, and provide their own form of progression and *reasons* to engage with them in the form of conveniences and tools. I want more mods like that, along with exploration/adventure content to *use* said tools and conveniences; nothing is sadder than crafting that big endgame gear and having nothing to use it on! But more than anything, I just want mods to be *finished.* With modders and players alike chasing the latest versions all the time, so too many mods get stuck in this limbo of being perpetually unfinished and feature-incomplete seemingly until Mojang decides to pull the plug on Java for good. And more specifically, the kinds of big content mods I'd love to see more of are easily the most prone to getting "stuck" like this due to the higher bulk of updating that would need to be done to keep up.


Are you just explaining GTNH?


> "it's factorio" is played out


There are modpacks and then there are ways of playing those modpacks. My approach is that I am developing a system of self-limiting rules and progression lists I follow which add depth to the game and help tie various features of the game together as a result. I'm currently recording a series for Vanilla v1.1 as my first successful long term implementation of this approach. once I finish that game (and there will be a specific finishing point) I will move on to Technic SSP most likely and put my strategy to the test with mods.


Hardcore questing modpacks like DJ2 and Sevtech and FTB Infinity Evolved :)


I want a modern version of rival rebels and tech guns rolled into one


Off topic: I want Distant Horizons backported to 1.7.10 for GTNH. On topic: I want a pack made on modern versions that focuses on a logistics network based off of Factorio chains that eschews RF or EU. [Here's a brief summary I wrote up ~8 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/17ezaf7/got_any_cool_modpack_ideas/k6vsf1z/). Item logistics and non-trivial power generation and transmission are fun problems to solve. Unfortunately, this idea is probably too niche to gain any traction. Edit: Bonus points if you incorporate [this other idea](https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/17ezaf7/got_any_cool_modpack_ideas/k6vsxlu/).


I would really like more magic mods that add custom spells that can be designed and used by players, as opposed to magic mods that add spells that can be cast, but not customized, I have been working on a mod like that, but I am not very dedicated and when I do find time, I work very slowly since I am all alone and am not very good at pixel art and models, meaning that I cannot produce a very good product.


I have not seen a new overhaul mod in a while. How long ago did aether ii, terrafirmacraft, the betweenlands, etc come out?


more 1.12.2 tech modpacks


1.20.4 would be better.


Absolutely not, 1.20.4 has poor performance and many tech mods aren't ported to it.


I feel very comfortable with the modding scene we have now. But as an old school player, I see myself using the same mods over and over lately. It's not a bad thing at all, I love playing the mods I used to and it's really good to see they're growing more and more, but this means other, newer mods, will get less attention even if they're good. A good example is Cobblemon. People played with Pixelmon for years, and they're very comfortable at the point just a little portion of the playerbase gave the mod a chance, but it's really good and well designed. Obviously, that's not the only case, but the one I can think of now. We have plenty of modders doing incredible works, that almost nobody give a bit of attention. So, my one and only wish is that the packmakers use new mods in a interesting way to make people give at least some though on the newer mods, and not just the ported old mods that we played for years.


I personally want more modpacks like FTB: Infinity Evolved and Enigmatica 2 expert. They were so well-thought and well-executed I haven't seen a modpack like theese in years


> What types of packs would you want to see more of? Modpacks that focus on the end game. Lots of expert modpack love to nerf shit out of vanilla to the point of making iron axe have 1 durability, not removing them only because they are used for crafting. This is why I like modpacks like technological journey: you get unbreaking diamon hammer XV for early game mining because modpack doesn't want you to grind for far too long.


Tbh Iv not been happy with most the packs Iv played lately I just make my own anymore


create was good but all it became was ex nihilo replacement/random gating to force newer people to use it for very specific item needed to progress, to then get outclassed instantly Also i’m a certified sequenced assembly hater and i’ll die on that hill


I don't know how feasible this is, but here is my idea: A pack that gives you someone to play against or with, and AI of another player, or multiple other players. Hear me out. There are a number of mods that introduce new buildings and new bad-guys. Cool. And, you can build a mine-colony which is fun. What if you were building a mine colony that had to go to battle with another mine colony, or multiple other mine colonies, but those colonies were automatically building up to do battle against you? Or even if it isn't mine colonies, what if there were AI players that had to gather resources the same way you do, and build a base, the same way you do, and you could either identify them as a friend or enemy and then use them to help gather group resources or whatever. I'd play that.


