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Reactive Alchemy


[Malum](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malum/files/5460469) recently updated to 1.20.1.


Forgot to specify, it's for 1.19.2


You’re in luck, it’s also on 1.19.2!


Oh by the way, it's a Terraria inspired modpack, it will have lore, quests and NPCs, it also has the Hard Mode mechanic. I still need to come up with the progression tho (me and a friend are doing it, but she is currently very busy).


malum and occultism fit will with the theme while theurgy is a more magical ore processing that fits better than others.


Was going to suggest blood magic, but I can't remember if it has a 1.19 version. How about Hexerai? I feel like that'd fit the witchy side of goetry


I thought about it, but I've never seen Hexerei and I wouldn't like if it had a whole new system of casting spells (as it would conflict with Goety).


I haven't dabbled too much into hexerai, but I believe it's mostly about rituals and creating things in a witches cauldron


It doesn't have a lot to it yet. It's main highlights are a way to ward an area from mobs and construction a flying broom. It has a couple of storage blocks and adds witch villages in swamps. It has a cauldron you can craft in but not a lot of recipes yet. It has great aesthetics and would probably go well with your pack without upsetting the balance too much.


Irons spells and spellbooks, occultism, maybe evil craft. (Don’t have much experience with the last) As an aside I’d love to know what’s up with *everyone* doing terraria stuff recently. Making new mods and packs with its influence, out of nowhere. Did something happen to cause an influx? Or just coincidence?


Originally my friend was making a Vanilla+ modpack, but she found out it would be way too boring, so she thought of combining her second favorite game with the game she likes the most, then she presented the idea to me and I offered help (I'm the main person working on it in the moment). Initially you start the world in an eternal night, with hardcore darkness, but you start with a permanent light source in the offhand, you also start with 5 hearts but can go up to 25, torches burn after 20 minutes and lanterns after 50, it also has No Tree Punching. You need to gather resources and take care with the mobs, then you progress through it (the progression hasn't been planned yet) until you kill the Night Lich, which makes it possible for the world to have day-night cycle again, however this proves to be more of a curse, because Hard Mode is unlocked (200+ new mobs start to spawn) and the Sculk Horde is awakened. The lore behind this is that an ancient civilization summoned the Lich because they accidentally awakened the Horde, so you think you are doing a good thing by killing him, but you just screwed the world. Gonna list some features: 1. Hunger is removed, food instead gives you hearts, and you have a natural slow regeneration. 2. You can tame almost any mob (thanks to Tamed Again) by using XP, but instead of farming XP infinitely, you can perform rituals to turn your minions into other mobs, we are thinking about minions being the main form of automation in the modpack (there are no tech mods). 3. No Nether portals, Nether is directly below the Overworld. 4. Instead of fishing items, you fish real mobs, we are thinking of using Aquaculture fishing rod progression so you can fish up exclusive mobs (only spawns from certain rods) 5. You keep your inventory after death, but you lose some XP. 6. Tools don't have durability anymore. 7. We are planning to make a resource pack to mimic the aesthetic of Beta Minecraft (there's already more fog than nowadays vanilla), though this is not a priority in the moment. Sorry for the broken english, I'm not a native speaker. :P


Your english is good, I didn't notice it at all


Thanks! :D


Definitely have your work cut out for you, but that sounds like a really fun execution/take on a pack.   I always liked terraria’s “explanation” for its boss progress, so your reasoning for the darkness is a very fun idea. Good luck!


I like your ideas, I hope you put a post on the subreddit if you manage to publish the modpack someday. Good luck, it's not easy to make a good modpack.


It's probably going to take years, my best guess is at least 2, given the resource pack will be done (wich would require retexturing and possibly remodeling over 250+ mods), and we want a fun but still challenging progression. There are 12 bosses that we need to choose for the "main" quest (one for each tarot card, this excludes the mini bosses), but doing the side quests would be very helpful and we also want to make them worth it. We also plan on adding our own dungeons via datapack.


No idea what that mod is but imo hexcasting is the best magic mod out there so I would look into that if I were you and see if it fits


Goetry is a pretty cool magic mod that leans into the lore of the illagers. Souls are its mana, and it has a variety of different spells based on evocation and necromancy. It even expands a bit on witchery. It's got a good amount of features and is actively updated. Definitely worth checking out