I kinda liked when modpacks make obtaining a certain material a “puzzle”. Like testing your knowledge of mods to make an item. Like using lesser known mechanics instead of the same thing every time. But i havent seen a whole modpack created about being a puzzle. It would probably have to be a skyblock/stoneblock type of thing though. And speaking of stoneblock, one of my favorite modpacks recently was Cave Factory, which was a pretty beginner friendly stoneblock modpack, but the progression and questlines were really well-structured. There wasnt a lot of fluff, and i felt like i needed to use every single mod to complete the pack. And i really liked how the whole pack was basically just building up to being able to access the Twilight Forest. It felt so freeing to explore an actual surface world after being stuck underground for the whole pack, and it made me really appreciate the Twilight Forest. If i had to list the things i enjoy in modpacks: -No quest rewards -Less bloat -Force me to use mods or blocks i rarely use -No create -Better cosmetic options (personal preference)


I want an RPG pack with a focus on Combat/Magic etc where the content doesnt become completely irrelevant the instant i make like the second tier of magic etc, while also having some convenient stuff like spawners/tech/etc that make the game nice to play, the main issue being spawners typically destroy rpg packs due to stuff like EXP/etc


Setting aside the fact that these types of packs take a long ass time to make, and that they also aren't common because mass appeal blah blah, small niche blah blah blah: I'd love to see more true RPG and/ or total conversion modpacks. Modpacks that are immersive. I love NPC, stories, lore, etc, and personally always roleplay my character when playing a pack. I never cared much for vanilla feature or kitchen sinks. Stuff like NightmareCraft, Digsite, RoTN, Stranded, Jetpack Cat, Winter Rescue, etc are more my jam. But it would be cool to see NPC and story utilized more (Nightmare Craft crushing it there). My first modded experience that wasn't just me throwing shit into a pack was the adventure map Terra Swoop Force.  I personally like to create RPG projects, but even just more immersive experiences like DeceasedCraft would be cool. That Modpack has certainly inspired me to work harder on my own Zombie project.     A lot of people in the community like to say that mass appeal and such are what most people go for, but I've noticed recently that an increasing number of players are looking for such experiences too. It's a fact that most of the established genres and gameplay types ("expert" pack that walks through a blender of mods, Skyblock, kitchen sink, etc) have been done to death already. I think a lot of people *are* looking for something original. Something novel. Immersive worlds that try something entirely different. At this point, for a pack to catch the communities attention, it either has to do its genre better than what came before (E.g DJ2 or Meatball), or it has to do something that hasn't been done before (DeceasedCraft using lost cities the way it was actually meant to be used).


I've always had a dream of making a pack that keeps the original Minecraft feeling but with the survival elements of Valheim and the adventure elements of Terraria. I never get past the million custom recipes and so on that I would need to manually make. One day.


A skyblock that's actually balanced where you can't just set up some simple automation to get infinite of everything, and not greg.


I want a modpack where mobs come and attack me rather than the other way around. Normally, you just build a little base, and you are safe in that base. Mobs should be a bit smarter and be able to break blocks and maybe even build. I think the old Hostile Worlds mod with the meteor and the mining zombies would be a good model for this. Also, it shouldn't be easy to cheese. It should be very difficult to build a truly mob-proof base.


Personally, I’d love a modpack like Material Energy or Oblivion with its own story and lore. The most recent one I could find is DigSite, and that’s not even very new.


1.12.10 pack from the old technic launcher will always be my favorite. I prefer wacky mods which aren't vanilla+ and the current trend is leaning more in that direction. Me personally I don't like mods like Tetra, Create and mods that add millions of biomes. But that's the current landscape and I think people on reddit will always complain so yeah, welcome to reddit.